imgoingtohellforthis666 · 10 years ago
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Fantoft stave church, a good place to visit with some petrol and a lighter.
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imgoingtohellforthis666 · 10 years ago
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"Without fear I will dance, with death and misery..."
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imgoingtohellforthis666 · 11 years ago
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"Block not my path! You futile walls of flesh and blood.
For I have seen your structure clear, and I know where to stab."
Photo by Sharon Ehman (AKA Toxic Vision, a woman I have a great deal of respect for.)
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imgoingtohellforthis666 · 11 years ago
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"Let the darkness fall, arouse my soul,  Unveil the mysteries of all past aeons,  Out of deep slumber crawl,  And reignite the Black Flame. Rise with the new sun, descend With the spirits of the moon,  Rebirth in screams of terror,  A domain of pain,  Moving with the black clouds forming,  The twilight's heavens cross. Winds blows burnt pulverized bones,  Yet the spiritual flame burns deeper,  Devoured by them,  Gasps in the nightly air seems weaker,  As the darkness fall. Time's up...  The time is now..."
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imgoingtohellforthis666 · 11 years ago
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"Searching like pigs Through the entrails of God Through sweet dreams of salt and gall Through the very iris of this pulsing Night Through aeons of grave wax - in search of a...  Dawn within the dawn The twilight of the flesh A final war to embrace us all This and Now shall be known as The Old World"
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imgoingtohellforthis666 · 11 years ago
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"Angels descend. Not. One. Single word was spoken..."
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imgoingtohellforthis666 · 11 years ago
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imgoingtohellforthis666 · 11 years ago
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"Spring, Erlöse dich Spring, Enttäusch mich nicht Spring für mich Spring Enttäusch mich nicht"
One day... The temptation will overwhelm Me...
  (Lyrics: Rammstein - Spring. Photo: Taken by Me) 
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imgoingtohellforthis666 · 11 years ago
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"Kneel! You all shall kneel to me! 
Or death will set you free, You all shall kneel to me!
Fall! You all shall fall to me!
Vengeance will be sweet, You all shall fall to me!"
  When I hear these words it fills me with so much pride in who I am. I am the Loki of this society, the Satan, the ONE who is against everyone, whatever words people would use it does not matter. I know who I am and where I come from. That is a lot more than most people can say and I will never stop taking pride in that!
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imgoingtohellforthis666 · 11 years ago
A beautiful song...
"Ich suche dich hinter dem Licht Wo bist du So allein will ich nicht sein Wo bist du Ich such dich unter jedem Stein Wo bist du Ich schlaf mit einem Messer ein
Wo bist du"
(I look for you behind the light Where are you I don't want to be so alone Where are you I look for you under every stone Where are you I fall asleep with a knife
Where are you)
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imgoingtohellforthis666 · 11 years ago
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I am very proud to announce that I will be attending the very first show of "The Wild Hunt" on the 24th of august in Uppsala, Sweden. Preparations have been made for this glorious event! and my hands shake at the very thought of what Watain will present me with on the night that I dare to step into their vortex of darkness and death. Regardless, the first ritual of "The Wild Hunt" shall be a night to remember! FUCK THE WORLD!!! #316 
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imgoingtohellforthis666 · 11 years ago
"A cross burned black,
soaked in sacred blood,
from all of us, to all of you,
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imgoingtohellforthis666 · 11 years ago
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I don’t even bother About other’s problems Don’t care about humanity I only care about me… Over and over they speak of their lies Over the weak ones, they gather like flies What’s wrong with people, why don’t they see? What they are preaching is hypocrisy
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imgoingtohellforthis666 · 11 years ago
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R.I.P. Jeff Hanneman
The news that Jeff died has saddened me deeply, Slayer has played a huge part in making me who I am today, they have influenced me both lyrically and musically... I owe a lot to them.
Rest In Peace, brother... you will NEVER be forgotten!
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imgoingtohellforthis666 · 12 years ago
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"It is the magic combination of fierceness and beauty that makes the wolf an exception even in nature. Revered outlaws, feared in their bestial nature, yet also objects of fascination and curiosity, of naturally inhabited and unreachable grace, that men love to hate, and hate to love. But regardless of what judgement the vox populi might pass on these nocturnal predators, they remain just that; a rare breed of hunters; alone, aside, untamed, always hungry..." - Erik Danielsson
I am proud to be a Wolf among sheep in this society, able to see what others do not and able to know what others cannot... 
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imgoingtohellforthis666 · 12 years ago
This is one of the many reasons why I don't involve myself in politics any more... People argue about being right-wing, left wing... pathetic protesters believe that their opinions are actually considered or that the government actually cares about what they think. The truth is there is no such thing as democracy, its just a overly liberal face to give a country a good image and to brainwash people. There are no political parties, those with the most money have the final say. There is no freedom because you cant live without this system. The fact is you are trapped! so you can believe whatever you want but it wont make a difference... it all ends the same. 
Fuck this shit world! Things were better when there was war and people killed each other rather than trying to reason with and 'accept' each other
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imgoingtohellforthis666 · 12 years ago
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Dead - You are dead! Depleted - You are dead! Bow before the skillful smith of Decay No hope - Only Death! Clusters of heavy sins hold you down And as your soul in darkness burn … of the emptiness you learn And as your flesh to soil turn … embrace the Gospel of the Worm
  (this message goes out to people who don't look at all the tags: I fucking know exactly who this is I have met both mortuus and Morgan the only reason I tagged mortuus was because it is his lyrics so shut the fuck up and look properly before you comment)
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