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livewellclinics 2 years ago
While there aren鈥檛 always obvious sources of exposure, heavy metals come into the body from a range of sources
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breakfreewellness 5 years ago
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馃"A sick person only has one dream, but a healthy person a thousand"馃挭 - This old Indian Proverb has several variations but they all point to the same thing, health is true wealth. - When you don't feel good, everything is harder. The empowering thing? We control how we feel, not our genes. - Exceptions? Of course, but that's less than 5% of us. Break-free, own your health because you can. - What's your favorite way to make a deposit in your bank account? Share below 馃挭 - #@bart_breakfreewellness #breakfree #ownyourhealth #ownyourlife #healthiswealth #livestrong #immunehealth #immunesupport #immunesystem #immunesystemsupport #healthyliving #healthcoaches #healthcoach #healthcoachtips #functionalhealthcoach #functionalhealthcoaching #functionalmedicine #toxinfreeliving #toxinfree #environmentaltoxins #toxinsinthehome #chronicdisease #foodismedicine #foodasmedicine #healing #healingjourney #holistichealing #alternativehealth #alternativemedicine https://www.instagram.com/p/CC_v31FpOzr/?igshid=602ioali40jz
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breakfreewellness 5 years ago
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鈽o笍 BPA News 鈽o笍 BPA-Free plastic can be just as bad or worse than BPA itself according to Washington State University reproductive biologist Patricia Hunt: - "...as State legislatures started to ask for bans on BPA in baby products and sippy cups, the industry started to roll out replacement bisphenols" - At least 50 replacements so far including BPS & BPF for example. All of them are very similar structurally to BPA, and therefore cause disruptive function on human cells. This includes endocrine (hormone) disruption. - Does this mean we should go 100% plastic free?! What do you think? How do you approach the use of plastics in your life? - Environmental toxins education is a big part of the work I do with my clients. There connection to poor health is growing all the time & cannot be ignored any longer. - Click on the link in my bio and choose "Wellness Packages", then "Own Your Health" to learn more. - #@bart_breakfreewellness #environmentaltoxins #toxinfree #toxinfreeliving #toxinsbegone #toxinsout #toxinsinthehome #epigenetics #endocrinedisruptors #hormoneimbalance #hormonebalance #bpa #plastic #immunehealth #immunesupport #safeproducts #breakfree #ownyourhealth #healthcoaches #healthcoachtips #healthcoaching #healthcoach #functionalmedicine #functionalhealthcoaching #functionalhealthcoach #holistichealth #holistichealing #diseaseprevention #hormonehealth #guthealth #guthealing https://www.instagram.com/p/CCEiKpmJKEx/?igshid=pd58vd8ygg2l
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breakfreewellness 5 years ago
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馃挭 Thoughts on this? Whats one thing you've done to remove toxicity from your life? - Being healthy and happy is all about removing/managing the stressors we have control over including: - Chemicals in food/products Gut parasites & other "bad bugs" Energy, soul sucking people Poor sleep Poor diet Unfulfilling career Lack of movement/sun exposure No spiritual/mindfulness practice There are many, many more... - Too many stressors suppress the immune system which leads to completely unnecessary disease, sickness & suffering. - Head to the link in my bio to read about my client success stories, & to get your free guide on healthy immune function today! 馃挭 - #@bart_breakfreewellness #breakfree #ownyourhealth #ownyourlife #healyourbody #healingpower #justdoit #alternativemedicine #alternativehealth #holistichealth #holistichealing #holisticliving #immunesystemsupport #immunesystem #immunehealth #immunesystemhealth #guthealthiseverything #guthealth #guthealing #guthealingfood #gutmicrobiome #guthealthprotocol #healthcoaches #functionalhealthcoach #functionalmedicine #foodasmedicine #environmentaltoxins #jerf #toxinfreeliving #toxinsinthehome #toxicpeople https://www.instagram.com/p/CDhFchnJ2Q7/?igshid=1rc1fm036qq8t
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breakfreewellness 5 years ago
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馃尡JERF馃尡 Just Eat Real Food:) Program your immune system to be strong by eating food, not food like substances 馃挭 - The science of epigenetics teaches that you control your genes by turning them "on or off". Which switches get flipped determine your health status. - Bag the refined & processed flours, vegetables oils, chemicals & preservatives to instruct your body to turn off the genes that promote disease. - Check out the link in my bio to get this simple dinner recipe and my free guide on 3 easy steps to avoid a weak immune system! 馃憤 - #@bart_breakfreewellness #jerf #jerfing #realfood #realfoodz #realfoodkids #realfooder #realfoodie #guthealthy #guthealing #gutmicrobiome #guthealthiseverything #guthealth #healthyfood #epigenetics #functionalmedicine #functionalhealthcoaching #functionalhealthcoach #healthcoaches #healthcoach #toxinfreeliving #toxinsinthehome #toxinfree #toxinsout #environmentaltoxins #hormonehealth #hormonebalance #mood #breakfree #ownyourhealth #brainfog https://www.instagram.com/p/CCmHdolJ2CL/?igshid=ta9e3ba0kl0g
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