#that was a FRECH EXAM
Guess who mistook the LITERAL group French speaking exam time for the frigging prep time XD
But, hey, it was pretty decent so at least there’s that!
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allaboutlanguage · 1 year
Language Learning Techniques: From Novice to Fluent Speaker
Learning a new language can be an exciting and rewarding journey. Whether you're interested in traveling to a foreign country, expanding your career opportunities, or simply challenging yourself, acquiring a new language can open doors to a world of possibilities. In this article, we will explore language learning techniques that can take you from being a novice to a fluent speaker, using the example of learning the French language. We'll also discuss the importance of language classes, both in your target language and in your native language, such as English language classes.
The Importance of Setting Clear Goals
Before embarking on your language learning journey, it's crucial to establish clear goals. Ask yourself why you want to learn frech language or any language and what level of proficiency you aim to achieve. Having well-defined goals will help you stay motivated and focused throughout the learning process. For instance, if your goal is to communicate effectively during your travels in France, your approach to learn French language will be different from someone aiming to use it in a professional context.
Start with the Basics: Vocabulary and Grammar
To begin your language learning journey, start with the basics. Vocabulary and grammar are the building blocks of any language, and a strong foundation in these areas is essential for becoming a fluent speaker. Create flashcards or use language learning apps to practice and expand your vocabulary regularly. You can also find online resources, such as language courses and textbooks, to help you grasp the fundamentals of grammar.
Engage in Immersion
Immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. Surround yourself with French content, such as books, movies, and music. Change the language settings on your devices and social media accounts to French. Engaging with authentic materials will expose you to the language's natural flow and rhythm, helping you develop better pronunciation and comprehension skills.
Consistent Practice is Key
Consistency is crucial when it comes to language learning. Set aside dedicated time each day to practice your language skills. Whether it's 30 minutes or an hour, regular practice will reinforce what you've learned and help you progress faster. Consider using language learning apps that provide daily exercises and challenges to keep you on track.
Conversation Practice
One of the most effective ways to become a fluent speaker is through conversation practice. Find language exchange partners or join language learning communities online where you can engage in conversations with native speakers or fellow learners. Speaking with others helps you apply your knowledge, improve your pronunciation, and gain confidence in using the language.
Take Language Classes
While self-study is valuable, enrolling in language classes can provide structure and guidance to your learning journey. French language classes, in particular, can offer a structured curriculum, access to experienced instructors, and opportunities for real-time practice with peers. Look for language schools or institutions that offer classes tailored to different proficiency levels, from beginner to advanced.
English Language Classes as a Resource
If you're an English speaker learning French, don't underestimate the value of English language classes as a resource. Your native language can serve as a bridge to understanding and learning the new language more effectively. English language classes can improve your grasp of grammar, vocabulary, and language learning techniques in general, which can be applied to your French language studies.
Set Milestones and Track Progress
To stay motivated and measure your progress, set milestones along the way. These could be passing a specific language proficiency exam, holding a conversation for a certain duration in your target language, or completing a certain number of lessons in your language class. Tracking your progress will give you a sense of accomplishment and keep you motivated to reach your ultimate goal of fluency.
Embrace Cultural Learning
Language and culture are closely intertwined. To truly master a language, it's essential to immerse yourself in the culture of the people who speak it. Explore French culture through its cuisine, history, traditions, and art. Attend cultural events, such as festivals or exhibitions, and connect with people from the French-speaking world. This cultural immersion will deepen your understanding of the language and make it more meaningful.
Stay Patient and Persistent
Language learning is not always a linear process, and there will be moments of frustration and difficulty. It's important to stay patient and persistent, even when you encounter challenges. Remember that making mistakes is a natural part of learning, and each error is an opportunity to improve. Don't be afraid to ask for help or seek clarification when needed.
Celebrate Your Achievements
Finally, don't forget to celebrate your achievements along the way. Learning a new language is a significant accomplishment, and each milestone you reach should be acknowledged and celebrated. Whether it's successfully ordering a meal in French at a restaurant or holding your first conversation, these moments of progress are worth recognizing and can boost your motivation to continue learning.
In conclusion, learning a new language, such as French, is a rewarding endeavor that can open doors to new opportunities and enrich your life in many ways. By setting clear goals, building a strong foundation in vocabulary and grammar, immersing yourself in the language, practicing consistently, and embracing language classes, you can progress from a novice to a fluent speaker. Remember that patience, persistence, and cultural immersion are key elements of a successful language learning journey. So, take the plunge, embark on your language learning adventure, and savor the joy of becoming a fluent speaker. Bonne chance!
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iantostudies · 2 years
Just finished all of my work today, and again- I feel good but tired. I'm just hoping I can make it until my exams haha. June 17th- that's when they're all done, and the first (apart from Frech Speaking) is the 15th of May.
I'm starting trying to do some more active recall, with watching videos, writing everything I remember down, then going back and adding to it. i think it's going well, but I'm not sure I've done it enough to say (I'm it's meant to be the best study method tho)
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thursdayg1rl · 3 years
cant believe I literally have exams in a week dont call dont text
#literally kms.#theres sooo much to do like sooo much#I watched 2 videos on medicine and learned graph transformations today#idk if I should make notes on the medicine stuff like i'd like to but theres only a week#and im already good at history so I should maybe focus on other exams?#i need to make 8 essay plans for English bcz like those are the questions that cld come up.#and somehow manage to improve my english language..#idk how tho#i was looking thru past papers and actually last one we did i got 31/40 for section a#which isn't bad actually#leaves me with like 7/8 marks to lose in the creative writing section if i want a 9#but hopefully i've improved since that test anyways cuz we took it right at the start of the year#but my lang teacher is so terrible i might have even gotten worse#fuck im actually so stressed abt this#my priorities rn are like sciences and maths#but also i want to bring awll of my predicted grades to like 8/9#so that's chemistry (7) French (7) lang (7)#and in maths if i prove i can be at 7+ rn they'll offer further maths#and also for science i need to do well so thst i can do triple award and stay in top set...#honestly not that worried abt frech rn weirdly?? i think my listening went quite well#and reading is always easy and we;'re not doing a speaking#so i just neefd to do writing practice so yeah <3#the thing about the other subjects is that i also want to do well in them#bcz my teschers have like. hope in me and i dont want to le them down#like geography lit history rs biology physics i;ve been getting 8/9 consistently so if i just get a 7 i'll be disappointed#okay im going to do have a shower to take my mind off this and then get back to wrok bye 🚶🏽‍♂️❤
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littlx-songbxrd · 3 years
Okay but like
Here me out on this one Zia
Theatre teacher Kit
Chemistry/Physics teacher Ty
Biology teacher/coach Mari
Art teacher Lizzie
English teacher Anush
Choir teacher Dru
English teacher Ash
Counselor Jaime
In a teacher au-
My bran will not stop thinking about this(specifically theatre teacher!Kit and science teacher!Ty and i just filled the others in-)
As the daughter *of* a theater teacher
I 100% agree im literalmy questioning sending you the books i stole from my moms school last year i think kit would use and the ones hed say are bs
Id definetly eat lunch in kits drama room, thats just a fact.
Minority kids love him, and hes willing to get them off classes they dont like cause teachers are being dicks.
Will straight up tea about faculty with them.
Hed be fun
Unlike my teacher i hate him anyways
I feel he'd be that teacher who says he wants students opinions and actually follow through. Like students can straight up say what they want to do or that their struggling and he'd try to see it through their perspective.
Oh he also his due dates for assigments are recomendations, like hand it to me before the semester ends and we are good.
Every students favorite is when they get to marine biology because oh my god
Actually im gonna use smth when i took marine biology/ oceanography my teacher was from a costal town so every single presentation or example of things were from the same town and it just became a running joke
Thats Marí with Loiza
She will bring up Loiza wild life and Loiza aquatic life and all bodies of water included and no ones gonna argue
Its a running joke
For her final exam they put in a bonus for: tell me every body of water in Loiza and gave extra credit for everyone who got them right
I got nothing for coach Marí but BIOLOGY TEACHER MARÍ??
Literally made kids believe in science again
Methods of creative expression as in let a kid light smth on fire
Doesnt understand why so many kids love her but oh well, this is happening
Also following @thechangeling quebecois Lizzie hcs
Shits on france frech!
Choir dru definetly gives alto fair parts we stan choir Dru
No im obsessed i love this too omfg-
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borealnyx · 3 years
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I love tumblr. Where else would i, a cis spanish woman in my 20s, get ads for prostate exams in frech??
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julianbrandtrelated · 5 years
I got an answer: 07-22-2019
Answer time for ju, nik, roman and leon! Of course, german + english!
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Julian Brandt:
Ihm ist das relativ egal, natürlich würde er gerne am Fenster sitzen, aber drängt da jetzt nicht drauf. Er verschläft den größten Teils des Flugs sowieso und wenn du dann den besseren Platz hast, passt das schon. He doesn't care, of course he would like to sit at the window, but don't push for it. He sleeps through most of the flight anyway and when you have the better seat, that's fine.
Da herrscht Einigkeit. Cowgirl, Missionar und Doggy. Ich kann mir aber durchaus vorstellen, dass er dich, wenn du es mal übertreibst und ihn zu sehr reizt, auch mal in deine Schranken weisen kann und das ihm auch Spaß bereitet. Julian scheint ein Gewohnheitsmensch zu sein, auf neues kann er gut und gerne verzichten. Ihn zu neuen Sachen zu überreden wird schwer, aber im Endeffekt kann er dir keinen Wunsch abschlagen und solange er keinen Yogakurs als Vorbereitung belegen muss, wird er es auch mal probieren. There's a consensus. Cowgirl, missionary and doggy. But I can also imagine that if you exaggerate and push him too much, he can put you in your place and that he also enjoys it a lot. Julian seems to be a habitual man, he can go without trying new things. It will be difficult to persuade him to do new things, but in the end he can't refuse you a wish and as long as he doesn't have to take a yoga class as preparation he will give it a try.
Ich verwette mein ungeborenes Kind darauf, dass sein number one essential seine Cap ist. Ohne die geht er nicht aus dem Haus. Ohne die fühlt er sich nicht wohl. I bet my unborn child that his number one essential is his cap. He won't leave the house without it. He doesn't feel well without it.
Wenn du krank bist wird erstmal Mama angerufen und nach Tipps im Umgang mit dir gebeten. Er wird dir alles besorgen was du brauchst und falls es dir nicht besser geht nach ein paar Tagen, schleppt er dich höchstpersönlich zum Arzt. If you’re ill, his mum will be called first and asked for tips on how to deal with you. He will get you everything you need and if you don't feel better after a few days, he will personally drag you to the doctor.
Ich denke, Julian sieht das regelrecht als persönliche Beleidigung an. Jeder weiß, dass ihr ein Paar seid, also was denkt sich der Typ? Er will alles wissen. Wer ist der Typ? Was will er von dir? Was schreibt er dir? Natürlich wird er auf unbeeindruckt tun, wenn du es ihm sagst, aber im Inneren kratzt es schon an ihm. Vielleicht kann man ihn damit auch ein wenig reizen, wenn man mal wieder einen roten Arsch nötig hat. Natürlich weiß er aber insgeheim auch, dass dich kein anderer Mann interessiert. I think Julian really sees this as a personal insult. Everybody knows you're a couple, so what's this guy thinking? He wants to know everything. Who's this guy? What does he want from you? What's he texting you? Of course he'll do unimpressed if you tell him, but inside it's already scratching him. Maybe you can irritate him a little when you need a red ass again. Of course, he also secretly knows that you're not interested in any other man.
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Leon Goretzka:
Ich glaube er sitzt gerne am Fenster und solange du nicht unbedingt darauf bestehst dort zu sitzen, nimmt er den auch in Anspruch. I think he likes to sit at the window and as long as you don't insist on sitting there, he takes it up.
Leon steht auf Doggy oder Reverse Cowgirl. Ich vermute nämlich, dass er sehr auf Ärsche steht und so kann er deinen natürlich schön begutachten. Außerdem treibt er es gerne draußen, beispielsweise auf seiner atemberaubenden Terrasse mit Aussicht über München. Wie von euch schon festgestellt wurde, sagt Leon auch niemals Nein zu einem Quickie. Ob fix in der Dusche oder bevor er zum Training muss, ihn kannst du so immer begeistern. Leon likes Doggy or Reverse Cowgirl. I guess he's got a thing for asses and in these positions he’s got the perfect view. He also has a thing for outdoor sex, for example on his breathtaking terrace with a view over Munich. As some of you have already stated, Leon never says no to a quickie. Whether in the shower or before he has to leave for training, you can always inspire him with that.
Ich denke mal, aktuell seine Sonnenbrille? Er trägt sie (leider) viel zu oft auf seinen Bildern. I'm thinking his sunglasses for now? He wears them (unfortunately) far too often in his pictures.
Ich glaube, Leon weiß nicht ganz was er mit dir in einem kranken Zustand anfangen soll. Er kauft dir jede Menge Medizin, auch wenn du sie nicht brauchst. Er würde auch sehr gerne mit dir Zeit verbringen und Kuscheln, aber du weist ihn, natürlich, zurück. Er macht sich sicherlich, je nachdem wie krank du bist, Sorgen, aber nicht so extrem, dass er jetzt 24/7 um dich rumhüpfen muss. I don't think Leon quite knows what to do with you in a sick state. He'll buy you a lot of medicine even if you don't need it. He would also love to spend time with you and cuddle, but you reject him, of course. He certainly worries, depending on how sick you are, but not so extreme that he has to jump around you 24/7.
Ich denke, Leon lässt sowas recht kalt. Klar wird er dich fragen, wer dir denn da überhaupt geschrieben hat, aber mehr wahrscheinlich auch nicht. Leon hängt die Beziehung nicht an die große Glocke, weshalb auch nicht viele wissen wer du bist, somit kann das schon mal passieren, dass jemand sein Glück bei dir versucht. I think Leon doesn't care much about that. Of course he will ask you who texted you, but that’s it probably. Leon doesn't make a big deal about your relationship, which is why not many people know who you are, so it can happen that someone tries his luck with you.
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Niklas Stark:
Niklas interessiert es nicht wo er sitzt, Hauptsache neben dir. Niklas doesn't care where he sits, as long as he's next to you.
Niklas, der Charmeur, steht auf Augenkontakt. Cowgirl und Missionar trifft seinen Geschmack wohl am besten. Ich glaube, er probiert auch gerne neue Sachen mit dir aus und lässt sich auch sehr gerne von dir dominieren. Ich hab auch das Gefühl, dass er sehr gerne die mündliche Prüfung bei dir ablegt und, allgemein, sich eher um dein Wohlbefinden und Vergnügen kümmert. Hast du Spaß, hat auch er Spaß. Niklas, the charmer, loves eye contact. Cowgirl and missionary probably meet his taste the best. I think he also likes to try out new things with you and also likes to be dominated by you. I also have the feeling that he likes to take the oral exam with you and, in general, is more concerned with your well-being and pleasure. If you’re having fun, he has fun.
Kopfhörer vielleicht? Er hört bestimmt sehr viel Musik, behaupte ich jetzt einfach mal anhand des Interviews. Headphones, maybe? I'm sure he listens to a lot of music, Imma just claim that from the interview he did.
Ich glaube, Niklas ist der fürsorglichste aller fünf Jungs. Er ist bestimmt zuckersüß und fragt immer zu nach, ob er dir was bringen kann oder irgendetwas für dich tun kann, damit es dir besser geht. Er wird, auch wenn du krank bist, immer mit dir Kuscheln wollen beziehungsweise versuchen in deiner Nähe zu sein, auch wenn du ihn wegschickst. Er geht wahrscheinlich sogar soweit und kocht dir selbstgemachte Hühnersuppe, diese kuriert einfach alles. I think Niklas is the most caring of the five boys. He is sweet as sugar and always asks if he can bring you something or do something for you to make you feel better. Even if you are ill, he will always want to cuddle with you or try to be close to you, even if you push him away. He probably even goes so far as to make you homemade chicken soup, it just cures everything.
Schreibt dir ein anderer Fußballer, wird Niklas, denke ich, sehr unsicher. Du bist seine Welt und jetzt könnte da einer kommen und ihm das wegnehmen? Nicht mit Niklas! Schneller als du was sagen kannst, ist er Niklas in seinen DMs und klärt die ganze Sache. If another footballer slides into your DMs, Niklas becomes, I think, very insecure. You're his world, and now someone could come and take that away from him? Not with Niklas! Faster than you can say anything, Niklas is in his DMs and clarifies the whole thing.
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Roman Bürki:
Ihn interessiert das auch nicht sonderlich. Er sitzt da wo platz für ihn ist. He doesn't care much about that either. He sits where there's room for him.
Daddy Roman hat’s gerne ein wenig härter. Er steht allgemein auf so gut wie alles, solange er dich dominieren kann. Er legt dich auch sehr gerne übers Knie, egal ob du frech warst oder er einfach nur seinen Spaß haben will. Ich kann mir auch vorstellen, dass er dich auch einfach mal ans Bett fesselt und dann mit dir macht was er will, beispielsweise einfach mal die mündliche Prüfung bei dir ablegen ohne das du dich bewegen oder wehren kannst. Daddy Roman likes it a little harder. He's generally into just about anything as long as he can dominate you. He also likes to put you over his knee, no matter if you were cheeky or he just wants to have fun. I can also imagine that he would just tie you to the bed and then do whatever he wants with you, for example just take the oral exam with you without you being able to move or defend yourself.
Haarpflegeprodukte, ganz klar. Wär hätte es auch vermuten können bei unserem gut gestriegelten Roman. Hair care products, all right. Could've guessed with our well-dressed Roman.
Roman, unser fürsorglicher Daddy, kennt genügend Tricks um dich so schnell wie möglich wieder auf die Beine zubekommen. Wenn du krank bist, hält er trotzdem ein wenig Abstand, sodass er sich nicht auch noch ansteckt, denn ein kranker Roman ist ein unangenehmer Roman. Er besorgt dir aber, selbstverständlich, auch alles was du brauchst und mehr. Roman, our caring daddy, knows enough tricks to get you back on your feet as soon as possible. If you are sick, he will keep a little distance so that he doesn't catch it, because a sick Roman is an unpleasant Roman. He'll get you, of course, everything you need and more.
Daddy Ro lässt sich von einem kleinen unwissenden Fußballer, der sich in deine DMs verirrt hat, gar nicht verunsichern. Er ist immerhin Roman fucking Bürki. Ich denke, er interessiert sich dafür nicht, solange der Typ es nicht übertreibt, sonst kann er nämlich sehr grantig werden. Irgendwann, wenn es ihm dann reicht, verlangt er einfach von dir, dass du den Typ blockierst. Daddy Ro doesn't let a little ignorant football player, who got lost in your DMs, unsettle him. After all, he's Roman fucking Bürki. I don't think he's interested as long as the guy doesn't exaggerate, otherwise he can get very grumpy. Someday, if he gets tired of it, he'll just ask you to block the guy.
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Student from Bangladesh reveals insights about her studies at LiepU
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Farhana Yeasmin from #Bangladesh is a Bachelor 2nd year student, who studies “European Languages and Culture Studies” (#French and English) at #Liepaja University and she reveals her insights about studies in Liepaja.
„My life has very, very changed when I started to live in Latvia. I am too busy here comparing to Bangladesh,” she admits.
Why did you choose studies at Liepaja University?
Study programmes in Bangladesh are not very well comparing to Latvia. Here I find the technologies and a computer class, but in Bangladesh we can not do anything without a book, we never do practical things as making presentations or reports or freely talking with teachers. Here I can develop myself, it is like an exam for my life. If I would be a teacher, I would like to change the teaching style in my country. I chose Latvia, because here lives my family and this is a nice and calm place. Teachers are very friendly and if I have a problem, teachers always help me to understand things and afterwards I try to make them.
What do you think about your study programme? How is it to study Frech language, which you are studying in Liepaja University?
I like French language, but sometimes it is very hard for me to understand it. For example, to read some articles, but now I know and understand them. Language is very important for people and communication and if the teacher explains me it in English, it is, of course, easier to understand.
Besides studies you are working. How do you combine studies with work?
I do not have much time, I am too busy here comparing to Bangladesh. In this way my life has very, very changed. If you do not go the hard way, you never learn something new. If you want to reach your goal, I think you need to go a different way, then you can learn something and your mind will be open and you can do everything. I really like what I am doing.
What do you think about your future?
In my country I have been always dreaming to become teacher and here my aim is the same – I would like to be a teacher and I want to be a florist as well, as I really like flowers and gardening things. Now I am also teaching to three students how to make bunches of flowers.
What are your impressions about Liepaja city?
I like it too much, because I never get lost as it is a small city and I like the big seaside and the long area of forest, because in Bangladesh you do not have anything like this – fresh air or any space for yourself to be in rest.
What about Latvians?
For me everyone is very friendly and speaking to me. Some people are very happy and even giving gifts at my work, because I am speaking Latvian language. I think that I must speak more Latvian to be able to talk. Also I have a Latvian friend.
Thank you, Farhana!
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allaboutlanguage · 1 year
Language Learning Techniques: From Novice to Fluent Speaker
Learning a new language can be an exciting and rewarding journey. Whether you're interested in traveling to a foreign country, expanding your career opportunities, or simply challenging yourself, acquiring a new language can open doors to a world of possibilities. In this article, we will explore language learning techniques that can take you from being a novice to a fluent speaker, using the example of learning the French language. We'll also discuss the importance of language classes, both in your target language and in your native language, such as English language classes.
The Importance of Setting Clear Goals
Before embarking on your language learning journey, it's crucial to establish clear goals. Ask yourself why you want to learn frech language or any language and what level of proficiency you aim to achieve. Having well-defined goals will help you stay motivated and focused throughout the learning process. For instance, if your goal is to communicate effectively during your travels in France, your approach to learn French language will be different from someone aiming to use it in a professional context.
Start with the Basics: Vocabulary and Grammar
To begin your language learning journey, start with the basics. Vocabulary and grammar are the building blocks of any language, and a strong foundation in these areas is essential for becoming a fluent speaker. Create flashcards or use language learning apps to practice and expand your vocabulary regularly. You can also find online resources, such as language courses and textbooks, to help you grasp the fundamentals of grammar.
Engage in Immersion
Immerse yourself in the language as much as possible. Surround yourself with French content, such as books, movies, and music. Change the language settings on your devices and social media accounts to French. Engaging with authentic materials will expose you to the language's natural flow and rhythm, helping you develop better pronunciation and comprehension skills.
Consistent Practice is Key
Consistency is crucial when it comes to language learning. Set aside dedicated time each day to practice your language skills. Whether it's 30 minutes or an hour, regular practice will reinforce what you've learned and help you progress faster. Consider using language learning apps that provide daily exercises and challenges to keep you on track.
Conversation Practice
One of the most effective ways to become a fluent speaker is through conversation practice. Find language exchange partners or join language learning communities online where you can engage in conversations with native speakers or fellow learners. Speaking with others helps you apply your knowledge, improve your pronunciation, and gain confidence in using the language.
Take Language Classes
While self-study is valuable, enrolling in language classes can provide structure and guidance to your learning journey. French language classes, in particular, can offer a structured curriculum, access to experienced instructors, and opportunities for real-time practice with peers. Look for language schools or institutions that offer classes tailored to different proficiency levels, from beginner to advanced.
English Language Classes as a Resource
If you're an English speaker learning French, don't underestimate the value of English language classes as a resource. Your native language can serve as a bridge to understanding and learning the new language more effectively. English language classes can improve your grasp of grammar, vocabulary, and language learning techniques in general, which can be applied to your French language studies.
Set Milestones and Track Progress
To stay motivated and measure your progress, set milestones along the way. These could be passing a specific language proficiency exam, holding a conversation for a certain duration in your target language, or completing a certain number of lessons in your language class. Tracking your progress will give you a sense of accomplishment and keep you motivated to reach your ultimate goal of fluency.
Embrace Cultural Learning
Language and culture are closely intertwined. To truly master a language, it's essential to immerse yourself in the culture of the people who speak it. Explore French culture through its cuisine, history, traditions, and art. Attend cultural events, such as festivals or exhibitions, and connect with people from the French-speaking world. This cultural immersion will deepen your understanding of the language and make it more meaningful.
Stay Patient and Persistent
Language learning is not always a linear process, and there will be moments of frustration and difficulty. It's important to stay patient and persistent, even when you encounter challenges. Remember that making mistakes is a natural part of learning, and each error is an opportunity to improve. Don't be afraid to ask for help or seek clarification when needed.
Celebrate Your Achievements
Finally, don't forget to celebrate your achievements along the way. Learning a new language is a significant accomplishment, and each milestone you reach should be acknowledged and celebrated. Whether it's successfully ordering a meal in French at a restaurant or holding your first conversation, these moments of progress are worth recognizing and can boost your motivation to continue learning.
In conclusion, learning a new language, such as French, is a rewarding endeavor that can open doors to new opportunities and enrich your life in many ways. By setting clear goals, building a strong foundation in vocabulary and grammar, immersing yourself in the language, practicing consistently, and embracing language classes, you can progress from a novice to a fluent speaker. Remember that patience, persistence, and cultural immersion are key elements of a successful language learning journey. So, take the plunge, embark on your language learning adventure, and savor the joy of becoming a fluent speaker. Bonne chance!
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shitty commentary crew preference - going on holiday together
songs of inspiration - one bad night by hayley kiyoko, gravel to tempo by hayley kiyoko and full moon by sgbg.
author’s note: i’ve been seeing preferences all over tumblr and i’ve been really wanting to write one for ages, but since i haven’t written anything in a week, i wanted to mae it up to you by doing a really big one to make up for it. hope you all enjoy it, gang! - l.t.
billy // chubbs
- you decided to book a surprise trip for the both of you to go to japan, since he’s always wanted to go. his face lit up as soon as you told him, immidiately giving you a bear hug and a kiss on the cheek - he was more excited than he actually let on to be.
- you would cling onto him while you were at heathrow airport due to how busy it was, and he would let you use him as a human radiator and pillow to nap on the plane. in return (if he wasn’t napping himself, that is), he would mess with your hair while you were sleeping and somehow managed to get it all tangled, but you didn’t mind.
- he held your hand tightly as you both walked up and down the streets no matter what time it was - he just wanted you to be safe and for you to come to no harm.
- every night you would go to small sushi food restaurants, late at night as you surrounded yourselves with the loud, busy night enclosing you both, while you got ever so slightly tipsy on beer.
- you would take the most adorable polaroid pictures under the sweet cherry blossom trees, then to plaster them over instagram and twitter.
- you would go to a manga store making fun of weeaboos, but you ended up ironically buying loads of the different manga to read on the plane ride home, even if you couldn’t understand japanese.
- you were both heartbroken to go home.
hyojin // squizxy
- since the pair of you were dating long distance, you decided to fly out to australia to go and see her for the first. you would both be bubbling with excitment, even weeks before you were supposed to fly out.
- on the day, you would skype her to say that you were waiting for the plane and would be seeing her in only a matter of hours now. you would both be ecastatic but slightly nervous at the same time.
- when you got off the plane to meet her, she ran up to you like her life absolutely depended on it, and you did the same but trying to carry all your luggage at the same time. you both hugged each other as hard as you possibly could without killing each other, and many happy tears were shed.
- you both travelled to sydney to go do sightseeing, and hyojin just couldn’t stop hugging you on the train journey there.
- fennec fox jokes. you also surprised her with a pair of the godly fennec fox ears for her, which made her made, but she secretly loved them.
- she drew a picture of you standing in front of the sydney opera house, which she them turned into an adorable animation to put on her twitter.
- it was hard to leave each other, but you knew deep down that the future was looking brighter than ever before and you were more in love with her than ever before.
will // herotic
- will would have to take you to on a daytrip somewhere since you had both just finished your gcse exams, were pretty fucking exhausted, and broke.
- you both settled to go to the beach for the day - it was nothing fancy, but you were still excited and you didn’t mind since you got to see each other.
- your mum drove you both there, and she kept embarassing you in front of him with embarassing stories from when you were little, which will really enjoyed.
- you both got double scoop ice creams, which you both shared as you walked hand in hand along the sea front, the sand tickling the inbetween bits between your toes softly. after you had finished it, you got a bit on your right cheek, which he kissed softly.
- you both walked around the sea front and the surrounding village, talking about youtube drama and current trending topics.
- you both got fish and chips to take home because you were too tired to eat out anywhere fancy. you leant on his shoulder, as he wrapped his slim hand around your waist while you waited for your mum to pick you both up.
brad // braddoesbanter
- “oi dickhead, let’s go to paris.”
- you were sceptical as to why brad wanted to go to paris, but you decided to book plane and hotel tickets anyway.
- “do you think that the eiffel tower is as big as my cock?” he said as you both stood beneth it taking selfies to put on instagram and twitter (if he wasn’t suspended lol) later. you just rolled your eyes at his stupid comment, but secretly found it funny.
- you both snuck frech pastries on the plane to eat because you both loved them so much, and didn’t speak to each other the whole way back since you had your mouths full with the pastries.
erling // atozy
- he would take you to his home country of norway as a treat for your birthday, and it would also be an oppourtunity for erling to see his family too. you would be excited to finally meet them and to finally experience a taste of norwegian culture that you had been hearing about from him for so long.
- it was really cool hearing erling speak norwegian, especially since it made it easier to speak to the locals and to order food.
- his family were super sweet when you met them and ate dinner with them too. they told many embarassing stories of erling from when he was younger, although he did not like this and went all red everytime they would tell one.
- he would take you to a norwegian food market, and you would try the food there together, and you decided to grab some coffee afterwards.
- you would, at some point, take you for a walk in the snow, and you would end up building a snowman. it was slightly lopsided, but that really didn’t matter right now.
- cute polaroid pictures!!
alex // imallexx
- he would surprise you with plane tickets to go to california, and had many other surprises for you in store for when you got there, which you didn’t know about you just yet.
- you’d go to pink berry every day and just stuff your faces with food there, then you’d hike up to go see the hollywood sign. you’d take so many adorable selfies, which would then be either memed to death or be made into super cute edits.
- he’d surprise you with tickets to go see your favourite band, which you were absolutely over the moon about because you didn’t get to see them back home. when you were in line to go in to the arena, he’d lend you his internet sensation hoodie until you went in because it was getting colder.
- you’d dance and sing the night away together even if alex wasn’t too fond of the music and he didn’t know many of the lyrics. despite this, he still enjoyed seeing you happy and the experience in general.
- by the end of it all, you’d end up falling asleep on his shoulder on the plane home, while he smiled to himself about what a great time he had.
niall // pyrocynical
- you thought he was making some sort of skit for one of his videos when he told you that he would be taking you to disneyland, but he was being serious. excited laughter and hugs then ensued.
- you would both buy matching minnie mouse ears to wear around the resort together, while buying way too many sweets and then stuffing them in your mouths. niall would constantly say, “we look like basic bitches, don’t we?”
- you would go on the same rides too many times, until you got bored. if it was high and scary ride, he would hold onto your hand for dear life to make sure that you were okay and wasn’t scared.
- after going on all the rides, you took so many selfies of you both, your phone storage almost ran out. all over twitter, there was nothing but cute comments and supports from the fans and a shit ton of flower crown edits had managed to find their way onto tumblr *shivers*
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Tag survey thing
@keepsbooksinherpocket tagged me so i guess here i go (ง'-')ง 1: Are you named after someone? Nah 2: When was the last time you cried? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 3: Do you like your handwriting? Meh I've seen worse 4: What is your favorite lunch meat? ???? Salami? 5: Do you have kids? Nooo 6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Maybe for the puns... 7: Do you use sarcasm? Yeh all the time 8: Do you still have your tonsils? Yup 9: Would you bungee jump? Yessss! 10: What is your favorite kind of cereal? Lucky charms even though I never buy them 11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Why would I? 12: Do you think you’re a strong person? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 13: What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Cookie dough and raspberry sorbet 14: What is the first thing you notice about people? Usually faces 15: Red or Pink? Red 16: What is your least favorite physical thing about yourself? Yikes 17: What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? Black pants and grey shoes 18: What was the last thing you ate? Ice cream 19: What are you listening to right now? "I'm so sorry" Imagine Dragons 20: If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Blue? 21: Favorite smell? Black tea and cinnamon 22: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My mom probably 23: Favorite sport to watch? Basketball 24: Hair colour? Brown 25: Eye color? Dark brown almost black 26: Do you wear contacts? Nope 27: Favorite food to eat? Sushi 28: Scary movies or comedy? Comedy 29. Last movie you watched? A piece of "Total eclipse" with Leonardo DiCaprio for my frech class (french poets are wild man) 30: What color shirt are you wearing? Burgundy 31: Summer or winter? Winter 32: Hugs or kisses? Fist bump? 33: What book are you currently reading? "Perfume" by Patrick Süskind for my french exam (it gets weird) 34: Who do you miss right now? My cousins 35: What is on your mouse pad? Idk 36: What is the last TV program you watched? Something about Einstein on National Geographic 37: What is the best sound? Good electric guitar 38: Rolling Stones or The Beatles? The Beatles 39: What is the furthest you have ever traveled? Either South Africa or Hawaii 40: Do you have a special talent? I can flare my nostrils like, really well (that's about it) 41: Where were you born? Pasadena, California 42: People you hope will participate in this survey? @amithebloggingdragon @curnifex if that's ok with you guys
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ardentlover · 7 years
idk if i ever said but i am majoring in french with a minor in theatre!!!
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studyfullmoon · 6 years
Oral French Exam
I'm currently studying for my last french exam ever!!! We have a lot to study but i'm kinda excited for the exam because it's my last french exam i will never have to do a french exam ever in my life. After I'm done with Frech in school i would like to start all over again and study it at home exspecially the grammar cause even after five years i still don't even know the basics of the french grammar
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i know my notes are ugly af but i'm going to improve my handwriting once summer break started :D
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