Hey everyone, my name is Lily (31 | she/her) and this is my blog. I generally focus on LGBT+ rep in TV shows, fan theories and stuff like that. I’m also a trans woman and post about my experiences at times. I previously focused on trans Marco and Tomco in SVTFOE and Lumity in The Owl House.
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I really think this British Tea Time Alarm thing on TikTok is going a bit too far now.
Like at first I found it a lil funny. Like you could reasonably assume that it is a joke and that there is no such thing as a British Tea Time Alarm. Like it was the odd account just trying to troll Americans into thinking at 3pm everyday we mandatorily as British citizens have to drink a cup of tea or face a fine. A bit funny, as any level of critical thinking will lead you to conclude it isn’t true.
Then Heathrow Airport puts a TikTok post with the Tea Time Alarm supposedly going off in the airport and a few other companies. Starting to get less funny now, as it starts to make it seem like it could potentially be a real thing but companies on social media can play into internet memes. But it does start getting harder to question even critically. You start questioning, “Wait! Is this really a thing?”
And today I come across the UK Government’s official TikTok and Citizens Advice (a charity in the UK that helps people with various things) and I’m officially thinking this has gone way too far. When even the Government is posting like this is a real thing it becomes increasingly hard to tell whether or not this is a joke or not.
We mock Americans for being ignorant of other countries but then when there are Americans actually trying to learn about other countries we troll them like this? It feels a tad unfair and over the top.
To be clear, there is no British Tea Time Alarm. The time of the alarm is kinda a give away as it is stated in the memes as being at 3pm. 3pm on Christmas Day is when the King’s Speech airs. Also NOT mandatory to watch, but would seem weird us placing an alarm that would interrupt the beginning of our Head of State’s speech every year. Especially given this is all meant to be about tradition.
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There is something I find interesting about Emperor Elagabalus. She supposedly offered large sums of money to any physician in the Roman Empire who could perform what we would now term today as gender reassignment surgery.
Apparently though, some historians take this assertion with a pinch of salt as Roman accounts of her were extremely biased against her. She wasn’t particularly well liked and was assassinated at the age of 18. Her rule lasted 4 years. But it is believed there were a lot of things made up about her in an attempt to defame her image in history.
Here’s the thing though. She ruled from 218-222AD. Gender reassignment surgery very definitely wasn’t a thing at that point in history and given the easier far more believable ways to defame her character. In my mind, it feels so far out there for the time that I feel it has to be true.
Just my random thoughts about a trans woman who lived 1800 years ago.
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Just the two of us

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Jennifer Diaz
Hey everyone,
So I just gave the episode “Trickstar” a rewatch. This episode is where the theory that Marco Diaz’s preferred name is Jennifer, as Preston addresses Marco as Jennifer in this episode.
Preston Change-O is revealed to be a joy sucker in this episode. He performs magic shows, creating joy in others so he can harvest it. My thought is what if Preston has a sense of what causes people joy, so when he called Marco by the name Jennifer, he did so having the sense this would cause Marco to experience joy. He then performed the magic trick increasing Marco’s joy further before harvesting. Potentially getting both joy from Marco’s gender euphoria of being addressed as Jennifer and the joy from the magic trick.
Not a massively in depth theory, but I thought it might be interesting. Enjoy.
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As old as this maybe. I have a new theory regarding the name Jennifer from this episode. I’ll need to rewatch the episode but I’ll post later today 😊
Thank you for the person who liked this today for putting it in my mind. It only works if I’m remembering the episode correctly though.
if you believe Marco would still be Marco, where did Jennifer Diaz came from? /gen, I don't know much of the trans Marco hc
In the episode “Trickstar”, Preston Change-O calls Marco by the name Jennifer. Given Preston was revealed to be in possession of Marco’s wallet I wondered if there may have been something in there that suggested Marco went by the name Jennifer.
As I pointed out, canonically Marco has only ever been called Marco, Jennifer or Margo in regards to the trans Marco theory. I mean, I guess you can count Princess Turdina but I don’t feel that one is the best name to go with seen as it comes from Pony Head calling them Earth Turd.
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This is so cool. I didn’t pick up on ANY of that when I watched it.
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There will be another season. I know it! I will die on this hill!
My prediction is still 2033 though.
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Yesterday, I realised how well my laser hair removal is going after only two sessions and got hit by a massive wave of gender euphoria. Long story short, I felt really cute.

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I really bloody hate that I can’t walk alone at night and feel safe.
Since I got mugged back in 2017, when walking alone at night I have to be on the phone with someone. That really shook me up and it has stuck with me, especially the fact it happened right outside my home.
There are certain places I have felt safe-ish at night though. Like while in Leeds or Manchester centre where even late at night there are crowds. My logic being while there are crowds no one will try anything.
Tonight, while heading home from a quiz night in Leeds though, a lad lunged at me. He clearly wasn’t trying to cause me physical harm but to simply scare me for his and his mate’s amusement.
He succeeded and he did it next to a crowded bus stop. I thought I was in a place I could feel safe but instead, I spent the rest of my journey back to the train station shook up and on edge. Not just that I was in a haze of anxiety.
All because a guy wanted to look big and tough in front of his friend and finds it fucking funny to intimidate random people in the fucking street.
No one should have to feel unsafe at night or at any point in the day for that matter. Least of all for the amusement of others. And I’m sure no one here partakes in the behaviour of these two assholes, so I guess I’m preaching to the choir.
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My top ten most listened to songs for 2024. Makes sense as I can’t resist putting these songs on loop once they come on 😂 Especially “Is It Over Now?”, I think I’ve had that on loop for the past week 😂
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So a friend of mine from high school came out as trans this year and she put up a post about her journey for Trans Awareness Week. She alluded to meeting a trans person for the first time while at high school and that the person always fascinated her and made her realise she was possible.
I messaged her after reading to say how proud of her and how happy for her I am. She then confirmed I was the trans person she was referring to back in school. Which I’m not overly surprised but I actually cried at her telling me how much I inspired her even if it did take her till recently to come out.
Like honestly, back then I don’t really think I did anything special. I was kinda too wrapped up in my own shit to notice that a friend of mine was also going through the same thing I was. But apparently, just me being out and merely existing was inspiration enough. I hadn’t even begun really transitioning at the time, I was just out but I’m glad I could help someone. Even if it was just by simply being out.
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Just had my second laser session and damn! Did it test my pain tolerance! 😭
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Disney banned an episode of Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur called "The Gatekeeper," because of the current political climate in the US. So the episode is about Lunella's friend Brooklyn being targeted by the coach of a rival volleyball team, Greer, who found out she was trans and tried to stop her from playing. She even goes as far as to trap Brooklyn, Lunella and the others in the locker room, and will only let them out if they follow her "rules."
Brooklyn: "I'm trans, my very existence breaks Greer's rules, which means, as long as I'm a member of this team...we'll never escape..."
And they break out of the room specifically by breaking the rules. There's also an awesome video game-like scene where the team fights a monster-like version of Greer by throwing volleyballs at her, with streaks colored like the trans flag.
Brooklyn: "It doesn't matter how many doors people like you slam in my face. With my fight, plus my crew backing me up, I'm always gonna find my way out."
This episode is EXACTLY what trans kids need right now, but no, Disney was too spineless to air the episode. They can claim for the 69420th time that XYZ is their first gay character, they can sell rainbow Mickey Mouse pins, they can put up pride month collections on Disney+, but it's clear that they only "support" the LGBTQ+ community when it's profitable for them.
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Hey Party People! I had my last account terminated so this is my new one! While I'm pretty bummed to lose a 15+ year account, at least I was able to save most of the art across my alts!
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Safety Queen of Hell
So @glimmerchune’s accidentally deleted their old blog. They ran the sideblog @safetyqueenofhell which for now is still up, but because this is a side blog they no longer have access.
They are going to be trying to archive as much of the blog as possible and some old art from other alts on their new blog.
Glimmer posts some amazing content and I really do advise giving them a follow. They were one of the reasons I got so into trans Marco and especially, the ship Tomco. Their blog @safetyqueenofhell made me fall in love with Marco and Tom as a ship.
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