ablanktechpriest · 6 months
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ablanktechpriest · 6 months
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imagine the Vees getting a guy whos into liveleak videos on their team because hes got impatient
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ablanktechpriest · 11 months
Trying to figure out at what point something is and isnt a symptom of autism is like trying to figure out what family of animals the platypus belongs to.
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just had to vent a bit because this issue keeps living rent free in my head since late 2020
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ablanktechpriest · 1 year
Because normally, you have character with that haircut being feminist karens. Tendi on the Otherhand is a genuine sweatheart.
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ablanktechpriest · 1 year
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ablanktechpriest · 1 year
My take aways from the SNW/LWD crossover (spoiler free afai would say)
the comedic timing gets me EVERY. SINGLE. TIME!
They nailed a certain repeated shot, straight up could out of a horror movie!
Boimler geeking out is fucking adorable and heartwarming
apparently, pin up girls arent a think in the future
i dont like uhuras hairstyle in SNW for some reason
"do you feel lucky (punk)?"
the episode managed to pull of an emotional scene despite all the funny, holy shit! tho i might be biased
shouldnt it be "yes, ma'am"?
so, apparently a certain title is hereditary
dear god that episode was good!
aww youre cute mariner, even if you deny it
that ending xD
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ablanktechpriest · 1 year
They are stronger into it then me and id like to discuss stuff with them
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ablanktechpriest · 1 year
So, about the LWD and SNW crossover
I am interested in seeing it, but i havent watched any episodes of SNW. Is it still enjoyable if you only watched LWD so far?
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ablanktechpriest · 1 year
Why is corporations raceswapping existing characters considered original and creati
Inspired by WotC making Aaragorn black i gotta ask: Why do people call using the paintbucket tool on a character creative? If done by corporations, its almost always a sign of a LACK of creativity. I can count the shows that pulled raceswaps and were good on a hand, its three. Invincible (Amber to be specific, Mark and Debbie hardly changed visually), Wednesday (Gomez was never a Latino for those who dont know, i believe he was british or spanish) and the Witcher (its setting is pretty much fantasy medieval polen, pretty much every black character can be considered a raceswap if hes supposed to be from the region and not a far away land) And best case scenario, the raceswap in those shows didnt change anything and were utterly useless. Worst case scenario (Amber) the character was further changed along their race to the point it harmed the show. Amber went from a ditzy and likable (alpeid forgettable and bland) blonde ditz to a seemingly manipulative black feminist who intentionally guilttrips her boyfriend and harms his reputation with INTENTIONAL false accusations.
Latino Gomez didnt add anything to the story and the only real issue that i have with him is that he lacks the Gomez energy/passion as if he was severly drugged with valium or something like that (and that he seemingly has an Issue with how Wednesday is, which is kinda against the idea behind the Addams family, but Mortica is a worse offender in that) And oh boy, witcher.... Literally carried by Henry Caville who was a fan of the books and games and had to constantly lecture the producers about stuff they got wrong (because they simply didnt care) who also just so happened to put black people into low magic medival poland (because they literally dont care and maybe even wanted to use black actors as a shield should the show flops (well see after season 3 comes out)) So yeah, someone explain to me how raceswaps by corporations like WotC hasnt become a giant red fleg for writing and creativity like a chinese character called chink And before someone says "Because its not about the lack of creativity! The people that criticise the raceswap are racist!" Arcane had dones of black people and a lesbian couple amongst its main characters and i didnt see anyone talk bad about it. The people complaining about raceswaps included, because arcane had actual creativity and talent and didnt use black characters as a critizism shield
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ablanktechpriest · 1 year
How many "demon" stories of old could be explained away with someone just being autistic and into some unusual stuff?
Ok, i know this questions SOUNDS bad but hear me out: Imagine some autistic woman in central asia being really into snakes and everyone thinking "Snakes are evil and demonic! She must be possessed by a demon or a demon herself!" or similiar stuff like that and often around that time maybe the autistic people started buying into that stuff too. I mean, this might also work with the more messed up stuff like someone trying to find out how the body works but due to the limit of their technology it basicly ends up killing most people. It would also explain the reason why demons seemed to be always more knowledgeable compared to normal mortals: Its just hyperfixaction in a time were morals were mostly optional
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ablanktechpriest · 1 year
Imagine finding Out Like this that adhd makes you either immune to Coffee or Fall asleep from it... Because thats how i did... And i have adhd... And Drink a Lot of Coffee...
#5: Coffee
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ablanktechpriest · 1 year
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ablanktechpriest · 2 years
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ablanktechpriest · 2 years
"Stop all commercial flights! Private jets are completly fine tho!"
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ablanktechpriest · 2 years
It came free with being born in generell.
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Fr though!
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ablanktechpriest · 2 years
So, can anyone explain to me how the "Velma is a conservative psyop" theory came to be? I mean, where were these people with shows like She-Hulk or Kevin Smith`s MotU Series and movies like Ghostbusters 2016 and The Woman King?
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ablanktechpriest · 2 years
The one good thing about Velma
Just remember, the writers of Velma got a job despite their lack of skill. Your writing is 99% likely to be better than that.
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