rc6ty · 8 months
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alltheprettyplaces · 10 months
tagged for top songs of august by @heartstringsduet 💖
she’s in her paramore era
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tagging @coelura @iboatedhere @emmowned @playlistsorters (bc that list is your fault) and anyone else who wants to do this 🫶
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mythtiide · 2 years
this is truley my sword era
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calmasyoghurt · 3 months
You're wondering where all joker out fans are? Well, most of them are on their 15th loop of one or all the members singing the chourus of one of their own songs. The rest are a bit stressed because they have a concert coming up and can't find the uno cards they swore they saw in a drawer last month.
What they need the uno cards for? Science probably.
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crushculture03 · 9 months
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Summary : Matty surprises you during your set at lollapalooza and you two sing together
Paring : Matty healy x singer!reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings : None
Word count : 1.5k
The song they sing is “Everything has changed” by Taylor Swift featuring Ed Sheeran
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“Hey everyone” she said into the mic as she finished up her opening song, the crowd screamed back at her in response. “It’s so cool to be playing lolla this year! I’m happy i get to see all of your guys beautiful faces” she said, her eyes scanning the sea of people that were stood infront of the stage. Part of her is still in shock that this was a real moment, she never thought she’d end up here in Chicago playing for atleast over 500 people.
“Well enough of my talking lets get into the next song!” she shouted, the band took that as their que to begin playing. She was having the time of her life jumping, dancing and singing onstage, but something was missing in this moment, or more like someone. Her boyfriend Matty, who had been unable to make it because he and his band were on tour for their new album. Besides the facetime calls and the photos, the two hadn’t seen each other, in person at least, for over a month, something which was rare since the two live together and are virtually inserable.
After the next song finished she said “This next song is very special to me because my boyfriend and I wrote it together” the crowd cheered at the mention of matty “ I know he may be watching this livestream from his hotel, so matty if you’re seeing this this ones for you baby I love you”. One of the crew members ran onstage and handed her her guitar, she quickly tuned it before saying “This is Everything has changed” and quickly began strumming the familiar tune.
All I knew this morning when I woke
Is I know something now
Know something now I didn't before
And all I've seen since 18 hours ago
Is brown eyes and freckles and your smile
In the back of my mind, making me feel like
I just wanna know you better
Know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better
Know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better
Know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you, know you, know you
'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello"
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
And everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday
Is everything has changed
She was about to start the second verse, the one that matty originally sings, when she heard that all too familiar voice. She quickly whipped her head around to the side of the stage to see her boyfriend, mic in hand, walking over to her.
And all my walls stood tall, painted blue
And I'll take 'em down, take 'em down
And open up the door for you
And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies
The beautiful kind, making up for lost time
Taking flight, making me feel right
Tears pricked at her eyes as he stood in front of her, singing the lyrics towards her. “Matty” she whispered, still not believing this was real, she thought he wasn’t able to make it due to having a show in New york that night, but here he was onstage standing infront of her singing their song. The crowd cheering for the couple, is what snapped her out of her trance, luckily for her her guitarist took over for her so she could be in the moment with matty. He quickly reached out his hand for her to take as they began to sing the pre-chourus
I just wanna know you better
Know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better
Know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better
Know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you, know you, know you
Matty pulled her into his arms as the two continued to sing. He gently placed his forehead on hers as their bodies continued to sway with the music.
'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello"
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
And everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday
Is everything has changed
When the bridge came up matty took her hand and spun her around, so her back was pulled flush to his chest and his free arm was held around her waist. She leaned her head back against his chest as she put the mic back up to her lips and sang
Come back and tell me why
I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time
And meet me there tonight
And let me know that it's not all in my mind
Matty quickly placed a kiss to her cheek, before she sang the closing pre-chorus by herself
I just wanna know you better
Know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you, know you, know you
She intertwined their free hands together as matty joined back into the song.
'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello"
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
And everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday
Is everything has changed
After the two sang the last lyric, they turned to face eachother, Matty cupped her cheek and pulled her into him, closing the gap between the two. The crowd went wild as the young couple kissed eachother, “I love you” she whispered after pulling away from the kiss, “I love you too baby, in fact I have a question” matty said, as he pulled away from her grasped and slowly lowered himself down onto one knee, pulling out a small velvet box. “Matty” she whispered, happy tears now flowing freely down her face as The crowd cheered loudly, but the couple couldn’t hear it, they were too focused on eachother to realize that this was happening infront of over 500 people.
“You’re the love of my life, my rock, my muse, I love you forever and always baby. Will you do me the honour and be my wife?” he asked, slowly opening the small box to reveal a small gold ring with a diamond on top. She nodded her head gently “yes, yes matty” she smiled, pulling him up from the ground and into a kiss.
Pulling away from the kiss, Matty took the ring from the box and gently slid it onto her left ring finger. “I love you so much Y/n” he whispered, before pulling her back into another kiss. “I love you too baby” she whispered back, “As much as I love to jump your bones in this very moment and celebrate I have to do one more song” she whispered away from the mic. “No worries baby” he responded, turning around to leave, but before he could walk away she grabbed his hand.
“Wait matty can we do our other song?” she asked, hoping hed agree to sing with her on last time. “If the crowds ok with it, then I am too, the boys are even here if you want them to join” Matty said, as he gestured over to his bandmates, who were standing on the side of the stage. “Why not we’re engaged why not celebrate” she said, and quickly hurried to her band to tell them the situation, they all agreed and walked off stage.
Matty waved the boys onstage, and when the 3 men appeared from offstage the crowd went wild, realizing what was about to happen. “Ok everyone to celebrate, we thought we’d sing ‘About you’, if thats ok?” she said, facing the crowd, which cheered in response.
With that the boys got into place and began the familiar tune.
Through the whole song the couple stayed wrapped around eachother, never wanting to let go. “Thank you everyone I love you all!” she said, blowing kisses into the crowd and waving goodbye to them, as she made her way offstage.
“Well congratulations you two” George said as he pulled the couple into a hug, the rest of the boys following him in the same action, “Thank you” she responded, the grin never leaving her face as she hugged each of the band members. “We’re gonna get something to drink so you guys can talk” ross said, as the three men walked off.
“How are you here matty I thought you had a show” she said, “Well we did but i lied about the location, we’re not playing in New York we’re playing here in Chicago” he chuckled, “I wanted to surprise you” he said as he pulled her impossibly closer to himself. “Best surprise ever” she whispered before connecting their lips, “Can’t wait till you’re my wife” he whispered back, “Y/n healy has a good ring too it doesn’t it” she smiled widely, “That it does baby, that it does” matty said, the smile never leaving his face.
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What about the oddduck asks? Do I need to break out the “bad anon” squirt bottle again?
No, I just needed someone to ask me something so I could write this 🤣
"Why are you so nervous, Smallville?" Lois asked, standing on her toes to kiss his cheek, eyes teasing. "I don't care that your best friend is a girl-"
"It's not that," he chuckled. "Y/N is... different. Not quite everyone's cup of tea."
"Is she one of those people that says she's blunt and is really just a raging bitch to everyone?" Lois asked.
"Oh gosh no," Clark said, "She's just- a little odd."
"Like 'needs to be medicated' odd or-"
"Neurodivergent odd," Clark corrected gently. "She hyperfixates on stuff and she can seem a little spacy or aloof if she's in a rabbit hole."
"Rabbit hole?"
"That's what we started calling it when she was little- Like Alice following the white Rabbit, she just sorta tumbles down until she hits the bottom."
"Cute," Lois said, crinkling her nose. "So, she's not rude just not a people person-"
"It gets better once she gets to know you," he assured her. "When we were kids I thought she didn't like me until some older boys were making fun of me and she just stood in front of me and stared at them until they went away."
"Stared at them?" Lois asked, laughing.
"Sure. The creepy little girl stare... she's still really good at it."
"And the rest is history?"
"Well yeah," he said, "Ma and Pa already knew her grandparents and they were all just thrilled we were buddies... Not like people and their kids got any nicer to her."
Clark nodded a little sadly, "Sometimes people would pretend to be nice to her to get to me. And other times they'd just... well. Let's just say I've broken up with people for treating her badly."
Lois nodded, understanding now why this was important. And she just hoped she could at least grin and bear it.
Clark tried not to scowl at his wife who was gleefully telling his Ma about Bruce Wayne coming to visit you when you'd been in New York to give a lecture at NYU.
But, even he had to admit, it was better Bruce than the last guy. And it was better that you weren't just alone. And that's when he heard it. The crack in your voice when you said 'Stop!'.
And he didn't want to hear you telling your mother off but he did, "I gotta go," he said, picking up his keys.
"Clark what-"
"I'll explain later but-"
"I'll make up the couch," he heard Jon call from the other room.
"And I'll heat up the pie," Martha said, watching him pause to kiss his wife on the way out the door.
"Do you want me to come?" Lois asked, stroking his cheek. "Just tell Pa to grab a jar out of the cellar," he murmured, his lips close to her ear, "and don't let ma hear you."
"Don't let Ma hear what?" Martha demanded.
"Nothing," they chourus, and before Martha can demand her son answer for himself, he's gone. To try and intercept you. Remind you that there's places where who you are is enough.
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possuminnit · 10 months
‘Look at the mountains, the prettiest of trees, these are some of my favourite things, you never will see’
☹️☹️☹️whhadda hell..
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transbeeduo · 6 months
I FINALLY FOUND MY ENDERMAN NOTES SO HERE'S FUCKED UP ALIEN BIOLOGY! Endermen have wisker feeler things some on thier face around where wiskers are on a cat and across thier spine to thier tail tips, they use these to feel around blindspots and communication via body language and rattling them. Endermen diets consist of endermites and chourus fruit, due to needing to reach into and climb chorus trees they have mandibles (I got this idea from someone else). Thier aversion to eye contact is purely instinctual and triggers thier fight or flight. I can send another ask or some old art going deeper into this so this ask isn't an essay if you want!
YOOOOOO YOOOO THIS FUCKING RULESSSS YEASSSS i love these allll sm i love the whisker/feeler thing especially that fucking WORKS SO WELLLL theyre so sensitive to eyecontact from strangers that they’ve evolved to be able to sense things all over…. ALSO YEAH FEEL FREE TO SEND AS MUCH AS U WANT THIS SHIT RULES
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me listening to Its Been So Long and when the chourus come on I think about Jaiden saying 'hold on this the best part'
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rose-icosahedron · 2 years
eyo ive been doing my lovely minecrfat worldbuilding as I do, and thinking baout my voidwalkers, which are the end-dwelling player sub-speices, and I just was thinking about what they eat.
and sure you have chourus, but thats not gonna be a full diet right? players are omnivores not herbivors for the most part. I previously decided they eat meat in the for of dragons, and recently came to the cursed thought of maybe they schould eat endermen.
the thought is kind of weird at first, endermen are like... one of the mobs we empathize most with. they are humanoid, and carry things and stuff. but like... they dont talk.. there are a ton of them... probobly veru high in protein... easier to find than dragons.
like... am I gonna make a cultral taboo against them and just have people eat endermite and dragons, or monch monch enderman snack. i need thoughts people please
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dragonblaze716 · 1 year
ok hear me out, die anywhere else would fit PERFECT for Asriel and Chara. Its got refences to dust, the past and nostalgia; the chourus even relates to how Chara wanted to be buried in their human village. "If only I could die anywhere else" just listen to a vocal cover, you'll see it I swear.
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Jesse Pinkman - Track 1
“I figured as I got older that life just sucks when you get sober//I figured out as I got sober that life just sucks when you get older”
This is the most Jesse line i have ever heard he is constantly trying to get sober and try and fix things but no matter what he does his life is just on this downward spiral so he relapses
The anger is also very him honestly i wish he went off on people more, the part towards the end before they repeat the chourus of the song makes me think of him and walter so much, how everything had to be on walters schedule and his plan, how it was never about jesse, nothing was ever for him. 
all in all, very jesse song
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
As local gaslighten anthem stan. One of their main themes , especially in the handwritten album [where the most recent kip song comes from] is looking back on the past and things in a rather melancholy or sad mindset or veiw. Songs such as handwritten and 45 have such deep personal meaning to me but in like a more general mindset. Handwritten really is about looking for someone or something, the one who is like your soulmate. That thers someone out there feeling exactly like you. the fact that kip chose to focus on the one lyrics from the chourus "we only write by the moonEvery word handwritten" really like feels like hes focusing onthe time of night where you feel like your mind is running and spiralling and escping you and no matter how hard you try to keep onto it, your mind and thouhgts just run so loose that you feel powerless. I dunno, I just thought that was important and I had to get the minorly engliosh major thought outta my brain
honestly in the context of the post, that makes incredibly much sense - the photo attached to the caption was after he pinned penelope in the spur of the moment to win the ironman title from her. so it makes so much sense to associate that with a lyric with such a meaning
still strong together even after everything that happened, the things he could help but to do, the motions that he went through to the bitter end. they still belong together, forever
thats just beautiful honestly, thank you for sharing this 💜
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katiesautisms · 1 month
Heres something to think about: what if the reason The End is this desolate void of floating rock with little to no life on it because it takes place in a universe that has or is close too it's heat death?
It could explain why life there is so sparce and lacking in biodiversity (for now until they update the end [please mojang I beg of thee]) and also why it feels so alien. Things like Endermen or chourus fruits would have to specifically adapt to the cold emptiness of space, explaining their odd nature in a way.
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tobiasvonberlin · 8 months
what is this
thomas j henry : i am making the delcaration of independend hamilton : no i hate you music chourus - 1 2 2 3 4 5 5 6 7 8 8990 10000 hamilton and thomas : the ten dual commandments big gun fire enter kjing george geoge = oh my god hes dead
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indietapes · 1 year
The Mezz - Jump To Fly (Indie Rock)
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🕑 1 min / Text: Franklin B. Release Date: Jan. 27, 2023 Sunday seems like a good day for some upbeat, joyful, and easy-listening rock. I recently came across The Mezz, an indie band from Oxford, that just released a new single called 'Jump To Fly'. It's a fresh and uplifting guitar track with anthemic melodies. Their sound takes me back to the early 2000s with a strong feeling of nostalgia, and there's something very captivating about the chourus. Give it a listen! You can find out more about The Mezz via Spotify and Instagram. Energie: ★★★★★ | Melodie: ★★★★☆ | Produktion: ★★★★☆ | Arrangement: ★★★★☆ |   Stream: https://open.spotify.com/track/3GRV28DUrqi3DEaVra44rk Follow: https://www.instagram.com/_mezzband/ ✔️ Available on our Indie Playlist on Spotify.
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