50 posts
For my tf2 hyperfixation | 19 y.o | She/He | Rus/Eng | Minors DNI! | I can be a bit conservative but feel free to request for anything
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downundergarfield · 8 months ago
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Sniper x Fem!Reader, word count: 700 basically, there's a piece of art i saw by lukewarmflukes (which i can't find the original of on a reputable site) of sniper fucking his fleshlight and saying "please, please, please" and that thought has not left my mind for almost a month so have this so i can be FREE of that particular demon and it's very self-indulgent because i want him to want a big girl thanks, reader doesn't really feature but is reference to❤️ request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: masturbation, fantasising, begging, whining
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It was almost ritualistic, the way he waited until the dead of night, happy to lose some sleep for the sake of having an undisturbed moment of pleasure. A fair trade, he reasoned. Peace, quiet, isolation, all affording him the experience of feeling a release he was always so desperate for.
But despite it being a routine, there was always the little surge of excitement when he reached under his bed and produced his stealthily purchased toy, removing the fleshlight from it's box and giving it a quick, hazardous wipe down before setting it down on the desk.
Then there were the pillows, a necessity if he was going to be able to indulge in the fantasy, to pretend you were there with him, available for him to use for his own filthy needs. One on either side, the felshlight propped between them, kept still as he pushed the pillows together. He'd never touched you, he wished he had, but he imagined this was as close as he could get to recreating a synthetic you. The pillows could be your thick thighs, your plump rear, your stomach, your breasts, whatever big, soft part of you he wanted to grab at as he fucked what he pretended was your wet, waiting cunt.
A quick squirt of lube, his large hands stroking down the length of his throbbing cock as he spread it around, slicking himself up, ready to enter the soft, textured insides of the toy. Not as good as the real thing would be, he imagined, as he slipped the tip in with a sharp inhale. But it was good enough until he could work out how to actually have you.
With precision, cool, calm and collected as always, he rolled his hips into a steady pace, letting the walls of the toy cling to his cock, stroking it as he began to fuck it.
He was well beyond his hands now. That fantasy had served him long enough. His fingers circling round his length, palm pressed hard to the shaft, pumping his fist and pretending it was you. Imagining you beside him, whispering sweet and kind words into his ear as you delighted in masturbating him, feeling his cock throbbing against your hand as you coaxed an orgasm from him.
It worked, for the longest time. But he needed more. Something different.
Actually, what he needed was you. The toy was the next best thing.
How kind would you be to him? How welcoming? He pictured you, teasing him at first, your legs pressed together as you hid your arousal from him. He lost focus for a moment, knocking himself off balance as he imagined you spreading them apart, opening yourself up to him, pulling at the collar of his shirt to bring him closer to you.
Would he stretch you a little? Would you be the perfect fit together? Would you whine and moan for him, like he was now, the realisation of which had him suddenly quieten so as not to arouse suspicion from anyone who happened to be passing his room.
As he withdrew his cock slowly, inserting it again as his eyes rolled back, he let his thumb fall over the black casing onto the synthetic skin, tapping it against the simulated clitoris. If he had you right there, laying in front of him, his cock buried deep inside of you, he'd still relish in making you scream, or giggle, or whatever sound you might make if he paid any attention to that sensitive bud.
There was a soft thud as he gripped one of the pillows with his free hand, the other still clutching the toy, holding it against the desk as he became more frantic in his movements. His hips no longer rolled gracefully, he was rutting, fucking with abandon, closing in on his orgasm.
The veins along his length throbbed, balls tensing as he felt his orgasm approaching. Maybe the real you wouldn't be as into the idea of him filling you up, but he could pretend.
"Please... please... please..."
A long groan pushed over his parted lips, wavering as he shuddered in ecstasy, unbalanced swaying as he felt his release filling the toy, coating his own head with his cum.
Maybe you were dirty enough to let him paint your insides. He'd find out eventually.
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downundergarfield · 11 months ago
Hi! this is my first ask, could you maybe write Sniper and Scout reacting to y/n coming out as non-binary, I totally understand if you uncomfortable with it though!
From Non-binary to non-binary, my friend!
Scout and Sniper reacting to your coming out as non-binary!
TW/CW: A slight misunderstanding on the part of the Scout. But only AT FIRST!!!
Scout: ⚾
- Hearing your confession, he giggles, laughs, but seeing your upset face quickly shuts up and feels like a thick lump of shame appears in his chest.
- He apologizes and asks if you really think so. This is something new for him. You explain to him your feelings about gender, explain what you feel, and he seems to understand.
- It won't do without a couple of jokes, he stops the attempts to make these jokes, seeing that it really upsets you.
- However, he is extremely protective of you if someone misgenders you or treats you the wrong way. "Their pronouns are they/them, asshole, and you better remember that if you want your fucking teeth to stay in place!"
Sniper: 🎯
- You were a little nervous telling him this, you stammered a little, your hands were shaking, but he was still looking at you calmly.
"-Then how should I address to you?"
"-All right then."
Suddenly, Mick says quite calmly, without changing his face, remaining with emotion like - B-1
- Later he will tell you that firstly he saw these features in you, secondly he would never condemn you, because he does not see anything important in what is in your underwear. If you are a good person, then he is ready to communicate with you no matter what.
- He will stare at those who misgender you across the room until they realize that they are doing something wrong. They always stop and use the correct pronouns, nervously looking towards the tall, lanky figure.
That's probably it! I hope it wasn't very rude or anything like that!!!
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downundergarfield · 1 year ago
One day I will return to writing.
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Today is not that kind of day.
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downundergarfield · 1 year ago
спасибо, это был очень хорошо я пробовал прочитать без translator и хорошо тренировался с этим. мне это нравится спасибо ещё раз! у вас очень интересный язык❤️ (я из Los Angeles)
Спасибо! Я счастлив радовать вас и получать такие теплые отзывы <333
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downundergarfield · 1 year ago
how about making Support classes sick and sneezy, and y/n take care of them? (a sneeze fic?) in Russian?🤭 i started learning russian a few months ago, and i want to read it to motivate me learn more, пажалуиста???
You make my job easier, dear Anon.
Классы поддержки, но они больны, а Читатель заботится о них.
> "тренера не играют!" Сказал Медик, когда вы укладывали его в постель. По его носу, лохматым волосам и красным щекам было прекрасно видно, что воо��ще-то играют. Людвиг простужен, и вам пришлось хорошо потрудиться чтобы уложить его в постель.
> "Я сам могу о ��ебе позаботиться, я врач!!" Поаторяет он, каждый раз когда вы приносите ему лекарства или суп...но все равно принимает вашу заботу. Улыбаясь. Он бы хотел больше физического контакта, но боится вас простудить.
> Когда он поправится он будет осыпать вас поцелуями, потому что сдерживался всю болезнь. Ласково гладя вас по голове и называя юнным лекарем.
> О, с его уверенностью он порой часто простужался. Чаще потому, что не привык к климату Америки. Но даже так он всё равно не хочет сидеть на месте и вам постоянно приходится стараться удержать его в фургоне до выздоровления.
> "-Я не могу так, ру, мне нужно работать..." "-Чертова простуда профессионалу не помеха." Отмахивался он, но вы всё равно не пускали его. Видя ваше недовольное личико он расстаял, позволяя о нем позаботиться.
> Вы готовили супчики, клали ему компресс на лобик. Заботились всё это время, он награждал вас почесываниями вашей макушки. То, что кто-то заботится с ним с таким трепетом грело его душу и однозначно помогало выздороветь поскорее.
> Болеть. Шпион ненавидит болеть. Ему не нравится чувствовать всю эту слабость и ломоту в теле, сопливить и шмыгать, это раздражает его. Ему нравится выглядеть на все 100, но он превращается в уставшее месиво когда простужен.
> Вы накрываете его пледом, приносите книги, составляете ему компанию. Хотя стараетесь убедить его соблюдать постельный режим. Но это почти невозможно. Он слишком не хочет показаться слабым. Если ему становится хуже, он поддается вам, наконец ложась в постель и не покидая ее.
> Когда он выздоравливает, он аккуратно благодарит вас. Вы позаботились о том, чтобы никто не видел его лохматых волос и уставшего больного лица. Он благодарен вам за это, искренне.
That's all, I hope I didn't make too difficult sentences and if anything the translator will translate everything fine!!
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downundergarfield · 1 year ago
Real question, do you do yandere mercs?
Maybe? I recently read a fanfic with a yandere sniper and the part with the stalking and holding the house against your will was pretty creepy. But I’d be lying if I said that I didn't like this fic. Probably? I've never tried it before.
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downundergarfield · 1 year ago
Would it be cool if you did engi comforting crying child reader? He's like a dad to me lol
Sure, probably many of us found our parental figure in these silly dusty men
Engineer comforting crying child reader
As always, you were sitting in Uncle Dell’s workshop. Rocking back and forth on a chair, imagining that you are riding a real horse. Engineer often told you about how he rode horses and you always dreamed of trying it, but while he was working, he couldn’t take you horseback riding. That's why you just kept dreaming. And stagger on the chair, pretending to be a cowboy. You looked at the room, the tools hanging on hooks, the blueprints collected on the shelves, and some rolled out on the floor. Large iron shelves along the edges of the room. It seems it was a garage. Various pieces of iron lay in shabby boxes on the shelves. There was a minibar in the corner with a table and a couple of chairs in case the Engineer wanted a drink. You found it a very cozy place. Much more comfortable than what happened at your home. Your thoughts were interrupted by a crash from below, and then a free fall from the chair, ending with a not at all soft landing on your knees. You hissed, turning around and pulling your knees up. To your fear, behind the veil of tears, you noticed a smeared red mark on one of your knees. It became scary, any child would be scared, so you cried, rubbing your eyes with your sleeves. Your knee pinched and burned disgustingly, while you sobbed, angry at the chair that let you down. Behind your sobs, you didn’t even hear Dell come in; he quickly noticed something was wrong, throwing the bag of hardware on the floor by the door and running up to you. He hugs you, rocking you to sleep and stroking your head. The sound of his mechanical fingers moving calms you. You wipe your tears with your sleeves and look at him.
"-Quarreled with a chair, partner?"
He said softly, smiling and playfully throwing a look onto the now three-legged chair. You sniffled and nod your head. Dell chuckles, picking you up in his arms and sitting you on the table.
“-Kiddo, I told you already - don’t rock on a chair, it’s not a horse, it's a chair."
He says, opening the first aid kit and taking out bandages, cotton wool and Chlorhexidine. He carefully treats your wound when suddenly you sigh and he looks up with a worried look. "-What is it, are you hurt, baby?" You shake your head. "-I broke your chair, are you going to scold me?” Engineer breaks into a warm smile. "Of course not, I would have scolded the chair more for not holding you." He jokes it off, tickling your nose with his finger. “Besides, I can patch up this old thing, just like you.” He lets go of your leg and you see a bandage on your knee. Doesn't hurt at all.
"You're a very brave kid, you know that?"
He says looking into your eyes.
"And I'm still proud of you."
Dell turns to the chair, plopping it down on the table next to you, and you watch with interest as he nails a new leg on it. He puts the chair on the floor, as if it were brand new
"See, you're both even now!" He smiles, and you yourself, involuntarily smile, looking at your bandaged knee. Cured with love by Conagher
"Next time I'll bring you a toy horse, baby, so you can be a real cowboy." Said Engineer, picking you up and carrying you to the dining table.
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downundergarfield · 1 year ago
Hello! I didn't know if your request are open so feel free to ignore this.
Could you do headcanons of face sitting with engineer, medic heavy and scout with a fem! Reader?
Thank you in advance, have a great day!
Okie dokie let me try!!!
Some Mercs eating out F!Reader while she's sitting on their face.
Includes: Engineer, Medic, Heavy, Scout and bonus Sniper and Demoman!
NSFW! under the cut
> Dell is a caring guy, so he quickly agrees to your intimate proposal.
> You carefully place yourself on his face and he strokes your thighs, speaking kindly to you, convincing you not to worry and give yourself to Uncle Dell.
> He has a thick, rough tongue. He explores your folds slowly and diligently, trying to be gentle with you. His gunslinger gently holds you without pressing, and his other hand strokes your thighs.
> When you finish, Dell doesn't let you get off until your orgasm ends. He then gently kisses your labia, smiling and praising you.
> He's a big experimenter when it comes to sex, so as soon as you suggest, he giggles, taking you with him.
> He closes the door to his office, plopping down on the couch and inviting you into his face.
> It has a somewhat thin, long, warm tongue. The Medic almost savors your folds, carefully circling and caressing the clitor, sometimes rather hastily penetrating inside.
> When you reach the finish line, he holds you tightly with his gloved hands, constantly praising you.
> He does not immediately agree, at first he is embarrassed by such a proposal, but then he agrees.
> The room is dark, there is a carpet hanging on the wall, and Misha’s face is below you, blushed.
> He has a really thick and big tongue. It sinks a little heavily into your folds, going over everything at once. His large hands hold your hips tightly, occasionally stroking them.
> He kisses your clit while you cum and strokes your thighs with his fingers. He smiles, seeing how pleased you are and admits that he would do it again.
> He didn’t need much persuasion; on the contrary, he almost suggested it himself.
> He was ready to do it where you suggested, but you called him to your room. He lay down and with shining eyes admired how you undressed.
> Once you were on his face, Scout didn't want to hesitate. His thin, fast tongue almost buried itself in your folds. He closed his eyes in pleasure and pressed his lips to your pussy, while carefully exploring your bottom.
> Because of his speed, you finished quite quickly and Scout bit his lip while watching your orgasm.
> He blushes, hiding in his hat at your suggestion, but says he'll discuss it with you when you're home.
> Mick invites you to climb on him at night, which you do, even if his van is a little cramped.
> His big, hot tongue mixes with his warm breath, burning your sensitive folds. He carefully passes between your folds, without hesitation to climb inside. He sometimes scratches your thighs or touches your labia with his fangs.
> When you cum, he presses his lips to your pussy, sucking diligently and growling contentedly.
> He smiles but gets embarrassed when he hears your proposal. He doesn't mind.
> You appear on his face and he gently strokes your thighs so you don't worry about it.
> His large soft lips and thick tongue are quickly on your pussy, exploring and caressing. He kisses your clitor and labia, dipping his tongue into your folds again.
> When you come, he smiles and strokes you, praising you for the job you did.
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downundergarfield · 1 year ago
I decided that I wouldn't post this on my main account but I wanted to share something spicy with you.
Well Sniper x Samuel Wright.
This is definitely not target practice.
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Light censorship under the cut.
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If you want to see the full-feel free to DM my discord~ - severe_acrophobia
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downundergarfield · 1 year ago
Since this is my writing blog I will leave here a small post about the timeline of the relationship between my oc Samuel Wright and Sniper. Bon appetit.
Samuel Wright x Sniper tf2 ship timeline
Samuel Downwell Wright. The sniper from the BLU team, who once faced the Sniper on the battlefield and has since gone crazy because he had not seen such professional work before, he was ready to swear that sticking his head out with this particular sniper was a big mistake. Fear and envy mixed in him, and eventually flowed into adoration. He began to track down all the actions of the Sniper, to learn from him from the outside. Yes, he's a simp, but the Sniper didn't notice it, he doesn't give a fuck, he's not up to it, he has his own life. For him, Sam is the same as the rest of the snipers - the head in the scope, and then its remnants.
But Wright slowly but surely studied and learned much more. He was a fan of his, completely forgetting that this is actually a war. This, of course, turned out bad for him.
In my verse, all teams, even wandering and separated from Mann-co, come together to fight Greymann's robots. It was a big stage and step for Sam, he thought that he would finally be able to meet his idol, work side by side.
Yeah, the dick was swimming there. (Russian expression meaning "of course not")
Mick found out about Sam's feelings during this time and it turned him away. He took it out on Sam, hated him, let off steam. The Sniper did not dare to do this with others, and sometimes he wanted to shout at someone. So his "fanatic" became a great target. He is a fanatic, he will endure, forgive. So there is no smell of romance here.
Of course, Sam eventually shocked with this, got upset a lot, was afraid that he wasn't doing enough, and then his hyperfix came off. He took off his rose-colored glasses, finally realized WHAT exactly he was doing wrong. And he began to snap at the Sniper himself at times, ignore, try not to give in.
So they fucked up until the end of Mannco. In the comics, they were disbanded. These two have also spread out in their places.
Mick to his home, to his parents, unfortunately dead.
And Sam walked a lot, for a long time, first to Spain to his best friend - demoman (of his team ofc, not Tavish), then he walked there, here. Reluctantly, he returned home to his parents. And when the opportunity presented itself to return to mercenary work again, he agreed with a bullet's speed. Because his father is a tyrant. And he regarded Sam's love for the Sniper as "dirty, disgusting faggotry."
So here they met again. Sam had cooled down, and Mick was a little sorry for the little one. Then they got a little closer as friends, but it didn't go any further.
The Sniper was pleased that he was not completely alone again, Sam listened to him attentively, supported him, comforted him, accepted him as he is, just like parents. It helped the Sniper a little bit, made everything warmer.
And Wright realized that he did not get rid of feelings, but simply buried them deep inside out of fear of getting them again. They have blossomed to be a support for the Sniper.
So they became friends, but it didn't go into the romantic. I get off with the fact that Sam can joke a little flirty, and the Sniper will hit him on the back of the head like "stfu gay bitch" but will not leave.
I hope nothing was lost in translation.
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downundergarfield · 1 year ago
Support mercs getting jealous?
As you wish my beautiful anon.
Support classes being jealous to NB!Reader.
> He doesn’t interrupt your conversation, but he glares at someone he’s jealous of. Your interlocutor looks sideways in fear at the Medic next to you when they sees with what a creepy face the Medic is looking at them
> You feel the Medic's grip on your shoulder tighten the longer your conversation goes on.
> The person he was jealous of is later found in the freezer. In parts.
> He can be jealous because he is terribly lonely and would not like to lose you at all. Seeing you interact with someone and feeling jealous, he will stand aside for a while, grinning or growling.
> He would often steer you away from a conversation with someone he is jealous of, saying that he has something to show. And then he tensely squeezed the steering wheel in his hands while he was driving you somewhere far away.
> When you are alone, he hugs you especially tightly, and sometimes bites you, leaving bruises on your neck in the most visible place, so that everyone knows who you belong to.
> You don't even notice that he's jealous because he holds his face and at first seems like he doesn't care.
> He looks bored, waiting for you to stop talking to the object of which he is jealous of you. In the end he will sigh and say that you both are wasting his time.
> The spy will respond passively aggressively to someone he is jealous of. To mock and be a bastard with whom you definitely don’t want to communicate. But when you are alone, he will again become a gentle heartbreaker.
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downundergarfield · 1 year ago
hi!! may I please get the support class + heavy with a reader who is VERY ANGRY? like they are very mad. >:(
Ayo hi mate ofc ill try.
Support class and Heavy with a really pissed of NB!Reader
Sorry, there won't be the Medic here, because I don't know how to write about him. Always.
Heavy 🐻
> He is surprised to see you so angry because he has never seen you like this.
> “How such small person contain so much anger?” He jokes, stroking your back with his big hand.
> He takes you out for tea and sandwiches and helps you blow off some steam. If you don't have enough of this, you go punching bags together.
Sniper 🏹
> Mick flinches when you hit the wall next to you. it woke him up.
> "Wha' happened mate?" He asks you, seeing that you are furious. After listening to you, he smiles a little on the edge of his lips, inviting you to come with him.
> He takes you to the forest, and you feel a little better from contemplating the forest, the birds singing and watching the animals. If that's not enough, you target practice together by shooting glass bottles.
Spy 🍷
> He realizes that you need help when he hears the door to his smoking room slam shut loudly and hears your angry breath behind him.
> He pours you some wine and listens carefully to your experiences, putting the newspaper aside. He doesn’t interrupt and blinks languidly.
> Quiet classical music and a little wine or tobacco help you relax. You are lounging in a chair in front of the fireplace, enjoying the crackling of the logs.
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downundergarfield · 1 year ago
Dude, the day I finally get ahold of that Sniper ass… anyway… please a sniper x f!reader who is also pretty introverted and the two start hanging out together in private bc she cannot stand how loud the other mercs be sometimes. Thank you <3
That sounds so sweet, dear anon. This is what I managed to compose:
Sniper × F!reader they start hanging out together because they can't stand how noisy everyone else is.
Friday afternoon. The sun was covered with clouds and the whole day was flooded with a hundred shades of gray. A sticky feeling of some kind of fatigue and sadness hung heavily on your shoulders. You looked at the bustling mercenaries who were preparing for some kind of holiday or party. The Soldier shouted something commanding at the others, the Scout shouted something in response. Everyone was fussing and the noise made your head spin. You sighed after looking at it and went to a place familiar to you, and only to you. Along the way, Pyro stuck to you, they asked where you were going, mumbling something worriedly. You said you wanted to be alone and Pyro understood that.
A small library. The mercenaries could not boast of a special zeal for reading, there were not many books on this. Shelves, too, but they served more as the walls of a small maze. There was no light in the room. Because no one is sitting here, why conduct electricity here?
You sat down between the shelves, sighing heavily. You took out a flashlight, a favorite book and were able to enjoy quiet solitude in this dusty remote room. There was almost no noise, except that the rain was drumming on the glass. When did it start? Apparently the weather is also not up to the festivities. Calm and quiet. Even your head almost doesn't hurt.
You were already beginning to nod off, when your rest was interrupted by a sound on the left. You looked there, peering fearfully into the darkness. A tall, stooped figure stood in the thick black darkness. Hastily grabbing a flashlight, you shone it in its direction. The light fell on the scarlet shirt. There was a hoarse little moan.
"-aagh, not in the eyes, mate!"
He was covering his blinded eyes with his hands. Oh, thank God, it's just the Sniper.
"what are you doing here?"
You whispered, looking at the lanky man.
"that's what I 'ave to ask ya"
He rubbed his blinded eyes and then put his glasses back on.
You raised one eyebrow.
"- I'm taking a break from these goons. Too much noise."
He chuckled.
"-surprised. 'm also hiding from these wanka's."
Silence reigned. You shone on his body without getting into his eyes. He was looking at you through reflective glasses. An awkward pause. Damn, what else can you say?
"-sit down?"
You nod, he carefully sits down next to you, looking into the empty darkness of the library.
"-often here?"
You nod.
"- when they start making noise."
You're both at a loss for words. But it's nice for you to realize that you're not the only one. Not one quiet guy. He pauses, looks at you in this light lantern light and slowly leans closer. You can smell tobacco and fresh wood.
"what are you reading?"
You don't immediately gather your words and tell him about the contents of the book, about the characters, about your favorite story from there. He smiles softly, listening to you attentively. You don't raise your voice, speak softly, and he answers you no less softly. Here his hoarse raspy voice feels really cozy. It's like hanging out with a cool uncle.
"- This is quite interestin', also have something to tell...."
He tells you about the things he has seen, and you respond. Once you philosophize. Once you discuss others. Gently laugh it off, chuckling softly. And then be silent again.
Comfort warms you and you do not notice how you are leaning on his shoulder. He shudders and is ready to swear that an army of goosebumps ran over his skin. But he didn't object. The sound of the rain lulled, and the warmth from his body warmed. You didn't even notice how you fell asleep, having knocked out the flashlight. You will wake up later when the sun hits your eyes. The Sniper will be right there, sleeping on one of the bookshelves. One thing will catch your attention. His vest covers you. How cute.
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downundergarfield · 1 year ago
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Thanks for 100 subscribers, kittens!!
This means a lot to me, I’m happy that you decided to add me to your list of subscriptions and follow my creative work. Thank you for every like, repost and comment!! You are real stars in this night sky. I love each of you!
your fatcat Garfield
Also. Let me remind you once again that we have a discord community where you can share your works with others, discuss something, share OCs and just communicate!! Feel yourself like at home~
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downundergarfield · 1 year ago
helloo hope you're doing alright. can i get a medic or sniper with a fem s/o who enjoys riling him up or annoying him when he's working so he shuts her up by just making them suck them off?
If it's too filty just a little smooch would suffice.
I liked this idea so much that I decided to do it out of turn!
SNIPER x fem!S/O in which they distract the Sniper from work and get a facefuck
NSFW! Under the cut
The Sniper didn't take you on missions that often. Just because you were too fond of scratching your tongue. But today is a slightly different case. Omit the details, now it's important that you were sitting somewhere in another ambush, around a bunch of boxes, a coffee pot, a couple of jars. You preferred not to look in their direction. And he was sitting on an old box. Slouching again, waiting for someone's forehead, like a hungry spider, a stupid fly. It turns you on. His broad back, leather vest. You looked down at his buttocks. This pose is so natural to him. You approach by looking between the boards. Almost no one is visible. But you notice a BLU Scout coming onto the field. You know what's going to happen. That's why you close your ears.
The guy drives his face on the ground, leaving a bloody trail behind him.
A rifle bolt clicks to your left. The cartridge case falls to the floor. A new cartridge is ringing into the rifle, the tall man does not move again.
You swallow. Sometimes you forget that your dear Mr. Mundy is a real cold-blooded killer.
"- Mick"
"-m?" He answers dryly and quickly.
"And what do you feel when you kill a person? I mean, you handled that Scout so do you feel when you shoot in the head?"
"- nothing."
"- well, not inter-"
"- Shh. Don't talk."
You are bored, dissatisfied with being shut up. You want to talk!
"- please!- "
" - don't make me regret that Oi took you with me today, mate."
The Sniper says angrily, in a whisper, through his teeth. You're distracting him. You know that. But you like to play with this fire.
"- Mickey!"
"- if you don't stop talkin', I'll have to shut ya up."
He growls, throwing you a sparkling look of blue eyes.
"- I wonder how?~"
You whisper playfully. He looks at you with a certain amount of anger, you see him baring his teeth and hear a quiet growl. Then he abruptly grabs you by the head, quickly pulling you between his legs. You are pressed to the groin and you look up at the man and he smiles, seeing the sparkle in your eyes, and your burning cheeks. The next moment, he unbuckles his belt, followed by his fly, followed by a thin fabric of underwear. And now the warm skin of a half-grown cock is pressed against your lips. You exhale warm air and feel it harden from your lips. You run your tongue over the delicate skin, which responds with a quiet hiss somewhere above. You lick the velvety skin again and he moans softly. His penis hardens enough, then the Sniper takes you by the hair and impales you on a hard erection. You feel how it impudently crashes into your throat, passing and forcing you to squint and let out tears. But to your surprise, he doesn't move, he just holds you like that, letting you suffocate on his penis. Your quiet sobs and moans only turn him on more. You feel that there is not enough air, and then, he lets you go. You pull away from his cock with a loud inhale and several thin lines of saliva stretch from your trembling lips to his wet penis. You don't have time to enjoy oxygen when you are impaled on that hot salty cock again. This time he holds you by the hair, squeezing it somewhat painfully. He pushes his hips into your throat, making you squish. You feel like your face is burning, but it's so nice. His brazen angry thrusts. His beastly pace. Your head is spinning. He just face-fucks you.
"-R..Roo, close..."
The Australian purrs from above and you obediently take his cock, turning it into your open mouth. You slap his tip against your protruding tongue, but then he takes the initiative. You just obediently sit on your knees in front of a man when he strokes himself to the end, pouring a thick white liquid on your tongue. It splashes into your palate and tongue. Salty at first, but then bitter. You swallow anyway, trying not to miss the treat. Mick throws his head back in praise. You lick his head a couple more times to collect the remaining droplets. He strokes your hair and smiles before returning to shooting.
"-Good girl..."
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downundergarfield · 1 year ago
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It's just a sketch from :3
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downundergarfield · 1 year ago
OMGG medic getting turned on while he’s tryna heal you because you’re whimpering and moaning in pain because you’re wounded 🤭🤭🤭
It's a sin not to do this, the idea is great!!
The Medic × GN!Reader who turnes on the Medic with their sounds while he treats their wounds.
Tw/Cw: wounds, pain
NSFW! under the cut
Evening on the Badlens. Only two tired figures were sitting in the infirmary. The fights are long gone and the Medic has patched up a lot of people today. But you stayed. You had a lot of wounds on your back from an enemy spy. Some were deep, some were not, but in any case, all needed processing. A cotton pad falls on fresh stitches and you clench your teeth, quietly moaning and writhing.
"- I know, komerad, it hurtz, but you'll have to be patient a little."
"- yes, I know, it's just a little easier for me when I make sounds.."
You clarify. And he understands, quietly nodding his head.
"-gut. I will keep it in mind"
The procedure continues. Unpleasant, but bearable. Cotton wool sometimes leaves threads sticking to the skin, and you make a quiet "ah" when the Medic pulls the fluff out of your wounds.
"- Pardon... We need more liquid on cotton wool."
You quietly agree.
Soon, wet cotton wool is passed over your back. You tremble and stretch out quiet moans, because on your back, inflamed from cuts, the wet cotton wool feels quite cold. You feel the antiseptic creeping cold drops down your back and it does not go unnoticed by you. You make more noises and he seems a little confused. And you even like it. So you decide to "exaggerate" your feelings quite a bit. When a fresh cotton wool touches your injured back, you again stretch out a quiet moan, feeling his hand twitch. Great, your plan is working. A few more minutes of treatment, cotton wool, disinfecting, your exhausted back. His touch becomes more sluggish, then more insistent, as if he is trying to hide something. And you know what it is. In any case, he didn't last long. Your back burns a little, but this feeling is immediately dulled when you feel his hands on your chest. He squeezes your breasts, not hard, but persistently, stroking the nipples with gloves. You sigh, turning to Ludwig, his face literally burns, an bessoted look does not come off from persistent actions on your chest. You giggle, feeling the pleasure spreading through your body and sliding down each vessel and each wreath, making you want only more. You moan more clearly, already with pleasure. He's crazy about your voice, and you know it perfectly well. Welp, the doctor can't wait any longer, it's time to admit that he wants you. Right here. At the workplace.
How unprofessional.
But does anyone care?
Ludwig kisses your neck from behind, burying himself in your hair and closing his eyes, he caresses it with his lips and tongue, not hiding his intentions at all. Sometimes his lips touch your wounds, but he tries to deal with them more carefully. Still, don't want to bring some kind of infection along with saliva.
Very soon you find yourself on a cot. He's sitting on it, you're on top. You feel how his boner rests against your waiting pussy. You kiss his forehead, and he strokes your exhausted back. Soon, the clothes are no longer an obstacle, the Medic quickly rushes into you, stretching the tender hot flesh and filling you. You moan on him and he goes over your wounds. It makes you groan already from the pain, and Ludwig grins from this. He starts pushing into you, over and over and over, already picking up the pace, quite arrogant and hungry. You grab the back of an arrogant doctor. His pace is not going to slow down. You feel like you are being stretched over and over again, as his cock plunges deep into your insides. Not surprising. Playing with a Medic like that? Did you expect something different?
"-Ich bin so verdammt nah dran"
He turns you over on your stomach, pressing you against the treatment table, grabs your hair and slaps your buttocks. You feel how he fills you, and after him, you come too. You hear his broken groans and hisses through his teeth, and then, his grip loosens. Red-hot passion is replaced by affectionate kisses in the back. He bandages your torso to prevent the wounds on your back from giving too much power. Then, he takes you to your bedroom. This path does not shine with conversations, but only because hot sex with you has sucked the last of his strength out of him.
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