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Tell em baby!! My future Angela Rye #angelarye #fdt #donaldtrump #donaldtrumpmemes #donaldtrumpsucks #donaldtrumpisajoke #donaldtrumphastogochallenge #cnn #girlpower #protest #protesting #feminism #politics #politicsasusual #political #politicians #viral #viralvideo #hillaryclinton #fightforwhatsright #standup #fightforyourrights #michelleobama #obama2020 #democrats #republican #liberal #mydaughter
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Super girl just became my hero,, Due to my four year old daughter I Am sensitive to women empowerment and very much support feminism and what it stands for for all women of all kinds, although I didn't have a chance to march yesterday I am all for GIRL POWER and teaching my daughter to fight for what you believe and stand up for what is right , my daughter is the biggest super girl fan and once she is old enough to understand what is gonna on I'm sure she will appreciate you even more after this picture, thank you for marching for women of today yesterday and and the little ladies like my daughter!!! You stood up for what you believed and that makes you a true Heroine #donaldtrump #hero #heroine #supergirl #supergirlcw #womensmarch #womensmarchonwashington #womensmarch2017 #girlpower #melissabenoist #womensrights #fdt #imwithher #daughter #girls #ladies #march #pussy #hillaryclinton #nastywoman #donaldtrumphasgottogochallenge #womanofsteel #kara
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Winter dance at school #frozen #elsa #olaf #snowman #disney #winterdance #preschool #lettinggo #anna #handsanitizer #princesselsa #icequeen #princessanna #peppapig (at Almond Road Preschool)
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Happy New Years #souljaboychallenge #souljaboy #vladtv #happynewyear #hny #wwechampion #interview #childsupport #drunk #wine #pintogrigio #whitewine #shutterhome #funny #jokes
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I can't believe she gave me this , I haven't been this happy since getting my ps2 for Xmas for the 1st time ,, thank you so much babe !!! 😍😍😍#xmas #christmas #christmasgift #supaboy #supernintendo #nintendo #lionking #wwf #gameboy #ncaabasketball #thelionking #love #kidagain #merrychristmas #happyholidays
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I had to do the freestyle 50 challenge "student nurse bars" #freestyle50challenge #freestyle #bars #hiphop #kevinliles #rapper #raps #studentnurse #lyorcohen
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My dad said we the "no pull out" gang 🤣😂🤣 #blackexcellence #family #brothers #nieces #nephews #birthdayparty #fathers #father #dad #bros #cuz #cousins #threegenerations #3generations #love
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The real person of the year #ajstyles #wwe #tna #wcw #fdt #wwf #worldwrestlingentertainment #worldchampionshipwrestling #totalnonstopaction #worldwrestlingfederation #time #timemagazine #2016 #stylesclash #thephenomenalone #phenomenalone #phenomenalforearm #theclub #thebulletclub #bulletclub #2sweet #toosweet #toosweetme #wrestling #prowrestling #professionalwrestling #prowrestler #professionalwrestler #donaldtrump #bizcliz
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The real person of the year 🤘 #ajstyles #wwe #smackdown #smackdownlive #fdt #timemagazine #personoftheyear #thephenomenalone #stylesclash #phenomenalforearm #wwechampionship #wwechamp #wwechampion #2016 #theclub #gb4life #2sweet #toosweet #prowrestler #prowrestling #donaldtrump #bizcliz #bulletclub #thebulletclub #tna #wcw #wwf #time #worldwrestlingentertainment #worldchampionshipwrestling #totalnonstopaction
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Family dinner before my nephew head to the navy #familyovereverything #family #familytime #dinner #brother #sister #nephews #neices #navy #navyseals #mother #father
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S/O to my favorite red head on national red head day #nationalredhairday #nationalredheadday #redhair #redhead #red #ginger #gingerhair #gingerspice #naturalhair #naturalcolor
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Sittin' next to Hilary smellin' like dank Presidential pardon, name one nigga out there harder than him, I'll wait #jayz #jayzandbeyonce #jayzquotes #jayzvoice #hova #hov #hillaryclinton #clinton #dontkillmyvibe #vote #donaldtrump #trump #shawncarter #imwithher #president #rapper #rap #hiphop #mrsclinton
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My daughters trading cards for soccer ⚽️ #soccer #balling #sport #sportscards #sportscard #sports #goalies #goaltender #johncena #soccergirl #athletes #athletic #soccerball
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Happy Halloween 👻🎃what will we do next year?? #halloween #halloween2016 #costumes #daddy #daughter #2013 #2014 #2015 #2016 #superman #batman #captainamerica #spiderman #supergirl #batgirl #spidergirl #marvel #dc
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Happy birthday to the always beautiful Hillary Rodham Clinton #hillaryclinton #hillaryrodhamclinton #vote #votehillary #votetrump #voteforpedro #voteforhillary #decision2016 #votefortrump #clinton #happybirthday #withher #republican #democrat #hero #wcw #womencrush #womencrushwednesday
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Spider-man and spider-girl #trunkortreat #spiderman #spidergirl #halloween #peterparker #spidergwen #gwenstacy #marvel #spidermancostume #iversons #spidermanhomecoming #civilwar #tomholland #andrewgarfield #theamazingspiderman #spidermanunlimited (at Egg Harbor Township High School)
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I'm proud of my boy despite what haters say online, you did something you always wanted to do, you set a goal and accomplished it , you inspire me and others everyday to be the best we can be and always stand up for what we Believe, no matter what happens after tonight you did ya thing, keep working hard cuz you influence me to. I'll be wearing my cm punk shirt and bumping cult of personality all night!!! #cmpunk #chicagomade #chickmagnet #chicagomadepunk #cultofpersonality #philbrooks #ufc #ufc203 #octagon #theoctagon #wwe #mickeygall #secondcitysaint #bestintheworld #gts #gotosleep #pipebomb
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