pony4eva · 3 months ago
PRP: Alright, how'd you guys get together?
Little Jimmy Urine: I was sellin Pokemon on da Home Shoppin Network...Steve, Vanessa, & Kitty all called to buy Charmander at the same time & I had just sold the last one...so we decided to come together under one flag & start a dental referl service...the bands jus a hobby.
PRP: Just what is an "Uppity Cracker"?
Little Jimmy Urine: Some dumb honkey who don't know when to keep his fuckin mouth shut.
PRP: Is Little Jimmy's Jimmy really little?
Little Jimmy Urine: It's 7-8 in. hard but not thick. It's bascially a quill. You can sign da Decleration of Indapenpants with it. Talk to Steve. He's my pee pee agent.
PRP: How did you get the nickname "Little Jimmy Urine"?
Little Jimmy Urine: It was the one stupid thing no one ever called me before.
PRP: Rumor has it you lit your penis on fire on stage once, how was that?
Little Jimmy Urine: Warm.
PRP: Whose Idea was it to make "Backmask" have subliminal messages?
Little Jimmy Urine: My mom's.
PRP: Ever afraid that Led Zepplin fans will kick your ass after hearing "I Hate Jimmy Page"?
Little Jimmy Urine: 1st - Any one could kick my ass. 2nd - If some 45 year old hippie wants my ass, more power to him. 3rd - If you're 17 & in great shape & you like Led Zepplin enuff to hurt me, you gotta stop hangin out with your old man & stop lettin your mom dress you in Pink Floyd shirts.
PRP: Does Steve really play a 4 string guitar?
Little Jimmy Urine: Unless he breaks a string. Then he plays a 3 string.
PRP: Is pubic hair trimming a necessity?
Little Jimmy Urine: No, it's a pleasure. It's ass hair that's the necessity.
PRP: Just which of your friends are dicks for?
Little Jimmy Urine: The ones who let me watch them pee in their pants.
PRP: If you had to pick one kung fu styling to be what would it be?
Little Jimmy Urine: Kitty - Wingchung Vanessa - Guns Guns Guns Steve - Ball Smell Urine - Pay Atenchung Tome
PRP: Is it hard to transfer all the programming to the live show or do you leave some out when on stage?
Little Jimmy Urine: Fuck it. Punk rock. Press play, smash it up.
PRP: Are the Insane Clown Posse as hard as they act?
Little Jimmy Urine: Maybee it was our purrrfume...and I don't wanna get no one in trouble but...dey were sweet as hell to us.
PRP: You guys covered Method Man's "Bring The Pain", do you got heavy hip hop roots or do you just think you can really bring the pain?
Little Jimmy Urine: A good song is a good song, no matter if it's Rap, Cuntree, Opera, purrty, hard, stupid, serious, or cheesy. I hate everything and love lil bits of everything. Wow. A serious answer. Shit. Now I'm gonna have to tell you all about chinchillas to make up for not being an ass. At the age of 8 months chinchillas are put into "families". One male has four females which are placed separately and the male can visit them through a special "male corridor". The mother animals wear a "collar" around their neck wich does not allow them to fit in the male corridor. This is the poligam way keeping chinchillas. Pregnancy lasts for 111 days and mother whelp their 1-4 offsprings without any help. The animals are born with their eyes open and their few days age start to eat spagettios.
PRP: Has Meth ever heard the cover or commented on it to you guys?
Little Jimmy Urine: He had to hear it to aprove it & he had to at least be able to stang it to let me put it out.
PRP: Are Kitty and Vanessa the toughest in the band?
Little Jimmy Urine: Dat was a no brainer.
PRP: Just what do you think Clarissa isn't smart enough to explain?
Little Jimmy Urine: Why her snaggle teeth turn me on.
PRP: You say nigga alot, do you realize that you're white?
Little Jimmy Urine: I'm acutally a Spic/Kraut, but for all extenssive purpose's, I'm white cuz I like Spaghettio's with franks.
PRP: Do you ever fear black people kicking your ass?
Little Jimmy Urine: No, I fear white people, cuz they is scary as shit.
PRP: How is the lawsuit going with the people that ran www.mindlessselfindulgence.net?
Little Jimmy Urine: Makin me poor & stupid.
PRP: Did you ever wear your clothes backwards back when Kriss Kross was popular?
Little Jimmy Urine: Who didn't?
PRP: Why will "Frankenstein Girls Seem Strangely Sexy"?
Little Jimmy Urine: Cuz it sounds cool. If I ever answer a question with "I had an intense dream...," you have the right to slap me & start again.
PRP: On your promo tape for "Bitches" you're pushing away the old ladies who want autographs, why are you doing this, do you not respect the elderly?
Little Jimmy Urine: Are you kiddin? When we finished the shoot, I hit dat shit.
PRP: Why do you have to rock the booty before you rock the body?
Little Jimmy Urine: Cuz da crunch always gives you away.
PRP: What's your favorite movie?
Little Jimmy Urine: Lawerence of Arabia, Ladies & Gentelmen the Fabulos Stains, & any thing else beginin wit da letter L.
PRP: If you could be any gang from the movie "The Warriors" which would it be?
Little Jimmy Urine: Shit, bitch...the orphans, cuz then youu get to fuck muh sister.
PRP: Big Bird Vs. the Teletubbies in a no holds barred street fight, who would win?
Little Jimmy Urine: Who cares? Seseme Street is all about Rosita da underground muppet. She ain't no sell out, she's punk rock. She ain't on no lunch box & she's bi-lingual.
PRP: What's the worst album you have?
Little Jimmy Urine: Where do i start? Well, besides mine, the worst I own is probably INXS - Kick. The worst I actually still listen to & like is Nu Shooze - I Can't Wait 12 in. & Noel - Silent Morning.
PRP: Who would you love to collaborate with?
Little Jimmy Urine: I never heard it called dat before.
PRP: How many pink suits do you own?
Little Jimmy Urine: One & I never washed it all summer...on two tours...& I spit up on it, pissed on it, lit it on fire, bled all over it, ripped it to bits, & gave it away at the Orgy show.
PRP: Many people are dying to know, do you do crack on a regular basis?
Little Jimmy Urine: No, I eat 4 Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, shake up a bottle of Cherry Coke & down it in one shot. It gets the same effect.
PRP: What are you guys trying to achieve with your new album?
Little Jimmy Urine: Piss people off, get paid for pissing people off...people now more pissed off & we have their money.
PRP: Is it hard to get on a national tour with such an eclectic sound?
Little Jimmy Urine: I'm here talking to you instead of gettin muh ass beat, righ?
PRP: Ever had sex with a teddy bear?
Little Jimmy Urine: No, but I used to be able to suck muh own dick.
PRP: Are you really this insane or is it an act?
Little Jimmy Urine: Maybee I'm act & your insane. Huh? Did you ever think of dat smart guy? Huh? Maybee I'm act & you're all insane.
PRP: You seem to cut your knees up alot, why is that?
Little Jimmy Urine: Cuz I land on them when I jump.
PRP: Is there any explanation to why your last album "Tight" is being discontinued?
Little Jimmy Urine: It's funny.
PRP: Do you honestly feel your music is best described as "Industrial Jungle Pussy Punk"?
Little Jimmy Urine: Just da pussy part.
PRP: Did you get beat up alot as a kid?
Little Jimmy Urine: No, I got ignored alot.
PRP: Any plans to tour in support of the album?
Little Jimmy Urine: Hell fuck yes.
PRP: I have run out of questions, are you glad the interviews over? 
Little Jimmy Urine: It's over?
PRP: I lied, any shoutouts or shameless self promotion you want to spit out?
Little Jimmy Urine: I'm down to muh last can of soup. Go buy my record & I promise not to make another one.
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mochinek0 · 1 year ago
Chat Noir vs Adrien Agreste
"Adrien, Adrien, Adrien." Chat Noir whined, "All the girls are fighting over him. No one's fighting over me. Yet, I'm so much more sophistiCATed, funnier, and definetly better dressed than him." in front of the school.
Marinette giggled, "I'll fight for you, Chat Noir!"
Many students were shocked by her decleration. They knew that she liked Adrien Agreste, but here she was saying that she preffered Chat Noir over him! Chat Noir smiled and walked over to her. They all witnessed as hero hugged her and the blush that crossed her cheeks. The students couldn't help but wonder: 'Maybe Marinette has a thing for blondes?'
"This is why you are my Princess." Chat Noir whispered, low enough for only Marinette to hear.
Chat Noir pulled away and smiled. He gracefully swept himself into a bow and kissed her hand. With a wink, he quickly left. Marinette just stood here waving 'bye' to the empty air.
"Hey." Alya spoke, snapping Mari out of her stupor, "What did he say to you? I saw his lips move."
Marinette smiled, "He told me 'thank you'. I-I guess he really needed to hear it."
"So?" Alya goaded, her confused friend, "New feelings?"
"Ch-Chat?" Mari stuttered out, "You-You think I like Chat Noir?"
"You chose him over Adrien." her best friend pointed out.
"I like him over Ladybug." Marinette declared.
"Why him?" the blogger asked.
Mari smiled, "He makes akumas not seem so scary."
Adrien couldn't wait to see Marinette the next day at school. He had been so happy that she had chosen Chat Noir over his model self.
"Hey, Marinette!" Adrien shouted, waving happily.
Marinette walked right passed him and towards the classroom.
Adrien tried all day to talk to her. He'd wave to her. He would wait by her locker. He even saved her a seat at lunch, but she pretended like he wasn't there. Try as he might, he couldn't think of what he had done or said for her to ignore him. It was just like when they met and he hated it! Adrien quickly ran after her when the bell had rung to go home. He spotted her in the courtyard and stopped in front of her.
"Marinette!" Adrien shouted.
"Yes?" she jumped back, almost colliding with his chest.
"You're ignoring me!" he stated.
"FUR a good reason." she smiled.
'Wait! Did she just pun?'
Adrien quickly cleared his mind and pleaded, "What? What did I do? Why? Please, just tell me!"
"You didn't read the shirt?" Marinette questioned.
Adrien took a step back to get a look at her shirt. It was black and read: 'Team sophistiCATed' in green. He could feel his cheeks turning pink.
"Sorry, Adrien." Mari spoke, before walking around him, "It's nothing PURR-sonal."
Adrien quickly rushed to his car and smiled happily in his seat.
'Marinette puns! How did I not know this? It makes her ten times cuter!'
"Princess." Chat whispered, knocking on her skylight.
"Chat Noir." Marinette smiled, inviting him in, "I know it's not perfect, but-
"What's not PURRfect?" he questioned.
Mari rolled her eyes, "I made this shirt last night. I was sort of inspired by what you said."
Chat looked over the shirt a bit more. He could see it was a solid black shirt. The green lettering was a bit sparkly and the pun was in capital letters to get the point across.
"I love it." Chat smiled, "Is it alright if I take a picture with you?"
"Sure." Marinette answered.
"Say 'cupcake'." he smiled.
"Cupcake!" Marinette repeated.
Chat was quick to place a light kiss on her cheek, just as he took the picture. Marinette turned to him and blushed.
"Thank you." he spoke, "That shirt really made my day."
"You're welcome, Chat." she replied, "I might have ignored my friend, Adrien, today because of the shirt."
"Adrien Agreste; the model?" he asked.
Marinette nodded and blushed. Chat Noir began to laugh.
"Did you explain why you ignored him?" Chat questioned.
"Afterschool." she winced, "I thought he had seen my shirt, but he hadn't. He actually confronted me because I was ignoring him."
Chat just listened to her ramble.
"I feel really bad, but I wanted to make a point." she continued.
He pulled her into his arms and held her.
"I think he understands." he whispered, "You can always apologize tomorrow, if you feel like it. I know I'd be a little sad if you ignored me, Princess."
"Okay." Marinette answered, "I'll just warn him that if I wear the shirt, I'm not talking to him."
Chat Noir chuckled and squeezed another hug out of her.
"Now, let's see if I can get you some real cupcakes."
"Yes!" he cried out.
Marinette laughed and went downstairs for sweets. Chat Noir looked down at the picture he had taken. He had timed it perfectly. Her eyes were closed and she was smiling and his lips were barely pressed against her cheek. They looked happy.
'You really are special to me, Marinette. I'm glad someone sees beyond all the perfectness.'
"I found some cupcakes!" Marinette cried, announcing her arrival.
Chat Noir closed his baton and placed it in it's holder.
"Yay!" he cried out, happily.
"Adrien, I wanted to apologize about yesterday." Marinette began to ramble, "I wanted Chat Noir to know he was important, too. Not that I'm saying you're not important! You're my friend and I support you, but sometimes it seems like people only like Ladybug; not Chat Noir. Not that there's anything wrong with being a model!"
Adrien just stood there as Mari continued to compliment both sides of himself.
'She's so cute when she's trying to figure out what to say and not hurt anyone.'
Adrien quickly hugged her. He felt Marinette freeze in his arms.
"I understand, Marinette." Adrien reassured her, "It's okay."
He immediatley felt her relax into the hug. He smiled as he felt her small arms wrap around him.
"I was confused, but you explained it." he continued.
Adrien froze when he felt Marinette mumble something into his chest.
"What?" the model asked, pulling back a bit.
Marinette mumbled again.
"Sorry, Marinette. I still couldn't hear u." Adrien spoke.
Mari took a deep breath and shouted, "If I wear the shirt again, I'm ignoring you!"
Everyone froze.
'Was Marinette that big of a fan of Chat Noir?'
"I can live with that. Maybe we should start a Chat Noir fan club." Adrien laughed, "You think he would let me wear one of your shirts, if it's to promote him?"
Marinette giggled as Adrien led her to the class, talking about Chat Noir.
"I can't tell if Marinete has Chat Noir and Adrien fighting over her." declared Rose.
"I don't know, either." answered Alya.
Soon, there was a secret poll going around the school on who they thought Marinette should end up with. To no one's surprise, it was a tie. It looked like Marinette, Adrien, and Chat Noir were the deciding factor. Now, if only one of them would make a move!
TAG LIST: @animeweebgirl @a-star-with-a-human-name @meme991001 @vixen-uchiha @abrx2002 @alysrose-starchild @fandom-trapped-03 @dood-space @moonlightstar64 @saltymiraculer @marveldcedits20 @09shell-sea09 @icerosecrystal @animegirlweeb @insane-fangirl-of-everything @blueblossombliss @nickristus-dreamer @megawhitleycalderonpaganus @missmadwoman @meira-3919  @princessdaisysolosyourfaves @blep-23 @fangirlingfanatic @darkhinauniverse @ravenr22 @im-a-satanic-ritual @ravennm84  @bianca-hooks123 @a-slytherinish-gryffindor @starling218
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lisaas2418 · 7 months ago
My thoughts on Chapter 7
I fucking finally managed to fully watch the current chapter 7 translations and oh boy I have many thoughts about it.
(First off I deleted asks related to Chapter 7 but don't worry I will answer their questions here)
-Its an emotional wreck. I thought Chapter 6 regarding Idia and Ortho was already heartwrecking but dammit Silver's breakdown broke **me** down. Especially the part in one of the flashbacks where ChildSilver gifts Lilia an acorn-braclet while saying that it will give him a long life and that they always be together (That sentence broke my heart so much). It made me so sad and so mad that Silver kept saying that Lilia can't love him since he is the son of the enemy, like no my boy ofcourse he loves you like a son you idiot (I felt like Sebek and that means something)
-The Shroud family dynamic is so fucking sweet I can't. The father being more rational and the mother being more emotional, yet both love their sons deeply is so heartwarming (calling humanoid Ortho their son aswell and loving him like they do with the other two made me cry)
-All in all Ortho and later Idia definitly carry the segments in Reality and in Dreamland. Ortho's new gear looks so fucking cool, him outsmarting OverblotMalleus twice was so funny, Idia noticing the signs that everything in his dream is fake at the beginning just shows how really smart he is, the brother drama, fucking PhantomOrtho showing up (didn't expected that), IDIA FUCKING OVERBLOTTING AGAIN (my jaw dropped) and last but not least Idias decleration of war against Malleus for causing all this was soo epic (even though the reason was his mother searching through his files, like what did you there to react that way Idia?)
-Lilia's dream segment was sooo cool. Maybe a bit long but cool nontheless. It made me like Sebek more then I did before, I could definitly understand why people would simp for General Lilia and Baul Zigvolt, Melenaor is very pretty and being a great mother to Egg Malleus while also sometiimes acting like a child throwing a temper tantrum (like mother like son let me tell you), Lilia's backstory is full of injustice, prejeduce and classisim towards him it made me really mad (overall the conflict between humans and fairys), also the Senate can go to Hell and stay there I fucking despise them, the reason why Malleus hatched in the first place was so sad and wholesome at the same time (speaking of Malleus...)
-Look I may will get hate for this, but I have a right to voice my opinion. I understand his story is tragic, I really do. But as the overblot boys before it doesn't excuse shit. Him putting everyone (forcibly) to sleep and make them have happy dreams that aren't even real is just....no, also I'm not sure if that's true but it seems like he has no idea that his magic is expanding to whole Twisted Wonderland (also the moment Ortho said that the bodies may die of not getting their nutrieses by being asleep for so long, I just began to fear Malleus), overall the fact that he doesn't see anything wrong with this action and behaviour is really terrfying more then what the others did (atleast for me). All I'm saying it that at the end of the Chapter I am not sure if I can forgive him for this because all my sympathy that I have him is overshadowed by how reckless his actions and behaviour is (also he tried to kill Ortho, like wtf dude?!)
Now since the chapter isn't complete yet I won't say anything regarding GameYuu yet and I have decided to wait till it's over before I say anything about my Yuusona. I know that I kinda already did this but for that I would like you to forget the information I said about my Yuusona regarding Chapter 7, that would be nice.
Now regarding as to does Maleficent knows about what happend to Malleus mother. Yes she kinda knew what happened. Her opinion is a mix of "she died protecting her kingdom and her son, which is digniful" and "she was a close person to Lilia so I understand why he felt that way". Also if the Senate weren't dead already she would have burned them or stroke them with lightning alive. Yes she is evil but not disgustingly classist like some fairys are (or human in that regard).
Well this was long overdue but I'm finished for now with Chapter 7. Hope you liked reading and see you till my next post ^^
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ballet-symphonie · 1 year ago
Saw that koshkareva is going on tour with the troupe to China in july and she’s the only newly grad going or doing the solo parts… how do u feel about this? Honestly think this is very fast and ngl I feel bad for the other grads as they are not selected to go. Also, don’t hate me for this but am I the only one who think that koshkareva is overhyped? I mean she has good technique and flexibility but in terms of stage presence and charisma, I think her other newly grad peers in Bolshoi have more of that…
I'm not surprised? The Bolshoi's current style for dancer growth and development is incredibly quick nowadays. She and Kuprina and Valiullina won't spend a day in the corps. Whichever one is your favorite aside, Koshkareva has the most shiny things around her neck and has been largely positioned as the star. I think all three of them need some space to transition into professional life before we start making any grand declerations about hype.
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hg-rants · 4 months ago
Happy birthday to the shittest person i've ever met.
Happy birthday to twitter acusations, and screaming and crying. Happy bithday to me dealing with all of youra ttempts, and happy birthday to you not giving a shit if i was alive or dead. Happy birthday to breakdowns in pubic stalls, tears staining my ivy green concern. Happy birthday to talking down to me. Happy birthday to cuddling in your bed, crying becuse you were going away in the morning. Happy birthday to read recipets, and wishing you would turn yours off. Happy brithday to blocking you, to cutting you off. Happy bithday to your "apoligy" text, the one that looked so generic i wondered if it was a copypasta. Happy birthday to "I didn't know you hated me" and "I wish you would fight for me". Happy birthday to walking away easy, Happy birthday to being angry and upset at the hole you used to fill. Happy birthday to getting me hooked on nicotine, and then throwing me away like a disposible. Happy birthday to 75 days clean falling on your birthday. Happy birth day to the scars you left on my heart, and the scars i left on my legs. Happy birthday to my "Right person wrong time" daydream and your "I would not reject you if you asked me out" declerations. Happy birthday to the first person i fell in love with, and to the person who was never mine. Happy bithday to August, and The 1, and Would've Could've Should've. Happy birthday to the snake i used to call mine in my head. Happy birthday to wounds that never heal over (no matter how despertly i scratch at them). Happy birthday to teaching me who i am, and then ripping me apart. Happy birthday to "no, you don't understand. I realy am a bad person." Happy birthday to me not listening. Happy bithday to the time where you did this before. Happy bithday to the one kiss we shared that you used to string me on for a decade with.
Happy birthday to "YOU ARE NOT A GOOD FRENID." Happy birthday to "okay."
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big-bag-man · 5 months ago
I hate just about anything and I love to argue come to me with a topic and pick a side I will debate the opposite. Come at me you nungloids.
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yoshiintheweb · 1 year ago
Your tags imply that you already have an academic rival, do share if willing
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Okey so
Theres this guy 1 who i am academic enemies only /j. His a cool dude but hie so fuckin cocky that i declered war as I won't stand down to a smartass. His also have no filter and is a bit of an ass.
Guy 2 is actually a guy that i do not like and we disagree on literally every single basis. His very into military studies and stuff like this (mostly 13/14 century and later) which I deeply despise. His a pain in my ass, an asshole and also walking crimson flag of a human being. He also has no filter and usually says very disturbing or unappropriated stuff to myself, my friend AND the professors. On top of that he doesn't realize that my friends and I hate him so he just tries to hang out with us and it's awful. I have every class with him. I am delighted when his not there.
The third guy is this dude that I used to be friends with but he did a 180° on me and my friend group and since then he doesn't speak to us, talks badly behind our backs and also straight up left the country (he went to a different uni) and my life is so much better. I also disagree with him on many levels but in different ways then the guy number 2.
Tldr i don't really have a REAL academic enemy who i talk shit about in academic papers but i do have enemies that happened to be in my field of study that i disagree both personally and professionally but we don't fight in papers mostly bc we didn't do papers just yet. I WOULD FIGHT ANY OF THEM IN ACADEMIC PAPERS IF a) GIVEN A CHANCE b) WAS ACTUALLY AGAINST THIER CLAIMS (Which in case of guy 2 I almost alway am, in case of the guy 1 i sometimes disagree with him, and in case of the guy 3, well we don't really work in the same time periods anymore)
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lily-orchard-gossip-blog · 2 years ago
What do you think makes people want to defend Lily and still be her fans after all of the fucked up, abusive shit that has revealed about her by now? I don’t wish any of them ill will as well to be sure, but I really also just cannot for the fucking LIFE of me understand how ANYBODY could still look at somebody like LO (who even just a FEW DAYS ago was defending cheating as ‘not being that wrong/bad/abusive AcTuAlLy’), and NOT be, quite frankly, utterly fucking disgusted by so many of her vile, toxic actions that have, and CONTINUE TO, hurt just so many fucking people!
Well, I think some people genuinly like her content and agree with her point of view. Not on everything of course, but they probably gell with her overall points. Like, if you don't like Hunter, then Lily hating on him can be very cathartic for instance. And when they see blogs like this, I don't blame them for believing her victim narrative.
I mean, I know my blog is a "bad look", which is why I don't go around proclaiming myself to be doing Gods work. While I try to be informative, I don't blame people for wanting to trust that information. We tend to believe the first story we hear, and Lily does a good job of conditioning people to not seek out/not engage with, spaces like this.
And I don't blame them. I would have thought the exact same thing back when I was a fan.
Plus, I mean, some people only watch her youtube video's, and if you don't actually do any digging, then it's really easy to just know now about her baggage.
But on the other hand, Lily does give people the ability to pretend their on the left and progressive while also actively calling people they hate sub-human scum who deserve to be killed.
Lily makes violent threats, treats other people as lesser then, and makes a moral decleration that their are people who are "non-human" and worthy of hate.
And that definitly attracts a certain crowd of people who... well... believe that.
I don't think Lily is ever not going to have fans. So I think it's better to focus on offering people a space to just...vent and talk about how they feel.
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artlesscomedic · 2 years ago
just sent the entire us decleration of independance to my gc
i think they hate me but i dont care
my impulses are getting the better of me
HEHEhehehehe good lad, I support you
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akookminsupporter · 3 years ago
In a family if one child gets more hate and get bullied on daily basis its responsibility of family to give support and love to that child slightly more than others at that time, you don't go around comparing the hate to your other children, of course at some point all of them receive hate but right now at this moment the hate is more for jimin ,so the love and defending should also be more for him, when jimin getting death threats only pjm and jkkrs (jimin biased) are coming forward, but when other members get hate suddently it's vminkook soulmates or we love all seven members why so much of discrimination for one person(I am not against V Or Jk, I am against their shippers)
And I don't get it how does posting photograph is a sign of relationship or decleration of love,even if you think it is you should be happy that they are in good place right now comparing to previous years
We ARMY's should be the reason and supporters of their success, not the reason for their downfall, they are at peak of their carriers, every member is important, every member plays an important role in group
Hate, bullying or wishing death upon someone it's just worst kind of behavior, learn to be a good human first
You are neglecting and downgrading their hard work, years of struggle, their love for each other for some stupid shipping, people should be ashamed of themselves, just remember that how you treat others is exactly the same way how you are going to be treated by others
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unhealthyfanobsession · 4 years ago
Master Post of things I wanted to post while reading ACOSF- mostly humour/ crack lol (Spoilers... Duh...)
First, general opinion: I liked the book generally. I knew it would be very Feysand friendly and I was prepared for that. Not my first choice but I get it. I really had to take a few hours off with the whole hiking scene. That really fucked with me to see Cassian so pissed and militant despite already knowing where Nesta was coming from and how betrayed she felt (ESPECIALLY once I learned that he had guessed they were mates already). I know that self loathing was a major theme but I do think it was laid on a little too thick for too long. I also think there was so much Nessian interaction when things were angsty and then when they were happy I was just WAITING for that full chapter of soft happiness and I feel like a lot of that got lost to Nesta’s relationship with her sister. Above everything though I gotta say that it BREAKS MY HEART that Cassian never actUlly says I love you to Nesta at any point in the book. I know it’s meant to be that he’s always loved her and it’s his actions that show it etc etc but it’s still kind of a blow for him to never say it... never even outright think it in his own perspective (go back and look the closest he gets is saying he’s acting like a lovesick puppy. We only get to see Cassian loving Nesta from her perspective as she realizes it which I get and is beautiful but maybe ONE DECLERATION THANKS). Anyway, I am hoping that opportunity arises in future books. Although.... I don’t think I will read the future books. Maybe I will, but honestly this was just SO MUCH. Like... I think there was too much in the book. Each of these quests could have been its own book and I was happy to keep going because I’m obsessed with Nesta, but I just don’t think I’d be interested enough in the other characters to read something so convoluted again (like I’m sorry the blood rite started with basically 100 pages left that is WILD). It was also so clear that so much of this book was setup for future books and that’s fine but it was kinda messy just being honest. ANYWAY onto more specific thoughts/ jokes:
Chapter 2:
Cassian: I just hope that Nesta knows we are doing this for her benefit, because we care.
Feyre: I don’t care this shit ends now. I’m burning your apartment to the ground.
Also Cassian: *Let’s Nesta fall down a flight of stairs*; *calls Nesta pathetic every day*; *tells Nesta everyone hates her*; *walks around slamming doors all pissy as if he’s the one being held captive*
Chapter 11:
Nesta:Rhysand is an asshole
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Cassian: well everyone fucking hates you
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The way that Cassian thinks about Russet Potato is just straight up not healthy. Like I get looking up to a sibling or whatever but I’m starting to think that Rhys is Cassian’s one true love. Cassian being THAT blind to every one of Rhysand’s flaws is a character flaw of his own. Even Feyre isn’t THAT blind.
Chapter 11 Pt 2:
Nesta from day one: I’m not training in that camp. I hate that camp. I’m not training there. Fuck that camp
Cassian: this is because you hate me, isn’t it?
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Like I’m sorry did we really need Feyre to show up to help him crack that code???
Chapter 10 (and beyond):
My OTP? Nesta and the House of Wind.
It’s a solid enemies to lovers story (chapter 6 she says even the house hates her then later it’s her only friend and ally. Great love story.)
It reveals its heart to her before Cassian does
It knows what she needs
Gave her water on the steps instead of watching her fall down them
Pushes Nesta gently by keeping the fire so Cassian can see that she is afraid and haunted instead of empty and broken. Encourages her to go to dinner with people by barring the library but doesn’t FORCE her to go. The house does not judge her.
Spoils her and is silly with her while she has her sleepover.
Takes an active interest in something important to her and shares one of her hobbies
Side note- this book even has me pissed at the IC about how they treated a damn house!! Like how dare they say no one likes going there! How dare they be so rude to my new #1 favorite book character??? The house just wants to give you cake and books and run you a bath. Perfect partner IMO.
Chapter 17:
Me when Cassian does the bare fucking minimum and tells Rhys to calm the fuck down and stop threatening to kill Nesta:
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Chapter 21:
When Rhys said that Nesta always has a choice here I said, out loud, “that’s fucking rich rice ball”. My dog looked up. That’s all.
Chapter 21 (and beyond) pt 2:
Prythian: mating bonds are very rare
Archeron sisters: survey says that was a lie
Prythian: fae fertility is very difficult. Conceiving can take decades
Archeron sisters: survey says that too was a lie
Prythian: No High Fae can survive the birth of an Illyrian winged baby
Archeron sisters: once again, the survey is not on your side here
Chapter 42:
Rhys: this is a bad idea
Cassian: that should be written on the Night Court’s crest
Me, wine glass raised to mouth, scoff more bitter than necessary: yeah it Fucken should”
Chapter 42 pt 2:
Yknow I was genuinely shocked by one thing in ACOSF. I was shocked that Rhysand and I agree on something.
He absolutely fucking shouldn’t be High King.
The mere SUGGESTION that Nesta’s power and fight and trauma and depression and war and entire FUCKING STORY has all been so that Rice cake and French fry can be a high king and queen literally set my blood BOILING at exactly the point in the book that I was starting to VIBE
Side note- Can we please just Fucken stop with the stars blinking in and out of existence in Rhys’ eyes. Like calm down. Rice pilaf has purple night eyes we get it. Just like... simmer please.
Chapter 46:
I GET that it shouldn’t have come out like that and that Nesta’s reasons weren’t right, but get ABSOLUTELY FUCKED RHYSAND for thinking that it is your right to HIDE THE DANGERS OF LABOUR FROM A WOMAN WHO DOES NOT KNOW YOUR SPECIES!!! This had me truly wildin and I think it was a disservice to Feyre’s character too that she didnt lose it more.
Chapter 55 (and earlier):
Cassian: *bows to death as Nesta emerges from the black depths on a throne to rule her undead armies*
Cassian: *watches bleeding as Nesta plucks the harp and wields her Made sword of death to murder Lanthys and claim the ability to stop time itself*
Nesta: So, now I go after the crown
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Chapter 57 (and earlier):
Kelpie: You shall be my bride before you are my meal
Helion: *rides enchanted horse up to shoot his second shot with Nesta*
Lanthys: Tries to seduce Nesta into being his Queen even as he attempts to kill her
Eris: I’ll give you anything in exchange for Nesta as my bride
Cassian watching every male being in the universe trying to get with his mate:
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Chapter 60:
Emerie: we’re not entering the blood rite, are we?
Cassian: Only if you want to
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Chapter 80:
Nesta: *Saves Cassian’s life in the war*
Rhys: I still hate you and will never forgive you for what you did in not hunting as a child.
Nesta: saves Feyre and Nyx
Rhys: I bow before no one and nothing but my crown and now I shall fall to my knees before you oh mighty saviour queen of all
Side note- can someone please compile a list of all the things that Nesta Archeron had done/retrieved/gone through for the Nigh Court because that shit is astronomical at this point and I really need everyone to start sipping their Respect Nesta Archeron Juice RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!
Anyway I’m emotionally wrecked but shoutout to anyone who made it this far into my ramblings!
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thisoneanonymousguy · 3 years ago
Can we change the definition or moniker of freedom?
I can't be me anymore. I have to shut it down. The me with no restraint and no filter and pure emotion. That freedom, it costs too much. Freedom is such a deceitful word. It has never come for free. People buy it, kill for it, fight for it, sacrifice for it, become slaves to it. I don't think freedom is real. I can't be me. I have to shove it down. Enslave my emotions and rein in impulses. All I do as me is destroy and create chaos. I'm the villain after all, just trying to my find my redemptive antihero arc. Hard to develop when you're a side character in your own story. I'm the antagonist to all who somehow loved me. I'm the comic relief for people greater than me. I'm an interesting anecdote for people I pass through. I fight myself and my demons and I have no time to love me. I'm too busy keeping me in check and making sure people don't see the pieces of me to hate, and there are many. I'm beginning to want to end my story, be a faded memory and just fade into black. That's not a suicide announcement, that's a I just want to go away decleration. Just be free to be me without fear of hurting someone. But the cost is too high.
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stereksecretsanta · 4 years ago
Merry Christmas, nephilimeq!
For @nephilimeq :)
When Stiles can’t decide what to get for Derek’s Secret Santa present, he decides to give Derek himself. It doesn’t go quite like he thought it would.
Or, the one where Stiles expected sex, but got to help Derek with his computer virus instead (but still somehow ended up with a boyfriend for Christmas).
A Gift to Unwrap
“I’m so glad we’re doing Secret Santa this year, I can’t afford to buy you all shit again,” Stiles said, lounging on Derek’s couch with his head off the side and his feet in the hair.
Lydia smacked his ankle when it got too close to her. “It’s not like you gave us all great gifts last year. You gave me pens.”
“What was wrong with pens? You like pens.”
“They were from the dollar store, Stiles.”
“Whatever,” Stiles flipped over, sitting properly. “I hope I get Derek, he appreciates my gifts.”
“Derek?” Allison looked over at him from her armchair, “he’s the worst to buy for, he isn’t happy with anything.”
“Hey, Derek loved the birthday present I got him!”
Allison and Lydia shared a confused look. It was just the three of them here, planning out secret santa as everyone else on the pack went for midnight wolf patrol. Stiles didn’t mind, he liked when team humans got to hang.
“Derek doesn’t celebrate his birthday…” Lydia finally said, turning back to him.
“Yeah, I know,” Stiles shrugged, “I just got him a photo album and filled it with all the family pictures of the Hales I could find. I dropped it off in the morning, we had some coffee, and I left. Derek didn’t have to celebrate, and I only had to spend like 5 bucks.”
They were both frowning now though. “How long did that take you?” Allison asked.
“Uh…” Stiles scratched his head, “a month or so?”
“A month or so?” Allison shook her head. “This year you gave me gum for my birthday!”
“Hey, you like gum!’
Lydia smirked, “don’t take it personally, Ally, Stiles only buys good presents for people he loves.”
“Woah- what? Who said - I don’t love anyone!”
Lydia laughed, “Stiles, you once bought me a TV! This year I got more dollar store pens. But Derek gets a whole photo album that you spent a month on? You’ve moved on from me and right on to him,” she grinned, “did you add little notes in it too?”
Stiles blushed, “no!… not that many! Shut up!”
“Relax, Derek likes you too,” she said. All nonchalant, like this wasn’t brand new information.
“What- what do you mean? Not that it - I don’t love him, or anything, but like what do you mean by that.”
“Okay,” Allison said, leaning back, “I can see it now.”
“Um, no? There’s nothing to see?”
“I guess we’ll find out next week,” Lydia said with a wink, “when you both get each other for Secret Santa.”
“You can’t just… cheat like that. Can you? Oh my God, what do you think he’ll get me?” They both laughed. Stiles was starting to see their point. “… not that it matters, what he gets me.”
“He’ll get you something sweet, I’m sure,” Lydia said. “You’ve kind of already outdone yourself with the photo album, but I’m sure you’ll think of something.”
“Aw, this is so sweet!” Allison said, smiling at Stiles blush. “Aw at New Years you two can kiss!”
Stiles didn’t even try to deny he liked that idea. And now that he was thinking about it, it was definitely not the first time he liked the idea of Derek kissing him.
“Guys, I might like Derek…”
They looked at each other and laughed.
That weekend, when they pulled their Secret Santa names out of the hat, Stiles wasn’t surprised he pulled Derek’s name out. Lydia was a witch, she could do anything.
He watched carefully as Derek read his. He made no reaction, but Stiles noticed him glance towards him a minute later. Did you get Stiles’ name too? Was Lydia really doing this?
Was it normal to be this excited for Secret Santa?
Stiles wasn’t sure - but he didn’t care. He couldn’t wait for Christmas.
He realized as soon as he stepped into the mall, Lydia was right. He should have fucking waited to do the photo album for Christmas.
No one cared about their 26th birthday. It was a stupid age. Why did he go so big? Stiles had turned 22 this year, and Derek had just taken him out for dinner. He should have done that.
What the hell was he going to do now?
He had $20 he could spend and that was it. He walked past the dollar store but shook his head. Looked into H&M and scoffed. Derek would hate everything in this mall. Stiles wasn’t sure where he bought his ridiculously soft shirts, but it wasn’t here.
And they were probably more than $20s.
Cursing, Stiles back tracked. What could he do? He did the sentimental thing already, but maybe he could.. Add to that? Get… What, video recordings of his family?
No, that would just be creepy. He wasn’t fucking stalking the dead.
He could… draw him a picture? He was shit at art. He could… take him on a trip? At some point.. When neither of them were working.. And it was super cheap?
God he was doomed.
Stiles walked past La Senza and paused. The mannequin was dressed in a skimpy bra, but that wasn’t what he was looking at. It was also covered in bows, like the mannequin itself was the present.
Could… Stiles… be the present?
No, that was ridiculous.
No. Derek deserved a real present.
But maybe..?
Stiles bit his lip in thought. It would be better than dollar store pens at least.
He turned and made his way to the craft store. Time to spend his $20 on high end ribbon.
Stiles had on his tightest skinny jeans, the ones that Jackson said made his ass pop. He wore the shirt Lydia had given him, the one he thought had been a size too small but she insisted fit him better than anything else he owned.
Now, for the important layer. He pulled out the red ribbon.
He tied a loop around his chest, making a bow on his front. He tied another around his leg and made a bow on his thigh. He looped a ribbon down his left arm, starting from his shoulder and ending with a bow on his wrist.
He looked at himself in the mirror, a bit worried he had over done it.
“Well, my dad didn’t believe I was gay before, he should see me now.”
Although he and his dad had already had that talk. More than once, actually, after he caught Danny in his room in senior year. That had been awkward.
But they were good now. And Derek wouldn’t be such a surprise to him, he didn’t think…
You know, if Derek… actually liked him back. And wanted to date him. And be introduced to Stiles father as his boyfriend-
He was getting ahead of himself.
He took a deep breath. “Even if he doesn’t like me, the present is he has me for a full day. He can make me clean his windows if he wants.”
WIth that, Stiles pulled on his dad’s trench coat.
It was show time.
Stiles usually barged into Derek’s loft like he owned the place, but it felt weird to do that now, so he knocked.
It took a minute before Derek opened the door. He already looked confused, and his eyebrow rose up at the sight of him.
“Evening, Derek.”
“Why did you knock…. Why are you dressed like you’re going to flash me?”
Stiles felt his cheeks warm, “it’s, uh, for Secret Santa!”
“You’re going to flash me for Secret Santa?”
“No! I am,” he gestured at himself, “fully clothed underhere, I will have you know. But it is part of the present.”
Derek raised a brow, “the gift exchange is tomorrow.”
“Yeah, but… mine starts today.”
Derek shrugged, then stepped back to wave Stiles inside.
Palms sweating, Stiles stepped in and only hesitated a moment before he opened his coat. “Ta da!” He said, dropping the coat dramatically to the floor, “I am your present!”
Derek looked him up and down, eyes lingering on the bows, “okay.”
Stiles swallowed. He shouldn’t have worn his tightest clothes, could Derek see his sweat through his shirt already?
Fuck, could he smell it?
“And, uh, you can do whatever you want with me. For the next 24 hours.” Derek nodded, his eyes still on the bow on Stiles chest. Shit, maybe this was stupid. “Sorry, I thought… I’m kind of broke, and I - this was dumb-”
“No, it’s good,” Derek stepped toward him. Stiles’ heart started to race, he clenched his fists so they wouldn’t shake. This was the plan, right? This was the fucking point of the gift - make a big decleration and give himself to Derek, for a whole day, to do whatever.
But fuck, what if Derek was into weird shit? Stiles wasn’t a virgin, but he’d only been with two people before, and did that guy from college really count if all they did was handjobs? Stiles didn’t even remember his name. And fuck, what if this made Derek think all he wanted was sex? What if he was ruining a potentially amazing relationship because of one stupid -
All Derek did was reach behind him and close the door.
Of course.
Stiles cleared his throat.
“So, uh…”
“Come with me.”
Stiles obeyed, following Derek to the couch. Was Derek going to throw him on it? Ravish him?
He passed Stiles a laptop.
“You’re good at this stuff, right? I think I have a virus or something.”
“… what?”
“I have you for 24 hours, tonight you can help me with my laptop.”
“Oh, oh, okay, sure.” Stiles sat down, glancing down at the screen. He felt stupid for being relieved.
“After you figure out the virus thing, you can also help me get a netflix. And figure out how to get it on the TV? Lydia is refusing to set up pack movie nights anymore if we’re all going to complain about watching The Notebook everytime.”
“Alright,” Stiles leaned back on the couch, diving right in. By the state of Derek’s desktop, he had a feeling this might actually take him 24 hours.
Stiles slept over at Derek’s house that night, though it went very differently than he had imagined. He borrowed Derek’s sweats and a baggy T. He slept on the couch. He worked on his laptop until 2 am, and woke up to Derek making breakfast. Stiles joined him in the kitchen, making coffee beside him as he cracked eggs into a pan.
It was nice. Domestic.
Derek smiled at him as he passed over a mug of coffee, and Stiles smiled back.
This was way better than his original plan.
“So, your computer’s up and running, and can connect to the TV. What else do you need help with?”
“… cleaning what?”
“The loft. The pack is coming over tonight for the Secret Santa exchange. Clean up, and when you’re done, help me make the Christmas cookies.”
Stiles shrugged, “okay.”
Cleaning wasn’t hard. Derek kept his place pretty impeccable anyway, so all Stiles had to do was some dusting and sweeping. Then he joined Derek in the kitchen, where he had already started baking.
The rest of the day went by so fast, Stiles ran out of time to go home. He changed back into the clothes he was wearing last night, minus the bows, and came back to find the pack already arriving.
He smiled at Derek as they passed out the food together. He imagined what it would be like if he really did live here, really did help Derek with every pack night. He thought they would make a good pair.
And when their shoulders brushed when they sat down together, Stiles didn’t feel nervous. In fact, he leaned into the touch a bit. And he didn’t miss the soft smile Derek sent his way when he did.
Yeah… he thought they would be great together.
The night went by in a blur, Stiles too focused on Derek’s warmth beside him to really pay attention to any of the presents everyone was opening.
He didn’t even notice people had started leaving until it was only him, Lydia and Allison left.
And Lydia and Allison were getting ready to go.
“Oh. I guess I should get ready to go too.”
“Aw, but you two look so cozy,” Allison said with a smirk.
Stiles flushed. Derek, thankfully, either didn’t notice her comment or ignored it. “I haven’t given you your gift yet,” he said. “You can’t leave.”
“Have fun getting your gift, Stiles,” Lydia said, winking, before she shut the door.
Stiles felt his face grow even hotter, but Derek still didn’t comment on it as he got up to get his present. Bless this man. Bless him and his new social tact.
Derek came back out with a present so big, Stiles felt a pang of regret for going with his stupid idea. He could have at least given him… socks, or something.
“Derek, you didn’t have to-”
“I did. After the photo album, I did.” He cleared his throat, “it’s not that big of a deal, I just didn’t know how to wrap it.”
Stiles didn’t believe him. The way Derek was carefully holding it, he didn’t think Derek fully believed it either.
When he ripped open the wrapping paper, he gasped, “Derek…”
It was a painting. A painting of him in his grad cap and gown, from his university graduation last summer. Beside him was his dad, in his suit, just like in their pictures, and on the other side…
“I tried to make her look a bit older, without changing her too much… your dad gave me a picture.”
“She’s beautiful,” Stiles whispered. His mother looked just like he remembered, he even knew the dress, but… there were wrinkles that he never got to see her have. A few gray hairs she never got to grow. His eyes started to burn, so he put the picture down on the table, taking a deep breath. “Derek, you really didn’t have to…”
“You didn’t have to give me the photo album.”
Stiles licked his lips. Derek leaned forward.
“I knew what you were doing. With your gift, I mean, I knew what you were trying to do.”
“You don’t - I shouldn’t have, I don’t want to force anything. It was stupid.”
“It wasn’t stupid, it was cute. I was just surprised. And you smelled really nervous, sweaty,” Stiles cursed himself, he knew Derek had smelled the sweat. “I didn’t want our first anything together to be with you under pressure. I want us to both want it.”
Stiles looked at Derek, how beautiful and sincere he was. He thought maybe he was already in love with this man.
“Do I smell nervous now?”
They leaned forward at the same time, the kiss was soft. Perfect. Derek’s beard was smooth under his fingers.
When they pulled back, Derek grinned. “Can I unwrap my present now?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
The End <3  
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2o2o-kit · 4 years ago
What your favorite US president says about you (part I)
George Washington: You have high expectations for a leader, or you don’t know any other presidents
John Adams: You just really Abigail
Thomas Jefferson: You can quote the Decleration of Independence
James Madison: You wish him and Dolly got more attention
James Monroe: You wish you could live in a time called ‘the era of good feelings’
John Quincy Adams: You want a pet gator
Andrew Jackson: You hate banks
Martin Van Buren: You watch Seinfield
William Henry Harrison: You enjoy stupid deaths
John Tyler: You come from a huge family
James K Polk: You want to manifest your freaking destiny, cause this is ‘Murcia
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chappedandfadedvds · 4 years ago
Oct 28th, Wednesday 16:51
Robbe was off in a heartbeat, once he saw a familiar boy waiting for him by the entrance onto the school grounds. Without any regard he leaped forward and was immidiately welcomed into a big hug, picked up off the path and put down only when he had kissed his boyfriend. 
„And that is Sander.“ Moyo said as a matter of fact. And in addition. „Wendsday is Sanderday.“
Lucas who was with them, as they all had just finished economics class together, looked over confused. „Sanderday?“
„Wendsday is the only day of the week that he has off earlier than us. So he can come pick him up. Sander is of course his boyfriend there, who had just dropped his precious art folder and everything else in order to catch Robbe in time.“
Jens could only nod in agreement to Moyo’s thorough explanation.
„Hence, Sanderday.“ Aaron concured. „Trust me, they will leave us behind somewhere between now and the next hour, and never been heard of again until tomorrow.“
„U-huh.“ Was all that Lucas provided as they catched up with the couple.
„What’s up, boys?“ Sander greeted cheerfullfy, hugging each of the broerrs, before extanding his hand towards the newling to their group. „And you must be Lucas. Robbe, and basically everyone else, had already told me about you. Glad to be able to actually see you in person as well.“
„Great to meet you too.I hope there were only good things so far?“
„Absolutely.“ Sander proclaimed and picked up his things from the ground. „Ready to go? I actually had planned to sketch a bit by the park, if you want to come as well.“
A simultaneous shrug followed by affirmative mumbles, that made them all head towards the left, straight down the street. It was a ten minute walk tops, though they stopped for some drinks on the way. Long enough, that the sun even peaked through the clouds once they arrived.
„Lucas, can I post this on my insta? If you don’t mind, of course.“ That was Sander asking a little later, just as they had found a nice sunny spot in the park to occupy a bench. He pushed the display of his camera towards said boy’s face. Jens wasn’t sure when Sander had taken it out of his bag, but that wasn’t really what he wanted to know. Lucas seemed a bit taken a back, looking at it, as he did a double take and watched Sanders smiling face. He did sound a bit unsure of himself but replied: „Sure, I guess.“
Now everyone’s curiousity demanded a look as well. And after Moyo had sommented on it with a whistle on his lips, it finally was Jens’s turn. He wasn’t sure if he was breathing at the moment, but his jumping, beating heart, assured him he was alive. Though on second thought, maybe this was dying.
He tried not to give  away, how beautiful he thought it was. Or to be more presice, the boy in it. Sander took amazing photos, that wasn’t a secret, but he captured Lucas just in such a way that Jens’s throat dired up.
Aaron took the camera off his hands, leaving him with words of protest on his lips. But luckily his brain was smarter and decided to stay quiet. 
„Eh Lucas?“ Sander tapped the dutch boy on the shoulder: „If you’d be interested too. My photography course is doing editorials next month and I’d love for you to model for me. I already have the perfect idea! Trust me, it is gonna be great. Nothing too big. Maybe three, four photos? Black-White. Classy. Clean fashion editorial. We can get a designer on board and have Robbe do lights. What do you say?“
The broerrs looked at each other amused and than to Lucas who had absolutely no clue what to do. He also never had met Sander and his seemingly spontaneous grand plans before. He certainly was the type to go big or go home. Before Lucas had any chance to answer though, Robbe’s voice broke the silence.
„Here I thought I was your only muse. But now a new pretty boy comes along and where does that leave me?“ He pouted at his boyfriend, who’s grin immidiately vanished of his face, replaced by an expression of horror that Robbe would even entertain a thought like this.
„You are, and will always be my biggest muse in every universe! Always and for ever! Unconditionaly. I’d carry you on my hands each day, and would canonise the ground you are walking on. Gift you every moon, and star, and sun I’d be able to reach. The whole sky and beyond. You are the one thing I truly love more than aynthing in this world, myself included. You are...“
„Oh shut up and kiss me! Then you can go back fanboying over Lucas again.“ Robbe smirked, blushing in the brightest colours imaginable by Sander’s devout decleration of love.
„I most definitely will kiss you!“ Sander exclaimed and took a very broad and swift step towards him, his hands immidiately finding just the perfect hight on Robbe’s hips to pull him excrushingly close.
Jens felt like an intruder seeing something he shouldn’t. It felt very inapprobiate to watch, as Sander leaned in to an open-mouth kiss. Lips and teeth and tounge. Robbe reciprocated like it was air to breath, let himself fall into it, his wrists crossed behind the neck of Sander, as they devoured each other. Jens knew he never had kissed nor had ever been kissed by anyone like this. He really should look away, but just like the other boys he couldn’t quite draw his gaze from them. 
He swore they had completely forgotten about Lucas, Moyo, Aaron and himself, as Robbe and Sander ended their kiss with a heavy gasp, staring into each other eyes as they pressed their forheads together.
These lucky bastards were together for almost a year and still it seemed they had just found each other anew.
Jens loudly cleared his throat, while Moyo couldn’t hold back his laughter any longer and Aaron slowly clapped, deeply impressed. Checking up on Lucas though, Jens found the dutch boy looking absolutely overwhelmed by this public display of affection. Or maybe because it was between two boys? Jens really hoped that that wasn’t the case. And it didn’t appear that Lucas had been disconcerted before when Robbe had pecked a kiss to Sander’s lips infront of the school. But that didn’t really had to mean anything, right? Jens just prayed he was wrong about the way Lucas seemed to be a bit uncomfortable at the moment.
„Seriously, I almost want to be kissed by Sander now.“ Moyo joked, patting Robbe’s back, who seemed to suddelny realise where they were.
„That could be arranged, I believe.“ Sander provided with a wink, greatly amused by Moyo’s wide eyes of total shock to the suggestion.
„Oh shit, sorry!“ Robbe said apologetic at the same time.
„All good.“ Jens let his best friend know, searching for Lucas’s eyes. „Right?“
The dutch boy suddenly looked up and over towards him, nodding strongly.
„Of course. I just...eh....it came...unexpected.“ Lucas settled on and tried a reassuring smile. „Are you always like that?“
„Like what?“ Robbe inquiered, perhaps a bit defensive. He hated when people assumed anything remotely negative when speaking about Sander, and or their relationship in general.
„So open about it? I’m sorry, I don’t think I’ve seen that before. My circle was very straight in Utrecht. But really, I didn’t mean to imply anything else by it. Honestly. Full support on my end here.“
„We are just us.“ Sander provided simply to ease the tension, while he turned back towards Lucas with a warm expression. He never let go of his boyfriend though, tucking him nicely to his side, with his arm slung around the other boy’s back for support, his hand resting on Robbe’s waist.
Lucas’s smile grew brighter, nodding reassured that this had turned out alright.
Jens released the breath he didn’t knew he had held. But it felt like some weight was lifted by Lucas not being against their relationship. Why he had been so effected though, Jens didn’t know. He assumed it just had to do with the happiniess of his best friend, that he wanted to protect. 
„Trust me, they can get even worse than this. At least on two seperate occasions I had to slip out of Robbe’s room. They only have eyes for each other from one moment to the next. It’s incredible. And hands! God do they have too many hands.“ Jens told Lucas, exaggerating his annoyance over them, by rolling his eyes in a big motion. It earned him a smack by Robbe and Sander’s laughter.
„Bro! I swear to god, it happened to me too once. We were playing CoD and sat on the sofa together, until they started. I spend the next hour in the kitchen with my headphones on, not even wanting to try to get to the bathroom.“ Moyo declared and now everyone was laughing. Til Robbe decided it was enough and waved them all off.
„Okay, okay, I think everyone got the point. Can we go back now to appreciating Lucas’s beauty and how he should model for my stupid boyfriend here?“ Teased Robbe, patting Sander’s chest. Who was back on track of his mission the next second, leaving his boyfriend’s side to take his camera back from Aaron and settle into the dutch boy’s immidiate vicinity effortlessly. Jens sometimes really found himself jealous by how easy it seemed to be for Sander to do.
„So what’s your insta? I can message you everything about my idea later.“
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nakamatoo · 5 years ago
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I wonder if Annie was not only speaking about herself, but also of Eren in this moment. What surprised me about her reaction of Eren’s decleration to destroy the world was that she looked neither angry or shocked. She just had this somber look in her eyes, almost like she couldn’t believe Eren of all people would do something like destroy the world. 
But here, I think this was the moment where she kind of understands why Eren chose this course of action, and what led him to this decision in the first place. Because its the same thing Annie had to struggle with when she had to kill in order to see her father again; It was all for the sake of someone precious to her. She knows Eren well enough that he wouldn’t do something so apocalyptic if it didn’t mean it was to protect people important to him. 
And she can’t hate him for it because she’s absolutely no different.
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