thecordcutting-blog · 6 years
Please take the time to watch my presentation on cord cutting that i made for my class this semester. I know it will help answer any questions you may have and guide to the right path for becoming a cord cutting 
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thecordcutting-blog · 6 years
Not much more to say to yall on my thoughts on cord cutting besides please think about what ive said throughout the semester. If you are a graduating college student and want to save money go the cord cutting way. You can watch what you want when you want to, without having to watch the scheduled shows. Save money and enjoy what you want to enjoy. 
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thecordcutting-blog · 6 years
This help you get off the fence on what to do and become a full time cord cutter.
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thecordcutting-blog · 6 years
Hmmmmmm... lets see what Comcast is going to do. 
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thecordcutting-blog · 6 years
Everyday, every month, every year, people are cord cutting. It is becoming the common house hold thing. I can’t even remember the last time i knew a family with a house phone. No one uses landlines anymore, just cell phones. That is now like the same thing where house hold cable contracts are being cut and turned into internet based TV with apps that have movies, sports, news, and TV series that you can personalize and watch for little cost. 
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thecordcutting-blog · 6 years
That’s 4 million sold this fiscal year at $99 each. I still haven’t taken the plunge, but the more I use my iPhone and iPad, the more it makes sense to have an Apple TV, as well.
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thecordcutting-blog · 6 years
This is just another reason why people need to cord cut and solely use internet based TV. Cutting down the costs and really enjoying what you want to watch is why people should cord cut. Don’t pay for unwatched channels or series that cable companies will continue to up the charge each year. Cord cut today, cord cut now. 
The New York Times profiles Aereo and notes its expansion plans:
In addition, the company’s lofty expansion plans — 10 to 15 cities by next year — will be an expensive endeavor. It is likely to require more than the $20.5 million that Aereo has raised from a roster of impressive investors, including Barry Diller, who created Fox and is now the chief executive of IAC/InterActiveCorp. The company designs and manufactures its own equipment, and it will need to build antenna farms in each metropolitan area it hopes to enter. Then there is the staffing for those cities and marketing campaigns to warm consumers to the idea.
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thecordcutting-blog · 6 years
My house setup on why i love cord cutting and using Roku 
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thecordcutting-blog · 6 years
Top free apps for APPLETV!!!!! More evidence on why everyone should cord cut and ditch their cable company. 
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thecordcutting-blog · 6 years
SO like i’ve said before, get a Roku or AppleTV. Watch this and you will know exactly what apps to download once you cord cut. 
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thecordcutting-blog · 6 years
Take a minute and please read about selectTV. It isn’t a scam or just another cable company. It is an app used through Roku or AppleTv that way cheaper than DirectTV or Time warner cable or COX. Great way to catch up on live TV shows while managing the costs. 
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thecordcutting-blog · 6 years
Guys!!!! This video really gives the best background and tutorial on how to cord cut and why cord cutting in 2018 is a thing. Please take the time to watch this highly educational VLOG on how I believe everyone should cord cut for 2018. 
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thecordcutting-blog · 6 years
My progress
So far I would have to agree that cord cutting is the best way to go. It saves money, you have countless options to watch, and individual apps that are perfect for whatever category you like to watch. SWITCH TO CORD CUTTING AND GET APPLE TV OR ROKU 
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thecordcutting-blog · 6 years
Here is for all you basketball fans out there!
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thecordcutting-blog · 6 years
The numbers talk
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thecordcutting-blog · 6 years
Best explanation on why I cord cut
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thecordcutting-blog · 6 years
Best cord cutting video
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