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tsuk1sh1ma ¡ 5 months ago
i also love me some cbb and some wnba so pls don’t hesitate to ask
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tsuk1sh1ma ¡ 5 months ago
Part two of {5:30} PLEASEEEEEE
part one: 5:30
You sat in the store, savoring the usual quiet of a Sunday morning. Though Keishin didn’t know, your Sundays were spent indulging in trash reality TV on your computer while pretending to work. Every so often, Tsukishima crossed your mind. He was a frequent visitor, and although his presence wasn’t necessarily missed, it was odd not seeing him. He hadn’t come by since your incident in front of the store. You figured it meant nothing to him anyway; Tsuki wasn’t exactly unpopular with the ladies. He was an athlete, a damn good one at that. You were sure a fever-haze-driven kiss wasn’t outside of his normal behavior.
You didn’t care much anyway. Why would you? You and Tsukishima were like oil and water; since kindergarten, you two had butted heads. You couldn’t possibly read too deeply into anything he did. For all you know, it could have been just another thing to hold over your head. Although, you did wait for a glimpse of an explanation. You wondered if all the bantering was because he liked you all along. Stereotypical, you know, but deep down inside, that’s the reason you wanted.
You sighed as your thoughts were interrupted by the ringing of the store bell. You greeted the customer with a mumbled welcome, still engrossed in the TV screen. “Hey,” a familiar voice said awkwardly. You grabbed the remote and paused the TV, surprised to see the tall, blonde-haired boy standing there. “Long time no see,” you said, trying to hide the smile creeping onto your face. You could tell he was still sick, yet he looked hotter than ever, sweat dripping down his face, making his hair stick to it. He wore a black compression shirt that hugged his abs perfectly and a pair of grey sweatpants. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was purposely trying to seduce you. “I’ve been sick…” he replied as you began scanning his items.
"Nobody told me anything. I thought you died or something, to be honest," you said.
"Yeah, I bet you'd like that, huh?" he replied.
"nah who else would be there to bully me and then one day randomly kiss me"
Tsukishima's face turned bright red, and he immediately buried his face in his palms, stammering and stuttering as he tried to explain. "Y/N, it wasn't—I mean!—I just had to see something!"
You finished checking him out with a slight smirk. "Yeah, like how soft my lips were, obviously."
"I mean—yeah, that and also I had to see if I hated you or if I just really liked you," he admitted.
"Well, which one is it? Because if you like me, kissing me and then ghosting me is definitely an odd choice."
"Well—I think—" he stood awkwardly, his face flushed with heat. "I think I like you, Y/N."
"Oh really?" You finished checking him out, closing out his order. "You know, my mom told me you liked me back in 6th grade. Who knew you'd finally admit it..." You glanced at your imaginary watch. "About 5 years later?"
“please shut up and just tell me you like me too”
“i mean you aight i guess….”
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tsuk1sh1ma ¡ 10 months ago
requests: open!!!
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tsuk1sh1ma ¡ 10 months ago
back active!!
y’all pls give me requests i beg i beg pls
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tsuk1sh1ma ¡ 1 year ago
y’all pls give me requests i beg i beg pls
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tsuk1sh1ma ¡ 2 years ago
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tsuk1sh1ma ¡ 2 years ago
requests: open!!!
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tsuk1sh1ma ¡ 2 years ago
you sat behind the counter of the convenience store you were now forced to work at. you heard loud yelling, and what seemed to be a herd of orange and black blobs trampling into the store. "oh fuck i forgot they had a game today" you huffed, rolling your eyes, you knew this was gonna take forever. between your inability to count money, and the volleyball teams mission to be assholes wherever they go, you knew your day was going to get exponentially longer. "hey keishin-san" you mumbled as he walked in behind his players "they won today i assume?"
keishin nodded proudly. "was a great game, you really should have came y/n". you deadpanned, fighting the urge to punch the man you called boss. "right it's not like i'm working or anything...speaking of when am i gonna get paid?" keishin seemed as if he deliberately ignored you and went else where within the store. the first to come check out was tsukishima, you all didn't interact much except for when you worked; and let's just say it wasn't always pleasant. "still can't believe you like convenience ďżźstore cake" you scanned his items as you fake gagged. he looked you up and down and rolled his eyes. "still can't believe you're minding my business" he said matching your energy. "still can't believe you guys actually have the ability to win a game" you fired back still scanning items. "that's hilarious, because i definitely cannot believe that you still work here for free."
"it's not for free, i clearly get paid..."
"you get paid with what? dust? your phone still is broken mrs.cracked screen"
"you know what—"
you all bickered for what seemed like hours, the noise in the store eventually dying down. the team and the usual pedestrians that stopped inside. all staring at you. tadashi stepped in front of tsukishima seeming irately impatient
"oh my god why don't you all just kiss already i've been waiting for 10 minutes just to ask the price on these chips!"
"ITS FREE ANYWAY" you and tsuki both shouted, making you slightly blush.
"good grief" keishin spoke up face palming and shaking his head "maybe i shouldn't pay you, look at this line kid...and arguing with customers...not a good look"
"but—" you just took a deep breath "have the day you deserve tsukishima. NEXT" you dismissed him , trying to get the store back to its original empty glory.
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you closed up shop with a deep sigh, you were finally getting ready to lock the doors and leave out before a car pulled out an blonde, tall & slim figure seemed to run out of a car. next thing you knew, there he was tsukishima kei in all his glory in front of you, only thing dividing you all were glass doors. "let me in y/n i need to get something!" he whispered yelled, he seemed to be desperate which only amused you. "can't you see we close at 9:30? it's 9:32, you're too late blondie" you said trying not to laugh, you planned on letting him in you just wanted him to beg for it first. "cmon y/n i'm sorry about earlier, i just need some tylenol. i'm really fucking sore" he complained "i won't complain again!"
you snickered knowing how much of a lie it was. "hurry up, i don't wanna get in trouble" you opened the doors and flicked back on the lights. "you're a life saver" he said running the medicine aisle. "wow tsuki being appreciative, that's a first" you said going to the register snickering. "don't press your luck y/n" he put the medicine on the counter, staring at you as you did it. you could feel his eyes peer into your soul, it was a different type of look. it made you slightly uncomfortable, but it didn't make you mad like he usually did when you were in his presence. "that'll be 5-5.08" you stumbled, suddenly get a sense of nervousness as you looked up at him taking in how he really looked.
his hair was messy and he had on a plain white tee and some black basketball shorts, sweat dripping down his forehead. he looked like a mess, but at the same time he was kind of hot. "hey?" you locked eyes with him "you okay? you look kind of..."
"bad?" he finished for you as he handed you the money.
"if you say so..." you handed him his meds and followed him outside as he left (not before locking the door of course). "yeah i'm fine" he said as you all stood outside, the only thing making you all visible were the cars going by and the pale moonlight. "just couldn't sleep, don't sweat it." he leaned in close to you, making your head spin in confusion. his lips touched yours, you kissed him back. you both standing there for a moment, breathing synchronized as he pulled away in confusion. you looked away not sure if you could put what just happened into words. "so..." you started but were soon cut off by his lips on yours again, this time he pulled you closer by your hips. your body's pressed against each other as you alls lips moved in perfect harmony. you were nothing short of confused, but you didn't want it to stop. you hadn't been kissed since middle school, let alone like this. why stop a good thing if it was meant to happen?
"sorry" he pulled away, seemingly fighting a smile. "i had to make sure of something...bye y/n make it home safe okay?" tsuki said showing you a completely different side of kei tsukishima you'd never seen before.
"yeah uh...you too?" and before you could process what actually happen he was gone.
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tsuk1sh1ma ¡ 2 years ago
"good god this is boring" shikamaru said slightly surprising you. you were both at some new safety precaution debriefing given by lady tsunade, but you could tell your colleague was disinterested. as per usual. you grew up with shikamaru & you've had missions with him previously, and worked with him to bring sasuke back (which failed). but everytime you two interact theres always been conflict. he didn't seem to like you, which was okay because you couldn't stand him
"why are we just now asking people for id as they enter the village" he mumbled some more "that should have been implemented in the first place..." you decided to cut in on personal conversation...with himself. "you'd think they'd start after the whole orichimaru situation." you snickered, his eyebrows furrowed. "now i've got people in my business...what a drag." you looked him up and down given him the meanest stank face he'd probably ever seen. "excuse you asshole, your business is pretty fucking loud!" you said now whisper shouting. shikamaru just rolled his eyes and went back to paying attention to the meeting, which was rare.
. . .
after the meeting adjourned, you walked around the streets of konaha absentmindedly, you were all caught up on paper work and had no missions for a while so you had time to fuck around. "hey you" you heard a familiar voice shout from behind you, well at least his version of shouting. "what!" you yelled in response not even bothering to look back. "hey i'm talking to you, don't make me run." shikamaru said, which you decided to ignore as you continued to keep walking...until you couldn't. you look down at your feet, seeing how the sun was placed perfectly behind you to make you easily fall victim to shikas shadow posession jutsu. "oh give me a break" you sighed "WHAT DO YOU WANT". he finally released you and caught up to you, smirking.
"look at you, making me do all this work." he said with a hint of something in his voice you couldn't pick up. "well our previous interactions haven't been so pleasant so i was just saving myself from a headache" he found that amusing, rolling his eyes playfully. 'wow this is the first time i've seen something from him other than a scowl.' you thought. "you wanna go out for a drink, i figure we should discuss some of the new rules in place." you suddenly felt a blush come across your cheeks. "shikamaru, if you want to ask me out just say that, no need to be coy" you playfully hit him and giggled. "asking you out pshh. i just take my work very seriously". you blankly stared at him, all signs of amusement gone out of your face. "okay i don't even believe that, just let me take you out for a drink pleaseeee" he begged. it felt nice to see a different side of shikamaru, one that actually cared about something, and it seemed like that something was you. maybe one little hang out wouldn't be that bad.
"okay fine whatever sure, but I get to pick!"
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tsuk1sh1ma ¡ 3 years ago
"x black reader"
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tsuk1sh1ma ¡ 4 years ago
“robin huh” you kissed your teeth, staring at your nails. you had “powers” but being a “hero” didn’t seem ideal, but neither did being a villain. just incase, you made a small name for yourself as a vigilante. helping out old ladies with snatched purses and stopping small crimes. y/n by day and neptune by night. you called yourself that because when you first discovered your powers, your mother before she died said you glowed “blue like neptune”.
you wouldn’t call dick grayson exactly a friend, he was top of the class and so were you. so when it came down to it, you were his competitor. you two always agreed with each other, but the way the world worked it was destined you two would be pitted against each other forever.
you two were in the hallway alone, it was long after school. dick now in the form of “robin”, it was safe to say you followed him here. “huh?” robin said confused as confused could be. “i mean i like the get up.” you stepped out the shadows smirking “i didn’t know tights were your thing.”
he chuckled, “wow y/n, you couldn’t give me the privilege to see you in costume?”
“nope! by the way, it’s also in the cleaners. not everyone can work for batman and have unlimited gear....” you started to wonder why you even followed him here, boredom surely played into it. “i mean you could” he shrugged grabbing your hand and taking you to the computer lab. “i mean neptune, is an up and coming hero”. you cleared your throat “vigilante”.
“yeah yeah, that’s what they all say. regardless” he tapped away at the computer, all of the screens coming on and flashing his little robin symbol. “i’m sure there’s a place for you— somewhere.” you chuckled, “i’m whelmed”. you watched as he typed in the code into the system, you weren’t as exactly tech smart as he was but you knew what he was doing. “wow stealing my catchphrase y/n?” that made you blush, a small smile cracking.
“well i guess i can say i’m a big fan of THE robin”
“all in a days work, but seriously if you ever wanna seriously put your powers into use.” he finished whatever he was doing and handed you a card. “give me a call.”
and with that, he disappeared into the darkness.
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tsuk1sh1ma ¡ 4 years ago
it was raining down terribly, and you just had to have an exam that day. being a second year transfer was the absolute worst, you had no friends and you had no umbrella. it was only your second week, and it seemed as if things just weren’t getting better. a small flash of brown and yellow hair appeared in front of you. “i see you’re in need of an umbrella” the small boy, had a concerning look on his face as he reached his arms high to hold the umbrella in his had above the both of you.
“i think i have it uh—“ you took the umbrella hoping he’d tell you his name in exchange. “nishinoya!” he smiled brightly, his presence definitely made up for the height he lacked. “i’m a second year, how about you?” you did a double take, at his small stature you could even mistake him as a middle schooler. “oh— same here my names y/n!” you smiled back, glad to finally have somebody to talk to.
“i think that me and you, y/n. that we’re going to be the best of friends.”
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tsuk1sh1ma ¡ 4 years ago
requests: open!!!
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tsuk1sh1ma ¡ 4 years ago
“if you can beat me, you can beat anybody!” lee always put himself on such a high pedastal not that you were complaining. he had a slightly inflated, but humble ego that he deserved to have; at least sometimes. “but lee—“ a hand clamped over your mouth as he adjusted his usual green jumpsuit. “there is no buts! if you do not win this lap around the village, must do 3 laps!” the energy in his voice already let you know you were going to lose.
“we’ve been training all day, my legs hurt” you whined and poured, lee had a soft spot for when you got all pouty. “WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY SO!” he swept you off your feet, throwing you over his bag like a sack of potatoes. “YOU’LL BE HOME IN NO TIME MY BEAUTIFUL BUT TIRED PRINCESS.” you sighed. you sure loved your boyfriend, but lord could he be a little much at times. you noticed he was going in the complete opposite of your house.
he came at a full stop in front of his house, holding you on his waist like a baby. “yeah i know” a light blush on his face, a slight empty look on his face like he was deep in thought.
“maybe you can spend the night with me, and i can make you feel better?...”
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tsuk1sh1ma ¡ 4 years ago
“you’re going to run my pockets out kid...” you stared at the blonde haired boy next to you as he kept shoveling in bowl after bowl, you had only just met him a couple hours ago but you felt like you known him your whole life. “KID??” he shouted, wet ramen noodles falling out his mouth “HEY! WE’RE THE SAME AGE” he gulped it all down loudly, looking like he finally had his fill.
“okay and i’m still taller than you, you’re a kid....” you slammed the money down on the table getting up waiting for naruto to follow. it was your first time in the village, the small outskirt town in the land of fire you lived in didn’t have an academy and you refused to be a commoner. so you had it set it out, you would leave for the leaf village become a ninja and live life on the edge. “just because you’re taller doesn’t mean anything y/n...” he mumbled, his stomach poking out of shirt. damn that boy can eat, you just kept walking with no destination set in mind watching the sunset, it’s bright warm yellow light fading into a cold purple. narutos hands soon interlaced with yours, as the both of you kept walking.
you hadn’t known naruto for long, but you knew you loved him.
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tsuk1sh1ma ¡ 4 years ago
requests: open!!!
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tsuk1sh1ma ¡ 4 years ago
“tanakaaaa” you whined trying to get the older boy back on task “you have to focus, i don’t want you to fail, and get kicked off the team” you hit him with your notebook just because he clearly was focused on something else. “what are you even looking at?” you asked snickering as he rubbed his head, glaring at you. “y/n i was clearly look—“ he sighed “i was looking at you! how do you expect me to focus when you look like that.” you blinked at him, thinking he was just being silly as per usual. “ok what do you mean ‘looking like that’...that’s just how i always look”
“well then you always look pretty...”
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