devendrasingh3047 · 15 hours
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Health Impact of Heat Waves and How to Protect Yourself
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devendrasingh3047 · 6 days
How does the Avastin injection (bevacizumab) suppress intracellular tumour growth?
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Avastin, known scientifically as bevacizumab, is a pivotal drug in oncology. It is known for its efficacy in suppressing intracellular tumour growth through targeted inhibition of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). This blog explores the profound impact of Avastin across various cancer types, detailing its mechanism of action, clinical applications, safety profile, and future directions in cancer treatment.
What does Avastin do to cancer patients?
Avastin works by specifically binding to vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a protein that stimulates the growth of new blood vessels necessary for tumour progression. Here is everything you need to know:
Inhibits Tumor Growth: Avastin (bevacizumab) works by precisely targeting and inhibiting vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). This protein is crucial for the formation of new blood vessels that tumours need to grow. This precise mechanism of action is what makes Avastin so effective. By blocking VEGF, Avastin reduces the blood supply to tumours, thereby slowing down their growth and potentially shrinking them.
Enhances Treatment Effectiveness: When used in combination with chemotherapy or other cancer treatments, Avastin enhances their effectiveness. By reducing the blood flow to tumours, Avastin helps other treatments penetrate tumours more effectively, improving overall treatment outcomes.
Delays Disease Progression: Avastin is known to prolong the time before cancer progresses. In clinical trials, it has been shown to increase progression-free survival rates in various types of cancers, including colorectal, lung, breast, and kidney cancers, as well as glioblastoma.
Improves Quality of Life: For many cancer patients, Avastin not only slows disease progression but also improves the quality of life by reducing symptoms associated with advanced cancer, such as pain and discomfort caused by tumour growth.
Potential Side Effects: While generally well-tolerated, Avastin can cause side effects such as hypertension, proteinuria (excess protein in the urine), bleeding, gastrointestinal perforation, and impaired wound healing. Close monitoring by healthcare providers is essential to manage these risks effectively during treatment.
What types of cancer is Avastin used for?
In clinical settings, Avastin 100mg injection is prescribed to patients with advanced stages of cancer, including colorectal, lung, breast, and kidney cancers, among others. Its effectiveness lies in its ability to disrupt the tumour's blood supply, thereby shrinking tumours and preventing their progression.
Colorectal Cancer: Avastin is approved for use in combination with chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer. It helps to slow down tumour growth and improve survival rates.
Lung Cancer: In non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), Avastin is used as a first-line treatment in combination with chemotherapy. It has been shown to extend survival and delay disease progression.
Breast Cancer: Avastin may be used in combination with chemotherapy for metastatic HER2-negative breast cancer. It helps to reduce blood flow to tumours, potentially shrinking them and improving treatment outcomes.
Kidney Cancer: Avastin is utilised for advanced renal cell carcinoma (kidney cancer), often in combination with other targeted therapies or immunotherapy agents. It targets VEGF, which is crucial for tumour blood vessel growth.
Does Avastin have side effects?
Avastin has demonstrated significant benefits for cancer patients, especially those in advanced stages of the disease. It notably improves both progression-free survival and overall survival rates by targeting vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), a protein crucial for tumour blood vessel formation. 
While Avastin is generally well-tolerated, it can cause several potential side effects that require careful monitoring. Common side effects include 
Hypertension (high blood pressure)
Proteinuria (excess protein in the urine)
Bleeding tendencies
Gastrointestinal perforation (a rare but serious complication)
Impaired wound healing
How do patients respond to Avastin treatment?
While Avastin is generally well-tolerated, it can cause several potential side effects that require careful monitoring. Common side effects include hypertension (high blood pressure), proteinuria (excess protein in the urine), bleeding tendencies, gastrointestinal perforation (a rare but serious complication), and impaired wound healing. Patients undergoing Avastin treatment should be closely monitored for these side effects, and healthcare providers may adjust treatment regimens as needed to manage these risks effectively.
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devendrasingh3047 · 18 days
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Mango is good for your health, It's my favorite fruit.
Mangoes are packed with vitamins A and C, loaded with antioxidants, and contain nutrients that are beneficial for your heart.
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devendrasingh3047 · 2 months
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Top 10 Summer Foods
Join us on a culinary journey as we explore the top 10 summer foods that are sure to elevate your dining experience and keep you coming back for more.
Juicy Watermelon
Grilled Corn on the Cob
Vibrant Berries
Fresh Garden Tomatoes
Cool Cucumber Salad
Sweet and Tangy Pineapple
Mango Lassi
Sprouted Moong Salad
Mouthwatering Stone Fruits
Icy Refreshments
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devendrasingh3047 · 2 months
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Top 10 Refreshing Summer Drinks: Beat the Heat with these Cool Beverages!
Top 10 Summer Drinks
Join us on a refreshing journey to find out the Top 10 summer drinks that help you rejuvenate, refresh, and rehydrate.
Lemon mint lemonade
Watermelon Juice
Tender coconut water/ Coconut smoothies
Jal jeera
Ice apple sharbat
Nannari Sharbat – The flavor of south
Lassi and buttermilk
Iced tea
Ragi Ambali
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devendrasingh3047 · 3 months
Wellness Worked-out: Your Guide to Hypertension, Heart Health, and Kidney Vitality
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Healthcare management often comes with tackling chronic conditions like hypertension (high blood pressure), cardiovascular diseases, and kidney health, each crucial for enhancing patient outcomes and quality of life. 
Among the myriad of treatments available, the Telma CT 40mg/6.25mg tablets emerge as a significant option, particularly in managing hypertension, a condition often linked to chronic kidney disease (CKD) and diabetic nephropathy. This article delves into the comprehensive management strategies encompassing stress control and cardiovascular and kidney health, underscoring the role of medication, lifestyle modifications, and regular monitoring in mitigating risks and complications.
What is the main cause of hypertension?
High blood pressure is a condition where the blood-pumping pressure in the arteries is persistently elevated, posing significant risks to cardiovascular health. 
The main cause of hypertension is multifactorial, often stemming from a combination of genetic predisposition, lifestyle factors like a diet high in sodium, obesity, lack of physical activity, excessive alcohol consumption, and smoking, as well as underlying medical conditions like kidney disease and diabetes.
What is Telma CT 40 6.25 mg used for?
The Telma CT 40mg/6.25mg Tablet is a combination medication that has been instrumental in treating hypertension. It combines Telmisartan and Chlorthalidone, where Telmisartan acts as an angiotensin receptor blocker (ARB), and Chlorthalidone is a thiazide-like diuretic. This synergistic action protects the kidneys, making it an ideal choice for patients with CKD and Diabetic Nephropathy.
The most common after-effects include dizziness, headache, fatigue, nausea, and electrolyte imbalance. If any of these symptoms persist or worsen, consult a healthcare provider.
How does high blood pressure affect the kidneys?
Hypertension harms the blood vessels in the kidneys, cutting back on their ability to function correctly. Over time, this can lead to CKD and increase the risk of kidney failure. Here are some prolonged side effects: 
Induces inflammation and oxidative stress within the delicate network of blood vessels in the kidneys, impairing their ability to filter waste and regulate venous pressure.
Persistent stress causes the renal arteries to thicken and narrow, restricting blood flow to the kidneys and diminishing their function over time.
Elevated pressure in the glomeruli (tiny filtering units in the kidneys) can damage them and leak protein into the urine, a hallmark sign of kidney injury.
The interplay between high blood pressure and kidney dysfunction often exacerbates cardiovascular complications, amplifying the risk of heart disease and stroke.
Chronic exposure to high pressure accelerates the progression of kidney disease, escalating the likelihood of end-stage renal failure necessitating dialysis or transplantation.
Stress-related kidney damage extends beyond filtration impairment, disrupting hormonal regulation mechanisms that control electrolyte balance and red blood cell production.
Is Telma CT effective in kidney protection?
The combination of Telmisartan and Chlorthalidone in Telma CT has been shown to protect the kidneys, particularly in patients with diabetes. Here is how it works: 
Telmisartan is composed of an angiotensin II receptor blocker (ARB). Angiotensin II, a substance produced by the body, binds to receptors in the arteries, causing them to narrow and raise blood pressure. Telmisartan relaxes and widens the vessels by blocking the action of angiotensin II, thereby reducing the pump rate. This is crucial for the kidneys because high blood pressure is one of the leading causes of kidney damage. 
Chlorthalidone is a thiazide-like diuretic that prevents your body from absorbing excess salt, which might cause fluid retention. It works by escalating urine output, which helps lower blood pressure. While the primary role of chlorthalidone is to aid in fluid elimination and control, it also has a beneficial effect on the kidneys.
Combined Effect on Kidney Protection
The combination of Telmisartan and Chlorthalidone in Telma CT offers a dual approach that is particularly beneficial for kidney protection. Hypertension and diabetes are two significant risk factors for the development of chronic kidney disease. Diabetes can significantly damage the small blood vessels in the kidneys, impairing their function. High veinal pressure compounds this problem by further stressing the kidneys.
Consultation is the key!
Regular discussions with healthcare professionals are paramount for individuals diagnosed with hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, or kidney conditions. This practice is crucial for the precise adjustment of medications and treatments and for effectively tracking the progress of lifestyle modifications and their impact on overall health. Engaging in ongoing consultations and health checks is pivotal in managing these conditions, ensuring that heart health abbarations are addressed promptly.
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devendrasingh3047 · 4 months
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Understanding Metastatic Breast and Colorectal Cancer: Treatment, Challenges, and Hope
For example, Capiibine 500mg Tablet is a chemotherapy drug with the active ingredient Capecitabine. It belongs to the category of medicines known as antimetabolites. This is used in combination with other anticancer drugs for the management of metastatic colorectal cancer and breast cancer. For more read: https://ecency.com/breast/@mrmed/breast-and-colorectal-cancer-treatment
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devendrasingh3047 · 4 months
MrMed launches maiden campaign with 'Sahi Dawa, Sahi Daam, Sahi Samay Par' narrative
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Confronting the daunting expenses of critical illnesses can be overwhelming, particularly as medication costs escalate. MrMed, an innovative online super-speciality pharmacy, has launched its first-ever advertising campaign, championing the message: 'Sahi Dawa, Sahi Daam, aur Sahi Samay par' – the right medicine, at the right price, and at the right time. Watch The Ad Here
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devendrasingh3047 · 6 months
Unmasking the Cancer Conundrum: India's Ongoing Battle and Public Fear
Cancer is considered the second leading cause of death all over the world. It is the most prevalent health concern that affects millions of people. India has also faced a lot of struggle to overcome these enemies. This article discusses the ongoing battle and public fear in India and also involves some inspiring stories of Indian celebrities who have conquered cancer.
The Rising Incidence
India grapples with an increasing number of cancer cases, fueled by factors ranging from lifestyle changes and environmental pollutants to an aging population. This surge necessitates a closer examination of the multifaceted nature of the disease and a collective effort to address the growing public fear surrounding it.
Public Fear and Stigma
The fear of a cancer diagnosis is pervasive in India, often leading to delayed medical intervention and compounding the challenges associated with the disease. By delving into the psychological aspects of public fear and the associated social stigmas, we aim to unravel the complexities that hinder timely diagnosis and effective treatment.
Indian Celebrities: Inspiring Tales of Triumph
Several Indian celebrities have become an inspiration and a ray of hope for the cancer fighters. They not only survive cancer but also use this platform to raise awareness about cancer.
 From Bollywood stars to sports achievers, they share their stories to create resilience, determination, and the importance of early detection and treatment. Some of the Indian celebrities who survived and battled cancer are available in the MrMed Health Library.
Government Initiatives and Awareness
While celebrities play a crucial role in inspiring the public, government initiatives and awareness campaigns are equally pivotal in the fight against cancer. This section explores the comprehensive strategies employed by the Indian government, healthcare organizations, and NGOs to address the rising cancer burden and enhance public awareness.
Challenges and Triumphs
Beyond the glitz and glamour, challenges persist in the form of healthcare accessibility, social stigma, and misinformation. By examining these hurdles and celebrating the triumphs of those who have overcome them, we gain insights into the broader landscape of cancer care in India.
Cancer can be defeated if we follow the treatment plans promptly, and it can be easily cured by early diagnosis. With determination, every cancer fighter can also turn out to be an inspiration like the one celebrating in India. Let’s spread awareness and protect our loved ones from this enemy. 
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devendrasingh3047 · 6 months
Understanding Autoimmune Disorders And Advances In Medication: A Comprehensive Exploration
An autoimmune disorder is a disorder in the immune system which attacks its healthy cells. This disorder affects various organs and systems in the human body. In recent years, significant strides have been made in understanding the underlying mechanisms of autoimmune disorders and developing innovative medications to manage these conditions effectively.
I. The Nature Of Autoimmune Disorders
During the autoimmune disorder, the immune system loses its ability to differentiate the foreign and own cells, which destroys the body's cells and tissues. Several factors like genetic predisposition, environmental triggers, and loss of immune tolerance may lead to this disorder. This may also cause joint pain, inflammation, kidney, heart, and nerve disorders.
II. Mechanisms Of Autoimmunity
A. Immune System Dysfunction: The immune system acts as a self-defense force that helps protect our body from infection. When this immune system is disturbed, it identifies its own cells as foreign bodies.
B. Breakdown Of Self-Tolerance
Self-tolerance, the immune system's ability to recognize and tolerate the body's own cells, is crucial. Autoimmune disorders arise when this tolerance breaks down, leading to immune attacks on healthy tissues.
C. Genetic And Environmental Factors
Both genetics and environment play a major role in an autoimmune disorder. Individuals who have a family history of autoimmune disorder may have an increase in it. Environmental factors like infections also disturb immune response and lead to autoimmune disorders. 
III. Diverse Array Of Autoimmune Diseases
Diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) may also be caused by autoimmune disorders.
IV. Diagnostic Approaches
Early diagnosis, like clinical evaluation, laboratory tests, imaging studies, and, in some cases, biopsy, helps to manage the autoimmune disorder effectively.
V. Advances In Medication
A. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs)
NSAIDs help alleviate pain and inflammation, offering symptomatic relief for many autoimmune disorders.
B. Disease-Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs (DMARDs)
DMARDs, commonly used in rheumatoid arthritis, aim to modify the course of the disease, slowing its progression and preventing further joint damage.
C. Biologic Therapies And Monoclonal Antibodies
These medications target specific components of the immune system, reducing inflammation and mitigating autoimmune responses. Biologics have shown efficacy in treating conditions like psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis, and Crohn's disease.
D. Corticosteroids And Immunosuppressants
These medications suppress the immune system's activity, reducing inflammation and preventing damage to affected tissues. However, their long-term use is often associated with side effects.
E. Immunomodulatory Drugs
These drugs modulate the immune system, restoring its balance and preventing excessive immune responses.
VI. Challenges And Considerations in Medication Management
A. Individualized Treatment Plans
Autoimmune disorders manifest differently in each individual, necessitating personalized treatment plans tailored to specific conditions and patient needs.
B. Side Effects And Long-Term Risks
Many medications used to manage autoimmune disorders come with potential side effects and long-term risks, requiring careful consideration and monitoring.
C. Treatment Adherence And Patient Education
Patient education is crucial for fostering treatment adherence and empowering individuals to actively participate in managing their conditions.
VII. Future Directions And Research Trends
A. Personalized Medicine And Precision Therapeutics:
Advances in genetic research are paving the way for personalized treatment approaches, tailoring therapies to individuals' unique genetic profiles.
B. Immunotherapies And Targeted Biologics
Ongoing research focuses on developing innovative immunotherapies and targeted biologics with increased specificity and efficacy in treating autoimmune disorders.
C. Advances in Genetic And Biomarker Research
The identification of specific genetic markers and biomarkers holds promise for early diagnosis, targeted interventions, and more accurate prognostic assessments.
VIII. Patient Empowerment And Support
A. Lifestyle Modifications And Integrative Approaches
Lifestyle modifications, including diet and exercise, can complement medical treatments and improve overall well-being.
B. Psychological Well-Being And Coping Strategies
Autoimmune disorder is a challenging disorder, necessitating attention to mental health and coping strategies to enhance the quality of life.
C. Support Groups And Advocacy Initiatives
Engaging with support groups and advocacy initiatives can provide individuals with autoimmune disorders a sense of community, shared experiences, and valuable resources.
In conclusion, early diagnosis, advanced medication (immunomodulator), and proper treatment approaches can effectively manage autoimmune disorders. Research and development are needed to lower the side effects caused by the drugs used to treat autoimmune disorders. We defeat the autoimmune disorder which affects our health by following a proper protocol.
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devendrasingh3047 · 7 months
Unveiling the Truth: Can Laser Hair Removal Therapy Cause Cancer?
In recent years, laser hair removal therapy has played an important role in removing unwanted hair more safely and effectively. We all have concerns that any procedure which is related to cosmetics has long-term side effects like cancer. Today, we will explore the scientific research and evidence to determine the truth behind laser hair removal therapy related to cancer.
Understanding Laser Hair Removal:
During laser hair removal, the laser energy targets the melanin in the hair follicles, which absorbs and transforms the heat, leading to damage to the hair follicle. This stops the further hair growth. This process is generally performed by trained professionals like a qualified dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon.
Scientific Perspective:
Research has found that laser hair removal does not increase the risk of cancer; the laser beam generally has a low strength that targets the hair follicles only.
The American Cancer Society has stated that currently, there is no evidence of the effect of laser hair removal, which increases the risk of cancer.
Safety Measures:
While the risk of cancer from laser hair removal is considered low, it is crucial to follow proper safety measures to minimize any potential side effects. This includes ensuring that the procedure is performed by a trained professional in a reputable clinic, using appropriate equipment, and adhering to recommended guidelines for aftercare.
Possible Side Effects
While laser hair removal is generally safe, like any procedure in the medical field, it can have some side effects. These may include temporary redness, swelling, or pigment changes in the skin. However, these side effects are typically mild and transient.
According to the studies, there is no connection between laser hair therapy and the risk of cancer. It is advised to consult a qualified dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon for safety guidelines before using laser hair therapy. Always stay updated with the latest research information about laser hair therapy to break the myths and spread the truth about it.
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devendrasingh3047 · 7 months
Buying life-saving medicines online is less expensive than offline, why?
A number of factors may affect the price differential between purchasing life-saving medications online and offline (in actual pharmacies). It's crucial to remember that every prescription or set of circumstances is unique and that patterns may not apply to all of them. The following variables may give the impression that purchasing super specialty medications online is less costly:
Pricing strategy and competition: Due to the worldwide reach of the internet, online pharmacies frequently encounter more fierce competition. Competitive pricing techniques to attract clients may result from this competition.
Cost of Overhead: The overhead expenses of brick and mortar pharmacies are substantial and include staffing for physical premises, utilities, and rent. Since they don't require physical storefronts to function in a digital environment, online pharmacies might have cheaper overhead expenses.
Purchasing and Distribution in Bulk: Because they can buy drugs in volume, online pharmacies could be able to negotiate savings with pharmaceutical companies. Cost-saving strategies can also include centralised warehouses and other effective distribution structures.
Place of Geographical Origin: Online pharmacies can reach a wider customer base because they can service customers anywhere in the world. When compared to neighbourhood physical pharmacies, which could serve a smaller clientele, this can result in economies of scale and cost advantages.
Special Discounts and Offers: To draw and keep consumers, online pharmacies could provide loyalty plans, special discounts, and other incentives. There may be perceived cost reductions as a result of these promotional efforts.
Regulatory landscape: Regulations can change, and internet pharmacies may operate in areas where there are various laws that affect prices. For example, certain internet pharmacies might be able to find and offer cheaper generic versions of prescription drugs.
Sales directly to consumers: Online pharmacies frequently use a direct-to-consumer business strategy, doing away with the necessity for middlemen in the supply chain. When compared to the conventional pharmaceutical supply chain, this can save expenses.
Getting into a worldwide market:
Online pharmacies can get pharmaceuticals from different regions with varied pricing structures because they have access to a worldwide market. This may cause differences in the price of medications.
Online pharmacies may offer financial benefits, but it is important for customers to use caution and make sure they are making purchases from reliable and authorised online suppliers. Prioritising medicine safety and authenticity is essential. To reduce the risk of using fake or inferior drugs, people should confirm the legitimacy of online pharmacies.
It's also critical to keep in mind that different nations may have different laws governing internet pharmacies. As such, customers should be informed of and follow local laws when it comes to buying prescription drugs online. Always get advice from medical professionals before making any decisions about purchasing medications.
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devendrasingh3047 · 8 months
Exploring the triggers of sudden death during intensive exercise and physical activity
Exploring the triggers of sudden death during intensive exercise and physical activity intensive exercise or physical activity can cause sudden death (rarely), which happens under certain circumstances. One of the most common causes of this is related to cardiac events. Here are some potential reasons behind sudden death during intensive exercise or physical work:
Cardiac Arrhythmias: Cardiac arrhythmia can cause abnormal heartbeat, which can also caused due to vigorous exercise. 
Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack): Vigorous exercise (jogging, running, aerobic dancing, jumping rope, single tennis, cycling) can raise the workload of the heart and rupture the plaques in coronary artery patients, which leads to sudden cardiac arrest. 
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy is a condition affecting the left ventricle of the heart, which is characterized by the abnormal thickening of the heart muscles. Vigorous exercise can rupture the plaques in the coronary arteries of the cardiac patient and block the heart's blood flow. This leads to sudden cardiac arrest.
Commotio Cordis: It is an extremely rare condition which can happen after a sudden, blunt impact on the chest. This can lead to sudden cardiac arrest in a specific phase of the heart's cycle.
Heat Stroke: Heat stroke can occur in multiple organs, which can cause organ failure (heart failure). Individuals in hot and humid conditions may have the risk of developing heat strokes during their workouts. This can be fatal if it is not treated at the right time.
Electrolyte Imbalance: Prolonged and intensive exercise can lead to significant loss of electrolytes (potassium and sodium). These electrolytes are crucial to maintaining the heart's electrical activity. An imbalance in electrolytes can lead to arrhythmias and sudden cardiac arrest.
Unknown or Undiagnosed Heart Conditions: In some cases, individuals may have Unknown or undiagnosed heart conditions that are discovered later only. Congenital heart defects may not show symptoms until death.
We also take note that sudden death due to exercise is extremely low in individuals who are generally healthy and engage in regular physical activity. But, those who have an existing heart problem should be cautious while doing intense exercise. Always consult your doctor before starting a new exercise regimen to ensure safety. It is advised to take proper warm-up sessions and hydration during physical activities. Doing exercise is good for the overall well-being of one's health. But we should take proper precautions, especially for heart patients, to avoid any risk of undesirable events.
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devendrasingh3047 · 8 months
Why cancer is increasing in India?
It can be difficult to identify a single cause for the rising rates of cancer in India because there are many variables that can affect cancer incidence rates. But a number of things might be behind the nation's increased cancer incidence:
Population Growth: The population of India is rising steadily. The absolute number of cancer cases would inevitably increase with a larger population.
Population Ageing: The likelihood of getting cancer rises with age. Cancer is more common in older individuals, and as healthcare has improved, more people are living longer, which also raises the prevalence of cancer.
Urbanisation has resulted in changes to the way of life. A poor diet, inactivity, and increased use of alcohol and tobacco are all associated with increased cancer risks.
Use of tobacco: A sizable portion of the population in India uses tobacco. Consuming tobacco in its different forms is a major contributor to the development of multiple cancers, including lung, oral, and throat cancers.Breast, mouth, and cervical cancer are the three leading cancers in India.
Environmental Factors: Air, water, and soil pollution as well as exposure to dangerous chemicals all increase the risk of developing cancer. There could be a connection between industrialization and pollution in densely populated metropolitan areas.
Genetic Variables: Some genetic variations can predispose people to developing cancer. The population of India is diverse, and a person's genetic heritage may affect their propensity to develop cancer.
Lack of Awareness and Early Detection: Cancer is frequently discovered at an advanced stage, which lowers the likelihood of a full recovery. In order to lower the number of deaths from cancer, awareness efforts and early detection programmes are essential.
Limited Access to Healthcare: Access to healthcare services, including cancer screening and treatment, is restricted in several areas of India. When cancer is discovered, more advanced stages may exist due to a lack of an early diagnosis and appropriate medical care.
Infectious Agents: Infections with certain viruses, such as hepatitis B and C and the human papillomavirus (HPV), can raise the chance of getting a certain type of cancer. Cancer rates may be higher in areas where these illnesses are common.
A multimodal strategy is needed to address the rising cancer incidence in India, including public health initiatives to increase awareness of cancer prevention, early detection, and lifestyle changes. The burden of cancer in the nation must also be decreased by measures to reduce cigarette use, promote healthcare accessible, and improve air and water quality.
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devendrasingh3047 · 9 months
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Patient assistance programs (PAPs), which are usually sponsored by pharmaceutical manufacturers, are a vital step in saving overall therapy cost for patients. The goal of these programs is to provide financial assistance to help these patients access drugs for little or no cost.
MrMed holds your hand throughout this entire process and will ensure that you get your PAP medicine by coordinating with PAP program managers and pharmaceutical companies.
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devendrasingh3047 · 10 months
A Comprehensive Guide on Purchasing Imported Medicines Online in India
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Incredible progress has been made in medicine, particularly in new cancer medications. Numerous patients have found hope thanks to these advancements, but they frequently come at a cost financially and physically. Patients are looking at other options for these therapies because some are pricey. One of these options is to buy foreign medications from online pharmacies. This article explores obtaining imported medications in India, particularly brand-new and pricey cancer medications, while highlighting the significance of working with reputable online pharmacies and abiding by laws governing the importation of medications for personal use.
The Landscape of Imported Medicines and New Cancer Drugs
Due to their potential to offer therapies that may not be available on the local market, imported medicines have become more popular. Particularly, novel cancer medications have demonstrated extraordinary effectiveness against various cancer forms, giving patients with few other options new hope. However, the high prices of these medications can present a serious problem, leading people to look outside of their neighborhood pharmacies for assistance. Online pharmacies that focus on importing medications can be useful in this situation.
Trusted Online Pharmacies: Your Gateway to Quality
When considering the purchase of imported medicines, especially costly cancer drugs, it's crucial to approach the transaction cautiously. Opting for a trusted online pharmacy can make all the difference in quality, authenticity, and safety. Here's how to identify a reputable online pharmacy:
Prescription Requirement: You must have a current prescription for the exact drug you want to import from a licensed doctor to import it.
Quantity Restriction: The amount of the imported medicine should be a maximum of a three-month supply and only be used for personal use.
Restricted Medications: Certain medications are restricted from importation because of the possibility of abuse or misapplication. Ensuring that the medication you're looking for is not included on this restricted list is crucial.
Customs Declaration: When you arrive in India, tell the customs officials about the imported medication. Carrying a copy of your prescription and a note from your doctor justifying the need for the drug is advised.
The Process of Buying Imported Medicines Online
Once you've identified a trusted online pharmacy and ensured the legality of importing the medication, follow these steps to make your purchase:
Product Search: To locate the precise medication you need, use the pharmacy's search option. Make sure you type the precise brand name, dose, and amount.
Upload Prescription: Most trustworthy online pharmacies will ask you to upload your current, valid prescription. This process is essential for compliance and guarantees you the right medication.
Place in Cart: Add the medication to your cart after your prescription has been validated. Check everything twice to make sure everything runs smoothly.
Checkout Process: Go to the payment page now. Here, you'll enter your shipping information, pick a payment option, and check the details of your order.
Regulatory Compliance: Ensure that the online pharmacy adheres to India's Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO) regulations.
Prescription Requirement: Reputable online pharmacies always demand a valid prescription from a registered medical practitioner. Avoid websites that offer prescription-free purchases, as they might not have your best interests at heart.
Contact Information: A trustworthy online pharmacy will provide clear contact information, including a physical address and customer service contact details. This transparency reflects their commitment to accountability.
Secure Payment Gateway: Prioritize platforms that offer secure payment options to safeguard your financial information during transactions.
Customer Reviews: Look for customer reviews and ratings to gain insights into previous buyers' experiences. However, exercise discretion, as not all reviews might be genuine.
Importing Medicines for Personal Use: Navigating the Legal Landscape
Importing medicines, including new cancer drugs, for personal use is allowed under certain circumstances in India. The Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945, lay down provisions for personal importation, subject to the following conditions:
Prescription Requirement: You must possess a valid prescription from a registered medical practitioner for the specific medication you intend to import.
Quantity Limit: The quantity of the imported medicine should be for personal use only and should not exceed a three-month supply.
Restricted Medications: Certain medicines are prohibited from importation due to their potential misuse or abuse. Confirming that the medication you're seeking is not on this restricted list is vital.
Shipping and payments: Make your payment via the secure gateway. The pharmacy will dispatch the medication to your specified address after payment confirmation. Keep a copy of your transaction, either digitally or physically.
Customs Declaration: Tell the customs officials about the drug as soon as it enters India. If asked, provide your prescription and a letter from your doctor.
Delivery and Use: Your imported medication will be delivered to you after the customs procedure is finished. Follow the usage guidelines provided by your doctor.
The panorama of medical treatments in India has changed due to the accessibility of new cancer medications and other imported medicines. Even though these medications might be expensive, individuals looking for efficient treatments have some hope thanks to the option of buying them from reputable online pharmacies. But it's crucial to travel this route cautiously, abiding by the law and ensuring the pharmacy is genuine. People can acquire imported drugs responsibly and work towards better health outcomes by adhering to the recommended guidelines and considering all procedure components. Remember that your health comes first and that every action should reflect that.
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devendrasingh3047 · 3 years
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