#preston change o
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jenniferdiazisatransgirl · 3 months ago
Jennifer Diaz
Hey everyone,
So I just gave the episode “Trickstar” a rewatch. This episode is where the theory that Marco Diaz’s preferred name is Jennifer, as Preston addresses Marco as Jennifer in this episode.
Preston Change-O is revealed to be a joy sucker in this episode. He performs magic shows, creating joy in others so he can harvest it. My thought is what if Preston has a sense of what causes people joy, so when he called Marco by the name Jennifer, he did so having the sense this would cause Marco to experience joy. He then performed the magic trick increasing Marco’s joy further before harvesting. Potentially getting both joy from Marco’s gender euphoria of being addressed as Jennifer and the joy from the magic trick.
Not a massively in depth theory, but I thought it might be interesting. Enjoy.
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artsy-hobbitses · 1 month ago
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One of the images that would not leave my head is that of Prowl coming face to face with the man he once was, which happens during TTB's Functionist! AU arc and becomes a narrative testament to the growth he's gone through as a person inside, as opposed to the shiny, chrome outer growth of P7031 who sees him as a glitch that has to be eradicated. So they go Highlander on each other because THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE As an additional treat, a short fic under the cut!
Preston Wan Peirong - Prowl
Jace Zayden - Functionist!AU Jazz
Benjamin ‘Ben’ Bane - Functionist AU Bumblebee
Hanley Riordan - HotRod
Hale Donovan - Hound
Stefan Scavarro - Starscream
Spencer Rao Shouren - Springer 
Breaking into Sentinel Prime’s base was a deathwish back in his own universe, and it was no different here, Preston Wan mused to himself as he slipped out of the shadows during the five minute window — just as he’d predicted — where the guards at the outpost were scheduled to change shifts before beckoning the rest of the ground crew to follow in his stead. 
The first line of defense cleared, they silently made their way towards the heart of the self-proclaimed dictator’s operations, breaths hitching in unison every time a guard passed a hair’s breadth away from them.
The base schematics Jace Zayden had managed to hack into and download through one of the contractors’ stolen biometrics data revealed a network of utility corridors which saw little use from the guardsmen — minute cracks in the citadel’s defenses they could capitalize on. 
“How close are we to the laboratories?” Jace inquired under his breath as behind him, Benjamin Bane surreptitiously peeked at the hologram of a map emitted from a prosthetic hand. 
“There’s a turn 500m ahead—we gotta take a right from there,” the youngest member of the team murmured, frowning slightly before adding: ��You really think that’s where we’ll find them?”
“If what we know about the Matrix is true and Stefan’s communications with us are found out — and I’m sure they have been — then yes,” Preston said with a nod as they moved deeper into enemy territory. “The Quintessons ate those of us they couldn’t use—with greed rivaling theirs, I don’t believe Sentinel would waste a warm body on a grave over a weapon. Ours included.”
Jace winced. 
“A ‘We got this team, let’s not get caught’ would have sufficed.” 
“Pep talks are your specialty,” Preston reminded the rebellion leader with a raised eyebrow. “Facts are mine.” 
“Like you keep proving with every sentence, my man,” Jace responded with a resigned sigh as they were halfway to the turn, when he suddenly came to a dead halt. 
The raised hackles, the snarl, Preston knew what it meant even before he caught the faintest sound of gravel crunching underneath metallic soles approaching them. 
“It’s him,” came the low growl from the shambling mass of fur and muscle that was Hale Donovan, who suddenly loomed over them protectively. 
“Hey, it’s five on one tin man this time, and between the lot o’ us, I like those odds,” Hanley Riordan pointed out, taking on a defensive stance, and immediately Preston could feel a migraine coming along at the risk of the plan derailing entirely. 
“Listen to me. Any changes to the plan at this stage, and we risk losing both Starscream and the Matrix,” he said sternly as he held out an arm to bar the rest of the group from engaging with their pursuer.  “Keep the pace. I’ll stall him.” 
Ben and Hanley both opened their mouths to protest, though Jace’s voice cut through the tension first. 
“We’re not leaving you to get smoked out here!” 
“Don’t be dramatic, I have no intention of disobeying a direct order by dying out here,” came Preston’s brisk assurance with a wry, fleeting grin as the pistols hooked to his belt hummed to life. 
“An order from whom?!” Jace snapped, his grip on the Autobot chief strategist 's shoulder tightening as the heavy footfalls echoed closer to them. 
There was a pause as Preston clutched the grips of his firearms, stoic features softening with tender solemnity. Home. He’d been ordered to complete the mission and come home. Home to Spencer, who needed him more than ever now. Home to—
Jace blinked and took a second to compute an order that seemingly never passed his lips; the thought was about as absurd as the idea of two Prestons inhabiting the same universe; One a hated nemesis, the other a fledgling friend. 
“... Aight. Holding you to my order, Prowler,” said the rebellion leader firmly as he thumped the ex-cop’s chestplate twice with the side of his fist in a brotherly manner, gaze dripping with loathing for the figure that strode purposefully out of the shadows. “Go full Highlander on his ass.” 
With a sharp flick of the hand, Jace led the rest of the crew and made a dash for the laboratory block, while Preston positioned himself to block any access to their path. 
The figure, all sleek steel and titanium save for a face that he imagined was as devoid of warmth as his was from years ago, stopped nine feet away from him.
“I’m under directives from the Prime to take all of you in for questioning,” P7031 said emotionlessly, cocking his fist to activate a firing gauntlet. 
“Affirmative. I’m under my own to see to it that you don’t, and my captain’s to ensure I survive this encounter,” Preston responded in kind as he whipped out his pistols. 
P7031’s blank slate of a face suddenly rippled with something that looked like it could have been pompous scorn. 
“Strong words for a glitch. And what exactly do you imagine you can do against a better version of youself in every conceivable way?”
There was a second’s pause as Preston thought back to the man he once was a lifetime ago, a perfect cog in the machinery he was told kept the peace for the good of the many. He’d been taught to view deviation from his purpose and the system as something that had to be fixed—a glitch, as P7031 had so eloquently put it. But if it was one thing his time with the Autobots, with Jace had taught him, it was that he was more than his purpose, more than his past, and more than the copy of The Art Of War which those who shared the barcode on his neck were ordered to memorize word for word from the moment their small hands were steady enough to hold a weapon. 
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bisexualiteaa · 11 months ago
would it be alright if you were to write a fluff(maybe smut?) hancock x reader who has adhd who's just overwhelmed with quests and doesn't know which one to do first? Lol please and thank you:)
Of the People, For the People
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John Hancock x ADHD!GN Reader (FLUFF!!)
CW: reader struggles with their ADHD, John thinks it’s cute, cursing, guilt, restlessness, slight OOC Hancock, slight suggestive themes towards the end, fluff, possible grammatical/spelling errors, briefly proof read
AN: as someone with ADHD this ask actually really hit home. It was half the reason why I could never start games like Fallout and Skyrim in the first place was because there are so many things you can do, the idea alone was overwhelming to me because I knew it’s start and never finish just about everything pushed my way. Then the TV series came o it and all that changed upon the simple acquirement of a hyperfixation on the ghoul and thus my love for fallout was born! 😂 I am still rather new to Fallout games, lore and such so please be gentle if I have gotten anything wrong, I’m still doing my best at learning everything I can to write these well and properly! But I hope I did your ask some justice with this Anon! Hope you all enjoy some more love for our Mayor Hancock. 🥰
Tag-list: @expirednukacola
“Ugh, there’s just too much to doooo” you whined as you plopped down onto his bed in the state house, exhausted and sore all over from setting up not one, not two, but three whole settlements in one day. Of course it wouldn’t be a day out in the commonwealth if you hadn’t run into monstrosities along the way or people along the way to other settlements who needed other things from you. For instance, there was someone who needed saved from thinking they were a synth and returned to their parents, other people who needed help getting their settlements started, people who needed you to kill some super mutants, people who needed you to eliminate some feral ghouls some place else, and after that you couldn’t even remember if you tried. Thank goodness for your Pip-Boy keeping track of these things or else you feared you’d never remember it all. There was just so much that others, especially Preston, were asking of you to do out here that it was beginning to become just a bit too overwhelming to take on all at once. You loved that you could be help for people, so unfortunately you never really paid your own wellbeing any mind until now that it was at such a detriment you could hardly even think straight, much less accurately hit a target or properly even speak to someone without sounding like intelligence was your dump stat. You wanted ever so badly to be that light for people who had seemed to lose hope because it’s what you would want others to do for you if you were in need. You lived and breathed by that golden rule taught to you so long ago. Come to think of it, the only person who you’d done everything for last that you could remember was Hancock, which was actually how you two ended up together.
“Being commander of the Minutemen will do that to ya, sunshine” Hancock teased, leaning against the door frame as he looked at you, tiredly splayed out on his bed in amusement, finding it funny that the commander of such a large militia could be so…well, you. Anyone else would likely be overwhelmed with power to the point of paranoia, or the opposite and let it go to their head and break them of the person they once were, but you were still yourself through everything. He admired the way you wanted to help people, the way you helped the poor and needy in the ways he wished the rich would do, but he could tell it was taking a clear toll on your wellbeing in doing so. He genuinely couldn’t remember the last time you told someone no, or that you flat out just couldn’t help them because he could see that look in your eyes when someone asked you for help. He saw the sympathy, the pain, saw the way you felt so bad knowing that if you didn’t, they likely wouldn’t make it out in the harsh world of the commonwealth. His heart ached for you in that sense, because he remembers a time when he wanted to help everyone in his town that he could, any way he could, hell it was the whole reason he became the mayor of Goodneighbor in the first place. But just like you, he needed someone to make him realize that you can’t do everything, some things just have to play out and fix themselves on their own. “But I think you need to take a break from it for a day or two, give yourself a chance to recoup. You’re working’ yourself to death and I’m startin’ to get worried” he added, walking into the room to join you and he watched you sit up, looking completely defeated and worried at the idea of not helping others or running things for just a day, let alone two but also at the fact that now he was concerned for you. “But they need me, John. If I don’t help them…what would become of them? What kind of leader would I be to just leave them in shambles? I can’t live with the idea of lives lost because of me…” you said with a guilty tone, clearly torn between the idea of helping yourself or helping others, and the sweet innocence of your good natured personality made him smile softly as he closed the door behind him and sat down next to you on his bed.
“Even heros need a vacation, love. Helping people who won’t make it is wonderful, it’s one of the many things I love about you. But people can just as easily be hurt when they’re guided in the wrong direction because the person directing them isn’t taking care of themselves the way they need to. A good leader needs strength sure, but that strength depletes and needs replenished every now and again, and that’s okay” he said, grabbing your hand in his, squeezing it in the hopes to offer you some level of comfort to assure you his words meant no harm, he simply just wanted you to look out for yourself as much as you looked out for others around you. He knew it got through to you when he heard you exhale an audible deep breath you’d been holding in for so long. “I guess, I just…I don’t know. It feels extra difficult for me because I can never stay focused on just one thing. I get started on one project, then someone comes along and I get so side tracked trying to help them that I forget all about where I started! I probably have twenty of these damn missions at least half started before I dropped them for something else entirely. It’s so frustrating and overwhelming because then they all start to pile up, and then I don’t know where to start!” you explained, making him laugh. Who would have ever guessed his big, fearless commander of the Minutemen, partner was easily sidetracked by their ADHD. But he wouldn’t want you any other way. “Yet you completed everything I asked of you with no issue” he pointed out with a smug grin, making you blush at the realization that he noticed that. “Well…yeah. I did it because I liked you and wanted to get closer to you. I was fixated on it because I wanted it to better my chances of being with you, so to me it wasn’t work. It was just doing something that you, someone I care for, asked me to do, so I did it” you admitted bashfully, making him smile at the wholesome reason you gave him. “That’s so fucking cute” Hancock replied as he put his arm around you, pulling you into his side, making you blush even more before covering your face with your hands. “It’s cute until you realize I killed someone for you” you quipped with a grin once you’d moved your hands away to look at him, making him chuckle at your reply. “Made it even” he joked, referring to when Finn tried to haggle you when you first showed up to Goodneighbor. “Fair enough” you responded as you chuckled, but he could still tell that you hadn’t fully come around to the idea yet, something still had its hold on you but at least you started to open up to the idea.
“C’mon, let’s just take the next couple of days to relax. The settlements will be fine, they run pretty well on their own, I’m sure they can survive a day or two without you. Maybe Nick or Codsworth can run ship while you take the time to yourself” he said, making you lean your head against his shoulder as you contemplated it. “Poor Codsworth, I wouldn’t do that to him. He tended to my house for two hundred years despite the absolute state of decay it was in from the explosions, thinking the family would come back any day and it drove him nearly mad. I could only imagine what running settlements would do to him” you said, making him chuckle. “Okay then how ‘bout Nick? He’s traveled with you long enough, he’s a smart guy, I’m sure he could handle it. I’m sure he’d more than understand that you need some time to yourself to get back that good ol’ fighting spirit” he added. “You think so?” You asked skeptically, making him sling his arm around your waist to hold you close and help ease your nerves the best he could. It was times like these that you wished you had the confidence and aloof attitude Hancock had about just about everything. “I know so. Think about it, you set them up, taught them what they know, they already manage pretty well on their own, they got this! Just lay back and relax for a change!” he said, easing your nerves just a little bit more at the idea. For someone who never wanted a leader to be too comfortable, he really wanted you to be, it was strange yet heart warming to see how much he cared about you and wanted to make sure you were taking care of yourself. So you finally gave in, maybe a couple of days to relax and do what you wanted to do didn’t sound bad after all. Maybe you could enjoy a couple of drinks one night, or hell, maybe enjoy just sleeping in a bed two nights in a row for a change, give your body a rest from sleeping on the cold hard ground in a sleeping bag. And not have to worry about all the things floating around in your mind that need done. That sounded like heaven to you once you convinced yourself with Hancock’s help that it could really be useful. “Okay, but if I do, I can’t just lay in bed all day. I literally can’t, I’ll go crazy” you said, making him laugh, knowing the way you can’t sit still for more than a few minutes at a time just on the regular while you’re on the go. “We don’t have to, these couple of days are for what you wanna do sunshine. Though I wouldn’t mind it of course if we spent all of it in bed, but staying in bed all day doesn’t necessarily mean *just* sleeping, ya know” he said, his voice slipping into that characteristic deep, gravelly suggestive tone with a mischievous grin painting his thin, irradiated lips as he pulled you into his side, making you laugh. “John!” You said, seemingly flabbergasted at his reply, but truthfully you hadn’t expected anything less from him. “Oh you know I love it when you yell my name, keep doin’ it sunshine” he said flirtatiously with that ever recognizable smirk painted across his face as he crawled on top of you on the bed, littering your face and neck with kisses through a shared fit of laughter. Maybe a little break wouldn’t be so bad after all.
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tloaak · 1 year ago
today we lost the great Efeso Collins, during a charity event to raise funds for clean drinking water for children in the pacific. here is his incredible parliamentary maiden speech from just last week (transcript below). i encourage you to listen, and if you can, donate to childfund's water fund here
Tēnā koe, Mr Speaker. Mai i ngā hau o Ōtāhuhu-nui-a-Rangi, o Maungarei, o Motukaroa; mai i ngā awa o Hikuwaru, o Tāmaki e rere ki te Waitematā, kei te Mānukanuka-o-Hoturoa, ko Kaiwhare, ko Taramainuku kua tau, kua tau ki ngā whenua o Ngāti Toa Rangatira, o Taranaki Whānui ki Te Ūpoko o Te Ika. Tēnā anō tatou.
[From the winds of Ōtāhuhu, of Mount Wellington, of Hamlin's Hill; from the rivers of Hikuwaru, of Tāmaki flowing to the Waitematā, to the Mānukau Harbour; Kaiwhare and Taramainuku have arrived, have arrived to the lands of Ngāti Toa Rangatira, of Taranaki Whānui in the Wellington region. Greetings to us all.]
E fakatālofa atu ki te māmālu o koutou na tamāna ma na mātua, vena foki na uho ma tuafāfine kua mafai ke fakatahi i te po nei. Vikia te Atua ko tātou kua mafai ke fakatahi venei. Mālo ma fakafetai.
Fai mai ina ua teʻi ae Iakopo i le mea sa moe ai, ona ia fai ane lea, e moni lava e i ai Ieova i le mea nei. E moni lava e i ai Ieova i le mea nei. Faafetai le Atua aua e le faaitiitia lou viiga. Ua ifo i ati malie tuʻumoega o le taeao le sa tafa i vanu tafaoga o manu sisina, ae sa faalepa le au pea, sa fili ma le manoa le fetu taʻimatagi, ae sei faalaolao le puli matagi aua ua nofoia vao tutuʻi i le malumalu ma nuʻu malumau o le maota.
Ou te le fagota la i le sao aua ua uma ona fili le utu ma uu le vao fofou. Fai mai le matematega nai tumua, ua pei o se iʻa e moemauga o le atuolo, o foliga matagofie ia ma le maualuga, maualuga lava o lenei aso aisea, ae a lea ua malutaueʻe le tiʻa sa maluʻia, ua tapu lalaga foʻi le vaʻa o le Tuimanʻua mamana ua atoa laʻau i fogaʻa.
Faafetai le Atua le Tama, le Alo ma le Agaga Sa, aua sa tu i Fagalilo tapaau o le alataua, ae sa matemate foʻi aiga sa Tagaloa pe tua ma ni a lenei aso. Ae faafetai i le Atua, aua ua tepa i ula, tagaʻi i ula, foʻi atu lou viiga e faavavau. Faafetai i le tapuaʻiga a oʻu matua ma oʻu aiga, faafetai tele i matua o si oʻu toʻalua ma ona aiga, i le latou lagolago aemaise talosaga molia. Faafetai i uo ma e masani, aemaise o le paʻia o le aufaigaluega totofi a le Atua, i soʻo se fata faitaulaga—Faafetai tatalo. Ae faapitoaugafa saʻu faafetai i si oʻu toalua Finevasa Fia aemaise si aʻu fanau pele Tapuiela ma Asalemo faafetai tatalo, malo le onosaʻi. Ae tapuaʻi maia ma le manuia.
Mr Speaker, it is an indescribable feeling to stand up and address this House. As a son of Samoan immigrants who made the mighty Ōtara 274—Southside hard—their home, I am well aware of the giants whose shoulders I stand on and the masters whose feet I learnt at. The courage, foresight, entrepreneurial spirit, and hope of our ancestors who journeyed thousands of years ago through the vast waters of Te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa brings me here today.
My parents arrived in New Zealand in the early 1960s, told that this was the land of milk and honey. Dad started off as a taxi driver with South Auckland Taxis, and mum on the factory floor at New Zealand Forest Products in Penrose. We lived in a four-bedroom State house on Preston Road in Ōtara, and I attended local schools: East Tāmaki Primary, Ferguson Intermediate, and the great Tangaroa College. We're forever grateful for the State house that was our home for around 20 years, and the quality public education we received from our local State schools.
I did try my hand for a short period at a decile 10 school outside of Ōtara, but that experiment lasted only two weeks. It was during the time in the late 1980s, when families from poorer areas were being discouraged from going to local schools because they weren't considered up to scratch. I'm glad we changed course and decided to high school it in Ōtara, where the motto of our school was "Waiho i te tokā tu Moana"—"Steadfast like a rock in the sea".
Later, at university, I went on to write my Master's dissertation on brown flight, critiquing the Picot reforms that have wreaked havoc on our public schooling system. That period was also a challenging time for my family because we were being told by our teachers to stop speaking Samoan at home and only to speak English. My parents didn't want us to fail at school, so we were allowed to speak English at home and over time we stopped speaking Samoan altogether. In the end, I lost my language. I struggled, I was embarrassed, and I felt incomplete. Even speaking to you in Samoan this evening gives me major tremors.
There's a saying in Samoan: "E le tu fa'amauga se tagata"—no one stands alone, no one succeeds alone—and, for me, no one suffers alone. Over the past years, with the support of my family and friends, I've taken to trying to converse again in Samoan, reading more texts in Samoan, praying in Samoan, and sending our youngest to a local Samoan early childhood centre. Our beautiful language, Gagana Samoa, has returned to our home and is helping to overcome the inadequacy that had taken root in my soul.
As I speak this evening, I'm mindful of the many young people who are navigating these at times treacherous and unsettled waters in life, filled with so much potential, energy, and hope, yet too often misunderstood. In my time as a youth worker in South Auckland, I've spoken with hundreds of young people with massive dreams for the future. We need youth workers, we need social workers, and we need mentors to walk alongside our young people, and, yes, we want our youth to be responsible and caring and considerate. So it's our job in this House to resource the people and organisations who will model the behaviour to them that we expect, but who also won't give up on them and won't come with a saviour mentality.
Many of our societal challenges are driven by poverty. We can achieve greater social cohesion and lift our sense of belonging by addressing poverty. I've been honoured to run youth mentoring programmes for nearly 25 years—that's about how old I am—and to this day I mentor young people. When we undertook and published research on youth gangs some years ago, the youth we spoke to had the solutions and just needed the means to make it happen. Too many of our young people are filling our prisons, and it is wasted human potential. Give them the tools, the resources, and the means to make a meaningful contribution to the world, and they will. I was at a conference recently about the threats to democracy and an attendee spoke about their work in developing nations and used the familiar retort, "You can't eat democracy." And I couldn't agree more. This House, this centre of democracy, needs to do more to engage our people, all of our people, so that they can see this House is not just relevant but an essential part of their lives.
The greatest challenge facing our generation is climate change. The Pacific Islands nations are among the most vulnerable to climate change in the world. The world's continued reliance on fossil fuels, loss of coral reefs, rising sea levels, and increasing severe weather patterns means that our extended whānau in the Pacific are in immediate danger. We, as a collective, must do all we can to do as we say out south "flip the script". Truth is, those who've done the least to create this predicament are being the hardest hit. Our challenges, whether ecological, geopolitical, or cultural, are diverse, but we're bonded by the inextricable ties we have to our lands and our oceans. We've inherited philosophies, knowledge systems, and profound ecological wisdom that holds the answers and drives our collective resilience—from West Papua to Hawai'i. Our fight for a climate resilient, nuclear-free and independent Pacific remains as strong as ever. We are not drowning; we are fighting.
I haven't come to Parliament to learn—learning happens as a matter of course through reflection. I've come to this House to help. Helping is a deliberate act. I'm here to help this Government govern for all of New Zealand, and I'm here to open the door, enabling our communities to connect better with this House. During the election campaign, I spoke to people frustrated about their lot in life, scared for their and their children's futures, and feeling their dreams were slipping away. The people I spoke to expect the Government to do more and move faster. And I know that there are some in this House who believe Government is not the answer to these challenges and that less Government is better. But here's the thing: the Government cannot be a bystander to people suffering confusion and disenfranchisement. New Zealand must close the divide between those who have and those who have not, because the reality for my community is that those who have more money often wield more power, more health, more housing, more justice, more access, more canopy cover, more lobbyists with swipe cards, and more time. And the opposite is true for those who have fewer resources.
It's hard to be poor, it's expensive to be poor, and moreover, public discourse is making it socially unacceptable to be poor. Whether it's bashing on beneficiaries, dragging our feet towards a living wage, throwing shade on school breakfast programmes, or restricting people's ability to collectively bargain for fairer working conditions, we must do better to lift aspirations and the lived realities of all our people. To that end, I want to say to this House with complete surety that the neoliberal experiment of the 1980s has failed. The economics of creating unemployment to manage inflation is farcical when domestic inflation in New Zealand has been driven by big corporates making excessive profits. It's time to draw a line in the sand, and alongside my colleagues here in Te Pāti Kākāriki, we've come as the pallbearers of neoliberalism, to bury these shallow, insufferable ideas once and for all. And this, sir, is our act of love.
Paolo Freire, in his seminal work Pedagogy of the Oppressed, said love is an act of courage, not fear; love is a commitment to others. No matter where the oppressed are found, the act of love is a commitment to their cause, the cause of liberation. The most recent election campaign left many in our Māori communities bruised and targeted for the perceived privileges supposedly bestowed upon them. Shared governance is a rich concept about how we include those who've been excluded for far too long in the work of this House and the democratic institutions that are fundamental to our collective wellbeing. We are Tangata Tiriti and we have nothing to fear. As a New Zealand-born Samoan living in South Auckland, I've experienced, written about, and spoken about racism in this country. I've also been on a well-publicised journey in understanding the needs and views of our rainbow communities, and I have a long way to go. And my message to whānau who often experience the sharp end of discrimination—disabled, ethnic, rainbow, brown, seniors, and neurodiverse—is thank you for trusting us with the responsibility of facilitating a new discussion on how we move forward together and make possible what was once deemed impossible.
The American civil rights activist James Baldwin said, "Not everything that is faced can be changed, but nothing can be changed until it is faced." We commit to working across this House as a nation and with each other irrespective of our post code, income bracket, skin colour, or level of qualification attained. But, in order for that work, we must come with humility, the desire to listen, and dare I say it, maybe speaking last. If I was to inspire anyone by getting to this House and my work over the next three years, I hope that it's the square pegs, the misfits, the forgotten, the unloved, the invisible—it's the dreamers who want more, expect more, are impatient for change, and have this uncanny ability to stretch us further.
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yahoo201027 · 5 months ago
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October 23: Happy 65th Birthday to Voice Actor and Musician “Weird Al” Yankovic, who provided the voices of the characters of Milo Murphy on Milo Murphy’s Law, Banana Man on Adventure Time, Probabilitor on the Gravity Falls episode “Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons”, and Preston Change-O on the Star vs The Forces of Evil episode “Trickstar” (2017).
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imagine-silk · 2 years ago
Thank you for doing my Courser Request! Can you do the same with the Yandere Males, with a darling Courser that tried to start a new life after the Institute was destroyed?
》I'm so fucking stupid. When I read this the first time I was like, "Who's Males?"
Fallout Yan!Dudes with a courser s/o who left the Institute
【Codsworth】 "Well, dare I say I'm pleased you won't leave me due to age." As a yandere he won't do things outright, mostly just keeping you to himself. And the promise you both won't die is more that tasteful in his eyes.
【Danse】 "I..." He doesn't know how to react or how he feels. Everything seems to be gray rather black and white and this is muddy. So he just crawls into your arms.
【Deacon】 "I know." He did not. Synths are his speacialty so you will feel okay in his hands. He's helped people like you before so you should stay with him.
【Hancock】 "Look at us, a couple of freaks." He takes the chance to alienate you from others. No one will understand you like he does or love you as much as his neverending heart does. It's not overt but it's implied.
【MacCready】 "No wonder you're built like a truck." It makes sense. But now he starts looking into how to incapacitate synths. He's always just killed them but now the thought of having you locked up at his mercy is too sweet to resist.
【Nick】 "You won't get away from me that easy." He is joking as far as you know. It is the truth, now he knows you're going to stay with him until you're both covered in rust, in each other's arms.
【Preston】 "This won't change anything between us." He holds you close and dances into a soft sway. Every sweet nothing whispered in your ear is true. He loves you and nothing will change that. He always makes sure nothing will change your love.
【X6】 "I know." He did know. You worked with him before and a change of clothes and hair isn't enough to move his gaze from recognition. But why turn you in when he can keep you to himself, especially after the Institute is gone.
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amberbeach · 8 months ago
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gif belongs to me
You were close by when Venoma fired her arrow toward the Blue Ranger, and Preston knocked the arrow away with his blade as students fled the school grounds. He heard your friends call your name and turned to see you on the ground, an arrow in your chest before it disintegrated.
Before he could take a single step toward you, Venoma attacked him, and he deflected her strikes, chasing after her when she fled a few minutes later. He removed his suit as he returned to the school and approached where you sat on the grass, rubbing your chest.
"I saw what happened are you okay?"
You lifted your head and Preston caught a glimpse of the wide smile on your lips seconds before you leapt up, wrapping your arms around him. "I am now that you're here."
Preston glanced at your friends who were equally confused by your behavior, feeling heat creep up his neck as he smiled shyly. You had known each other a long time, often partnering up in classes, and on her first day Sarah had seen the way he looked at you and knew he had feelings for you, while you appeared oblivious.
"We should take you to the nurse." One of your friends spoke up, looking at your friend group who nodded in agreement.
Preston was counting the seconds that ticked by and you had yet to release him. After a minute and a half, you were still smiling up at him as if he hung the moon and the stars and he knew Venoma's arrow had an effect on you.
"Will you come with me? I don't want to be apart from you. It hurts too much."
Meeting the gazes of your friends, he put his hands on your arms and sent them a small smile.
"I'll take her." He began to walk and you took his hand, leaning into him as he led the way.
"I like your hair this way." You combed your fingers through his hair and Preston shied away, a frown forming on his lips at how you were acting. From what they had learned about Venoma and her arrows, the person hit with an arrow would fall hopelessly in love with her, but you were focused on him. And while he would love for this affectionate side of you any other day, he knew it was only caused by Venoma. "It's so neat yet fluffy."
Preston led you down the hallway and turned when you stopped following, seeing you smiling at him dreamily. You were a rational person, living by logic but the arrow had completely changed your personality.
"I feel fine. Let's go on a date!"
Preston held your gaze when you stepped closer, pouting as you leaned on your toes to match his height. Your eyes flickered to his lips and when you leaned in, his eyelashes fluttered before he snapped out of it, not wanting your first kiss to be when you were under the influence of a toxin, and put his hands on your arms as he moved away.
"After we go to the nurse." When you pouted, Preston decided to use the toxin to his advantage, "For me?"
You immediately smiled and took his hand. He sighed in relief as he led you down the hallway and you giggled when you realized he had taken a wrong turn.
"This isn't the nurse's office, silly."
Nevertheless, you were just happy to be with him, and Preston glanced down at you before opening the door to the base. Sarah was working at one of the tables and Mick was asking questions, both looking up when they heard your voice.
"Woah, this is so cool. I should take a picture." You stepped in front of Preston and he shook his head when you took out your cell phone.
"Something is seriously wrong." He looked at the two desperately and glanced at you while you admired the photo you had taken of him, making it your new lockscreen.
"What happened?" Sarah asked as she and Mick approached him.
"I was fighting Venoma, when she fired an arrow and it hit Y/N," Preston explained, looking at you with a concerned frown on his lips. "Instead of falling in love with her, she fell in love with me. She's under some kind of spell."
"A love spell." You said, drawing out the 'o' as you wrapped your arms around his waist.
Preston looked at Sarah whose eyebrows raised at your display of affection. She could see how upset he was, knowing you only felt this way due to the toxin in Venoma's arrow, and her heart clenched at the sight.
"Come on, I'll take a look." Sarah led the way and Preston followed, knowing it was the only you would cooperate.
You took a seat on the table and smiled at the Blue Ranger who stood rigidly. He knew that once the toxin wore off you would be back to normal, and he dreaded the aftermath when you avoided him. He had never worked up the courage to ask you out, and Sarah had encouraged him to several times but the Blue Ranger could never go through with it, fearing the rejection and not wanting to make things awkward between you both. He preferred to be just friends than to lose you completely.
You reached for him with a smile on your lips and the Blue Ranger held back the urge to move closer but when you pouted, his resolve broke and he stood next to you, letting you hold his hand.
You placed your palm against his, seeing the differences and Preston felt as if his pounding heart was being crushed, knowing that these feelings you had were only temporary.
"You know I'm trying to be mad at you." You spoke up.
"Why?" He asked, turning to meet your gaze.
"You're one of those Rangers I've seen on the news, and you never told me." You smiled softly when he opened his mouth to apologize, "It's okay. You're lucky that I find you so cute."
Preston looked at Sarah when she had collected enough data and explained that the effects were identical to what Brody was going through, but when his blade touched the arrow, it changed the object of the love spell.
"'Cause it's witchcraft." You sang, bursting into a fit of giggles as you leaned into Preston. "Sinatra? Witchcraft? Because of the spell?"
"And the only way to stop it is by destroying Venoma." Preston frowned deeply.
You hopped off the desk when he walked away and Preston turned, shaking his head.
"No, you need to stay here."
"I'm not letting you go alone."
"I can handle it."
"You don't have a plan!"
"Do you?"
You thought for a moment, before a small smile formed on your lips. "She fires arrows, right?" He nodded. "I have a plan. First we need to draw her out."
"I'll do it." Sarah stepped forward. "Go."
You grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the base. His brow furrowed when you led him to the stage, searching the costume box of the upcoming play and when you turned you held up metal armor that would protect his torso from any arrows.
"You know that if I do this, you won't love me anymore, right?"
You smiled as you handed him the armor, "I will."
Preston swallowed the lump in his throat as he blinked away the tears in his eyes. He took off his light blue button-up and put on the armor before putting it back on. You stepped forward to help with the buttons and knocked on his chest, hitting the armor.
"I can't convince you to stay here, can I?"
"You know me so well." You smiled, and for the first time, he returned it. He took your hand and you left the school, reaching Sarah who dodged Venoma's attacks.
You held his hand when he tried to pull away and when he turned, Preston closed his eyes when you kissed his cheek. "Be careful."
He sent you a nod before drawing Venoma's attention. You watched as the monster turned to him as he morphed. Sarah joined the fight and the two Rangers seemed to gain the upper hand before being knocked back.
Venoma fired an arrow and you held your breath when it landed in his chest. You didn't know if your plan would work, and you were starting to regret letting him go. Preston lost his suit and you watched as he got to his feet, declaring Venoma was his one true love. You felt your heart twist painfully in your chest as the two hugged. Preston stepped back, stealing the last love arrow she had, and using his sword to cut it in half.
"No! My last love arrow! Now my spell is broken!"
Preston watched as the pink arrow disintegrated with both relief and sadness in his eyes. Your eyes flashed pink as the spell broke and you looked around in confusion before remembering where you were. You felt your cheeks flush as you recalled your behavior.
"But you said my love arrow struck you!"
"Oh yeah," Preston opened his button-up revealing the armor that had a hole where the arrow landed. You sighed in relief when you realized he was okay, and that he had tricked the monster to destroy the last arrow. "I did say that. This is made of metal," He banged his blade against the metal armor, "your arrow never touched me." He dropped the armor and twirled his blade, resting it on his shoulder. "Sorry Venoma, you shouldn't believe everything you hear."
You leaned against the tree with a relieved sigh, a grin forming on your lips as Sarah joined his side. The two ducked when she fired her fighting arrows and you hid behind the tree as they exploded upon impact, looking over your shoulder to look for the two Rangers, obstructed by smoke.
"Y/N, run!"
Your eyes widened when you saw Venoma approaching you and ran through the woods next to the clearing. Venoma fired arrows and you halted in your steps when a tree snapped in half, blocking your path.
You gasped when the other Rangers appeared, blasting the monster backward. You felt hands pulling you to safety and lifted your head to meet his gaze through his helmet.
"You need to get out of here. Come on." He held your hand as he led you out of the woods, and you recognised the road you were on, turning to look at him when he moved away.
"Preston," You called, causing him to turn. "Be careful."
The Blue Ranger nodded, and you watched as the blue of his suit got further away. You took out your phone as you began to walk down the road, pausing when you saw the lock screen photo you had taken of him earlier. There was a heavy sadness in his eyes that you caught in the moment and a frown formed on your lips as you looked at the photo. You recalled the way he looked at you in the costume room, the sad smile on his lips as he told you that you wouldn't love him anymore if he broke the spell.
Was it possible he really didn't know how you felt?
School went back to normal the next day and you were determined to talk to Preston who had purposely eluded you all morning. But when you shared several classes he knew he would have to see you eventually. You met his gaze as he walked to sit a few chairs away and sent him a small smile that he returned.
When the class was over, you took your time putting your books into your backpack, watching as the class began to empty and the teacher left for lunch. Preston headed for the door and you caught up to him in the doorway.
"Can we talk?"
He halted in his steps, looking down as he nodded before entering the room, holding the strap of his backpack on his shoulder as he turned to meet your gaze.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm okay." You sent him a small smile. "I can't believe the costume worked."
"I didn't doubt that it would."
He returned your smile briefly and you sighed as you adjusted your backpack on your shoulder. "Look, I want to apologize -" You began.
Preston shook his head, "It was Venoma's arrow. I know it wasn't you."
"True, but that wasn't how I pictured telling you how I felt." You sighed as you stepped closer, holding his gaze. "The truth is, Preston, that I've liked you for a while now, but I was worried that I'd ruin our friendship if you didn't feel the same way." You shrugged your shoulder lightly, "I thought it was better not to say anything at all and stay friends."
"You did?" His head perked up as you nodded. "I did too."
"Really?" When Preston nodded, you smiled softly, "Would you like to go out sometime?"
"Yeah, I would." A smile formed on his lips, "This weekend?"
"It's a date." You closed the distance between you and kissed his cheek.
Preston turned when you walked to the door, looking back to meet his gaze. When you left the room his smile grew as he touched his cheek and he already had the perfect place in mind for your first date.
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olivia091108 · 1 year ago
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Summary:Sharing a hotel with bam
Word count :1412
Pairing:bam margera x reader
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Today has tired me out so fucking much. I had to do get up at 5:30 to get to set and do the safety meeting about all the stunts that were happening and then for my first stunt I got thrown onto my back in the tidal wave and Ryan did a stunt where we were on some lubed up tarp and played tug of war and whoever lost would fall face first into horse shit.I won but Ryan ended up tackling me and covering me in it.
I had a shower on set to get rid of the smell but of course as soon as I stepped out I got razed by Johnny which doesn’t feel great. I got to watch the other stunts though and now we’re driving to California for the rest of the film
I would of gotten some sleep on the coach we hired but firstly there was a guaranteed chance that I would get pranked and secondly I want a good night sleep in the hotel. I was first off the coach once I heard tremaine announce we are here.
I ran over to him and he started to announce the roommates I didn’t really have to listen since I’m the only girl I always get a room by myself but Jeff was going down his list
“Steve o with Chris. Dave and ehren wee your with Preston ” I watched them jealously getting to go to their rooms and sleep but once I heard my name I snatched the card and went and found my room immediately collapsing on the bed.
Also having to fight with myself to get up to do my teeth. I walk over to the window and shut the curtains so I don’t have to be worried about the others then I go into the bathroom and have another shower since we’ve been travelling for 7 hours I feel icky. I do my teeth and wash my face and hang up my towel and only just realising I didn’t have my pjamas in here.
I walk back into the room naked since it was just me and it didn’t really matter to find my pjs
Y/n raced off to her room and I wait for me and Ryan’s name but I just hear his. “Dunn with Knox” I was the only one left without a room
“Jeff what about me?”
“Oh this must be yours”he gives me the space card that he had and I take it and find the room i push in the key letting the door unlock and I see one bed meaning did the first time I don’t have to share a room with anyone and can actually get a good sleep for once.
When I walk back in I see bam sitting on my bed and I see him look at me and I realise I’m butt ass naked and quickly cover myself as much as I could
BAM WTF!? he throws me the comforter and you wrap it around my naked body and try to hide my embarrassment from one of my friends seeing me with no clothes. Sure he sees me in bikinis and maybe a couple times my tits but that’s for the movie he’s not supposed to see them when the cameras aren’t rolling.
Bam just stares at me looking dumbfounded and just as confused as me. “How did you even get in here?” I ask
“Tremaine said this was my room look”he shows me his key card and it’s the exact same as mine I grab my pjs and walk back into the bathroom to change into my little short bottoms and a tank top.
I walk back out and grab vans wrist and walk barefoot to Jeff’s room and start banging on the door not caring that it was past midnight. After a minute or two he opens the door with his hair all over the place and rubbing his eyes. I probably just woke him up and a bit of guilt washes over me before remembering why I was here
“Jeff we need another room you gave us the same one and it’s only got one bed.”
“Well the first desk is closed now so I’m sorry but your gonna have to share it’s only for one night.”
“Can’t he share with anyone no offence”I say turning back to bam and he just shakes his head
“No there’s no room.” I look at bam again and see the tiredness in his eyes and think what’s the worst that could happen he’s just seen me naked what’s the big deal about sharing a bed.
“Alright fine.” He closes the door on us and grab bams hand and pull him back to our now shared room and we both walk inside and he goes to the bathroom to change and I grab my face wash and wait for him to finish.
Once he’s done he sees me holding my face wash and skin care and he lightly chuckles at it. “What is all that shit?”
“Its face wash do you not wash your face or something?”
“No just with water in the shower”
“Ew your just as bad as Dunn”
I walk in to the bathroom and start to do my nighttime skincare and in the reflection of the morris i see bam staring at me and I beckon him over and start to use my skin care on him and help him wash his face.
He did complain a bit when it went on his eyes but I did tell him to keep them closed and while I finish rubbing in his moisturiser he stared at himself in the mirror and I walk out and put my stuff into my bag.
He walks back in rubbing his face. “It’s so soft” I laugh at him being a virgin to skincare which really I shouldn’t be surprised at if he’s friends with Ryan who probably showers once a week. He gets under the covers next to me and I turn off the bedside table lamp.
We’re both laying on our backs keeping to our sides as much as we can but it’s really uncomfortable and I won’t get a good sleep like this. “Bam we’re friends what wrong with sharing a bed for one night i know that I won’t be able to sleep like this so cmon” I scoot a bit closer to him and turn on my side to face him and he wriggles around till he’s comfy and he slips his arm under my head acting as a pillow. It doesn’t take long for either of us to be asleep.
Hearing banging on the door I get woken up from probably one of the best sleeps of my life then I remember that bams here and throughout the night I ended up laying on his chest and clinging to him like a koala and his arm wrapped round my waist keeping me from moving before I can even try to get myself out of his grip I see the door opening Jeff had an extra key card clearly.
I see lance walk in holding the camera to us and the rest of the boys coming in and teasing us. Bam ends up waking up from all their noise and quickly notices what happened and unwrapped his arms from me and sat up clearing his throat with flushed cheeks which the boys just made fun of even more.
“You two overslept we still have a 3 hour ride ahead of us so quick as you can”Jeff says before ushering everyone out the room.
I swung myslef so I was hanging off the bed and reached into my bag and pulled out my clothes for today and started to take off my shorts and slip my knickers on followed by my jeans
“Sleep well?”bam asks while also getting dressed “yeah I slept really well you were like my own personal pillow”
I removed my top and look for my bra which is hidden under bams clothes and without flashing him twice on 12 hours I ask him to pass it and he blushes a bit before handing it to the half nude girl infront of him.
“What first time seeing a girl Topless bam?” I tease.
“Oh please you should know that ain’t true”
After both being dressed we rush down to the coach and get ready to endure 3hours of the boys making jokes about me and bam at lest they don’t know he saw me naked.
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Remember my request are always open
Also I might start writing for Ryan Dunn sooner
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knoxslut · 2 years ago
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envy : johnny knoxville
💗warnings: jealous johnny, kind of rough smut, alcohol
💗summary: you and johnny had been best friends but one night he confesses something that changes ur relationship forever!!
💗a/n: I kind of hate this but it’s my first fic pls don’t bully me 🤙🤙
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Being a part of the jackass cast was the best job you could’ve asked for. You get to hang with your buddies all day for work, and at night you go to parties, bars, and clubs with them. Although it could be tough to deal with them sometimes, you could always handle it.
You had been best friends with bam and his family since you were young. You and the cKy crew grew up together. That’s how you eventually landed your spot in the jackass crew.
The moment you met the infamous Johnny Knoxville, something clicked. You two hit it off instantly, cracking each other up with jokes and stories. He was your best friend besides your cky buddies. Everyone would always tease you two about “how in love” you were, and you pretended to not care and be grossed out by it, even if you really did have a little crush on him. You knew he would never feel the same, so you tried your best to hide your feelings for him from everybody.
Work had run long into the night, and everyone decided to go out on the town together and meet up at some bar a little ways from set. You rushed home and put on a cute outfit that you hoped would spark attention.
Arriving at the bar, you saw bam, ryan, johnny, spike, and steveo sitting at a table in the back of the bar, sipping on beers, talking and laughing. You started walking over and they immediately put their eyes on you. “Y/n’s here!” Steve-o shouted. He stood up and hugged you with a firm, joking hit on the back. “Where’s everyone else?” You say. “They’re coming soon, probably fucking around on set still.” Bam says.
You can feel somebody’s eyes lingering on you. Johnny is staring at you, up and down, down and up, until he gets to your face. “Hey y/n. Sit down!” Johnny says, with his signature smile on his face, patting the seat next to him. You smile and sit as you see pontius, dave, ehren, wee-man, and preston walk into the bar.
After an hour or two, the bar is full and people are crowded on the dance floor. Everybody but johnny and spike are either getting more drinks, or dancing. You, steveo and pontius are on the dance floor, being stupid but having the time of your lives. “You look really pretty tonight,” pontius says to you. “Really? Thanks!” You say, genuinely complimented. Steve-o has found some girl to dance with, so you and pontius come to a silent agreement to be dance partners. You guys start dancing to whatever song is playing, holding hands. As the dancing progresses, you end up with your face pressed against his chest, arms wrapped around his waist, and his arms dangerously low on your back. You look over to johnny, who’s staring at you with an expression on his face you just can’t seem to figure out.
You and pontius are looking each other in the eyes, smiling and giggling together about something when you feel an arm grab you. You whip your head around ready to punch someone, but it’s Johnny. You were confused as to why he has grabbed you, but you smiled at him nonetheless. “Can I talk to you outside for a second? Sorry Pontius.” He says, sternly and quickly. He yanks you out of chris’s grip and pulls you out the back door of the bar, and faces you once you come out of the door.
You look at him with confusion. “What were you doing out there?” He says to you. You’re trying to look into his eyes to grasp any sense of emotion but you can’t because of his aviators. “Having fun, what are you talking about?” “I’m talking about the fact that you were letting Chris undress you with his eyes and then grope you on the dance floor!” You’re taken aback by his statement. “I let him undress me with his eyes and I let him grope me? What are you talking about? All we did was dance together! And plus even if he was doing all of that, why does it matter to you? It’s not like you’re my mom, who do you think you-“
Your statement gets cut off as johnny quickly comes down and kisses you passionately. You can taste the beer on his mouth and you can smell the cologne on him, and you loved it. He pulls away from the kiss, and looks you in the eyes. You’re too stunned to speak a word. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted to do that? Since the day we met. You were the most beautiful woman i had ever seen. I just couldnt stand watching you with him tonight, im so-“ you cut him off and connect your lips with his once more, cutting him off just as he did to you a few moments ago. You hold his face as he holds your waist.
You had never dreamed that this would ever happen. Hearing Johnny say he wanted you since the day you met set your body ablaze. There was a growing fire in you as the kiss got more and more needy. Johnny pulls away quickly and the air is filled with the sound of your guys’s light panting. “Can we take this back to my place?” He says. All you can do is nod, making him smile. You two race to get back to his place and as soon as you get inside, you’re slammed up against the door, and kissed roughly.
Johnny forces his tongue into your mouth as they start battling for dominance. He breaks away for air and then picks you up so your stomach is against his and your legs are wrapped around his waist, then he starts bringing you upstairs. You place your arms on his shoulders and start trailing kisses from his jaw to his semi-exposed collarbone. You nip and leave lovebites all over the left side of his neck. You’re dropped onto his bed and he’s immediately over you, dark brown eyes burning into yours.
He brings his head next to yours so he can whisper in your ear, and puts his hands where your waist meets your hips. “Since the day we’ve met, I’ve wanted to fuck you until you come apart on my cock and every hole you have is filled with my cum. Is that what you want?” every word he said sent a shock to your core and took your breath out of your lungs. You can only nod as a devilish grin spreads across his face.
He lifts your shirt off of you and unhooks your bra. He comes up and stares at your uncovered upper body in front of him. “God, you’re beautiful.” You smile at the praise as he dives in to your neck, kissing and nipping down your chest all the way to your pants, you moaning in a mix of pain and pleasure each time he bites. He skillfully unbuttons and unzips your jeans using his teeth, then rips your pants off with his hands.
He starts rubbing your clit through your panties. You whimper and cover your mouth trying to conceal the moans bursting out of you. With his other hand, Johnny pulls your hand off of your mouth. “Let me hear you. Let everyone know who makes you feel good.” With his words, you start moaning freely and breathlessly saying his name. “Yeah, you like that?” He says with a sinister look in his eyes. You moan in response and squirm with his every movement.
He takes you by your hand and lifts you to stand up. “Now are you gonna use your words, or is your mouth only useful when it’s on my cock?” Yeah you probably could’ve spoken if you really tried, but you wanted the latter anyways. “Ok, fine.” He says and pushes you down to your knees. You start unbuckling his belt as fast as possible. His pants drop and he’s left with an obvious bulge in his boxers. You start palming at it and rubbing through the fabric. Each time he groans you squeeze your thighs tighter.
You hook your fingers in the waistband of his boxers and pull down, revealing his hard cock. You take it in your hand and swirl your tongue around the tip. Johnny puts his hand in your hair and grabs it, then starts lightly tugging at your hair each time you move your tongue. You quickly start taking more of him in, as much as you can each time. He starts moving your head up and down his cock, gently rocking his hips every time.
You start gagging on his cock each time it hits the back of your throat and tears start to prick at your eyes. Johnny is now completely controlling the movements, and you let him. Suddenly, he pulls you off. You’re pulled up and slammed back into the bed. Johnny pulls your underwear down, throwing it behind him with no regard for where they end up. He pulls his shirt off as quick as possible, and your eyes immediately land on his body. You reach to grab him but your hands are harshly pushed back into the bed. Johnny grabs your wrists, bringing them up over your head and holding them with one hand.
You gaze into his eyes, giving him a desperate look. He grabs his cock and runs it through your folds once before harshly shoving into you. Giving you no time to adjust, he starts at a rapid pace. The pain turns quickly into immense pleasure as you let out pornographic moans. “yeah. you like being fucked like the slut you are?” You only moan in response. “cant even respond. guess you’re only good at being fucked senseless, huh?”
your vision is blurry and you can barely hear, all of your focus on how good you feel. You can feel yourself getting closer to the edge, and you start clenching around Johnny. “shit doll, you keep doin that and I’m gonna-“ He interrupts himself with a moan. “oh shit, sweetheart I’m close.” He brings his hand that isn’t holding your hands to your neck, lightly squeezing. Your nails run against his back, hard and scratching, for sure gonna leave marks in the morning.
He brings his hands to your clit, rubbing fast circles, sending you over the edge. You clench around him before he throws his head back with a low, loud groan, spilling inside of you. your eyes roll to the back of your head in pure bliss. you look back at Johnny through half lidded eyes and you can see him staring at you with a smile on his face. “I wish you could see yourself, doll. you look like an angel.”
Your smile grows wide at his words and he comes down to give you a kiss. This one was different from the last ones. It was slow, gentle, and loving. He pulls away as you sit up on the bed. “I’ll be right back.” he runs out of the room and comes back in with new boxers on, a towel, and one of his old T-shirts. he hands you the shirt to put on as he wipes your core with the towel, grinning when he sees you shudder as the towel swipes through your sensitive folds.
he climbs into bed and pulls the two of you under the covers. you cuddle up to him and put your head on his chest. his arm comes around to hold you close and you feel his soft breath on your neck. you look up at him and smile. “I really like you, johnny.” he looks back at you with a goofy smile. “I really like you too.”
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jenniferdiazisatransgirl · 3 months ago
As old as this maybe. I have a new theory regarding the name Jennifer from this episode. I’ll need to rewatch the episode but I’ll post later today 😊
Thank you for the person who liked this today for putting it in my mind. It only works if I’m remembering the episode correctly though.
if you believe Marco would still be Marco, where did Jennifer Diaz came from? /gen, I don't know much of the trans Marco hc
In the episode “Trickstar”, Preston Change-O calls Marco by the name Jennifer. Given Preston was revealed to be in possession of Marco’s wallet I wondered if there may have been something in there that suggested Marco went by the name Jennifer.
As I pointed out, canonically Marco has only ever been called Marco, Jennifer or Margo in regards to the trans Marco theory. I mean, I guess you can count Princess Turdina but I don’t feel that one is the best name to go with seen as it comes from Pony Head calling them Earth Turd.
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ssyoi · 2 years ago
What hijinks would Pi-Nikki-o get into?
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Participating in preston's playz
Also i kinda changed the color palette cuz i didnt rly like the old one
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riggyandlucky-friendau · 8 months ago
To everyone else: how’s it feel being short?
(bro I'm short so Preston being tall is just me looking at my friends, this is a callout to me)
"That is correct, Though I can change my size, and I have a genuinely smaller Form."
"The smaller form I have is a bit closer in appearance to how I first looked, So when I was first created, and right before I Died." Preston shrugged, Not very surprised that somebody actually asked him about It 【5'3-7'0】
"The only ones you have to worry about asking that question to is Lucky, Rosie and Squeaker." Tokki chuckled as he looked at Them 【5'7】
"I don't really Care. Well.. Most of the time, It only gets annoying if people constantly mention It. Which normally doesn't happen, So-" Lucky picked Squeaker up into his Arms 【5'0】
"Yeahh, I'm literally the shortest.. At least in this form, I do also have a Shark form, but it isn't too much taller- That form would actually be the same height as Lucky, Though."
"Also, I don't really care for how short I Am if I am being Honest." Squeaker shrugged 【3'5-5'5】
"I don't mind being short, Though It does sometimes get tiring needing to look up at people who are taller than me.. It can start to make my neck Hurt." Rosey tilted her head and awkwardly Smiled 【4'11】
【OOC】 I am actually taller than Lucky, Rosey and Squeaker Irl
Which I think is pretty funny since I am actually a teenager while they're full grown Adults, Lmfao. But, Oh Well-
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beardedmrbean · 1 year ago
The Extinction Rebellion campaigners admitted using hammers and chisels to break windows at HSBC in Canary Wharf in the morning of 22 April 2021, but denied this was criminal conduct.
They were protesting against the bank's investments in coal and for facilitating other fossil fuel financing.
They wore patches with the words "better broken windows than broken promises" - a phrase coined by the Suffragettes - and put up stickers on the windows saying: "£80 billion into fossil fuels in the last 5 years."
According to the group, the jury made several requests for further information during the course of the trial, including for an explanation of the Paris Climate Agreement, information on what the British government had done to address the climate crisis and an explanation as to how HSBC was able to come up with the estimated cost of the damage to the windows - just over half a million pounds - within hours of the action.
The jury returned a not guilty verdict after two hours of deliberation.
The nine women - including 40-year-old Extinction Rebellion co-founder and sustainable fashion lecturer Clare Farrell - all denied criminal damage.
The other eight defendants were: Jessica Agar, 23, Holly (Blyth) Brentnall, 32, Valerie Brown, 71, Eleanor (Gully) Bujak, 30, Miriam Instone, 25, Tracey Mallaghan, 47, Susan Reid, 65, and 41 year-old former fashion designer Samantha Smithson.
British fashion designer Stella McCartney lent the women shirts, blazers and suits to wear during the three-week trial. The jury returned the verdict on Thursday.
The climate activist group is known for previous tactics - including blocking a London Tube train - that involved disrupting the general public's every day life.
However, it announced in January that it was ditching such methods for fear of alienating the public and later admitted blocking the train was a mistake.
Following the verdict, Extinction Rebellion co-founder Clare Farrell, said: "This was a trial of unusual agreement, the facts of the day were not in any dispute, and the fact that we're on course for civilisational breakdown and climate collapse seemed strangely not to be in dispute either.
"It's tragically surreal to live in times when the justice system agrees we're totally f****d but has nothing to say about the cause, the remedy, the victims or the perpetrators. We must continue, we will."
Grandmother and retired community care worker from Preston, Susan Reid, said she took part to protect children from the damage wreaked by burning fossil fuels, funded by groups like HSBC.
"Unicef estimated that over 20,000 children are displaced each day, and that climate change is the key driver," she said.
"That means over the course of our three-week trial, over twenty thousand children have had to pick up the things around them and leave."
HSBC declined to comment.
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yahoo201027 · 1 year ago
Tumblr media
October 23: Happy 64th Birthday to Voice Actor and Musician “Weird Al” Yankovic, who provided the voices of the characters of Milo Murphy on Milo Murphy’s Law, Banana Man on Adventure Time, Probabilitor on the Gravity Falls episode “Dungeons, Dungeons, and More Dungeons”, and Preston Change-O on the Star vs The Forces of Evil episode “Trickstar” (2017).
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aith-art · 1 year ago
Falloutober 2023 - Day 1
'War Never Changes'
Word Count - 713
With a single push of a button the Institute was gone. People had seen science as evil technology unchecked, as the source of all ills, all misfortunes. It was easy to understand why. The institute acted without reason, tore communities apart for fear of being challenged. Created killing machines out of people. They saw science as the last hope for themselves, and no one else. The Instutie refused to see and face their history and that was their greatest failure. Maybe those who survived the explotion will seek out their past, learn what science for personal prosperity had done to the world. 
The destruction of the Prydwen, the Brotherhood of Steel’s greatest creation, was a necessary sacrifice. The Elder had survived. He and what remained of the Brotherhood scampered back to the Capital Wasteland. They wouldn’t leave forever, but the Commonwealth would be prepared when they returned. While the Institute didn’t see the history of destruction they were fated to repeat through creation, the Brotherhood ignored the flaws in their beliefs and refused to see the hope in new technology and suffered for their hubris. To blinded by the rigidity of their symbol to see how the world was changing and rebuilding. 
In the confusion and rubble of the institutes destruction, the knewly rebuilt Minutemen offered aid and protection to settlers across the Commonwealth. Their aid was steadily accepted and Minutemen, under the leadership of General Preston Garvey, became a common site across the Commonwealth. With a military station at the castle and trade hubs to the north in Sunshine Tiding and the old Drive in Cinema, the Minutemen began to be seen as an honourable group once again. An old world history brought into the present with hope for the future.  
The Railroad continued to operate in secret, helping the last of the synths become part of the world. When the last of the known synth survivors had their lives rewritten, the Railroad disbanded. Many of the tourists returned to their lives, the agents that were left continued to monitor the synths they had helped, safehouses continued to operate for anyone who had helped the Railroad. 
 Dr Carrington found himself as the leading medic for the Minutemen in the Castle. Though he believed their goals were bigger than their capability, he commended them for all they had achieved so far. 
Tinker Tom joined Sturges in Sanctuary, though his ideas were more outlandish than Sturges was used to, the two got along well and the MiLA’s became a useful surveillance system for rouge synths, and threats to the people of the Commonwealth.
PAM was eventually moved to the Castle, despite Ronnie Shaw’s protest, and became an invaluable if not slightly disconcerting member of the organisation. 
Drummer Boy continued to operate the dropbox’s for the safehouses and agents that monitored the synths. He became an invaluable messenger to the Sole Survivor. 
Desdemona dissapeared into the wasteland. Occational a message would arrive for the Sole Survivor with tips on rouge synths and coursers, all marked with a D. It became the only inclination that she was still alive somewhere in the wasteland, hiding among the shadows as she had done for years. 
I’ve known nothing but war my whole life. I fought for the people I cared about, made mistakes I can never forgive myself for. War may never change, but I’ve seen people change. For better or worse, people are always capable of change. 
There was always something to fight for, a symbol to side with. It’s not hard to fight, to offer your life for a cause you believe in. But to let go, give up the anger and fire for something calmer, that is the real challenge of life. Finding a loving family and something to live for is difficult, but not impossible. Throughout my travels I have shown mercy and relentlessness. Kindness and ruthlessness. Love and hatred. I’ve cheated death, and face the consiquences of my actions whenever I look in a mirror. I have survived but never lived. 
Now I have a chance to live. People who love me and whom I love back. A real Family. 
As an old friend said, 
‘War Never Changes, men do, through the roads they walk.’ 
I think I finally found my road’s end.
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jrpneblog · 1 year ago
Super sub Keane to impress
The much quoted "game of two halves" was never more appropriate than to describe this encounter between North End and Bristol City. A very dull and predictable first half had the crowd close to the edge by half time and you just wonder how toxic things might have become had not the half time changes brought about an upturn in North End`s fortunes. Keane, Riis and Frokjaer were all introduced at half time and North End started to attack much to the amazement of the majority inside Deepdale who have witnessed some turgid stuff over the last few months. The change to a 4-4-2 at half time with Frokjaer in an advanced midfield position did the trick for North End with Will Keane converting twice to give North End the points. It has to be said that the visitors looked a shadow of the side that drew with West Ham last week and perhaps they had more than one eye on this week`s Cup replay at Ashton Gate.
Ryan Lowe made one change to the side that lost at Chelsea last week with Duane Holmes coming in for Will Keane in a 4-1-4-1 starting formation. The Robins were the first to have a meaningful effort but Woodman saved well as North End just struggled early on to get into gear. They eventually got going but it was a lot of the sideways stuff that has turned people away from the Lowe brand in recent months although Osmajic did have a half chance after twenty minutes with the effort going wide. Both keepers made some decent saves towards the end of the half with an effort by Millar just on the stroke of half time being the best but it was saved by O`Leary. North End left the field at half time to some booing among the faithful but I rather think that this was aimed at the manager rather than the performance of the players at the break.
The atmosphere inside the Stadium was one of apathy in some quarters and toxicity in others as Ryan Lowe made, probably, the biggest gamble of his managerial career. Lowe decided to bring off Captain, Alan Browne, Osmajic and Holmes. He replaced them with three attacking players in Keane, Riis and Frokjaer. There is no doubt in my mind that if this had gone the other way there would have been civil war on the Deepdale terraces. However it didn`t, the changes worked very well and Lowe lives to fight another day. North End were at it right from the kick off in the second half and Keane had an effort saved within two minutes. The striker then turned and fired over from six yards when it seemed easier to score. With twenty minutes gone of the second half there was relief all round as Keane latched on to a poor headed back pass and pushed it past the City keeper before firing into an empty net. It was all North End now as the visitors offered little at the other end. With twelve minutes to go Keane sealed the points when he guided home a cross from Riis at the near post and it was job done for North End. We saw the game out with very few concerns and a welcome three points were in the bag after another strange game at Deepdale.
So with nineteen games to go North End sit in the top half once again just two points behind sixth place. However the team in fifth are seven clear of North End so we really need to be getting our skates on and with Leeds away next Sunday lunchtime it is not the easiest fixture to enhance our position. As far as the manager is concerned, nothing has changed for me in spite of this being a good second half performance and a very welcome three points. Lowe must be congratulated on his half time changes, right enough, but how many times has he got it wrong this season and cost us dearly. We have two tough away games up next with Leeds and Millwall so the manager will be tested again but I guess his position looks safe for another two weeks at least, however with Ipswich the next visitors to Deepdale it is not looking like getting easier anytime soon.
MOTM: Will Keane
Attendance 14,929
Preston Fans 14,268 (95.57%).
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