Emma's Blog
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Welcome to my weird and yet wonderful journey
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This is precisely why I don’t like resolutions because I have the hardest time keeping them.
So my grand idea of cataloging my journey through my business in 2019 hasn’t gone according to plan, but hey what does?
Onwards and upwards as they say so I’m picking up where I left off with a brief summary of what I’ve been up to in the last 5 months.
As this blog goes on, hopefully, you’ll realise that I tend to get hit with self-doubt, nerves, and major lack of confidence from time to time. The feeling that I’m faking it takes over and I start to wonder whether I should be doing this job and contemplating selling all my gear and getting a ‘normal’ job. I get into panic states that families are going to hate the work I’ve produced and write hideous reviews all over social media that will destroy any chance I have at making a career out of what I do. 
So over the last 5 months I got myself geared up to really push for work, then nothing happened and I started to question whether this was what I was meant to do. So I downed tools and took a full time job doing something else. It worked for a while and then it didn’t. 
Finally I quit and after a looooong talk with my amazing husband about finding what my purpose was, what made me happy etc he told me something. He told me he has never seen me happier than when I am doing my photography but I held myself back. 
Long and short of it I’m back in the game. I CANNOT quit this time, I’ve made more investments this time, that in itself will keep me doing it to make it worth while. 
I’m incredibly lucky that I have a husband who is my constant motivational speaker, my cheerleader and my supporting fan base. When I start to doubt he keeps me going and reminds me of why I’m doing what I do. I totally lucked out when I met him!
I’ve also taken up some workshops online which are proving to really help, I just need to put my own spin on it and then I’m good to go.
As you can see my blog is not going to be as professional as some, it will be a raw account of what it’s like to be self-employed. The struggles, the highs, the workings etc because as much as people say to you working for yourself can be challenging I don’t think I fully comprehended how much. It’s utterly rewarding as you get to set your own schedule etc but you also have 20 different roles. It’s all down to YOU. 
So watch me fall, crawl, sometimes cry but get back up again and keep trying.
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So thanks for stopping by and reading my blog, even if this is the only one you read, thanks!
This year I decided that instead of writing a list of resolutions for 2019, most of which I know I will never do, I would instead do something new now so that by new year it’s part of my day. In advance I issue an apology for my rambling, I do tend to do that so I’m told.
I wanted to raise awareness and talk openly about some of the topics that sadly are still taboo and bring stigma with them. Some topics I have experience in, other’s I’ll be looking to outside help to enable me to better understand.
By trade I’m a photographer and absolutely LOVE my job! I mean why wouldn’t you right?! I get to meet different people with each job, no two days are ever the same, I get to be my own boss (cue working in pj’s or comfies!) I set my own schedule etc. Whilst this is an amazing job and one that I feel blessed having the opportunity to do each day I wanted to make more of a difference with my chosen career. I’ve always been the type of person who wanted to help others and I believe that you can make a difference with the smallest effort.
I live in the beautiful Norfolk countryside with my 3 beautiful dogs, who you will no doubt feature in this blog at some stage I’m sure and my husband (well when he’s not working away that is). Originally a city girl I have now opted for the slower and quieter pace of life. A retired party girl I have officially hung up my party shoes and prefer books over shots, slippers over heels and a pot of tea over a cocktail (hangovers just got too hard to bare! lol) 
I am fickle by nature so whilst there will be some consistency with the topics I’ll occasionally through in something random to make sure you’re paying attention.
If you have got this far I salute and thank you! Fingers crossed (on my part that you continue to read any future posts.
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