#teaching tips for preschool teachers
teacherrelated · 1 year
Pull Up Nets – Math Activity For Kids (TT: missjacobslittlelearners)
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eretzyisrael · 6 months
Weeks after being flagged for her pro-Hamas agit-prop pushed on toddlers at PS 59 on Manhattan’s Upper East Side, Siriana Abboud remains on the payroll and unpunished — because it’s next to impossible to discipline, much less fire, misbehaving New York City teachers.
And also because she has friends in high places.
Last month, The Post’s Susan Edelman broke the news of Abboud pushing an anti-Israel agenda on pre-K tots and sharing tips on indoctrinating kids online: Her site’s Allusio Academy preschool program seems to have come directly from a Hamas pre-K curriculum guide.
Her Instagram page is chock-a-block with pro-Palestinian content: skewed teach-ins on the history of Palestine, Zionism, European colonialism, and “orientalism,” plus how to help your child advocate for Palestine.
Days after Hamas’ Oct. 7 atrocities, she wrote on Instagram, “we stand with those still tearing down border walls” and “we show solidarity with those still fighting to free their stolen land.”Last month, The Post’s Susan Edelman broke the news of Siriana Abboud pushing an anti-Israel agenda on pre-K tots and sharing tips on indoctrinating kids online.Instagram @sirianajanine
Parents have asked the city Department of Education to investigate this teacher’s hate, but so far all that’s happened is that she’s gone on indefinite “medical leave” — an obvious sign that the DOE is simply hoping to wait out the storm.
State law makes it nearly impossible to fire a bad or even dangerous teacher who has tenure: The union-inspired arbitration rules can drag out the process for years.
In one infamous case, a city teacher accused of misconduct toward his students earned over $1.7 million in salary in the course of a 20-year “rubber room” stint.
But that’s not all that’s going on here.
Abboud’s issues go back at least a year: Jewish parents and teachers at the school complained back in October 2022 when she put a crude antisemitic poster on the bulletin board outside her classroom.
Other than having her take it down, the only official response was a single “restorative justice” session, where her colleagues could express their feelings.
Within weeks of that, the city Department of Education honored Abboud with a 2023-24 Big Apple Award, applauding her work “as a liberation-inspired educator” who “centers children’s agency and global consciousness,” raises the “societal expectations” of young children and other woke claptrap.348
In other words, she won official acclaim for the radicalism that now has her out of the classroom, but still getting paid.
Schools Chancellor David Banks plainly hasn’t cleaned house at DOE headquarters, if he’s even tried.
No wonder alert middle- and working-class families are fleeing the DOE’s schools.
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nothorses · 1 year
Hey I’m about to head off to college and majoring in arts education, could I ask what that was like for you? Or maybe if there’s any wisdom you’d care to pass on?
Oh hell yeah! That's my niche!!
A lot of the college-specific stuff is gonna be dependent on your specific school, but if you ever want help navigating that nitty-gritty weirdness, feel free to DM me tbh. I've been through a lot of different bullshit.
Also, this is gonna be assuming US college systems. I don't know what might be different in other countries, and I'd recommend cross-checking or getting tips separately from someone who's been through college in your country if you aren't in the US.
That said!
Education degrees are complicated for a number of reasons, because they come in different forms:
Degrees with endorsements vs. degrees without endorsements. - An "endorsement" is basically the specific subject you're getting certified to teach. Your degree will require an endorsement if it's inclusive of middle or high school, which are typically secondary education degrees (middle or high school), or P-12 (preschool through 12th grade, usually specialized subjects like art, music, theater, etc.) - If you're getting an endorsement (and if you're teaching art, you will be), I recommend setting up a meeting with your advisor ASAP. You will likely be a major in multiple colleges within your university- the college of education, and the college of art- and this gets complicated fast. I had to apply and be accepted to both colleges separately, and I wasn't able to even apply for the college of education until I only had 10 credits left of art classes to take. You'll want whatever insight you can get well in advance, so you have time to plan and prepare.
Degrees with certifications vs. degrees without certifications. - A degree in education is different from a certification to teach in your state. Certification in the US is state-by-state, and it's a long, complicated, headache-inducing process. The easiest way to handle it is to make sure the degree you're getting includes certification. - Alternatively, you can get your Master's in Teaching (not education) which usually does include certification. Double-check that with your school, though! There are sometimes other programs that do this as well- in WA state, for example, the Governer's School has a much shorter, much faster teacher certification program, but I believe you need to have your Bachelor's first.
Special education versions of all of these. - Special education is it's own complicated mess; you can get a special education degree with an endorsement, I believe special ed degrees also factor in grade levels, and there are also separate certifications needed. Get insight from your advisor- and someone who knows the college at your school for it- if you plan on going into it. - Frankly, I don't recommend going into it. The field of special ed lags behind the rest of the education field, and if I'm being honest, my education professors have consistently been better-versed in disability accommodation and advocacy than the special ed professors I've taken classes with.
You should also know...
A bachelor's degree won't be enough to teach any higher than high school; if you're interested in teaching at a college level, you should look into Master's programs.
Master's degrees also mean you get paid more! Teachers will often wait to get one until after they've been teaching for a few years- definitely consider if you want one at all, and when would be a good time for you to do that.
Look into what it means to teach in your state: the experiences other teachers have had there, what the pay is like, etc. Start thinking about where you want to teach, and if that's different from where you're getting your degree, consider the route to certification that makes sense for you (i.e., if you don't want to teach there, you probably don't want to be in a program that requires you to also finish your student teaching in order to earn your degree.)
You should also look into your college of education's philosophy of education ahead of time. There are some really great programs out there with really progressive ideas doing genuinely incredible work, and there are also colleges that uh... you will not agree with. Save yourself the misery if you can, and figure out ahead of time whether "should I transfer to a better program?" is going to be a question for you.
Look into application requirements for the art education major through the college of art ahead of time! Oftentimes they want a portfolio of your work, and while they may not be super hard on your actual skill level, they will almost certainly be looking very closely to make sure you fulfilled the requirements posted.
When you do your student teaching, consider looking into "emergency substitute" or "intern/student teacher substitute" certifications in that district. I don't recommend subbing when you're doing your student teaching, but you may be able to get a cert like that in your district, and it can be a really good stop-gap if you need one.
And some more general, practical tips:
Meet with your advisor so so much. At least once a quarter, when it's time to sign up for classes, but more than that if you have any questions at all! Use the resources available to you!
Look up professors on ratemyprofessors before registering for their classes. Particularly if there's a choice between a few of them, and even if you only have one option. The vibe check can be life-saving.
If you're waitlisted for a class, you should: 1. Email the professor ASAP and ask for an add code. Tell them you're looking forward to the class, and if there's any reason you need that specific class, tell them that, too. 2. Show up to the first day of class and stay until the end. Usually people will just not show up on the first day and drop the class in the system later, and professors will generally give out add codes at the end of the class to anyone who's waitlisted and still hanging around.
If you really want to take a class, but it isn't available to you for any reason (you haven't fulfilled a per-requisite, you're not in the major, class times conflict), consider emailing the professor about it. Oftentimes they'll give you an add code, and I've found art professors in particular are usually happy to let in students who don't have the per-requisites, especially if they're somewhat experienced artists.
Don't buy books for your class before the first class (with the exception of English classes). Professors will often "require" books they never actually use in the class, and oftentimes they'll outright say it that first day; or they'll post PDFs of the relevant excerpts for free, or they'll tell you where you can get them for cheaper. (I personally don't buy books until after the first few classes. If they're not even gonna quiz me on it, I'm not spending $150 on the textbook.)
Don't throw away art supplies (even paper!), and don't buy everything on your professor's materials list right away. You do not need the specific brand and thing they suggest, and you almost certainly won't need them the first day. Those lists are great if you literally don't have those supplies, but if your professor tells you to get a specific set of drawing pencils and you have a similar set from a different brand, and/or with different hardnesses, don't worry about it. (Also, if you're short on money, they often have backup supplies they can lend you- particularly for super specialized things, like carving tools for printmaking).
In general: look into the resources your school has to offer, and take advantage of them! Counseling centers, student health centers, disability accomodation centers (free testing and diagnosis? sometimes??), tutoring services, writing labs, gyms and pools and shit, free food hookups- all of it! Maybe you don't need or want it right now, but just knowing those things exist can be invaluable down the line.
If you feel guilty for using the resources your school is offering you, I am bapping your head with a paper towel tube.
Look into clubs! Join clubs! Socialize!! Shit, even sports teams- I can't tell you how many people I've told about my school's equestrian team who would have loved to join it if they'd known sooner. My school had a tabletop RPG club, a specific trans club, even an aro and ace club! Join that shit!! Show up to a meeting! Leave if the vibes are off!! I still talk to people I met through the trans club at my school, and I only went to, like, 4 meetings. Do it!!
I can't think of anything else, and this post is long as fuck now. Whoops.
Reach out if you have any other questions, and seriously, feel free to get in touch over DMs about it. Use your resources!
Good luck!!
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prolifeproliberty · 1 year
I'm pretty much outing myself with this, but I'm curious to know any tips you might have about teaching as a whole.
As it stands right now, I've decided to pursue early childhood education as a major. I want to teach 4-5 year olds, specifically, but my major, from what I understand, will be starting me off with infants to toddlers. This decision isn't concrete, and with the way I'm currently behind with assignments, I'm being very bleak about my future in general 🫠.
But again, any general tips or things to consider when wanting to pursue a teaching career? Especially since I'll most likely be working in public schools to get myself started, should I continue on this path.
Depending on what exact program you’re in, early childhood education usually means preschool and kindergarten (3-5 year olds).
For example, I’m certified in Texas for Core Subjects EC-8, meaning “early childhood through 8th grade”, or preschool-8th.
I’ll tell you that public school is tough. Your first year with your own classroom will be exhausting. You’ll probably cry at least once. There will be moments that make it worth it, but don’t be surprised if you feel like quitting by about April of your first year, if not October. You probably won’t stay at the first school you go to work at - the easiest schools to get jobs in are the ones with the most turnover, and they usually have turnover for a reason.
Also, every time you switch content areas or grade levels, it will be your first year again. Once you have a grade level and content area you love, stay there. Automate repetitive tasks. Don’t grade every assignment. If at all possible, avoid taking work home. You might need to your first year, but after that you should be able to reuse things and streamline your workload.
Each year your campus/district will push a few new programs and tell you that you need to implement them by the end of the year. Follow the lead of the experienced teachers- most of the time there is no follow through, and most new programs will fade out by the end of the year and be replaced with a new program the next year. Don’t waste your time and energy on them.
Befriend and experienced teacher, especially someone in your grade level/content area. Their experience will be an invaluable resource.
Ultimately, you’ll ask yourself how badly you need the money. Public school pays better than private school, tutoring, or micro schools. If I didn’t need the money/benefits, I would either do a private tutor/micro school setup, or I would be a substitute teacher. Although honestly, at that point I would just go full time doula, but that’s a different topic.
Definitely think outside the box and be aware of your options. You may have more open doors if you teach at the public school level for a few years, but if you find a private school that pays well or a good micro school setup, go for it.
Hopefully this makes sense. I’m not here to discourage you, but I want to make sure you have all the info.
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obsidianmama · 1 year
Resources Masterlist
Right now these resources are generally aimed at parents/caregivers of younger children, as my child is a toddler so that's the stuff I usually look for. As I find good resources for tweens/teens I will add them.
My Parenting Bible (aka my Must-Read List):
The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. and Tina Payne Bryson, PhD: Understanding how a child's brain works makes a huge difference in your ability to empathize and problem-solve with them. Full of layman-speak neuroscience and some useful tools, this book helped me understand not only my child's brain but adult brains, too.
How to Talk So Little Kids Will Listen by Joanna Faber and Julie King: A true game-changer. Targeted at ages 2-7, this book is brimming with strategies for limiting behavior and encouraging cooperation and problem-solving in safe and respectful ways. I got this book when my daughter was 15 months old and though she was too young for many of the approaches, such as those thay require two-way conversation or creative ability beyond randomly stabbing paper with a ColorWonder marker, there were a number of changes to my speech that I was able to make right away and it immediately made both our lives easier and less stressful. 10/10. (How to Talk When Kids Won't Listen is much the same, but more recent and includes examples involving kids up to teenagers.)
Beginnings by Sarah Ockwell-Smith: A comprehensive guide to all manner of physical, mental and emotional development from conception to age 5. Age-appropriate expectations are key to peace and problem-solving.
Raising Good Humans by Hunter Clarke-Fields, MSAE: The first section of this book is all about learning some emotional regulations and re-parenting yourself. Lots of resources stress the importance of being the calm in a child's storm and modelling good regulation skills; this is the rare book that will actually teach you how.
Calm-Down Time by Elizabeth Verdick is actually a board book and aimed at little kids, but it's also got some good caregiver tips for dealing with tantrums in the back.
What Kindergarten Teachers Know by Lisa Holeway and Joan Rice: a short but valuable book packed full of child development information, approaches for earning cooperation at all times of day, and activities to help kids aged 3-6, whether at home or in a classroom setting, alone or in a group. Though it's targeted at preschool through first grade, the underlying principles can be adjusted to help kids of other ages as well.
Dusty the ADHD Coach on YouTube has a few really amazing videos on parenting with ADHD!
MrChazz MrChazz on Facebook and TikTok has lots of videos on gentle parenting, including many explaining why punishments don't work and how co-regulation helps.
Social Media:
Big Little Feelings on Facebook and Instagram is a page full of info and gentle approaches to various situations that arise throughout toddlerhood. There is also a website with a blog and paid courses.
Kids Eat in Color on Facebook and Instagram is a nutritionist that teaches how to instill a healthy relationship with food in little kids. There is also a website.
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lavenderbookmark · 1 year
so I got a job as a preschool teacher that I’ll be starting in about 3 months!! excited!! but also? my degree is in English. I’ve got some idea of how to do a good job, but I’m doing heavy research rn into early childhood education on how to be a good teacher, and what to expect for teaching preschoolers. If anyone has any tips, stories, books or other resources, please let me know! 
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lavida01 · 6 days
Preschool Admission Trends in Faridabad: Insights and Tips for Parents
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In the dynamic and diverse city of Faridabad, preschool education forms the cornerstone of academic and social development for young learners. As one of the most crucial steps in a child's educational journey, selecting the right preschool can be daunting. Understanding the latest admission trends can greatly assist parents in navigating this important decision. La Vida Montessori, recognized as a top preschool in Faridabad, exemplifies many of the current trends and best practices in preschool admissions.
Current Admission Trends in Faridabad’s Preschools
Increased Focus on Holistic Development
Modern preschools in Faridabad, like La Vida Montessori, are shifting away from purely academic-focused admissions criteria to a more holistic approach. Schools are now looking for evidence of social, emotional, and physical readiness, as well as cognitive skills. This trend reflects a broader educational philosophy that values the development of the whole child, preparing them not just academically, but also socially and personally for the demands of primary education.
Early Registration and Interaction
With the growing demand for quality early childhood education, top preschool in Faridabad are seeing a trend towards earlier registration processes. Parents are encouraged to interact with schools well in advance of the academic year. La Vida Montessori, for instance, offers open houses and parent-teacher interactions that allow parents to understand the school’s environment, philosophy, and methodologies before making a decision.
Use of Technology in Admissions
Technology integration is not just a part of classroom teaching but also the admissions process. Many schools now offer virtual tours, online applications, and digital meetings as part of their admissions toolkit. This trend has been particularly accelerated by the global pandemic and continues to be a convenient option for many parents.
Diversity and Inclusivity
There is an increasing emphasis on creating diverse and inclusive environments within preschools in top preschool in Faridabad. Schools are actively working to admit students from various backgrounds and with different abilities, reflecting the societal push towards inclusiveness. La Vida Montessori prides itself on being a community that embraces diversity, recognizing it as a strength that enhances the learning experience for all children.
Tips for Parents During the Admission Process
Start Early: Begin researching potential schools well in advance. Understand their admission timelines and what is required for the application process. Early preparation can prevent last-minute rushes and ensure you have all the necessary documentation.
Understand the School’s Philosophy: Each preschool has its own unique approach and philosophy towards early childhood education. Ensure that the school’s educational values align with your expectations and what you deem important for your child’s development.
Visit the School: If possible, visit the school to observe its environment. Many schools like La Vida Montessori offer tours or open day events that can provide insights into their daily operations and teaching methods.
Prepare Your Child: Talk to your child about the idea of attending preschool. Gradually introduce them to activities that might be part of their school routine, such as reading stories, playing with other children, or engaging in art and craft.
Engage with the School: Attend parent-teacher meetings and engage with the school’s community before and during the admissions process. This will give you a clearer picture of how the school supports its students and parents.
Admissions trends in Faridabad's preschools reflect a deeper understanding of what early childhood education should entail—a balanced approach that nurtures all aspects of a child’s growth. La Vida Montessori represents the epitome of these trends, offering a comprehensive, inclusive, and progressive educational environment. By staying informed and proactive, parents can make well-considered choices, setting their children on a path to success from their very first educational experience.
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rahulsk09 · 11 days
Play School Admission: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents
Choosing the right play school for your child is a significant decision that sets the foundation for their educational journey. With numerous options available, parents often feel overwhelmed when it comes to selecting the best fit for their little one. This comprehensive guide will help you navigate the Preschool Online Admission Form process and highlight why Bachpan Play School stands out as an excellent choice for your child.
Why Play School is Important
Play schools are more than just a place for your child to spend time while you are at work. They play a crucial role in the early development of children, fostering social, emotional, and cognitive growth. Early childhood education provides the building blocks for a lifetime of learning and development, making the selection of a play school an essential task.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Play School
1. Curriculum and Learning Approach
   - Look for a play school with a well-rounded curriculum that balances academics, play, and creative activities. 
   - Consider whether the school’s teaching philosophy aligns with your values and expectations.
2. Teacher Qualifications and Ratios
   - Ensure that the teachers are well-qualified and experienced in early childhood education.
   - A low student-teacher ratio is vital for personalized attention and care.
3. Safety and Hygiene
   - The play school should have stringent safety protocols and a clean, hygienic environment.
   - Check for secure premises, emergency preparedness, and health standards.
4. Facilities and Infrastructure
   - Modern facilities, including spacious classrooms, outdoor play areas, and learning aids, contribute to a conducive learning environment.
   - Technology integration can enhance the learning experience.
5. Parental Involvement
   - A good play school encourages parental involvement and maintains open communication channels between teachers and parents.
Why Bachpan Play School is the Best Choice
Bachpan Play School distinguishes itself as a premier institution for early childhood education, offering a blend of quality teaching, state-of-the-art facilities, and a nurturing environment.
1. Innovative Curriculum
   - Bachpan Play School employs a scientifically designed curriculum that integrates play-based learning with structured educational activities.
   - Their approach ensures holistic development, fostering critical thinking, creativity, and social skills.
2. Experienced and Caring Faculty
   - The teachers at Bachpan are not only highly qualified but also passionate about early childhood education.
   - They undergo continuous training to stay updated with the latest educational practices and child development techniques.
3. Top-Notch Safety Standards
   - Bachpan prioritizes the safety and well-being of every child. Their premises are equipped with CCTV surveillance, secure entry and exit points, and child-friendly furniture.
   - Regular health check-ups and a clean environment ensure your child’s health and safety.
4. Advanced Learning Tools
   - The school boasts modern classrooms equipped with digital learning tools, interactive smart boards, and well-stocked libraries.
   - Outdoor play areas and activity zones are designed to stimulate physical and mental growth.
5. Engaging Extracurricular Activities
   - Bachpan offers a range of extracurricular activities, including art and craft, music, dance, and sports, allowing children to explore their interests and talents.
   - Special events and celebrations throughout the year provide a rich cultural experience.
6. Strong Parent-School Partnership
   - Bachpan maintains transparent and consistent communication with parents through regular updates, parent-teacher meetings, and interactive sessions.
   - They encourage parents to participate in various school activities and provide valuable feedback.
Tips for a Smooth Admission Process
1. Start Early
   - Begin your search for a play school well in advance to ensure you have ample time to research and visit multiple schools also considering the Admission Form For Play School.
2. Prepare Documentation
   - Keep all necessary documents, such as birth certificates, vaccination records, and photographs, ready for the admission process.
3. Visit the School
   - Schedule a visit to Bachpan Play School to observe the environment, interact with the staff, and ask any questions you may have.
4. Prepare Your Child
   - Talk to your child about the new experience and familiarize them with the concept of school to ease the transition.
Choosing the right play school is a pivotal step in your child’s educational journey. By considering key factors such as curriculum, safety, and teacher qualifications, and by choosing a reputable institution like Bachpan Play School, you can ensure a nurturing and enriching environment for your child's early development. Bachpan’s innovative approach, experienced faculty, and commitment to excellence make it the best choice for parents seeking the finest early education for their little ones.
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careeralley · 11 days
Careers for Those Who Love Working with Kids
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Working with children requires more than just a fondness for them; it demands a genuine passion for the role and a deep love for the kids themselves. If you're certain that your career path should involve children but are unsure of the specific direction to take, there are numerous options available, ranging from casual positions to established career paths. Assorted Child Related Jobs: NANNY - Nanny services are in high demand and are the next step up from babysitters.  With more women in the workforce juggling demanding jobs and kids, nannies are often required to ease the stress load.  Some clients want a live-in nanny while others are simply looking for a little help managing the kid's schedules while their parents are working.  A live-in nanny job has the added perk of a place to live and food to eat. All About Child Care $93.32 $74.66 Filled with a plethora of practical suggestions for setting up classrooms, developing curricula for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers. Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 06/19/2024 12:21 pm GMT BABYSITTING -Offering private in-home services, babysitting is a popular and effective way to earn income, particularly for students or those just beginning their independent journey. Typical hourly rates range from $10 to $30, varying based on additional tasks like light housekeeping. For those finding it challenging to secure babysitting jobs independently, there are specialized companies that assist in finding and placing babysitters. Guide to Babysitting $12.99 $2.80 Who will be the best babysitter on the block? You! Inside this guide, you'll find professional tips and tricks, quizzes, secrets from real sitters, and safety how-to information that will keep kids and parents asking for you Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 06/19/2024 07:21 am GMT DAYCARE EMPLOYEE - Working in a daycare center encompasses a diverse range of skills, from cleaning and cooking to teaching and nurturing young children. Typically catering to pre-kindergarten ages, these environments are ideal for those who are imaginative and excel in storytelling, game creation, and art project planning. Being a daycare provider can be immensely rewarding for those with a knack for engaging young minds. It's important to note that many states and cities mandate specific licenses or educational qualifications for this role. Passionate about working with kids? Explore a range of fulfilling careers that let you make a real difference in young lives. From teaching to healthcare, find out how your love for children can shape your professional journey. #ChildFocusedCareersClick To Tweet Higher Paying Child-Related Jobs: Teacher - A quality education is highly sought after, and at its core is the educator, whose foremost attribute should be a genuine enjoyment of being around children. This intrinsic passion for engaging with young learners is not only essential for creating a nurturing and positive learning environment but also crucial for understanding and responding to the diverse needs of each student. A good educator combines this enjoyment with a commitment to fostering intellectual curiosity, developing critical thinking skills, and nurturing emotional growth. In this dynamic role, educators are not just instructors but also mentors and guides who play a pivotal role in shaping the minds and futures of their students. How To Become a Teacher $19.99 If you want to become a better teacher, then get this step-by-step "How To Be a Great Teacher" guide. Buy on Amazon Buy on Walmart.com We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 06/19/2024 05:31 am GMT Nutritionist / Chef: Schools and daycare centers are tasked with providing meals that cater to the specific nutritional needs of children. In this crucial role, a nutrition expert or chef oversees meal preparation, ensuring that children receive balanced and healthy meals. This responsibility involves not just cooking but also planning menus that are both nutritious and appealing to young palates. If you have a passion for working with kids, this role offers a creatively challenging opportunity. You'll be able to combine culinary skills with nutritional knowledge to make a significant impact on children's health and well-being through enjoyable and wholesome meals. How to Become a Nutritionist $2.99 Being a nutritionist can be a really rewarding career. You would potentially be making challenging and creative decisions all day long how to help people solve their problems. This book will show you how to join this amazing profession. Learn More We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 06/19/2024 08:01 pm GMT Pediatric Nurse:  Working as a pediatric nurse involves more than medical care; it's about offering compassion and empathy to young patients and their families. This role suits those with a strong aptitude for nurturing and understanding, as it requires providing both physical care and emotional support. If connecting with children and assisting them through health challenges resonates with you, a career in pediatric nursing could be an ideal match. This field combines medical expertise with the unique ability to comfort and reassure children and their parents. How to Become a Nurse: The Exact Roadmap $9.99 Becoming a nurse doesn't have to be so difficult as you will find out from this book. You will learn all the tips and tricks to getting your nursing education toward a high paying job with lots of satisfaction and perks. Buy on Amazon.com We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 06/19/2024 08:55 am GMT Benefits of Working with Children: Working with children offers varied benefits tailored to different roles. A live-in nanny gains room and board, balancing work with personal time. Babysitters enjoy flexible scheduling, allowing for more free time, though with variable income. Running an in-home daycare is particularly advantageous for new moms, providing an income source while teaching children valuable social skills. Those employed at daycares or schools may benefit from discounted rates for their own children, simplifying family schedules and reducing financial burdens. Each role offers a unique blend of personal satisfaction and practical advantages. Education Requirements For babysitting and nanny roles, the US Nanny Association outlines requirements like a high school diploma or GED, CPR and First Aid certification, and specific childcare training hours along with work experience. Certified Nanny and Newborn Care certifications have varying criteria based on experience and training. In daycare settings, educational requirements can differ widely. Some programs, like Early Head Start, often require a portion of their staff to have a bachelor's degree. However, state certification requirements for childcare providers vary, with some states having no educational prerequisites for certain positions. For careers in early childhood education, qualifications can range from certificates to degrees. Programs like those offered by Northampton Community College provide diverse educational pathways, including associate degrees and specialized diplomas in early childhood education. Pediatric nursing roles typically require a specialized degree in Nursing with a focus on pediatrics, encompassing both general nursing education and specific pediatric training. Summary Choosing a career in working with children opens up a world of fulfilling and impactful opportunities. From the nurturing roles of babysitters and nannies to the educational responsibilities of daycare employees and teachers, each position plays a vital part in shaping young lives. The requirements for these roles vary, encompassing a range of qualifications from certifications in childcare to specialized degrees. The common thread in all these professions is the profound impact they have on the development and well-being of children. Engaging in these careers not only contributes positively to the lives of young individuals but also offers immense personal satisfaction, knowing that each day spent at work helps to mold the future of the next generation. Suggested Reading: Careers in Child Care Our Pick Working with Children: How to find the right qualifications, training and job opportunities (Jobs & Careers) $13.99 Buy Now We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 06/19/2024 11:26 am GMT Read the full article
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Discover essential tips for selecting the perfect bilingual preschool for your child. Learn how to evaluate curriculum, teaching methods, and nurturing environments at Explorer Studio, a top-rated immersion preschool in Brooklyn, NY.
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helloparent · 1 month
Preschool Animal Worksheets That Are the Best
Teaching young children about the marvels of animal life may be a fun and educational experience. Preschool animal worksheets are a great way to encourage young students' interest, improve their cognitive function, and help them with early reading and numeracy. This thorough book explores the many ways in which parents and teachers may utilize worksheets with animal themes to create fun and instructive activities for preschool-aged kids.
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Why Choose Animal Worksheets for Preschool?
Animal worksheets are not only captivating for children but also versatile in teaching various concepts, from basic biology to empathy towards living beings. They can introduce concepts such as animal habitats, behaviors, and even conservation efforts at an early age, laying the foundation for a lifetime of learning and environmental stewardship.
Key Components of Effective Animal Worksheets
Engaging Content: Worksheets should feature colorful and accurate illustrations of animals to capture children's attention and stimulate visual learning.
Interactive Elements: Incorporating puzzles, matching games, and cut-and-paste activities can make learning hands-on and fun.
Educational Value: Beyond identifying animals, worksheets can introduce basic science concepts, including habitats, food chains, and characteristics of living things.
Cross-curricular Connections: Effective worksheets connect animal themes with other areas of learning, such as Preschool Big and Small Worksheets, which can teach size comparison and sorting skills.
Incorporating Technology
With the advent of digital learning tools, incorporating technology into early childhood education has become increasingly important. A school parent app can be a valuable resource for sharing animal worksheets and other educational content with parents, enabling them to engage with their child's learning process actively. Digital platforms can also offer interactive animal-themed activities that complement traditional worksheets, providing a multi-sensory learning experience.
Tips for Using Animal Worksheets in Preschool
Start with Familiar Animals: Begin with animals that children are likely to recognize, such as pets and common zoo animals, before introducing more exotic species.
Encourage Storytelling: Use animal worksheets as a prompt for storytelling, asking children to create stories about the animals featured on the sheet.
Connect to Real-Life Experiences: Whenever possible, relate worksheet activities to real-life experiences, such as visits to the zoo, aquarium, or farm.
Focus on Conservation: Use worksheets as an opportunity to discuss the importance of protecting animals and their habitats, fostering early environmental awareness.
Selecting the Right Worksheets
When choosing Animal Worksheets for Preschool, consider the following:
Age Appropriateness: Ensure the worksheets are suitable for the preschool age group, with activities that match their developmental stage.
Variety: Offer a diverse range of worksheets covering different animals, habitats, and concepts to provide a well-rounded learning experience.
Quality: Select high-quality, professionally designed worksheets that are visually appealing and free of errors.
Animal Worksheets for Preschool are an invaluable resource for sparking young children's interest in the natural world and supporting early learning across multiple domains. By carefully selecting and integrating these worksheets into the preschool curriculum—and leveraging technology like the school parent app to extend learning beyond the classroom—educators and parents can provide children with a solid foundation for academic success and a lifelong appreciation for wildlife. As we nurture the next generation of learners, let's embrace the power of animal-themed educational materials to enrich their preschool experience and cultivate a sense of wonder and responsibility towards our planet's diverse inhabitants.
Child-centered education revolutionizes the way teaching and learning are done by placing the interests, abilities, and learning preferences of the students at the center of the educational process. By tailoring instruction to each student's specific requirements, instructors can use this pedagogical technique to guarantee that every student is motivated, engaged, and empowered throughout their learning experience. By focusing on a child's overall development as well as their emotional, social, and cognitive maturation, child-centered education aims to spark a lifelong love of learning.
Check: Preschool in Wagholi, Preschool in Noida
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Finding the Perfect Kindergarten and Preschool: A Guide for Parents
Starting kindergarten or preschool is a significant milestone in a child's life, setting the stage for their educational journey. As a parent, choosing the right institution is crucial to ensure your child’s early educational experiences are positive and enriching. This blog post aims to guide you through the essential aspects of selecting a kindergarten and preschool, highlighting key factors to consider and providing tips for making an informed decision.
The Importance of Early Childhood Education
Early childhood education lays the foundation for lifelong learning and development. High-quality kindergarten and preschool programs offer structured environments where children can develop critical skills, such as:
Social Skills: Interacting with peers and teachers helps children learn cooperation, sharing, and conflict resolution.
Emotional Development: A supportive environment fosters self-confidence and emotional resilience.
Cognitive Abilities: Early education stimulates cognitive development through activities that promote problem-solving, creativity, and critical thinking.
Physical Skills: Fine and gross motor skills are developed through play and physical activities.
Key Factors to Consider When Choosing a Kindergarten or Preschool
1. Curriculum and Learning Approach
Different kindergartens and preschools may follow various educational philosophies, such as Montessori, Reggio Emilia, Waldorf, or play-based learning. Understanding these approaches can help you choose a program that aligns with your child's needs and your educational values.
2. Teacher Qualifications and Ratios
The qualifications and experience of the teaching staff are crucial for providing a high-quality education. Look for institutions with certified educators who have specialized training in early childhood education. Additionally, consider the teacher-to-student ratio to ensure your child receives adequate attention and support.
3. Environment and Facilities
A stimulating and safe environment is essential for young learners. Visit potential schools to evaluate the cleanliness, safety measures, and the availability of age-appropriate learning materials and outdoor play areas. A well-designed environment can significantly enhance your child’s learning experience.
4. Parental Involvement
Effective kindergartens and preschools encourage parental involvement and maintain open communication with families. Find out how the institution engages with parents and how you can participate in your child’s educational journey.
5. Location and Schedule
Convenience is key when choosing a kindergarten or preschool. Consider institutions that are located near your home or workplace and offer hours that fit your schedule. Some programs also provide extended hours or flexible scheduling to accommodate working parents.
6. Reviews and Reputation
Word of mouth and online reviews can provide valuable insights into the reputation of the school. Talk to other parents, read reviews, and check the school’s history to gauge the quality and reliability of the institutions you are considering.
Tips for Visiting Kindergartens and Preschools
Schedule Visits: Arrange tours to visit the schools and observe the environment and interactions between teachers and children.
Ask Questions: Inquire about the curriculum, daily routines, teacher qualifications, safety measures, and how the school handles behavioral issues.
Observe: Pay attention to how the staff interacts with the children and how engaged and happy the children appear.
Review Policies: Understand the school's policies on discipline, communication, emergencies, and illness.
Choosing the right kindergarten or preschool is a crucial decision that can significantly impact your child's development and future success. By considering factors such as curriculum, teacher qualifications, environment, parental involvement, location, and reputation, you can find a school that meets your needs and provides a strong foundation for your child’s educational journey.
Take the time to visit potential schools, ask questions, and observe the interactions within the classrooms. With careful consideration, you'll be well-equipped to choose a kindergarten or preschool that will help your child thrive and enjoy their early learning experiences.
For more information on kindergartens and preschools near you, visit local directories, parenting forums, or contact community organizations that specialize in early childhood education. Your child’s educational journey is just beginning, and the right start can make all the difference.
Our dedicated team of Academy of Early Education caring educators is committed to unlocking the full potential of every child, guiding them on a journey of exploration and discovery. With a perfect blend of structured activities and creative play, we encourage children to develop critical skills while having fun and building lasting friendships.
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jayeshkhade10 · 2 months
Navigating the Preschool Playground: Top-Rated Schools, Play Schools & Pre-Schools in India
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As your little one embarks on their educational journey, you, the ever-supportive grown-up, might be wondering where it all begins. India boasts a vast and vibrant landscape of educational institutions, and with so many options, finding the perfect fit for your child can feel overwhelming. But worry not! This guide will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the world of Top-Rated Schools in India, Best Play Schools in India, and Best Pre Schools in India.
What Makes a Top-Rated School?
Imagine a school that feels like a second home – a place that ignites a love for learning while nurturing your child's social, emotional, and intellectual growth. That's the essence of a Top-Rated School in India. These institutions typically share some key characteristics:
Strong Academic Foundation: They provide a well-rounded curriculum that integrates core subjects like Math, Science, and Language Arts with creative pursuits like Art, Music, and Drama. Think engaging lessons that go beyond textbooks, encouraging children to explore concepts and ask questions.
Experienced and Qualified Educators: Top-rated schools invest in their teachers. These educators are passionate about early childhood education and possess the qualifications and training to effectively guide young minds.
Focus on Holistic Development: These schools understand that a child's world extends beyond academics. They prioritize activities that promote social-emotional learning, physical fitness, and creative expression. Think collaborative projects, playtime outdoors, and exposure to diverse cultures.
Emphasis on Innovation: Top-rated schools embrace new ideas and learning methods. They might utilize technology in engaging ways or incorporate project-based learning that allows children to take ownership of their education.
Finding a Top-Rated School in India often involves considering factors like location, curriculum, and your child's individual needs. Research institutions in your vicinity, attend school open houses, and don't hesitate to ask questions.
The Wonderful World of Play Schools
Now, let's set our sights on the world of Play Schools in India! These magical early learning centers cater to children between the ages of 2 and 5 years old. Here's what you can expect:
Playful Learning: The emphasis here is on learning through play. Think interactive activities, storytelling, music and movement, and exploration stations that spark curiosity and imagination.
Socialization Skills: Play schools offer a safe and nurturing environment for children to interact with their peers. This helps them develop social skills like communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution.
Transition to Pre-School: A good Best Play School in India will prepare your child for the transition to pre-school by introducing basic academic concepts and routines.
Pre-Schools: Gearing Up for Kindergarten
Pre-schools in India typically bridge the gap between play school and kindergarten, catering to children between the ages of 3 and 5 years old. Here's what sets them apart:
Structured Learning: Pre-schools introduce a more structured learning environment compared to play schools. This might involve circle time, phonics lessons, and activities that build pre-reading and pre-writing skills.
Kindergarten Readiness: The focus is on preparing children for the academic and social demands of kindergarten. This includes developing letter and number recognition, fine motor skills, and independence.
Finding the Perfect Fit
Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all approach to choosing a school. It's about finding a place that aligns with your child's personality, learning style, and your family's values. Here are some additional tips:
Visit the School: Schedule a tour to get a feel for the environment, observe classroom interactions, and ask questions about the curriculum and teaching philosophy.
Talk to Other Parents: Seek recommendations from friends, family, and neighbors with children in similar age groups. Their experiences can be invaluable.
Consider Your Child's Needs: Think about your child's temperament, learning style, and any special needs they might have. Choose a school that caters to these needs and fosters their individual strengths.
Q: At what age should I enroll my child in a play school or pre-school?
There's no single answer. Some children might be ready for a play school experience as early as 2 years old, while others might thrive starting at 3 or 4. Consider your child's social and emotional development when making this decision.
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jasonp01 · 3 months
Building A Strong Parent-Teacher Relationship In Preschool
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As a parent or guardian of a preschooler, you want the best for your child as they embark on their educational journey. You may have heard the phrase “It takes a village to raise a child,” and in the world of preschool education, this couldn’t be truer. While the teacher is the primary guide within the classroom, parents play an equally crucial role in shaping a child’s early learning experiences.
In these formative years, building a strong parent-teacher relationship can be a powerful tool in ensuring your child’s successful transition into school life. It’s more than just an exchange of pleasantries during drop-offs and pickups; it’s a dynamic partnership that can significantly impact your child’s growth, development, and overall happiness.
In this post, we will explore why a strong parent-teacher relationship is essential, not only for your child but also for the school community as a whole. We’ll provide you with practical tips on how to initiate and nurture this relationship, share the benefits it offers to both children and teachers, and offer solutions for common challenges you might encounter along the way. 
Why a Strong Parent-Teacher Relationship Matters
In the early years of your child’s education, the bond between parents and teachers plays a pivotal role in shaping their learning experience. You might wonder, “Why is a strong parent-teacher relationship so crucial at this stage?” Well, here are a few reasons!
Fostering a Sense of Security and Trust
Preschoolers are at a tender age where their world is expanding beyond the comfort of home. The teacher becomes a new figure of authority and guidance. When parents and teachers work together, it creates a consistent and reassuring environment for the child. This consistency fosters a sense of security and trust, helping children feel more comfortable in the classroom.
Holistic Development
Preschool is not solely about academic learning; it’s a time of holistic development. Children are developing socially, emotionally, and intellectually. A strong parent-teacher relationship ensures that your child’s education is not confined to the classroom. It extends into the home, where you can reinforce the values, skills, and concepts introduced at school.
Early Identification of Needs
Preschool teachers like those at Little Sunshine’s Playhouse and Preschool, are skilled at observing and assessing children’s behavior, learning styles, and developmental milestones. A strong partnership with parents allows for early identification of any potential challenges or areas where a child may need extra support. Early intervention can make a significant difference in addressing these needs effectively.
Creating a Supportive Learning Environment
When parents and teachers collaborate, they send a powerful message to children: education is a shared priority. This teamwork creates a supportive learning environment where everyone is working together to help each child thrive. It’s not just a teacher’s job; it’s a collective effort.
Building Effective Communication Skills
In preschool, children are not only learning academic concepts but also crucial social and communication skills. By witnessing effective communication between parents and teachers, children learn valuable lessons in cooperation, empathy, and problem-solving. This sets a positive example for them to follow.
Tailoring Education to Individual Needs
Each child is unique, with their own strengths, interests, and challenges. A strong parent-teacher relationship allows for a personalized approach to education. Teachers can gain insights from parents about their child’s learning style and preferences, enabling them to tailor their teaching methods to better meet individual needs.
A strong parent-teacher relationship matters profoundly in the preschool years because it provides children with a secure and nurturing environment, supports their holistic development, and allows for early intervention when needed. It is the cornerstone of a successful and enriching preschool experience for your child. 
Tips for Parents on Building a Strong Relationship
Building a strong parent-teacher relationship doesn’t happen overnight, but with consistent effort and a positive attitude, you can create a partnership that benefits your child’s education and development. Here are some practical tips for parents to initiate and nurture this vital connection.
Initiate Early Contact: Introduce yourself to your child’s teacher at the beginning of the school year or as soon as possible. A warm and friendly greeting sets a positive tone for the partnership.
Attend Parent-Teacher Meetings: Make it a priority to attend parent-teacher conferences and meetings organized by the preschool. These meetings provide dedicated time for discussing your child’s progress, goals, and any concerns.
Be Approachable: Let the teacher know that you are approachable and open to communication. Provide them with your preferred contact information and encourage them to reach out if needed.
Active Listening: When in communication with the teacher, practice active listening. Show genuine interest in what they have to say, ask questions, and seek clarification when necessary.
Respect Their Expertise: Trust the teacher’s professional expertise and respect their decisions. Remember that they have training and experience in early childhood education.
Be Supportive: Demonstrate your commitment to your child’s education by supporting classroom rules and expectations at home. When children see their parents and teachers working together, it reinforces the importance of following rules and respecting authority figures.
Volunteer When Possible: Offer to volunteer in the classroom or during school events if your schedule allows. Your presence and assistance can be valuable to both the teacher and your child.
Stay Informed: Keep yourself informed about the preschool’s policies, schedules, and any important announcements. Being well-informed allows you to be an engaged and supportive parent.
Be Mindful of Communication: Be mindful of the timing and frequency of your communications with the teacher. While open communication is essential, it’s also important to respect the teacher’s personal space and time outside of the classroom.
Express Gratitude: Most Importantly, take the time to express your gratitude to the teacher for their hard work and dedication. A simple thank-you note or a small token of appreciation can go a long way in building a positive relationship.
By following these tips, you can lay the foundation for a strong and productive relationship with your child’s preschool teacher. This partnership not only benefits your child’s education but also contributes to a positive classroom environment and the overall success of the preschool community.
Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them
While building a strong parent-teacher relationship is immensely beneficial, it’s important to recognize that challenges may arise along the way. Being aware of these challenges and knowing how to overcome them can help maintain a positive and productive partnership. Here are some common challenges and strategies for addressing them.
Challenge: Miscommunication or misunderstandings can lead to confusion and frustration.
Solution: Practice active and clear communication. Be sure to ask for clarification when needed and provide feedback in a constructive and non-confrontational manner. Utilize email or written communication when discussing important matters to ensure clarity.
Differing Expectations
Challenge: Parents and teachers may have different expectations or goals for a child’s education.
Solution: Schedule a meeting to discuss goals and expectations for your child’s development. Collaboratively set realistic and specific objectives that align with the child’s abilities and needs. Open and honest communication can bridge gaps in expectations. Don’t expect to have this meeting at drop-off or pick-up times, be respectful of the teacher’s time and understand that a private meeting time would be best. 
Limited Availability
Challenge: Parents may have limited availability due to work or other commitments, making it challenging to engage in school activities.
Solution: Prioritize involvement in activities that best fit your schedule. Even occasional participation can make a significant difference. Communicate with the teacher about your availability and explore alternative ways to contribute, such as sending in supplies and treats or participating in evening or weekend events.
Balancing Involvement
Challenge: Finding the right balance between being involved and allowing independence can be tricky.
Solution: Respect your child’s need for independence and gradually encourage them to take responsibility for their actions. Maintain open communication with the teacher to strike a balance that supports your child’s growth without stifling their independence.
Resolving Conflicts
Challenge: Conflicts or disagreements may arise between parents and teachers.
Solution: Address conflicts privately and in a respectful manner. Approach the issue with an open mind, and try to see the situation from the other person’s perspective. If necessary, involve a school administrator or mediator to facilitate a constructive resolution.
Overwhelming Expectations
Challenge: Parents may feel overwhelmed by expectations to attend every school event or volunteer for every activity.
Solution: Prioritize your involvement based on your capacity and availability. Remember that quality matters more than quantity. Focus on meaningful participation that aligns with your schedule and interests.
Cultural Differences
Challenge: Cultural differences between parents and teachers can sometimes lead to misunderstandings.
Solution: Embrace cultural diversity and seek to understand and appreciate each other’s perspectives. Effective communication is key to bridging any cultural gaps. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and learn from one another.
By acknowledging these common challenges and approaching them with a proactive and open mindset, parents and teachers can work together to overcome obstacles and maintain a strong and productive relationship. The ultimate goal is to create a supportive and nurturing environment that benefits the child’s education and overall development.
Remember It’s A Partnership
The partnership between parents and teachers is a cornerstone of success. It’s evident that this connection goes far beyond the classroom walls and it’s a dynamic collaboration that nurtures a child’s sense of security, fosters holistic development, and lays the foundation for a lifelong love of learning. By initiating contact early, attending meetings, being approachable, and demonstrating trust in the teacher’s expertise, parents can create a supportive environment where their child can thrive.
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littlemindsseo · 4 months
A Useful Tip For Making Sure Your Kid Enjoys Childcare
Every child is a booming bud, and they make this world a pretty garden. Without broods the world would be empty with no presence of sunshine, love, and the moon, so children are the most valuable creation, and we should defend, attendant, and take them to heights with all our love.
Being a qualified nursery near Greens we are believing that every child deserves to be happy and comfortable all the time and we should take responsibility for ensuring that your kid is joyful.
Along with searching for the best nursery, you should teach them some qualities of life. Little Minds, being the best nursery near Greens, always tries to provide the best learning milieu like their home.
Tips for making your child enjoy childcare
Ensure quality sleep
Eat breakfast as a king
Visual demonstration
A build relationship with their teachers
Pickup nutritious meals
Being the best nursery near Greens, we are exploring more student care activities. Every child has the individuality to stand single. Excellent preschools like little mind are here to help you out there. 
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abbaroseville · 5 months
Finding a Family Day Care That Fits Around Your Schedule
Finding child care in Chatswood that fits around your schedule can be tricky. We’ve put together some tips and strategies to help you navigate the challenge including back up care, nanny share, work from home childcare and more.
Family day care Chatswood is a network of qualified early childhood Educators that offer education and care for children aged six weeks to 12 years in their own homes. Educators are experienced and registered and are required to meet the National Quality Standard. Educators are also supported by an Agency Coordinator who ensures a high level of service is provided at all times.
KU’s Educators are passionate about providing the best possible first experience of education and care for every child in their care, and it shows. They were awarded the prestigious Making the Difference Award in 2012 and have a long history of success at KU.
The KU team in Chatswood is also highly respected and recognised nationally for their commitment to inclusion and enriching the lives of vulnerable children. Kathy Hatcher and the KU Chatswood Community Preschool team were recognised with the perpetual KU Marcia Burgess award in 2022, one of the highest honours for teachers in NSW.
The average NQS rating for Family Day Care in Chatswood is Meeting the National Quality Standard and is above the NSW state average of 6.5. It is an excellent choice for families who require a flexible and individualised approach to their children’s education. Educators are dedicated to establishing close bonds with the children in their care and provide an engaging learning environment that feels like a second home. Children are supported to develop their unique interests, skills and abilities through age-appropriate structured learning experiences, social interactions and creative exploration. This allows them to thrive and develop the foundation for a life of continuous learning.
Abbaroseville have been in the business of children for over 48 years. Family operated & owned and first established at our Crows Nest Centre in 1972 we have had the pleasure of teaching & educating children throughout their many milestones and have loved every moment of it, we really would not have it any-other way.
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