elysiasalmon · 11 years
Just please don't say you love me 'Cause I might not say it back Doesn't mean my heart stops skipping when you look at me like that There's no need to worry when you see just where we're at Just please don't say you love me 'Cause I might not say it back gabrielle_aplin
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elysiasalmon · 11 years
everything has beauty even the ugly, especially the ugly because without ugly there would be not beauty 
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elysiasalmon · 11 years
I took myself down to the cafe to find all the boys lost in books  And crackling vinyl And carved out a poem above the urinal that read Don't you cry for the lost Smile for the living Get what you need and give what you'r given Life's for the living so live it Or you're better of dead
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elysiasalmon · 11 years
Well you only need the light when it's burning low Only miss the sun when it starts to snow Only know you love her when you let her go Only know you've been high when you're feeling low Only hate the road when you're missin' home Only know you love her when you let her go
passenger - let her go
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elysiasalmon · 11 years
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elysiasalmon · 11 years
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me and my beautiful cousin Charlotte x 
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elysiasalmon · 11 years
Hour: Carol Ann Duffy
Love’s time’s beggar, but even a single hour, bright as a dropped coin, makes love rich. We find an hour together, spend it not on flowers or wine, but the whole of the summer sky and a grass ditch.
For thousands of seconds we kiss; your hair like treasure on the ground; the Midas light turning your limbs to gold. Time slows, for here we are millonaires, backhanding the night
so nothing dark will end our shining hour, no jewel hold a candle to the cuckoo spit hung from the blade of grass at your ear, no chandelier or spotlight see you better lit
than here. Now. Time hates love, wants love poor, but love spins gold, gold, gold from straw.
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elysiasalmon · 11 years
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just a sketch i thought i'd upload :3 x
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elysiasalmon · 11 years
There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.
preface of Dorian Grey by Oscar Wilde 
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elysiasalmon · 11 years
Dancing through the valleys of luscious green, embracing the warm summer sun as it beats down onto your lifeless body to breath life into you once more, The once archaic earth;colossal graves of the past, is metamorphosis-ed bringing life to death, Forgetting the long cold winter and rejoicing in a balmy air. Frolicking through the abundance of wild flowers; as a symphony of birds fill the sky forming an array of color forever imprinted in your mind. Once again you look upon the dragon but now see the adorned jeweled eyes, to see the beast but not lay blind to the beauty that once was and still is. Unaware you cascade downward in a spiral of questions. Even if dreams may not disclose an answer and the returning summer does not resolve the damage of the arctic storm, it relives the hard mind from the harsh winters for a while.
© 2013 Elysia Salmon
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elysiasalmon · 11 years
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how i feel when i write poetry
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elysiasalmon · 11 years
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elysiasalmon · 11 years
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“Earth's crammed with heaven,  And every common bush afire with God,  But only he who sees takes off his shoes; The rest sit round and pluck blackberries.” 
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elysiasalmon · 11 years
The words longing to be freed, longing to be read, longing to be shared. The multitude of emotion, so innocent so pulchritudinous. The awe of wonder as every letter captivates you an yet you feel gratitude is not enough for something that is so much more
© 2013 Elysia Salmon
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