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🐝 Raw Honey: Top 5 Immune Health Benefits 🍯 - 1- Antibacterial & antifungal 2- Contains phytonutrients 3- Sore throat/cold relief 4- Helps regulate blood sugar 5- Brain fuel for better sleep - Studies tend to paint a favorable picture with respect to honey. The above list is only a handful of reasons to eat this whole food. - What's your favorite way to eat honey? You should try dipping your plantain chips in the stuff, it's AMAZING:) 💪 - #@bart_breakfreewellness #jerf #realfood #honey #realfoodz #realfooding #realfoodkids #realfoodie #guthealth #alternativemedicine #alternativehealth #holistichealth #holistichealing #immunesystemsupport #immunesystem #immunehealth #toxinfreeliving #toxinfree #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #healthyliving #healthcoaches #healthcoach #functionalhealthcoach #functionalmedicine #diseaseprevention
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💪 Thoughts on this? Whats one thing you've done to remove toxicity from your life? - Being healthy and happy is all about removing/managing the stressors we have control over including: - Chemicals in food/products Gut parasites & other "bad bugs" Energy, soul sucking people Poor sleep Poor diet Unfulfilling career Lack of movement/sun exposure No spiritual/mindfulness practice There are many, many more... - Too many stressors suppress the immune system which leads to completely unnecessary disease, sickness & suffering. - Head to the link in my bio to read about my client success stories, & to get your free guide on healthy immune function today! 💪 - #@bart_breakfreewellness #breakfree #ownyourhealth #ownyourlife #healyourbody #healingpower #justdoit #alternativemedicine #alternativehealth #holistichealth #holistichealing #holisticliving #immunesystemsupport #immunesystem #immunehealth #immunesystemhealth #guthealthiseverything #guthealth #guthealing #guthealingfood #gutmicrobiome #guthealthprotocol #healthcoaches #functionalhealthcoach #functionalmedicine #foodasmedicine #environmentaltoxins #jerf #toxinfreeliving #toxinsinthehome #toxicpeople
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#drmarkhyman Nails it with this post, also shared by #thewholejourney 👍 - For example poor gut health can cause a headache in one person, in another fatigue, another digestive issues, another joint pain, etc. - As thewholejourney shared, we tend to visit "specialists" like cardiologist's, gastroenterologist's, rheumatologist's, dermatologist's, ect., which rarely gets to the root cause(s). - What's the key to preventing all these problems and more? The state of your immune system. - Click the link in my bio for your free 3 step guide on how to build a strong & resilient immune system that protects you for life 💪 - #@bart_breakfreewellness #breakfree #ownyourhealth #functionalmedicine #alternativehealth #immunesystemsupport #immunesystem #immunehealth #immunesupport #strongimmunity #immunesystemhealth #guthealthiseverything #guthealthempire #guthealthy #guthealing #guthealingfood #gutmicrobiome #guthealthprotocol #functionalhealthcoach #healthcoaching #healthcoaches #epigenetics #holistichealth #holistichealing #healingjourney #realfood #jerf #foodasmedicine #healyourbody
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🤒"A sick person only has one dream, but a healthy person a thousand"💪 - This old Indian Proverb has several variations but they all point to the same thing, health is true wealth. - When you don't feel good, everything is harder. The empowering thing? We control how we feel, not our genes. - Exceptions? Of course, but that's less than 5% of us. Break-free, own your health because you can. - What's your favorite way to make a deposit in your bank account? Share below 💪 - #@bart_breakfreewellness #breakfree #ownyourhealth #ownyourlife #healthiswealth #livestrong #immunehealth #immunesupport #immunesystem #immunesystemsupport #healthyliving #healthcoaches #healthcoach #healthcoachtips #functionalhealthcoach #functionalhealthcoaching #functionalmedicine #toxinfreeliving #toxinfree #environmentaltoxins #toxinsinthehome #chronicdisease #foodismedicine #foodasmedicine #healing #healingjourney #holistichealing #alternativehealth #alternativemedicine
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🌱JERF🌱 Just Eat Real Food:) Program your immune system to be strong by eating food, not food like substances 💪 - The science of epigenetics teaches that you control your genes by turning them "on or off". Which switches get flipped determine your health status. - Bag the refined & processed flours, vegetables oils, chemicals & preservatives to instruct your body to turn off the genes that promote disease. - Check out the link in my bio to get this simple dinner recipe and my free guide on 3 easy steps to avoid a weak immune system! 👍 - #@bart_breakfreewellness #jerf #jerfing #realfood #realfoodz #realfoodkids #realfooder #realfoodie #guthealthy #guthealing #gutmicrobiome #guthealthiseverything #guthealth #healthyfood #epigenetics #functionalmedicine #functionalhealthcoaching #functionalhealthcoach #healthcoaches #healthcoach #toxinfreeliving #toxinsinthehome #toxinfree #toxinsout #environmentaltoxins #hormonehealth #hormonebalance #mood #breakfree #ownyourhealth #brainfog
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🌄Sunrise 13200 ft - Sunset 5000 ft Healing, rejuvenation, presence, strength, happiness & "feeling alive", that is the power of nature🌱 - There is science behind why nature enhances overall wellbeing, including a robust immune system, but it's quite intuitive that you don't need it to understand this phenomenon. - We know all health begins in the gut, and it is believed the different microbes you experience in nature contribute to the variety of your microbiome, and therefore your health. - Check out the link in my bio to get your free guide on building a flourishing, resilient gut, and therefore a strong immune system 💪 - #@bart_breakfreewellness #breakfree #nature #naturalhealing #naturalbeauty #naturebubz #guthealth #guthealthy #guthealing #gutmicrobiome #guthealthiseverything #guthealthmatters #naturemiracle #immunesystemsupport #immunehealth #immunesupport #immunesystem #holistichealth #holistichealing #holisticliving #holisticnutrition #healthcoaches #healthcoachtips #healthcoachesofinstagram #healing #healingjourney #healthylifestyle #fixyourhealth #ownyourhealth #nevergiveup💪 #healingearth
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🌄JERF breakfast in the morning grass:)🌱 Woke up hungry this morning! Knowing I have a tough HIIT workout later tonight on the mountain bike, fueling like this is crucial. - Paying attention to what your body needs (not wants) is important. Some mornings I eat nothing, others just my favorite coffee mix, it just depends on what I feel I need at the moment. - Bottom line? Try and be present, aware, listen. Learning to eat real food on a consistent basis programs your body to kick ass, and is the foundation of all health. - To learn more, pick up my free guide at the link in my bio 👍 - #@bart_breakfreewellness #jerf #realfood #realfoodz #realfoodkids #realfooder #realfoodie #guthealthy #guthealing #guthealth #gutmicrobiome #guthealthiseverything #allhealthbeginsinthegut #organicfood #skinhealth #skinhealthy #epigenetics #healing #healingjourney #naturalhealing #alternativehealth #alternativemedicine #foodismedicine #foodisfuel #healthcoach #healthcoaches #guthealthprotocol #functionalhealthcoaching #functionalmedicine #holistichealing #fixyourgut
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⚡Skin health for dudes:)🤘💪 - Healthy, glowing skin is something us fellas desire just like our ladies. Everyone's skin should be clear, vibrant & beautiful throughout life. - @alituranaturals you can do just that (click on link in my bio for more info) - I first learned about Andy Hnilo on a Bulletproof Radio podcast years ago ( @dave.asprey ) It soon became apparent that he was a good guy. Humble, sincere and genuinely wanting to help. - He was just starting out then, in fact he used to personally package my orders by hand from his studio apartment! - I understand the connection between poor health and toxins. Luckily for me Andy's line of products we're not only completely chemical-free, but made up of the best ingredients you'll find anywhere. - That being said I was still struggling with the idea of wearing a mask as a guy! After a dare from some of my classmates, I made the plunge and have never looked back. - If you want to look and feel your best and support one of the good guys, then follow the link in my bio and check out Alitura Naturals. You'll see nothing but five star reviews, and a lot of love spread around the world 👍 #@bart_breakfreewellness #andyhnilo #claymask #claymasks #skinhealth #skinhealthy #antiaging #glowingskin #breakfree #healthyliving #guthealthy #guthealth #guthealthmatters #jerf #realfoodz #realfoodie #organicskincare #toxinfreeliving #toxinfree #healthcoaches #healthcoachtips #functionalhealthcoaching #functionalmedicine #ownyourhealth #holistichealing #holistichealth #biohacking #biohackingsuccess #diseaseprevention
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☣️ BPA News ☣️ BPA-Free plastic can be just as bad or worse than BPA itself according to Washington State University reproductive biologist Patricia Hunt: - " State legislatures started to ask for bans on BPA in baby products and sippy cups, the industry started to roll out replacement bisphenols" - At least 50 replacements so far including BPS & BPF for example. All of them are very similar structurally to BPA, and therefore cause disruptive function on human cells. This includes endocrine (hormone) disruption. - Does this mean we should go 100% plastic free?! What do you think? How do you approach the use of plastics in your life? - Environmental toxins education is a big part of the work I do with my clients. There connection to poor health is growing all the time & cannot be ignored any longer. - Click on the link in my bio and choose "Wellness Packages", then "Own Your Health" to learn more. - #@bart_breakfreewellness #environmentaltoxins #toxinfree #toxinfreeliving #toxinsbegone #toxinsout #toxinsinthehome #epigenetics #endocrinedisruptors #hormoneimbalance #hormonebalance #bpa #plastic #immunehealth #immunesupport #safeproducts #breakfree #ownyourhealth #healthcoaches #healthcoachtips #healthcoaching #healthcoach #functionalmedicine #functionalhealthcoaching #functionalhealthcoach #holistichealth #holistichealing #diseaseprevention #hormonehealth #guthealth #guthealing
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Simple. Priceless. True. . Nothing is better than "feeling alive". It's pure joy. You have lots of energy, make better decisions, feel more love, are focused & productive, and just crush it 💪 You're happy. . In order to experience this your health has to be a priority. This means learning to say no. This means prioritizing. If you want to really show up in the world you have to feel good. . Too many of us work hard, save money, then spend it all as we age trying to fix the body we neglected for so long. Madness. . It's your birthright to kick ass. Not just as a child but throughout life & into old age. Disease, symptoms & chronic health problems are not normal despite what we're told. . What is something you do to feel alive that promotes health & therefore happiness? Share below! #@bart_breakfreewellness #happiness #happinessquotes #happinessishere #joy #healthylifestyle #health #wellness #breakfree #guthealthy #guthealing #guthealth #gutmicrobiome #guthealthmatters #jerfing #jerf #realfoodz #realfoodie #healthcoaches #healthcoaching #healthcoachtips #functionalmedicine #immunehealth #immunesupport #holistichealth #holistichealing #diseaseprevention #thrivenotsurvive
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Grounding 101! 🦶☘️🌿 . Why does walking around barefoot feel so good? In a book called, "Earthing", Dr. Stephen T. Sinatra boldly proposes that direct contact with the Earth can have profound health benefits. . While the science they share doesn't prove anything, it's very clear that "something" is happening. They even share a double-blind, controlled clinical trial demonstrating groundings impact on a list of important biomarkers. . Those who know me know that I enjoy biohacking and I'm not about to wait the average of 17 years before theories like this become widely accepted. . Anyone who has walked barefoot at all and actually paid attention to how they feel knows what I mean:) . . Any grounding nerds out there?What's your favorite way to connect with the Earth? Share below! 🌎🤓 . #@bart_breakfreewellness #grounding #groundingenergy #groundingmyself #earthing #biohacking #biohackingsecrets #biohackingsuccess #epigenetics #diseaseprevention #heathcoach #healthcoaching #healthcoaches #healthcoachtips #holistichealth #holistichealing #optimalhealth #guthealth #guthealthy #guthealing #breakfree #immunehealth #immunesupport #healthylifestyle #hormonebalance #antidepressant #antianxiety
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Nature & Gut Health:) 🌲🌄 The vast body of science around the gut microbiome continues to grow. It appears that not just what we eat, but how we move, think, sleep, manage stress and basically spend our time may directly influence our gut "bugs". . It's also becoming widely accepted that the greater the diversity of your microbiome, the healthier you likely will be. Studies done on populations around the world strongly correlate with this idea. . People who spend more time outside have more of a "tropical rain forest" inside instead of a dried out struggling garden. This is one reason of many I love spending time in nature! . What's your favorite way to spend time outside? Do you notice a difference in how you feel? Share below! 💪 #@bart_breakfreewellness #guthealthy #guthealth #gutmicrobiome #guthealthmatters #guthealing #diseaseprevention #breakfree #immunehealth #immunesupport #vitamind #epigenetics #antidepressants #antianxiety #biohacking #holistichealing #healthylifestyle #healthcoaching #healthcoach #mitochondrialhealth #functionalmedicine #hiitworkout #nature
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My favorite "real food" brand! 💪🌱 . It's tough to find any packaged foods at the store that are truly healthy. Gluten, corn, soy, sugar, GMO's, etc., and there derivatives are found in everything and contribute to numerous health problems. . Many people don't have the time or inclination to make everything from scratch yet want to eat better. . Companies employee all sorts of misleading marketing such as "all natural"or "gluten free" tricking their customers into thinking they're making better choices or even eating real food. . One of the strictest markers for healthy food that I've ever seen is "Whole30 approved". All foods under that label pretty much meet any real food standard that you can think of. . If you don't want to ever worry about what ingredients are in your food then Primal Kitchen should be your go-to choice. All of their products are Whole30 approved out of the gate and taste fantastic to boot! . They have a complete line including everything from sauces to dressings to protein powders even high quality and research-based probiotics. I use the products myself I can personally vouch for them. . As an affiliate of the Primal Kitchen I can offer you 10% off for life with the code "breakfree" . Just follow the link in my bio to get your discount now!💪🥑🌱🥬🥦🍓🥩🥥🍝🥝🥕🥗 #@bart_breakfreewellness #primalkitchen #jerf #realfood #realfooder #realfoodz #plantbased #biohacking #ownyourhealth #diseaseprevention #healthcoaching #diseaseprevention #healthcoach #immunesupport #breakfree #guthealth #guthealthy #guthealthmatters #happygut #healthyfats #vegetables #nutrition #brainhealth #gutmicrobiome #epigenetics
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Cold shower? 🚿What?! 🥶 It's actually not as bad as it sounds I promise:) . Cold thermogenesis is a type of cold therapy that actually creates heat inside the body. To quote Dave Asprey from his book, Head Strong: . "It stimulates the release of proteins that burn glycogen from your muscles. This signals your body to increase production of testosterone and growth hormone which leads to a cascade of positive effects" . The ancient Romans, Norseman & others have intuitively been enjoying cold therapy for ages. They understood that regularly exposing the body to certain kinds of natural stresses like cold water could enhance health. . The good news is that it takes only 3 days to accustomise to the cold. Take your regular morning shower, then turn it on cold the last 30 seconds. After a few days you won't hate me anymore and will be basking under the icy flow for a minute at least which is plenty. . Pro tip: the summer is the best time to get used to this ☀️ . Who's up for a cold shower 7 day challenge?! 💪 The frigid confines of your shower box may be just exactly what you need 🤓 . #@bart_breakfreewellness #breakfree #coldtherapy #coldthermogenesis #immunesupport #guthealth #diseaseprevention #holistichealing #biohacking #coldshower #naturaltresses #ownyourhealth #healing #mitochondrialhealth #healthcoach #healthcoaching #functionalmedicine #alternativehealth #brainhealth #brainhealthy #brainfog #resilience
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Chicken bone broth in the Instant Pot 👍 Had my doubts but after some experimentation by my amazing fiancee it's dialed in! If I had to pick one thing that would be considered the fountain of youth bone broth would be it:) Fill with filtered water then high pressure for 2 hours and it gels up nice, smells wonderful. We added a couple frozen chicken carcases, carrots, onions, garlic, leftover beet & celery stems from juicing, homegrown thyme, tumeric, black pepper & salt, bay leaves and three chicken feet from the farmers market. We used some of it as a base for chicken & wild rice soup, and will freeze the rest in ice cube trays. Have you tried bone broth before? What's your favorite kind? #fountainofyouth #skincare #hairhealth #collagen #aminoacids #bonebroth #organicgardening #jerf #guthealing #breakfree #homecooking #realfood #epigenetics #preventdisease
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Time to "Zoodle!"
Time to “Zoodle!”

Zoodleing (new verb?) some zuchinni is an easy way to ditch the refined and processed flours and grains in typical noodle dishes. With a simple tool called a spiralizer, you can make noodles out of all kinds of things like carrots, peppers and beets for example.
It’s a simple process as long as you don’t go bottom of the barrel on price. Cheap spiralizers are harder to use and break more…
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Building a kick-ass immune system part III
Building a kick-ass immune system part III
Buddist philosophy teaches us that if we do not care for our bodies, our ability to “think” is greatly hindered. Brain fog, depression, anxiety, stress, lack of motivation anyone?!
If this goes on long enough it can lead to more serious neurological dysfunction which is a chronic health problem in the U.S. and other developed countries. For example according to Neurologist Dr. David Pearlmutter…
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#anxiety#autonomic nervous system#brain fog#buddha#depression#fight or flight#Functional Health Coaching#health#immune health#meditation#mindfullness#nutrition#resiliency#stress#strong
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