Welcome to Night Vale Crossword Puzzles
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Funny, charming and weird, Welcome to Night Vale is the podcast that evokes Twin Peaks, the Twilight Zone, and the Addams Family. With creepy and existential plot lines, memorable characters, and writing so good you’ll be begging for more, it is not to be missed. Neither is participating in the wonderful, welcoming fandom that includes many talented writers and artists with their own headcannons and characters. I love easy solvable crossword puzzles and I love Welcome to Night Vale, so I thought why not combine the two for everyone’s pleasure? If you enjoy crossword puzzles, but not the crushing frustration that can come from the hard ones, and you are a devoted fan of Night Vale this may be the place for you. Want to test your Night Vale knowledge? This site will eventually feature a puzzle for each episode and additional fanon puzzles inspired by the wonderful and creative headcanons of writers and artists in the Night Vale fandom. If you're stuck on a clue, want a hint, or need the answers feel free to send me an ask. Welcome to Night Vale is a production of Night Vale Presents. It is written by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor, and produced by Joseph Fink. 1 - Pilot 2 - Glow Cloud 3 - Station Management <a class="buttons" href="http://wtnvcrossword.tumblr.com/post/814106783...
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wtnvcrossword · 3 years ago
WTNV - Ep 184 - The Fog
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2. How many times does one have to say Deb’s name to summon her?
4. Stay tuned next for what kind of animals? (Plural)
7. According to their ad, the sponsor will challenge you to be a better friend, lover, citizen, and what? (Two words)
8. The Night Vale Meteorological Society said it was important that we do not do what?
10. Deb told Cecil that his ___ flesh made him weak of mind.
11. According to Deb, who doesn’t wear clothes to work? (Two words)
12. According to the Night Vale Electric Utility, the fog absorbed electrical currents causing these in all buildings it came in contact with. (Two words)
15. For lunch, Deb wanted to feed on Joel Eisenberg’s what?
16. A fog is a patch of what?
17. The Night Vale Meteorological Society tied ropes around what body parts to form a chain of nearly 50 weatherpeople?
19. Joel Eisenberg lost what kind of relative last weekend? (Two words) Down
1. Deb denied that she was crying and insisted instead that she was doing this heavily in triumph?
3. What did Cecil need to smear on the paper to unsummon Deb?
4. What financial company was today’s sponsor? (Two words)
5. What did the new restaurant that Cecil wanted to eat at specialize in?
6. Examples of battery-operated electronics that would not work in the fog included cell phones, cars, and these. (Two words)
9. The sponsor said they know that life is what?
13. The sponsor said they were listening, but they were not doing what?
14. The weatherpeople went into the fog to try to take what kind of readings?
18. What field of plant science caused the engineers at the Night Vale Electric Utility to giggle at its absurdity?
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wtnvcrossword · 3 years ago
WTNV - Ep 183 - The Nephilim
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3. The Nephilim do not like to be ___ over. (Past tense)
4. What comes from the hole in the sky?
6. It is unflattering to act as though you are this.
9. Rejoice in the pure volume of doing what?
11. On what day did we decide we will take a walk every day?
12. The Tarantula Literacy Program was deemed a complete what and so will be immediately defunded and shut down?
14. Joanna Rey showed Valerie McGowen the proper way to sing to what animals?
15. What subject was Josh Crayton most interested in at school at the moment? (Two words)
16. Though the Night Vale Fine Art Museum was frozen in time back in 1978, anyone can go and stand outside the ___ ___, to look at the terrified expressions of those unfortunates caught in that moment of their lives for the rest of eternity. (Two words)
18. Who do the seven fingers in the shattered sky belong to?
19. Cecil said to do what until your stomach lolls and your throat closed up?
20. When she spotted the Nephilim, Sylvia Wickersham unfurled a what?
1. The tagline of the Tarantula Literacy Program is “Teach a spider to read: Stop the ___.”
2. Sylvia’s sign was covered in a scrawling what that Cecil did not recognize?
5. Who did Cecil say we give sop to?
7. Tuesdays were spent in the shower until this ran cold.
8. In the interest of maintaining what kind of objectivity, Cecil chose to express this type of opinion in a different way?
10. Cecil shared his opinion on the fate of the Tarantula Literacy Program through a series of high pitched what? (Plural)
13. The sponsor of the episode was what brand Signature Whiskey Type Beverage?
17. “Fill the air with ___ turned into celebration and then settling back down onto the ground as ___.”
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wtnvcrossword · 3 years ago
WTNV - Ep 182 - It Sticks With You
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2. In Cecil’s favorite episode of The Office, the corporate manager is interrogated for successfully doing what?
3. What kind of birds did Cecil remember most from going to the woods as a young boy with his sister and mother?
4. Everything that is unknown is what?
6. In Cecli’s favorite episode of The Office, the corporate manager is interrogated by what agency?
10. The man in the car hopes that he is to be what?
11. What did John Peters build in his field? (Two words)
13. What part of the 2004 Honda CRV was broken?
15. The main character of the version of The Office Cecil watched was what kind of bird?
16. What kind of birds did Cecil and his family see on their hike?
19. Which animals did their son want to play with?
20. What color was the 2004 Honda CRV? Down
1. What was the name of the state park that Cecil and his family went to? (Two words)
5. Which version of The Office was Cecil watching?
7. What did Cecil’s mother leave at the base of a giant tree?
8. What is the name of Carlos and Cecil’s child?
9. Which amphibians did their son actually play with?
12. John Peters sent letters to some scouts for the Padres, Diamondbacks, ___ ___, and Dodgers.
14. How many eyes did the main character of The Office have?
17. What is the name of the man in the car during the traffic report?
18. Cecil said it’s never too early to introduce children to what?
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wtnvcrossword · 3 years ago
WTNV Ep 181 - C****s
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3. The day their child arrived, Cecil described the sky like a landscape by what painter? (Two words)
6. What is the third way to get rich?
10. Who was the sponsor of today’s episode?
12. What is the first way to get rich? (Two words)
14. Cecil revealed that he and Carlos have what kind of a child?
15. How many hands does the City Council have?
16. The City Council declared that it was legal and not subject to any censorship to talk about what subject?
17. Rick Maze had a voice that cracked gently like what kind of bookbinding?
19. Agent Rick Maze had a voice that soothed like what? Down
1. At what frozen yogurt shop does Steve Carlsberg’s cover band play at every Friday night?
2. Rick Maze was an agent of the vague yet ___ government agency.
4. The radio drama following after Cecil’s show was “Journey to the Center of the ___.”
5. Cecil claimed that Bob Dylan put out music through the early 2000s under what stage name? (Two words)
7. Cecil asked the listeners if we were ready to drop the fortress of what that has been built around the controversial topic?
8. The special radio drama broadcast was presented by what theatre group? (Three words)
9. Agent Rick Maze said he’d like to be able to say that the sky itself is a flimsy bit of painted what?
11. One of the C****s activists.
13. What is the second way to get rich?
18. Cecil suggested the listeners could create a crossword pattern using what condiment on their kitchen table?
20. Night Vale Community Radio was proud to present the first ever ___ crossword.
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wtnvcrossword · 4 years ago
WTNV - Ep 180 - U-View
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1. The U-View VHS & Laser Disc Rental Annex was located in which grocery store?
4. Coke Zero Cherry Vanilla’s slogan. (Three words)
5. Cecil told Cancer listeners that their fate was what?
8. Sheriff Sam had been delving deep into what kind of arts?
10. What metric did Cecil tell Pisces listeners was entirely based on luck and generational wealth?
11. What 51st annual Night Vale event was canceled due to the fact that it has never happened before?
12. On what avenue was the old bookstore located? 
15. What was the password to get into the club where the wise people hang out?
16. What kind of rare books did the Sheriff’s Secret Police acquire at a dusty, old bookstore? (plural)
17. What song was the man playing on the piano?
18. The U-View mascot cautioned customers to “Rewind or ___.”
2. What was the name of the U-View’s mascot? (Two words)
3. Pulavan and Lakshmi Mahalla told Cecil that the only video they had left of which of their relatives was on the VHS tape?
6. Which resident of Night Vale found the missing VHS tape?
7. What was the name of the used and rare bookstore? (Two words)
9. All of these were destroyed in Night Vale, except one that was placed in the Museum of Forbidden Technology. (Two words)
13. Cecil asked the listeners that if they found the VHS to please return it to the Mahalla family immediately or hand it to what kind of bird?
14. The Mahalla family was looking for the return of of a VHS copy of what movie?
15. The owner of the book store told the SSP officer, “that the price is built into the ___.”
17. What was this episode’s Children’s Fun Fact Science Corner about?
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wtnvcrossword · 4 years ago
WTNV - Ep 179 - First Snow
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2. Mr. Lennox taught which grade?
4. The new Night Vale tourism board ad campaign slogan was “Night Vale: It Snows Here Now I ___.”
11. What brand of indelible marker pens sponsored Cecil’s show?
13. Martin McCaffry only knew how to draw a caricature of which former US President as a peanut farmer?
15. The Sheriff’s Secret Police successfully suppressed what craft uprising?
16. Trish Hidge taught what kind of lessons at the Winter Festival? (Three words)
18. Who discovered the source of the snow?
19. At the Winter Festival, Josh Crayton took the shape of a what kind of team so he could pull some of the kids around? (Two words)
20. Which body part did Mr. Lennox wag as he went into the snow?
1. What objects did the writer of the first letter in the “Hey There, Cecil” segment have too many of?
3. What event in Mission Grove Park got out of hand? (Three words)
5. The new Night Vale tourism board ad campaign featured what anthropomorphic icy sculpture melting in the intense desert heat?
6. What company sponsored the Winter Festival? (Two words)
7. The writer of the second letter in the “Hey There, Cecil” segment signed their letter with what moniker from Old Town? (Two words)
8. The snow was actually what?
9. The writer of the third letter in the “Hey There, Cecil” segment was trying to re-establish what kind of business?
10. Cecil claimed his body is 90% ___, 5% water, and 5% “assorted”.
12. Where did Trish Hidge once take a trip? (Two words)
14. The source of the “snow” was a gigantic bonfire of what started by Leann Hart?
17. How did the snow taste?
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wtnvcrossword · 4 years ago
WTNV - Ep 178 - Rattlesnake Rest
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5. What was Al Kincaid’s occupation? (2 words)
6. The most important grave in the cemetery was marked by a broken wooden sign that read: Rattlesnake ___.
8. What did Cecil name the baby raccoon who ate lettuce scraps underneath a table at the restaurant and fell asleep? (Two words)
9. The most important grave in the cemetery was marked by what kind of hole in the earth?
10. Annette Jacoby made a joke in which she said, “I have lots experience with ___.” (plural)
11. The most important grave in the cemetery lies in which corner?
13. What kind of class did Annette Jacoby want to take at the community college? (2 words)
16. How many miners are buried in the cemetery?
18. What occupation did Annette Jacoby say she always aspired to?
19. What was still physically possible, but municipally frowned upon?
1. Al Kincaid used to ceaselessly make holes for what kind of corpses?
2. How were the group of miners related?
3. Annette Jacoby was the director of which Night Vale funeral home? (3 words)
4. The sponsor of the show.
7. What was the establishment owned by Tamsen Zylphia called? (Three words)
8. The wrought-iron front gate of the cemetery featured a decorative inlay of what creature wearing a skull? (Two words)
12. There are no more what in the town cemetery? (plural)
14. The cemetery had what kind of darkness?
15. What activity did Al Kincaid suggest to his daughter, Sophia? (2 words)
17. The grand re-opening of Rattlesnake Rest had what activity featuring the goods of local celebrity chef Earl Harlan? (Two words)
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wtnvcrossword · 4 years ago
WTNV - Ep 177 - Bloody Laws, Bloody Claws: The Murder of Frank Chen
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2. What kind of birds flew out of the person who was sawed in half?
6. Which side did the Judge rule in favor of? 
7. Cecil’s book in progress is called “Hiram: Portrait of A Five Headed ___.” 
8. Cecil said that the money is better in what kind of podcasting than in community radio? (Two words)
10. What toys were big again in 2012? (plural)
12. What do the fans of the “Bloody Laws, Bloody Claws” podcast call themselves? (Two words) 
13. What animal pet name did Cecil call Carlos? 
15. The new streaming channel Cecil was developing his tv show with was only available in what smart appliances? 
17. According to Cecil, who was President in 2012? (Two words) 
18. The first sponsor in today’s show. 
19. Which member of the court did the Judge saw in half? 
20. What did Carlos make Cecil for lunch? (Two words)
1. For his speaking tour, Cecil will reenact what he thought happened to Frank Chen using what theatrical props? (Plural) 
3. A dragon sued to get her cave back from a local lord who had begun to do what to the cave for iron? 
4. Cecil was developing a TV show that was going to be on what new streaming channel? 
5. What item of clothing can you be dead if caught without due to new city ordinances? (Plural) 
9. What kind of classes did Carlos get Cecil for his birthday? (Two words) 
11. Judge Chaplin explained that she believed in what kind of justice? 
14. The second company to sponsor the podcast. 
16. The Faceless Old Woman Who Secretly Lives In Your Home served as what kind of expert on the podcast? 
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wtnvcrossword · 4 years ago
WTNV - Ep 176 - The Autumn Specter
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4. Cecil’s favorite costume was from the 2015 gala, when Amal Shamoun came dressed up as what concept?
7. What kind of costumes did Cecil’s mother used to dress he and Abby in at Halloween? 
8. Cecil asked his intern not to wear what kind of bag over his head?
9. What language did Cecil take in college?
11. Carlos gave Bloody Mary some resources for starting a what?
12. Cecil reminded the listeners that what percentage gratuity is standard for poltergeists, phantasms, revenants, and ghosts?
13. What type of transportation vehicle was the intern hit by?
15. Cecil found a wrinkled and yellowed news clipping from which Night Vale newspaper about his intern? (Two words) 
16. First name of Cecil’s new intern.
17. What would the ghost children sing in Cecil’s bed for months after he first saw them? (Two words)
18. What did the tattoo on the woman who wore the ribbon say? (Two words) 
19. What kind of ghost children did Cecil see in haunted houses?
20. Last year’s winners of the costume contest, Joel Eisenberg and his partner Danny Jimenez, dressed in a tandem outfit of what dinosaur? 
1. As the intern was struck by the Autumn Specter’s sickle, what color was the flame the burst forth?
2. The star (drawn by a finger dripped in blood) on the parchment that the intern handed Cecil (that was supposed to be the traffic report) had how many points?
3. Sunday afternoon is what event in Old Town Night Vale? (Three words)
5. What color was the ribbon that the woman wore around her neck?
6. On what holiday did the intern die?
10. The intern sacrificed his what for the radio station?
14. Bloody Mary offered to tear Carlos’ face off in exchange for what? 
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wtnvcrossword · 4 years ago
WTNV - Ep 175 - The October Monologues
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3. The cover of the new Janelle Monae album was a black and white picture of what kind of water feature? 
8. Caleb asked for what personal information from the Faceless Old Woman?
10. What song by Radiohead could Michelle not stop listening to? (Two words) 
11. Michelle Nguyen’s favorite song of all time is what kind of cassette tape still in its plastic wrapper? 
12. The new single by St. Vincent came in the form of what kind of vase? 
14. The Faceless Old Woman claimed to love Caleb the way a deer loves a what? 
15. How many blue flowers were in the vase? 
16. The potential of a thing is always more what than the reality of the thing? 
1. Upon the leaves are written these for how to make oxygen. 
2. What kind of lawyer was Gary Choi? (Two words) 
4. Forgiveness and understanding are not the same as what?
5. The potential of a thing is absolutely useless and the reality, however imperfect, can be quite what?
6. If you didn’t do this with the new Janelle Monae album within 7 days you would die. 
7. What did Michelle say was a reactionary manifestation of insecurity? 
9. What pop artist was Michelle Nguyen unfamiliar with? (Two words) 
10. What quality does the Faceless Old Woman not trust? 
13. What did Caleb download as the Faceless Old Woman watched? (Two words) 
15. Caleb made a recipe he learned from what social media platform? 
17. From his re-education, Steve Carlsberg learned that, “you’re ___ likely to be punished for being right as you are for being wrong.” 
18. What sense does the Faceless Old Woman miss most of all?
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wtnvcrossword · 4 years ago
WTNV - Ep 174 - Radio Jupiter
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3. The new beer cave at the Ralph’s had been closed for repairs due to what kind of issues? (Two words)
6. The troubleshooting at the radio station including shifting the angle of what tower?
7. Lee Marvin performed a scene from Shakespeare’s classic tragedy “Invasion of the Body ___”
8. The only thing Susan Willman said to Steve was, “No one was meant to carry such ___ inside of them.”
11. Today’s show was brought to you by Nature’s Caress Fountain of Youth gentle wipes that were what?
12. What dessert did Steve eat at the diner? (Two words)
13. Radio Jupiter asked, “Is a person without ___ still a person?” (Plural)
16. The scene that Lee Marvin performed had the immortal line, “I never knew the meaning of fear until I ___ Becky.”
18. The troubleshooting at the radio station also included doing a ritual spilling of what? 
19. Susan Willman took up residence in what kind of seating area at the Moonlite All-Nite Diner?
20. When provided with pictorial evidence of Night Vale, a representative at Ralph’s corporate began to bleed from what body part? (Plural)
1. The interruptions to Cecil’s program were being sent out on what kind of frequencies?
2. The motto of the sponsor was: “Clog the world with your ___.”
4. The manager at the Ralph’s rearranged his melon message to create what kind of complex designs?
5. The manager at the Ralphs  first issued a statement by spelling out words using what kind of melons? (Plural)
9. Ralph’s corporate said they had no what of any branch in a town called Night Vale. (Plural)
10. Steve Carlsberg, who took over Susan’s role at the Night Vale Community Theater, went to talk to her about some finer details of the what process?
14. Cecil called Susan’s staging during her time as Director of the Night Vale Community Theatre what adjective?
15. Cecil said that his life was full of mystery and what?
17. In the diner, Susan played with the reflection of the sun in the back of a what utensil?
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wtnvcrossword · 4 years ago
WTNV - Ep 173 - The Hundred Year Play
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2. The name of the true crime podcast Cecil started was called “Bloody Laws, Bloody ___: The Murder of Frank Chen”
7. As an intern what did Cecil paint on Station Management’s doors as part of a ritual of the slumbering ancients? (plural)
9. Frank Chen’s body was found covered in claw marks and what? (plural)
12. The Judge indicated she would issue her ruling within how many years?
13. What forms the squelching mud of sentience?
14. What did Hannah Hershman do at the end of the play?
15. Night Vale Medical Board said listeners must suck dry the what?
16. How many changes of judges had there been in the trial?
17. Cecil was first present on which night of the 100 year play?
18. Changes of venue for the trial were due to some attacks by what creatures? (plural)
1. What is the name of the judge in the case “The Estate of Franklin Chen vs. the City of Night Vale”.
3. On Thursday Josh Crayton would be taking the form of what so that neighborhood kids may swim in him?
4. The family of Frank Chen want the appropriate parties, in this case the city of Night Vale, Hiram McDaniels, and an ___ conception of God, to take responsibility for their part in Frank’s death.
5. The trial had been going on for how many months?
6. All oceans are one ocean that we have arbitrarily categorized by what?
7. The Night Vale Players Playhouse had what kind of problem with the venue?
8. Cecil’s best tux had scales and what kind of canon?
9. In the play, one actor said, “We… are… all of us… moved… by time.  Not… one of us dies… in the world… we were ___ into.”
10. The trial included spirited what performed by the playhouse performers in between their work on the hundred year play? (plural)
11. In the play, Mr. Spreckle, the gardener, murdered the victim with what kind of venomous animal?
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wtnvcrossword · 4 years ago
WTNV - Ep 172 - Return of the Obelisk
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3. Who got second place in the chili cook-off? (2 words)
5. Today’s sponsor (Two words).
6. Most scientists and historians agree that the Obelisk was created by what kind of gods?
8. The Obelisk sounds like a concerto from what composer?
10. Cecil accused Susan Willman’s chili of being what?
16. Saturday afternoon is the PTA bake sale fundraiser to benefit what Night Vale High team? (2 words)
17. On which day was the Youth Reprogramming Day at the Night Vale Museum of Forbidden Technologies?
18. According to the Obelisk, the CIA, Fidel Castro, and what famous singer conspired to murder President Kennedy? (Two words)
19. Cecil said to question tradition is to admit what?
1. The terror the Obelisk brought was so deep in the gut that it felt like you’ve eaten too much what? (2 words)
2. Whosoever heard the name of the Obelisk spoken aloud shall do what?
4. Cecil said that kids loved the mindwipe beam because it smelled like what right?
7. What did everyone in town carve into one of the four sides of the Obelisk?
9. The Obelisk return brought with it joy, a deep fear, and this.
11. What place did Cecil come in during the chili cook-off?
12. The Obelisk sounds like this instrument, but played from inside a refrigerator.
13. Friday night was the opening night of what production at the Night Vale Community Theatre? (2 words)
14. The Obelisk was oily and soft like a fresh brick of what kind of cheese?
15. Unlike the sun, the Obelisk radiated what color light?
20. According Susan Willman, “Whosoever ___ the name of the Obelisk shall become the Obelisk.”
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wtnvcrossword · 4 years ago
WTNV - Ep 171 - Go to the Mirror?
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1. Cecil asked the listener if they saw what M. Night Shyamalan film?
2. Cecil wondered, “If we don’t feel alone in our ___, could we conquer our fears?”
3. Cecil wondered if brain cells dictate what? (plural)
7. According to Cecil, this is everything.
9. Cecil suggested that you do what to all the mirrors in your home?
10. What was the color of the coat you wanted that that you couldn’t find in all the stores you went to?
11. Cecil asked, “Can you get ___ by behaving ___ ?”
16. Cecil asked the listener are awareness and this one and the same?
18. Are you willing to go to a place from which you cannot do what?
1. Cecil alluded to having broken his leg after jumping from what playground equipment? (Two words)
4. Cecil asked, “Are you willing to ___ things you cannot un___?”
5. Cecil remarked that it was strange that there were shards of the mirror all over the floor, yet in front of you, the mirror was still fully what?
6. Cecil asked, “Do you think ___ in death will make it disappear?”
8. Cecil asked, “Do you really want to challenge the ___ of your eyes?”
9. Have you let your comfortability lapse into this?
12. What tool did Cecil ask the listener if they have?
13. The handwriting inside the book matched no known what?
14. What piece of furniture appeared in the mirror but not in real life?
15. Cecil asked, “Are you a __ person because you do ___ things?”
17. Cecil asked, “Do you find that the ___ problems require the biggest efforts?”
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wtnvcrossword · 4 years ago
WTNV - Ep 170 - To the Friends and Family
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1. When Intern Victor moved out of Night Vale he got an apartment just outside of what city?
4. What initiative did Victor work on with Dana Cardinal at City Hall? (Three words)
7. There was nothing more scientific than what?
9. Victor went from a man who was 10 years younger than Cecil to several of these older than him?
10. The tool based flavor of seltzer. (Two words)
12. For the language requirement for the internship program, one can be this sort of language that doesn’t yet exist.
13. Today’s sponsor was this beverage company. (Two words)
14. Victor was what kind of lifeguard at the Waterfront Recreation Area?
15. The unusual plant flavor of one of the seltzers. (Two words)
16. Lonnie Chapman, chairman of the Night Vale Medical Association said, “People were treated as less than people, for the simple crime of having an ___ that could not be found in the blood or the bile.”
17. Applicants to the internship program should grovel what phrase to Station Management? (Two words)
18. The internship is a non-paying position, but interns will receive how many credits to the institutions of their choice?
1. How many people did Victor save from drowning?
2. Lonnie Chapman said, “We endeavour to help, not to other,” he whispered. “It should be common sense, this ___. Why is ___ not common sense?”
3. Chapman said that mental institutions were places where the fragile rift between what was regularly breached?
5. How many languages did applicants need to be fluent in order to apply for the internship program at Night Vale Community Radio?
6. Cecil said, ��There was nothing more important in a human life than to be ___ to other people.”
8. What kind of powers did Lonnie Chapman say were exploited at mental institutions?
9. For the language requirement, one of them can be your own ___ language.
11. The new seltzer flavor that no one was completely sure what it actually tasted like. (Two words)
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wtnvcrossword · 4 years ago
WTNV - Ep 169 - The Whittler
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3. The Whittler had a face crumpled like a discarded what?
4. What kind of shrub did Cecil say that Virgos were?
6. Which person’s face did the Whittler carve to make him happier in his own skin? (Two words)
11. What animal did the Whittler carve for baby Flora? (Two words)
13. What were the sad songs with no words that the Whittler whistled about?
14. What tv show host did the children request as figurines from the Whittler? (Two words)
16. In the basketball final each player must confront what kind of secrets?
17. The Whittler’s eyes were like what kind of tracks?
18. What flower did the Whittler give to Carlos?
19. What object did the Whittler give to Cecil?
1. Tim was what kind of creature?
2. The Scrublands curl about Night Vale like the gentle but calloused hands of a father holding a what?
5. The defense of the opposing team in the basketball semi-finals included what sort of perilous terrain?
7. What grows liberal when want is high?
8. What candy was added as legal currency in Night Vale? (Two words)
9. If the Night Vale High Scorpions made it to the semi-finals in the district basketball tournament they would likely play what team?
10. In the finals of the basketball tournament, who would the Scorpions likely play?
12. Which horoscope sign did Cecil tell to “Fake it til you pretend to make it?”
14. Cecil disliked Tim because he ate what flowers of Cecil’s?
15. The semi-finals opponents’ style of play is described as what?
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wtnvcrossword · 5 years ago
WTNV - Ep 168 - Secret Blotter
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2. A swimming pool in Coyote Corner filled with what?
3. During the domestic disturbance call, a Cactus Bloom resident complained that someone wouldn’t stop practicing what instrument?
5. What brand of soda is the drink of ruthless monarchs?
8. In the dream that multiple residents had there was a tree with how many limbs?
12. The noise complaint made to the SSP was that a dog was barking in an unknown what and annoying residents?
13. The two residents who attempted to sneak into an R-rated movie were what?
15. The dog cited in the noise complaint had dirty white fur and what kind of face?
16. What was the note in the police blotter at 12AM?
17. The Cactus Bloom resident who called the SSP was making a complaint about what member of his own household?
18. What items did the City Council unanimously vote to ban? (Plural)
19. The first sponsor in the broadcast.
1. The first item on the police blotter was about an employee who went missing after trying to stock some cases of Lime-A-Ritas in what new location within the Ralph’s? (Two words)
2. What is the name of the mascot of the Secret Police?
4. The two residents who attempted to sneak into an R-rated movie did so by pretending to be one tall person in what kind of coat?
6. Multiple residents awoke in what kind of a sweat from the same dream?
7. The sponsor was an app that told you exactly how long you have left to what?
9. Sheriff Sam had a paralyzing fear of what animals?
10. When confronted by officers, the residents who tried to sneak into the movie turned into a swarm of what?
11. The swimming pool in Coyote Corner swirled in what direction?
14. Cecil said, “Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent ___ ___ of what you think happened to you.”
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