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HIIT/Circuit Workouts🔥 - High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a great way to spice up your cardio and make things fun. They definitely require a greater amount of athleticism than standard cardio sessions. They are dynamic, impulsive, short and sweet. They not only develop the anaerobic system, but also have aerobic effects as well.✅ - HIIT workouts burn tons of calories, preserve much mass and can be done anywhere at anytime without needing any machine or equipment.🔥 - For me personally, I enjoy a work:rest ratio 1:1, but if I’m feeling motivated and energetic I go for 1:0.5 (which is really extreme). - 👉The great thing about this is that you can design the intensity according to your level of fitness. If you haven’t done this before, try starting off with a 1:2 work:rest ratio. - Tag someone who would do this with you!😉 . . . Cradit :- @the.perfectdiet #veganketodiet #ketoofinstagram #yourketodiet #simpleketodiet #dietketo #ketofoods #ketofoodie #ketofoodideas #ketofooddiary #ketotransformation #ketoideas #ketoresults #ketorecetas #ketorezepte #ketorecipies #ketoreboot #ketorunner #weight #weightliftingfairykimbokjoo #weightwatchers #weightlifting #weightlosscommunity
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🌈 Foods That Can Fight Sugar Cravings - 🍏Fruit. Fruit contains sugar, along with lots of healthy nutrients and plant compounds. - 🍇Berries. Berries taste sweet, but they are high in fiber and low in sugar. Regularly eating berries may also help reduce your risk of heart disease and diabetes. - 🍫Dark Chocolate. Swap regular chocolate out for a few squares of dark chocolate, which contains less sugar and higher levels of healthy polyphenols. - 🍘Chia Seeds. Chia seeds are high in soluble fiber, which could help you feel fuller for longer and curb your sugar cravings. - 🍬Sugar-Free Chewing Gum or Mints. Chewing sugar-free gum can provide you with a sweet taste that may help curb your cravings and control your food intake. - 🍪Legumes. Legumes like lentils, beans and chickpeas are good sources of protein and fiber. Including them in your diet could help curb hunger, leaving you less likely to get a craving. - 🥛Yogurt. Yogurt is a high-protein snack that could help you control your appetite and cravings. - 🌰Dates. Dates are very sweet, so they can fix your craving for sugar while providing you other beneficial nutrients too. - 🍠Sweet Potatoes. Sweet potatoes can provide you with a sweet taste and may help keep you feeling full so you won’t experience sugar cravings later in the day. - 🥓Meat, Poultry and Fish. Good sources of protein like meat, poultry and fish may help keep you full and prevent cravings for sweets. - 🍅Prunes. Prunes are sweet, nutritious and high in fiber, so they can be a healthy food for satisfying cravings for sweets. - 🍳Eggs. Eggs can be a good choice, especially for breakfast. They’ll keep you feeling fuller for longer and reduce the chance of sugar cravings throughout the day. - 🥘Fermented Foods. Fermented foods can contribute to maintaining a healthy gut, which could influence your appetite and food intake - 🥗Vegetables. Adding more vegetables to your meals could help fill you up and prevent you from getting sugar cravings due to hunger. . Tag and share 💚 . . . . . . . RP @phetfit #Sugar #snack #sweettreats #fruit #veganketodiet #ketoofinstagram #yourketodiet #simpleketodiet #dietketo #ketofoods #ketofoodie #ketofoodideas #ketofo (at United States)
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Got a little hangry today by lunchtime so made myself a thickKkk Chicken Almond Sandwich. This salad has grapes, cranberries and a crunch of almonds with each bite. You can also use turkey in place of the chicken. Piled high on toasted whole grain with fresh romaine ~ it hit the spot. Click the link in my bio for the full {easy} recipe. . . #foodporn #sandwhich #mealprep #mealprepideas #veganketodiet #ketoofinstagram #yourketodiet #simpleketodiet #dietketo #ketofoods #ketofoodie #ketofoodideas #ketofooddiary #ketotransformation #ketoideas #ketoresults #ketorecetas #ketorezepte #ketorecipies #ketoreboot #ketorunner #weight #weightliftingfairykimbokjoo #weightwatchers #weightlifting #weightlosscommunity
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FOLLOW 👉 @keto_dietguru For More Healthy Tips And Tricks 😍💪🥑 - ✨🙌🏼 BEAT THE BLOAT 🙌🏼✨ - Bloating occasionally is actually NORMAL! When you eat a large meal or a meal high in fibre, most of us get a little bloated. That is totally normal – what’s not normal is having bloating which is constant, painful or associated with other conditions like chronic diarrhoea. If this sounds like you, pop to your GP for a check up. - My top 10 easy tips to reduce bloating are: smaller frequent meals, looking at the overall fibre content of your diet (too little or too much fibre can make bloating worse), chewing your food properly (honestly SO helpful!), reducing carbonated/ bubbly drinks, reducing sweeteners/ sugar alcohols/ diet products, reducing ‘windy’ types of food such as beans, cabbage & cauliflower, instead of going dairy free trial low lactose instead (this seems to help the majority of my clients without completely removing dairy). Finally try limiting alcohol, processed foods & take-aways to assist with gut health & bloating 👊🏼 - Also, I think it’s important to note most women suffer from symptoms of bloating & other gut complains before or during their period which may result from hormone changes. About a week before a woman's period starts, levels of the hormone progesterone fall. Reduced levels of progesterone actually cause the uterus to shed its lining, which is what causes our menstrual bleeding. But along with this, the changes in progesterone & estrogen levels actually cause the body to retain more water & salt which makes the body's cells become swollen and this may cause bloating. So bloating just before or during your period is normal & one of the top tips I recommend to my clients for period bloating is to reduce the amount of salt consumed in the days leading up to your period. - - Credit: @the_fitness_dietitian #ketodietvideo #ketodiet_challenge #indianketodiet #vegetarianketodiet #ketodieter #ketodietcz #ketodiettangerang #ketodietrecipe #ketodieters #customketodiet #simpleketodiet #ketodietitian #ketodietmenu #yourketodiet #ketodietreset #veganketodiet #ketodietphilippines #ketodietlifestyle #ketodietmeals #ketodietnewbie #ketodietjakarta#ke
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It is vital to have awareness of the most healthful foods to ensure a wide a range of nutrients in the diet. A balanced diet is the secret to healthful eating . ✔Follow @keto_dietguru ❤ for scientifically proven and evidence based nutrition, mindset, and fitness tips! . 👍LIKE - TAG - SAVE this post if you found it useful or interesting ❤️ Credit @organicperception #healthyeating #nutritiontips #countingcalories #lowcalories #caloriescounting #caloriescount #foodfacts #caloriedeficit #caloriecontrol #weightlossfood #healthyfoodideas #weightlossfoods #weightlosscommunity #lowcal #nutritiontip #eatthisnotthat #eatbetter #nutritioncoach #weightlossideas #eatingright #foodfacts #eatsmart #healthyfoodshare #healthfood #eatforhealth #fatlossfood
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Take keto diet for weight loss Follow - @keto_dietguru share this post . . #veganketodiet #ketoofinstagram #yourketodiet #simpleketodiet #dietketo #ketofoods #ketofoodie #ketofoodideas #ketofooddiary #ketotransformation #ketoideas #ketoresults #ketorecetas #ketorezepte #ketorecipies #ketoreboot #ketorunner #weight #weightliftingfairykimbokjoo #weightwatchers #weightlifting #weightlosscommunity
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🤔 YOU CAN ONLY CHOSE 1! LIKE THIS IMAGE AND COMMENT BELOW FAST!!! WHICH ONE WINS!! - 🥑Check out my bio link to get 370+ easy to prepare Keto Recipes and 12 week keto meal plan with 4 FREE Bonuses. 😊 ( @keto_dietguru ) • • Here are 4 ways to do Keto! Some people don’t want fancy meals or recipes and want something simple! Some want recipes and delicious meals! You chose! - 🍗 The first 2 are from eating out! And then bottom 2 are from making it at home! - 🍔 DIRTY KETO - This is just a breakfast sandwich turned into keto friendly with the sausage becoming the bun! Try it at any breakfast joint! - 🥩 EASY KETO - To think of a simple keto meal, have a fat meat with veggies and some oil and butter and you’re good to do! - 🥗 FANCY KETO - Sometimes whipping up a salad like this with some Hardboiled eggs, tuna, cucumbers, avocado, spinach, tomatoes, olives, and avocado can be delicious! That’s a nutritious and delicious Keto Salad! - 🍳 MESSY KETO - I love messy Keto when you just throw things together like ground beef and eggs! Try this! Cook the ground beef and eggs together and you will drool when it’s ready! • ❤️ Follow us - @keto_dietguru ❤️ Follow us - @keto_dietguru ❤️ Follow us - @keto_dietguru • • • • • • • • • 📸 Credit - @logan_fusionlean ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #veganketodiet #ketoofinstagram #yourketodiet #simpleketodiet #dietketo #ketofoods #ketofoodie #ketofoodideas #ketofooddiary #ketotransformation #ketoideas #ketoresults #ketorecetas #ketorezepte #ketorecipies #ketoreboot #ketorunner #weight #weightliftingfairykimbokjoo #weightwatchers #weightlifting #weightlosscommunity #yourketo #yourketodiet #ketomealplan #healthychoises #nocarbs #healthydiet (at Florida,California)
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Parmesan Mayo Chicken W/ Creamy Brocolli Bake... ⠀ And a salad 🤣😂 There isn't many dinners where there is no salad.. Lol.....⠀ . ✅Save this post and Check out my bio link to get your own "Custom Keto Plan" with 8-week Keto plan, instructions, and grocery list, and more, without giving up your favorite foods 😊 》》@keto.recipes_《 《 Join the Keto community and follow us @keto_dietguru for more daily recipes, tips and information! ✔️ Don't forget to click the link in bio to get your own Keto meal plan. . If you haven't ever had mayo chicken, YOU NEED TOO !! Juicy, flavorful, soooo gooood 😋😋😋⠀ ⠀ 2 lrg boneless chicken ta tas⠀ 1 cup of your fav mayo⠀ 1/4 cup grated parmesan ⠀ 1/4 cup shredded colby jack cheese⠀ Your fav seasoning... ⠀ The brocolli bake is from Aldi, just follow directions on the bag. We add shredded mozz to the bottom of the cast iron before we put it in a 425° oven, and a bit more on top at the end 😁😁⠀ ⠀ 1) Give the ta tas a good coat of Italian Zezt and let sit.⠀ 2) Mix the mayo, parmesan, and colby jack together in a bowl til all combined... ⠀ 3) spoon and spread the mayo mixture on the bottom of the chicken, lay in the oven safe dish you choose. We used cast iron of course 😁😁 Spoon on top and spread it out to coat .. ⠀ 4) Bake on 375° for 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, sprinkle with shredded cheese and throw back in for 10 minutes. Take out and let rest for 10 minutes... Add your fav sides and dig in!!! 😁😋⠀ ° #veganketodiet #ketoofinstagram #yourketodiet #simpleketodiet #dietketo #ketofoods #ketofoodie #ketofoodideas #ketofooddiary #ketotransformation #ketoideas #ketoresults #ketorecetas #ketorezepte #ketorecipies #ketoreboot #ketorunner #weight #weightliftingfairykimbokjoo #weightwatchers #weightlifting #ketodietreset #ketodietcookbook #ketodietnewbie #ketodietuk #simpleketodiet #viralpost
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If you don't know how to start ketodiet properly or do you want to lose possibly 5-10 lbs in the first week alone with keto ? Join "The 28 Day Keto Challenge". ➡️ LINK IN BIO ⬅️ ✔️ Follow @keto_dietguru . CALORIES/MACROS This makes 16 servings of pound cake. Each slice is 254 Calories, 23g Fats, 8g Protein, 2.5g Net Carbs. . INGREDIENTS Pound cake 2 1/2 cups almond flour ½ cup unsalted butter, softened 1 1/2 cups erythritol 8 eggs, room temperature 1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract 1/2 tsp. lemon extract ½ tsp. salt8 oz. cream cheese 1 1/2 tsp. baking powder Glaze ¼ cup powdered erythritol 3 Tbsp. heavy whipping cream ½ tsp. vanilla extract . DIRECTIONS Preheat oven to 350°F. In a large mixing bowl, toss in room temperature butter, softened cream cheese and erythritol. Cream together the butter and erythritol and until smooth. Then, add in softened chunks of cream cheese and blend together until smooth. Add in the eggs, lemon extract, and vanilla extract in with the blended ingredients. Blend with a hand mixer until smooth. In a medium sized bowl, mix together the almond flour, baking powder, and salt. Slowly add in the ingredients from the medium sized bowl into the batter. Use a hand blender to blend the clumps until very smooth. Pour batter into a loaf pan. Bake for 60 - 120 minutes at 350F or until smooth in the middle with a toothpick. If creating a glaze, blend together the powdered erythritol, vanilla extract and heavy whipping cream until smooth. Wait until the pound cake is fully cooled from the oven before spreading the glaze on top. - Know someone who is struggling with keto? Send them here. - #keto #ketosis #ketodiet #ketodinner #ketotreats #ketoeats #thanksbutter #ketofam #banting #lchf #grainfree #glutenfree #ketobasics #ketodessert #ketobrunch #ketoblintz #ketorecipes #ketoaf #ketogenicdiet #ketogenic #ketosisdiet #ketoliving #ketotransformation #ketojourney #dietfood #ketones #lchfdiet
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Hey are you struggling in weight loss than I have a gift for you go and visit in my bio 👉👉👉👉 ( Link in Bio ) . . . #ketodiet #keto #lowcarb #ketolifestyle #ketolife #ketosis #ketogenic #ketorecipes #ketoweightloss #ketofood #ketomeals #ketogenicdiet #lchf #weightloss #ketofriendly #ketotransformation #weightlossjourney #healthyfood #ketocommunity #ketofam #healthylifestyle #lowcarbdiet #ketoaf #diet #fitness #lowcarbhighfat #ketodinner #intermittentfasting #ketojourney #bhfyp
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🍗 1 gr net carb, Crispy #KetoChicken tenders! @keto_dietguru 😍 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Looking for a #Ketorecipes the whole family 👨👩👧👦 will enjoy⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ INGREDIENTS⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - Chicken Thighs 🍗⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - Almond Flour 🥜⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - 2 Eggs 🥚 🥚⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - Heavy Cream 🥛⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - Herbs and Spices⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ - Salt and Pepper ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ If you are looking for something both simple yet decadent, but don’t want to ruin your keto diet, this dish may be a perfect choice. By using various herbs and spices, it has a wonderful aroma and a sumptuous flavor. What’s more, it’s crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Get cooking and satisfy your deep-fried food cravings with this yummy keto chicken recipe.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 🤤👍 Check link in our bio @keto_dietguru for complete #ketomealplan so you can easily start your #ketojourney and #ketolifestyle ⠀⠀⠀⠀ #keto #ketogenic #ketodiet #ketofood #ketogenicdiet #ketoporn #ketosis #ketofriendly #ketosnacks #ketoweightloss #ketofood#ketoadapted #ketocommunity #ketolunch #ketodinner
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Take keto diet for weight loss and make a fit and healthy body ° ° ° #yourketo #yourketodiet #ketofriendly #ketomealplan #nutritiontips #weightloss #like #follow #healthychoises #mealplan #nocarbs #healthydiet #lowcarb #lowcarbalcohol #alcohol #alcoholcalories #ketoalcohol
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Switch to a more efficient metabolic fuel source and enjoy the constant energy that comes from being in a Ketogenic State. Now, you can eat your favorite foods and get amazing results at the same time! Get your personalized Keto meal plan today! Click the link in the bio to get started👆 ° ° ° #ketodiet #keto #lowcarb #ketolifestyle #ketolife #ketosis #ketogenic #ketorecipes #ketoweightloss #ketofood #ketomeals #ketogenicdiet #lchf #weightloss #ketofriendly #ketotransformation #weightlossjourney #healthyfood #ketocommunity #ketofam #healthylifestyle #lowcarbdiet #ketoaf #diet #fitness #lowcarbhighfat #ketodinner #intermittentfasting #ketojourney #bhfyp
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Vegan Crunchwrap Supreme!❤️🌱 ... ✔️ SAVE this Post to make later ✔️ TAG a friend who needa try this today! ✔️ FOLLOW @keto_dietguru daily #vegan inspo & recipes from across the gram ... 📸 + below recipe by .... This recipe is SO GOOD! Made with homemade vegan queso, vegan “ground meat,” crunchy tortilla, lettuce, salsa, tomatoes and avocado. Wrapped neatly, and pan-fried into a crispy hand-held tortilla pocket. Swipe to see how it comes together.👉 It's so easy to make, and totally comforting. I've copied the recipe below👇 and you can find it on the blog, link in profile. Hope you're having a fab Friday!😘✌️ #twospoons 1 cup homemade vegan queso (recipe on the feed a few posts back, and on the blog, or use store-bought) 1 tbsp coconut oil 12 oz vegan "ground meat" (I used Lightlife) 4 tsp taco seasoning 6 large, 10-inch, tortillas 6 small, 5-inch, tortillas (or two more 10-inch tortillas cut into quarters). 1-2 cups tortilla chips ½ cup salsa ½ cup chopped tomatoes 1 cup grated iceberg lettuce ¼ cup chopped cilantro 2 avocados, mashed olive oil, for drizzling 1. If using the homemade Cashew Queso, make this now. (Recipe on the feed, a few posts back, and on the blog. Alternatively you can use store-bought). 2. Melt the coconut oil in a large skillet on medium-heat, then add the vegan "ground meat" and taco seasoning. Cook until browned and combined, about 5 to 7 mins. Transfer to a bowl and side aside. 3. Place a large tortilla on a work surface. Layer the center with a bit of vegan queso, followed by vegan "ground meat", nachos (side-by-side to make a circle shape), salsa, chopped tomatoes, lettuce, cilantro and smashed avocado. Top with the small tortilla and fold in the edges of the large tortilla over to close. 4. Heat a drizzle of olive oil in the large (cleaned) skillet on medium heat and place the crunch wrap seam side down, cook for 2 to 3 minutes until the exterior is firm and golden brown, flip and cook the other side until golden. Cut and serve. 5. Continue making the crunchwraps in Step 3 and 4 until you’ve used all the ingredients. ° ° #glutenfree #ketobreakfast #ketones #ketoliving #ketogeniclifestyle #sugarfree #ketolove #foodpo (at Florida,California)
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Keto Diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet. It lowers blood sugar and insulin levels and shifts the body's metabolism away from carbs and towards burning fats as an energy source. Click the link in the bio to get started👆 ° ° ° #ketodiet #keto #lowcarb #ketolifestyle #ketolife #ketosis #ketogenic #ketorecipes #ketoweightloss #ketofood #ketomeals #ketogenicdiet #lchf #weightloss #ketofriendly #ketotransformation #weightlossjourney #healthyfood #ketocommunity #ketofam #healthylifestyle #lowcarbdiet #ketoaf #diet #fitness #lowcarbhighfat #ketodinner #intermittentfasting #ketojourney #bhfyp
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