harlequin-heart · 9 years
Did Porthos just say size DOES matter?
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harlequin-heart · 9 years
I like the idea but I'm not that artistic and flat broke. If I manage to come up with anything that could qualify as art I will happily donate it. For now, reblogging to spread the word.
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Artist S.O.S. Calling all Musketeer fans and a Burketeers. The Burketeers have now opened a redbubble shop http://www.redbubble.com/people/burketeer?ref=breadcrumb  All the profits will go towards our overall fund raising for Birthday Smiles for Tom Burke (and beyond!) Tom supports Operation Smile which carries out cleft operations on kids from poor countries and for each £150 a child gets a life changing op and a new smile.😊 I’m posting to ask are there any other artists who would like to donate original musketeers/Tom themed artwork which we could also add to the shop to fund raise. ALL profits made go to the just giving page in Tom’s honour and for the kiddies.😊 
Also a huge thank you to everyone who has supported this mad endeavour we embarked on at the end of November-we are just £383 away from the £10,000 target for Tom’s birthday. That is an INSANE amount of money but all due to your love and generosity. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 😊❤️
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harlequin-heart · 9 years
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You don’t suppose he’s pissed off? I’m getting some sort of vibe…
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harlequin-heart · 9 years
I feel like they'll finally give him a hat when he finally grows a beard.
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Look D’Artagnan I know you’re really upset about not having a hat, but this one is mine…
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harlequin-heart · 9 years
Fifty Shades of Wine.
*Athos as Captain* “Musketeers listen up we have an extremely importa- oooooh look unattended wine…”
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harlequin-heart · 9 years
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House GlaDOS 20-Day List Challenge
Day 11
1. Purpleheart Magic Wand 2. Sting Replica 3. Replica of Tom Cruise's sword from "The Last Samurai" 4. Bag of Holding from Thinkgeek.com 5. 3D Chess (thanks again ladysinistral!)
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harlequin-heart · 9 years
#FavoriteQuotes (oh dear...)
House GlaDOS 20-Day List Challenge (they get funnier further down the list)
Day 10
--> "Hate is a prolonged manner of emotional suicide." ~ Anonymous --> "There is no right way to do a wrong thing." ~ Anonymous --> "Give a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day; light a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life." ~ Joel Sheppard --> "To make a mistake is human but to keep repeating it is stupid." ~ Anonymous --> "You can't prove anything in an argument except that you're just as bullheaded as the other fellow." ~ Anonymous --> "Red meat is not bad for you. Blue-green meat, now that's bad for you." ~ Tommy Smothers --> "Hardening of the heart ages people more quickly than hardening of the arteries." ~ Franklin Field --> "The only place where one can speak and think and act just as one pleases is in the insane asylum." ~ Anoynmous --> "A scientist atempts to prolong life so we will have time to pay for all the gadgets he invents." ~ Anoynmous --> "Going to church doesn't make you a Christian anymore than going to a garage makes you an automobile." ~ Anonymous --> "No man has a right to all of his rights." ~ Phillips Brooks --> "An optimist is wrong as often as a pessimist but he has a lot more fun." ~ Anonymous --> "Love at first sight is often cured by a good second look." ~ Anonymous --> "Some people are like slinkies. They're not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs." ~ Anonymous --> "Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped." ~ Elbert Hubbard --> "Be obscure clearly." ~ E. B. White --> "Your life is an occasion. Rise to it." ~ Mr. Magorium's Wonder Emporium --> "Did everyone see that? Because I am not doing it again!" ~ Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides --> "Overkill is underrated." ~ The A-Team (remake) --> "I ain't heard no bell!" ~ Rocky --> "Hey bumhead! Zip up your fly, your brain's hanging out!" ~ The Thin Blue Line --> "She showed her breasticles." ~ Some kid on campus --> "Dead people don't move that fast!" ~ Mike Cunningham --> "Souffle the cards." ~ Mahjong Instructions (translation) --> "This is happy hour, angry hour starts at ten!" ~ M*A*S*H --> "She hugged the stuffing out of me!" ~ M*A*S*H --> "I swear to science!" ~ Charles Voyce --> "Never forget the two most important tools of democracy: Guns and Ammo." ~ PariahKing's siggie --> "To write is a necessity. To write well is a gift." ~ Anonymous --> "To use no way as way." ~ Bruce Lee --> "I'll help you fluff your Garfield if you know what you mean." ~ Colin Mochrie --> "You broke my smolder." ~ Tangled --> "Karate FIve-O" ~ Me --> "Pacebook is for old folks." ~ ladysinistral --> "Let that percolate in your grey matter." ~ Levi Meeuwenberg --> "I'm a sexy shoeless god of war?" ~ Belkar Bitterleaf --> "It's nuckin futs!" ~ David Spade --> "Swirly thing alert!" ~ Red Dwarf --> "Whoa! Crease!" ~ Red Dwarf --> "I'm smooth, with a capital SMOO." ~ Red Dwarf --> "Rimmer, to rhyme with scum." ~ Red Dwarf --> "What a guy." ~ Red Dwarf --> "Have you seen the way I walk?" ~ John Inman --> "This is the first time a Baldric's ever had a good idea." ~ Blackadder --> "Bloody bloody is not a swear word, it's a useful adjective. Ass, now that's a swear word. And bollocks." ~ The Vicar of Dibley --> "There is no normal life, just life." ~ Tombstone --> "I don't believe in condoms." ~ Breezy Naylor --> "Your mind is a puddle and I shall splash in it." ~ Micheal Swem --> "Good ideas take more than 140 characters." ~ Dr. Michael Ryan --> "Undomesticated equines could not pull me away." ~ Stargate: SG-1 --> "Wake up and smell the maple nut crunch!" ~ Denis Leary --> "My brain had a tumor shift." ~ Professor Gary Krancus --> "Eagles may soar, but weasels aren't sucked into jet engines." ~ Xavon's siggie --> "Be excellent to each other." ~ Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure --> "Lawyers make great patients. They have excellent health insurance and they never seem to get better." ~ Frasier --> "Guitar Hero is for people who are too lazy to learn an instrument." ~ Anonymous --> "Aim for the pearly gates." ~ Facing Giants --> "Chaotic neutral means never having to say you're sorry." ~ Anonymous? --> "That guy was playing Galaga!" ~ The Avengers --> "Better clench up, Legolas." ~ The Avengers --> "I recognise the council has made a decision, but given that it's a stupid ass decision I've elected to ignore it." ~ The Avengers --> "You can show him Scarlett's Black Widow." ~ Tom Hiddleston --> "I have Mjolnir in my pants." ~ Tom HIddleston --> "Sorry, I got a mental image." ~ Tom Burke --> "If we want your opinion we'll give it to you." ~ My brother --> "Do you have to own a gun to go duck hunting or do you wait for them to land and then go after them with a hammer?" ~ Reba --> "Treason is a charge invented by the winners as an excuse to hang the losers." ~ 1776 --> "Even smiling makes my face hurt." ~ RHPS (No, I don't remember what that stands for. Anyone?) --> "No Father. War is war and hell is hell. Between the two war is worse. Who goes to hell? Sinners. There are no innocent people in hell, but there are innocent people in war." ~ M*A*S*H (slightly paraphrased) --> "Guns don't kill people, physics kills people!" ~ 3rd Rock from the Sun --> "Women. You can't live with them and yet they're everywhere." ~ 3rd Rock from the Sun --> "When I get to a dictionary you're in trouble." ~ Happy Days --> "Let's do the time warp again!" ~ Rocky Horror Picture Show --> "Canada...America's hat." ~ T-Shirt --> "Common sense is not a gift, it's a punishment because you have to deal with everyone who doesn't have it." ~ Anonymous --> "Dear Waldo, could I interest you in becoming a horcrux? Sincerely, Lord Voldy." ~ Internet --> "The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is, that it is comprehensible." ~ Albert Einstein --> "Your visions come form soup, not from God." ~ The Musketeers --> "Think fireplace with wings." ~ The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey --> "I swear by my pretty floral bonnet, I will end you." ~ Firefly --> "Aye aye Cap'n Tightpants." ~ Firefly --> "Two by two, hands of blue." ~ Firefly --> "The special hell, reserved for child molestor's and people who talk in the theater." ~ Firefly --> "What did y'all order a dead guy for?" ~ Firefly --> "It is somewhat fuzzier ont he subject of kneecaps." ~ Firefly
"I pray for a deaf-mute, gymnast, nymphomaniac with big boobs who owns a bar on a golf course and loves to send me fishing and drinking. This doesn't rhyme and I don't give a damn." ~ A Man's Poem
--> "Can we have three strikes 'cause we're old?" ~ Coach Logan Short
"The quality of mercy is not strain'd, -- It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath: it is twice blest, -- It blesseth him that gives, and him that takes: 'Tis mightiest int he mightiest: it becomes The throned monarch better than his crown; His sceptre shows the force of temporal power, The attribute to awe and majesty, Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings; But mercy is above the sceptred sway, -- It is enthroned in the hearts of kings, It is an attribute of God himself; And earthly power doth then show likest God's When mercy season justice. Therefore, Jew, Though justice be thy plea, consider this, -- That, in the course of justice, none of us Should see salvation: we do pray for mercy; And that same prayer doth teach us all to render The deeds of mercy." ~ William Shakespeare (The Merchant of Venice)
--> "Centuries of inbreeding is making the aristocracy stupid." ~ The Musketeers
"To be, or not to be, -- that is the question: -- Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of trouble, And by opposing end them? -- To die, -- to sleep, -- No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation Devoutly to be wisht. To die, -- to sleep; -- To sleep! perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub; For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause: there's the respect That makes calamity of so long life; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law's delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, -- The undiscovered country, from whose bourn No traveller returns, -- puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the hue of resolution Is sicklied o'er with the pale cut of thought; And enterprises of great pith and moment, With this regard, their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action. -- Soft you now! The fair Ophelia! -- Nymph in thy orisons Be all my sins remember'd." ~ William Shakespeare (Hamlet)
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harlequin-heart · 9 years
House GlaDOS 20-Day List Challenge
Day 9 --> I've never fangirled --> Jack the Ripper is one of my favorite historical figures --> My patronus is Elmo --> I hate monkeys --> I don't like pie or pastries --> When I was a child I wanted to grow up to be a criminal mastermind who ruled the universe --> (Ironically) I'm one of the most law-biding people you'll ever meet --> Boromir is my all-time favorite fictional character --> Optimus Prime is my favorite science fiction character --> Aquaman is my favorite DC hero --> I hate Batman --> I identify with villains but love heroes --> Athos is my favorite musketeer --> I favor tortured souls --> Dracula is one of my favorite novels because of how it was written, not because of the story --> I collect rocks --> I'm so shy I can't ask a waitress for a straw to go in my drinks --> I've never been to Comic-Con --> I've never won anything before, highest I've ever placed was 3rd --> I'm afraid of horses --> I hate Jane Austen --> I don't have a hometown and I don't know where I'm from --> I don't demand celebrities reply to me, I just talk to them like I talk to everyone else --> Sometimes they respond --> Jonathan Sadowski responded twice...to make fun of me (I'm still claiming it as a bragging right) --> I've met Henry Winkler and have his autograph --> Tony Hillerman was my neighbor and I've trick-or-treated at his house for 8 years in my childhood (he was a nice chap)
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harlequin-heart · 9 years
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House GlaDOS 20-Day List Challenge
Day 8
--> Vanilla --> Carrot --> Lemon
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harlequin-heart · 9 years
The International Geek Girl Pen Pal Club’s (aka. IGGPPC) House GlaDOS is hosting a 20-Day List Challenge for the month of February. It began Feb. 9th and goes to the end of the month. I found it a wee bit late and so have some catching up to do. You can find the challenge here if you are a member of the site and the house: http://www.geekgirlpenpals.com/forums/topic/house-glados-20-day-list-challenge/.
You will not be able to access it otherwise, but never fear, I include the title (as shown in the blog title) as I do the day so you can tag along via my posts if you so wish.
Day 7
--> Tom Burke (aka. Athos) --> Watching The Musketeers when I should be sleeping --> Reign --> The Red Road --> Candy --> Those tubs of icing that are really cheap in the grocery store --> Soul Eater --> Inuyasha --> Rave Master --> Yu-Gi-Oh! --> Wahlburgers --> Nickelback --> My Darkest Days --> Lil Mama
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harlequin-heart · 9 years
The International Geek Girl Pen Pal Club’s (aka. IGGPPC) House GlaDOS is hosting a 20-Day List Challenge for the month of February. It began Feb. 9th and goes to the end of the month. I found it a wee bit late and so have some catching up to do. You can find the challenge here if you are a member of the site and the house: http://www.geekgirlpenpals.com/forums/topic/house-glados-20-day-list-challenge/.
You will not be able to access it otherwise, but never fear, I include the title (as shown in the blog title) as I do the day so you can tag along via my posts if you so wish.
Day 6
--> Boromir --> Drizzt Do'Urden --> Paddington Bear --> Babar --> Wilbur --> Samwise Gamgee --> Aragorn --> Professor Snape --> Neville Longbottom --> Sirius Black --> Professor Lupin --> Beth --> Uncle Tom --> Mina Harker --> Dr. John Watson --> Raistlin --> Tanis Half-Elven --> Martin the Warrior --> Matthias the Warrior --> The entire Long Patrol --> Reepicheep --> Hector --> That Mormon fellow from Around the World in Eighty-Days
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harlequin-heart · 9 years
The International Geek Girl Pen Pal Club’s (aka. IGGPPC) House GlaDOS is hosting a 20-Day List Challenge for the month of February. It began Feb. 9th and goes to the end of the month. I found it a wee bit late and so have some catching up to do. You can find the challenge here if you are a member of the site and the house: http://www.geekgirlpenpals.com/forums/topic/house-glados-20-day-list-challenge/.
You will not be able to access it otherwise, but never fear, I include the title (as shown in the blog title) as I do the day so you can tag along via my posts if you so wish.
Day 5
--> Telling other people my fears
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harlequin-heart · 9 years
The International Geek Girl Pen Pal Club’s (aka. IGGPPC) House GlaDOS is hosting a 20-Day List Challenge for the month of February. It began Feb. 9th and goes to the end of the month. I found it a wee bit late and so have some catching up to do. You can find the challenge here if you are a member of the site and the house: http://www.geekgirlpenpals.com/forums/topic/house-glados-20-day-list-challenge/.
You will not be able to access it otherwise, but never fear, I include the title (as shown in the blog title) as I do the day so you can tag along via my posts if you so wish.
Day 4
--> Cold beverages --> Protein sources --> Fruits --> Veggies --> Condiments --> Ingredients in general --> Basically edible things that need to be refrigerated, what else would be in my refrigerator?
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harlequin-heart · 9 years
The International Geek Girl Pen Pal Club’s (aka. IGGPPC) House GlaDOS is hosting a 20-Day List Challenge for the month of February. It began Feb. 9th and goes to the end of the month. I found it a wee bit late and so have some catching up to do. You can find the challenge here if you are a member of the site and the house: http://www.geekgirlpenpals.com/forums/topic/house-glados-20-day-list-challenge/.
You will not be able to access it otherwise, but never fear, I include the title (as shown in the blog title) as I do the day so you can tag along via my posts if you so wish.
Day 3
--> Author a book --> Be successful, specifically my definition of successful and no one else's --> Be happy, by my terms and no one else's
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harlequin-heart · 9 years
The International Geek Girl Pen Pal Club’s (aka. IGGPPC) House GlaDOS is hosting a 20-Day List Challenge for the month of February. It began Feb. 9th and goes to the end of the month. I found it a wee bit late and so have some catching up to do. You can find the challenge here if you are a member of the site and the house: http://www.geekgirlpenpals.com/forums/topic/house-glados-20-day-list-challenge/.
You will not be able to access it otherwise, but never fear, I include the title (as shown in the blog title) as I do the day so you can tag along via my posts if you so wish.
Day 2
--> The Empress Hotel --> Winchester Cathedral --> Jane Austen's House --> Vegas Strip --> Blackwell's --> Oxford --> Basingstoke --> England in general --> Hawai'i
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harlequin-heart · 9 years
The International Geek Girl Pen Pal Club's (aka. IGGPPC) House GlaDOS is hosting a 20-Day List Challenge for the month of February. It began Feb. 9th and goes to the end of the month. I found it a wee bit late and so have some catching up to do. You can find the challenge here if you are a member of the site and the house: http://www.geekgirlpenpals.com/forums/topic/house-glados-20-day-list-challenge/.
You will not be able to access it otherwise, but never fear, I include the title (as shown in the blog title) as I do the day so you can tag along via my posts if you so wish.
Day 1
--> Catch up on House GlaDos 20 Day List Challenge --> Continue watching The Musketeers Season One (honestly only watching for Athos and those fantastic hats!) --> Try not to be so envious of The Musketeers for having hats better than mine --> Get some sleep (it's actually late at night)
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harlequin-heart · 9 years
Introduce Yourself in 50 Answers
These 50 questions come from: http://www.geekgirlpenpals.com/forums/topic/50-ice-breaker-questions-copy-paste-fill-in-your-answers/
1. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? My birth name came from a family tradition. My pseudonym (you didn't think a parent would actually name their kid harlequin now did you?) came from the inner workings of my brain...and possibly my personality.
2. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? I guess that depends on one's definition of cry. A single tear rolling down one's cheek? Crying a river? Sniffles? I sniffle all the time. Seasonal allergies and all. That's reason to cry all its own. Seriously, what the hell is there to be allergic to in the dead of winter?
3. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? My feelings are like the tides, they ebb to and fro.
4. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCH MEAT? I think I'll just clarify this now for all future references. I am what you would call an Accidental Vegetarian.
5. DO YOU HAVE KIDS? I had a few but they were so troublesome that we used their hides for various means (purses, shoes, bodhrans, etc.).
Oh you meant the other kind didn't you?
6. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? Would I be friends with myself? Like myself as I am now? Or myself as that other person?
Would I know myself as intimately as I do now? Or am I just meeting myself for the first time? There's a lot of assumptions being thrown around with this question, so much so that I don't actually know how to answer. Refine the question and try again.
8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Given the severe lack of ice cream binge eating I'm assuming the answer is yes.
9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? If all your peers jumped off a cliff into a lake of fire would you join them?
11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? I want to say yes as it means I have the uncanny power to untie laces on things that don't have laces.
12. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? Mentally? Emotionally? Physically? Spiritually? Grammatically? Abrakadabraly?
I'm not so sure about that last one...
13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM? The cold and un-melted kind. I also greatly enjoy the one no one screams about.
14. WHAT IS THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE? It's not so much what I notice so much as what my first thought is (dear Lord, do I have to talk to them?).
15. RED OR PINK? According to Donut it's not pink, it's lightish red. Besides, isn't it the same color family? It's like asking which child you prefer, your first-born or your last-born.
16. WHAT IS THE LEAST FAVORITE THING ABOUT YOURSELF? You honestly couldn't be bothered to ask me what MY least favorite things is, you had to ask what THE least favorite is? How can I answer that? I haven't surveyed the entire population that is past, present, and yet to be what the like least about me.
What a cruel question.
17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? I suppose my grandparents. I haven't got any left.
18. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ANIMAL? I suppose Charmeleon doesn't count since it is technically a Pokemon (couldn't we just say it's a species native only to Japan?), so I have to go with the pig (and now you're getting the gist of "accidental" vegetarianism).
19. WHAT COLOR SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? I am wearing nothing more on my feet than my feet themselves.
21. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? I suppose the clickity-clackity of the keys on the computer keyboard as I am typing out each individual answer in their entirety. Of course I am listening to the various other noises my computer makes as it does whatever it is that it does. I do not know what sound goes with whatever function of a computer as I am not a computer engineer nor a technical person by nature.
22. IF YOU WERE A CRAYON, WHAT COLOR WOULD YOU BE? Whatever my skin tone could be considered as I guess.
23. FAVORITE SMELLS? I lack a sense of smell, or very nearly. The few smells I can enjoy are: lemon, cinnamon, vanilla, leather, dirt, and rain. I'm aware that last one sounds iffy, but have you ever gone outside and smelled the rain before it even arrived? You can smell the days it's going to rain, the plants and earthworms can sense it's presence and they prepare the earth for the impending rainfall. That's actually what you end up smelling, the ground preparing for the rain. Then go outside after it has finished raining and smell again.
You can literally smell an entire rain cycle. How cool is that?
24. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? The patriarch of the family (aka. Dad).
25. MOUNTAIN HIDEAWAY OR BEACH HOUSE? What about them? Are you asking which I would rather live in? Hide in? Rent? Build? Sell? Vacation in?
Mountain Hideaway to all.
26. FAVORITE SPORTS TO WATCH? The Olympic Games since they cover just about all of them. Well, all of the good ones at least with the exception of baseball. That needs to be watched in person if at all possible.
27. HAIR COLOR? Don't peek behind the mask.
28. EYE COLOR? Don't peek behind the mask.
30. FAVORITE FOOD? Whatever is edible and delicious I suppose.
31. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Again with the generalized preferential questions. Neither or both.
32. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? That one Robin Hood movie with that one guy as Robin and that other English fellow as the baddie.
34. SUMMER OR WINTER? Whichever comes first.
35. HUGS OR KISSES? Whichever you're offering to give me is fine with me, though I am a greedy little thing and would not object to both.
36. FAVORITE DESSERT? Scandinavian Licorice.
38. COMPUTER OR TELEVISION? They serve separate functions and cannot be compared. Try picking two things of similar practicality (or impracticality) and ask again.
39. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW? I have 500 books that I read a bit at a time all the time.
40. WHAT IS ON YOUR MOUSE PAD? I assume the mouse is on his own pad, as all bachelor's are.
44. WHAT IS THE FARTHEST YOU HAVE BEEN FROM HOME? Another country. Specifically one that isn't attached to mine.
46. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? A hospital room.
48. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR HOUSE? Inside or outside?
49. WHAT COLOR IS YOUR CAR? Don't have one.
50. ARE YOU MUSICALLY INCLINED? That's an under-statement.
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