tshepithepizzamaker · 1 month ago
Pizza: The Perfect Comfort Food for Cold Weather
As the temperature drops and chilly winds sweep in, there’s nothing quite like a warm, comforting meal to lift your spirits. For me, pizza has always been my go-to comfort food when the weather turns cold. It’s hearty, satisfying, and perfect for cozy nights in.
Pizza isn’t just food—it’s an experience. The smell of dough rising in the oven, the sizzle of cheese melting on top, and the warmth of that first bite can make even the coldest days feel a little brighter. Whether you’re curled up with a blanket watching your favorite show or sharing slices with loved ones, pizza has a way of bringing warmth and comfort to any moment.
To help you enjoy this season’s cozy vibes, I’m sharing a simple pizza recipe that’s easy to make and guaranteed to keep you warm.
Easy Homemade Comfort Pizza Recipe
Pizza Dough:
2 cups all-purpose flour
1 tsp instant yeast
1 tsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
3/4 cup warm water
1 tbsp olive oil
1/2 cup pizza sauce (store-bought or homemade)
1 1/2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup pepperoni slices (or any favorite toppings)
1/4 tsp dried oregano (optional)
Make the Dough:
In a large bowl, mix the flour, yeast, sugar, and salt.
Add warm water and olive oil. Stir until the dough begins to form.
Knead the dough on a floured surface for about 5 minutes until smooth.
Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a kitchen towel, and let it rise for about 30-45 minutes.
Preheat the Oven:
While the dough is rising, preheat your oven to 220°C (425°F).
Shape the Dough:
Once the dough has risen, roll it out on a floured surface into your desired pizza shape—round or rectangular. Transfer it to a baking sheet or pizza stone.
Assemble Your Pizza:
Spread pizza sauce evenly over the dough.
Sprinkle mozzarella cheese generously on top, then add your favorite toppings like pepperoni, veggies, or anything you love.
Optional: sprinkle a pinch of oregano for added flavor.
Bake the pizza in the preheated oven for 12-15 minutes, or until the crust is golden and the cheese is bubbly.
Let the pizza cool slightly before slicing. Serve hot and enjoy the warm, comforting flavors of homemade pizza!
This simple recipe is perfect for those chilly nights when all you want is something warm and satisfying. Pizza truly is comfort food at its best, and the beauty of it is that you can customize it however you like—whether you’re a classic cheese lover or someone who enjoys piling on the toppings.
So, next time the cold weather rolls in, grab some ingredients, make this easy pizza, and let the warmth of the oven—and the pizza—bring some comfort to your day.
Stay warm and enjoy
Tshepi, The Pizza Maker
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tshepithepizzamaker · 4 months ago
Finding Solace in the Simple Act of Pizza Making
Hey you....
I never imagined I would be writing about something so personal and intense on my pizza making blog. But life has a way of throwing unexpected challenges our way, and sharing our experiences can be a way to find strength and connection. Recently, I went through a traumatic event that has profoundly affected me – a violent break-in at my home.
The intrusion was more than just a physical invasion of my space; it was an assault on my sense of safety and peace. In the aftermath, I've been grappling with intense anxiety and fear. The feeling of vulnerability has been overwhelming, making everyday tasks seem daunting. But amidst this chaos, I've found an unexpected anchor: the simple, comforting act of making pizza.
The Therapeutic Power of Dough and Sauce
There's something profoundly therapeutic about the pizza-making process. From the moment I start mixing the dough, my mind begins to quiet. The repetitive motions of kneading, the rhythmic rise and fall of the dough under my hands, and the feeling of connection to something tangible and real – it all brings a sense of calm.
Kneading dough requires focus and patience, and it's in these moments that I find a temporary escape from my worries. The act of creating something with my hands, something that I know will bring joy and nourishment, helps me regain a sense of control and normalcy. It's a reminder that despite the fear, I can still create, still contribute, and still find pockets of peace.
Sauce, Toppings, and Healing
As I move on to making the sauce, the kitchen fills with the rich, comforting aromas of tomatoes, garlic, and herbs. These scents evoke memories of happier times – family gatherings, friendly get-togethers, and moments of shared laughter. It's a sensory reminder that there's still good in the world, and it's within my reach.
Choosing toppings is another creative outlet that brings me joy. Whether I'm sticking to classic combinations or experimenting with new flavors, the process allows me to focus on something positive. It's a small but significant way to inject a bit of fun and excitement into my day.
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Sharing the Love
One of the most fulfilling aspects of pizza making is sharing the final product with others. Despite my recent experience, I've managed to enjoy the company of friends and family over pizza. These gatherings have been a source of immense comfort. They remind me that while my sense of security has been shaken, my connections with loved ones remain strong.
Food has a unique way of bringing people together, and pizza, with its universal appeal, is a perfect example of this. Sharing a meal, hearing the laughter around the table, and seeing the smiles of those enjoying the pizza I've made – these moments are priceless. They help me heal, little by little, reminding me that I'm not alone.
Moving Forward
I'm not going to pretend that everything is back to normal. The fear and anxiety are still there, and I know the road to recovery will be a long one. But I've found a small, powerful way to cope through this journey. Pizza making has become more than just a hobby; it's a lifeline, a way to ground myself in the present and find joy amidst the pain.
To anyone else going through a tough time, I encourage you to find that one thing that brings you peace, no matter how small it might seem. For me, it's pizza making. For you, it might be something different. But whatever it is, hold onto it, and let it help you navigate through the darkness.
Thank you for being part of this journey with me. Your support means more than words can express. Let's continue to find strength in the simple, beautiful act of creating and sharing food.
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With love and gratitude,
Tshepiso, a pizza maker
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tshepithepizzamaker · 4 months ago
The Positive Impact of City Deep Fresh Produce Market on Small Businesses in Johannesburg
City Deep Fresh Produce Market, located in Johannesburg, stands as a pivotal hub for the city's food supply chain, offering numerous benefits to small businesses and the informal market. This bustling market not only provides a wide array of fresh fruits and vegetables but also plays a crucial role in fostering the growth and sustainability of local enterprises.
The Joburg Market has been running since 1893 in the Newtown area yet in the early 1970’s popularity for the extensive array of fresh produce had grown to the point where the original owners were forced to find more suitable premises as their operation grew exponentially. So from 1972, they moved to their current location in City Deep and the rest is history.
For small businesses in Johannesburg, City Deep Fresh Produce Market serves as a vital source of high-quality, affordable produce. Vendors at the market offer competitive prices, which allow small businesses to maintain low operating costs while ensuring they can access the freshest ingredients. This economic advantage is particularly significant for the informal market, where cost efficiency is crucial for survival and growth. By providing a steady supply of fresh produce, the market helps small vendors compete effectively and meet the demands of their customers.
As a small business owner and pizza maker, the positive effects of City Deep Fresh Produce Market are directly reflected in my operations. My commitment to using fresh ingredients is fundamental to the quality of my pizzas. The market’s extensive selection of fresh vegetables and herbs enables me to source the finest toppings for my pizzas, from vibrant bell peppers and juicy tomatoes to aromatic basil and crisp spinach. This not only enhances the taste and nutritional value of my pizzas but also appeals to health-conscious customers seeking wholesome meal options.
My dedication to using fresh ingredients is at the heart of my pizza business. I believe that the quality of the ingredients directly impacts the flavor and appeal of my pizzas. Sourcing produce from City Deep Fresh Produce Market ensures that I deliver a superior product to my customers, setting my pizzas apart from those made with processed or frozen ingredients. This commitment not only enhances customer satisfaction but also aligns with the growing trend towards healthy, fresh, and locally sourced foods.
To get fresh produce and supplies, check out Joburg Market:
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tshepithepizzamaker · 4 months ago
Bringing Communities Together One Slice at a Time
As a pizza maker, I’ve always believed that pizza is more than just food; it’s a tool to connect communities and bring people together for a common goal. Over the years, I’ve seen firsthand how a simple pizza can spark conversations, build relationships, and foster a sense of belonging.
One of the most rewarding ways I’ve used pizza to connect communities is through our impact-driven activities, particularly our Small Business Cafe. Every week, local township entrepreneurs gather at our pizzeria to network, workshop ideas, and share their businesses with each other. This initiative created a vibrant space where small business owners can learn from each other, collaborate, and support one another.
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The Small Business Cafe has been transformative. Entrepreneurs come with their dreams and leave with practical strategies, new partnerships, and a renewed sense of purpose. Over a slice of pizza, we discuss marketing strategies, financial planning, and community engagement, turning our pizzeria into a hub of innovation and support.
Pizza, in its simplicity, has become a catalyst for change. It breaks down barriers and fosters a sense of unity. Whether we’re sharing stories, brainstorming new ideas, or celebrating each other's successes, pizza brings us together in a unique and meaningful way.
As a pizza maker, I’m proud to be a part of this journey. By creating spaces where people can connect and collaborate, we’re not just making pizza; we’re building stronger, more connected communities. And that, to me, is the true power of pizza.
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tshepithepizzamaker · 1 year ago
I got presented with a pot plant as a belated birthday present and I'm so happy.
Plants are such a great reminder of the beauty and the fragility of life. I placed it in our office space and my colleagues love it. Here's to more greenery in our lives☘️
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tshepithepizzamaker · 1 year ago
Say Cheeeeeese!!!
Mozzarella cheese is undoubtedly one of the most popular and versatile cheeses used on pizza. Whether you're a fan of classic Neapolitan-style pizza or prefer a more modern take, mozzarella is the go-to cheese for pizza makers and enthusiasts alike.
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Mozzarella is a curd cheese originating in southern Italy. Traditionally cheese is made from Italian buffalo's milk by pasta filata method. Mozzarella cheese is not aged like most cheeses. It is eaten fresh and within a few hours after it is made.
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So, what makes mozzarella such a great choice for pizza? Firstly, it has a mild, creamy taste that doesn't overpower the other ingredients. This means that it's a perfect base cheese to add other toppings and flavors to without being too overwhelming. Additionally, mozzarella melts beautifully and forms that delicious, gooey layer on top of your pizza that we all know and love.
But not all mozzarella is created equal when it comes to pizza. As mentioned,traditional mozzarella cheese is made from buffalo milk and is referred to as "mozzarella di bufala." This type of mozzarella has a richer, creamier taste and is a favorite among pizza aficionados. However, it can be harder to find and more expensive than other types of mozzarella, such as the more commonly used "fior di latte" mozzarella made from cow's milk.
Regardless of which type of mozzarella you use, it's essential to use the right amount to achieve that perfect cheese-to-sauce-to-crust ratio. Too much cheese, and your pizza can become greasy and heavy, while too little can leave your pizza feeling a bit lackluster.
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tshepithepizzamaker · 2 years ago
Basil is an herb that is widely used in cooking and has a distinct and delightful aroma. This herb belongs to the mint family and is native to tropical regions in Central Africa and Southeast Asia. Basil is known for its sweet, pungent flavor that can enhance the taste of any dish it is added to.
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Basil is a versatile herb that can be used in a variety of dishes, from Italian pasta to Thai curries. It is commonly used in tomato-based dishes such as pizza, spaghetti, and lasagna. It also pairs well with chicken, fish, and vegetables.
In addition to its culinary uses, basil has several health benefits. It is a rich source of vitamins A, C, and K, as well as minerals such as calcium, iron, and magnesium. It has antioxidant properties that help to reduce inflammation and protect the body against oxidative stress.
Basil is also used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments. It has been used to treat digestive issues, respiratory problems, and skin conditions. It is also believed to have anti-cancer properties and may help to prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells.
Growing basil is relatively easy and can be done both indoors and outdoors. Basil prefers warm temperatures and well-draining soil. It is best to plant basil in a sunny location and water it regularly. Harvesting the leaves regularly will encourage new growth and keep the plant healthy.
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In conclusion, basil is a flavorful herb that is easy to grow and has numerous health benefits. Whether you use it in your cooking or as a natural remedy, basil is a valuable addition to any home.
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tshepithepizzamaker · 2 years ago
Classic Pizza Sauce
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What makes up the perfect pizza you may ask....
In my opinion, the best tasting pizza consists of great tasting dough, beautifully cooked sauce and cheese. Sounds simple right? How can a recipe that's hundreds of years old never get, well old?
Remember you can make the best pizza dough once you are finished with cooking your classic pizza sauce. Check my previous blog for a simple quick recipe.
Back to the sauce.....This recipe is for a simple classic pizza sauce using canned tomatoes. I personally love using the pureed version but chunky crushed tomatoes bring a beautiful texture to your sauce.
Let's get into it💃🏾
1 Can crushed or pureed tomatoes
1 teaspoon dried oregano
1 teaspoon dried basil
1 teaspoon garlic powder
A pinch of salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup Olive oil
In a medium saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat.
Step 2:
Add the crushed tomatoes, basil, oregano and garlic powder.
Step 3:
Stir well and bring to a simmer. Reduce the heat to low and let sauce simmer for 15-20 minutes, stirring occasionally
Step 4:
Let the sauce cool to room temperature before using it on your pizza
And there you go. This recipe serves 2 or more large pizzas so there's definitely enough to go around.
**Remember you are more than welcome to bottle your sauce and refrigerate for up to 4 days.
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tshepithepizzamaker · 2 years ago
Dough is therapy
There's something deeply satisfying about kneading dough. Whether it's the rhythm of the motions, the tactile sensations, or the way the dough transforms from a shaggy mess into a smooth, elastic ball, there's no denying that kneading dough can be therapeutic.
For many people, baking and working with dough can be a form of stress relief. It's a way to take a break from the pressures of daily life and focus on something simple and tangible. Kneading dough can be a calming and meditative experience, allowing us to slow down and be present in the moment.
The physical act of kneading dough can also be beneficial for our bodies. It can help to release tension in our hands, wrists, and arms, especially if we spend a lot of time typing or using technology. It's also a great way to build strength and dexterity in our hands and fingers.
But there's more to it than just the physical benefits. Kneading dough can also be a way to express creativity and connect with our senses. As we work the dough, we can add different flavors, textures, and aromas, creating a unique and personalized experience. And when we bake the dough, we're rewarded with the delicious smells and tastes of fresh bread, which can be incredibly satisfying.
There's also something deeply satisfying about the process of making something from scratch. In a world where we're used to buying pre-packaged foods and relying on convenience, taking the time to make our own bread can be a way to reclaim some of that lost connection to our food and our bodies.
So the next time you're feeling stressed or overwhelmed, try kneading some dough. Whether you're making bread, pizza, or pastry, take the time to really engage with the process and let yourself get lost in the rhythm of the motions. You might be surprised at how therapeutic it can be.
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tshepithepizzamaker · 2 years ago
Coming out is a big thing to expect from another human being. Humans struggle so much with more important things like picking careers, knowing if they indeed are with their soulmate or even what to have for dinner.
The way I see it, we are all these overgrown babies who get to have credit because we can take ourselves to the bathroom. Other than that it's an uphill battle at best😭. So why expect it from "others"?
Anyway I did a feature on a YouTube platform called Voices hosted by Be Brave where I share my "non coming out" story and life as a pansexual identifying woman:
This series helps ordinary humans to share their human experience. Check it on the Be Brave channel (link attached)
And don't come out. You don't owe anyone any explanation about who you are.
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tshepithepizzamaker · 2 years ago
I found this little note while downloading an e-book today.
Reminded me of the need to create pockets of meditation at every possible opportunity.
I've never really been good with meditation while sitting on a yoga slash being in a zen state or whatever. I've struggled with the discipline of it all I guess and that somehow makes me feel a little guilty. Just not enough to do anything about it 🙈
But this note... It made it feel so simple.
That really at the core, meditation is about finding stillness- anywhere. Well I'll take the tea breaks❤️😇
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tshepithepizzamaker · 2 years ago
Basic Pizza Dough
All pizza dough is made with the same basic ingredients which are flour, yeast, water and olive oil. But like with any recipe, everyone puts their own spin to suit their taste.
For instance one can add herbs or even garlic for a tastier spin to the dough. For an alternative twist to your dough you can make chickpea crust, mushrooms or even a sweet potato crust can be made.
The possibilities are endless which is what makes pizza such a great meal. Everyone can have a slice.
So, back to the recipe .... Remember that this makes 4 pizzas and I'll explain how.
4 1/2 cups flour
1/2 packet yeast
1/2 teaspoon sea salt for taste
2 Tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1/2 Tablespoon sugar
375 ml warm water
Cooking Instructions:
Step 1: Mix the yeast, sugar and warm water in a jug or bowl allowing the mixture to settle for about 5 minutes.
Step 2: Sift the flour into a bowl and add the salt.
Step 3: Pour the water, sugar and yeast mixture into the flour gradually mixing them with a wooden spoon or using your hands like me will do ☺️
Continue mixing until the mixture is sticky which means the fun can begin.
Step 4: Wipe off the counter and sprinkle some flour to make sure your dough does not stick. Place the dough on the counter and knead until it's smooth and a little bouncy. Don't be shy with using flour on your hands while kneading
Shape the dough into a ball.
Step 5: Place the dough in a bowl and rub a little oil around it closing it with a lid, cling wrap or kitchen towel. Place in a warm place for 30min to an hour (basically until the dough has clearly risen in size)
Now you have perfect tasting pizza dough. You are welcome to freeze it by covering in cling wrap should you need to use it another time.
But today we eat!!! At least I hope so.
Step 6: This last step is for those who cannot wait to use their fresh dough. Place dough on counter sprinkled with flour, cut into 4 pieces and roll that baby out. Remember that the thickness is up to you so even hand stretching your dough to place your sauce, cheese and toppings of your choice will do.
What is it the Italians say? "Bon appetit!"
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tshepithepizzamaker · 2 years ago
Sharing your deepest parts is so freeing.... There is power in vulnerability
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tshepithepizzamaker · 2 years ago
My journey with pizza making started off like nothing much would come from it. Lo and behold, we have built a local business that many would be proud of.
I think the main key was that there was zero fear in my heart. Only the wish to see an idea come to life.
Almost 4 years later and it feels like I am filled with nothing BUT FEAR. I have tried out so many things to make sure that the business stays open and sustainable and not being able to do that this year has me completely drained.
Can I move forward from this point on?
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tshepithepizzamaker · 2 years ago
I'm thinking intensely about my love for making pizza. How the idea of bringing together different flavours and toppings in one meal excites me.
I wasn't always this excited about life. Especially after my mother died. I don't think you ever recover from losing an active loving parent but Im grateful to have found an outlet that has somehow become a tool to change the world in my own way....
Anyway, this pizza is made marinating prawns in a Windhoek Draught beer and I really enjoyed it. I felt the need to make guacamole as a dip and I'm glad I did. I'll start posting recipes once I stop being lazy 😭😭😭
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