iconicassbitch · 3 years
Ok so imagine the crows are using nicknames for a mission or a job. Jesper and Nina are in charge of giving everyone a code name. Nina being the language professional she is, obviously recognises that Kaz Brekker was named after cheese. So Jesper and Nina are trying to piss him off a little by giving everybody cheese code names. Fromage, Käse, Gouda, mozzarella (you get the point everything cheese related) Everybody but Kaz who is called kaas. And Kaz would be like no that’s totally obvious but everybody thinks it’s a great idea so they kind of bully him throughout the mission
all people from ketterdam/kerch have dutch names, or at least names that are similar to popular names in the netherlands EXCEPT KAZ, whose name is something else entirely. this leads me to believe that instead he is named after one of the most popular dutch products: cheese, or 'kaas' as it is called here. in this essay i will-
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iconicassbitch · 3 years
If I met another me from a parallel universe, I would simply not fall in love with her.... Sorry Loki but I‘m different
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iconicassbitch · 3 years
unpopular opinion: small ass is still sexy
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iconicassbitch · 3 years
You know it because he’s making Patroclus quite wet 😩
(oh my gods it has come to my attention that Achilles is technically half mermaid/siren)
(holyshit my angry war boi is an angry mer-boi)
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iconicassbitch · 3 years
-priory of the orange tree
-the secret history
-song of Achilles
i need book recommendations so could you reblog this with your favourite book?
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iconicassbitch · 3 years
I recently got into this MBTI thing lately. And I‘m pretty sure I‘m typed correctly. But then some Stereotype Meme I can’t relate to haunts me for the night
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iconicassbitch · 3 years
How the secret history fandom sees the secret history characters:
lovable dumbass with anxiety and taking a few too many painkillers. Undeniably gay. Confused but got the spirit.
Baby, Never has done anything wrong in his entire life (despite murdering 2 people), gay icon, needs protection
Perfect, smart, incredible, show stopping, kicks ass, (idk somehow nobody talks about this incest shit with Charles)
Drunk, dumb (despite him being in an elite university) dumbass, funny bisexual, chaotic
wow mysterious, smartie who doesn’t know about the moon landing
Only straight, homophobic racist who kind of deserved to die
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iconicassbitch · 3 years
Mama Mia, my brain doesn’t work anymore
It’s electrocuted meat, so I‘m not sad about it
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iconicassbitch · 3 years
Anybody else out there forgetting that they are bilingual?
I‘m just thinking „Wow I wish I was bilingual“ And then ordering my food in German because that’s my mother tongue....
Then casually reading a French book „Wow, people who are fluent in many languages must be so educated“
Going to my grandparents and not understanding their Russian conversation „Yes I‘m a failure, I am an ignorant monolingual person“
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iconicassbitch · 3 years
I will never get over the fact that all secret history characters would absolutely despise me and would think me stupid as fuck.
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iconicassbitch · 3 years
I love to it when flaws of characters are pointed out and the fans are going mad.
Yeah...but everybody in this story is morally grey
He had a bad childhood, and nobody loves him
Okay??????? That doesn’t mean their actions are justified lmao
They are straight up murderer. I‘m looking mainly at The secret history, dark academia guys.
All I said does not apply to Kaz Brekker though. He is a baby and didn’t do anything in his entire life
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iconicassbitch · 3 years
Ok I was thinking of The picture of Dorian Gray again. And honestly I also would not know how to react when someone confessed their love for me.
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iconicassbitch · 3 years
Tangled is better than Frozen and I will die defending this statement
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iconicassbitch · 3 years
Is there anyone else who places an item somewhere and thinks: yeah, I will definitely forget where I put this. And then you do something else quickly and rush back because you know you will forget where you placed it and then you actually don’t know where you placed it and you can’t find it for 3 months ????
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iconicassbitch · 3 years
Ok, so imagine er could go to school and learn and not be tested on anything. They’d just say „hey what interests you?“ And you say „Something like pictures?“ and school would be like „hey cool here are some courses. If you don’t like them, that’s fine, just try something new“ and then we would be like „cool, I can actually learn something that I‘m interested in and will therefore participate and learn more“ I don‘t know seems kinda cool
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iconicassbitch · 3 years
Why...ahhhh...classics....why do you must be so sexist?????? And don’t tell me that I shouldn’t judge historical figures by today’s moral compass. I do it and I do it shamelessly but with much pain.
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iconicassbitch · 3 years
If I was dictator, I would simply vibe. Nobody bother me, go on with ya democracy but don’t bother me. Just give me rights, everyone love me please, let me be first at rollercoasters and give me free stuff
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