livinghealthy13 · 11 years
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livinghealthy13 · 11 years
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Be Happy, Be Healthy
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livinghealthy13 · 11 years
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livinghealthy13 · 11 years
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livinghealthy13 · 11 years
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livinghealthy13 · 11 years
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livinghealthy13 · 11 years
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livinghealthy13 · 11 years
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livinghealthy13 · 11 years
Understanding the Legal Claims Process for Fibromyalgia Sufferers
Living with fibromyalgia as the result of an accident or injury that wasn’t your fault can be hard. There may need to be adaptions to your home or changes to the way you live.
Doctors and lawyers in general have a relatively poor understanding of fibromyalgia but many sufferers are able to make fibromyalgia claims. Many aren’t even aware they can make the claim and the two main ways a claim is possible is due to:
The condition being a result of an accident
The condition not being honoured through a specific insurance policy you had in place if this type of thing were to occur
The litigation process for fibromyalgia is quite complex, especially as diagnosis can be difficult to come by, but there are specialist solicitors who focus on the condition and have high success rates for getting the sufferers the results they deserve.
To assist your claim it’s essential that you keep a diary of your condition and how it is effecting your life on a daily basis. This could be as simple as listing your medication and highlighting any flare ups as the regularity of flare ups and the amount of medication could affect the final claim value. In the same vein it’s recommended you keep all of your receipts. This will mean for prescriptions, for parking in the hospital for your multiple visits and details of loss of earnings. The more evidence you have that the condition is severely impacting upon your life, the more chance you have of the case being taken seriously.
The key thing to remember is that a professional solicitor with experience in this field will do all they can to fight your corner and ensure you get the compensation you deserve to improve your quality of life.
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livinghealthy13 · 11 years
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livinghealthy13 · 11 years
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livinghealthy13 · 11 years
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livinghealthy13 · 11 years
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livinghealthy13 · 11 years
Treating Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is one of those conditions which needs to be treated as soon as possible. It’s often the result of a traumatic injury or accident and it can be hard to get the same quality of life back once the condition takes hold. Experts believe that the key to treating the condition is trying to get treatment as soon as possible. The longer the condition goes on, the harder it can be to get motor functionality back so immediate treatment is necessary.
The cost of treatment can be crippling and if the syndrome has occurred because of someone else’s actions then you should consider a CRPS claim for compensation with a specialist lawyer. It can cover the cost of treatment and make living a little easier. Below is a closer look at some of the ways to treat the condition.
Physiotherapy is key to alleviating some of the pain of CRPS. Its aim to keep the effected limb as mobile as possible and prevent any loss of muscle tone and stiffness. Exercise can be difficult when the pain is most severe so your physiotherapist will work with you to plan a regime that suits your needs physically as well as being effective.
Occupational Therapy
An occupational therapist will teach your special methods to cope with and manage your pain. Desensitisation is a key technique you’ll learn which makes touch sensation in the affected area more manageable. You will also learn relaxation and stress management techniques to develop a pain management scheme that works for you.
There are a range of different medications you may be offered to help treat CRPS. Everything from paracetamol to morphine and neuromodulatory drugs may be offered to deal with different levels of pain. Antidepressants can too be used to treat some levels of pain as they block the pain signals to the brain.
Finding the right treatment for your condition is an individual journey but some of these treatments may fit well into your plans.
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livinghealthy13 · 11 years
Here you can find out what types of accident or trauma could cause chronic pain syndrome, and how you can claim if you believe you have this syndrome due to an accident. If you have an accident or trauma and the pain lasts over 3 to 6 months it is then described as Chronic, this is when chronic pain syndrome comes into it: Chronic pain syndrome is a syndrome which refers to persistent pain that doesn’t tend to have an identifiable source. It is often caused by a minor or major injury but doesn’t always appear straight away, but a short period after; which sometimes means it can take a while to actually diagnose. Due to it being so unspecific and not having an identifiable source chronic pain syndrome can have a very poor response to therapy.
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livinghealthy13 · 11 years
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livinghealthy13 · 11 years
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