Trump Tweet Tuesdays
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Trump Tweet Tuesdays: We Follow Him So You Don't Have To
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trumptweettuesdays-blog · 6 years ago
TTT 9.4.18
This week’s themes are Russia Collusion, Kavanaugh, Woodward, Campaigning, International Relations, Sports, Fake News, Retirement, Propaganda, and Presidential Notes
Russia Collusion
As the Mueller investigation continues, Trump continues to fire off Tweets about how the Russia investigation is fake.  In particular, Trump continues to attack Hillary Clinton for her emails so he can keep his base concentrated on her rather than himself.
Trump ordered the Justice Department to declassify portions of transcripts from the Russia investigation; CNN reports that “his request also broadly included "all FBI reports of interviews" prepared in connection with the FISA applications, which are normally closely guarded by the FBI.”  Democrats are angry at this move, believing that Trump is trying to declassify portions against FBI wishes (and precedent) in order to make things more difficult for the investigation.
The New York Times suggested that Ivanka Trump influenced the plan for the departure of Don McGahn, White House counsel. Apparently, Ivanka told her father that she was not happy with the level of cooperation that McGahn gave Mueller in his investigation into the Russia collusion. Trump was angry at the implication and Tweeted that Ivanka and Jared had nothing to do with it.
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Trump put forth Brett Kavanaugh as his nominee for the Supreme Court.  The hearings have begun, and Trump believes that Kavanaugh is unfairly being criticized by Democrats.  The White House released a statement with his qualifications such as serving on the DC Court of Appeals and worked at both Yale and Harvard.  Yet, the Kavanaugh hearings were greeted by shouting protestors and more than 30 women were arrested. Democrats were also angry, led by Corey Booker and Kamala Harris, because 100,000 pages of documents from Kavanaugh’s work during his service for President Bush is not being released.
Trump also Tweeted that White House counsel Don McGahn will leave the White House after Kavanaugh is confirmed.  McGahn has been helpful with both Supreme Court nominees, but he has also willing talked to Mueller about Russia and is seen as a central witness.
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Bob Woodward, a longtime reporter for the Washington Post, came forth with the book “Fear: Trump in the White House.” The book details confusion and lack of leadership that characterizes the White House. The book, in particular, addresses the investigation into collusion with Russia and how he could not keep his story straight during a “mock interview” he had with his staff.  The book alleges that all the information and stories come from White House staff members.  Trump has called the book entirely fabricated and then had his staffers put out statements that they were never consulted for the book and any quotes are fake.  For Woodward, he’s hoping to show the insider drama of the White House.
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Trump is continuing his campaigning, both for others and for himself.
Corey Stewart, Republican Senate candidate for Virginia, has been a longtime supporter of Trump, even in hazy times when women were accusing him of sexual assault and supporting “both sides” after the White Supremacy rallies in Charlottesville. Stewart did break with Trump this week, however, when Trump suggested not giving federal workers a pay increase; as Virginia is close to D.C. it is home to many federal employees.
Trump touted the celebration of Labor Day (a holiday to recognize worker rights that were hard earned by activists) even while he criticized Trumka, president of the largest federation of labor unions. Trumka said that Trump has hurt the American worker with his policies.
Trump is now endorsing Ted Cruz in his run for Senate in Texas, a true turn of events since the presidential election.  Trump called Cruz’s wife ugly and Cruz said Trump was immoral and a coward.  Now Trump is heavily endorsing Cruz, and Cruz is lovingly endorsing Trump.
DeSantis won the primary in Florida for his bid as governor, he made his endorsement from Trump a primary part of his campaign.  As reported in TTT, DeSantis even showed his toddler daughter “building a wall” with kid blocks in one of his commercials.
Trump never passes up an opportunity to campaign for himself, he still works as though he is on the campaign trail; a move that will probably help him in the next election.  This past week he went to Indiana for a rally, while the rest of the politicians were mourning McCain. At his rally he gave his regular remarks: he’s done a wonderful job, immigrants are criminals, criticizing Hillary Clinton, trashing clean energy such as windmills by saying they kill birds and they’re noisy, and, of course, fake news.  Trump also Tweeted out a favorite video of his that is a montage of how political pundits said he would never win, the video ends with Trump winning the election.
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International Relations
Trump threatened Syria if the province of Idlib was attacked; Russian and Syrian warplanes resumed airstrikes. Woodward reported in his book that was released last month that Trump wants Assad dead.
General Miller took over as commander in Afghanistan; the goal has been to end the war in Afghanistan, but Trump has has not been clear on his intentions on the war.
Trump has been working on a replacement for the NAFTA agreement that addresses trade among US, Mexico and Canada.  Canada has been weary about the trade negotiations to which Trump has threatened Canada and said he will go forward with a new trade deal whether Canada joins or not.  Trump had an interview with Bloomberg news where he spoke about Canada, but portions of the interview were off the record including remarks that Trump would not give Canada any concessions  Apparently, Trump said remarks that he made off the record were given to the Toronto Star.
Trump has been pressuring China over trade agreements and now is criticizing China for providing too much aid for North Korea. 
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Last week we reported on how Tiger Woods refused to say anything bad about Trump when asked by reporters.  This week Trump continues to laud Tiger Woods as supporter of the right.
In an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, Kanye was asked how he could support Trump when he said Bush didn’t care about Black people.  Kanye responded that Trump cared a lot about Black people and to be the greatest president, Trump needed Black people on his side if he was going to achieve his goal of being the greatest president.  Trump loves that he has the support of such a prominent Black artist.
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Fake News
Trump continues his assault on news outlet, particularly as they continue to release stories that hurt his image in relation to any number of issues including Russia and the disarray in the White House.
Trump threatened the license for NBC, an outlet he has longed attack.  Though this time he attacked them for a story not related to himself.  NBC reportedly did not support Ronan Farrow in his investigation into sexual assault allegations against Harvey Weinstein; Farrow then took the story to The New Yorker where the story broke.
NBC hosted an interview between Lester Holt and Donald Trump where Trump said he was going to fire FBI Director James Comey no matter what, even though he later said he only fired Comey because of how he handled the Clinton investigation - implying there was no connection to firing Comey and the Russia collusion investigation.  Trump Tweeted the NBC somehow “fudged” the story even though there is a clear video and transcript of Trump’s answer to Holt, so it is impossible that NBC doctored the tape to make Trump look bad.
Lanny Davis, Michael Cohen’s lawyer, has repeatedly changed the story on what Cohen knew, or did not know, about the meeting with Russian officials in the Trump Tower during the presidential election. At times Davis said Cohen knew Trump was around during meeting planning and other times that he had no idea.  Trump also attacked Carl Bernstein (most well known for his work on the Nixon Watergate story), who reported that Cohen said Trump did know about the meeting at Trump Tower.
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Trump signed an Executive Order with the aim to increase retirement funds via two aims of raising the age at IRAs must start making minimum payments and making it easier for small businesses to offer retirement plans.
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Trump’s propaganda Tweets this week center on employment stats and consumer confidence.  In conjunction with Labor Day celebrations, Trump Tweeted a lot about unemployment and his service to workers.  He noted his “pledge to America’s workers,” which is based on his new National Council for the American worker, a task-group developed to help figure out how to train and retrain workers for high demanding jobs.  On Labor Day, of all times, Trump criticized Trumka, president of the the largest federation of labor unions, by saying Trumka policies hurt workers.  Trump’s hit on a union president, however, brought in a lot of criticism.
GDP increased at a 4.2% annualized rate, a significant growth rate.  Trump claimed consumer confidence as a win for his administration. There are still concerns that these numbers cannot hold as trade restrictions hurt industries and the enthusiasm from the tax cuts fade.
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Presidential Notes
Tropical Storm Gordon hit Southern United States along Alabama, Mississippi and Florida.  It left thousands without power and flooded some areas.
In anticipation of the US hosting the 2026 World Cup, Trump met with the heads of FIFA and the US Soccer Federation.  Trump lamented that he still won’t be president in 2026, even if he won a second election, and said his term should be extended so that the media coverage isn’t boring. 
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trumptweettuesdays-blog · 6 years ago
TTT 8.28.18
This week’s themes are Russia Collusion, Immigration and Tibbetts, McCain, Campaigning, Trade, Fake News, Sports, South Africa Land Seizure, Nazi Deportation, Propaganda, and Presidential Notes.
Russia Collusion
The investigation into Russia Collusion has not let up and neither has Trump’s denials.  This week Trump continues his assault on Clinton and her emails, which was settled over a year ago, but Trump’s former campaign chair, Manafort was found guilty on multiple corruption charges. On August 25th Trump threatened to intervene if the FBI doesn’t do better?  Trump’s persistent assaults on Clinton are ridiculous, but they serve as a distraction to Trump’s base who would rather spend time hating Clinton that discovering that their President worked with Russia.
Trump also repeated that he did not know about his son’s meeting with Russia officials at Trump Tower. Yet Trump’s former lawyer, Cohen, is now saying that Trump did have knowledge of the meeting.
Trump also Tweeted out his condolences for Manafort and his family; rather than acknowledging Manafort’s guilt Trump criticized Mueller’s investigation for going outside the bounds of their investigation.  Mueller has clearly worked to uncover illegal practices of those in Trump’s circle, which then can lead to plea deals to provide information on the Russia Collusion.
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Immigration and Tibbetts
Mollie Tibbetts, a college woman in Iowa, disappeared after going for a run.  Authorities recently found her body and are charging an undocumented man for her death.  Trump took the death of this young woman as an opportunity to promote his nativist agenda; he said the event wouldn’t have happened if it were not for lax immigration laws and essentially placed the responsibility of Tibbett’s death at the feet of Democrats.  Sarah Sanders, White House press secretary, said “Sadly, the individual believed to be responsible for the murder is an illegal immigrant, making this an unfortunate reminder of why we need to strengthen our immigration laws.”  Tibbetts’ father spoke out against Trump, saying he did not want his daughter to be used as a pawn in political conversation and specifically not in anti-immigrant rhetoric.  He released a statement, which included this point: “do not appropriate Mollie's soul in advancing views she believed were profoundly racist.”
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Senator John McCain passed away hours after he posted that he was stopping his cancer treatment. Trump managed to Tweet out a brief message, but he made sure to not say anything laudatory or bring it up during any of his events that day. McCain specifically said Trump was not invited to his funeral so past presidents Obama and Bush provided eulogies in Trump’s absence.
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Trump Tweeted out his regular endorsements for candidates as election season continues.  Of particular note are his Tweets about his visit to Ohio, his self-assigned grades, and his visit to West Virginia. Trump went to Ohio to lead the state Republican Party’s annual dinner, but Ohio Governor John Kasich did not attend. Kasich has crticized Trump amd Trump has repeatedly blamed the Republican Kasich for party losses. In an interview with Fox News Trump said he would give himself an A+ for his presidency so far, especially for his work on the Supreme Court and taxes.  Given that an A+ implies perfection, this grade reflects Trump’s obsession with himself and ignores all the errors he has made. Trump also went to West Virginia where he held a MAGA rally and taunted the public and the media by asking them to prove there was collusion. This statement is particularly ironic given that Manfort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, was found guilty of 8 counts of financial crimes this week. It’s also a little ironic that Trump played John Denver’s song “Take Me Home, Country Roads” during his rally considering Denver was definitely on the liberal side.
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Trump has been working on trade negotiations with Mexico in an effort to fix NAFTA, the problem is that he has been in conversation with Mexico and not Canada. Trump said he will make two bilateral agreements with the nations individually if he cannot get Canada to agree to the negotiations set with Mexico. “The agreement with Mexico requires 75% of a car’s value to be manufactured in North America, up from Nafta’s current level of 62.5%, Reuters reported. It would also require 40% to 45% of the car to be made by workers earning at least $16 per hour.”  The trade deal has to be approved by Congress for it to go forward.
Trump had plans for Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to go to North Korea to continue denuclearization talks but that visit has now been halted. Trump said not enough progress has been made for Pompeo to make the visit and that solidifying trade agreements with China before the trip is also a goal.
The Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act was passed as part of the National Defense Authorization Act. The goal is for the US to have stricter measures on intellectual and technology property.
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Fake News
Trump continues his rant against fake media.  In an interview on Fox News Trump said fake news is 80 percent of the media.  He also Tweeted the “Social Media Giants” are silencing the people; this statement is in reference to how Twitter and Facebook have limited posts from far right thinkers who promote hate speech, including racist and anti-Semitic speech.  
The New Yorker reported that Trump was considering revoking security clearance to Obama, a privilege that is generally maintained to previous officials so they can consult.  Trump revoked security clearance to former CIA director Brennan, but Trump Tweeted that he not considered doing that to Obama.
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Trump has continued his assault on NFL protestors and famous athletes who are outspoken about the social problems; these persistent attacks have led to more conversations about the relationship between the presidency and sports.
The mixed-race (self-identified) golf player, Tiger Woods, was asked about Trump’s policies towards people of color and about race relations in general.  Woods has known Trump for years and stumbled around the answers; Woods said people need to respect the office of the presidency and that he was hungry. Of course Trump is thrilled that Woods kept mum.
Trump met with Jim Brown, a former football player and activist.  Brown said he was impressed with Trump and Trump’s goals to support Black communities.
Trump wished a happy birthday to former WWE player and businessman, Vince McMahon. Trump and McMahon go way back since Trump had a bit with the WWE.
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South Africa Land Seizure
The South African president, Ramaphosa, is considering taking lands from White farmers without compensation in order to redistribute lands and work toward economic equality.  Fox News reported that land seizures had already occurred, essentially Tucker Carlson tried to energize his White nationalist base by implying Blacks were stealing from poor White farmers.  And, Trump, rather than getting information or council from his staff, Tweeted out a policy directive because of a false story he heard on Fox News.
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Nazi Deportation
A man who lived in Queens, New York for decades was discovered to have been an guard at a concentration camp during WWII; he originally got into the United States by claiming he was a Polish immigrant farmer.  Groups have been calling for his deportation for years, but the U.S. was having a hard time finding a country who would take him.  Trump deported the man this week.  New York State Assemblyman Hikind went on Fox and Friends to thank Trump for getting it done.
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Trump went hard with his propaganda Tweets this week, claiming a 90 percent approval rate and releasing a series of videos that touted his accomplishments while criticizing Obama.  Trump’s claims about approval rating are just blatantly incorrect, even if looking at the Rasmussen Poll that tends to provide higher ratings than other agencies. Trump had a 46% approval rating and 54% disapproval; although, Trump has managed to maintain high 80s in the percentage of Republicans who approve of him.
Trump loves to tout high economic numbers including the stock market, but economists continually argue that the economy is still drifting off of Obama era policies and consequences of Trump policies have yet to be seen.  Of course, Trump is angered by this and so continues to attack Obama and other Democrats.  Then in a series of videos he posted on Twitter Trump gloated about low unemployment numbers, ending Obamacare, and that there needs to be an apology for criticizing Trump when he has done a wonderful job.
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Presidential Notes
Trump met with the President of Kenya, Uhuru Kenyatta, who some believe is a political twin of Trump.  Kenyatta also was born to  wealthy family, barely won the election, and many believe is wrapped in corruption.
Trump again Tweeted about his concerns about drug pricing, but there has yet to be any real movement on this issue.
Trump spoke with Scott Morrison, Prime Minister of Australia.  Morrison won an election that many feel was unfair, he was voted from within rather than by public vote. Trump said the US relationship with Australia was stronger than ever.
Hawaii was hit by Hurricane Lane where it left over 19 inches of rain. It is estimated that this storm was the largest to hit Hawaii in over 25 years.
Trump awarded a Medal of Honor to John Chapman who died in a 2002 battle in Afghanistan. Chapman’s family went to the White House to receive the award.
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trumptweettuesdays-blog · 6 years ago
TTT 8.21.18
This week’s themes are  Russia Collusion, Campaigning, Immigration, International Relations, SEC, News, Military Parade, Omarosa, Propaganda, and Presidential notes
Russia Collusion
Trump had more to say this week about the Russia “witch hunt.”  This week the main targets of his attacks are the New York Times Brennan, and Ohr. The Times reported that White House counsel, Donald McGahn helped Mueller in his investigation, revealing that Trump wanted to fire Mueller and that he is very angry about the investigation (the latter isn’t news to anyone who follows Trump’s Twitter account).  Trump is angry that The Times put his lawyer and himself in a bad light in the article. Trump is also targeting Bruce Ohr who works in the Justice Department and is being questioned for information he knew on the Steele dossier. Ohr had contact with Steele for years so Trump is angry at Ohr for supposedly having back-door dealings with Steele (Steele’s dossier is what helped to prompt the Russia investigation).  In addition, Ohr’s wife, Nelly, is a Russian history expert who worked as a contractor for Fusion GPS on Russia matters; Ohr did not disclose this information on federal forms but this information has been public since last year.  And last but not least Trump lashed out against John Brennan, former CIA Director.  Brennan’s security clearance was recently revoked by Trump for being a “security risk.”  Brennan feels his clearance was revoked for being a critic of Trump and wrote an op-ed that says Russia collusion denials are “hogwash.”  In the end, Trump keeps trying to end the investigation but reports and discoveries keep coming - no matter how much he Tweets.
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Trump is hot on the campaign trail and campaign Tweets.  He went to West Virginia where he held a large rally and had his usual highlights on immigration, trade, jobs and taxes. Of course, being in West Virginia he also claimed coal was cleaner and better than any environmentally green source of energy. He was also sure to dispel any claims about Russia collusion and hating on the fake news.
Trump targeted NYC mayor and rival, Bill De Blasio, for stealing his slogan of “Promises Made Promises Kept.  The De Blasio campaign replied by noting the slogan has been around for decades, at least since the 80s and 90s, and that the slogan did not originate with nor belong to Trump.
New York Governor, Andrew Cuomo, said “we’re not going to make America great again, it was never that great,” in an effort to criticize Trump. Cuomo was aiming to make clear that the country still has a far way to go in ending discrimination against women and other minorities but the President took the comment as an opportunity to embarrass him, remaking that Cuomo was having a “total meltdown.”
Trump has criticized Blumenthal in the past and he was at it again this past week.  Blumental has misrepresented his military service by saying he was a Vietnam veteran when he wasn’t as he was never actually in Vietnam.  Blumenthal has since clarified his service but Trump points out this story anytime Blumenthal talks about the Russia investigation.
One other story of particular note in Trump’s campaign Tweets has to do with Wisconsin governor Scott Walker.  In the past Trump called Walker a mess and not smart bit mpw Trump is Tweeting that Walker has his “total endorsement” and that Walker has “done incredible things.” A typical turnaround for Trump.
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Trump continues to make attacks on immigration a hallmark of his presidency and integrates his hate for undocumented immigrants into any and all conversations when possible.  On August 15th Fox News released a video of Chuck Schumer, Senate Minority Leader who has criticized Trump for his attacks on immigrants, criticizing soft laws against undocumented immigrants during a Georgetown law event back in 2009.  Indeed, in the video Schumer says horrendous things about undocumented immigrants but hopefully his turn away from that rhetoric is a good thing.  Of course, Fox News is using this video to argue that Schumer has no room to criticize Trump. .
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International Relations
Trump uses Twitter to lash out against any number of countries on any number of issues, continuously creating strained relationships with other nations instead of relying on diplomatic measures to resolve issues.
There is a bipartisan agreement on the Synthetics Trafficking and Overdose Prevention Act, but the Senate has not taken action yet.  Majority leader McConnell has focused on other matters and some have criticized McConnell for delaying the vote so that Democrats don’t have a legislative win to use while campaigning for the November elections.
The White House stopped payment to Syria to help them restabilize infrastructure.  The State Department said other countries will instead provide funds, including $100 million from Saudi Arabia.  Former Secretary of State, Tillerson had originally pledged the money to Syria but this retraction of funds indicates Trump’s move to pull out of Syria.
Trump is attacking Turkey for detaining American Christian Pastor, Andrew Brunson, for charges of espionage and terrorism.  This issue is escalating tensions with Turkey; the US has already imposed sanctions and doubled tariffs on steel and aluminum.
Trump is also not retreating for his trade war and use of tariffs as strategy.  Yet, many are disappointed with this method including workers who rely on materials such as steel.  The tariffs are driving up company costs and hurting production. Trump’s videos tell companies to remain patient and promising that in the long run there will be more jobs for the US, but the studies and predictions don’t bear that out.
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Trump is encouraging the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) to replace quarterly reports with filings every six months. Criticisms of this potential move is that it would make it easier for companies to not be transparent with their dealings.  Trump does not have the power to change SEC rules but he can encourage them to research the option.
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Fake News
This past week Trump again attacked Fake News, calling them the opposition party.  And Trump said he was against censorship even though he calls every news outlet that does not support him fake news and encourages the public to not listen to them.  Virtually the only news outlets that Trump endorses is Fox News, The Daily Caller, and The Drudge Report - all news sources run by right or far right spokespeople and who support Trump’s agenda, no matter what he says or does.
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Military Parade
Trump wanted a military parade after seeing North Korea’s parade and said it would be “great for the spirit of the country.”  However, the parade is now postponed (or cancelled?) after the pricetag was estimated to be $92 million.
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Trump is a bind after Omarosa claims she has multiple tapes to support her claims about Trump. So far Omarosa has released four tapes: one in which Kelly fired her, another where Trump exhibits surprise and disappointment that Omarosa was fired, a third that indicates that other Trump aides knew he used the n-word, and a fourth where Lara Trump offers Omarosa a job in the 2020 campaign.
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The Tweets this week are reflective of Trump’s usual propaganda Tweets about the booming economy. In particular he Tweeted that youth unemployment is down, but per usual that tells only part of the story.  The rate was at 9.2 percent in July but fewer teens are on the job market and unemployment rates only count people looking for a job and without a job.  There are fewer teens and young adults in the job market and that’s generally taken as a bad sign because they are not getting jobs to prep for the future.
Another Tweet of particular importance points to the African American approval rating of Trump. Trump likes to use the Rasmussen poll because their approval numbers for him, across the board, are always higher than what other polls show.  However, a NAACP poll and a Pew Research poll also show higher approval ratings for Trump among Black communities (21 and 14 percent respectively).  It’s possible that Kanye West’s love for Trump is partially responsible for this increase.
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Presidential Notes
Trump noted the loss of singer, Aretha Franklin, who passed away on August 16th.  At a cabinet meeting Trump said Franklin “worked for him” and use of “dead” in his Tweet got many upset at Trump.
Trump Tweeted about another “terrorist attack” in London even though the investigation was too early in the process for London police to definitively label it an act of terrorism. Moreover, Trump referred to the attacker as an “animal,” another intentional move to dehumanize human beings so he can rationalize his racist and native laws.
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trumptweettuesdays-blog · 7 years ago
TTT 8.14.18
This week’s themes are Russia Collusion, Charlottesville Anniversary, NFL Protests, Trade, Omarosa, Campaigning,  Armed Forces, Propaganda and Presidential Notes.
Russia Collusion
This week again Trump reaches far to try to discredit the investigation into Russia collusion.  He repeats that the dossier obtained by the Democratic National Committee was fake, when the evidence found in it was credited (that is an old story).  The only news coverage on his claim that Steele can be discredited by a relationship with Ohr are alt-right outlets such as Breitbart.  
FBI agent, Peter Strzok, was part of the investigation into Russia collusion; however, it was found that he had shared text messages that revealed his deep seated dislike for Trump.  Strzok was then removed from working on the investigation.  It was believe that Strzok would face a demotion and a 60 day suspension, but then was unexpectedly fired by the FBI.  It is unclear why.  Of course, Trump has seized upon this firing as proof that the investigation into Russia collusion is “a rigged witch hunt,” even though the investigation has repeatedly found guilty parties.
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Charlottesville Anniversary
August 11th marked the one year anniversary of the White nationalist march in Charlottesville, Virginia.  The march resulted in violent clashes with anti-racism protesters.  Last year, when asked about the events Trump reported that there were decent people on both sides, basically endorsing White nationalists.  This year, Trump called for the country to overcome the division in the country.  He also chose to Tweet about low unemployment rates for Hispanics and Blacks as though he is a president that fights for these communities.  He also thanked Kanye for raising this point and supporting Trump while Kanye was on Jimmy Kimmel live. The art of Trump’s propaganda is how he supports White nationalists while also pretending to support Black and Brown communities.
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NFL Protests
During the NFL pre-season games, several players chose to take a knee, raise a fist, or stay in the locker room during the National Anthem.  Trump responded with vicious criticism, again attacking the players for not being patriotic and stating that the players don’t even know what they are protesting.  Contrary to Trump’s propaganda about this issue, the players do have clear concerns about how people of color experience racism on the daily.  But, Trump will continue with his NFL Tweets because it is a good way to rally his base, something that even Trump has verbally stated.
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Trump is continuing his hard stance on trade, keeping to his belief that high tariffs and sanctions will eventually “bring countries in line.”  This strategy runs contrary to what most economic advisors believe should be done and is putting a strain on international relationships.  Most recently, Trump has been trying to negotiate NAFTA but after a series of statements Trump has managed to put Canada at odds with the U.S.  Canada has more or less left the conversation, and Canada’s approval of the U.S. is at the lowest it’s been in thirty years.  Meanwhile, Trump is trying to reach an agreement with Mexico by the end of August, which would help political goals for both countries’ presidents.
Trump is also enforcing sanctions against Iran, claiming that the country is backing up terrorist organizations in the region. As of August 7th, the country can no longer purchase U.S. currency, trade in gold and precious metals, or purchase auto parts and commercial aircraft.  The sanctions already are taking a toll on Iranians. Iraq and Turkey have said they will not obey these U.S. imposed sanctions and it seems that India and China will continue getting oil from Iran.
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Omarosa Manigault Newman has been part of the Trump circle for over a decade, her first big splash with him was her role in The Apprentice.  When Trump became president he hired Omarosa as an assistant but it’s unclear what her job duties included.  Omarosa has now released a new book, Unhinged: An Insider’s Account of the Trump White House; in her rounds of book promotion talks Omarosa has detailed the immorality of Trump including claiming that Trump used the N-word.  Now Omarosa has begun releasing audio recordings of conversations she has had with Trump staff, stating that she will continue to release recordings if needed to prove what she has said in her book is true.  Unsurprisingly, in response, Trump is cruelly bashing her in his Tweets including calling her “wacky, “deranged,” “loser,” and a “lowlife.”
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Trump is continuing his campaigning for Republican candidates as midterm elections approach.  As reported in last week’s TTT, Trump is particularly throwing weight behind Troy Balderson of Ohio as Ohio is typically seen as a indicator of where politics are headed.  Other significant elections of note is Trump’s support for Scott Walker of Wisconsin; Walker has managed to keep a Republican stronghold over the state despite Democratic circles in Madison and Milwaukee.  Trump had previously referred to Walker as “not smart” when Walker attempted a bid at the Republican presidential nomination.   Trump is also backing Ted Yoho of Florida, another crucial state as Trump won Florida by 16 points in the presidential election.
As the elections come closer Trump is clearly concerned, as he should be, about losing the Republican majority in the House.  Though Trump claims in his Tweets that the Republicans are all winning and it’s a “red wave,” there is a good chance Democrats could take over.  So Trump relies on his favorite tactic: bullying.  He is particularly attacking Nancy Pelosi, teasing the Democrats about their House leader while Democrats themselves are trying to decide if they want to back her.
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Armed Forces
Trump signed a $716 billion dollar defense bill.  Of course Trump claimed this was the largest defense bill to be signed, but when adjusted for inflation Obama passed larger bills.  The bill was also named for John McCain who has been attacked by Trump recently; Trump chose not to mention McCain in his Tweets.  The bill also includes language about China’s ZTE corporation who was found violating sanctions and shipping products to Iran and North Korea; the final bill has much softer language against ZTE than the original bill.
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Trump went to New Jersey and planned to hold a rally with bikers but rain and floods held them inside.  Trump made the best of it, inviting bikers to come in and used the gathering to promote his agenda while lavishing love upon the bikers.  The bikers encouraged him in his agenda by speaking support for building a wall at the Mexico border and attacking the media.
In other news Trump posted yet another Tweet supporting Fox News and specifically Mike Huckabee; a good Tweet to post after attacking the media during his biker rally. m
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Presidential Notes
Koepka won the Golf Major, which Trump praised him for this past week.  Trump’s fascination with golf has been good for those golf players looking to get more publicity from the president.
Trump Tweeted that he had a good phone call with the President of France, but there no was phone call that was particularly needed on the agenda and it’s unclear why Trump called him.  Some have reported that Trump doesn’t understand that you just don’t call international leaders to chat.
As reported in last week’s TTT, Trump is fascinated with the idea of adding to the armed forces a “space force” that would protect the U.S. intergalactically.
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trumptweettuesdays-blog · 7 years ago
TTT 8.7.18 This week’s themes are Russia Collusion, Immigration, Trade, LeBron and African-American Communities, Campaigning, Environment, North Korea, Food Stamps, Plastic Guns, Propaganda, and Presidential Notes
Russia Collusion
Trump is throwing darts at the board trying to figure out which of his angles on the Russia collusion investigation will stick.  At points he says Hillary Clinton was the one that colluded and that the dossier was fake, when neither of these statements are correct.  Clinton did not meet with Russia officials for information on Trump and the dossier was not fake, the material in it was credited by independent sources.  Trump then said FBI official Strzok was against Trump’s election even though the investigation found no evidence that Strzok took any illegal or biased action against Trump.  Another angle is that Trump is now claiming that his son’s meeting with Russian officials was a “totally legal” meeting to get information on an opponent when for months Trump claimed it was a meeting to discuss adoption of Russian children. It is also highly unclear how legal that meeting was.  Finally, Trump is now saying “collusion is not a crime,” which is a complete turnaround from his long standing defense that there was no collusion.  It appears that Trump is trying anything and everything to convince his base that this investigation is a “witch hunt.”
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Trump is continuing is racist, nationalist tirade on immigration.  He is claiming that Mexico’s murder rate increased so that must mean that murder would increase in the United States, which is clearly a false equivalent.  But Trump is using the murder rate to support his argument that he should shut down the government if the Democrats don’t fund his money to build a wall at the border with Mexico.  A wall that Trump promised would be paid for by Mexico.  Limbaugh supports Trump’s stance on shutting down the government.
As reported in last week’s TTT, Trump met with the Italian Prime Minister, which he used as an opportunity to promote his nativist, anti-immigration agenda.
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Trump is sticking to his trade war, which is leading to the U.S. raising tariffs and other countries, such as China, are also doing so in retaliation.  The idea is that there will be pressure for U.S. companies to buy local goods, instead of those coming from abroad, but this strategy often leads to a rise in costs that then results in a rise in the cost of goods so that consumers are then paying more money.  A trade war is also not good for international relations.
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LeBron & African American Communities 
Trump met with several Black pastors to discuss prison reform and one of them, Pastor Darrell Scott, said Trump was a wonderful president for African Americans.  Only 13 percent of Blacks approve of Trump.  In response, many have criticized the Black pastors at this event as power hungry and not really motivated to help Black communities.  Trump says that he is supportive of Black communities, often citing the low Black unemployment rate, but this drop in unemployment began during Obama’s presidency, and Trump has not made any policies to further support Black employment rates.  In actuality, Trump has vocally not supported Black communities by attacking NFL players and by supporting White nationalists in Charlottesville.
Trump also attacked LeBron James (Trump misspelled his name in his Tweet) after James was interviewed by Don Lemon in relationship to his James’ new school, “I Promise School.” The school is intended to help students who live in economically poor neighborhoods that provide few resources.  During the interview James said Trump used sports to divide communities, referring to Trump’s persistent Tweets attacking NFL players who take a knee or stay in the locker room to protest police brutality and other violence against Black communities.  Trump responded by saying Lemon managed to make James “look smart.”  Melania Trump then publicly supported LeBron James, noting his praiseworthy efforts to help children.
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Trump is heavy on the campaign trail, putting his effort behind candidates that support his MAGA agenda.
John James, an African American veteran of the Iraq war, won the Republican nomination for a senate seat.  Trump called James’ Democratic opponent, Stabenow, weak on crime and borders.
Trump endorsed Kris Kobach for Governor of Kansas.  Kobach actively supported and helped lead Trump’s attack on “voter fraud” and many believe he has connections to White nationalist organizations.  Trump has supported Kobach as a “true conservative” over another Republican, Jeff Colyer.
There is a special election in Ohio for a senate seat and many believe the results will be a bellwether for what will happen in the November elections.  Trump is heavily backing Troy Balderson, a heavy conservative who supports Trump.
Trump went to Tennessee to support Marsha Blackburn for senator; it’s key that Blackburn win this seat for Republicans if they are to have a Republican majority in the Senate.  There hasn’t been a Democratic senator in Ohio since the 1990s.
Diane Black of Tennessee strongly aligned herself with Trump as she sought to win the governor primary. Trump decided to not back Black, perhaps due to her declining numbers.  Trump then Tweeted out his congratulations to Republican Bill Lee who won the primary.
Lou Barletta is running for a Senate seat in Pennsylvania, where Trump travelled to show his support for Barletta. Barletta who was relatively unknown in comparison to his opponent Bob Casey, is now seeing an increase in support since winning Trump’s endorsement.  Part of what Trump likely supports about Barletta is his heavily anti-immigrant rhetoric.
John Barrasso is running for the Senate in Wyoming.  Barrasso has promotes his policy approach that aims to revoke Obama era policies.
David Kustoff is running for a House seat in Tennessee.  He has been criticized for being liberal on abortion rights but has aligned himself with Trump, which is perhaps what helped him win the Republican nomination.
Trump went to Florida to support Ron DeSantis for governor, who has been very pro-Trump. One of DeSantis’ commercials features his child building a border wall out of building blocks and his other child wearing a MAGA onesie.
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Trump is taking advantage of wildfires in California to promote his anti-environment protection agenda.  Since taking office Trump has lowered environmental protection policies and promoted corporate interests over the environment.  Recently, Trump Tweeted that water efforts are hurting the fight against wildfires, which is factually wrong.  California has enough water to fight wildfires, and much of the fight against fires is on the ground where workers pull away brush.
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North Korea
North Korea returned the bodies of U.S. soldiers who died during the Korean War.  This move is seen as part of North Korea’s effort to prove a positive relationship with the U.S. and keep their promise to denuclearize.
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Food Stamps
The House version of the Farm Bill has a 20 hour per week work requirement to be eligible for food stamps.  It’s likely that the Senate will not support this version.  If instituted, it’s estimated around one million people would no longer receive help to buy the food they need.
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Plastic Guns
The Trump administration is supporting the availability of downloadable instructions to build a plastic gun with a 3-D printer.  States are trying to institute laws to block the availability of these forms, noting they are a threat to national security.  Many are upset that Trump is consulting the NRA about this issue.
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Most of the propaganda Tweets this week center on high economic ratings and low unemployment. We have repeatedly reported on Trump’s touting of his economic ratings, noting that much of this incline began during Obama’s presidency and it is far from clear how much of this growth will be sustainable.
Trump’s other propaganda Tweets centered on attacking the “fake news” and promoting Fox News as the only reliable source.  Fox News has proven itself as loyal to the MAGA agenda.  Ivanka, Trump’s daughter, was asked if the media was the enemy of the people to which she responded no.  This statement seems to contract her father’s stance so Trump Tweeted that Ivanka thinks only that the fake news is the enemy.
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Presidential Notes
The Coast Guard celebrates its birthday on August 4th marking the day Congress authorized the creation of 10 vessels.
Trump has occasionally Tweeted support for NASA, most recently he noted a “Space Force” which would act as an additional branch of the military. A Space Force cannot be created without Congressional approval.  Some say the Air Force already regulates what the Space Force would do.
UFC President Dana White and UFC fighter Colby Covington visited the White House, took promotional photos, and thanked Trump for putting “America first.”
Wilkie was signed in as the new leader of the Veterans Affairs office, which was reported on in last week’s TTT.
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trumptweettuesdays-blog · 7 years ago
TTT 7.31.18
This week’s themes are Trade, Russia Collusion, Immigration, Fake News, Economy, Campaigning, Armed Forces, Religion, Kavanaugh, Propaganda, and Presidential Notes.
Trump has not let up on his “trade negotiations” despite China responding in kind by placing their own trade tariffs, and the U.S. steel and soybean industries suffering from the trade war.  One nail company lost orders and had to let go 60 of its 500 workers because they import their steel from Mexico.  When faced this reality, Trump’s administration responded that the company was probably having problems anyway and their woes were not due to trade tariffs.  Soybean farmers in the midwest are being hit particularly hard, so much so that Trump has designed a program to economically help the farmers who are only suffering because of Trump’s decisions.  A $12 billion dollar subsidy program will help to keep farmers afloat as Trump maintains his hard stance against China, the EU, Mexico, and Canada. It’s a significant government bailout that is only necessary because of problems created by the administration.
Trump met with European Commission President, Juncker, this past week in hopes of coming to a trade agreement that would be mutually beneficial. Juncker and Trump had a joint press release in the Rose Garden where they said they were moving toward no tarriffs and open trade on all non-auto industry items. Juncker claimed this as a win.  Yet, the actual agreement does not reveal that much progress.  Trump maintained the auto tarrifss against the EU, and promised only to not initiate more tarriffs so long as negotiations were on the table.  In return, the EU promised to import more soybeans and liquified natural gas from the U.S.  Trump posted a picture of Juncker kissing him to show the world there was “love” between the U.S. and the EU, an odd way to prove progress to say the least.
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Russia Collusion
As Trump is increasingly backed into a corner on the investigation into Russia collusion, he responds with his normal propaganda Tweet terms: “witch hunt,” “illegal scam,” “Angry Democrats,” and “Fake News.”  Trump is very good at maintaining a consistent vocabulary that helps his base defend him.  This week he added the new term of “Trump Derangement Syndrome,” which sounds more like an affliction Trump has rather than his intention to describe an illness that the public has who does not believe him.  It’s laughable, to say the least, that Trump describes his opposition as having an illness, a “syndrome” when Mueller has issued “ 191 criminal charges against 32 individuals and three companies in the course of the special counsel probe” and five people have plead guilty.  That’s hardly a witch hunt.
The latest reveal in the investigation is that Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer, is willing to testify that (then candidate) Trump knew about the meeting between Don Jr (his son) and the Russia officials who were offering dirt on Hillary Clinton.  This claim that Trump did know about the meeting goes against everything that Trump and is allies have said so far, Trump has always denied knowing about the meeting.  Trump Tweeted this week that Cohen is lying and that he is just saying this because he’s hoping to lessen his legal troubles about financial dealings he had with taxi cab owners.
Trump’s then Tweeted that he was worried that Russia might try to influence the elections again, because Trump has been so hard on Putin that Russia would not want Trump re-elected.  This statement is beyond absurd, especially considering that Trump just met with Putin, referred to him as a friend, and claimed they were building a great relationship.  
Just this morning Trump is now turning his long standing defense that there was “no collusion” to “collusion is not a crime.”  A stark turn in his defense.  We will cover this more in next week’s TTT as more information is released.
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Trump’s immigration Tweets this past week are largely nativist, propaganda.  He continues his assault on immigrants as violent criminals who threaten the safety and economic prosperity of the U.S.  He released a several minute video that is just him talking to the camera about the evils of immigrants and immigration.  At the same time, he maintains that he has reunited immigrant families that were separated at the border - which he has not.  The administration said it reunited all the families by their deadline, but there are still 711 children who have not been reunited with their family.
Now Trump is threatening a government shutdown if he doesn’t receive funding for the Mexico wall, which he promised during his campaign would be paid by Mexico.  He has posted on Twitter that he will move into a shut-down if that’s the only way to get his money.  Yet, with mid-term elections coming it’s likely not a popular strategy by Republicans to go into a government shutdown in October, just a month before the election.
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Fake News
Trump took time to rail on the “fake news” this week as reports on Trump administration fails pile up, including separating immigrant families at the border, the farming crisis as a result of his trade tariffs, and increased evidence into Russia collusion.
Trump met with the publisher of The New York Times, A.G. Sulzberger. The meeting was supposed to be off the record, but then Trump Tweeted about the meeting and his desire to get media to stop “fake news.”  In response, Sulzberger revealed that he told Trump “I warned that this inflammatory language is contributing to a rise in threats against journalists and will lead to violence."  It seems Sulzberger asked for the meeting to discuss with Trump his attack on journalists and the negative consequences that poses for the public and for journalists’ safety.
Trump also Tweeted that Twitter was intentionally “shadow banning” Republicans, a move where Twitter users can see their own Tweets and profile but no one else can.  Twitter said that Republican people and Tweets not showing up was an unintended consequence of their aim to reduce the presence of White supremacists on the platform.  Twitter has said they will work to fix the problem.
A merger was denied between Sinclair and Tribune, which Trump said hurts the “conservative voice.”  Sinclair is pro-Trump.  The FCC is Republican led, however, and denied the merger.
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Trump loves touting the economy numbers, always taking credit for turning the economy around although Obama is the one that got the economy going upright after inheriting a depression from Bush.  The economy did grow 4.1 percent as Tweeted by Trump, but many economists believe this was a one-time increase as a result of the tax cuts and a rush by foreign companies to import goods before the Trump tariffs went into effect.  The Trump administration maintains that the economy will keep growing, but this claim is a bit early to make and could end up backfiring during the midterm elections if the economy does retract.
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Trump continues his campaigning for candidates that explicitly support his MAGA agenda. Brian Kemp won the Republican runoff in Georgia for Governor and will face Democrat, Stacey Abrams.
There’s a special election in Ohio for a House seat.  Trump and the Republican base are worried about what a loss would mean in Ohio, especially just ahead of the midterm elections in November.  Trump has supported the Republican, Troy Balderson, and is traveling to Ohio to support him.
John James is running for a senate seat in Michigan and has featured Trump’s endorsement in his advertisements.
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Armed Forces
Trump loves to promote the armed forces, he uses stories about the armed forces to reach out to his base.
Wilkie was signed on as the new Secretary of Veteran Affairs, the fourth person to hold the position in five years. Wilkie will face problems in providing appropriate health care services to veterans but says he is opposed to privatizing the office - an option provided by some conservatives.
Trump also went to the convention for the Veterans of Foreign Wars, where he gave a speech that sounded more like a campaign speech than a presidential one.  He also took the opportunity to note that North Korea will be sending home remains of some U.S. soldiers who died in North Korea.  
He also touted funds going into making F-35 fighter planes, which he has now repeatedly referred to as “literally invisible.”  The plan is quite visible, but it is good at obscuring radar detection.
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Trump’s administration initiated an annual Ministerial to Advance Religious Freedom to promote religious liberty and bring light to religious persecution around the world.  This take is awfully ironic, to say the least, given Trump’s allegiance to Christian values and peoples while also creating a Muslim immigration ban.
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Rand Paul was viewed as a swing vote for Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation to the Supreme Court, but he publicly announced he would vote for him.   A blow to the Democratic opposition to this highly conservative nominee.
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Trump used his propaganda Tweets this week to tout his hard line on immigration through Italian Prime Minister Conte’s visit to the White House and false approval ratings.
Conte is also taking a hard stance against immigration and Trump identifies Conte as another “political outsider.”  Trump used the visit as a way to talk about immigration in the U.S. and reiterate his threat to shutdown the government over immigration enforcement.
Trump also Tweeted about an 88 percent approval rating; this number is about approval of only Republicans and it was conducted through Fox News.  In other words, this number is not representative of any general public. In relationship to this number, he also Tweeted that his approval was higher than that of Reagan or Lincoln, which is again misleading and there wasn’t even scientific polling during Lincoln’s Presidency in the 1860s.   Gallup actually puts Trump’s current approval rating at about 40 percent.
For the first time that we recollect, Trump also “pinned” a Tweet to the top of the page.  The Tweet is a video made by a Trump fan that describes Trump “successes” in areas such as economy, immigration, and North Korea.
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Presidential Notes
Trump noted the one year anniversary of his Chief of Staff, John Kelly.  This statement is also made among speculations that Kelly is on his way out, just as so many of Trump’s administration has left him.  Just a one year appointment should not be that much to celebrate, but Trump has lost 30 staff members since becoming president.
Marchionne who ran Chrysler passed away, which Trump noted in a Tweet.  Marchionne was known for his no-nonsense approach to the business and for bringing the auto-industry back into active production.
Trump has threatened sanctions against Turkey if they do not release American pastor, Andrew Brunson.  Turkey says Brunson supports terrorist groups, the U.S. says he is innocent.  The Turkish government seems to be disregarding Trump’s threats.
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trumptweettuesdays-blog · 7 years ago
TTT 7.17.18
This week’s themes are  Meeting with Putin and Russia Collusion, Meeting with May, Supreme Court, NATO, Immigration, North Korea, Campaigning, Pfizer, Propaganda, and Presidential Notes
Meeting with Putin and Russia Collusion 
Trump met with Russian President Putin in Helsinki, Finland.  While there Trump was asked about the fact that U.S. intelligence agencies stated that Russia interfered in the election.  Trump said that though he believed the U.S. intelligence agencies, he felt that Putin was very sincere in his denial of any participation in meddling.  Trump said: “I accept our intelligence community's conclusion that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election took place. Could be other people also. A lot of people out there.” Democrats and even many Republicans were shocked that Trump took Putin’s side and that he was on such friendly terms with Putin given the election meddling and numerous other moral and legal violations by Putin.  Trump defended himself by saying it was important to leave the past in the past, and that he was making the right decision by creating a positive relationship with Putin.
Although Trump would not say a bad wrong about the Russian dictator, he did bash former U.S. intelligence agency officers and other Democrats. He also took the opportunity to continue his claim that the investigation into the Russia collusion was a “witch hunt.”
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Meeting with May
Trump met with Prime Minister May Last week. May reported that he advised her to sue the European Union over Brexit, advice that May seems to condemn as she instead enters negotiations.
There was also some chatter as there was a picture of Trump holding May’s hand, but she says he was just helping her with some stairs.
Trump’s visit was also met by a very large anti-Trump protest rally.  Groups from many contingencies including women, LGBTQ, and pro-PM May, and pro-London Mayor Khan were in the streets making noise. At one point they sang:  “Donald, racist bigot, sexist bigot, Donald, Trump is a disaster.”  Protests also featured a large balloon of Trump in a baby diaper and holding a cell phone; Mayor Khan gave permission for the protest and flying of the balloon, which Trump heavily criticized him for.  U.S. protestors now received permission to copy the balloon design and plan to fly in locations around the country, including near his country club.
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Supreme Court
Trump put forward Brett Kavanaugh as his nominee for the Supreme Court, this is the second time Trump has been able to nominate someone for the position on the nation’s highest court. The first justice he placed on the Court was Neil Gorsuch, a conservative and another White man. Trump was only able to get Gorsuch because Republicans strategically stalled and politically manipulated the situation during Obama’s presidency so that the choice would be Trump’s and not Obama’s.  Now that Trump is upset that Democrats do not support his choice of Kavanaugh, he’s blaming Democrats for not playing fairly.  This is another example of his extreme hypocrisy, not to mention the fact that it is the duty of Senators to vet the president’s nominee for the Supreme Court. 
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Trump has been scathing in his criticisms of NATO members for not contributing more of their money to the funds.  He claims that the U.S. is providing way more of their fair share; in 2014 several NATO members promised to increase their funding, which was partially due to Russia’s increased show of threat after they annexed Crimea.  Trump reported that several countries agreed to up their spending and thanked him for his leadership; details on which countries or who said thanks is not to be found.
Trump also claimed that his meeting with Putin was ever more successful than his meeting with NATO, a narrative he pushed after showing love and support for Putin even though U.S. intelligence agencies found that Russia meddled with the election.
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Trump continued his nativist propaganda this week, heightening the belief that undocumented immigrants are criminals by Tweeting out several stories depicting immigrants as particularly violent.  He also went so far as to say immigrants we're just using children to cross the border - a direct reply to criticisms that Trump separated families at the border and has now failed to reunite them as promised. Trump knows no boundaries to his racist propaganda as rather work on immigration policy he depicts immigrants as criminals, violent, and now child abusers.
Yet, he then also Tweets that Hispanics love him because they do better under his presidency. This statement is only, sort of partially true. The poll of 900 showed around 40 percent of Hispanics saying they feel financially better off but there is no statement about Obama and it wasn't a majority of the respondents.
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North Korea
Upon his initial meeting with Kim, Trump said denuclearization would happen quickly and begin right away. Now he's saying there is no time limit and that the process will likely take longer than anyone would like.  This timeline is a major reversal from what he was pushing just a couple months ago.
Meanwhile Trump Tweeted out a letter from Kim that overly congratulates Trump and refers to him multiple times as “his excellency.”. It's likely Trump just wants people to start calling him this in the US.
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DeSantis is running for governor of Florida and is now coming out ahead in the early polls.  DeSantis has received Trump’s support, and has featured Trump in his tv and mail ads.
Trump is supporting Matt Gaetz of Florida.  Gaetz is a consistent supporter of Trump, frequently going on the news to defend him and argue their are “deep state” actors that are trying to ruin Trump. 
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As reported in last week's TTT, Trump admonished Pfizer for raising drug prices. The CEO asked for a phone call with Trump after which Pfizer delayed the increase of the drug prices for no more than six months. This gives Trump a win and makes it look like his campaign on reducing drug prices is working, an important statement during the upcoming mid-term elections. Of course, Trump does not note in his Tweet that the price increase is just a delay and not a permanent roll back. Always partial truths.
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Trump Retweeted a video about his election win that highlights news pundits that did not believe he would win; he completed this video with more Tweets on how he won despite what others and the “fake news” thought.  Just more propaganda to keep him going, along with his feature on Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson who are two of the nation’s most conservative attackers on activist movements.
And though Trump touts the stock market numbers, many economists say his trade and tariffs policies are hurting the economy and stock market.  Others suggest it is also possible that if the trade wars stay just long enough that the stock market could benefit.
Trump Retweeted Vice President Mike Pence’s op-ed in the the Daily Herald, which reads like a propaganda list of items that the Trump administration has made better for the U.S.  Pence mentions issues including tax deductions, end of federal regulations, and ending trade barriers.  The truth is that these policies all helped the wealthiest individuals in the U.S. the most
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Presidential Notes
Japan was hit by torrential rains that resulted in life threatening floods. Over 200 people died in the floods, and the destroyed area is now experiencing extreme heat.
Trump and Melania attended a gathering in Brussels and posed for a beneficial photo op while Trump was in the area for the NATO meeting.
Trump congratulated the Thai navy seals who successful rescued 12 boys and their coach from a cave after being trapped for over two weeks.
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trumptweettuesdays-blog · 7 years ago
TTT 7.10.18
This week’s themes are Supreme Court Nominee, Immigration, EPA Director Resigns, NATO, Trade, North Korea, Russia Collusion, Iran, Drug Prices, Breastfeeding, Campaigning, Propaganda, and Presidential Notes
Supreme Court Nominee
Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, traditionally a swing vote, resigned from the Court, which opens up a spot for Trump to nominate a new judge to the highest court in the land.  Trump had a list of five potential nominees, and chose Brett Kavanaugh as his nominee.  Kavanaugh has a long record and pundits say he has the experience to be on the Supreme Court.  He is a highly conservative judge and many are afraid of how he might handle cases on abortion and LGBTQ issues; Trump is being hailed for putting a “intellectual conservative” on the court.  There is a long battle ahead before he is confirmed.
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Trump continues his nativist agenda this week with a series of Tweets against undocumented immigrants, specifically Latinx immigrants.  He Tweeted about counterfeit items brought in, more violence from the MS-13 gang, and the “infestation” of undocumented immigrants.  This rhetoric is in response to the backlash he received after separating parents from their children at the border and holding young ones in detainment camps.  
At the same time, Trump Tweeted about the low unemployment rate of Hispanics and Latinos - a move to keep Latinxs on his side.  It’s ridiculous how Trump refers to Latinxs as a violent infestation one minute and the next tries to say he is a good president for Latinxs by helping them with their unemployment rate.
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EPA Director Resigns
Environmental Protection Agency Director, Scott Pruitt, resigned after months of scandal exposing his illegal activities including using taxpayer money to travel and building a soundproof telephone booth.
Despite his unethical and illegal activities, Trump stood by Pruitt when he resigned.  As reported by CNN, Trump said: "There was no final straw, Scott is a terrific guy. He came to me and he said, 'Look, I have such great confidence in the administration. I don't want to be a distraction.' "
As director, Pruitt sidestepped science and climate change and created policies that supported companies rather than the environment.
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Trump is leaving for a NATO gathering while criticizing countries for not donating enough funds to NATO.  Some estimates are that only 5 of 29 nations meet the spending requirements.
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Trump has begun a full trade war, imposing tariffs on Canada, EU, and China. China is now imposing tariffs on soybeans in retaliation.  Trump argues this is what is best for the US economy but many, if not most, economists believe this trade war will be disastrous for the United States in the long run.
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North Korea
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo went to North Korea to work on the denuclearization effort. Pompeo said it is going to take time, perhaps even decades, to create a working solution while Trump believes the document he signed with Kim is pretty much an agreement.
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Russia Collusion
Trump claimed that he won a lawsuit against him regarding collusion with Russia, when he did not.  A few DNC members brought a case against Trump to a DC court, but the judge dismissed the case because it was not clear the calls/data occurred in DC.  The judge did not dismiss the case for a lack of evidence.  In other Tweets, Trump just makes his repeated general claims that the investigation into the Russia collusion is a “witch hunt” and that it should end.
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Trump decided to reimpose restrictions on Iran because of nuclear weapons. Trump is telling all other nations to stop buying from Iran by November or he will threaten their use of the US banking system. Trump is angry at OPEC for raising gas prices but OPEC says they are doing their best to accommodate the loss of oil from Iran.
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Drug Prices
Trump promised lower drug prices while Pfizer raised the cost of 100 of its drugs on July 1st.  Trump is using Twitter to shame Pfizer for the cost increase while Pfizer says they raised prices on only some of their drugs.
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The United Nations-affiliated World Health Assembly had a meeting in Geneva, one of the items discussed was the endorsement of breastfeeding as the best, most healthy option for mothers and children (assuming there are no other intervening health problems).  The assembly expected easy support for the resolution. The US delegation said they would not support the measure, citing health concerns when really it is because there are corporate interests in selling formula.  Ecuador had planned to introduce the measure so the US threatened trade consequences if they went forward; Ecuador capitulated.   These details were covered in a New York Times story. Trump claimed the US was only trying to protect women, instead of protect corporate interests.
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Trump visited Montana and West Virginia to promote his MAGA agenda and support Republican candidates.  His Montana speech was particularly offensive.  He encouraged more hate toward Hillary Clinton saying she received special treatment by the justice department; he tried to discredit the news more by calling them all fake news; he said Putin was a fine person when it’s clear that Russia interfered with the election; and, he said that a vote for Democrats was a vote for violent, gang affiliated immigrants. In other words, Trump’s MAGA approach continues to uphold White men propertied interests while encouraging a dictatorship like propaganda.
Trump also went to West Virginia to a golf course tournament, where he was friendly with WV governor Justice.  Justice was elected as a Democrat but switched to the Republican party at a rally with Trump last year.
Trump also continued his fight against Democrats by attacking Maxine Waters and Nancy Pelosi.  As reported in TTT, Waters encouraged people to refuse business access to Trump administration members as the Red Hen restaurant did.
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Trump shared over a 2 minute propaganda video that shows multiple news correspondents saying Trump would never be elected with the caption “they just didn’t get it, but they do now!”  A childish move to make fun of his opponents.  It’s unclear who runs the Elouai YouTube channel that Trump got the video from.
Trump also reported on Twitter deleting fake accounts - accounts that Twitter feels are unverified for a number of reasons.  Trump used this news report to somehow attack the NY Times and the Washington Post, who of course would not be deleted for just disagreeing with the president - that would be censorship!
Other propaganda Tweets this week are of his normal ilk.  One funny one, however, was where Trump was self-congratulating himself on his books and writing skills but then in the Tweet used the incorrect spelling of “pore,” using “pour” instead.  Author, JK Rowling, saw the Tweet and laughed at him on her Twitter account.
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Presidential Notes
Most of Trump’s presidential Tweets this week are about the Fourth of July celebration, which he took advantage of to promote his pro-flag, pro-America, pro-armed forces stance.  On the 4th, Trump spent several hours at his golf club and then held a picnic for military families.
Trump also noted the sad story about 12 boys and their coach who were trapped in a flooded Thailand cave.  After over two weeks, Thailand Navy Seals successfully rescued all of them.
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trumptweettuesdays-blog · 7 years ago
TTT 6.26.18
This week’s themes are Immigration, Russia Collusion, Campaigning, Trade, Public Attacks, Propaganda and Presidential Notes
The news, the Trump administration, Republicans and Democrats, and Trump’s Twitter feed have been consumed with the immigration debate, which received a boost in press because of recently released images and stories on detention camps and particularly the separation of children from their parents at the border.  Thus, this past week Trump Tweeted almost endlessly trying to defend his stance on immigration.
Trump enforced a “zero tolerance” policy, supported by Attorney General Jeff Sessions, that says all immigrants who try to cross the border illegally need to be processed as criminals.  This means that there is massive influx of immigrants in detention camps, and it meant the separation of children from their families as parents move through the immigration detention process as a criminal. Since the institution of this law in April, over 2000 children were separated from their parent/guardian when they came into the U.S.
As Trump began receiving backlash for family separation, he blamed the Democrats.  Of course, blaming Democrats for a lack of an immigration plan is an easy way out.  Kirtstjen Nielsen, Department of Homeland Security Secretary, held a press conference defending Trump and the immigration policies.  She insisted that they were only following the law, and that they “will not apologize for the job we do.”  She also argued that the immigrants were criminals and therefore had to be treated as such.  But, Trump continued to be blasted in the media for separating families, including by fellow Republicans.  Thus, even though previously arguing that Trump was only following the law, Trump then signed an Executive Order that halted family separation and directs agencies to reunite families that had been separated, however it still detains the families.  
Then on the day that Melania went to visit a detention camp she wore a Zara jacket that said on the back, “I really don’t care. Do U?” Many took this as an awfully harsh message that Melania did not care about immigrants or their families.  Immediate comments from the White House said there was no secret message intended by wearing the jacket, but the media generally has agreed that Melania’s clothing choices are never accidental.  Trump then took to Twitter to say that the jacket was referring to Melania’s disregard for “fake news;” a weak spin on Melania’s choice to wear a jacket that has a nativist statement when going to a detention camp.  
Throughout this week, Trump has relied on his regular immigrant hate speech including referring to immigrants as “invading” the country, as members of gangs, and threatening the stability of the United States.  He even Tweeted that Germany’s crime rate went up due to their open immigration policies when in fact Germany’s crime rate had decreased.  Germany’s Chancellor Merkel was furious that Trump flat out lied about their crime rate.    Trump’s latest response to everything is that the US cannot keep hiring judges in order to process all the “illegal aliens” so he is calling for the end to due process for undocumented immigrants, saying the US “needs borders, not judges.”
Zero Tolerance Policy
Family Separation
Executive Order
DHS Secretary Nielsen
Melania’s Jacket
Germany’s Crime
Stop Hiring Judges
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Russia Collusion
Despite Trump’s best efforts to end the Mueller investigation into possible collusion with Russia, the investigation continues.  As reported in last week’s TTT, the IG report showed that some FBI officials were personally biased against Trump but that their bias did not affect the outcome of the investigation into Hillary’s emails, nor should it be taken as affecting the Mueller investigation.
Senator Warner recently joked a Democratic dinner that if he had enough alcohol he would spill secrets about the Mueller investigation - an idiotic joke to say at any time but particular during this time of political turmoil where Trump and Republicans will take any opportunity to make the investigation look bogus.
And then ABC mistakenly ran a news headline that Manafort had pleaded guilty to five charges of manslaughter.  This was another huge opportunity for Trump to blast the media as “fake news.”
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Trump went to Nevada and Minnesota this past week to push MAGA and support Republicans in their campaigning efforts. In Nevada Trump referred to the opposing candidate as “wacky Jacky,” referring to Rep Jacky Rosen.  He also again referred to Senator Elizabeth Warren, who is helping Rosen, as Pocahontas.  In Minnesota Trump continued to defend his immigration stance and blaming Democrats for wanting “open borders,” not a fair characterization. He also touted his accomplishment in achieving peace with North Korea, a claim that is not supported by any actions or agreement on the behalf of North Korea.
Trump has continued pushing for McMaster in South Carolina who is facing a tight race.  McMaster has been an ardent supporter of Trump since the beginning so Trump is taking extra initiative to be in S.C. to support him and keep his base there (which he won significantly in the presidential election).  Trump has also been pushing for S.C. congressional candidate Katie Arrington.  Arrington was in a serious car accident last week; she had two surgeries but is expected to fully recover.  Arrington won the primary over S.C. incumbent Mark Sanford, who Trump has heavily criticized - Sanford is not a Trump supporter.  Trump Tweeted that House Republicans cheered when he made fun of Sanford, but in fact the House fell silent when that happened - just another complete lie by Trump.
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Trump has long been complaining that the US trade relationship with several other countries is unfair.  He has repeatedly threatened high tariffs on certain products and materials if he doesn’t get what he wants.  He has already threatened tariffs on steel and on cars.  Car manufacturers in the US have made it clear that they don’t want these tariffs, and most predict it would result in the loss of jobs.  The motorcycle company Harley Davidson, stationed in Wisconsin, has said they might move some production overseas in order to avoid the tariff war with Europe. The loss of Harley’s support for Trump is a serious blow as Harley supported Trump in the past.
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Public Attacks
Jimmy Fallon playfully tousled Trump’s hair during an interview with him back in 2016.  During a recent interview Fallon said he regrets that move because it humanized Trump.  Of course, Trump took umbrage and attacked Fallon on Twitter.  Fallon responded by asking why the President had time to Tweet at him and then donated money in Trump’s name to an organization that helps reunite immigrant families.
DHS Secretary Nielsen was booed out of a Mexican restaurant by patrons for her anti-immigrant stance.  Then White House press secretary Sanders was asked to leave a Red Hen restaurant by its owner because she works for Trump.  The owner stood by her decision when asked about it, and Sanders said people should be able to disagree (though she did leave the restaurant without a fuss). Trump took this opportunity to publicly disgrace the Red Hen on Twitter.  Maxine Waters of California then encouraged everyone to publicly confront Trump officials when they see them in public to express their outrage with Trump policies.  Trump replied in return: “be careful what you wish for Max!”
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Trump is hitting many issues on his propaganda Tweets this week after receiving so much backlash on his immigration stances.  He posted a photo of himself with Supreme Court Justice Thomas, a noted conservative who is also a Black man that does not believe in Affirmative Action or other race based policies so this image supports Trump’s propaganda.  He also took the opportunity to again Tweet a picture of himself with North Korean dictator Kim, to push the idea that he has achieved a peaceful resolution.  Trump also Tweeted about Lynch, a filmmaker who is beloved among many liberals for his classics such as Twin Peaks and Blue Velvet; Lynch said Trump could go down as a great president because he has disrupted the norm in government but Lynch also stopped short of endorsing Trump.
Trump also Tweeted that disability enrollment decreased, which of course he took credit for as he takes credit for a good economy.  The enrollment did decrease but it is due to any number of factors including the economy, stricter regulations, expanded insurance and Medicaid through Obamacare, and people on disability getting older and therefore enrolling in Medicare.
He also Retweeted a photo to endorse the organization TPUSA, or Turning Point USA, a heavily conservative organization that teaches students about “free market values.”
Judge Jeanine Pirro came out with a new book on politics, a book that is pro-Trump all the way; a consistent message that she has carried on her top-rated Fox News show.  Pirro has been vying for a position in Trump’s administration, perhaps even Attorney General.  It’s of no surprise that Trump went out of his way to Tweet support for Pirro’s new book.
Trump spoke at the National Federation of Independent Business, where he took the opportunity to again talk about “illegal aliens” and criticize immigration policies.  At the end of the speech, Trump hugged the flag.
Disability Enrollments
Turning Point USA
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Presidential Notes
Scott McCarron, a Trump golf course member, won the American Family Insurance Championship.
The House passed a new Farm Bill that includes new, harsher restrictions on SNAP, which provides food subsidies for poor communities.  Democrats opposed the bill, and it is unclear what will happen once it gets to the Senate.
The Supreme Court passed new legislation on taxes, that particularly addresses the problems of internet sellers who sell goods in a state where they don’t have a physical presence. The new law allows states to collect tax on out-of-state sellers, but some are worried that this will hurt small companies.
Peter Thomson, a five time British Open champion died at 88 this past week.
Trump met with Jordanian King Abdullah.  Abdullah is pushing Trump to accept a two-state solution and Palestinian independence. Trump has not shown signs of his support for this solution.
Trump met with the Spanish royal couple; the King and Queen were in the US to celebrate the founding of New Orleans and San Antonio. It is expected that Trump discussed trade and tariff issues with the King.
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Scott McCarron, a Trump golf course member, won the American Family Insurance Championship.
The House passed a new Farm Bill that includes new, harsher restrictions on SNAP, which provides food subsidies for poor communities.  Democrats opposed the bill, and it is unclear what will happen once it gets to the Senate.
The Supreme Court passed new legislation on taxes, that particularly addresses the problems of internet sellers who sell goods in a state where they don’t have a physical presence. The new law allows states to collect tax on out-of-state sellers, but some are worried that this will hurt small companies.
Peter Thomson, a five time British Open champion died at 88 this past week.
Trump met with Jordanian King Abdullah.  Abdullah is pushing Trump to accept a two-state solution and Palestinian independence. Trump has not shown signs of his support for this solution.
Trump met with the Spanish royal couple; the King and Queen were in the US to celebrate the founding of New Orleans and San Antonio. It is expected that Trump discussed trade and tariff issues with the King.
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trumptweettuesdays-blog · 7 years ago
TTT 6.18.18
This week’s themes are  Immigration; IG Investigation, Clinton Emails, and Russia Collusion; North Korea; G7 Summit; Campaigning; Propaganda; and Presidential Notes
Trump and his administration have come under fire this past week as images and stories were released about the horrors of immigration policies at the border with Mexico.  Specifically, it was discovered that Trump’s endorsed policy of “zero tolerance” for “aliens” who break the law when they cross the border resulted in the separation of children from parents, and these children were then put into ‘tent cities,’ what many are referring to as ‘children internment camps.’  During press releases, Trump and his administration have doubled down and are not apologizing for the internment of these children; they say they are only following the law and that is up to Democrats to fix the problem.  That is, Trump continues to blame Democrats for “bad immigration law” rather than taking responsibility for his nativism and enforcement of immigration policies.
Moreover, Trump had a Tweet that referred to Europe’s immigration “problem,” noting that he does not want that to happen to “us.”  That Europe, Germany in particular, has been open to helping refugees is characterized by Trump as problem reveals his nativist ideology.
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IG Investigation, Clinton Emails, and Russia Collusion
An Inspector General report, over 500 pages, was released on how the FBI handled the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s email.  The report finds that FBI agent Strozk and girlfriend/mistress Lisa Page shared numerous text messages about their mutual disdain for Trump; indeed, many of the messages are graphic and reveal serious contempt for Trump’s presidency. The report also finds that then AG Comey was insubordinate when he made a public statement about the Clinton investigation when she was not found guilty of anything; it is FBI culture that public statements not be made before the results of an investigation are attained in order to avoid damaging a person’s character in public. Yet, the report also states that the personal bias of these agents did not affect the investigation.  In other words, the handling of the Clinton investigation was legitimate: she is not guilty and the FBI is ruined.
But, Trump and Fox News is not going with that story.  They are running the story that the report finds that the FBI is full of bias and therefore Mueller’s investigation into Trump and Russia collusion is therefore invalid.  The blatant lie about the investigation is abhorrent enough but then to make the ridiculous jump in logic that the Russia investigation is therefore a “witch hunt” is propaganda.  
Trump’s numerous Tweets about the “witch hunt” shows his fear of the investigation and his desperate attempt to shut it down.
Meanwhile, the Mueller investigation continues to indict people.  Paul Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chair, was ordered by a federal judge to be sent to jail for witness tampering and money laundering. Mueller has received 20 guilty people and three companies so far.
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North Korea
The Trump-Kim summit in Singapore did happen, a moment in history.  They also signed some level of agreement that encourages working together to end denuclearization.  In return, Trump began praising the dictator on Twitter, saying he liked him a great deal, that peace was coming, and that there was a good relationship.  Moreover, upon Kim’s request, Trump also ended joint US-South Korea military exercises.  Kim has not done much in return, he has not promised anything.  
Many feel that Trump was taken in by Kim and that he was much too quick to praise a dictator who is guilty of numerous human rights violations.  And Trump is already claiming the nuclear threat is over when there is no explicit agreement on the behalf of North Korea. Of course, Trump is Tweeting that this is fake news and that he is not getting the credit he deserves for brokering peace with North Korea.
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G7 Summit
Trump made a mess at the G7 Summit, refusing to sign the joint statement and threatening the Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau. Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel also expressed her disappointment, to put it lightly, for Trump after the meeting ended.  
Trump is mad at the media for saying he doesn’t have a good relationship with G7 leaders; in particular, he’s angry about a viral photo that shows Merkel leaning over a table giving Trump an angry, exasperated look.  Trump says this photo is misleading and that he has a great relationship with Merkel, but Merkel posted that photo herself on Instagram. And Trudeau also publicly made statements about how upset he was with Trump.
In other words, it’s pretty difficult to call something media slanted “fake news” when the sources are Merkel and Trudeau themselves.  But Trump is posting these Tweets anyway.
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Trump continues his Tweets this week to support candidates that endorse his MAGA way of governing and slam candidates that don’t, even Republicans.  Trump endorsed Republican newcomer, Arrington, in the South Carolina race while criticizing the incumbent, Republican Mark Sanford. House Republicans were not too happy about this since Sanford is on the House Freedom Caucus, but Sanford has been critical of Trump so not too surprising Sanford will be at the receiving end of Trump’s angry Tweets. In a somewhat surprising twist, Sanford lost the primary to Arrington.
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Of note in this week’s propaganda Tweets are: Washington Post, Fox News interview, and De Niro.
Trump Tweeted that the Washington Post employees should go on strike as it would help to end “fake news.” This Tweet is probably in response to the Post’s reporting that Trump campaign advisor, Roger Stone, met with a Russian national to get political dirt on Clinton.   Post employees had asked for a fair wage but did not mention going on strike. And the Post is not a registered lobbyist even though Trump keeps implying that.
Trump did a surprise interview with Fox News on the White House lawn, strolling down in the morning to speak with Fox and Friends host Steve Doocy.  In the interview, he spoke about his success with North Korea, his zero tolerance immigration plan, and the “fake” Russia collusion news.  This interview, though, exhibits Trump’s overt strategy to support Fox News who then supports his propaganda.
Actor Robert De Niro took a moment at the Tony Awards to express his absolute disdain for Trump, saying “fuck Trump.”  The statement received a standing ovation.  In response, Trump Tweeted that De Niro has a low IQ and that he’s punch drunk.
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Presidential Notes
Trump took credit for the United States winning the bid, along with Canada and Mexico, hosting the soccer World Cup in 2026.  He did not mention Jared Kusher, his son-in-law, who has said he played a significant role in winning the bid.
Trump, in tradition, declared flag day; in his remarks he noted that he birthday was on the same day.
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trumptweettuesdays-blog · 7 years ago
TTT 6.12.18
This week’s themes are North Korea,  Meeting with PM Abe of Japan, G7 & Trade, Russia Collusion, Propaganda, Sports and the National Anthem, Immigrant Detention Centers, Campaigning, and Presidential Notes
North Korea
Trump put the meeting with Kim Jong Un back on the schedule and flew to Singapore to have the historic meeting to discuss North Korea’s denuclearization.  The meeting did occur and Trump and Kim signed an agreement that they were working toward denuclearization.  Trump promised that he would end military exercises with South Korea.  Yet, no firm plans were made and some are wary that Trump just got played by a dictator. On the other hand, just a few months ago Trump referred to Kim as “little rocket man” and yesterday he shook his hand. 
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Meeting with PM Shinzo of Japan
Trump met with the Prime Minister of Japan, Abe Shinzo.  He wanted Abe on his side as he went into the denuclearization talks with Kim.  For Abe’s and Japan’s part, he wanted Trump to ensure that in discussions with Kim he would worry about low range missiles (in addition to high) as Japan has concerns that they are a target for North Korea. 
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G7 & Trade
Trump went to the G7 meeting and stirred some serious disagreements.  He went to the meeting with a amenable attitude ,but then said that he was angry that the U.S. was giving too much for Nato expenses.  The rest of the G7 nation representatives were then upset that Trump would not sign the G7 communique.  Trump then particularly targeted Canada, noting a large tariff on dairy products.  Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau then said he would respond with his own tariffs on July 1, noting that “Canada will not be pushed around.”
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Russia Collusion
There’s not much new news this past week in relationship to the Russia collusion investigation.   Trump continued his Spygate approach, arguing that the Obama administration illegally (or immorally at least) put a “spy” into his campaign. Speaker Paul Ryan denounced Trump’s claim that the FBI had a large conspiracy against Trump and said their use of an informant was legal. Ryan also said that Trump should not try to pardon himself (which Trump said he could do in an earlier Tweet).
Trump also brought up Debbie Wasserman Schultz again; Schultz worked for the Democratic party during the election. One of Schultz’s old aides, Imran Awan, is set to have a plea agreement as Awan provided false information on properties he owned in order to get a line of credit.  Awan’s case has nothing to do with Schultz or the Democratic party but Trump will use anything in an attempt to discredit Democrats and get the spotlight off the allegations against himself.
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Trump went above and beyond this week with his propaganda.  He now has created an entire website to his “massive successes” since the “fake news” refuses to cover them:  This website came out in conjunction with propaganda videos celebrating his 500 days in office; in the videos there is dark music playing over images of Obama and Clinton and then the music gets light and cheery again when Trump appears.  The website is paid for by Donald J. Trump for president.   Trump also went out of his way to support Fox News this past week, a non-surprising move given that Fox News is Trump’s bullhorn for his propaganda.
The economy, as Trump claims, is doing well in that it has been consistent since he took over the office from Obama.  How long this economy will stay is uncertain.  The economic numbers also don’t reveal the level of contempt in the US for Trump and his policies.  For a look at the economic numbers, consult the link below.
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Sports and the National Anthem
In tradition, as winners of the Super Bowl the Philadelphia Eagles were invited to the White House.  A small share of the Eagles team wanted to attend the White House ceremony so Trump called off the entire event, saying that the Eagles were pulling a “political stunt” and that he wouldn’t honor players who kneeled during the National Anthem.  The problem is that none of the Eagles players ever kneeled during the Anthem. The Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said Mr. Trump's decision "only proves that our president is not a true patriot, but a fragile egomaniac,” noting that Trump canceled the event just because he was embarrassed that not enough players wanted to attend.  
Instead of the planned event, Trump held a “celebration of America” that included a band and chorus.
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Immigrant Detention Centers
Senator Jeff Merkley (D-OR) visited immigrant detention centers in Texas and saw how children were separated from their families for processing.  He also noted that the facilities were inhuman, akin to dog kennels.  He is calling for more transparency on how detention centers work.  In response, well, Trump blamed the Democrats and said the solution was a wall.
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Trump has continued his campaigning for his Republican allies; he is very careful, however, to endorse only those Republicans that support his agenda and perspective. For example, McMaster claims to be the first statewide elected official to support Trump’s presidential campaign. Trump is also having his daughter, Ivanka, support Devin Nunes who has been a loyal supporter of Trump.
There were two other Republican wins recently.  McConnell canceled the summer recess, which will keep Democrats off the campaign trail.  The second win was a Supreme Court decision that ruled in favor of Ohio purging its voter rolls, which is a win for Republicans since they have been arguing there have been illegal votes.  There is still no evidence of mass illegal voting.
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Presidential Notes
Larry Kudlow is the director of the White House National Economic Council and Trump’s chief economic adviser.  Kudlow suffered a mild heart attack and is in recovery.
A soldier in a US special operations in Somali was killed and four fellow soldiers were wounded. An Islamist group took responsibility.
Last week Trump pardoned Alice Johnson who was given a life sentence upon a first conviction of drug possession; she served 21 years in prison. The pardoning came at the urge of Kim Kardashian West.
Trump met with officials to discuss FEMA’s plans for hurricane season, but reports note that FEMA is understaffed and therefore not prepared for this season.
For information on the VA Act, see last week’s TTT.
The last Tweet borders the line between a note and propaganda.  Ceejay Metcalf is a father of an army soldier who was killed by a bomb in Afghanistan.  During a recent interview on Fox, Metcalf noted that meeting the president was “absolutely wonderful.”
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trumptweettuesdays-blog · 7 years ago
TTT 5.29.18
This week’s themes are Russia Collusion, North Korea, Immigration, China & Trade, Military, Campaigning, Joshua Holt, Jack Johnson, Gun Control, Propaganda 
Russia Collusion
Trump has renamed the investigation into Russia Collusion as “spygate” and is consistently making comparisons to Watergate.  Yes, there was an informant placed by the FBI into the Trump campaign because there were concerns about collusion with Russia.  How Trump is able to turn his dubious campaign strategies into a story about he was victimized is impressive. And his obsession with the investigation is apparently only getting larger, Tweeting on it 21 times in just the last week.  Democrats are angry because Trump keeps trying to undermine the campaign and his characterization of “spygate” is a political move to have Republicans win the midterm elections.  There’s no evidence that the FBI acted improperly and/or were politically motivated, as Trump argues they were.
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North Korea
Trump had plans to meet with North Korea on June 12th in Singapore to discuss denuclearization and new relations between the US and North Korea.  However, the meeting was cancelled by Trump as he said that North Korea was not cooperating.  Now, Trump is putting pressure to make the meeting happen again, still with the goal of June 12th.  White House officials have expressed concern that a June 12th deadline does not provide enough time to plan, though Trump denied that claim or concern on a Tweet this past week.
Kim Yong-chol, North Korea’s top nuclear negotiator and former spy chief, also visited the US this past week.  It is expected that this meeting was a step toward the greater goal of a meeting with Kim Jong Un.
It is also still unclear what the specific goal of this upcoming meeting would be, even if it should happen.
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Trump has shown his extreme nativist sentiments throughout his campaign and presidency. Yet, in these series of Tweets he proclaims that the Democrats are to blame for the lack of support for immigrants. Moreover, he continues to refer to the gang, MS-13 and undocumented immigrants almost synonymously. He even referred to immigrants as “animals,” and backed up his statement saying immigrant gang members are animals. At his meeting on Long Island, Trump called for more restrictive and severe immigration laws.
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China & Trade
Trump continued his Tweets on China and trade this week. For several weeks now, Trump has come in on both sides of China: at some points saying he is going to help them and at other times he Tweets with frustration about the trade deficit.
Trump is continuing his efforts at negotiating a trade deal with China, while also possibly helping China's ZTE company so it doesn't go bankrupt (after failing to meet US trade requirements).  As of now, there is no deal yet.
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Trump has increasingly turned his attention to the military to promote his agenda and put a positive face on his America First agenda. His Tweets on the military this past week are almost propaganda quality. For example, in his speech and Tweets on Memorial Day he took the opportunity to promote his presidency and congratulate himself on (his idea) of a successful economy.  This point, however, is not to detract from the sacrifices of soldiers or the honors awarded to them by Trump.
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It's none too surprising that Trump is Tweeting to support fellow Republican campaigns, and I'm sure we will see much more as midterms draw near. Yet, he does use strategic Tweets to focus attention on his MAGA agenda such as attacking immigrants and ruthlessly condemning Democrats.
One of these Tweets does stand out for how appalling it is, which is his support for protesters in Chicago. Recently, a civilian review board voted to punish a police officer who was involved in the killing of a teenager. Police officers and their supporters protested the decision as they believe the decision to be an attack on police. Trump condemned NFL players for protesting, yet supports police protesting - even when one of their own was involved in killing someone. The hypocrisy.
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Joshua Holt
Holt was captured by Venezuelan forces two years ago when he was there visiting his fiance, whom he met online. Venezuelan officials claimed Holt had weapons, which is why they held him and his wife in jail. Holt was released this past week. Before heading to the hospital, the couple was delivered to the White House for greetings and pictures. It seems nothing was given or received in exchange for Holt's release, but by the Tweets Trump appears to be taking credit.
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Jack Johnson
Jack Johnson was the first Black heavyweight boxing champion, which was a blow to White Supremacy and Whiteness at the time.  In 1913, Johnson was convicted in 1913 of “human trafficking” a White woman, who was his willing companion.  Johnson went into exile for several years and eventually ended up serving a year in prison.  There have been several previous attempts to get this pardon for Johnson, including during the presidencies of Bush and Obama.  It’s unclear why Trump signed it, probably just a media ploy to make him look better.  See the second link for Carrington’s essay on why sports and politics are not separate.
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Gun Control
A teacher in Indiana took down a student with a gun and prevented him from attacking others.  Jason Seaman, the 29 year old teacher, was shot but not seriously injured.  Seaman’s bravery is to be commended.  Yet, this action is only likely to encourage Trump’s outrageous claim that the way to end school shootings is to give guns to teachers.
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Propaganda Tweets are on a range of issues this week.
Trump signed an “economic growth” act that essentially rolled back regulations on almost all banks, except the largest ones.  Trump claims the act is aimed to help small banks and small businesses.  Critics are afraid of this decision because it is the biggest rollback on regulations since the housing crisis that caused the recession.
Conservative Fox contributor, Tomi Lahren, had drinks thrown at her while at a restaurant.  Lahren is known for being blunt, abrasive and discriminatory in her commentary so it’s not that surprising that she would encounter some critics.  Trump Tweeted support for her, which she thanked him for publicly on Facebook.
Trump delivered a speech at a gala for the Susan B. Anthony organization, a pro-life group. Previous to his presidency Trump was vocally pro-choice, but upon his campaign and now presidency Trump has been a staunch advocate for the pro-life movement.  He has given many speeches on the issue and recently proposed a new rule that facilities that provided abortion services would not receive federal funds.  Trump is the first sitting president to address this gala.
Trump has NASCAR winner, Martin Treux, at the White House.  During the session, Trump praised NASCAR drivers for not protesting during the National Anthem - a jab at NFL players who have been protesting the anthem as a means to bring attention to racism.
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trumptweettuesdays-blog · 7 years ago
TTT 5.22.18
This week’s themes are Russia Investigation, China, Prison Reform, Texas School Shooting, Haspel, Campaigning, Prescription Drugs, Veterans Affairs, Farm Bill, Propaganda, Presidential Notes
Russia Investigation
The investigation led by Mueller about possible collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign continues.  For some reason Trump decided this past week that he was fed up with the investigation and called for it to end; the call for “a speedy and quick ending” has also become a tagline among many Republicans.  This point was followed up by a New York Times article that the Obama White House irresponsibly or illegally used government informants to speak to the Trump campaign about ties to Russia. And of course there were several Tweets where Trump returned to the emails on the server that Hillary Clinton deleted and how she is the one who should be investigated, even though that case was closed well over a year ago. Trump then Tweeted out quotes from Dan Bongino who said on his Fox hosted “The Dan Bongino Show” that John Brennan, former Director of the CIA, was to blame for the investigation and the people’s loss of faith in the intelligence community.
All of these Tweets, however, are just screaming and complaining without any facts or real updates.  Trump had a Twitter outrage because he’s tired of the investigation, but the investigation is not close to closing.  The Mueller team has indicted 22 people and companies so far.
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Trump has been negotiating with China for weeks about trade; he has long been critical of a trade deficit and China’s theft of US intellectual property.  Trump put a ban on Chinese company ZTE’s import of goods after they violated sanctions against North Korea and Iran.  Then Trump Tweeted that he would help ZTE economically recover, which also coincidentally came after China agreed to support a project in Indonesia that has Trump’s name on it (see last week’s TTT).  Now Trump is saying that China might lift tariffs on US export of soybeans, which would increase US agricultural business.  Yet, nothing has been agreed upon yet.
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Prison Reform
Last week Trump hosted a talk about prison reform and said he would welcome a bill to his desk.  Trump’s odd push for prison reform, while also calling for more punitive measures against drug dealers, comes from pressure from his evangelical base who has increasingly called attention to the issue of prisons.  A bill, the FIRST STEP Act, is going to a House vote soon and focuses on improving prison conditions and issues such as drug rehabilitation and job training.   Yet, many oppose the bill because it doesn’t go far enough in addressing the substantial problems with the Prison industry.  And, despite the fact that Trump said America believes in redemption and second chances, the White House reneged an invitation to the conversation to a former inmate turned prison reform activist, Donna Hylton.
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Texas School Shooting
A 17 year old teenager killed 10 people in a school shooting at Santa Fe high school.  The shooter is being held without bail and on suicide watch.  Trump lamented the occurrence of yet another school shooting, but chose to put it in the context of a long history, for “too many decades.”  Some critics believe putting the shooting in this context is a way to avoid the immediacy of the issue.  Earlier in the month Trump delivered a speech at an NRA convention, also in Texas. At the convention he stated, "Your Second Amendment rights are under siege, but they will never, ever be under siege as long as I'm your president.”  This statement certainly does not reflect one of a president who seemingly is eager to pass gun regulations.
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Gina Haspel was confirmed as the new Director of the CIA, the first woman to hold the post.  Haspel’s confirmation hearings were tense as many, including McCain, were disturbed by her use of torture post 9-11.  In the end Haspel was confirmed, and Trump referred to her as one of “the most intelligence professionals on the planet,” which is a significant statement given Trump’s harsh criticisms of the CIA and FBI.  
Some Republicans are concerned about her confirmation as they believe she was aware that the FBI was using an informant to get information from the Trump campaign about possible collusion with Russia during the recent presidential election.
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Trump is hard on the campaign trail for Republican candidates, strongly endorsing several people that he believes will support his MAGA approach to governance.
Trump supports sitting Gov Hutchinson of Arkansas, even though Hutchinson supports Medicaid expansion.  He also supported John Cox for governor of California, which is critical support as Republican support for multiple candidates is split.  Trump also supported Baretta of Pennsylvania and Fischer of Nebraska, who both won their US Senate primaries.
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Prescription Drugs
Trump released his plan to reduce drug prescription prices, which highlighted a significant issue for patients.  Yet, many are weary that his plan will fix the problem.  The Stamford Advocate reported on U.S. Chris Murphy’s (Democrat from Connecticut) comments: “There’s a reason why drug company (stock) profits skyrocketed the day President Trump made his prescription drug announcement...They know it’s just window dressing and it won’t do anything to reduce costs. Ultimately, we know what to do. Direct negotiation with Medicare beneficiaries is the best way to lower prescription drug costs, and I’ll continue to fight for that.”
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Veterans Affairs
The House passed a $51 billion plan on a 347-70 vote that included $5.2 billion for the VA Choice program; the program expands into the private health care system.  The VA is still without a permanent leader.
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Farm Bill
The farm bill failed at the House, a blow to Trump’s White House and to Speaker Paul Ryan.  Trump encouraged support for the bill as it addressed work requirements to receive food stamps.  Conservatives in the House Freedom Caucus rebelled against the bill because they didn’t get a vote on an immigration bill.  The fail in the House has many questioning whether Speaker Ryan is a lame duck until he finishes his term.
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A random assortment of propaganda Tweets this week.  Of note is Trump’s claim that the US has 250 years of “beautiful clean coal,” which is a determinantal assault on the global push for renewable energy.
Trump  also referred to undocumented immigrants as “animals.”  Trump is not backing down from the statement, saying he was specifically referring to MS-13 gang members.  Referring to people crossing the border as animals is clear example of Trump’s nativist propaganda.
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Presidential Notes
Eric Trump attended the service for a cancer victim who was only 10 years old when he passed. Eric Trump has been a long time supporter of St. Jude.
Trump declared May 19, 2018 as Armed Forces Day to pay tribute to those who serve in the military.
Trump Retweeted a picture of Ivanka trying to decide on “Laurel or Yanny” in regards to a viral video where a computer generated voice says a name but some hear Laurel while others hear Yanny.
Trump met with Argentina's President Macri to discuss the economy and the recent political upheaval in Venezuela.
Trump met with Uzbekistan President, Mirziyoyev, but seemingly did not push the president on human rights violations in his country.
Trump declared May 15,2018 as Peace Officers Memorial Day to acknowledge the service of law enforcement.
Trump’s wife, Melania, was in the hospital for a week for her kidneys and returned to the White House this past week.  In a now deleted Tweet, Trump initially spelled Melania’s name wrong, writing “Melanie” instead.
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trumptweettuesdays-blog · 7 years ago
TTT 5.15.18
This week’s themes are Iran Nuclear Deal, Jerusalem Embassy, North Korea, China, Terrorism, Haspel - CIA, Prescription Drugs, Propaganda, Presidential Notes
Iran Nuclear Deal
Trump decided to pull the United States out of the Iran Nuclear Deal - an arrangement with five other nations (UK, France, China, Russia and Germany) and Iran in order to end Iran’s pathway toward making a nuclear bomb.  Trump claims that it was a bad deal, unilaterally endorsed by Obama and would not sufficiently stop Iran’s violence.  
Many are afraid that this decision could lead the US to war, hurt relationships with the other nations in the agreement, and hurt future negotiations to avoid war and violence.  The UK, France and Germany are working hard to figure out how to salvage the agreement, even without US participation.
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Jerusalem Embassy
Trump made the decision to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem to recognize Jerusalem as the official capital of Israel.   Every president previous to Trump has chosen to not move the embassy, and 128 countries this past December voted against the move in a United Nations meeting. The point of conflict is that Palestine views East Jerusalem also as their capital so the US recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel is taking clear sides in a heated conflict and threatens a possible two-state negotiation where Jerusalem would be a shared capital. Trump sent his daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared to Jerusalem to host a celebration of the opening.  
The opening of the embassy instigated violence in Gaza, and as Ivanka and Jared celebrated, Israel shot and killed 60 Palestinians and another 2700 were injured.
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North Korea
North Korea released three US hostages this past week to Secretary of State Pompeo.  Trump made a large celebration of their arrival in the US, even though it was 3 in the morning.  Trump had the recently released hostages smile, wave and thank Trump while a US flag flew in the background; Trump bragged that he must have broken the record for television views at 3 am.  It is often advised that recently released hostages not be greeted with media.  Trump took the opportunity to lavish praise upon Jong-un: “I want to thank Kim Jong-un,” Trump said. “I think he wants to do something and bring that country into the real world.”
Trump also released that he would meet with Jong-un on June 12th in Singapore to discuss a peace resolution. Many are skeptical that North Korea will go through with the meeting or that setting a meeting is just a ploy to get more concessions from the US.  Trump has been criticized for being too soft on Jong-un and expecting too much.  North Korea just recently threatened to cancel the meeting because a regular joint US-South Korea military drill occurred.
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Trump has consistently been highly critical of China and the trade deficit between the US and China as well as Chinese access to US technological developments..  He also has urged China to do more to hold North Korea accountable.  Then in a massive turn, Trump called for the US to help China’s giant cell phone company, ZTE, economically recover.  Trump says he is willing to help ZTE in order to help trade negotiations with China.
HuffPost recorded that Trump said he would help ZTE hours after finding out that China would put a half a billion dollars into an Indonesian theme park resort that will carry the Trump name.  The Trump Organization has a deal to license the Trump name to the park. Trump did not respond to inquiries on this story.
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A knifeman killed one person and injured four in Paris, seemingly as part of a terrorist attack.  Later in the day, the Islamic State terrorist group took credit for the attack.
Trump also Tweeted that five ISIS leaders were captured.  The operation was backed by Iraq and US backed up Syrian Democratic Forces.
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Haspel - CIA
Trump nominated Gina Haspel to direct the CIA.  Haspel is known for supporting torture techniques; upon questioning during her hearing, Haspel would not denounce “extreme interrogation measures.”  In response, John McCain called for Haspel to not be confirmed as she would not state that torture is immoral.  Days later, Haspel wrote a letter to to Virginia Senator Mark Warner stating that the CIA should not use torture.  This letter might be enough to sway Democrats to support her.
Meanwhile, in a closed meeting a White House press aide, Kelly Sadler, said that they should not worry about McCain because he is going to die soon anyway.  McCain is battling brain cancer and has already noted that he does not want Trump as his funeral.  The White House would not condemn the comment, and then Trump released the Tweet that he is angry about “leakers” and “fake media” rather than the denigrating comment.
McCain on Haspel
Haspel letter
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Prescription Drugs
Prescription drugs can be ridiculously expensive, especially newly released drugs.  During Trump’s campaign he sided with some Democrat proposals to address this problem including letting the state negotiate some prices and importing drugs from certain countries, like Canada, where the drugs are cheaper.  However, Trump now says both of those options are bad ideas.  He is now trying to move some drugs to different parts of Medicare in an effort to have private health insurance companies negotiate prices.  There is a lot of skepticism about this plan and many are concerned it could end up being worse for Medicare recipients.
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Trump’s propaganda Tweets this week are nothing original, more of him praising MAGA and taking credit for a healthy economy.
Trump endorsed DeWine for the Ohio for governor and called his opponent, Cordray who used to be the Director for the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau a socialist.  Socialist is not a bad word and someone who opposes monopolies does not make one a socialist.
Trump also endorsed Candace Owens, a far right conservative who runs the organization, Turning Point USA.  Turning point works with college students to support “free markets and limited government.”
Trump also Tweeted about AT&T as it was recently released that AT&T paid Michael Cohen to advise them on negotiations with the White House.  Cohen is also Trump’s lawyer.  This revelation has sparked suspicions about corruption.  Democrats Warren, Blumenthal, and Wyden are demanding more answers about this relationship between Cohen and At&T.  Of course, Trump is denying any wrong.
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Presidential Notes
Melania Trump had surgery this past week for a benign kidney condition; the surgery was successful and there were no complications.
Trump made a Mother’s Day video acknowledging the work of mothers.  He recognized his mother but did not say anything about the mothers of his children, including Melania.
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trumptweettuesdays-blog · 7 years ago
TTT 5.8.18
This week’s themes are Russia Investigation, Haspel for CIA, Iran Deal, Immigration, NRA, Trade, Propaganda, National Day of Prayer, and Presidential Notes,
Russia Investigation
The Russia investigation into Trump and possible collusion keeps going, despite Trump’s best efforts to call it fake news, deny it, or direct the conversation toward other matters.  This past week, his Tweets in relationship to Russia all over the place - from his Cohen and Daniels to NBC and the House report.  
First Trump attacked Lisa Page and James Baker, former FBI officials who recently resigned.  Trump made it seem as though their resignation says something about the morality or direction of the Russia case.  Page and Baker did advise Comey (directing the Russia case), but neither of them were directly involved with the investigation when they resigned and they were not forced out.
NBC had originally said Michael Cohen, Trump’s lawyer, had been federally wiretapped for his role in negotiating the deal to keep Stormy Daniels quiet about her relationship with Trump.  NBC had to correct this statement because Cohen was not federally wiretapped but had monitoring of some phone calls.  Trump then slammed NBC for being wrong.  And, yes, though NBC did make an incorrect statement they then fixed it and this statement does not negate how much Cohen is still facing legal problems.
Trump originally said he knew nothing about a payment to Stormy Daniels to keep her quiet about her relationship with Trump.  Later, it was discovered that his lawyer, Cohen, did pay her money to keep her silent.  Giuliani, now a Trump lawyer, has since then said that Trump did pay Cohen to handle business and be a “fixer.”  In response, Trump is saying those funds came from his personal account and had nothing to do with the campaign.  Now, Daniels’ lawyer is saying that Cohen received money from a Russian oligarch (with ties to Putin) and this money might have been used to pay Daniels.
Meanwhile, Trump just keeps saying that there is no case.  He says that the House committee found no evidence and that his legal confidant, diGenova, says there is no basis for an investigation into Trump.  Pointing to one’s friends and political allies as support is a weak argument.
Page and Baker
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Haspel for CIA
Trump nominated Gina Haspel as the new director of the CIA (the former director, Mike Pompeo, recently became the new secretary of state).  Haspel has come under fire for her endorsement of extreme torture techniques, and she almost withdrew her nomination.
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Iran Deal
During his presidency Obama, with the help of five other nations, brokered a deal with Iran to get them to stop making the materials for a nuclear bomb.  The agreement has to be renewed, but Trump is considering pulling out of the deal.  On Tuesday the 8th, Trump did pull the U.S. out of the agreement - which will be covered in next week’s TTT.
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Trump continues his crusade of immigrants, particularly those of Mexican descent. He calls out members of Congress for their lack of support of The Wall and continues to categorize Mexican immigrants as gang members and criminals. Since the inception of his campaign, Trump has made his beliefs of immigrants clear and unfortunately he continues to use is divisive speech and employs oppressive tactics. However, he has now begun to shift the conversation to include Congress’ attempts to draft safer gun control tactics within the nation, in order to trick his followers in to believing Congress wants to take away Americans’ guns while allowing “criminals” into the country.
Trump has already ended protections for millions of immigrants and his administration has seen to the deportation, or at least instilling the fear of it, for many immigrants that are here legally and used to be protected by the U.S. government. He has also taken steps to ensure the separation of families that attempt to enter the country, even if those families are seeking asylum from their home country. However, he continues to push for The Wall, and has made it clear that he will bully Republicans and Democrats alike, as well as mislead his supporters to make it a reality.
Trump has ended protections for millions daca_us_5aecbb97e4b0c4f1932282a0
Trump’s policy is separating families
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Trump took to Twitter to share news of his attendance of the National Rifle Association’s annual meeting. Despite remarks claiming support of and condolences for those affected in recent mass shootings in the U.S. Trump made it clear where he stand on gun control laws. Most notably, following the Parkland, FL school shooting, many believed Trump would take a stricter stance against the NRA and crack down on gun control. But, his speech at the NRA meeting proved otherwise. He even went as far as to promise the NRA that their rights would be protected as long as he is president. Along with sharing false facts regarding gun safety in certain U.S. cities, Trump also mocked countries with stricter gun control laws than America. He spoke of both Britain and France, gesturing as to how French citizens were gunned down during the 2015 terrorist attacks. Both countries expressed outrage at his antics, and Trump has yet to comment.
This year’s NRA meeting had the highest attendance to date, and many attribute it to Trump’s and Vice President Pence’s presence. Trump hasn’t wavered in support for law enforcement, continues to suggest that easier access to and owning more guns is the solution to gun violence, and has faced both criticism and support.
Fact-checking Trump’s NRA Speech
Trump promises the NRA and it’s rights are safe under his presidency
Britain and France angry over Trump’s NRA speech
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Trump boasted about sending his “great” financial team to China to discuss trade agreements, but failed to mention a few challenges.
Firstly, Trump’s bulldozer attitude has already threatened a trade war and these talks seem to resemble the same. Early in his presidency, Trump posed $50 billion in tariffs on imports from China, to which China posed a similar tax on American imports. Trump threatened an additional $100 billion in tariffs, but threats of a trade war stalled him.
Secondly, his “great” team of six financial advisors and economists are divided amongst themselves on the best method to employ in regards to trade options. Internally, the team hasn’t agreed on what America should try to get from China, nor how to get the country to agree. So, while they agree changes needed to be made, there are multiple, varying ideas on just how that change should come about.
China has proven itself a financial powerhouse and one thing that both Trump supporters and critics should agree on is that the United States should avoid a trade war at all costs. China has agreed to compromise in some areas, and many believe the U.S. should be more willing to do the same. However, Trump’s ego and aggressive tactics don’t promise a friendly compromise in the near future.
Trump’s aggressive tactics are not working
Trump unwavering in threats of potential trade war
U.S. officials divided on trade needs
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Trump spent much of his propaganda Tweets this week talking about recently published books, books that support his agenda and that deflect attention away from Russia and Stormy Daniels.
The Great Revolt talks about the “Trump voter” and why he was elected (and he was not a fluke).  The Capitalist Comeback praises Trump for being pro-business. The Russia Hoax says that Hillary Clinton was guilty and nefarious efforts to ruin Trump. And The Light Within Me is by Fox News contributor, Ainsley Earhardt who, among other things, discusses Melania Trump.
Trump also Tweeted that West Virginia should not vote for Blakenship for the Republican nomination for the Senate seat.  Blakenship supports coal and argues he is more Republican than Trump - non surprising this is a threat to Trump.
And Trump Tweeted about the very low unemployment rate of 3.9 percent, which is correct.  What Trump failed to mention is that this rate is due to Obama’s work on the economy and the rate does not capture the low stagnant wages.
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National Day of Prayer
Trump proclaimed and celebrated National Day of Prayer on May 3rd. In his remarks, he notes the country’s tendency to turn to prayer and reflection in handling conflicts. The remarks were notably more calm than his other addresses, which is understandable considering the topic. However, it does speak to rising concerns about a continued need to separate church and state in government affairs.
Trump’s remarks
More on the event at the White House
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Presidential Notes
A range of events occurred and commentary made by the President this week.
Drug Take Back Day
Trump supported the National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, an initiative for people to turn in leftover prescription drugs to a Take Back Day location site.  The impetus is to reduce family and friends from taking leftover prescription drugs.  The April collection resulted in 474 tons.
The ambassador to Germany position has been empty since Trump took office.  Ric Grenell was finally confirmed for the position at the end of April. Grenell is the first openly gay ambassador nominated by Trump.
In 2014 there was a scandal regarding Veteran Affairs as new information was released about how long veterans were waiting to receive health care.  The Veteran Affairs Secretary resigned, and there has been increased pressure to fix the VA since then.  Trump took this opportunity to remind us of this issue.
Korean hostages
Trump and his lawyer, Giuliani, indicated that three US ctizens who are being held hostage in North Korea might be released soon.  However, when pressed for details Giuliani said he didn’t have any.
Hercules plane
A hercules plane leaving the Savannah airport on its way to Arizona, crashed shortly after lift off.  There are no concrete details on why the plane crashed or what its mission was.  Sadly, all nine passengers on board died in the accident.
Pompeo, former director of the CIA, was nominated to be Trump’s new secretary of state.  Pompeo faced difficult hearings due to concerns that he would be quick to enter war.  Pompeo was recently confirmed as the new secretary of state.
A Southwest airplane had a fatal accident in mid April when plane debris broke a window and a woman was partially sucked out of the plane.  Southwest flight attendants helped keep everyone safe to the best of their ability, and Trump honored them with a visit to the White House.
Commander in Chief Trophy
Trump gave the commander in chief trophy to the US Army West Point Black Knights for defeating the Air Force and Navy football teams.
Trump hosted Nigerian president Buhari at the White House, the first visit from the head of an African nation.  It is said that they likely discussed economic growth, terrorism and promoting democracy.
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trumptweettuesdays-blog · 7 years ago
TTT 5.1.18
This week’s themes are North Korea, Russia, Immigration and Migrant Caravan, Correspondents Dinner, France and Germany Visit, Kanye, Propaganda, and Presidential Notes
North Korea
North Korea’s dictator, Kim Jong Un, is now willing to talk with South Korea and with the United States - an unprecedented move from a leader who has consistently threatened war.  Trump, for months, has called for increased sanctions and the threat of war if North Korea did not denuclearize.  Thus, Trump is taking credit for Jong Un’s decision to have conversations.  Yet, many who are familiar with North Korea and their history believe this is just strategy on the behalf of Jong Un to avoid sanctions and avoid war.  Many believe this is more ploy than action, a “kicking the can” down the street rather than any real change in North Korean politics. It seems a bit optimistic, to say the least, that North Korea would suddenly give up their nuclear weapons when they have long been a part of their international strategy.
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Veteran Affairs Jackson & Russia Collusion
Trump has now turned a corner in his response to the Russia investigation.  Trump has long denied that he or his campaign did anything wrong, even while every week reveals new evidence that indicates collusion did occur.  Now, Trump is connecting another story (of facts) that he doesn’t like to the Russia investigation by making the claim that they all reflect a conspiracy against the Trump administration. Everything negative, according to Trump, is fake news.
Trump nominated Ronny Jackson to serve as secretary of veteran affairs.  Many have called this nomination into question, but last week Montana Senator Jon Tester very openly criticized the morals and values of Jackson.  There are claims that Jackson gave prescription drugs to staffers and that he fostered a hostile work environment. Jackson, in response to these claims, has withdrawn his name for nomination.  In response, Trump has threatened that he knows things about Tester that would ruin his career.
Meanwhile Trump is clinging to a House Intelligence Committee report that says there was no collusion between Trump and Russia.  He supports this “conclusion,” despite the fact that there is mounting evidence and special prosecutor Mueller is still investigating Trump.  Trump is also attacking former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, for discussing the dossier on Russia and Trump with a CNN journalist in early January 2017; Trump is calling out Clapper for being a  leaker and a liar.
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Immigration & Migrant Caravan
Trump has openly targeted the “migrant caravan,” a group of migrants fleeing persecution and violence in their home countries in Central America.  These migrants are legally requesting asylum in the US, who by law, is beholden to interview and listen to the migrants to see if they qualify for asylum.  Rather than understanding the concerns of these migrants as a serious problem that the US might be able to help with, Trump is using these families’ pain to push his anti-immigration, nativist agenda.
In the same breath of attacking these migrants, Trump is supporting the anti-immigration policies and agenda of two candidates, Debbie Lesko of Arizona and Jim Renacci of Ohio.
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Correspondents Dinner
Last week the annual correspondents dinner was held, where news reporters are honored and there is a tradition of inviting a comic to comment on the president and administration.  Obama attended the correspondents dinner and sat through some pretty good jokes at his expense.  Trump chose to forego the dinner again this year.  The invited comic, Michelle Wolf, had pointed criticisms of Trump and press secretary Sanders.  There was immediate backlash from Trump saying Wolf went too far and that the correspondents dinner is “dead as we know it.” The White House Correspondents Association that said “"Last night's program was meant to offer a unifying message about our common commitment to a vigorous and free press while honoring civility, great reporters and scholarship winners, not to divide people. Unfortunately, the entertainer's monologue was not in the spirit of that mission."  On her part, Wolf is standing behind her jokes, noting that she would not change one joke if given the opportunity.
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France and Germany Visit
France’s President, Emmanuel Macron, visited the White House for the first time since Trump took office (Trump previously visited with Macron in Paris).  Macron and Trump are attempting to keep up appearances that they have a good working relationship.  It is presumed that Macron attempted to persuade Trump to stay in the Iran nuclear agreement. Macron also addressed a joint session of Congress while in D.C.
Germany’s Chancellor, Angela Merkel, also visited with Trump this past week.  Merkel does not have the positive relationship with Trump that Macron does, and is presumed to push Trump on a series of issues.  Merkel is to address trade, Iran nuclear agreement,  and military spending.
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Kanye West, the rapper and fashion designer, has taken an open liking to Trump.  He has visited with him, taken photos with him, and then sported his Trump signed Make America Great Again hat.  Many, rappers included, criticized Kanye for turning this back on people of color and supporting a politician who supports oppressive policies.  In another interview, Kanye said slavery was a “choice” and expressed support for other conservative views and politicians.  When pressed further, Kanye is now saying that he loves Trump’s free and independent thinking, not necessarily his policies.  Of course, Trump is eating this up and has been Tweeting about Kanye’s support - what better publicity than to have a Black rapper support him.
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Trump’s propaganda Tweets are of his normal ilk, over-selling his policies and popularity.  Of note is his rally in Michigan where he claimed he needed a bigger room to accommodate all his supporters, that the US had the worst laws, that the US had no borders, and that Democrats not only hate the military but they are colluding with Russia.  Basically, it was representative of Trump MAGA propaganda.
Trump also Tweeted about the US bid for the soccer world cup, noting that other countries should support the US bid.  Some indicated that Trump’s call to other countries violates FIFA’s Bid Rules of Conduct.
Trump called for congressional term limits, saying that he wants to “drain the swamp.”  This statement is beyond ironic given how many corporate leaders he has put in positions of leadership.
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Presidential Notes
Trump had athletes from the Winter Games to the White House to congratulate them.  He also took the opportunity to promote his approach to North Korea.  Think Progress reports that several athletes chose not to go to the White House: “Olympic alpine skier Lindsey Vonn won’t be there. Neither will opening ceremony flag bearer and luge athlete Erin Hamlin. Ice skater Adam Rippon and almost all of his figure skating teammates will be missing, too, as will snowboarder Chloe Kim. Olympic skiers like Gus Kenworthy, Jessie Diggins, and David Wise won’t meet with Trump either.”
White House Remarks
Think Progress
Trump has called the opioid addiction in the US a crisis.  He Tweeted his support for National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, which is a way to return unused prescription drugs so that they are not used by family or friends.
Trump Tweeted out support after a Toronto tragedy.  A van plowed through a busy street in Toronto, killing 10 people.  The driver supported the “incel movement,” a group of men who are angry because women won’t have sex with them.
Trump hosted Wounded Warriors at the White House, a group that honors and empowers veterans who were wounded in war.
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trumptweettuesdays-blog · 7 years ago
TTT 4.18.18
This week’s themes are Comey’s Book and Russia, Syria and Russia, Trade Wars and TPP, Tax Cuts, New Legislation, Immigration, Propaganda, and Presidential Notes
Comey’s Book and Russia
Doth protest too much.  Most of Trump’s Tweets this past week focused on the Russia investigation and former FBI Director James Comey’s new book A Higher Loyalty. In the book, Comey calls for an ethical leadership where truth and common values are placed above one’s personal self-gain.  In this discussion of positive leadership, Comey cites Trump as unethical, a bad leader, and ego driven. At points in the book, Comey calls Trump a bully who lies regularly to keep his followers in line.  Meanwhile, the office of Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen was raided by the FBI. The FBI was looking for information on Cohen’s personal business dealings, communication with the Trump campaign, and information related to Stormy Daniels (who claims that Trump gave her hush money to keep their relationship secret).  It’s not clear yet whether Cohen will work with prosecutors and secure a deal or choose to stand by Trump during the investigation. But clearly by the number and emotion in this week’s Tweets, Trump feels rattled.
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Syria and Russia
In recent months, there have been chemical attacks in Syria with small civilian towns suffering the casualties.  At first, Syria and Russia (Syria’s ally) denied the chemical attacks occured but about a week and a half ago there was another one.  Trump responded via Twitter that he would consider bombing Syria.  Congressional members are upset because they believe that Trump needs congressional approval to order boms when there is no direct threat to the United States.  Moreover, Trump’s agitated Tweets against Russia could lead to a war with Syria and Russia.
Just before the US airstrike, Trump had suggested that the US pull their troops out of Syria but now the path forward is unclear.
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Trade Wars and TPP
Trump began his new “trade wars” campaign a couple months ago and has stayed on this topic in his Twitter rants, largely threatening other countries with large tariffs on their imports to the US.  Economists and businesses still aren’t clear on what Trump plans to do or wants to do as his approach so far consists of overblown, general comments about the US getting the short end of the stick in exports-imports.  China recently said they would end a policy that required foreign car investment in their country to have a Chinese partner, but then also imposed a 178 percent import duty on US sorghum crops (China imported $1 billion of US sorghum last year).
Trump also mentioned that he might consider rejoining the Trans Pacific Partnership, more well known as the TPP; he ended the US participation in the pact at the beginning of his presidency.  This consideration of the TPP was particularly surprising considering he attacked the TPP during his campaign and early presidency, but now Trump is returning to saying that the TPP is a bad deal.
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Tax Cuts
Trump passed his new tax cuts last December, which will formally take place in next year’s tax season.  With Tax Day on April 17th, Trump and Republicans held rallies to support the Republican tax cuts.  Yet, this tax plan is wildly unpopular and contrary to what Trump proclaims, they are not the largest tax cut in US history.  And, as reported before on TTT, the tax cut supports corporations and the most wealthy in the US - not the working poor and middle class.
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New Legislation
Trump Tweeted on three different policy issues this past week.
Welfare Reform: Trump signed an Executive Order that requires more review and oversight of welfare policies in order to strengthen work requirements for welfare recipients.  Recipients of government aid already work and imposing harsh restrictions on those who are poor is not a solution.
Human Trafficking: Trump signed a bipartisan policy that targets online human trafficking.  Internet websites have openly permitted advertising of sex trafficking for years.
Opioid Crisis: In conjunction with other federal offices, the White House opened a memorial near the White House to commemorate those who have lost their lives to opioid overdose.  This memorial is in conjunction with Trump’s policy approach that the opioid crisis is a public health emergency.
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Trump recently received some funds to continue working on a wall between the US and Mexico.  He has put pressure on California Governor Brown to send California national guard troops to the border to help with security.  Brown has agreed so long as the troops are not used in immigration enforcement.  At this point, it seems troops will be sent to the border on Trump’s request.
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Trump’s propaganda Tweets are nothing new this past week; he relies on his normal proclamations of grandeur and success.  Two things of particular note are his approval numbers and the retirement of Paul Ryan.  
Trump went to the Rasmussen Poll to claim his approval rating is at 50% but that poll is quite different from what most of the polls say.  Most polls put his approval ratings around 40%.
Paul Ryan announced his retirement from Congress this past week.  Trump and Ryan have often butted heads, to put it lightly. Yet, now that Ryan is retiring Trump is supporting him and standing by him.  s
Approval Rating
Paul Ryan
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Presidential Notes
Barbara Bush recently passed away, at the age of 92.  Barbara Bush was seen by many as the matriarch of the Republican party; she was the second woman to be a wife and mother to a president (Abigail Adams was first).
Yom HaShoah began in 1953 as a Holocaust Remembrance Day.  Trump took note of this commemoration, which is likely a way to help fix his past comments where he supported White nationalists.
Trump chose Mike Pompeo, CIA director, to be his new secretary of state (to replace Rex Tillerson).  Democrats are highly critical of Pompeo and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee might have to forward the nomination to the Senate for approval, without a positive recommendation.
Trump welcomed the NCAA champion Alabama Crimson Tide to the White House.  He said of the players, “They are extraordinary and they’re going to be very rich.”
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