kaiju-shenanigans · 16 days
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Roll cake sharks 🍓🦈
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kaiju-shenanigans · 3 months
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kaiju-shenanigans · 3 months
Found an old animation of mine from 12 years ago, please hold your applause
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kaiju-shenanigans · 3 months
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Forget-me-nots Kitty - Botanimal Pet Portrait
I’m on Patreon, I sell Prints and I have an Etsy shop.
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kaiju-shenanigans · 3 months
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Day 14-24
It's been a hectic couple of weeks. After my first exam, I just became hyperfocused on studying and didn't really do anything aside from that. My second media exam was iffy just like the first one, but my 3rd and 4th exams, which were English, were sooo good so I'm happy about that. Now all that's left to do is wait for results. My brain is basically fried at this point, so I'm just going to rest for a couple of days before I get back into anything else.
Took out some pics on the ride home after my exams.
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kaiju-shenanigans · 4 months
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Day 13
I had such a shitty day lmao. Did my first exam for cinema studies today and it was the WORST. Our lecturer misguided us in the scope they gave us so some things in the exam were so foreign and I was STRUGGLING to make sense of what I was writing. I honestly just hope I did well enough to pass cos I don't have high hopes for this module anymore.
Had a bad headache after the exam so I took a nap. Then got back to studying for my next exam on Cultural Studies cos that's how we move with uni life🥲 the exam is next week Thursday and it's being set by the same lecturer who did today's paper so I'm honestly so scared, but I'm gonna try my best to learn everything I can. I just hope I don't have to write supps for these modules cos those are usually way harder than the main exam. I'm holding out hope for myself🫤🤞
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kaiju-shenanigans · 4 months
Memorising silly little info into my silly little brain for my silly little degree.
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kaiju-shenanigans · 4 months
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Day 7-12
Did pretty much the same thing these past 6 days which is why I'm posting this so late. Continued my studying for Bloody Chamber the first two days, and then only concentrated on cinema studies for the rest. My first paper is cinema studies and its tomorrow! My anxiety is really starting to settle in now🫠 I have like over 12 pages of work to remember yoh. Atp I'm just hoping to pass, even though I know I've studied so much😅
Didn't continue with any of my hobbies that I was doing which was reading and crocheting, since I was starting to get so stressed for this paper. Didn't exercise either. So I'm hoping I get the time to do those after this paper. Hoping tomorrow's paper isn't too bad🙏
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kaiju-shenanigans · 4 months
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Art by Paul Rabaud
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kaiju-shenanigans · 4 months
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Day 6:
Ignore how the 2nd picture doesn't really fit the colour scheme lol. Still learning how to edit photos to blend in with each other and didn't really want to spend too much time on this one.😅
Was not well today as it's that time of the month.😓 I was in a lot of pain and was lethargic throughout the day, so I spent the day resting. Idk why it always decides to be the worst during important times in my life yoh.🥲 In the evening, my energy was still low, but the pain was manageable, so I decided to get some revision done. I wrote out my cinema studies notes in order and revised. It was a lot, so it was all I could get done. I had planned to do a bit more studying for other modules, but I didn't want to push myself while I'm not well. I'm counting this small win as productive tho cos I didn't think I could get it done.💪📚
Hopefully, by tomorrow I'm a bit better so I can get more studying done, but that's all for today.😴
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kaiju-shenanigans · 4 months
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Food Art by Alai Ganuza
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kaiju-shenanigans · 4 months
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Oh my god, this is like the 10th time I'm trying to post this!🤦‍♀️ Anyways...
Day 5:
Wasn't really productive this past weekend, was just going over what I already had to learn. I could feel a sense of burnout coming on so I decided to take the weekend slow. So that means I'll have to pick up the slack this week since my first exam is next Tuesday!
Sent an email to my lecturer to clarify if the notes I have for my "Psycho" essay for cinema studies are on the right path for what we're expected to write in the exam, and thankfully they were correct. Phew! Will probably start attempting to write out the essay today and Wednesday, and hopefully send it to her again by Wednesday or Thursday for one last round of feedback before the exam. Finally started learning for English and started compiling notes for Angela Carter's "The Bloody Chamber". I then revised over the other notes I need to know aside from the essay for cinema studies. 📚
Did my 7 min core workout and 10 min stretch. I was thinking of moving on to longer, more challenging workouts but decided not to cos I didn't want to end up feeling too sore because I just know that will make me lazy and want to lie in bed to rest. So for now, I'll just stick to what I've been doing just so that I'm regularly exercising. I'll probably start doing 2 sets of the workouts tho, since they're not high intensity. But I'll leave the longer, challenging workouts for after exams. 💪
Had to unravel the basket I was crocheting lol. I kept messing up and I think it's because this is the first time I'm working on a project in the round. Hopefully I'll attempt it again this week. 🧶
Unfortunately didn't get to read, but will definitely get back to it this week. 📖
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kaiju-shenanigans · 4 months
apparently modern medieval scholars have no solid idea why there’s so many old paintings of knights fighting snails.  Like that wasn’t just one weird painting there’s hundreds of those.  
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kaiju-shenanigans · 4 months
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Day 4: Completed all the notes I needed for media/cinema studies. They're still all over the place though, so I'll need another day to get them in order. Started with a bit of Cultural Studies notes today. I've been focusing on cinema studies more cos its my first paper and my other 3 papers are like a week and a half later. I'm dreading exams but hey, we move🫡.📚
Did another workout. I should mention that the workout I've been doing this week is just a 7 min core workout and a 10 min stretch routine. It's not much, but it's really been keeping me motivated to keep moving, especially during this study break. Hope to progress with this.💪
Continued reading "His Dark Materials," and oh my god! I absolutely admire the way Pullman writes the emotional, heart tugging, and angsty moments in this book.📖
Started my crochet project of making mini baskets. Completed the base today. It's totally supposed to be octagon shaped and not circle shaped (I'm lying). It didn't look bad to me, so I just kept going, lol.🧶
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kaiju-shenanigans · 4 months
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Wishing everyone luck on their final exams and congrats to all the graduating seniors and there are no colleges left in Gaza because of Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian people
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kaiju-shenanigans · 4 months
⏰this week in a glance🏃‍♂️
may 13th - 19th ; week 21/52
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this week was all about transitions and the concerns regarding things to come, as well as a need to re-allocate my time and energy. i also realized recently that amidst trying to maximize my productivity i have been subconsciously neglecting my thoughts and feelings... these are issues i have faced before and will face again as an unmedicated adhd kid adult in a world that prioritizes productivity and academic/economic success over all else. knowing that doesn't make it any easier to accept though, and it gets tiring to fight the same battles you thought you had once overcome. but i guess that fits perfectly in the spirit of this challenge and the anime it is inspired by, which is all about building the strength and patience to break the same loops over and over. and the first step to that is recognizing these loops
stuff that happened this week!
🧹 I was home alone for the most part which meant that most of the time i was just cleaning and doing chores...
🎓 I'm officially done with my undergrad!!!! yay!!!!
📚 completed reading a book! it's been a while
💌 met a lot of my friends <3 we yapped a lot xD
🎧 I'm trying to arrange the songs in my playlist according to the same scale of music and it's taking years off my life T-T idk why im doing it but i can't stop
🎵 Soundtrack of the week: Go Find Less by Riley Roth
💻 7 weeks until internship ends!
key: ◆ - completed / ◇ - not done
📅 Daily-s: 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 + 19
👟 Movement: ◆◇◇◇◆◆◇ // expected, given that i was unwell
💧 1.5L+ Water: ◆◆◆◇◆◇◇
🔋 i think im pushing myself too much and as a result my energy drains too quickly... trying to find new ways to stay motivated while also getting the rest i need
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kaiju-shenanigans · 4 months
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Day 3: Watched the movie "Psycho" since it's going to be tested in my media studies exam. This film really gave me an unsettling feeling throughout the whole movie😳. Started attempting to analyse it through psychoanalysis film theory as well. 📚
Continued reading "His Dark Materials". This book really is turning into a comfort book for me. I've been a fan of the ps2 game and the movie since I was a kid, so getting to read the original source material is really a full circle moment. I think I've watched one season of the series that was made, though my memory of it is blurry. Hope to get through that as well once I finish reading all 3 books!📖
Got another workout in.💪
I intended to start crocheting something today, but kinda forgot about it. Instead, I found an abandoned project I did and finally frogged it since it was going nowhere. I plan to crochet mini baskets so that I can organise things in my room. Might start tomorrow.🧶
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