breaking my silence we as a fandom (collective) need to have a quick meeting. now look, we love praising fan artists and giving them lots of love which, hey they deserve it cuz they’re amazing and incredible and talented and should be revered but!! i think we need to give an equated amount of love to fanfic writers. these mfs are a) putting their time and effort into A NON PROFIT PIECE OF MEDIA entirely for their and our benefit just because they want to b) going through life threatening situations to get their chapters out c) using their talents to feed our delusions and desires d) making OUR LITTLE DUMB HEADCANONS COME TO LIFE!! THEY MAKE IT HAPPEN!! THEY MAKE IT REAL!! i will literally forever be indebted to fanfic writers bc no matter if their work gets 10000 hits 10 hits or stays in their notes app they STILL!! WROTE IT!! still took the time to carefully craft and mend their masterpiece!! made someone’s day even if it was their own!!! the fact that some of them come up with LITERALLY HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF WORDS OF FIC feels kinda undermined to me??? like mf they DID THAT AND NO ONE ASKED THEM TO? (mean that positively) LIKE THEY JUST DID? not to mention the research and genuine care that goes into some fics I’ve seen. and the fact that some try to make their fics accessible by writing it so anyone who isn’t even in the fandom understands the story?? anyway. fanfic writers all around not just mutuals (tho i love u guys) truly, you’re amazing. kindergarten teacher voice everyone say thank you fanfic writers. <3333333333
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makethiscanon · 1 year
Just a warning, AO3 (@transformativeworks) is being overrun with bots. Please don't click these kinds of links if someone comments on your fic 🙄
Idk where they take you but I'm not risking it to find out.
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(Also, remember to delete the comment from your fic and not just your inbox)
EDIT: Better off reporting the comments as SPAM actually!
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iknowitwontwork · 2 years
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axleboost · 22 days
Naruto Fanfiction | Life Without Kurama, Chapter 11
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Arguably one of my strongest chapters in this fanfiction, I give you Chapter 11 - Anchor Point! This point in the story was one of the main reasons I was so excited to cover the earlier arcs. I went through all of that just to get here.
Oh, what have we here? Inoichi Yamanaka himself! What are he and Sasuke cooperating on, and perhaps more importantly, why?!
Only one way to get your answer! ;-)
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snaileer · 1 year
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The process:
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yes-i-am-happyaspie · 8 months
Fan Fiction is still Fiction.
It has been brought to my attention via some comments I've received on AO3 that some people need a quick review of what the word 'fiction' means. Dictionary.com tells us:
fiction is a noun that can be defined in the following manner: 1. literature in the form of prose that describes imaginary events and people. 2. something that is invented or untrue. "they were supposed to be keeping up the fiction that they were happily married" - a belief or statement that is false but is often held to be true because it is expedient to do so. "the notion of the country being a democracy is a polite fiction"
Let's sit on this for a minute...
Okay. Now let's put this into terms of 'fan-fiction.' A form of writing that is expanding on, transforming, or otherwise basing its plot/premise on something that was more than likely already considered somewhat fantastical, or otherworldly. *Fiction*
So, (in my opinion) when you come into the comments with complaints about the believability of something mundane- like say, the time a real-life-inspired school would let out, or the lack of toll on a real-life-inspired bridge- It will often make you sound either incredibly silly or incredibly petty. Because the story isn't real. The place isn't real. Even if it heavily reflects a city/state/country that exists outside of its universe, it's still fiction.
This is exceptionally amusing to me because the characters I write are *superheroes* with enhancements and mind-blowing technology. When someone comments that I portrayed an aspect of New York City inaccurately, my first thought is always: That's where you draw the line? The radio-active spider, flying suits, and intuitive natural language AIs are okay, but we're getting hung up on what groups of people do and do not typically own cell phones?
I guess what this boils down to is another message about weighing your comments carefully. Ask yourself: Did the author ask for constructive criticism? Will the author find this comment helpful? Will this comment change anything about the story? Will this comment be read as positive or encouraging? If the answer to any of these questions is 'no' or 'I'm not sure,' your best course of action is to not leave that particular comment.
Be kind to your fanfiction authors! They put a lot of hours, effort, and love into the stories they present to you FOR FREE!!
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wolfstarshipping · 11 months
Some non-ao3 Wolfstar Fic Recs for while ao3 is down
Hi so this is just a quick impromptu fic rec list, because ao3 has been down, so I thought a short rec list with fics that are hosted on other sites might come in handy while we all patiently wait for the amazing volunteers at ao3 to defend the site against the hackers. Also, I've seen several posts saying this and just want to add my voice, I think if you have the money to do so, giving a bit of it to ao3 would be a great thing to do, when the site is back up and running.
Okay enough of that, let's get into the list, in no particular order, these are just some of my older wolfstar faves off the top of my head, probably most of them are going to be fics I have recced on this blog before but I'm a firm believer that there is no such thing as too much enthusiasm, especially when it comes to fandom.
The Shoebox Project
If you ever thought about wanting to read the Shoebox Project but were intimidated by its length (or by all the separate pdf files), maybe now it is time to reconsider? It's an absolute wolfstar classic, it will make you laugh, it will make you cry, it will give you all the marauders and wolfstar feels you could ever want! For me, when asked for just one wolfstar/marauders fic rec this is always the one I would give.
The Door through the World
Okay you didn't expect me to write a fic rec list of older wolfstar fics and not mention this one, did you? This is the 2nd fic I will always and forever rec, a magical realism AU (kind of), the story is pure magic. I found that it is still accessible via webarchive, even though it is hosted on ao3.
remuslives23 Masterlist
Here is remuslives23's masterlist, on livejournal. They've written so many great fics, Muse in particular is one of my favorites (a muggle, artist AU), but the whole list is worth checking out!
picascribit on ff.net
Picascribit also posts all of their fics on ff.net, and I think I've recced most of their longer wolfstar fics on this blog over the years already anyways but two of my personal favorites are Highland Fling (a muggle AU set in Scotland) and Discards (a muggle AU set in Seattle with trans!Sirius), but I love all of their fics!
wolfstarwarehouse's ff.net rec list
wolfstarwarehouse posted a ff.net rec list in 2016, I remember reading All Kidding Aside and To Kiss a Bloke off that list back then, I don't think I've read the other fics but maybe now is the time for me to check them out!
Beekeeping in the Daylight podfic
Beekeeping in the Daylight is a wonderful muggle AU by halictus-writer and there is now a podfic by itsaash with a non-ao3 download link.
Alright I think I'll post this now and if I think of any more I'll just add them or make a part 2. If you have any faves you'd add to this list or if you're a writer who also posts somewhere else except ao3 feel free to add yours as a reblog or comment, so the list gets longer! <3
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itsbansheebitch · 3 months
Fanfiction as a Learning Tool
Imagine if we were able to use fanfic as a learning tool. You could get people interested in topics they would otherwise hate (or think they'd hate) or you could inform people on topics that could effect the plot.
You wouldn't have to simplify it or water it down much because the reader is already interested. You could get people informed, and it's not like writers are strangers to research. There are literal memes about it.
Just to clarify, here's some examples:
DC X DP crossover: Bruce adopts Danny and thinks he's vaping (ghost sense) and gives him a lecture while Danny has to find a way to explain that he's never vaped in his life lmao
Undertale (Horrortale AU): Human falls into the Underground and had a hyperfixation/special interest in cannibalism. This allows them to remember the the Harris Benedict Equation, and other options for food (leather, bark, etc). You could get into misinformation about nutrition, the importance of rest in the human body, etc. Not to mention the psychological and sociological coping mechanisms that come with survival cannibalism.
Supernatural: You could teach the history of cryptozoology and ghost hunting
These are just some examples, but hopefully this is getting your gears turning. I genuinely think that this could help young people practice their media literacy skills, reading more, and staying informed.
Reading fanfic is actually a great tool when it comes to practicing reading, finding what you like, and learning new things.
I know we all meme on fanfic sometimes (My Immortal) but fanfiction could actually be used this way, and just because it's not a published work, doesn't mean it's not as good as books. Also, it being free to read fanfic means people from all walks of life can read it and learn. It could be very helpful to see how different people live.
I swear I've learned more about Romani culture from Romani people writing DC fanfic than I've ever learned in my whole life lol.
I wouldn't recommend it in schools (due to grey area legality and censorship), but I think it could be a new form of informal learning. What do ya'll think?
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poll-polls · 1 month
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tooearlyforthis · 2 years
The Book
Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader
Synopsis: (3.8k wc) Christmas, the best time of year to eat sweets, enjoy time with your family, and find out your best friend is in love with you.
Warnings: little bit of fluff, friends to lovers, mutual pining (Slightly inspired by More Memories to Make by @hairrington - go check this one out it's great- also small moment inspired by the show Friends)
masterlist || steve harrington taglist
Guess who's still on a Stranger Things kick! If anyone has any Steve stories they like please send them my way!
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Christmas, the most wonderful time of the year. Slay bells ring, snow glistens, and y/n y/l has too many people in her home. She didn’t know why she volunteered to have the holiday party at her house this year, but, here she was, the house was packed with teenagers - plus the few newly-turned adults in their friend group.
She grabbed another tray of cookies from her kitchen. The room was already a mess, dishes stacking up in the sink, sprinkles all over the countertops. But that didn’t stop Robin Buckley, from taking a spoon and scooping up a wad of icing directly from the jar. 
“Robin!” y/n explained. 
Trying to swallow the icing to speak, she held up her hands. “I’m innocent!” Robin pleaded. 
y/n rolled her eyes. “Come on, secret santa is about to start.”
A smile appeared on her friend's face as she walked over to take the cookies into the living room, stealing one for herself in the process. As they entered the grand living space, they saw the other guests light up at the restocking of their deserts. 
y/n settled into the couch as she watched the younger kids dive forward for the cookies on the coffee table. Smiling, she felt the couch shift as someone sat down beside her. 
“Did I miss the cookie refill?” asked Steve Harrington. 
“Unfortunately, yes.”
He groaned in frustration. “Damn, your cookies are the best.”
y/n leaned close to his ear for only him to hear. “I may have hid a box of them away for us older kids for when the others go to sleep.”
Watching as his face lit up, he pulled her into a hug. “Yes! You really are the best, y/n.”
She felt her heart flutter at his words. Ever since she saw him back in high school, she felt herself swooning over him. At first, she hated herself for it. She didn’t even know the guy and if she was being honest, he was kind of a jerk. 
And then the Upside Down happened and she was dragged along by her best friend, Jonathan Byers. Not too soon after shit started to go down did Steve enter the picture. She saved him from a demogorgon in the Byer’s house and that was the first time they had ever spoken.
y/n knew that from the moment he held out his hand and said, “Thanks for saving my life, I’m Steve Harrington,” her crush was not in vain. His warm smile, the soft shake of his hand…it was hard to stay away from. 
She had kept a polite distance, knowing that he went after the girls he liked. If he was going to ask her out, he would have done it by now, so being just friends would have to do. But then those little moments would happen. The glance a second too long, the friendly smile in the hall. One look and y/n would find herself falling for him all over again. 
She held in her breath as he continued to hug her, trying her best not to look into his eyes, when Nancy called out to silence the busy room. 
“Okay everyone, let’s begin!” Nancy announced sitting down, next to her boyfriend. 
Mike was the first to go, opening a new set of Dungeons and Dragons books from Will. He marveled over them, engulfing his friend in a huge hug.
Will got a new set of paints from Lucas who had recently learned of his friend's artistic skills, he was pretty proud of his present. 
Lucas was shocked when he unwrapped a brand new basketball from Nancy. He didn’t even know how she knew he played but didn’t question it. 
Nancy was next to open, getting a new set of journals from Robin. She smiled at her new writing books, happy since she had told Robin a few weeks prior she was almost out. 
Robin was beyond ecstatic when she opened up a pack of language-learning cassette tapes. Dustin had given it to her, hoping that she would wanna learn Russian properly and not through some weird coded messages. 
Dustin was also pleased with his gift from Max. As he opened up a new collection of hats, hugging his friend tightly, y/n felt a tug on her own shoulder. She turned to see that Steve had snaked his arm around her, pulling her closer to him. 
He didn’t even turn to look at her, staring out at Max who was opening a new skateboard from Eleven. He acted like this was normal, that putting his arm around her was a daily occurrence; it definitely was not. 
The more he did these things, the harder it was getting to hide her true feelings. She hadn’t really told anyone about them, even though Jonathan had teased her about it in the past. Trying to forget about it and move on, she slowly untangled herself from him, seeing Eleven open a set of Wonder Woman comics from her older step-brother. 
It was the perfect excuse to move away, watching as Jonathan opened his present from her. He smiled as he saw the new rolls of film she had gotten him packaged with some photos of their group she had taken with a disposable camera. 
He smiled at her, getting up from his chair with Nancy hugging her. “Thanks, y/n, I love it.”
“Of course,” she said softly as they pulled away. 
Quickly a voice sounded from beside her. “Okay, y/n why don’t you open your present?”
She turned with a raised eyebrow to see Steve with his arms crossed staring at them. Sitting back down next to him she grabbed her present. “I take it you got me for secret santa?”
He shrugged as she began to unwrap the present. “Maybe.”
Finally able to get all the wrapping off, she gaped at the present before her. It was a first edition copy of Anne of Green Gables, her favorite book growing up. The binding was fragile as she turned it in her hands, opening the first page gently. 
“Oh my god Steve!” she exclaimed, pulling him into a tight hug. She could feel his palm flat against her back. “Thank you so much, this is amazing!”
As they pulled away she could see him try to hide his smile. “It was nothing,” he said, trying to play it off cool. 
Smiling she turned back to the book, not even paying attention to Steve opening a can of Farrah Fawcett spray and a fanny pack that said #1 Mom on it from Mike - he really thought it was a clever gift. 
For the rest of the party, the book was all she could think about. After finishing the tray of cookies and another round of hot chocolate, after she left the room to go start cleaning the mountain of dishes, she thought about how it must of costed Steve a fortune to get the book.
“Need help?” said a voice. She looked up to see that Steve had already walked over, helping to start drying the dishes she was washing. 
She smiled at him as they washed and dried, the debate over what music to play echoing in from the other room. “Thanks again for the gift,” she said. “You really didn’t have to.”
“It was nothing,” he brushed off, picking up another plate. “You used to reread that book every year. I figured it was important to you.”
“It is…” she trailed off, thinking of all the sappy memories from her childhood she had with that book, ones she didn’t need to be remembering at this moment. Changing the subject, she said, “We’re going to have to set up all the mattresses soon.”
He chuckled. “I still can’t believe you’re letting everyone sleep over. There’s like thirteen of us.”
“Ten,” she corrected him. “But still, we never get to have a normal day. I wanted all of us together.”
Looking up from the glass he was drying, Steve gave her a smile, it slowly fading as she watched him notice something from behind her. She turned her head to see Jonathan walking up, grabbing another plate to clean.
“Am I missing the party here?” he asked. 
“No, no uh…” Steve stumbled out, putting his glass down. “I’m just gonna go check on everyone…” He gave a weak smile towards her before walking out of the room.
“That was weird,” y/n said, turning back to her dish. 
“Hmm I think Steve is jealous,” Jonathan said, nudging her.
“Jealous? Why would he be jealous?” she laughed. 
“Because you and I have always been close. And because no matter how close you get we’ll always be closer.”
“That’s stupid, he has nothing to be jealous over. Plus, no offense Jonathan, he could beat you up in a second if he wanted to.”
“I know, I know,” he responded, grabbing another dish to clean. “I think if you just told him he wouldn’t be jealous anymore.”
“Told him what?”
“That you like him.”
y/n set down her dish and stared at him shocked. “I do not like him.”
“You sure do, I saw, even when we were in school together.”
y/n snorted. “In school, I was dating Frank Butcher. Why would I date someone if I liked Steve?”
Jonathan shrugged. “A distraction?”
“Very funny Jonathan, but as I said, I don’t like him." 
“Keep telling yourself that y/l. I see the way you look at him.”
“And how do I look at him?”
Jonathan set down his plate too, staring back. “With love.”
She knew her best friend was observant but she also thought she was being discreet. “This is stupid. Come on, we can finish the dishes later.”
Pulling him by the arm, the two teens made their way back into the giant living room. As the kids laughed on the floor, fighting over what record to play, she spotted Steve grabbing his coat.
Her smile faded as she approached him. “Hey, where are you going?”
Looking up at her, he stuttered over his words. “I-I forgot I have to do something before my parents get back in town…I’m sorry I have to go.”
“Wait-” Before she could finish her sentence the door slammed behind him.
She stared in disbelief. Why would he just walk out like that? It was so unlike him. Was he jealous? No, that was stupid. If he was jealous, he would have made it known; Steve wasn’t one to mask his emotions well.
Turning back around, she felt everyone’s eyes on her. “What are you guys doing?” she asked, slightly annoyed. “Put something on.”
Dustin was the first to move, finally selecting a Christmas album. The music filled the room as y/n sat down next to Robin on the couch.
“What was that about?” Robin asked her.
“I have no idea…” she responded.
The two girls sat in silence, watching as Jonathan pulled Nancy to her feet to dance with him. She blushed as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. 
“They are so annoyingly cute.”
“Tell me about it.”
Lucas was next to stand up, trying to pull Max up with him but she wouldn’t budge. He opted to just sit on the floor with her as they listened to the music. The rest of the kids huddled around them, setting up the new campaign that Mike got. 
It was nice, all being together without some threat looming over them. The dancing and laughter, this was what growing up was supposed to feel like. She just wished that Steve had stayed to see it. She did not buy his excuse to leave for a second but could tell there was something going on with him. The boy had been through enough these past few years and y/n knew that letting him sort it out on his own was probably the best option. 
The night went on and eventually, the kids helped bring down the mattresses. They all complained, wanting El to use her powers to levitate them down herself but y/n insisted some actual help would do them some good. 
As the mattresses were set up for the younger kids and the guest rooms made up for the older kids, they all gathered back into the living room for a movie. 
“I think we should watch Ghostbusters,” Dustin exclaimed.
Max groaned, “Dustin we watched that last week, no way.”
“Oh come on!”
“Max is right,” Mike agreed, “Let’s watch Empire Strikes Back instead.”
That launched a whole other debate that had all the kids divided. “Why don’t we just let y/n pick all right? It’s her house!” Will said. “y/n?” Too engrossed in her secret santa present, it took multiple tries to get her to listen. 
“What? She finally asked being pulled out of the book. “I don’t care as long as everyone agrees.”
Robin furrowed her eyebrows next to her friend. “That must be some book you got there huh?” she asked.
“An expensive one,” Jonathan added, earning him a slap on the shoulder from Nancy.
“Is it really surprising?” Nancy asked. “Steve’s got money why not spend it?”
“Yeah,” Robing chimed in. “Remember when he fell in love with you, Nance? You told me how he bought you that ridiculously expensive necklace I mean-” The words hit her as she was saying them. “Nothing, I meant nothing, never mind. 
y/n felt her brain falter for a moment. “Wait, Robin what did you just say?”
“Nothing! I said nothing!”
She leaned forward towards Robin. “Robin,” she persisted. “What did you just say?”
“I-I” Robin didn’t know what to say. She wasn’t supposed to say that, y/n wasn’t supposed to find out this way. 
“Did you say he loves me?” 
She looked around the room at all of her friends. They sat quietly, not wanting to make matters worse. It was Jonathan that finally confessed the truth. 
“Yes, all right? He’s in love with you. But you clearly love him so what's the big deal?” he said. 
“You knew?”
“We all knew,” Lucas said quietly. “He forced us not to say anything but if we’re being honest he’s pretty bad at hiding it.”
Max slapped his arm at that. “He wanted to tell you in his own time,” she said.
Jonathan jumped back in. “He told me that he was gonna tell you when he pulled your name for secret santa. I guess he thought you would understand with the book or he chickened out…”
The room was quiet as y/n tried to process what was happening. Why was she talking to them about this and not Steve himself? Without thinking, she stood up abruptly. 
“I-I need to leave,” she said, grabbing the book Steve had gotten her and her keys that hung next to the front door. 
“It’s your house!” Mike yelled out.
“I’ll be back later, Nancy’s in charge!” she yelled before slamming the door and running to her car. 
Steve's house was only about ten minutes away which gave her less time that she had liked to think through it all. Everything about tonight somehow felt more clear with this new knowledge. She now realized how he wrapped her arm around her was definitely not in a friend's only kind of way. It probably made his heart flutter the same way it made hers. 
Robin was right too, he did buy expensive things for the ones he loves. She remembered when Nancy showed her that necklace back when they first got together. Then, there was the kitchen “argument”if you could call it that. Maybe Jonathan was right, maybe he was jealous. Even if they did get together, both of them would know that she would always be closer to Jonathan and y/n understands why being reminded of that would make him upset. 
But then again, it made her mad. Mad that she had been crushing on him forever only to find out he was doing the same. Why did he treat her differently than the other girls he liked? He would tell them right away, asking them to go on a date but with her? He stayed silent, only for her to find out through her other friends…
Finally, she pulled into his driveway, not even bothering to lock her car as she went up and knocked on his front door. The lights were on inside, and she could see a shadow step over the crack of light that shined from under the door. 
Steve opened it, stepping back slightly when he saw her on the other side. “y/n what-” She shoved the book into his chest, not knowing what else to do. He took it, confused. “Did you not like it?”
“No,” she said, crossing her arms. “I like it, that’s the problem.” It was probably too aggressive but she didn’t care, he had to answer for what she had learned. 
“I don’t understand-”
“How long have you known?” she interrupted him. 
He tilted his head, still not getting what was going on. “Known what?”
“How long have you been in love with me?”
That hit him like a ton of bricks. His mouth fell open slightly as he staggered back until hitting the table that stood in the entrance of his home. y/n moved inside, shutting the door behind her before turning back to him. 
“Who told you that?” he asked. 
“How long, Steve?” she persisted. 
His mouth was still open as he fiddled with the book in his hands. He looked down at it, running a finger along the spine. There was no point in denying now right? 
“Since you saved me from that demogorgon in ‘83…” he confessed. 
Now it was y/n who was shocked. That was way longer than she was expecting. “Three years, you’ve known for three years?”
“I’m sorry I should have told you but…” he trailed off, trying to take a deep breath to control his breathing. It was getting to him, keeping it a secret for all these years, too long for someone that didn't know. 
“You were the first person that ever gave two shits about me,” he continued, “Yeah, I had Nancy but, it was clear from the start she knew I wouldn’t make it past high school graduation. You were the first person that believed in me and pushed me to be better. You make me laugh in ways I didn’t think possible just…how was I not supposed to fall in love with you?”
“You could have told me, Steve. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. Yeah, I developed feelings for you but what if you didn’t like me back? What if we dated and then broke up? I wouldn’t just be losing love, I would be losing my best friend…Jonathan try to get me to tell you when I pulled your name for secret santa but, I couldn’t go through with it.”
He looked up at y/n who was staring down at her feet, unable to meet his gaze. It hurt, knowing how much he screwed up but there was no turning back now. 
“Are you mad I fell in love with you?” he asked. 
y/n shook her head as she lifted her gaze. He could see her eyes begin to water as she held them back.
“No,” she finally said, “I’m not mad because…” she took a deep breath, “I’m mad because I have loved you since the moment I saw you in high school and neither of us had the fucking balls to admit it.”
He froze, not expecting those words to come out of her mouth. Standing up straight, he took a step towards her. “Y-you love me?” She nodded as he took another step, watching him set the book down on the table behind him. “But after we met- in high school. You went out with that guy Frank-”
“Frank was just a distraction,” she interrupted, taking a step towards him until he towered over her. She looked up to meet his eyes. “It’s always been you, Steve.”
She felt as his hands reached up to cup both of her cheeks. His eyes darted back and forth between hers and her lips. He took in a deep breath, one she could feel because of how close they were standing. She let her arms fall around his waist, pulling him closer to her. 
“I’m going to kiss you now,” he said softly, their lips almost brushing. 
y/n leaned forward more. “I won’t stop you,” she managed to say before crashing her lips to his. 
Immediately, her grip on him tightened. He cupped her face with one hand as he dropped the other to wrap around her back. They held each other close as they deepened the kiss, moving their heads in rhythm with each other. 
She felt him start to move as they kissed, pulling her up to him. y/n wrapped her legs around his waist, leaning her full weight into him as he carried her into the living room. They didn’t break the kiss once as she felt herself be lowered onto the couch.
They must have got the distance wrong because as she was lowered down, she felt that half her body wasn’t on anything. Before she knew it, Steve came crashing down on top of her before they both rolled off the couch and onto the floor. 
She fell onto his chest before rolling over to lay next to him. Trying to catch her breath, she looked up at him. A smile broke out on both of their faces when they made eye contact. y/n couldn’t help but giggle as she saw Steve chuckle, pulling her into him.
She leaned into his side, putting a hand on his chest as they lay on the ground and laughed. Forcing herself to sit up slightly, she leaned forward and planted another kiss on his lips. 
This time she was slowly, delicate as their mouths moved together. She could feel his hand reach up and tangle in her hair as she pulled away. He smiled up at her, unsure that all of this had really happened. 
“Please come back to the party?” she asked softly.
He pretended to debate it for a moment. “Only if I can tell people you’re my girlfriend,” he retorted. 
She smile, leaning back down so her lips once again hovered over his. “That sounds like a fair trade.”
They connected once more for a quick peck that couldn’t have lasted more than three seconds. “And, if I can sleep in your bed tonight.”
y/n laughed, burying her head into his chest. “One step at a time, Harrington.”
“All right, all right. It was worth a shot.”
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aureutr · 2 years
Ok so good news bad news on the ff.net debacle.
The good news is that their domain registration is paid through 2028. That kind of data is public through WHOIS
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(no ID because link to original text in image follows)
The bad news is that doesn't mean that the site is being maintained or that it won't be manually yanked before then. Also domain name registration is technically separate from paying for a hosting service, but sites like GoDaddy often bundle the two. We have no way of knowing what setup ff.net has with them (btw if you ever want to build a site, GoDaddy is TRASH, don't use them).
Definitely keep archiving fics, but there's more breathing room than originally thought.
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frankencanon · 9 months
This includes ALL fanfic writers!
Only written one fic? Never finished a fic? Written fic, but never published it?
This poll includes you!
By my (very rough) math... If we just focus on writers who definitively voted female, male, or non-binary, the percentages are as follows:
Female: 58.9%
Male: 10.0%
Non-binary: 31.1%
(All have been rounded to the first decimal place.)
Fascinating! I wonder why so few men write fanfic...? And so many women! Meanwhile non-binary folk are somewhere in the middle...
Considering that non-binary people tend to be considered the minority, it's really interesting that there are three times as many non-binary fic writers as there are male...
Now, I wonder if there's a way to find out why...?
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rettaroo · 6 months
Once in a while, out of desperation, I go searching for a rarepair and end up on ff.net, and every time it's like-
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ct-cactus · 11 months
I’ve been without ao3 for too long that I’ve resorted to using fanfiction.net again.
I refuse to stoop to the level of wattpad. Sixth grade me was not prepared. I will not make the same mistake again.
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axleboost · 23 days
Naruto Fanfiction | Life Without Kurama, Chapter 10
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It was only a matter of time...
Haku of the unique Ice Style joins Zabuza on the battlefield. How will things shake out with the lethal duo facing off against a far stronger Team 7 than in canon? Read the chapter to find out!
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caterpillarinacave · 1 year
me looking up the weather forecast for London on June 21st 1905 just in case an 117 year old englishman is reading my fanfiction:
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