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vincyspeaks · 5 years ago
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Second day of our cruise...Key West! I've done this itinerary before, so it was fun to revisit the charm and beauty. Credit also goes to Zaiah Rose for some of the artistic shots📷 Btw...the last pic is a statue, I'm not THAT crazy😉#islandlife #cruise #carnival #sunshine #fun
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vincyspeaks · 5 years ago
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I interrupt my vacation pics to announce my babygirl @e_meridan made the DEANS LIST!! I've watched her work her tail off at Bethel University and I couldn't be more proud!! 📷PC the amazing @josephineyphotography #hardwork #paysoff #strongwomen #shedidit
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vincyspeaks · 5 years ago
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Our first day on the #carnivalfreedom was definitely windy! After putt-putt golf, we got our daily towel animal, and a treat for the kiddos in the pool (WAVES) if you've never cruised before...don't let it fool you, we could barely feel it, but it was surreal witnessing it nonetheless🌊#dayone #seaday #cruise #fun #memories
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vincyspeaks · 5 years ago
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Still getting thru all our pictures...but this is one of my favorites. Our first day was a sea day, and we were up early enough to see the sunrise☀️#cruise #carnival #ocean #beautiful
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vincyspeaks · 5 years ago
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I nearly missed posting it in the craziness of traveling home, but happy birthday @tomwillbuild here's to your 45th year on earth🎂 #birthday
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vincyspeaks · 5 years ago
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Trading this view for an 18 hour drive...prayers appreciated as we head home, more pics to come♥️#carnivalcruise #itscoldhere #cantwaittobeinmyownbed #blessed (at Carnival Freedom Cruise Ship Port of Galveston Texas)
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vincyspeaks · 5 years ago
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The process of boarding 😊#carnival #cruise #putput #blessed
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vincyspeaks · 5 years ago
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Texas time! Missing my beauty @e_meridan who is back home being a beast handling Bethel University. Galveston was really cold...but also beautiful. #drovestraightthru #sotired #stillblessed #beach #bigwaves
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vincyspeaks · 5 years ago
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This may...or may not be me😬#packing #alltheclothes #andshoes #mycloset
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vincyspeaks · 5 years ago
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16 today...and my mind is blown by your beauty. You have grown to know your worth, and your growing...into such a beautiful woman. Instead of hiding the blessing of your dancing and singing, you give it freely and amazingly, sharing it for others to be covered by your voice and witness your gifts. I'm in awe of all that you are...and can't wait to see all that you become. Happy birthday @audra_rey I LOVE YOU babygirl💖🎂🎉#birthdaygirl #sweetsixteen #beautiful #blessing
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vincyspeaks · 5 years ago
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Haven't busted out the belt in over two years, and now I'm asking myself why?! This isn't a gimmick, or promoting a product I don't believe in. I get ZERO kickbacks for saying good things, but I will anyway. In the past, I've run 2 successful gyms, and been a personal trainer, and this belt stands out for me💪 If you have back pain, or core issues, this can - and has in my body - ease and lessen pain. It's not about getting a tiny waist (and all the thick girls said AMEN!) it's about the heat and healing that can take place deep in your muscles.'s to a new year with some🔥added in! I'm passing on the good news. #fitmama #muscles #exercise #healthylifestyle
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vincyspeaks · 5 years ago
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Starting to smile more...and I'm grateful for that. #blessed #itsagoodday
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vincyspeaks · 5 years ago
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#love #newyear #mayaangelou
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vincyspeaks · 5 years ago
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😂#weekend #stillbusythough
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vincyspeaks · 5 years ago
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My beautiful friend @emmyallison shared these...and I feel Mr. Rogers has some advice we can ALL use for 2020♥️#mrrogers #love #kindness #goodadvice
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vincyspeaks · 5 years ago
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New planner. New book. New pajama pants. 2020 is lookin' good! #friday #geterdone #goals #dream
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vincyspeaks · 5 years ago
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At 43, I feel the phrase; "Seeing is believing." This year I paid closer attention to my growth than ever before. I've watched it, and I can literally see the healing happening. That seeing, led to a greater belief in myself.  That I'm worthy, and worth it. That I'm priceless. Not because I've arrived (none of us ever do if we're honest) but because I'm uniquely me. I'm the conglomeration of 43 years of experiences wrapped up into one redhead. I've battled through some wars that would bring giants to their knees, and I've taken some giants and defeated them where they stood. Those challenges have caused me to rise up out of the ashes, on fire, full of passion and promise for my future.  So here's to this year becoming a season of awakening. I want to keep going. More healing. More freedom. More acceptance and less shrinking back from who I am.  I'm owning this season of life, and letting the highs be moments of celebration, and the lows become lessons to learn.  Free to be me at 43, and more comfortable in the skin I'm in than I've ever been. I'm grateful walking tall isn't just a description of my height anymore.  Don't mind me as I smile at my reflection. #birthdaygirl #confidence #healthy #blessed #strong #worth #newyear
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