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meetmypointlessaddiction · 2 months ago
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December Fic Day 12 ~ Family
Summary: Logan meets your family for the first time.
Warnings: sort of mentions PTSD but not directly, mentions of fighting in a war but very very brief, joke about decapitation (?), not sure if I need to tag that but better safe than sorry
Pairings: Logan Howlett x fem!reader (I wanted to make this more generalised to any reader but found myself constantly slipping into female reader)
Enjoy and please like and comment if you do. Something as simple as an emoji literally makes my day better and reblog to share my work :)
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The purr of the engine and the low hum of the radio was the only thing breaking the silence as Logan drove the pair of you down the highway, in the direction of your parents’ house. You had been talking to your mom about Logan for months and it was after her begging and pleading that you finally agreed to invite Logan to your Christmas gathering, despite the man not being particularly interested in entertaining the Christmas traditions for anyone other than you. 
“And you’re sure it’s just going to be your parents and your brother and his wife?” Logan checked, turning to look at you as he took his focus off of the road for a few seconds. “Because I’ve only prepared myself for the father and big brother speech, any more people and I’m pretty sure I’ll stab something.” 
You rolled your eyes at him exaggerating and he just smiled, kissing your hand and leaning back in his seat. “That’s what my mom has told me. My nieces are having a babysitter I think, this party thing is usually just the adults. The kids get to visit on Christmas Day when we go for dinner. You don’t have to come to that by the way if you don’t want to. I’ll tell my mom that you’re, I don’t know, you have your own family to have dinner with.” 
Logan laughed and squeezed your thigh. “Baby, I don’t mind spending Christmas with your family if that’s what you want. I’d only end up in Wade’s flat drinking and watching one of his stupid movies that he likes so I won’t be missing much if I come with you.” He reassured you and smiled, leaning against the window again. “Besides, I’m sure me and your family will get along just fine.” 
Logan pulled up outside your parents drive and within five seconds the door was flung open and two little girls came sprinting towards the car. “Umm baby? Are the umm- are the kids-?” 
“Oh my god Logan I’m so sorry. My mom told me that the kids weren’t coming but-.” 
“Bub. I was a teacher, remember? I’m not gonna go feral on the kids, okay? You go take em back inside and I’ll bring the bags in.” He told you and you nodded, the girls screaming for their auntie as they stood at the edge of the garden. 
As you hugged your nieces and ushered them back inside, you saw Logan with your rucksack on his back, suitcase under his arm and the three huge bags of presents and gifts that you had brought in his other hand. “Do you want me to grab anything? Your hands look-.” 
“You can grab your phone out of the front, you left it.” He said with a smirk and you just smiled, placing a kiss on his cheek as he waited for you to be done, not wanting to approach the door without you. He didn’t have much choice though when your mother was there, inviting him in and kissing each of his cheeks twice. You just shot him a look that said everything and followed him into the house. 
After you and Logan had dumped everything in your bedroom, you made your way back downstairs where your mother was beaming at you. “Well, aren’t you going to introduce me, love?” She pushed and you turned to Logan with a shy smile, blushing more at his teasing smirk. 
“Logan, this is my mama. Mama, Logan.” You introduced them both and Logan smiled, nodding his head in acknowledgment. 
“Nice to meet you, ma’am.” He said and your mother shook her head. 
“No, no, call me Janet, dear. You’re the first boy our gem’s brought home, it’s got to get you on a first name basis, right?” She joked and he nodded, smiling politely as she led the pair of you into the living room. 
“Logan, this is my husband Craig, my son, Jordan, his wife, Louise and their two girls, Emilia and Hatty.” She pointed out everyone and Logan gave a polite wave as your brother smiled at him. Your father stood from his chair, a stern look on his face and Logan could hear the way your heartbeat sped up slightly. 
“Sir.” Logan said and the man’s facade broke as his face split into a smile and he held his hand out for Logan to shake. 
“Nice to meet you, son.” The pair chuckled and you couldn’t help but smile, knowing that Logan was so much older than your father could imagine. “Gem’s told us all about you.” 
Logan was kidnapped by your father and brother as they got talking about anything and everything while your sister-in-law and mother dragged you into the kitchen, shutting the door and sitting down at the kitchen table. 
“Holy shit, gem! He’s a dream.” Your sister-in-law gushed and you rolled your eyes. “I can’t believe you didn’t bring him home sooner.” 
“Yeah well family gatherings aren’t really his thing. He only came because mama invited him.” You told them and they nodded. “What happened to this being a no kid thing? Not that I’m upset to see my babies but I kinda told Logan that the kids weren’t going to be here.” 
Your mom just shrugged. “I decided that the kids are old enough now to be part of the Christmas party.” 
“Mama, they're four and seven. Me and Jordan weren’t allowed until we were eighteen!” You argued and she just rolled her eyes. 
“Oh come on, gem. They’re not bothering anyone. They’re playing in the garden and when it gets to food time, they’ll be happy as Larry while they stuff their faces. Your boyfriend’s safe from the ankle biters.” Your mother teased and you glared at her.
“Mama, I'm serious. Logan is- he… he’s been in the army and fought a lot of wars mama. Not to mention everything else that has happened in his life. Sometimes the kids can be a little overwhelming and I don’t want him to feel like he’s being squashed okay? I want this to be a good thing for him. I want him to like coming to spend time with you.” 
Your mother had an almost regretful look on her face and she frowned. “I’m sorry, love. It really was a last minute decision. I’ll warn the girls not to sneak up on him okay? And you let him know that if he’s had enough of them he’s more than welcome to disappear upstairs for a while to calm down.” 
You and Logan were finally given free reign to move, done being interrogated by everyone and you both found yourselves perched on a bench in the garden. “I don’t know why you were nervous, bub. Your family is lovely.”
“They can be a little over the top sometimes, that’s all. I kinda told my mom a little white lie in that you get startled because you were in the army. Just so they know not to let the kids jump out on you or my brother to pull any stupid airhorn pranks.” 
“But I was in the army.” Logan said dumbly and you just looked at him.
“Yes, decades ago, Logan, I’m aware. The white lie is kind of that you recently served and that you don’t have metal claws that could decapitate my nieces if they spook you.” Logan simply hummed in agreement and shrugged. 
“I got used to being jumped up on in the school, I should be fine. Thanks for trying to look out for me though, baby. ‘ppreciate it.” 
“Always, Lo.” 
After food had been eaten, you and Logan had tidied the dishes away and Logan went upstairs to go to the bathroom when he was ambushed. 
“Hi mister.” 
“You're auntie’s husband.” 
The girls appeared out of basically nowhere, Logan senses only just managed to pick up on them before they jumped out, preventing the decapitation you had predicted. He chose not to mention the fact that you were not married, knowing that he’d just lose the argument with the girls anyway. 
“Yeah I am. Emilia and Hatty, right? Your auntie talks a lot about the two of you.” Logan said, leaning against the handrail as he spoke to them.
“Do you wanna play princesses with us?” Hatty asked with a big grin and Logan froze. 
“I’d love to kid but I gotta finish helping your auntie put away the dishes.” 
“Then why did you run away upstairs? Gramma says it’s naughty to run away from chores.” Emilia, the oldest, pointed out, hand on her hips and she glared at Logan. 
“I’m going to the bathroom and then I’m gonna go back downstairs.” Logan shot back, already knowing that this wasn’t gonna end well for him. It was then that Emilia put on the crocodile tears. 
“B-but… but I thought auntie’s husband was gonna be fun. W-why won’t you play princesses with us? D-do you hate us?” 
“What?! No, no of course not. I got stuff to finish up downstairs kid and-.” When tears started pouring out of her eyes, Logan was quick to walk the rest of the way up the stairs, shaking his head. 
“Fine, fine. Let me go to the bathroom and then I’ll play princesses, goddamn it.” Her face broke out into a grin immediately and she wiped the tears from her cheeks. She’d played him. 
It was twenty minutes later that you noticed Logan’s absence downstairs. You had assumed that your parents or brother had dragged him into the living room but when you walked in and found him not there, you became confused. “Is Logan not in here?” You asked and they all shook their heads. 
The quietness coming from upstairs was immediately alarming and you and your mother shared a quick glance, Louise also clicking on as the three of you made your way to the stairs and walked upstairs. 
You could hear Emilia giggling and Hatty talking to someone that clearly wasn’t Emilia. When you walked into the spare room, you saw Logan sat on the bed, back against the headboard, Hatty sat on his lap, painting his face in makeup, and Emilia sitting beside him painting his nails. 
“Oh my god…” Logan just looked at you, his gaze stern as both your mom and Louise were speechless. “What… you went to the bathroom? How on earth-?” 
“Uncle Logan is playing princesses auntie gem!” Hatty said, grinning and turning too quickly, almost falling off of Logan’s lap and off of the bed but his arm was quick to wrap around the top of her arm and pull her back up.
“What did I tell you about being careful?” He scolded gently and she shrugged, looking back towards you. “I was trying to come back down but someone had other ideas.” He shot a glare at Emilia and you knew what had happened. 
“She did the tears-.” You started and Logan nodded. 
“She did the tears.” He confirmed and you couldn’t help but burst out laughing as Logan stood from the bed, a pair of purple fairy wings on his back and makeup on his face, his nails painted sparkly silver. “This better wash off.” 
“Not yet! You have to let me take a picture.” You told him and he was quick to shake his head. “Oh come on, baby! Please? Pretty please? Wade has to see this. You promised you’d tell him how it went.” 
“Wade will not be seeing it. The bastard won’t let me live it down.” You gave him your best pouty look and he groaned, shooting you a look before turning to your mother. “Your daughter is evil. Completely and utterly evil.” 
~~~~~~~~~~ “OH. MY. GODD!! Peanut you look absolutely stunning! Oh my god, you have to introduce me to these children. Oh please, please, please, sugar lips.” Wade begged as he looked at your phone. “Invite them over for easter. I’ll be such a good host I swear! We can have makeovers and everything.” Wade squealed and you caught Logan’s eye. The man looked defeated. Wade was definitely NOT going to let him live this down.
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This was way longer than intended but it just kept writing itself and I couldn't stop 😂 Hope you enjoyed! Leave a comment, let's chat!
Dividers: @coolcatsgraphics
I'm also on A03 :)
Requests are also open if there is anything that people want me to write 💛
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gaybabey17 · 2 months ago
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Happy 11th Anniversary of TDX!!
(except it’s a wedding anniversary instead :3)
And a little closeup of these beauties✨
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tilbageidanmark · 3 months ago
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johnschneiderblog · 2 months ago
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A date with destiny
As I mentioned in an earlier blog, five of our home-grown Christmas trees went out into the world this year.
I’ll admit it - after shaping, nurturing and watching them grow for a dozen years or so, it’s a little hard to let go. On the other hand, knowing they are straight and well-suited to their purposes as the centerpieces of Christmas is a reward in itself.
Judging from the photos we’ve been getting, our babies are fulfilling their promise. Here are a couple of girls - nieces of ours who came out to our little plantation early this month - who know how to enjoy a Christmas tree.
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dont-read-this-im-dead · 3 months ago
My little sister's kids are locking themselves in the dog crate for no other reason than they think it's funny.
And all I can think the whole time is, "I really hope nobody knocks on the door and see them in the dog crate..."
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ye-olde-tardis · 6 months ago
Can't wait for my nieces to get old enough to do batshit crazy fairy witch stuff with me
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comfortableinthesilence · 6 months ago
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Busy and fun afternoon with my nieces making bracelets and they even made me one too! Its been a long and busy day but as always nice to spend times like these with them being creative and just having fun! Wish I wasn't back in work tomorrow and in the office as well as it means saying goodbye to them tonight as I wont be back from work in time to see them!
Still it's been a lovely weekend with them, even if I didn't get to do everything with them that I wanted to!
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lightthewaybackhome · 1 year ago
Some days are just made better because you got multiple hugs from nieces, information about all the books, names of all the cats, and they tried to ride home with you in such an obvious manner. My little munchkins are the best, even if they're not so little.
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randodeadpool · 8 months ago
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raincitygirl76 · 1 year ago
Oh good heavens, Niece #1 is turning into a Swiftie. She’s only 9 (and almost a half) years old!!!!
Her Grade 4 teacher is a Swiftie, and recently Niece #1 asked my sister to play her some Taylor Swift songs on the iPad. I guess she wanted to figure out what her teacher was on about. Anyway, it turned out she and Niece #2 already knew quite a few of the songs. They just hadn’t known they were all by the same person. Apparently the bus driver plays a lot of pop music on the bus to and from after school daycare.
I thought they were a little young to be Swifties. But my sister pointed out that when she was 8 (so even younger than Niece #1), she played a cassette tape of Madonna’s “Like a Virgin” over and over on her tape player. Not with the slightest idea of what a virgin was, and my mother wasn’t in a hurry to enlighten her.
I was a bit fuzzy on the concept too, honestly. I knew about the Virgin Mary from Sunday School, but Sunday School was simultaneously insistent that Mary was a virgin, and extremely vague on what virginity as a concept actually meant. Anyway, Sister was in Grade 3, and all the other kids at school listened to Madonna, so she wanted to as well.
Our mom and I (her older sister) were both classical music snobs at the time. So I didn’t know anything about Madonna. Mom took Sister to the local department store’s record department, informed the sales clerk her daughter was looking for a Madonna tape, and the clerk sold it to them. My mom didn’t actually look at the name of the album until we were home.
Hard to believe now that I’m old enough to remember cassette tapes. When I was really little, we had a proper record player. I wasn’t allowed to touch it, for fear of damaging either the records themselves or the record player. And now vinyl, tapes, and CDs have all passed us by, and everything is streaming.
My nieces are growing up. I will probably have a nervous breakdown when Niece #1 gets her first period in a few years. I’m not ready for them to have favourite pop stars! At 9 I was still listening to Raffi and Charlotte Diamond.
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oediex · 11 months ago
Today, the family gathered at my parents', and after sitting through lunch, it quickly became too much for me. So I fled to my headphones and this week's song-on-repeat, and continued working on my latest jigsaw puzzle to calm my fried brain.
Suddenly, from behind the couch where I was puzzling, one of my nephews' head popped up. He saw me, saw me looking at him, and disappeared, a giggle in his mouth. Moments later, his hair showed up again, his forehead, then his eyes. And away he went. His childish laugh joined the song in my ears.
For about five minutes, this went on. Concentrating on my jigsaw, I would see movement in the corner of my eyes, look up, and he would hide. Then the others found him, and joined him in the game. Eventually, I ended up with four children by my side, excitedly watching me try and fail to fit the pieces together.
Grown-up puzzles are a mystery to them. Once, a couple of months ago, the youngest one spent a couple of hours at my place, and kept insisting on doing "the horses puzzle!" that I had lying around, only to face the obstacle of picking out a piece and exclaiming in confusion that it was "just all brown?!"
Children bring me joy. They are easy to please, yet full of wonder. Easy to talk to, yet surprising in their outlook. I just don't wish to keep them.
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gaybabey17 · 2 months ago
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Happy New Year!!
I have a feeling someone’s gonna return real soon ;3
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tilbageidanmark · 4 months ago
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My sister and her daughters. Dir. Woody Allen, 1989
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darleenjade · 1 year ago
New hair
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New set of nails
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Close up of nails
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Going to see Night swim with the neices' tonight
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dont-read-this-im-dead · 1 year ago
My sister and her boyfriend surprised us for Christmas dinner.
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They cooked the meal in front of us, at the table, and we marked our orders on the menu and handed it back to them. We all gathered at the bottom of the stairs and had to give our name for the "reservation" and we were escorted to our seats, which were labeled with name plates.
At the end of the meal, my 8yo niece decided to leave a "tip" and review on her nameplate.
"$10 tip. I got full."
I decided to leave my own review. "Chefs were hilarious. 5 stars. Would def eat here again. Delicious."
Then my 12yo niece left her review, and I haven't stopped laughing.
"4.5 stars. Food was good, but I couldn't tell if the broccoli chef was Russian or Asian, and it seemed like they only had hours of training."
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fieriframes · 2 years ago
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[Got my nieces up here, my buddy Pete. Sometimes fail to walk the air. But, you know what, I've never been up here for Mexican food.]
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