alex 🌱
25 posts
he/him 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ 25 | chronically ill | I post about knitting sometimes
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alexx-is-tired · 5 hours ago
The hardest thing for me to accept since becoming disabled is the fact that my progress in the majority of things that I do will be so much slower than it is for everyone else.
I'm trying to reframe my thinking and start being grateful when I can partake in hobbies and just enjoy the process instead of being focused on how quickly I'm progressing compared to able bodied people.
I've always been an "all or nothing" type of person and that type of thinking really doesn't work now when I have to pace myself and allocate my energy each day depending on what needs to get done
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alexx-is-tired · 13 days ago
Found out the hard way that as someone with POTS I absolutely should not do squats...
My chest hurt so bad and my heart rate shot up to 183bpm after ten reps, I almost passed tf out omg
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alexx-is-tired · 15 days ago
Does anyone else have this problem?
When I wake up, almost every single morning I feel extremely weak and shaky. My muscles are so weak it can be hard to hold my phone or sit up for a little while.
This happens regardless of how much sleep I've had, electrolytes I've drank or just taken care of myself in general.
I find it really frustrating because I don't know if it's a symptom of POTS or CFS or something else entirely, and that means I'm not sure what preventative measures to take
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alexx-is-tired · 2 months ago
I think I pushed myself too much recently and I've ended up causing a small flare up.
I've gotten into such a good routine with doing yoga and a small workout every day, I really don't want to stop for a few days but I think I might have to.
Allowing myself to rest is something I'm not very good at, I constantly feel like I need to push myself to my limit and do as much as I physically can even if I know it'll only make me feel worse in the long run.
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alexx-is-tired · 2 months ago
Today is my 2nd auti-versary! (autism diagnosis anniversary)
I'm going to celebrate by ordering myself a pizza and having cake later with my family~
Does anyone else have this tradition with the autistic people in their family?
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alexx-is-tired · 2 months ago
I'm finally getting to the part where it's actually looking like a sweater! For my first wearable piece I'm so happy with how it's going
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alexx-is-tired · 2 months ago
I've been doing yoga consistently each morning for the past week and it's already helped my flexibility in a huge way! After being borderline bedbound for 4/5 months, being able to do my short daily walk and yoga feels like an absolute dream come true
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alexx-is-tired · 3 months ago
I slipped up and had a few days where I didn't hydrate enough and now I'm getting intense kidney pain
Please don't let me have kidney stones again I'm begging you!!
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alexx-is-tired · 3 months ago
Update on my jumper/sweater since a few people asked to see progress pics :3
It's definitely going to take me a long time to finish it but I like that it gives me something to do each day.
Also, I absolutely love the way this yarn works up, it's so pretty!!!
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alexx-is-tired · 3 months ago
I know it might sound silly, but I'm so happy that I started learning how to knit recently.
I've been working on my first big project, a sweater, and it's given me something to be excited about each day. I look forward to getting out of bed so I can work on it, I've been taking more time offline and just listening to music while I knit and it feels almost therapeutic.
It helps distract me a little from the pain and fatigue I'm experiencing, and it's also given me something to feel proud of and accomplished in!
Maybe once it's finished I'll post a picture of it here :3
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alexx-is-tired · 3 months ago
I'm going to the Christmas market with my bf today!
I'm nervous about being out of the house for such a long time but he truly is my biggest supporter and I know if I tell him I need to take a break that he'll be okay with it.
I'm tempted to try ice skating but we'll have to see how my joints (specifically my ankles) are feeling once I'm there ahah
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alexx-is-tired · 3 months ago
Recently I've been managing a short 15min walk each day with some light stretching each morning and night!
I know to some people this might not seem like a big accomplishment, but considering I've been sedentary for months now this is a huge achievement for me.
I am experiencing a few extra aches and pains but it hasn't affected my fatigue levels so far, I am still very fatigued but it's not making it any worse which is something I'd worried about
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alexx-is-tired · 4 months ago
I wanna start doing very basic yoga in an attempt to build up my muscles again, I lie down for the majority of the day and I hadn't noticed how much my muscles had deteriorated until I tried picking up the 5kg weight that I used to use for exercising and found it really hard to lift.
I'm scared of losing even more muscle but I'm also worried that pushing myself could mean I cause a flare up and have to spend even more time in bed.
If anyone has found a way of being able to do light exercise with pots and/or cfs and has any advice I'd really appreciate it!
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alexx-is-tired · 4 months ago
I find it so frustrating that even on the rare nights that I get close to eight hours of sleep it makes little to no difference in how fatigued I feel.
I managed to sleep pretty well last night but I woke up with a throbbing headache and my body feels like it's been beaten up or hit by a bus.
I'm probably gonna have to lay here for at least an hour before I manage to drag myself out of bed and attempt to do anything productive with my day
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alexx-is-tired · 4 months ago
I've desperately been trying to find some compression sleeves that also provide a little support for my hands but I can't find any. There are so many options for sleeves and gloves but not a combination of both.
I love knitting and drawing but I can't do it often because of the pain in my wrists/arms, it's so frustrating knowing they would help but not being able to find any.
If anyone has any recommendations for websites/brands who sell something like this I'd really appreciate it if you could comment/DM me!
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alexx-is-tired · 4 months ago
I'm finally getting over my flare-up from the other week, it's crazy how even though I still can't do a lot of things this feels amazing in comparison to how limited I was just a few days ago!
I even managed to take a short walk to play some Pokemon Go. Today was a good day :3
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alexx-is-tired · 4 months ago
All I did was eat breakfast... Why am I out of breath, sweating and my heart rate at 120bpm???
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