bachpanschool · 2 years
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bachpanschool · 2 years
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bachpanschool · 2 years
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bachpanschool · 2 years
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bachpanschool · 2 years
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bachpanschool · 2 years
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bachpanschool · 2 years
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bachpanschool · 2 years
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bachpanschool · 2 years
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bachpanschool · 2 years
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bachpanschool · 2 years
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bachpanschool · 2 years
Parent Talk With Ruchi Mandan, Proud Mother Of Diva | Bachpan Play School
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bachpanschool · 2 years
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The most delightful and enthusiastic period for the kids is during their preschool days. Not only do the kids love it but they learn their basics during the time too. A picnic carries a charm and varieties that are worth enjoying and giving your time. There can be a lot to do and the kids might be bewildered by it. Planning everything would be an ideal choice and what is better for kids than the preschool methods.
Lock the Location
Firstly, it is important to know where you are going and then plan the rest of your things around it. So, to begin, start looking for places that match your kids’ interests and would suit their style of play and comfort as well. Don’t leave the selection of the location on the day of the picnic as it might get hectic and confusing for you and your kid as well. Every playschool for kids starts their picnic ideas based on the location and you as a parent should do the same.
Focus on Food
Food is an attraction no matter where you go. Picnic is a time when your child is at ease and should be nourished with all the pampering. You should know what your kid would love to have once he/she is hungry or needs refreshment after all the play and fun. The pre primary teaching methods suggest that kids should be given a balanced diet but at the same time they should be set free to choose their meals when they are enjoying or witnessing a break from regular life.
Decide the Drinks
Drinks are another essential that the kids would love during their picnic break. It is necessary to keep the kid hydrated and at the same time, an opportunity to explore different kinds of drinks for your family. The nursery school kids need milk which can be stored in small bottles. Water and lemonade are other needed drinks during a happy picnic period. Small beverage containers are handy during such times.
Explore the Extras
There are many other things to carry during a picnic other than the fun aspects. A cutting board and knife are needed depending on the type of food you are carrying. Cleanliness is another aspect you need to take care of. Even the online play school era has taught several characteristics of cleanliness to the kids. Carrying hand sanitizers, wipes, and ointments would be an ideal choice, especially with kids on your side.
Choose the Carriers
You need to decide the bags you would carry with you as well. You should make sure that there’s not much luggage to handle as the kids would need more of your attention. Referring to the preschool methods, you should have some umbrellas along with the picnic-style baskets which are best-suited for a family outing. It is spacious and easy to carry simultaneously.
Prepare for their Play
Playing is the core need of a picnic outing when you are with kids. You can carry a few games with you and the rest depends on the location you are visiting. If you are moving to a park or open area, there are lots of options to explore with physical activities. Just make sure you prepare a list of activities that your kids would love.
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bachpanschool · 2 years
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The festival of colors is around the corner and kids are always excited about it. But, we all understand what the excitement carries and can result in. Precautions are better than cures and with preschool kids, it is important to go an extra mile while taking those precautions. Kids are sensitive and parents have the responsibility of giving the best platforms to the kid to learn as well as enjoy. Holi is an opportunity to present a blend of both to your kids. If a preschool is arranging a Holi celebration at their place, they need to make sure the safety of the kids. Some measures can help you in making sure that you and your kid celebrate the festival with all the fun and no fuss at all.
These safety measures can ensure that your kid goes through safe and sound Holi celebrations:
Pichkaris need special attention: Pichkaris is one of the biggest attractions of the festivals of Holi and kids are too animated about it at times. Parents and teachers should teach the right way of using a Pichkari. Kids should be taught while they play in school that they shouldn’t spray water on the face, eyes, and ears of other kids as it could turn harmful. The better they will learn, the better their festival will be.
Say No to water balloons: Water Balloons are a dispensable ingredient of the festival of colors. It often invites hurtful inventions more than pleasurable ones. Also, the splash it generates can be menacing, especially for the kids. Avoiding it would be the best choice for the young kids and a pre primary school should teach the positives of it to the kids.
Applying colors with care: Colors are the most fun-loving part of Holi. Kids should enjoy it to its potential. They just need to be careful while applying it to someone’s face. They should be taught at the play school to avoid sensitive areas like eyes and ears. Also, colors carry harmful chemicals which could be dangerous if it goes inside someone’s mouth. These preventive measures are primary and necessary for kids.
Covering skin properly is a must: Kids should wear clothes that cover their skin completely. It would help their skin go rash-free and they would stay away from the fuss of removing colors for hours. Such lessons are usually taught at every play school for kids.
Go eco-friendly: Using eco-friendly colors would lead to avoiding rashes and allergies to kids’ skin. Some natural colors using turmeric, henna, and sandalwood can also be preferred, especially by every preschool. Such habits are positive in a kid’s initial growth as well.
Be cautious with color sprays and smoke: Products like color sprays and color smoke bombs should be handled in expertise protection. It is better to let kids be away from any such products.
Always track your kid on the day: Holi sometimes can be a mess because of some unwanted and irresistible people. Parents and preschool teachers should know where the kids are and should always keep an eye on them for their safety.
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bachpanschool · 2 years
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Play-based learning has created its space in the hearts of children and the minds of the parents. It is because of the qualities it offers and comforts it provides to both parents and children. Children experience freedom in it and parents are relieved that their kids are learning as per their wishes. Every pre nursery school has fetched numerous innovative ways to adopt play-based learning in their curriculum. It offers a variety to the kids and they are not bored of it quickly. On the other hand, early education in a formal school has no difference from primary and secondary education. The kids have to follow a set of syllabus and practice academic curriculum with less play and more theory.
The early years of a child are the most formative and productive years of one’s life. Keeping this in mind, any parent would want their kids to grow up to their potential and live the childhood that they deserve.
Here are some benefits that your kid would enjoy because of play-based learning at a pre nursery school:
Makes way for better Communication: Playing is the best way to teach communication to a kid. When kids play, they learn through instructions, ask questions and react to several signs and symbols. All of it gives them a detailed view of how communication functions. Any playway school can provide certain teachers, peers that would encourage communication skills of a child.
Boosts Social and Emotional Development: We all live in a society and we need to develop social and emotional skills to survive and grow within the society. At a tender age, kids are given proper activities and equipment that are relatable to them. It gives them exposure to several emotional aspects that lie under them. We can say that any school for pre nursery can lay the foundation for a child’s emotional and social growth.
Builds Creativity: Engaging activities gives a boost to the curiosity of children. They try to find innovative ways to solve a puzzle or read a rhyme. Everything at a pre nursery school is designed to build creativity and boost the imagination of a child. Soft toys, games, and activities are a part of preschool methods that give a child exposure to the real world.
Enhances Problem Solving Skills: This facet of growth is almost the same at all types of preschool. The activities are all about creating an atmosphere that gives children an opportunity to solve different problems and work on cognitive growth. It is essential to indulge children in a fun way as it should not be a burden for them and they should enjoy their cognitive growth. It prepares them well for the studies they have to do further and the world they need to face outside.
Develops Motor Skills: The physical activities in the play-based learning methods help the child in moving and being physically active. When a child gets engaged with physical activities in the early years, he/she pushes the limits and the body develops to its potential which is very important for a healthy and sound future.
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bachpanschool · 2 years
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Every child is raw when they are born. The parenting, the schooling, and the social impact make them an individual with thoughts, actions, and habits. It is tough for the parents to decide a path to walk on while raising their kids. Education plays a key role in developing habits in children. It starts with a preschool admission. There should not be a second thought in the minds of the parents when it comes to deciding the right way of starting the educational journey of their kids. The preschools are the best choice on offer both for the kids and the parents because of the quality they carry and the curriculum they possess. Every preschool for kids is designed to cater to the needs of the kids which gives them adequate teaching aids that too at their comfort. Parents need to realize the support they would have to present to their kids while being in a preschool, the rest remains on the teaching methods in preschool.
Here are some reasons to take your kid to a preschool admission at the right time:
Social and Emotional Development: Behavior and emotion management are two of the basic things that are determined mostly during childhood. A child grasps everything quickly during the early years and it becomes hard to change anything from it later on. Every preschool franchise of the modern world has prepared several techniques that build healthy habits in a child through games and fun. It becomes easy for children to engage and grab their takeaways in their heads. They can learn a lot from their peers and develop the basic communication and emotional structure in them.
Experiencing a structured environment: Your kid becomes a part of a structured environment as soon as you go for a preschool admission for him/her. From teaching to games, everything is in a structure at a preschool for kids that develops different habits in kids. It allows kids to develop an understanding of time management and prioritizing important things as well.
Taking care of themselves: When kids get involved in an activity on their own, they are learning to take care of themselves by making their own decisions. The competitiveness at a preschool brings a new version of life to them. It is as crucial as any other aspect of life because it boosts the kids to do well for themselves.
Cognitive and linguistic growth: The teaching methods at preschool are created around the basic needs of a human. From the language that we use to the thinking process of our brain, it is something that we need in our daily life. These cognitive and linguistic skills are polished in detail at a preschool franchise.
Growth with play and fun: Before getting a preschool admission for their kids, parents should remember that childhood is all about building a positive attitude towards life so that children can set themselves free for life to be lived ahead. A preschool is the best place to inherit such habits in kids because of the calm and composed system of learning with lots of fun.
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bachpanschool · 2 years
We have moved ahead in terms of development everywhere and so is the case with preschool teaching. The times have changed and learning & play are no longer two different things at playschools. The mission of a preschool is always to foster the capabilities within a child in the easiest of manner, and what better than playing? Playing is by far the easiest way to get children engaged, get all of their attention and make them learn. The preschool teaching has made life easy for the parents and given them a complete setup to rely on. The kids can be active, choose their interests and get engaged to learn and evolve at a preschool.
So, when any parent looks for support in their child’s play and learning, the preschool results out as the best possible option. There are enough reasons to do so as well. The pre-primary school culture has always adopted fresh and innovative techniques for a better experience for children. The concept that is created around fun and play has fetched positive results for both parents and the schools. The types of equipment, infrastructure, and even the books are made as per the needs of the young minds. It motivates the parents to invest in such schools and also gives proper attention to the early years of a child’s life.
Here are a few reasons why preschool teaching are best to support a child in both learning and play:
Helps them explore their feelings: Childhood is a phase where an individual is raw and needs nurturing and molding. The preschool methodology is accurate for the same. It gives the child an opportunity to find the real self while being a part of the fun and learning process. The school for kids is designed as per the modern need too which allows kids to be updated while they are growing.
Allows them to express themselves: The basic characteristic that a child needs before learning anything is the expression of what they feel. The teaching methods of toddlers are prepared in a manner that demands equal involvement and effort. This ensures that no child is left behind and they express what they feel. It is necessary to work on this facet in the early years of a child and a pre-primary school is a place to visit for it.
Let’s them find their emotional aspect: When a child gets along with other kids, plays with complete freedom, competes, wins, or loses; the emotional aspect of the child is polished. It is a thing that stays with him/her for life. The preschool teaching aids help them out in such scenarios. The games and tools are designed for groups and enforce the emotional qualities of a child.
Fosters discipline and confidence in them: A pre nursery class is full of challenges but at the same time it gives the child a system or pattern to follow. It encourages discipline in them. Once they are attached to the process, they develop self-confidence and get things done easily with time.
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