aptpersonaltraining · 6 years
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My recent trip to Majorca to immerse myself in bodyART Training was amazing in the obvious sense . . . but in ways I didn’t expect as well.
I seriously felt and realised it had literally detoxed my mind and body. I felt noticeably lighter in my thought process with a real awareness that things that had felt difficult previously, were so much clearer and somehow easier to deal with.
My body also felt cleared of crap, I don’t mean in a juice detox sense (though we had amongst the abundance of food choices some yummy juice blends at breakfast) I mean in a build up of physical discomfort sense.
I am not saying any of my previous mind or body stuff vanished in my 58 year state of being & I sure put a lot of energy and effort into it. But I was acutely aware it had been cleared naturally, refreshed, reset, rejuvenated. That in many ways felt rather magical when I returned home, because I realised how different I felt in such a grounded, personal way.
All this came with a process of being in a gorgeous Spanish island resort & the 6 days of pretty concentrated training in the fresh air with awesome Master Trainers and other passionate bodyART’st from many parts of Europe.
Perhaps you are feeling overwhelmed with the end of year Christmas crazy we can spiral into, let alone just day to day modern living pressure.
I invite you to try a bodyART Class and you may well experience a mini version of what I described above 🙋🏻☯️💜 www.aptandpilates.com 💜☯️🙋🏻
#themindfulmovement1 #bodyarttraining #mindbodydetox #movementismedicine
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aptpersonaltraining · 7 years
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bodyART has arrived! Lisa Westlake and I team taught an open Masterclass at Virgin Active , Collins St, Melbourne during our Level 1 BodyART Instructor training (1st ever all Australian Melb training) The response was overwhelmingly positive, providing further discovery of this incredible new level of awareness, mind-body synergising workout. bodyART training is NOT tattooing, it's a beautifully developed barefoot matworkout program by Robert Steinbacher (originating in Zurich & Germany in 1994) Classes are now popping up around Australia as people experience the extraordinary rebalancing of their mind body spirit equation. Am very proud to have launched bodyART Small Group Classes in Richmond, Melbourne (with APT Personal Training & Portable Pilates) 2 years ago & now be part of the fruition of new, enthusiastic & passionate Australian bodyART Instructors, implementing it into large & small health & fitness business's around Australia. bodyART is a seamless fusion of several trainings , but it's uniqueness comes from the beautiful balance it gives to every individual, based on the breathe, Yin & Yang and the five elements of Traditional Chinese medicine. bodyART is non-judgemental, non-competitive, nurturing & challenging. www.aptandpilates.com
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aptpersonaltraining · 7 years
Sunday Funday with Jazz flavour 😉👣💙🌟www.aptandpilates.com #aptpersonaltraining #aptsmallgroups #themindfulmovement1 #bodyarttraining #bodyartatbby #sunday #funday #richmond3121 #pilates #jazz #mindandbody (at Apt Personal Training & Portable Pilates)
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aptpersonaltraining · 7 years
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B a l a n c e Striving for 'balance' between mind, body & soul is a life long practise and for me a constant challenge. Some days I feel totally in sync - calm, focussed and in tune with myself and the world around me. Other days everything feels difficult, my head is full of jumbled thoughts & emotions and there is too much external noise I can't escape from. Here are a few things I have learned along the way to help balance life: APT tips for balance: 1. Move every day - small amounts in a consistent routine is far more beneficial to your overall health & wellbeing than a big chunk occasionally. 2. Put an exercise routine in place (if it's in the diary as any other appointment then the time is allocated) 3. Are you an independent exerciser? Be honest now. If you are not - book into PT &/or Small Group regular Sessions that are convenient and slot into your week - pay upfront & commit. This is an investment in your health. 4. Get some sunlight and fresh air for at least 20 minutes in your working day. 5. Be kind to yourself - when things feel tough - make the voice in your head your best friend. 6. Give thanks for the good things in your life - often. 7. Focus on what's important to you - that's where your energy will go & how the results and stuff will happen. We all have the same 24 hrs in the day, what you prioritise in that time is really where you have choice and control. 8. Be determined - fall over - get back up - don't beat yourself up -keep going. 9. Feed or find your passion. 10. Time out from your everyday life is essential - plan short breaks to look forward to. 11. Once a day for at least 2-5 minutes - close your eyes & mindfully just breathe. 12. Eat meals sitting down - take time to eat mindfully. Nourish not punish your body. 13. Set an alarm at least 1 hour before you need to sleep at night, wind down in that hour. Turn off screens, check what you need for tomorrow is sorted, have a quiet herbal tea, read for a while. Sleep is our restorative time - we need to enable it for ourselves (trust me I am not a good sleeper) and help it to be peaceful. 14. Smile & laugh often. 15. Have time alone to gather & sort your thoughts. 16. Keep it simple - plan do-able steps to be where you want to be. 17. Un-busy is the new healthy - you do not need to justify your existance by being permanantly busy. 18. Be YOU tiful Andrea 5.4.17 www.aptandpilates.com
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aptpersonaltraining · 8 years
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Hello slow Saturday 😊 good coffee & Sat newspaper with no need to rush out the door is my idea of a sensational slow Saturday + a sunny beautiful day so I can sit in my courtyard even better 😎☀️. On Tues & Thurs after I rise at 4.30am to teach my 6am Small Group Sessions @phoenixdancestudio one of the great joys is to embrace the day feeling energised & go to a local Richmond Cafe and have a healthy breaky - here's my Thurs Bircher muesli & golden latte @touchwoodcafe 😋I am so not an early morning person having worked for so many years in theatre BUT once I am out of bed and doing what I love (guiding & observing others to move & improve) I always feel it's the best part of the day & feelings of gratitude & happy to be alive flood in 🙏🏼😄👍🏼👌🏼 #slowsaturday #breaky #seizetheday #nourishnotpunish #aptpersonaltraining (at Touchwood)
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aptpersonaltraining · 8 years
#itsnevertoolatetostart #moveandimprove #thejoyofmoving #jumpforjoy www.aptandpilates.com. 4.2.17
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aptpersonaltraining · 8 years
M O T R 💙😄 no. 4 @balancedbody mobilising aligning connecting & strengthening - just by lying on the roll - it's more challenging to stabilise & the core must switch on👌🏼👍🏼 Abdominal curl & 100's progressing into extending lifted leg from the knee, flexing the foot (faster beating hands from the shoulders) and making the changeover part of the exercise as it's equally as challenging (I didn't control last foot lowering well enough - more awareness, breathe & core needed 😉) Next we load the feet with the Resistance straps to progress and add more challenge - Check in each day as APT goes through some really effective MOTR exercises that flow from one to the next. 🙋🏻🙏🏼😄 #motr #saturday #100s #portablepilates #foamroller #morethanaroller #extend #lengthen #abcurl #aptpersonaltraining #holistichealth #pilates #corework #mobilise #connect #strength #alignment #awareness #personaltraining #functionalfitness #exercise #fitness #moveandimprove #themindfulmovement1 #richmond3121 #bridgerdrichmond #3121bubble #core #abs #APT2017
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aptpersonaltraining · 8 years
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2017 APT New Small Groups Term 1 has been officially launched - Amazing Super Earlybird Special rates available now until 20 Dec ! Save up to $165 - we are offering our best Small Group Training deals ever - limited bookings be quick. Term 1 starts week of 30 Jan 2017. Great Gift Voucher Idea - give the gift of fun-ctional wellbeing 🎁💃🏻☯🙏🏼😄👌🏼 See www.aptandpilates.com for information & bookings via contact page. #aptpersonaltraining #aptsmallgroups #APT2017
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aptpersonaltraining · 8 years
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People kept saying to me 'You won't know yourself when your boys finish school' and they were right, but not the way it was implied.
It's August 2016 - 8 months since my youngest of 2 sons finished his VCE and our school life finished.  For 15 years prior to this, the framework of our family life was naturally focused around school. In their final year 12, I passionately supported each son in every way I possibly could, in the hope they would do well in order to step into the real world with the best possible opportunities a good education might bring. After the break up of my marriage over 13 years ago and soon after the tragic loss of my beautiful Mum, I was under a lot of pressure to keep our home and family life consistent, positive and on track. I found myself in a situation where working, making ends meet and being the available Mum, not only to be present in their lives but driving the boys to school, sports training and social events was a constant never ending juggle and struggle. I took it very seriously and I put everything of myself into it. Fortunately for me, I did have and create work I enjoyed, but it was never financially very lucrative work and I lived under continual financial stress. This was coupled with the dread of ongoing difficulty from my ex husband, who while he loved his boys, was never on the same page bringing them up and communication between us was uncomfortable or non existent.
Any devoted mother will understand that we wear many hats through our children's school years and we glue the family together . . . nurturer, taxi service, cook, organizer, cleaner, story reader, psychologist, friend, listener, repair man, gardener, the list goes on. It's a wonderful time and it's a demanding time and I certainly put a lot of pressure on myself to be responsible for these young boys I'd brought into the world.
I do remember so often thinking, if I stop, I won't be able to get going again and I have to keep going for them, because I love them so much. In many ways I over compensated for their broken family life - always making sure everything was super organized and ready for them in all they did, to my own detriment - often feeling exhausted and overwhelmed and that there was no one to lean on. (My whole family has passed away)
When people said - 'you won't know yourself' last year, I know they were inferring I would have more time and leisure and be able to relax and enjoy some freedom . . . but what has really come out is 'I don't know myself' because I, Andrea, got lost in those years bringing up my boys. I was driven by duty and love, but not for or to myself. Now the dust is starting to settle (and I have been busier than ever as I have my own business to run as well as the final and 20th year of my charity) I find I am quite often overwhelmed with a sense of grief, being at arms length to my young men out in the world and who the hell is Andrea ?
Suddenly the reflection I am forced to look at, is my own and there is a forest behind me of choices I have no idea how to navigate. The sense of loss complicates this . . . when the grief kicks in and I feel the withdrawal of not being needed or useful in a role I was so invested in for so very long, my heart aches for those gorgeous affectionate little boys who so openiy loved their Mummy.  In the good positive 'Yay I am free' moments, I am often so overwhelmed with decision making choices, I can't decide what to do, my procrastination becomes agonizing . . . will I go for a walk, garden, paint, read, write a blog (as I am now) do the mountain of work on my desk, clean the house, pay bills, clean out the garage, do washing, call a friend . . . I feel my head spinning in circles and I find it hard to make a choice and stick with it and I am painfully aware I am alone. Then it all becomes too much . . . the walls fall away and I am incapable of doing anything, I feel emotionally drained and lost, who am I?  
I have no doubt things will start to become easier as I navigate myself through this huge transition and work out who I am besides a Mum who worked her ass off to give her boys the best safe nurturing home life and security she could until they stepped out into the world and flew away. Somehow it feels like they took my heart with them and I need to reclaim it back for myself now. I know I am still their Mum, however right now I feel unimportant and no longer integral to their lives. No one really talks about this Mum grief and NOT knowing yourself, I'd be surprised if other Mum's can't relate to it, whether they are single Mum's or not. It's bitter sweet and it does make me miss my darling sister and my Mum and Dad, all of whom I have lost, even more. At this point in my life, I gradually and finally understand I need to be my own best and supportive friend, and for so long I didn't allow that and I lost myself along the way. 
So here's to all those people who said to me 'you won't know yourself Andrea' . . . you were right, but I am working on getting to know me and I find myself slowly being drawn to this new person in my life and as I get to know her, I think she may be a keeper ;)  I will check back in down the track and let you know.                                                
www.aptandpilates.com   (pic 2010 - Andrea at 50 with both boys still at school)  
AG 7.8.16
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aptpersonaltraining · 8 years
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Hello Monday! bodyART in Switzerland 👣☯❣ #monday #bodyarttraining #aptpersonaltraining #holistichealth #healingretreat #switzerland #themindfulmovement1 #youtime #mindfulness #breathe #imagine #seizetheday #fitness #wellbeing #wellness #justbe #exercise #richmond3121 #3121bubble #bridgerdrichmond
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aptpersonaltraining · 8 years
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Sensational Sunday - loving the sense of frivolous freedom of movement and fun in this amazing pic by Akira Enzeru 😍💃🏽😉 #sunday #akiraenzero #aptpersonaltraining #fun #3121bubble #richmond3121 #frivolous #sensationalsunday #freedom #life #connection #imagine #justbe #mindfulness #themindfulmovement1 #love
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aptpersonaltraining · 8 years
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Seize the day on Saturday 😄🎈💃🏽🐥☯🙏🏼❣ 'Be YOU tiful' 😄🎈💃🏽🐥☯🙏🏼❣ Yesterday at APT Fri 9.15am Circuit/Pilates Class I decided a photo of this fab bunch would be fun - hot & sweaty from their double 9 station circuit before going into a barre sequence & our Pilates matwork, one of the girls kindly offered to take a few pics so I could jump in & join them. Collage of pics coming . . . this bunch are all seizing their strength from within & empowering eachother with laughter 😄 Term 3 Earlybird Small Group training special only until Fri 17 June @burnleybackyard & @phoenixdancestudio See link in bio - bookings essential - filling fast 🙋🏻 #aptpersonaltraining #personaltraining #aptsmallgroups #bridgerdrichmond #pilates #circuittraining #laughter #fitness #health #fun #functionaltraining #smallgrouptraining #3121bubble #3121bubble #endorphins #beyoutiful #earlybird #term3 #exercise #saturday #seizetheday (at Apt Personal Training & Portable Pilates)
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aptpersonaltraining · 8 years
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Move on Monday - one of my greatest pleasures is lying on the floor & doing some beautiful alignment pilates exercises and stretching. Sometime if you haven't exercised for a while and are easing back into it - this can be the best thing to do - reminding your body to align with stabilization using the floor as your base. Then as you build into more challenging actions your body is ready to support you safely . . . and will function better too. Much of my early training as a young dancer was floorwork, it was considered strange all those years ago, but Joseph Pilates paved the way for us to learn how incredibly beneficial matwork on the floor is and is a huge part of physical & mental wellbeing for many. Move on Monday - even if it's lying on the floor and lengthening your spine with mindful breathing ☯😄👌🏼#monday #moveonmonday #inhale #exhale #exercise #moveandimprove #matwork #pilates #awareness #alignment #floorwork #spine #back #aptpersonaltraining #mobilemonday #personaltraining #stretch #functionaltraining #metime #health #mindfulness #themindfulmovement1
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aptpersonaltraining · 8 years
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APT Earlybird Term 3 Special for Small Groups available till 17 June. 10 week term from 12 July to 16 Sept. Tues 6.30pm bodyART @burnleybackyard and Friday 9.15am bodyART or Circuit/Pilates at Phoenix - 656 Bridge Rd, Richmond. Only $185 for 10 sessions 💃🏽👣🙃👌🏼See link in bio for more info and to book. Be quick - payment confirms your booking. Check out our cool bodyART apparel - also available. APT ❣ bodyART & you will too! #earlybird #bodyarttraining #burnleybackyard #aptpersonaltraining #mindfulness #themindfulmovement1 #smallgrouptraining #aptsmallgroups #term3 #sunday #mindandbody #booknow #fitness #health #functionalfitness #holistichealth #fitnessapparel #coolfitnessgear #bodyartaustralia #richmond3121 #3121bubble #bridgerdrichmond
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aptpersonaltraining · 8 years
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Hanging out on Sunday - one of those cold wet Wintery days - so nice to stroll up to the local Richmond Cafe and have brunch (the banana porridge @bendigostmilkbar perfect for me & the breakfast burrito a big favourite with my partner 😋) APT Earlybird Term 3 Small Group sessions (bodyART & Circuit/Pilates) is available now till 17 June. Term 3 runs 12 July - 16 Sept for 10 weeks. More info coming later today and on link in bio. Bookings essential - be quick. Checkout deepWORK Demo on our FB page creating 🔥 as part of bodyART Class is awesome! Always a choice to go at your own pace and level which gives you what you need and want 👍🏼😄Shout out to Friday morning Small Group bodyART Class - so proud of you all - going for it and using inner determination & improving 👊🏼💪🏼👏🏼 every week (inspite of dragging yourself in after a late night 😉) A new week awaits us - enjoy the rest of your Sunday 👣🙃🙏🏼☯😊 #sunday #ineofthosedays #stretch #localrichmondcafe #aptpersonaltraining #metime #winter #mobilise #specialoffer #fitness #richmond3121 #personaltraining #richmondlocals #aptsmallgroups #smallgrouptraining #brunch #youtime #3121bubble #bridgerdrichmond #functionaltraining #move #mindandbody #justbe #inthemoment #mindfulness (at Apt Personal Training & Portable Pilates)
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aptpersonaltraining · 8 years
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Girlfriends are nourishment for the soul - anyone else feel that way? Yesterday I caught up with one of my besties @kitty.burns and today another GF bestie 💕🙏🏼☯🙋🏻😄 Whenever I do this I feel nourished and happy to be in the world 🌏🌟❣ The Eton Mess and coffee at Kitty Burns was also pretty as a picture & a real treat 😋👌🏼 Thanks to the wonderful women and gorgeous girlfriends in my life - you know who you are & I am blessed and grateful to have you as my friend and be yours as well. 🙋🏻💋#thursday #girlfriends #nourishment #besties #thankyou #grateful #blessed #gratitude #mindfulness #life #richmond3121 #richmondcafes #coffee #yum #3121bubble #kittyburns #gftime #mindfulness
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aptpersonaltraining · 8 years
Welcome Winter ❄️ Let's get warm and barre, bosu & bounce ! #wednesday #winter #wow #jump #mightaswelljump #barre #bosu #equalisers #aptpersonaltraining #personaltraining #lowerimpact #endorphins #warmup #richmond3121 #3121bubble #jumpforjoy #exercise #moveandimprove #bridgerdrichmond #firstdayofwinter #humpday #fun #fitness (at Apt Personal Training & Portable Pilates)
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