Uncle Hokage's Place
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unclehokage · 3 years ago
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unclehokage · 3 years ago
Can we talk about how incredible Kakashi Gaiden was when it first came out?
Come back with me for a while as I reminisce not just about the chapters themselves, but energy surrounding it. Naruto was on break prior to the initial time skip. Those of us who read weekly had a lingering sense of thrill coming from the battle at the valley of the end. I remember a lot of speculation at that time on the Naruto forums. Until those too faded away.
When the chapters appeared, they took our breath away. Seeing the team dynamic in another trio of students; Kakashi, Obito, and Ren, each having similar struggles to our own heroes, connected us to those characters instantly. I felt for Obito because I felt for Naruto. I hoped for Ren because I hoped for Sakura. And I feared for Kakashi because i knew where Sasuke’s fate lay.
It was a moment - beautiful and terrible and one of those incidents where my chest swells with pride. I am a manga reader, or something similar is what I’d think. Likewise these chapters raised the stakes. Kakashi’s team member died when he was the same age as our heros were right before the time skip. They were not safe. Not really. They were lucky. And that perfectly set the sage.
Taito Jujutsu Kaisen Figure Gojo Satoru Prize Figure, Multiple Colors 
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unclehokage · 3 years ago
FanExpo Dallas Casual Walkthrough pt. 1 - feel what it’s like to walk through the showroom floor. Weebs will love this.
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unclehokage · 3 years ago
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unclehokage · 3 years ago
My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I hate a lot of things, and I don't particularly like anything. What I have is not a dream, but an ambition. I'm going to restore my clan, and kill a certain man.
Uchiha Sasuke <- click for a Sasuke Funko Pop
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unclehokage · 3 years ago
Can we talk about all the great Video Game Conferences?
Back in the N64 days, E3 reigned supreme. I am your otaku uncle so I remember when the conference was something only to be heard of by word of mouth. We scrolled through IGN pages, getting bits and clips of this conference where everyone loved video games. That was novel at the time.
My friend and I dreamed of going to E3. He tried to win a contest so that we could attend. Even though we never went, we still felt like winners when we got to watch the conference footage. Afterwards, E3 become almost ceremonial to me.
I planned a nice time away from everything almost every summer. I loved to watch the conferences life as much as often as I could. Gametrailers used to be my favorite site. I listened to every podcast. I played games while listening to podcasts about other games, while refreshing the Kotaku main page so that I didn’t miss a single moment. And I saw most of the memorable moments live.
I was watching when the Playstation exec shouted “Riiiiiidge Racerrrrrrr!”
I was watching when the Square Enix exec stepped onto the Xbox 360 stage and announced they were also getting FFXIII.
I was watching these past few years as it’s faded into memories past.
These days, there’s a video game conference every month. And I laugh because I’m always excited. It doesn’t matter what they show. When the music plays, and the announce starts their speech. I’m instantly 16 years old again, staring at the screen with pixels in my eyes, and a smile on my face.
Thanks for reading! click me --> If you want to support the channel, you can listen to my thoughts on Gamescon 2021 all on TheRefinedOtaku Podcast! <-- click me
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unclehokage · 3 years ago
"When you fall in love, you love with all that you’ve got. You must learn to bear anger, hatred, keep your ego and attitude aside and handle things with care, calmness, and love."
Uchiha Madara <- click for a Madara FunkoPop
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unclehokage · 3 years ago
Can we talk about how the new Netflix Movie KATE is so much fun?
I saw the trailer first, but almost right afterwards Hideo Kojimi posted that he watched the film. Coming from a man like him, that’s basically an endorsement. And you can tell from the Trailer why he would.
This film charges the entire screen with energy. The first surprise is how sweeping the cinematography is. It moves with an almost grace, sliding about the ether so we can see Kate kick ass from incredible angles. The main actress, you may remember from Scott Pilgrim. She played Ramona flowers. . . how many of you were like me and started singing in your head just now. (Ramoooooooooonaaaaaaaaa.......) lol
The color pallet is also very cool. The cold mechanical tones mixed with the neons gives the city of Tokyo it’s usual electrifying mystique. Seeing sped up car chase scenes amidst a blur of cityscape advertisements is a sight to behold. And the action is just gorgeous.
Kate is very believable as an action hero. She’s tough and practiced, and actually looks like she knows how to handle herself in terrible situations. She didn’t use brute strength or force. She took her opponents out with precision and execution; acting with the utmost professionalism.
I could go on. It’s always a treat to see Woody on screen, and the fact that everyone’s action came through with strength buoys the film even more. Now that’s not the say that the film doesn’t have it’s flaws. In fact it has one core flaw that keeps this film from being a perfect one. But I won’t elaborate on that here...
click me --> Find out about the film KATE’s ONE MAJOR FLAW on my podcast, The Refined Otaku. <-- click me
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unclehokage · 3 years ago
Big Thank You to All Subscribers!
I just wanted to take a moment to say a big thank you to everyone who is following the channel. It’s been fun seeing it grow from just the beginning stages to now. 
Uncle Hokage’s Place, a branch of TheRefinedOtaku is still growing. We have a lot to talk about regarding our favorite Anime, Manga, Video Games and other fun pop culture topics. And the best part for me, is seeing readers like you.
So once again, thank you from the bottom of my Otaku heart! Now, back to the hot topics! : )
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unclehokage · 3 years ago
Can We Talk about the greatness of Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic?
I played KOTOR for the first time on an old PC. It churned along, trying to keep up with the new graphics of Knights of the Old Republic. As a Star Wars fan, there weren’t many experiences that gave me the feeling like stood in the Star Wars universe. This game definitely did.
It captured the energy of the original Trilogy while introducing us to new ways to look at the Star Wars universe. It played with the idea of you becoming Evil and even morally gray. I was invested. The battles on the Wookie planets. The travels to the home of the Jedi. Choosing my own light sabre. Everyone remembers the first time they build their first lightsabre. These memories make me smile.
And now there is going to be a Knight of the Old Republic Remake? Tell em how that makes you feel?
Get your Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic Darth Revan Exclusive Funko Pop
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unclehokage · 3 years ago
Can we talk about how Gai Sensei earned Uchiha Madara’s Respect?
In the world of Naruto, cleverness and power reign supreme. It’s difficult to be considered a great ninja if you have only one and not the other. The brilliance of characters like Mito Gai & Rock less is that they only can rely on Power: Taijutsu. Gai Sensei gave Lee the strength to believe in himself. He taught Lee a valuable lesson:
Don’t try and be like others. Determine your strengths and hone in on those. If all you can do it Taijutsu, than be the best Taijutsu specialist you can be. Taijutsu is hand to hand combat. There are no powers involved, but as Kakashi explained, opening the heaven’s gates isn’t about just combat ability. It takes a genius. & Gai sensei had the ability to open all 8.
Gai sensei’s fight against Madara is a sight to behold. Him unleashing the 8th and final gate, and exploding across the sky like a roaring red comet challenged Madara in ways the only the First Hokage could. And for that brief moment, Gai sensei stood above Uchiha Madara in terms of power. Sure the strength was fleeting, but the respect earned was not. Gai sensei’s name will forever be etched into the mind of Uchiha Madra, and ours as well.
Be sure to subscribe so you can stay tuned for more fun Naruto musings. 
Also, support the channel by following any of our links to buy Funko-Pops. Like this one beloe:
Get your own Uchiha Madra Funko Pop Now. Add to your collection adn support the feed at the same time. :  )
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unclehokage · 3 years ago
Can We talk about my FAVORITE Anime characters with scars?
Vash the Stampede from Trigun. If you haven’t watched Trigun yet, it’s a classic 90’s Anime with a unique futuristic western premise. A few shows utilize the same premise but Trigun might be one of the first.
Guts from Berserk. If you can, read the manga. The original Anime shows the golden era of the Hawks. But the depth of Gut’s scars really don’t come into play until the great turning point in the story. Be warned, Berserk is for Mature Audiences only. We don’t recommend anyone under 17 should watch.
Goblin Slayer from Goblin Slayer. Think Batman meets World of Warcraft and your halfway there. It’s a Mature Anime that feels like a JRPG if there were consequences. Be warned, this show is equally mature. We don’t recommend anyone under 17 should watch.
>And if you want to support the blog, check out some of our link: Hardcore Berserk fan? Click me to get your own Griffith Figurine!
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unclehokage · 3 years ago
Lost Footage! Akon 2018! Check out this Spider-Man Rap battle!
And gear up for the upcoming Spider-Man movie with your own merch!
Funko Pop! Marvel: Spider-Man: No Way Home - Spider-Man in Integrated Suit
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unclehokage · 3 years ago
Checkout these FunkPops we saw at Arlington Comic Fest 2021
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unclehokage · 3 years ago
Can we talk about What makes Goblin Slayer so Amazing?
Goblin Slayer exceeds in story telling because the threat of the goblins feels real. We’re of the opinion that the first episode is not just about shock value. For those of you who don’t know, the initial episode of Goblin Slayer deals with some very mature themes. Usually JRPG anime are always light hearted, at least initially. But Goblin Slayer eschews the formula.
It’s paints a strong picture, letting the viewer know that truly anything could happen, so when the characters are in danger, you feel that danger is real.
Power through Strategy
Goblin Slayer, much like Batman, has no special powers. In a world of magic he is but a man. What he does have is skill, and strategy, and planning. In an oversaturated market of over powered protagonist, seeing a character win with their head is a breath of fresh air.
He’s everything we admire in the taciturn protagonist. Strong. Determined. Knowledgeable. And eventually acknowledged.
There’s no Goblin Slayer Funk-Pop, but there is this super cool figuring:
Click Here --> Goblin Slayer Figurine of Power!!! XD
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unclehokage · 3 years ago
Can we Talk about How Power Systems in Anime are Similar and Cool?
Hunter x Hunter utilizes the 2 pronged system of strength that most shonen jump titles use. Primarily, the characters focus on physical strength and speed. They demonstrate themselves as extraordinary. Second, they learn of an underlying power that can be used to go along with said strength. In the case of H x H, Nen is that spiritual energy. there are rules and laws that govern that energy for them to utilize it. This is the case in a lot of great shows:
Naruto - Chakra
One Piece Haki
I actually think Nen is another example of just a cool “magic system”. If you haven’t already, you may try reading some books by Brandon Sanderson. He is the king of cool magic systems, where characters have to utilize their wits in regards to magic. I recommend the first book in his Opus called ‘The Way of Kings’. You may like it.
Get Your Naruto, Sage of the Six Path FunkPop Today! Thank You!!
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unclehokage · 3 years ago
Can we Talk about why Illumi was OBSESSED with Killua?
I think this is a complicated answer. Illumi has a particular type of sociopathy (or maybe even psychopathy). He does not associate with emotions, in fact he may not truly even feel them. He cannot comprehend pain, suffering, or love. All he understands is possession. To him, Killua, like a favorite scarf, is something that belongs to him.
The irrationality being that people, unlike objects, have wills and desires of their own. They small decision makers, just as illumi is himself. So his obsession is part of his skewed disorder. Killua in his mind, belongs to him. He is his and he should do what illumi says.
Terrifying right? This is also why illumi is such a fantastic villain.
And don’t forget our other favorite Baddie! Get your Hisoka FunkPop by clicking our link right.....here--> Hisoka FunkoPop For Cool Otaku Weebs!
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