Okay so I just finished binging season 1 of Peaky Blinders and I’m in fucking tears like why did I decide to watch this show T_T
UPDATE! So! I finished Peaky Blinders and for once I have CLOSURE when watching a tv show. CLOSURE! Fan-fucking-tastic show! Will destroy you in the process but is sooo goood tho!
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!! Incoming Rant!!
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like if this is true then I should be up in the ranks next to the likes of Albert Einstein, alongside the honourable humans who represent a beautiful society, with those who are successful and achieve their goals, like my friend who’s doing aerospace engineering at uni
at the level of im getting 65% in my French intermediate course at uni when I studied French for the whole of highschool
if this is true then those people who have to unfortunately neglect brushing their hair before they sprint to uni bc they were too busy ranting I should be brilliant af
So yea
Thanks for coming to my TedTalk
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Writers stuff #2
Idk where I’m going with this so... here’s some random dialogue prompts for ur story.
- "Get a room! Urgh, you two are so disgustingly adorable together. This is like fan fiction in real life."
- "Hey, as much as I love to put myself in criminal situations, are you sure that we should be going this far?"
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Guess who mistook the LITERAL group French speaking exam time for the frigging prep time XD
But, hey, it was pretty decent so at least there’s that!
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Are fedoras really that bad?
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*screaming happily*
Bunny enjoying his new bed
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….. I’m fine I’m totally fucking fine
*hysterical sobbing*
Like I said, I’m fine.
This isn’t mine I just reposted it bc it’s amazing and because I’m a selfish person who’s trying get the author’s attention so there can be a happy part 2
This Last Goodbye
Warnings: Angst. Lots of it.
Summary: The end of the year has come, and with it, the end of the exchange program. It's time to go home.
Characters: Lucifer x GN Reader, the demon brothers, Solomon, the angels
Words: 4,956
Author's note: I hope this stirs up as much emotion in you guys as it did me while I was writing it. Also, I'm only on chapter 16 or so of the game, so please no spoilers.
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The night was cool and dark, with a myriad of swirling galaxies, blooming nebulae, and shimmering stars above you. You rested your arms on the balcony railing before you and looked out over the RAD campus with a sigh. The party behind you still raged, though no one was really into it. It had started out happy enough, but as the night progressed and realization set in that you and Solomon were returning to the human world and Simeon and Luke to the celestial realm, even Beel found himself without an appetite. Asmodeus was doing his best to keep spirits up, but was having a hard time of it himself. No one wanted this year to end.
You let out another sigh and dropped your head, trying your best not to let dread and anxiety overtake you as you thought about the next morning. You would be going home tomorrow.
It sure didn’t feel like you were going home. It felt like you were leaving it to go somewhere dull and unfamiliar. This was your home. The brothers were your family.
The door opened behind you, momentarily flooding the night with music. You didn’t need to turn around to know who had come to join you, the piercing gaze on the back of your neck was all too familiar. It was comforting.
“Why aren’t you in enjoying the party?” Lucifer asked as he strode over to stand next to you. He mimicked your posture, leaning forward to rest his forearms on the railing.
You brought your head up, but couldn’t seem to bring yourself to look at him.
“I just needed some air,” you replied, not very convincingly.
In truth, you needed to get away from the demons you had come to adore, lest your resolve break and you end up crying on the floor. You didn’t want them to see you like that. You didn’t want to upset them any more than they already were.
You saw Lucifer nod his head from out of the corner of your eye.
“Why else?” he asked, as if reading your mind.
He was very good at knowing when you weren’t telling him the whole truth.
You hesitated. You knew you had to return to the human world. Telling Lucifer your troubles wouldn’t do anyone any good.
He turned toward you and you looked away. He hooked a slim, gloved finger beneath your chin and turned your face to look at him.
“You know you can talk to me.”
That only made it worse.
You smiled and nodded, but the tears beginning to pool in your eyes betrayed you. Lucifer allowed his hand to fall back to his side and you pushed away from the railing so you could turn your body toward him. You glanced back over the school grounds with a sigh.
“I don’t want to go home” you finally mumbled.
The demon frowned and dropped his gaze to his feet.
“I know.”
I don’t want you to go either, he thought.
“The exchange program was only for one year. You have to return home now.”
You scoffed.
“Earth isn’t home for me. It hasn’t been for a long time. This place? Here with you and your brothers? This is home.”
His gaze caught yours again and you could see the pain in his eyes, despite his best efforts to try and hide it.
“You’re human, Y/N. You belong in the human world.”
You scowled and turned away, leaning back on the railing with your arms crossed over your chest. Inside, the brothers, Solomon, and the angels were in a circle on the floor, playing what looked like Cards Against Humanity, but without much heart. Your eye caught Mammon’s through the glass door and he smiled. You couldn’t smile back, not knowing that you were never going to see him again after tomorrow morning. You wiped a tear from your eye and looked away.
“So which of them sent you out here to check on me?” you asked.
Lucifer stepped closer to you and leaned back on the railing himself.
“I sent myself. I wanted to make sure you were okay.”
“Really…” you said, incredulous. “Thought that since you don’t have to worry about me fucking up the exchange program anymore, you wouldn’t give a shit about me.”
His brows knit together, and he looked at you, wounded.
“What would make you think that?”
You shrugged.
“You’re always so cold… colder than human world Decembers... I didn’t think you cared about me. I’m just a dog to make heel. Obey or be kicked out.”
You knew none of this was true and you were being unfair on him, but these were also thoughts you’d had throughout the year and didn’t feel comfortable addressing. Now, though, as your verbal filter was melted away, you couldn’t stop yourself from speaking your mind.
“Of course I care about you, Y/N. I have since the moment I met you, and as more than a student. Definitely more than a dog. I came to think of you as a friend very quickly.”
You watched him with an equal mix of scornful disbelief and sorrow.
“You sure don’t show it very well.”
This also wasn’t true. He had shown you plenty of times that he cared, from helping you with your books, to making sure you ate your breakfast, to keeping Mammon and Asmodeus from killing you when you were in the middle of both their affections and they got in jealous fights.
“I'm… I’m sorry,” Lucifer frowned. “I should have done a better job of- I should have been a better friend.”
“Yeah, well it’s a bit late for that now.”
A moment of silence passed before you spoke again.
“Why can’t I stay here?”
There was a crack in your soft voice that you hoped Lucifer didn’t hear, even though you knew he always heard everything.
“You’re human…”
“And I don’t belong here, I know, I know. But I’ve been here for a year and been fine, and I have you and your brothers to take care of me if any lesser demons decide they have a problem with my presence. You saw Mammon tear into that guy once. I know they won’t let anything happen to me.”
Lucifer nodded slightly and inspected his shoes.
“Diavolo would never allow it.”
“This was his idea, wasn’t it?” you asked. “For humans, demons, and angels to live in harmony? I’d say he’s succeeded, don’t you? And it would only help matters if there was a human living here full time!”
The demon closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh.
“It’s not that simple. There are rules. And, being human, it’s not guaranteed that you would be able to survive in this realm for long. And you age. What happens when you get old?”
What happens when you die and I lose you?
“You should return home. Find a spouse, start a family, grow old with them and be buried with them, as it’s meant to be.”
You clenched your jaw.
“This is my family. I don’t care what’s meant to be, Lucifer! I care about you and me and the life we could have together!”
You froze, eyes wide. Oops. That wasn’t meant to come out.
Lucifer stared at you in disbelief, unmoving. The two of you stayed like that for what seemed like eons until the demon finally spoke.
“Life… with me?”
“Y-yeah… With you and… and your brothers…”
You tried to backpedal, but weren’t doing a very good job of it, and Lucifer could see right through you.
“Why would you want to spend your life with me?”
His brows knit together for a second time and you could see the cogs in his head turning, trying to understand what you had said and what exactly he was feeling.
“You said yourself that I’m not good at showing you I care about you. What makes you think that would change?”
You shrugged and crossed your arms defensively across your chest.
“I wouldn’t expect anything to change. I don’t want it to. You’re you and you act how you act, and I like that just fine.”
“What about Mammon? What about Asmodeus? I know you like them, everyone knows.”
“Everyone also knows that I like you. Everyone but you, it seems… You’re the one I imagine being with when I think about staying here,” you replied.
“Being with? You mean romantically?”
“Of course I mean romantically.”
He tried so damn hard to stop the smile from spreading across his lips. He was positively beaming as he regarded you in a new light, seeing you in a way he never thought he would be allowed to see you. As a friend. As a partner. But his delight quickly turned sour as he remembered what day it was. The final day.
“You don’t have to say anything,” you told him. “I know it couldn’t work. I don’t belong here, you said it yourself.”
You do belong here! he wanted to scream. You belong at my side!
“Lord Diavolo will never permit it.”
You nodded.
“But… I’ll ask.”
You whirled around to look at him.
He smiled softly. He loved the way your eyes blazed.
“I’ll ask Lord Diavolo if he will permit you to stay, under the one condition that you’re to stay with me so that I can keep you safe.”
“But, you said… I thought that… Lord Diavolo won’t…”
You stumbled over your words. Lucifer knew that Diavolo would want you to return to the human world. He knew that even so much as asking Diavolo to let you stay would be going against his wishes. Lucifer NEVER went against Diavolo. He was like a puppy, eager to obey its master’s commands. To think that he would step out of his comfort zone and go to Diavolo… for you?
“I know what I said. But it doesn’t hurt to ask.”
“You would do that for me?”
He nodded.
“Only for you.”
Fresh tears welled in your eyes until Lucifer was no more than a blurry splotch in front of you. You rushed forward and engulfed him in a hug, burying your face in the crook of his neck. He let out an OOF, the breath knocked from his lungs as you collided with his chest. He hesitated, surprised at your sudden boldness, before he wrapped his arms around you and squeezed you tight. He pulled away all too soon and held you at arm’s length, looking at you with those beautiful crimson eyes. The twinkling stars reflected in his gaze, making him even more dazzling.
“You must remember that it’s not guaranteed that Diavolo will agree to this. I’ll ask him, but… Try not to be too let down if he says no.”
You nodded.
“I learned not to get my hopes up a long time ago.”
He slid his hands down your arms, lingered on yours, and then dropped them back to his sides.
“I’ll go talk to Diavolo now, before it gets any later. Why don’t you go enjoy the rest of the party.”
You smiled.
“I think I’d rather go to bed. I’m exhausted.”
He chuckled and nodded his head.
“That works too. I’ll find you tomorrow morning to give you Diavolo’s answer,” he said.
“No. I want you to come in as soon as you know. Even if you have to wake me. I can’t bear not knowing.”
He nodded again.
Before he turned to leave, his gaze flickered from your eyes to your lips, and then back.
“Try and get some sleep,” he commanded, and you rolled your eyes playfully in response.
“No promises.”
He shook his head, but was still smiling.
“Quite right."
You said goodnight to the brothers, with much complaining and clinging on their part, and then headed to your room. Lucifer made sure you managed to shake his siblings before heading for Diavolo’s castle.
He rapped on the demon prince’s door with two gloved knuckles.
“Lord Diavolo?” he asked through the thick wood.
“Come in, Lucifer,” came the reply from within.
Diavolo always knew it was him, without fail. The heavy door opened with a creak, and he shut it quietly behind him. The prince’s room was immaculate, as always, and dimly lit with candles instead of the chandelier that he usually used. He was sitting at his desk in nothing more than his pants and a white dress shirt, partially unbuttoned. He looked tired.
“I wasn’t sure you would still be up,” Lucifer said as he made his way forward, across the dark wood floor.
Diavolo smiled, put down his pen, and rubbed his eyes. He leaned back in his chair as Lucifer took the seat across the desk in front of him.
“What can I do for you?” he asked.
“I… have something to request of you,” Lucifer began, hesitant.
“Request away.”
Lucifer crossed one leg over the other and clasped his hands in his lap. He was doing his best to look nonchalant and confident, but anxiety was twisting his insides up. It wasn’t every day he requested something of Diavolo that went directly against the prince’s wishes. He wondered for a moment why he was even considering this. You were a human; and he was going against Diavolo for you? He should tell the prince that he changed his mind and go back to his room to get some rest.
“Y/N doesn’t want to return to the human world. Would you consider letting them stay?” he asked instead.
Diavolo looked at Lucifer as if he had just suggested burning the castle down.
“The year is over, Lucifer. The exchange students are returning home tomorrow.”
“Yes, but… my brothers have become very attached, and-”
“Humans don’t belong in the Devildom, you know that. There is no place for them outside of the campus grounds,” Diavolo interrupted.
“They wouldn’t outside the campus, they could-”
“Are you actually arguing with me, Lucifer?”
Diavolo looked at his right hand man and closest friend with a look of pure disbelief.
“Of course not. I would never argue with you, Diavolo, I just think that-”
“Enough, Lucifer.”
Diavolo’s disbelief twisted into anger, and he rose from his desk chair to tower over the other demon.
“I never thought I would see the day that you would choose a human. A human. Of all the things….”
“I wouldn’t say I’ve chosen-” Lucifer tried to defend himself, but it was futile.
“I said enough!” Diavolo roared. “I’ve given you my answer and yet still you prod.”
Lucifer looked down at his hands, his face red with shame and embarrassment, as the prince glared down at him through fiery yellow eyes.
“Get out of my sight,” he snarled.
Lucifer looked up at him in shock. That’s not something Diavolo had ever said to him before. And while that look of rage and hatred was one that he had seen all too well, it had never been directed at him before.
“Diavolo, please-” he began.
“Out!” the prince roared.
The power behind his voice shook the castle. Lucifer swallowed hard and nodded, then rose from his seat.
“I apologize for my behavior, my prince.”
He bowed low.
“I wish you goodnight.”
He all but sprinted from the room, his heartbeat pounding in his ears as he rushed from the castle, back to the House of Lamentation. When he finally got back home, he closed the main door behind him and leaned heavily back against it. He breathed out a shaky sigh and closed his eyes, trying to regain his composure and steady his trembling hands. When he opened his eyes, Solomon was coming toward him from down the main hall.
“Lucifer? Is everything alright?” he asked as he stopped before the demon.
“Yes,” he answered plainly and pushed away from the door.
He fixed his tie and smoothed down his vest, then pushed past Solomon without another word. He didn’t want to talk to anyone right now, least of all that human. He didn’t even want to talk to you. Not because he wouldn’t absolutely love the comfort your presence brought, but because he knew that he had to tell you the bad news and you would be devastated.
While he was caught tangled up in his thoughts, his feet brought him to your door. A feeling of dread settled in the pit of his stomach, but he raised his fist and knocked gently regardless.
“Yeah?” you replied from within.
“It’s me,” Lucifer replied, and his voice cracked ever so slightly.
He heard you rise from your bed, and a moment later you opened the door for him.
“I take it it’s not good news,” you said.
He frowned and shook his head. The sound of your heart dropping was audible. You stepped aside to let him in, but he didn’t accept the invitation.
“You should sleep,” he told you with a gesture to your bed. “You have an early morning tomorrow.”
You looked down at your bare feet and your shoulders drooped.
“Yeah… I guess I do. Thanks for trying. I’ll-” you swallowed and he could tell that you were struggling to choke back tears. “I’m gonna miss you,” you said.
He nodded and smiled sadly.
“As you should.”
You chuckled dryly and punched him lightly on the shoulder.
A moment of silence passed in which any good from the playful moment vanished, and you were left standing in front of one another, neither wanting to leave. Finally, Lucifer cleared his throat.
“I’ll help you get your things to the portal tomorrow morning and see you off.”
Another moment of silence.
“I-” he began and then stopped himself. “I… hope you get a good night’s sleep.”
I’ll miss you too. I’m sorry.
“I’ll see you in the morning, then…”
He nodded.
“Sweet dreams, Y/N.”
“Sweet dreams.”
You closed the door, and he was left standing there with a heavy heart and twisting emotions.
Neither of you slept that night, as filled with dread as you both were, and morning came far too quickly. You covered your eyes with your arm as the main lights of the school were turned on. It wasn’t as bright as the human world sun, but it may as well have been. Anxiety churned in your stomach as you lay there, and you nearly threw up when you heard a knock at your door.
Lucifer’s deep, comforting voice reached your ears. It managed to settle your nerves and set them on fire all at once. You sighed.
“Come in,” you answered.
The door swung silently open and he stepped into your room.
“I hope I didn’t wake you,” he spoke quietly as he moved toward your bed.
“No. I didn’t sleep.”
“Ah… me either.”
He sat in the chair at your desk and turned toward you.
“The others will be up soon. We’ll have breakfast together and then all go to the portal to see you, Solomon, and the angels back to your worlds.”
You didn’t answer. What more was there to say on the matter? Diavolo gave his answer and it couldn’t be argued with. Reluctantly, you pushed your covers down and sat up. You rubbed your eyes, then slid your legs over the edge of the mattress and stood with a big stretch. You weren’t wearing anything but underwear. Lucifer raised an eyebrow as his gaze raked over you.
“Not shy, are you?”
You chuckled and padded over to your closet. There was one shirt and a pair of jeans; everything else was already packed.
“Your brothers are a lot like mine. They just barge in without knocking. I learned at a young age that being shy doesn’t work in a house full of boys.”
Lucifer’s brows furrowed.
“I didn’t know you had brothers.”
You slipped your shirt over your torso and then reached for your pants.
“Yeah… had. They died.”
“I’m… sorry to hear that.”
You tugged on your jeans and turned toward him.
“Thanks… There were five of us in all, and I’m the youngest. They all had accidents. I expect I’ll be next.”
The way you said that... so nonchalant, as if the probability of your coming demise was no more interesting or worrying to you than what was for dinner. He nodded and stood, then strode over to you to fix the curled hem of your shirt. You could hear banging around in the rooms either side of you. One was the kitchen, and you were sure Beel had snuck in there to find some food before breakfast. The other was Amo’s room.
“Is that why you don’t want to go back to the human world? You’re afraid you’re going to get in an accident?”
You shook your head.
“I don’t want to go to the human world because there’s nothing for me there anymore. Even if there was, I don’t think I would want to go back. I want to stay here with you guys. You’re my family. This is my home.”
There was a loud bang from somewhere down the hall, most likely Mammon tripping over a stray billiard ball.
“It sounds like the others have started to move around. May I accompany you to the dining room?” Lucifer asked.
You nodded and slipped your shoes on.
The dining room was bright, as always, and you squinted against the light. You were one of the first there, along with Beel and Satan, and you sat next to the former while Lucifer sat on your other side.
“Thought you two would be together this morning,” Satan said between bites of salamander egg on toast.
Beel mumbled in agreement.
“I promised I would help Y/N pack up this morning,” Lucifer replied as his own breakfast was brought out and set before him.
“Or it’s because you’re in love and just too scared to admit it!” Asmo teased as he appeared in the doorway, followed by Mammon and Leviathan.
“Asmodeus, please,” Lucifer sighed. “Not now.”
Mammon plopped down next to Satan.
“Yeah, I don’t know how you can be so cheerful at a time like this. I mean, it’s not like we’re about to lose our best friend or anything,” he pouted.
Asmo came around behind you and wrapped his arms around your torso in a big hug before he stepped around to sit beside Lucifer. The others began to filter in now, first Solomon, then the angels. The air in the dining room was suffocating, and no one but Solomon, Simeon, and Luke seemed particularly interested in their breakfast. Beel hadn’t even touched his.
“Such sour faces this morning,” Solomon observed. “Especially you, Y/N. I thought you would be excited to go home.”
You shrugged and poked at your food with your fork. Simeon regarded you for a moment before nodding.
“Y/N has found a home here, it seems. I understand why they wouldn’t want to leave.”
“A home? Here? With these demons?” Luke asked, exasperated.
Even after spending a year in the devildom and seeing that demons aren’t actually all that bad, the angel still insisted that there was everything wrong with demons and anyone who would want to associate with them was surely crazy.
“Yes, Luke, a home,” Simeon chuckled.
Solomon smirked.
“Surely even you have noticed how Lucifer and Y/N look at each other?”
You shrunk down in your seat, face hot from embarrassment, and Lucifer rubbed at his temples. Luke regarded you both with wide eyes, before his blue gaze finally settled on you.
“But, why?” he asked.
You didn’t answer, just covered your face with your hands and planted it on the table in front of you. You only just missed faceplanting into your plate of food.
“That’s enough. All three of you,” Lucifer commanded.
Solomon and Simeon only looked at each other knowingly, while Luke’s gaze darted back and forth between you and Lucifer like a very confused puppy.
When the time finally came to say goodbye, Lucifer escorted you back to your room to help you gather your things, and then walked you out into the city to the portal. The others were already there, including Lord Diavolo and Barbatos.
“We’re all here then?” Diavolo began. “Good. I must say, this year has been quite a journey… The exchange program was an astounding success, and while I already knew some of you-” he looked to Simeon and Solomon “We also had students to get to know and befriend.”
He nodded to you and you nodded back.
“I know that goodbyes are always hard, but I hope that, as this year and this experiment end, we will remember the lessons we learned, the memories we made, and the friends we found along the way. I look forward to a future in which all of us - demons, angels, and humans alike - can live together in peace and harmony. Thank you all for helping make this dream a reality.”
A moment of silence passed, and then Luke jumped forward as if something bit him in the ass.
“Time to go home!” he beamed and hopped into the center of the summoning circle.
Diavolo chuckled and reached his hands outward, palms down, hovering over the circle.
“Until we meet again, Luke,” the prince smiled.
"I sure hope not!"
The circle glowed a bright blue and then, with a flash, Luke was gone.
“I suppose I’m next then,” Simeon said as he stepped in.
He looked out over the group with a soft smile.
“It has been a pleasure.”
With a bow and a flash, he disappeared as well.
Solomon looked toward you, but you were all but glued to Lucifer’s side, so he came forward next. He shook Diavolo’s hand.
“Thank you for the opportunity, Lord Diavolo. And thank all of you for making this year a fun one.”
And then it was just you left.
“Y/N. You’re up,” Diavolo called to you.
You took a deep breath and swallowed down your tears, then grabbed your bag and slung it over your shoulder. You took a step forward and then paused, looking back at Lucifer. He nodded. You nodded in return. Just as you began to make your way forward, you were hit by a brick wall and the air was knocked from your lungs.
“I don’t want you to go,” Beel whined as he clung to you, squeezing you so hard you thought he might break your back.
“I don’t want to go either…” you wheezed out. “But I have to.”
Another brother collided with your back and wrapped his arms around both you and Beel. The sweet scent of Asmo’s perfume drifted into your nose, and his hair tickled your nose as he pressed his cheek against yours.
“I’m gonna miss you, Y/N,” he said, his voice wavering with each syllable.
And then Mammon was on the pile. He didn’t say anything, just held on tight and tried to hide his tears in Beel’s shoulder. Levi was next, and then Satan. You nearly suffocated in that pile of demons, but if that was how you went, then you could die happy. You wanted to stay surrounded by your boys for the rest of eternity. All too soon, they began to pull away, until it was just Beel standing before you, eyes watery.
“You’ll be good, right?” he asked. “You’ll stay out of trouble?”
You smiled sadly and nodded.
“Of course, Beel.”
“And you’ll eat lots of food for me?”
You chuckled.
“And you’ll think of me when you buy stuff, right?” Mammon joined in.
“And you’ll buy make-up in my name!” Asmo shouted.
“And games in mine!” Levi added.
You laughed while simultaneously wiping tears from your face.
“Of course. I’ll think of you guys all the time.”
“It won’t be the same without you here, Y/N,” Satan said. “The halls will be too quiet without you playing the piano. Nights won’t be quite so entertaining now that Mammon and Asmo don’t have someone to fight over. And I know he-” he glanced at Lucifer. “I know we’re all gonna miss you.”
You nodded, fully crying now and unable to find your voice. Diavolo watched all of this with a silent frown, but finally spoke up.
“Lucifer, you can handle the portal for this one, right?”
Lucifer blinked back tears of his own and nodded. It seemed he couldn’t find his voice either.
“Come along, everyone. Let’s go back in. Lucifer will make sure Y/N gets home safely.”
Begrudgingly, and with much prodding from Diavolo, the brothers began to break away. You watched in silence as they left with Diavolo, then stepped into the circle. You turned toward Lucifer, wiping away tears as they streamed down your face. He stepped up wordlessly and opened his palms. His gaze caught yours, and you didn’t dare to look away as the blue light began to grow around you. You wanted to sear his face into your mind. You didn’t ever want to forget him. Even when you were old and frail, and your mind had left you, you wanted to remember Lucifer.
You wanted to remember your Lucifer.
“Goodbye, Y/N,” he whispered, and just before your vision was overtaken with white light, you saw a single tear roll down his cheek.
You blinked a few times as your vision came back to you, and you found yourself sitting in a forest clearing. You knew this place. You used to come here with your brothers. You pulled your knees up to your chest, wrapped your arms around your legs, and buried your face in them.
“Goodbye… Lucifer.”
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17 notes · View notes
@lucifers-loyal-sheep tysm for the tag!!!
1. A Little Less 16 Candles, A Little More ‘Touch Me’ - Fall Out Boy
2. Fake Your Death - My Chemical Romance
3. 7 Minutes In Heaven (Atavan Halen) - Fall Out Boy
4. Mr Brightside - The Killers
5. You Give Love A Bad Name - Bon Jovi
6. Miss Murder - AFI
7. Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana 
8. Boulevard Of Broken Dreams - Green Day
9. Don’t Threaten Me With A Good Time - Panic! At The Disco
10. Numb - Linkin 
oh shit this was so fricking hard because I have so many songs that i love and i feel like ive betrayed them T_T
this isn’t in an order of my favs bc i cant do that to myself 
damnit who do i tag ummmm whelp sorry random people who i follow lol @r-a-d-imagines @theunknowntheory @yanderepuck ummm and anyone else who wants to do this i guess
Expose Ur music taste
rules: we’re snooping in your playlist. put your entire music library on shuffle and list the first 10 songs and then choose 10 victims. tagged by @orangemonster33
1. One Call Away - Charlie Puth
2.Talking to the Moon - Bruno Mars
3.Shower - Becky G. (why is this even here?)
4.Crossing Field - LiSA
5. Stereo Hearts - Adam Levine, Gym Class Heroes
6.You & I - One Direction
7.I Know What You Did Last Summer - Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello
8. 22 - Taylor Swift
9. Make You Mine - PUBLIC
10. It’s Time - Imagine Dragons
I’m sorry y’all. But I’m tagging @syngularitysyn @incognito-lezbean @sassymajesty @aphrodites-law @eroticfishmongerfrenzy @clexamazon @butmakeitgay-blog @100hearteyes that’s not ten but it’s close enough
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i just applied to be a prefect and i really hope i get it because i want to show so many bitches witches at my school that I MADE IT AND I DID SOMETHING BECAUSE I WAS THE KID WHO YOU THOUGHT WOULDNT MAKE IT AND I REALLY HOPE I GET A PREFECT POSITION BECAUSE I REALLY WANT TO HELP SO MANY GIRLS And oh no my caps lock was still on but 
i really want to be a prefect. ive been at the same school since my kindergarten and i want to come full circle and do something that matters 
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whoa people actually like the stuff that i put up here lmao. 
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Seriously tho,
there must have been one time where Lucifer was telling Asmo to do something and Asmo just stands up really dramatically, throws his jacket over one shoulder and starts walking out but spins around and says
“too glam, don’t give a damn!”
and keeps walking while Lucifer is just like
“I-” *sighing/smacking his head against the table as MC just pats him on the back like ik ik*
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