drafting posts like ‘things i learned after a year in university’, exam self care, and much more… i hope someone sees them lol
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Sometimes the small pleasures hit different. A clean house, a hot drink, making something from scratch, sitting on the porch with a loved one. Little soul-feeding activities.
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i think society’s obsession with productivity will be our downfall, it’s unrealistic. you don’t need to be productive every minute of the day. your body needs rest. it’s not natural to stay “grinding” or “hustling”. please don’t feel guilty about taking care of your body and taking a break when you need one.
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2023 still sounds like one of those made up distant years someone would accidentally end up in on a time travel mission gone wrong
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too relatable lol

paintings of me trying to get out of bed in the morning
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how can i study and start my report for tomorrow when i can’t even get out of bed?
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I hate being alone and I’m starting a new class, I don’t really know anyone there so I’m really nervous but I’m so shy to talk to anyone, do you have any advice so I can stop stressing out about this? 🥺
okay first things first: take a moment to breathe and try to relax yourself before going to that class. even if it's been three classes already, if you still feel anxious about it - stop, take a minute to recollect yourself.
i completely understand how you're feeling and i'm positive that some, if not many, of your classmates will be feeling the same way. as someone who has dealt with social anxiety my entire life here's a few things i do whenever i'm in a similar situation to yours:
1. make yourself more comfortable, physically. if you're stressed about first impressions, nothing better than to make yourself feel good by dressing up in a way that makes you feel confident and yet physically comfortable. by this i mean that if you feel more comfortable in jeans and that cool yellow converse you've had for years, go ahead and wear these for your first class. if you have a beautiful that you love shirt or a shirt with your favorite band on, wear that to feel good.
2. on that note, sometimes finding common interests is the key to getting to know people. even if you don't utter a word to them, someone will comment on that band you have on your shirt or will like the way you did your make up, your yellow converse shoes, etc.
2.5. you can also make the first move even if you're shaking on the inside (and outside). you see someone with cool glasses or making nice drawings or even someone who has a neat handwrite style - go ahead and comment on it. you can make it as short as you want, even just uttering the "cool shirt" basic comment can make a good impression on strangers and not overwhelm you.
3. remember that no one there knows you - that can be terrifying but it can also be an opportunity. you can present yourself in any way you want to. if you don't feel comfortable with the comments technique i just mentioned, try raising your hand in class and commenting on a topic you know well or give an example. even the silliest of things can work in situations like that.
4. you will be okay. sounds generic but i often find that i need to remind myself of this; it's just a class, everyone will be focusing on themselves and won't pick your every move or breath apart to judge you.
5. being alone in a new environment is temporary! you'll end up meeting people in many different ways, whether it's in group projects, seeing each other in another environment and making brief eye contact, etc. it takes time but it happens.
5.5. if by any chance things don't seem to be working out, remember that all of this is temporary - you have your back up in other people as well; family, friends, pets and teachers and maybe even a therapist.
lastly, don't overwhelm yourself with the social aspect that much. like i mentioned in #5, things flow their natural course most of the time and you don't have to do anything out of your comfort zone to meet people sometimes. it is ten times easier to make friends if you do leave your comfort zone, but i get that it may be better to protect your mental health than stress yourself with something that feels too unnatural or uncomfortable.
i hope this helps anon and i wish you all the courage and calm in the world for this new experience. be kind to yourself and don't worry too much about this particular class - it's just one class, one moment in your life, people are also concerned with their own issues. you've totally got this, remember to take those deep breaths before going into class and keep in mind that nothing you do or don't do in those minutes in class will define you as a person.
i believe in you, i'm positive you'll meet people and connect to them in small or deep ways. either way, i believe in you.
#i hope this helps#i hope you are well#asks#send me asks#myposts#tips#advice#mental health#college#mine
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this is your reminder to start slow and gradually lean into consistency rather than to change your entire routine one fine day. it's okay to start wherever and whenever you feel ready. please don't compare yourself to the highlight reel of people on social media. i promise it's never too late to work on your goals. you don't have to make a drastic change just because it's a new year. time is a social construct and i want nothing more than for you to truly enjoy life at present without worrying too much about the future. you are completely able to achieve goals you have set for yourself, but take it step by step. please avoid burnout and please take rest. wishing you all the best!!
#reblogs#self improvement#self love#self care#self care reminder#2022#positive life#mental health advice#mental health#adivce
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Study Habits for Better Health
The 10-10-10 Rule for Eye Health
This is especially important for when you are using an electronic device to study as you tend to blink much less when using an electronic device in comparison to using analogue materials.
This can easily result in dry eyes, eye strain from blue light, and can, over time, eventually encourage the elongation of the eyeball which results in shortsightedness,
Every 10 minutes, take a 10 second break from looking at the screen by looking at an object that is at least 10 feet (approx. 3 metres) away from you
Personally, I find that it is most beneficial to look out a window at the environment around me to give my eyes relief from artificial light and to look at objects that are further away
If you do not have access to a window or an object far enough, looking at the furthest object you can find works well too
You can remember to do this by setting reminders, making a mental note while keeping an eye on the clock, or by incorporating this habit with the 10 minute planning technique
This helps with being more mindful of how much time you spend looking at a screen as well as monitoring how much time you have been working
Additionally, taking just a few seconds to look away from your screen allows you to be more conscious of your surroundings and to take stock of how you feel mentally and physically
I find that this habit has drastically improved my eye health and has reduced my stress when working
Taking a moment to step back from my work to focus on something within my environment prevents me from feeling overwhelmed by the work I'm doing
By removing myself from the situation, I allow myself to have an outsider's perspective and logically analyse how much I have left to do
Sometimes, when you're completing many tasks or large tasks, it feels like you're in a terribly huge pile of work but taking a step back allows you to regain control and say "It's only 3 tasks, I can do this"
Yoga Blocks, Textbooks, Pillows, or Variation for Spine Health
Often times, many of us tend to slouch or hunch over whilst studying or working. This consistent incorrect posture puts strain on your spine which can lead to inconvenient neck, shoulder, and back pain.
It is crucial to maintain correct and comfortable posture to ensure that our spine is in good health to allow us to work and go about our daily lives in comfort.
While sitting at my desk, I like to place a yoga block, a small textbook, a firm pillow, or a similar object perpendicular to my lower back and my chair
This instantly improves my posture by pushing me to sit upright rather than slouching or hunching over my desk
It is important to be lightly holding the yoga block or book perpendicular to the chair's backrest rather than leaning on the object
Heavily leaning on the object may pinch the spine and do more harm than good
Lightly holding the object makes your back muscles work consistently to make you sit upright which strengthens the back muscles and works to improve the overall alignment of the spine
This position must be comfortable, neutral, and feel natural
Another way of protecting your spine, as well as your whole body, is to work in different positions
Instead of the traditional work position of sitting at a desk, you could try standing, laying down on your front, or even sitting on your calves to work
Varying the positions in which the body is stationary for long periods of time prevents tension from building in specific areas which may lead to pain or cramping at a later stage
This also encourages the strengthening of the smaller muscles that assist in maintaining these positions
On occasion, I even like to study or watch lectures while holding a yoga position or stretching to keep my body in healthy condition
Pillows placed on your seat or behind your back can also help in protecting your spine from cramping or muscle soreness from sitting on a hard surface for prolonged periods of time
This option seems very simple but it can make the world of a difference in your comfort as you study
Maintaining Your Hand Health
Your hands are one of the most crucial components of your body. When studying, you use your hands to write, draw, type, and investigate. It is always important to take care of every part of your body but your hands need particular care.
When you are writing, ensure that your neck, torso, shoulders, arm, and hand are in a natural, comfortable, and neutral position
There should be no tension in your body and you should be sitting upright to prevent you from tiring easily
If you need to, rest your wrist on a small, plush object such as a a mousepad's wrist pad, a small cushion, a soft pencil case, or a folded piece of cloth
There is no single correct way to hold a pencil but there is criteria to help you find your personal optimal grip
You should be able to see exactly what you are writing without any of your fingers obstructing your view
Your hand should feel comfortable, controlled, and relaxed as you write
Your writing should be efficient, economic, and fluent
Using this criteria, my own pen grip is where my thumb, index, and middle fingers are the only fingers that hold and control my pencil while my ring and pinkie finger rest on my writing surface for support and mobility
When you are typing, your hand joints are vulnerable to strain due to the constant impacts of your fingers striking the keys
Even if your taps on the keys are gentle, this continuous movement can still strain the joints
Ensure that your wrist is relaxed and has a comfortable form of padding to rest on if you need to
Typing with all of your fingers helps distribute the force and movement of typing which results in less strain on each finger but learning this does take time and effort
With any form of using your hands, the most important health care for your hands is to stretch them
The simple act of stretching your hands greatly relieves muscle tension which assists in preventing the development of any ailments
Stretching your hands also improves mobility and assists with fine motor control to allow more precise and stable hand movements
The ideal stretches for the hands include extending your arm whilst turning your palm to the ceiling and gently pulling your four fingers downwards; gently pulling and rotating the thumb towards your upper arm with your palm facing inwards; clenching and unclenching your hands; wiggling your fingers; and interlocking your fingers and rotating your palms downwards to face away from you whilst extending your arms forward, then moving them above your head
You use your body as a vessel to gain knowledge from your physical environment.
Take good care of your body and it will take good care of your mind.♡
Education should always improve your mental and physical health.
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Manifesting academic success and an unlimited supply of cute stationery for the person whom you reblogged this from

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i literally cannot exist in the real world… like i am just so unequipped to deal with being alive. for shame!!!!!!!
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“Start now. Start where you are. Start with fear. Start with pain. Start with doubt. Start with hands shaking. Start with voice trembling but start. Start and don’t stop. Start where you are, with what you have. Just… start.”
— Ijeoma Umebinyuo
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a gentle reminder:
take some time to relax. time flies and we're constantly working, worrying or thinking about what we should be doing instead of stopping to calm our minds. go read that book you have been wanting to start, call a loved one, take a nap - anything that gives you some relief.
sometimes things pile up and you need to give yourself a break from all that mess. you're only human, not a character. you'll make mistakes and need rest. skipping "life chapters" is not an option but you can always put that bookmark in your current page and take a break. even if it's five minutes, just take a moment.
#random#myposts#reminders#note to self#self care#important#mental health#productivity#breaks#anxiety#advice#mental health advice#studyblr#study#studying#mine#life advice#tips#aaaah i don't know sorry
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I hate being alone and I’m starting a new class, I don’t really know anyone there so I’m really nervous but I’m so shy to talk to anyone, do you have any advice so I can stop stressing out about this? 🥺
okay first things first: take a moment to breathe and try to relax yourself before going to that class. even if it's been three classes already, if you still feel anxious about it - stop, take a minute to recollect yourself.
i completely understand how you're feeling and i'm positive that some, if not many, of your classmates will be feeling the same way. as someone who has dealt with social anxiety my entire life here's a few things i do whenever i'm in a similar situation to yours:
1. make yourself more comfortable, physically. if you're stressed about first impressions, nothing better than to make yourself feel good by dressing up in a way that makes you feel confident and yet physically comfortable. by this i mean that if you feel more comfortable in jeans and that cool yellow converse you've had for years, go ahead and wear these for your first class. if you have a beautiful that you love shirt or a shirt with your favorite band on, wear that to feel good.
2. on that note, sometimes finding common interests is the key to getting to know people. even if you don't utter a word to them, someone will comment on that band you have on your shirt or will like the way you did your make up, your yellow converse shoes, etc.
2.5. you can also make the first move even if you're shaking on the inside (and outside). you see someone with cool glasses or making nice drawings or even someone who has a neat handwrite style - go ahead and comment on it. you can make it as short as you want, even just uttering the "cool shirt" basic comment can make a good impression on strangers and not overwhelm you.
3. remember that no one there knows you - that can be terrifying but it can also be an opportunity. you can present yourself in any way you want to. if you don't feel comfortable with the comments technique i just mentioned, try raising your hand in class and commenting on a topic you know well or give an example. even the silliest of things can work in situations like that.
4. you will be okay. sounds generic but i often find that i need to remind myself of this; it's just a class, everyone will be focusing on themselves and won't pick your every move or breath apart to judge you.
5. being alone in a new environment is temporary! you'll end up meeting people in many different ways, whether it's in group projects, seeing each other in another environment and making brief eye contact, etc. it takes time but it happens.
5.5. if by any chance things don't seem to be working out, remember that all of this is temporary - you have your back up in other people as well; family, friends, pets and teachers and maybe even a therapist.
lastly, don't overwhelm yourself with the social aspect that much. like i mentioned in #5, things flow their natural course most of the time and you don't have to do anything out of your comfort zone to meet people sometimes. it is ten times easier to make friends if you do leave your comfort zone, but i get that it may be better to protect your mental health than stress yourself with something that feels too unnatural or uncomfortable.
i hope this helps anon and i wish you all the courage and calm in the world for this new experience. be kind to yourself and don't worry too much about this particular class - it's just one class, one moment in your life, people are also concerned with their own issues. you've totally got this, remember to take those deep breaths before going into class and keep in mind that nothing you do or don't do in those minutes in class will define you as a person.
i believe in you, i'm positive you'll meet people and connect to them in small or deep ways. either way, i believe in you.
#i hope this helps#i hope you are well#asks#send me asks#myposts#tips#advice#mental health#college#mine#studyblr#high school#school#make friends#new experiences#replies#anon#anxiety#social anxiety#confidence
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i’m so happy with the positive response this post has received! i hope it has made you feel better and understand that your struggles are most people’s struggles as well. next, as some people have noticed, some of these apply to life in general and i’m glad to see graduates agreeing with it! lastly, take it with care and be mindful of your own personal needs and experiences - i am not talking down about mental illnesses or dismissing your struggles when i say don’t skip classes etc. and i’m sorry if it seemed like that.
let me know if you would like a follow up post to this or uh… anything really. i don’t post often here as i thought my content was uninteresting or just meh, but yeah i’m starting to rethink this blog and what i want to do going forward.
anyways, hope you’re all doing well.
ten things i noticed during my first month at university:
—🪐 no one cares if you have the prettiest notes or the fanciest pens and notebooks. only people into stationary will ask, but most students just type their notes and go on with life
—📖 no one has it all together - absolutely no one. that includes your professors, they’re struggling with something in their lives just as you are! don’t compare yourself to what people show of themselves, it’s not the entire truth of what they’re living.
—🥀 it’s not easy to make friends from different courses if your university separates faculties in buildings, especially if they’re not close to each other. you have to attend social events to get to know different kinds of people. for me, that’s a little tough but i’ve learned that it’s important to get out of your comfort zone.
—🌞 it’s hard to hold yourself accountable when living by yourself. not just in your studies but also daily tasks, such as cleaning, cooking, etc.
—🧠 skipping lectures is too easy, specially if they’re live streamed or recorded. it’s also a vicious cycle for me bc of my depression… but yeah, i don’t recommend unless it works for you better that way.
—🧸 no one knows you - that’s right, no one knows if you’re the “nerdy” dude or the “quirky” student. this isn’t high school, most people won’t know you and won’t have ever hear about you if you’re not studying at a super small university or commit a huge crime lol
—🍒 on this note, you’re free to be whoever you are and/or want to be. there are people similar to you and so different from you that you’ll meet and love or realize they aren’t worth your time. you’ll learn to value your friendships and realize that if you don’t make an effort, you’ll have a hard time keeping friends because your schedules don’t match or they work after school, etc.
—🎓 it’s not impossible and it’s not a competition. no one will care how much you got on a quiz and having the very best grades doesn’t mean anything if you’re not willing to work for your future outside of academic achievements.
—📝 some days you’ll wonder if you’re going on the right path, but the thing is… there isn’t a wrong way or anything like that. you’re on your own journey and if you feel like you’re not where you’re supposed to be, re-evaluate your choices and your personal goals. don’t pressure yourself to be where society and other people tell you to go.
—🌻 it’s okay to make mistakes. actually, it’s important to make mistakes - that’s how you grow and learn more about yourself and the world. don’t worry too much about having everything figured out, just live day by day and appreciate what you have right now <3
#myposts#tips#advice#mental health#mine#my mental health is shit#university#college#students advice#psych student#reblogs#reblog#add on#okay goodnight
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ten things i noticed during my first month at university:
—🪐 no one cares if you have the prettiest notes or the fanciest pens and notebooks. only people into stationary will ask, but most students just type their notes and go on with life
—📖 no one has it all together - absolutely no one. that includes your professors, they’re struggling with something in their lives just as you are! don’t compare yourself to what people show of themselves, it’s not the entire truth of what they’re living.
—🥀 it’s not easy to make friends from different courses if your university separates faculties in buildings, especially if they’re not close to each other. you have to attend social events to get to know different kinds of people. for me, that’s a little tough but i’ve learned that it’s important to get out of your comfort zone.
—🌞 it’s hard to hold yourself accountable when living by yourself. not just in your studies but also daily tasks, such as cleaning, cooking, etc.
—🧠 skipping lectures is too easy, specially if they’re live streamed or recorded. it’s also a vicious cycle for me bc of my depression… but yeah, i don’t recommend unless it works for you better that way.
—🧸 no one knows you - that’s right, no one knows if you’re the “nerdy” dude or the “quirky” student. this isn’t high school, most people won’t know you and won’t have ever hear about you if you’re not studying at a super small university or commit a huge crime lol
—🍒 on this note, you’re free to be whoever you are and/or want to be. there are people similar to you and so different from you that you’ll meet and love or realize they aren’t worth your time. you’ll learn to value your friendships and realize that if you don’t make an effort, you’ll have a hard time keeping friends because your schedules don’t match or they work after school, etc.
—🎓 it’s not impossible and it’s not a competition. no one will care how much you got on a quiz and having the very best grades doesn’t mean anything if you’re not willing to work for your future outside of academic achievements.
—📝 some days you’ll wonder if you’re going on the right path, but the thing is… there isn’t a wrong way or anything like that. you’re on your own journey and if you feel like you’re not where you’re supposed to be, re-evaluate your choices and your personal goals. don’t pressure yourself to be where society and other people tell you to go.
—🌻 it’s okay to make mistakes. actually, it’s important to make mistakes - that’s how you grow and learn more about yourself and the world. don’t worry too much about having everything figured out, just live day by day and appreciate what you have right now <3
#myposts#tips#advice#mental health#mine#my mental health is shit#university#college#students advice#psych student#student#studyblr community#studyblr#study#studying#selfcare#self sabotage
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celebrate your accomplishments. even if they don’t seem much, you made something good happen.
didn’t get an A even if you studied the whole night? well, you got a B, so celebrate that. don’t forget to be happy for your accomplishments. you’ve worked hard for it and you should be proud of yourself.
#study#studyblr#studyspo#study motivation#motivation#quotes#inspo#random#keep going#accomplished#depression#anxiety#self help#confidence#support#performance#good grades#high school#college#university#mental health#mental health advice
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