#wtnv ep 179
wtnvcrossword · 3 years
WTNV - Ep 179 - First Snow
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2. Mr. Lennox taught which grade?
4. The new Night Vale tourism board ad campaign slogan was “Night Vale: It Snows Here Now I ___.”
11. What brand of indelible marker pens sponsored Cecil’s show?
13. Martin McCaffry only knew how to draw a caricature of which former US President as a peanut farmer?
15. The Sheriff’s Secret Police successfully suppressed what craft uprising?
16. Trish Hidge taught what kind of lessons at the Winter Festival? (Three words)
18. Who discovered the source of the snow?
19. At the Winter Festival, Josh Crayton took the shape of a what kind of team so he could pull some of the kids around? (Two words)
20. Which body part did Mr. Lennox wag as he went into the snow?
1. What objects did the writer of the first letter in the “Hey There, Cecil” segment have too many of?
3. What event in Mission Grove Park got out of hand? (Three words)
5. The new Night Vale tourism board ad campaign featured what anthropomorphic icy sculpture melting in the intense desert heat?
6. What company sponsored the Winter Festival? (Two words)
7. The writer of the second letter in the “Hey There, Cecil” segment signed their letter with what moniker from Old Town? (Two words)
8. The snow was actually what?
9. The writer of the third letter in the “Hey There, Cecil” segment was trying to re-establish what kind of business?
10. Cecil claimed his body is 90% ___, 5% water, and 5% “assorted”.
12. Where did Trish Hidge once take a trip? (Two words)
14. The source of the “snow” was a gigantic bonfire of what started by Leann Hart?
17. How did the snow taste?
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farminglesbian · 4 years
Nothing is forever, you say. My body isn't forever, it will slump back down into the earth. Memories of me aren't forever, for even the most famous human in history will be forgotten in eons. Rocks aren't forever, they are steadily ground down to sand. Oceans aren't forever, they will someday boil up into space. This planet isn't forever. It will fall into a hungry sun that is expanding in its death throes to take back all the matter it gave us. The galaxy, it isn't forever, it will some day collide with another galaxy, a cosmic accident, on a scale our human minds cannot even begin to comprehend. The universe isn't forever, it will expand out to a heat death, or it will contract back into the microscopic dot that it all burst out from, once upon a time. Nothing is forever, you howl. Tears stream down your face, nothing is forever, you whisper.
- WTNV Ep 179, First Snow
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