aliceeatsgrass · 6 years
Homemade caramel
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Mmm homemade salted caramel
I wasn’t planning on making caramel. This is a great recipe beginning! I was grocerry shopping online and accidentaly added tamarind. I already have tamaring paste which I use for cooking and I don’t really need more. So i was thinking what else I could do with it. And since fresh tamarind has this sweet and saury taste I thought this can turn into a great caramel paste!
It’s thick, sweet, saury and salty. There are only 2 main ingredients and there is no additional sugar added! This is a kind of caramel you can eat without feeling guilty!
- 100g tamarind - 100g dates - water - sea salt
Peel tamarind from shells and remove the seeds. If you’re dates have seeds, remove them as well.
Place both, tamarind and dates in the bowl and cover with warm water. Let it soak for about an hour. I added water just to cover the ingredients, not a lot. The dates and tamaring will soak most of the water.
After 1 hour, add some sea salt and blend it all until smooth paste.
Keep it in the refrigerator. Use to top up waffles, oatmeals or in pie!
That’s it : ) Super easy homemade, healthy caramel with unusual flavor!
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Nie planowałam robienia karmelu. To jest niezły sposób aby zacząć ten przepis! Robiłam zakupy spożywcze przez internet i przypadkowo wrzuciłam tamaryndowca. Mam już pastę z tamaryndowca, którą używam do gotowania więc kompletnie nie potrzebuje robienia jeszcze więcej. Więc zastanawiałam się co by z nim zrobić. Biorąc pod uwagę, że jego smak jest słodko kwaśny pomyślałam, że może z tego wyjść niezły karmel! 
Jest gęsty, słodki, lekko kwaśny i słonawy. Zrobiony z tylko dwóch głównych składników i nie ma w nim dodatkowego cukru! Z takim karmelem można grzeszyć bez wyrzutów sumienia!
- 100g tamarindowca - 100g daktyli - woda - sól morska
Sposób przygotowania:
Obierz tamaryndowiec z łupin i wyciągnij pestki. Jeśli daktyle, których używasz mają pestki, również się ich pozbądź.
Włoż tamaryndowca i daktyle do miski i zalej ciepłą wodą w ilości takiej żeby tylko je przykryć. Odstaw na około godzinę. Składniki wpiją większość wody.
Po godzinie dodaj sól morską i zblenduj wszystko na jednolitą pastę.
Przechowuj w lodówce. Używaj do gofrów, owsianek lub ciasta!
To tyle : ) Super szybki i prosty sposób na domowy, zdrowy karmel o niecodziennym smaku!
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aliceeatsgrass · 6 years
Baked oatmeal with apples
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​Baked oatmeal like apple pie
When you are craving a cake why not make a nice and healthy baked oatmeal? It’s breakfast and dessert in one!
It’s been a while since I baked oatmeal but when I saw a video from talented Deliciously Ella I was literally drooling. The best part is that you can make so many variations using different fruits and spices. You can make a big bake to save time and reheat it for breakfast on the other day!
On the day of making it I had few not so fresh apples so I decided to make an apple baked oatmeal which turned out as a delicious apple cake! The proportions and method is so good, I cannot wait to try it with plums or other seasonal fruits.
So let’s make a pie!
·         60g oats
·         hot water
·         2 small apples
·         1 banana
·         piece of grated ginger
·         2 handfuls od nuts and seeds
·         1 tbsp goji berries
·         1 tbsp chia seeds
·         few chopped dates
·         2 tsp cinnamon
·         5 tbsp plant milk
Preheat the oven to 180C. In one bowl add the oats and cover with hot water. Set aside so the oats soak the water in.
Peel the apples and cut into pieces. Save few slices for the top. Mash the banana and add it to the oats.
Crush or chop the nuts into pieces, add to the bowl with the rest of ingredients.
Stir together and place to the baking dish. Press few more slices of apple at the top and sprinkle with more nuts. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden. Serve warm with coconut yogurt.  
Kiedy ma sie ochote na ciasto, zawsze mozna zrobic zdrowa pieczona owsianke. To jak sniadanie i deser w jednym!
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Minelo już troche czasu odkad ostatni raz robilam pieczona owsianke ale kiedy pare dni temu zobaczylam filmik utalentowanej Deliciously Ella autentycznie się zaslinilam. Najlepsze w pieczonych owsiankach jest to, ze można je zrobic w róznych smakach za kazdym razem uzywajac innych owocow i przypraw. Można zrobic duza owsianke żeby zaoszczedzic czas i tylko ja podgrzac nastepnego dnia na sniadanie!
W dniu w którym ja zrobilam mialam kilka już przelezalych jablek wiec zdecydowalam się zrobic jablkowa pieczona owsianke, która wyszla jak ciasto jablkowe! Proporcje i sposób wykonania jest tak dobry, ze nie mogę się doczekac żeby wyprobowac ten przepis ze sliwkami lub innymi sezonowymi owocami.
Wiec do dziela! Upieczmy ciasto!
·         60g platkow owsianych
·         woraca woda
·         2 male jablka
·         1 banan
·         kawalek startego imbiru
·         2 garscie orzechow i nasion
·         1 lyzka jagod goji
·         1 lyzka nasion chia
Rozgrzej piekarnik do 180C. Do miski wsyp platki owsiane i zalej goraca woda. Ostaw na pare minut żeby wchlonely wode.
Obierz i pokroj jablka. Zostaw kilka plasterkow do udekorowania na wierzchu. Rozgniec banana i dodaj do platkow. Rozkrusz w rekach lub posiekaj orzechy i ziarna i dodaj do miski razem z reszta skladnikow.
Wymieszaj i przeloz do naczynia do pieczenia. Na gorze poukladaj plasterki jablka i posyp kawalkami orzechow.
Piecz przez 20-25 minut az owsianka zbrazowieje. Podawaj cieple z jogurtem kokosowym.
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aliceeatsgrass · 6 years
Adzuki beans pate
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Adzuki beans pate with mushrooms and smoked dried plums
•500g cooked adzuki beans (200g dry)
•2 carrots
•500g mushrooms
•1 onion
•20g oil + more for frying
•50g oat flour
•handful of smoked dried plums
•3tsp smoked paprika
•1tsp chili
•1/4 tsp nutmeg
•2tsp oregano
•2tsp majoram
•1tsp thyme
•salt, pepper
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Soak around 200g of dry adzuki beans for 8-12 hours. Then replace the water and cook until soft (approx. 40min).
Wash and peel 2 medium sized carrots and cook until soft.
Peel and cut the onion.
Wash and slice the mushrooms. Heat up 2 tbsp of oil, add onion, mushrooms and fry.
Place the beans and carrots into food processor and blend. Add spices, oil and flour and combine together. Then add the mushrooms and process as you prefer. I blended it just a bit to leave some bigger pieces as wanted the pate to be more chunky. Try and adjust the taste if needed.
Take the loaf pan, grease the sides and cover with a bit of flour. Transfer half of the pate and place dried plums in the middle, then cover with other half. Bake in 200C for 1 hour although it may depend on the oven - check with a wood stick if not soft inside.
Best served on a piece of fresh bread.
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aliceeatsgrass · 6 years
Broccoli and leek soup
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Broccoli and leek soup. Very creamy. Very cheesy 🥦
•1 leek
•1 broccoli
•1-2 garlic cloves
•70g green lentils
•1tbsp oil
•750ml vegetable broth
•50ml plant cream (rice or soy) or coconut milk
•2 tbsp nutrition yeasts
•salt, pepper, chili
Wash and prepare the vegetables. Slice the garlic cloves and leek. Separate broccoli to small pieces.
Heat up oil in the pan, add garlic and fry a while. Add leek and fry few more minutes until it softens. Add the broccoli, washed lentils and pour warm broth. Season with salt and pepper and chili (if you like).
Cook for around 15 min until the lentils are soft. Add the cream and yeast and bring to boil. Blend your soup and season with more spices if needed.
I served my soup with toasted pumpkin and sunflower seeds 🌻
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aliceeatsgrass · 6 years
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Homemade nutella 🌰
no palm oil, no sugar. all natural, healthy and full of chocolate 🍫
it’s like peanut butter but better!✨
•500g hazelnuts
•1/2tsp salt
•3-4tbsp cocoa powder
•2tbsp maple syrup
•dark chocolate (optional)
Roast hazelnuts in 180C up to 15 min. Transfer the nuts to a towel and massage to remove the skins.
Add the nuts to a food processor and blend until creamy. Then add salt, cocoa powder and maple syrup 🍁 maple syrup will make the nutella more thick, if you dont want it, just add melted chocolate.
I added extra pieces of dark chocolate while blending to enrich the flavor. 🍫
So delicious! Make more and share with friends and family! A jar of this nutella can be a great holiday gift 💝
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aliceeatsgrass · 6 years
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Gingerbread cookies based on family recipe🎄
These are my favorite Christmas cookies and i am so happy that I was able to make them plant based ✨
•500g white flour
•2 flax eggs (14gr of flax seed mixed with 5 tbsp of water)
•240g plant butter, margarine
•200g agave syrup (maple syrup, molases)
•140g brown sugar
•3tsp baking powder
•2-3packs of gingerbread spice (mine were 23g each) depend on how instense you want the cookies to be
•2tsp ground nutmeg
•2tbsp cocoa
This is a one bowl recipe - mix all dry ingredients in the bowl.
Prepare the flax egg by mixing flax seed and water, leave it for few min, then add to the dry ingredients with agave syrup and butter. Combine together.
Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Bake cookies about 8-10 min, depend on the size and thickness. I always pay attention to them as they burn easily.
Once ready, cookies can be decorated while still hot straight from the oven or later when they cool down.
I usually decorate mine with icing, dark chocolate and sprinkles✨
Enjoy and let me know if you use my recipe ❤️🎄❄️
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aliceeatsgrass · 6 years
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peanut butter slices. it’s a PB protein bomb which will satisfy every PB lover! 🥜
bottom ingredients:
•50g buckwheat flakes
•50g oats
•1tbsp powdered peanut butter
•100g soaked dates
•2tbsp cocoa powder
•1tbsp chia seeds
•3tbsp water from soaking dates
blend all ingredients and press the mass to the pan or container line with parchment paper
top ingredients :
•100g soaked dates
•2 big tbsp peanut butter
•3tbsp protein powder peanut butter flavored
•2tbsp water from soaking dates
blend all together and line it out on top of the base.
take 2tbsp unsalted peanuts and roast them on the pan. press to the top.
refrigerate over night or put into freezer for few hours. then cut into slices.
store in the fridge
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aliceeatsgrass · 6 years
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Quinoa, beans and pumpkin stuffed peppers🌶🎃 autumn comfort food 🍂🍁
•130g cooked quinoa
•150g baked pumpkin
•160g red kidney beans
•1 onion
•2garlic cloves
•200g tomato sauce
•4-5 peppers
•spices: salt, pepper, chili, cumin, oregano
•coconut oil
prepare ingredients: wash and cut the peppers. cook quinoa and bake your pumpkin (you can also use boiled pumpkin).
slice onion and garlic and fry on coconut oil. once slightly brown add beans, pumpkin and tomato sauce. season with spices and cook for a while, adding water if necessary.
combine together with quinoa and stuff the peppers.
grease your baking dish, add some tomato sauce at the bottom. place the peppers and bake covered for 30-40 min in 180C until the peppers are soft.
serve with more tomato sauce 🥫
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aliceeatsgrass · 6 years
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Vegan Chicken & Waffles
crispy spelt flour waffles and mouth watering deeop fried mushrooms 🍄
for the waffles you need:
•175g spelt flour (1 and 1/2 cup)
•2tsp brown sugar•pinch of salt
•1 1/2 tsp baking powder
•20g oil
•300ml plant based milk
•1tsp apple cider vinegar
•2tbsp soy sauce
preheated your waffle maker.
in one bowl combine apple cider vinegar with milk and set aside for 10 mim. in the meantime combine dry ingredients in separate bowl. add all wet ingredients and whisk together.
bake waffles as per your waffle maker directions. mine took 6 minutes.
for the vegan chicken wash and separate oyster mushrooms.
prepare chicken batter:
•50g chickpea flour (can be substituted with other type)
•80ml water (approx)
•spices:smoked paprika (a lot), salt, pepper, chili, garlic powder, cumin etc
•1tsp harissa or tomato paste (optional)
•1tsp liquid smoke (optional)
•panco or breadcrumbs
preheat oil in the pan (or fryer).
combine all ingredients except last one. cover the mushrooms in batter, then roll in panco or breadcrumbs.
fry few minutes until golden.
serve immediately on waffles with your favorite barbecue sauce and (mandatory) mapple syrup ❣️
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aliceeatsgrass · 6 years
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Sweet Potato and White Beans Casserole with Avocado Sauce
Serves: 2 portions
· 1 big sweet potato · olive oil · 200g white beans · 1 ripe avocado · garlic clove · lemon juice · 2 tbsp white vinegar · pumpkin seeds · breadcrumbs · coconut oil for the baking dishes · spices: chili, salt, pepper, cumin
Bake sweet potato in 200 C until soft (it took me around 30-40 min for potato cut in half). Mash the potato and mix with olive oil, minced garlic, salt, pepper and chili (I used 1 tsp flakes).
Prepare the beans. I cooked my beans but you can use canned beans – white or red, any beans are fine. In small pan combine beans with 1 tbsp olive oil, 2 tsp cumin, 2 tsp smoked paprika, 1 tsp chili flakes and salt. Cook for a while adding a bit of water if needed. Set aside.
Prepare the avocado sauce: mash the avocado and combine with juice from half lemon, 2 tbsp white vinegar, minced garlic, 1 tbsp olive oil, salt and pepper.
Prepare the casserole: grease your dish (I used two square dishes for oven baking). Place mashed potato at the bottom, then add the beans and cover the top with avocado sauce. Sprinkle with pumpkin seeds and breadcrumbs.
Bake in 200 C for 20-30 min until gold on top.
The casserole can be done bigger (just double the ingredients). This makes 2 lunch portions.
*** Recipe idea from: https://www.contentednesscooking.com/avocado-pesto-sweet-potato-casserole/ ***
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aliceeatsgrass · 6 years
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na stole laduje konkursowa kasza 🙌🏻 moja ulubiona, jaglana w czekoladowej odslonie z malinami i kleksem czekoladowej tahiny 😍 moze Pani Maja by sie skusila bo tez #qmamkasze 😀 ¾ kubka ugotowanej kaszy jaglanej (#nowaste resztki z lodowki), pol rozgniecionego banana 🍌 1 lyzeczka kakao, 1 lyzeczka oleju kokosowego, 1 lyzka czekoladowego bialka roslinnego 🍫 kilka orzechow 🌰i troche mleka roslinnego. mieszamy, wkladamy do piekarnika nagrzanego do 180 stopni na ok 25 min. jemy cieple z kawa na sniadanie ☕️ #roslinniejemy codziennie 💚🌱✌🏻 🌱 🌱 🌱
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aliceeatsgrass · 6 years
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🌶 red thai curry 🌶 with green aubergine, bunashimeji mushrooms 🍄 and lentils with black rice🌶🌶🌶 ingredients: 100g dry lentils, 2 tbsp red curry paste, few kafir leaves, 1 can of coconut milk, thai aubergine cut into wedges, 2 handfuls of mushrooms, 1 tbsp chili flakes (or not), spring onion, coriander soy sauce oil 🌱 heat up oil in a pan and add red curry paste. bring to a simmer. add coconut milk and stir. add the veggies and stir occasionally. season with sugar and soy sauce. once ready sprinkle with spring onion and coriander. serve with rice 🍚 🌶 🍄 🌶
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aliceeatsgrass · 6 years
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this bowl looks very moody 🌚 like something you would eat on a rainy day 🌧 ☔️ carob oatmeal pudding with caramelized pear 🍐 half cup of oats + few dates + cup of hot water. let the oats soak the water. add frozen banana 🍌, almond milk, carob powder, chia seeds, cinnamon and blend until creamy😍 oh yeh 🌞 🍐 🍐 🍐
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aliceeatsgrass · 6 years
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i am totally a sweet tooth if it comes to breakfast but when thai food is around i forget about chocolate and fruits 😵 rice soup for breakfast, topped with tofu, coriander, fried garlic, and chili 🌶 🌶 🌶 🌶
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aliceeatsgrass · 6 years
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baked coconut oatmeal with rhubarb and strawberries 🍓 for 2 cakes: •1 rhubarb stick •1 cup strawberries •70g oats •30g coconut flour •1 tsp baking powder •100ml almond milk •30ml canned coconut milk •2 tsp ground flax seeds •pinch of salt •1tbsp rice syrup •2tbsp coconut oil •shredded coconut 🥥 cut the rhubarb and place it in the baking dishes, add sliced strawberries. in separate dish combine oats, coconut flour and baking powder. top up the fruits with oat mix. in another dish mix almond milk, coconut milk and flax seeds. set aside for few minutes then add coconut oil, rice syrup, salt and whisk together. pour mix on top of oats and top up with shredder coconut. bake in 190C up to 20 min until golden brown 🍓🥥🍓 🍓 🥥 🍓
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aliceeatsgrass · 6 years
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root parsley creamy soup with lemon grass and thyme 🌱 my new favorite combo 🌞 all you need is: 300g root parsley, 1 fennel (as it was in my fridge - #nowaste cooking), 200g potatoes, 1 onion, 1 apple, 700ml veggie broth, 100ml almond milk, 200ml canned coconut milk, 1 lemon and lemon zest, 2 bay leaves, 2 kaffir leaves, 1 tbsp olive oil, 2 tsp lemon grass powder, fresh thyme, salt, pepper, nutmeg. 🍃 fry the onion on olive /coconut oil, add parsley roots, fennel, bay and kaffir leaves, stir for 2-3 min, add potatoes, veggie broth, apple and cook for 25 minutes. add lemon juice and zest, almond and coconut milk and bring to boil. blend together and season with herbs, salt and pepper🌿 🍃 🌱 🍃 #vegan #vegansofig #foodie #getinmybelly #veganfoodshare #soup #plantbased #eeeeeats #bestofvegan #jidlo #zdravejidlo #polevka #veganczech #feedfeed #yummy #hereismyfood #letscookvegan #veganrecipes #veganeats #cleaneating #weganizm #dietaroslinna #wegańskie #zdrowejedzenie #cojedzaweganie #zupa #eatyourveggies #healthyeah #foodblogger
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aliceeatsgrass · 6 years
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Vegan Oreo Cake
· 200g millet · 450 ml almond / coconut milk · 200ml canned coconut milk · 4 spoons of sugar or rice syrup · juice from 1 lemon · 275 g Oreo cookies + few for decoration · 1tbsp cocoa powder · 100g soaked dates · 100gr nuts (I used a mix of almonds and peanuts · 1tbsp coconut oil
Rinse millet under hot water. It will clean the groats and prevent it from bitter taste. Cook it in plant milk with pinch of sugar and salt. I also add 1 spoon of coconut oil for creamier texture.
Prepare two bowls and separate oreo filling from biscuits. Divide biscuits into 2 parts. Place one part to the food processor, add soaked dates, nuts, cocoa powder and coconut oil. Blend together. If too dry – add more coconut oil or water from soaking dates.
Cover your pan (mine was around 26cm) with parchment paper and press the crust to it. Keep it in the fridge.
Once millet is cooked, blend it with lemon juice, sugar (or syrup) adding coconut milk until it’s nice and creamy, but not too liquid. Pour it on the crust and sprinkle the top with cocoa powder.
Blend second part of oreo cookies and put it on the top of your cake. Add few oreo’s for decoration and place the cake into the fridge for at least 2 hours – preferable overnight.
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