Mysterious But Kind Of Scared Cloaked Figure
31 posts
Side account for me to post things that I can’t on my main lmao (I’m a proshipper in hiding) NSFT!!! PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT IF YOU ARE A MINOR!!!!!
Last active 2 hours ago
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twelve-thousand-pizzas · 26 days ago
Media consumption IS NOT ACTIVISM.
Media consumption habits DO NOT REFLECT ON A PERSON'S MORALITY.
People's various trans headcanons for whatever characters do NOT reflect on their values!
Headcanoning a female character as a transmasc does NOT mean they want to "erase women."
Headcanoning a character as trans in any direction doesn't mean ANYTHING about their values. All it shows is that they want to imagine a character as trans.
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twelve-thousand-pizzas · 2 months ago
This was so nice to find on my feed genuinely. Thank you so much,, 🥹 -Local transmasc fudanshi
Needs to be said
All ships are beautiful, there are no exceptions. All fandoms are beautiful, there are no exceptions. Fujoshi’s are beautiful. Fudanshi’s are beautiful. Fujin are beautiful. Himejoshi are beautiful. Himedanshi are beautiful. Anyone who bullies them are ugly. 
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twelve-thousand-pizzas · 3 months ago
ME!! ME!!! MEMEMEME!!!!!!!! (I’m reaaally new to it, but so far I simp for Venoct and am a giant wisuke shipper-)
I am staring up at you all and batting my eyelashes oh so endearingly are there any yo-kai watch proshippers out there,,,
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twelve-thousand-pizzas · 4 months ago
Hey chat what is it called when you are VERY into the idea of being with a living puppet/doll/plushie etc, but you can’t really fully get into actual objectum stuff? Like I WOULD fuck a marionette in the blink of an eye, but also I want him to taaaaalk…. ☹️
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twelve-thousand-pizzas · 5 months ago
Note to self for future: Do NOT watch a show with tiny characters, not eat much for dinner, take your testosterone, and then go to bed. Not all of those things together. The hungry and the horny and the itty bitty blorbos WILL boil together in your brain and become “I desperately need to know what my favorite guy’s flesh tastes like” alarmingly fast!
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twelve-thousand-pizzas · 5 months ago
Hrmm…. If I made a proselfship Discord server that’s for like- Movie nights, would anyone care? (Can be any media, but we basically have a queue of people’s F/O source medias that we all watch on call on certain days. It takes recommendations and also has other generally proship or selfship themed channels.)
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twelve-thousand-pizzas · 5 months ago
Being into vore is so fucking odd because like, if someone asks me something along the lines of “Oh? You want that character carnally? Ah! What do you wanna do to them~? 😏” How the fuck am I meant to respond?? Do I just send them this video??
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twelve-thousand-pizzas · 6 months ago
God shouldn’t have made me short, baby faced, autistic, transmasc, and a haver of daddy issues. It’s only resulted in me wanting to be someone’s cutesy and sensitive shota gamerboy- (I’m a grown ass adult. Idk why I want to be treated this way)
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twelve-thousand-pizzas · 7 months ago
The chances of me breaking into your house so that I can rant to you about Zelda games and all of my fucked up problematic takes about them are low…. But never zero. (Please let me btw. I’ll cry and explode like a nuclear bomb if u don’t.)
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twelve-thousand-pizzas · 7 months ago
debunking anti ideologies
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twelve-thousand-pizzas · 8 months ago
YEEEAH‼️‼️ 💪
"This is fetish art" WOOHOOOOO YAYYYYY AWESOME👏👏👏
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twelve-thousand-pizzas · 8 months ago
THIS ONE GETS IT!!!! “Being a monsterfucker is about loving someone who is different or unconventionally attractive!” FOR YOU it is. For me it has fucking nothing to do with love a lot of times lmao, I just like the idea of being lusted after by something otherworldly, and eventually being ensnared wether I like it or not-
I'm sad and kind of frustrated that my preferred flavour of monsterfuckery seems to be out of vogue and much harder to find these days. I see lots of pushback defending monsterfucking along the lines of "recognizing the good and normal in monsters / loving the things that society says are monsters / envisioning monsters as things that will treat us gently and respectfully / seeing ourselves (marginalized groups) as monsters that are still good and loving" and I just... Good for you, I guess; do your thing. I see the rationale and the sociological/psychological reasoning. But it's not for me, and some days I feel like I'm in my own personal hell when all the new monsterfucking I can find is consensual and sweet.
The appeal of a monster, to me, is the danger. The fear. The lack of consent. The violence and pain along with the pleasure. If we want to get psychological, it's a fantasy about guilt-free sex— a story in which the victim has no power and therefore no responsibility to stop the sex, or to seek it in an appropriate way; in which the victim doesn't even have to work for their orgasm because (I imagine) even pleasure is being forced on them.
It's a rape fantasy with extra tasty set dressing, and I'm tired of defending that fantasy even to other monsterfuckers. I recognize that what I want is original flavour un-deconstructed monstrosity, and other people are writing against that narrative for their own reasons. I just wish the stuff I liked was easier to find these days.
Give me big clawed hands that take without asking, and thick knotted bumpy cocks that force orgasm after orgasm, and sharp teeth bared in a grin of delight at the sound of screaming and crying and begging for it to stop. Give me unwanted infections and forced transformations that turn the body into a sexual horror. Give me beasts that hunger and threaten and ravage.
Give me monsters that are monstrous.
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twelve-thousand-pizzas · 8 months ago
Hi I was the anon!!! So glad that there’s another lmao
Hello yes erm. I’m actually quite positive that there will be zero response for this one, given that I honestly think that this game’s creators are probably antis themselves, but I’ll try anyway.
Any proshippers who are into Billie Bust Up? Please god say it’s not just me 😭
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twelve-thousand-pizzas · 8 months ago
Guy who’s just now realizing that he may very well be objectum VS. The most adorable and kind looking knitted scarecrow that he found at a pawn shop. Who will win? (For sure not me. Like, at all. In the slightest-)
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twelve-thousand-pizzas · 9 months ago
Thinking about how this whole media culture right now with “You can depict morally bad things, just make sure that you only show them in a negative light!” And “Sex is gross always. No matter what. It just is. And also depicting it makes you a bad person.” Is SO reminiscent of the Hayes code. Please can we not have a second Hayes code era please please please-
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twelve-thousand-pizzas · 9 months ago
NSFW ask game answers!!!
1: VERY kinky, but not in the way that one thinks of automatically. (Leather doesn’t do anything for me, but blood does-)
2: Ehh, none of the above. Not my thing.
3: THIS ONE is a good one!! Currently I want MX from Mario’s Madness, The Puppet Master from Prodigy, and Hoopa from Pokémon so desperately bad it’s not funny,,
4: No, bcs I don’t live alone and I wouldn’t want anyone finding them 💀 I fucking wish tho
5: YESSSSSS!! If that… wasn’t already obvious. I have favoritism towards ghosts, imps, and pumpkinheads, but you could probably get me into any of them.
6: I’m both a switch and a verse, it depends on the scenario.
7: Hmmm, that one’s hard…. Although, I am a big fan of the idea of being restrained to the ceiling with ropes and overstimmed with a vibrator until I cry 🤭
8: Most of my kinks are taboo, actually. I’m into Cnc, Guro, Mindbreak, hypno, cannibalism, torture….. There’s a reason I need a side acc to talk about this lmao
9: Nope!
10: *Flustered, giggly laughter as I kick my legs like a schoolgirl* It’s uh.. It’s mating press. 🤭🤭🤭
11: That would be all of them lmao. My shut in ass has never felt the touch of another person in my life-
12: On this topic, I by absolutely no means could ever enjoy scat or watersports. It’s just revolting to me bcs that is bodily waste 😭 no judgement to people who like those, though!
13: Uhhhhhh both. Yes. 👍 Once again, depends on the scenario.
14: Nahhhh, I know full damn well that I have none
15: The growl in a voice when the speaker is angry! 🤭 Also taking off gloves with one’s teeth. How in the hell is that even as sexy as it is-
16: Get eaten alive. I’d want to watch the thing that’s fucking me (this is definitely a monster related situation kgjvjbgjvfhb) tear away at my feeble little human flesh and bone without feeling any pain. Idk I just wanna know what my insides look like 🤷‍♂️
17: Giving sounds like fun, but I certainly prefer receiving! There’s something about the hot slickness of a tounge, yk~ 🤭
18: If I’m dom I like sir, and if I’m sub I like dollface. You really can tell that I’ve read mafia fanfiction, huh? 😭
19: I’M BUYING EVERY SINGLE BAD DRAGON DILDO AND A ROSE TOY‼️ A guy’s gotta do what a guy’s gotta do! I’ll have tons of stuff to test out~
20: I don’t have a god damn clue how any of them happened, but especially the guro. What the hell flipped that switch in my brain, I have an anxiety disorder??
21: Inflation. Maybe it’s my fears of both pregnancy and vomiting, but my god that looks like it hurts, and not in a good way!
22: I have, and yes! I’m quite sweet, as it turns out, and I’m proud of that~
23: I let it grow, but that’s because I’m trans and any hair I can manage to get is a good thing for gender reasons.
24: FUCK yes. Both giving and receiving! I especially like it in a sarcastic sort of way. Like, “You poor, pathetic little thing.” Or “I guess you’re good for something after all!”
25: Sometimes! Usually I’m knees deep in brainville during those activities, but on occasion I’ll imagine someone quietly observing me.
26: Often, I’m sorry to say. Usually at night, and about twice a week.
27: Once, in a unisex school bathroom. It’s the worst thing that’s ever happened I think, I was so humiliated ☹️
28: VERY. I have an ego problem, so whenever my quiet and cool™️ protection mask accidentally comes off in any way in front of people irl, I freak out and try to explain myself. Someone really should take advantage of that sometime…..
29: Oh… that time when I daydreamed too hard and started dripping down my legs in a Walmart, but couldn’t do anything about it and had to act normal because I was in public…. I don’t even remember what I was thinking about, but it was actually quite scary!
30: Bodysuits. Bodysuits. It’s bodysuits. Especially when paired with pants or shorts, so there’s the tease factor of seeing the person’s bare hips a little and knowing that it’s also all they’re wearing down below 🫣
31: Yes! I like it when my brain becomes fuzzy from all of the multiple cummins! They only happen faster and get more powerful as you go~~
32: Yes very much. Particularly drawn/animated stuff and smutty fanfiction lmao <— I write them too!
33: Nope! Too dysphoric for that! But maybe I will, once I’m fully transitioned.
34: Gonna be honest, waist. Next question-
35: Not really, as it distracts me. As I said, I tend to be using my imagination REALLY hard when I do that.
36: No. But I sure wish I did ☹️
37: (skipped)
38: I have a couple, and to varying degrees, but Erikubi by Machigerita is for sure up there!
39: Masochism. I am only okay WRITING myself feeling pain, in real life I greatly dislike it,,
40: Yes, in theory. I’ve attempted it before, but I can’t feel much, probably because my hands are small. I definitely think about it a lot, though!
41: Not really, actually! Once again, I’ve tried, but I have IBS so even just lightly poking at the exterior has adverse effects on me 💀
42: In a partner’s room, after spending the day just hanging out. 🥰
43: Knowing what intimate contact with something that isn’t just my fingers feels like ☹️ God I am coming across so chronically online in this.
44: Depends on how turned on I am exactly. Sometimes it takes hours, and sometimes it takes like two minutes.
45: I can’t edge AT ALL on purpose, but I have accidentally because of my wrist continually getting tired lol. Shit’s frustrating, but I DO enjoy the “going completely nuts and forgetting how to think or speak” aspect of it!
46: My answer for this one is very similar to the one for question 44. I can be pretty much completely silent if I’m just fapping cuz’ I’m bored or if the porn I’m watching is boring, but if I’m in a state of completely and utterly horny™️, then I will sometimes have to bite sounds back. (Once again, I don’t live alone.)
47: Yup! Especially if roleplay is involved!
48: Yes??? Idk, there are certain things I wouldn’t touch with a 10 foot pole, but really I’m down to at least test out most things.
49: Being forced to take cock 🫢 Like, being chained to a slab or smthn, unable to move around, and not being able to do anything about it as I’m penetrated against my will. (I accidentally enjoy it. Whoopsie!)
50: This one’s just random, so uhh, fun fact about me: I’m a giant furry. I especially love birds and reptiles. Have a nice day!
Are you more kinky, or more vanilla?
Crops, floggers, or paddles?
What fictional characters are you most into right now? And/or what fantasies do you have with them?
Do you have any sex toys?
Are you a monsterfucker? What’s your favourite monster?
Do you think you’re a top or a bottom? A dom or a sub? Or a switch/verse?
What is your favourite sexual scenario you’ve ever come up with?
Are you into more taboo kinks (watersports, feet, cnc, etc?)
Are you into pet play? If so, what type of pet are you?
What do you think your favourite position would be?
Do you have something you haven’t tried yet, but you still KNOW you’ll like?
Do you have something you haven’t tried yet, but you still KNOW you’ll dislike?
Are you a brat or are you good?
Do people assume you have more experience than you do?
Is there a thing that people do that makes you go absolutely crazy?
If you could have sex without any consequences or restrictions at all (eg. no matter how risky it is you can’t die or be hurt - more than you want to be, that is, wink wonk - and you could fit comically huge things inside you without issue), what would you do?
 Do you think you’ll prefer to give or recieve oral? (be honest, no judgement here!)
What title do you think you prefer? (eg: sir, puppy, master, slave, etc)
If money wasn’t an issue, how many sex toys would you have and what would they be?
Do you have any kinks or fetishes you really didn’t expect to be into?
What is a popular kink that you hate/don’t Get™?
Have you ever tasted yourself? Do you like how you taste?
Do you shave or let it grow?
Are you into humiliation and/or degradation?
Do you pretend someone is with you when you masturbate? (Eg. showing off for an imaginary dom)
How often do you masturbate?
Have you ever been walked in on?
How easily embarrassed are you?
What’s the horniest you’ve ever been? What did you do about it?
What’s your favourite kind of lingerie?
Do you like to be overstimulated?
Do you like porn or erotica?
Have you ever masturbated on camera/call before?
What’s your favourite part of your body?
Do you like to watch/see yourself while you do it?
Do you have a partner, or multiple partners? (this is just a free chance for you to gush about them if you do 💖)
If you have a partner, what would you do if you were with them right now?
Do you have a song that gets you in the mood?
What’s a kink you only like in specific contexts/circumstances?
Do you like penetration?
Do you like anal?
If you do want to have sex, how do you want your first time to go?
What are you looking forward to most about having sex?
Do you cum quickly or does it take longer?
How much self control do you have? Can you edge/deny yourself for a long time?
Are you loud?
Do you enjoy sexting?
Are you a “try anything once” kind of person, or do you know exactly what you want and don’t want?
What is your main masturbation fantasy at the moment?
Ask whatever you want!
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twelve-thousand-pizzas · 9 months ago
There is no greater post nut regret than the kind you get after nutting to the thought of the most concerning ass frightening ass creepypasta character and then just laying there and fully realizing what you’ve done. Yeah.
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