Tarot The Week!
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Weekly life forecasts using the power of the tarot!
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travelingtarot · 6 years ago
Weekly Psychic Forecasts Every Monday Morning To Help Guide You Through Your Week!
Week Of August 13th – August 19th 2018
Card: Ace of Swords (R)
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Quick Analysis: One of the general interpretations of any Swords card in the tarot deck is the matter of communication.  Truthful communication.  Brutal honesty.  Not being afraid of speaking our truth and further, not being afraid to stand firm and tall in our truth.  When the Swords cards are in the Reversed position, based on the communication interpretation of the card, it can mean we have a hard time speaking our truth.  The truth gets caught in our throat.  Or we have a hard time living our truth.  We ignore that part of ourselves that would lead us to more authentic lives.  We pretend we’re something we’re not.  We put on a happy smile and pretend everything is well when secretly we detest the life we’re leading.
When the Ace of Swords comes up Reversed in a reading it means that truth we’ve been hiding or the truth we’ve refused to speak is trying its best to come out.  It’s trying to be spoken, heard and lived.  We may have found lately it’s getting harder and harder to “go along to get along”.  We may have found ourselves in more and more situations where what’s happening around us and what we’re required to do to keep the peace in those scenarios butts against who we really are.  These kinds of situations where we have tamped down our true and authentic selves are presenting themselves to us repeatedly.
Usually when that happens the Universe is trying to get our attention.  The Universe is trying to tell us the time has come for us to allow ourselves to be true and authentic.  The Universe is telling us the time for speaking our truths is now.  The time for standing firm and tall in our truths is now.  Because the longer we choose to ignore that still small voice of truth inside of us, the louder it will scream for release, until that release will either become mandatory or we’ll forcibly allow a part of our soul to wither and die.
So, the question becomes if we choose to live an authentic life, is there a possibility the life we’ve grown accustomed to will change?  Sure.  There’s always that possibility.  There’s the possibility friends and family won’t understand.  Our loved ones may turn on us.  Our careers could suffer.  There’s a chance we may lose the things that are dear to us.  The absolute worst things we can think of could very well happen to us.
Or not.
Then the question becomes will we take that chance?  Will we take the chance everything will fall apart if we speak our truth?  Will we take the chance our world will turn upside down of we live our truth?  Is living our truth worth the price?There’s an old Bible verse that says, “What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and lose his own soul?”  Our souls are the most important part of our beings.  We must always be mindful to take the best care of our souls we possibly can.  We are spirits living a human experience.  Because of that our spirits live on after our human bodies turn to dust.  Our soul’s purpose is the grow, evolve and aid and assist the growth and evolution of the planet and thereby the Universe.  If we refuse, we’ve wasted our time here on Earth.  We’ve just taken up valuable space for however long we’re granted here.  And the catch is, until we decide to allow our spirit to grow and evolve we’ll continue to live the same scenario over and over again.
I encourage us all to make the best use of our time on this planet.  I encourage us to speak our truth.  Stand tall and firm in our truth.  Allow our truth to grow and evolve as more truth is revealed to us.  Live our truth, because words without action are meaningless.  Finally, be our truth.  Let us all strive to be the living embodiment of living a life of integrity.
In-Depth Analysis: In our in-depth analysis today, I want to talk about control issues.  Both sides of the control issue.  The need to always be in control as well as the fear of never being in control and allowing others to have control over us.  Both issues are equally as damaging to our psyche as well as our soul.  It’s important to recognize if we have either of those issues (or a combination of both) and take good and positive steps to fix them.  Let’s dive in!
We’ll start with loss of control.  The feeling we are never in control of our own lives and our own destinies.  We allow people, places and circumstances dictate how we move, without having a strong grounded center inside us.
There are some of us who have never found our voice.  For one reason or another our voice was dismissed early on and we carried that lesson with us into our adult lives.  One of the worst things we as “big people” can do to a child is let them believe their opinion, their voice, doesn’t matter.  The old parenting style of “kids should be seen and not heard”, in my opinion is no longer a viable parenting style.  It cuts off our kids’ spiritual vocal cords.  Worse, it can lead some of us to believe we shouldn’t be heard at all, regardless of our age.
Growing up, I had yin-yang parents.  My father thought his job ended after he brought home a paycheck.  “Are the kids fed?  Good.  Do they have clothes on their back?  Great.  Are the bills paid so they can keep a roof over their heads?  Perfect!  Job done.  Clocking out!”  And he did.  There was never room in his life for children except for taking care of their physical needs.  He could care less about our voices and would rather we have kept quiet when he was around.
My mother on the other hand was always interested in our voices.  She loved having deep conversations with us kids, regardless of our ages.  She would ask questions and listen to the feedback we provided.  She was interested in how our lives were progressing and took an active part in making sure we were listened to and our thoughts and opinions taken into consideration.
Because I had that yin-yang parenting dynamic going on around me, I never knew in the outside world if I had a voice or if I didn’t.  I was always testing the waters to see how much “big people” would actually listen to me.  When they did, they couldn’t shake me.  I was like a talking faucet that couldn’t be turned off.  But when they didn’t listen, I immediately shut down and didn’t say a word.
That dynamic of never knowing whether a situation would be amicable to my voice or not carried over into my young adult life.  When I was just starting out as an adult and trying to figure out “adulting” for the first time, more often than not I would be quiet.  In the workforce there were always “big people” around who had way more experience and way more expertise than I did.  I always got the impression, real or imagined, that my voice was not nearly as important as the next person because I was just starting out and they’d been there forever and knew how things “worked”.  Add to that, my line of work was always production driven cubicle work which doesn’t lend itself to creativity at all, my voice really was not required.  I never fully shut down because there were times I would assert myself and see positive results.  But there were plenty more times when I said nothing for fear of being dismissed.  
It’s only been in the last 6 or 7 years now that I have leaned into my voice and taken more control over how my life plays out rather than having other people, places, things and circumstances dictate that for me.  And what a difference that has made!  I may not always get it right, but at the end of the day I can truthfully say “This is my life.  And I’m living it on my terms, for the most part.” (More on that a little later.)
On the other side of that coin is the control freak.  The person who must retain complete control in all situations.  The person who not only asserts control over his or her life, but the lives of everyone around them.  Believe it or not, I had a little bit of that inside me as well.
I learned early on I couldn’t control other people.  People are going to do what they’re going to do and there’s not a damned thing you can do about it.  But I could control myself.I graduated from college at the age of 22 and I had my life all mapped out.  I had a plan.
Cut to the present.  I make part of my living as a psychic.  I write psychic forecast/self-help/advice columns once a week.  I have a deep interest in metaphysics.  Spirituality, not religion, is one of the most paramount things in my life.  Had you told me at 25 when I was singing “Lucky Star” in NYC subways trying to make rent I would someday be all the things I am today, I would have punched you in the face.  I was gonna be a star, baby!  I was gonna have hit after hit.  I was gonna snatch Grammys every time an album dropped.  I was gonna go back to my Broadway roots from time to time and do a show just to remind people I’m not just a pop star, I’m a fucking musician!  (I was gonna snatch a Tony or two in the process too!)  My life turned out completely different than I expected it would.  And for the most part that’s okay.
I learned long ago that while we do have control over our lives and our destinies, we also have a job to do while we’re here.  We’re not here just to take up valuable space.  As I said above, we should do our best to aid in the spiritual evolution not only of ourselves but of the planet as well.  That is our primary objective for being alive.  I chose to listen to spirit when spirit spoke to me.  And truth be told, my life has been so much more interesting since I ceded control of my primary directive to the Universe.
Bottom Line: The Ace of Swords is advising us this week to speak, stand tall in, live and be our truth.  But it’s also advising us to know what we truly have control over and what we don’t.  We are in control of our lives.  We’re not in control of anyone else’s.  Further, we have control over the quality of life we have but we also have a prime directive for being here.  Something we and the Universe agreed upon long before we slid down the rainbow bridge.  So regardless of anything else, we must accomplish our prime directive.  I encourage each of us to make sure the way we’re living our lives is in concert with our prime directive.  The way things turn out may not be the way we anticipated they would, but what a ride!  You can thank me later.
Have a FANTASTIC week, everybody!
Be Blessed.
Song Of The Week: Tracy Chapman “Song For You”
For more information and to book a psychic reading with me, click HERE 
For more information on the card used for this week’s reading click HERE 
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travelingtarot · 6 years ago
Weekly Psychic Forecasts Every Monday Morning To Help Guide You Through Your Week!
Week Of August 6th – August 12th 2018
Card: The Hierophant
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Quick Analysis: The Hierophant and the High Priestess are two sides of the same coin.  The High Priestess is all about hidden knowledge.  The occult.  Going inward to tend to your spiritual garden and allowing it to grow and prosper.  Whereas the Hierophant is all about outer knowledge.  Knowledge you can find in books and manuscripts.  The Hierophant is all about the brass tacks of learning.  Learning the rules.  Following the rules.  
The Hierophant encourages us to learn as much as we can about any field we embark upon.  To be about the business to learn what makes things tick.  Dissecting and tearing apart to discover the inner workings of what we’re studying.  Then learning how to piece it all back together again to make it work for us.  There are rules to be followed.  There are procedures that must be taken step by step to get the desired results.  There’s trial and error.  There’s learning from our errors and figuring out a better way to do things.  The Hierophant calls upon us to know the rules.
Hollywood has really done the world of metaphysics both a really big favor and a really big disservice.  It’s done metaphysics a favor since it has, through fantastical stories and special effects, shown there is a such thing as “magic” in the world.  Through tv shows like “Bewitched”, “Charmed” (the original series, not the trash they call “Charmed” that’s out today) “Supernatural”, “Buffy” and a plethora of shows new and old, they’ve called attention to a certain degree to metaphysics.  The same can be said for movies like “Harry Potter” or “Fantastic Beasts” or “The Craft” (classic!) or “Doctor Strange”.  Each in their own way have shined a light on the world of metaphysics.
Hollywood’s disservice to the world of metaphysics lies in the glossing over of or the flat out ignoring of the training necessary to do even half of what is done in tv shows and movies.  In short, it requires a HELLUVA lot of training.  And even after all that training, the end result is never as splashy, spectacular or grandiose as it’s shown to be in tv and movies.  But training is boring.  So, except in montages that may last a couple minutes in a tv show or movie, it’s really not focused on at all.  It would not be a surprise then that people may get into magick or witchcraft or sorcery or the world of metaphysics in general, thinking all it takes is one “Bibbity Bobbity Boo!” and suddenly you’re this all-powerful witch or sorcerer or magician.  If we are serious about going down the road of conscious spiritual evolution, the Hierophant encourages us to find a mentor.  
But not only should we find a mentor, we should be about the business of training.  I’m reminded of the movies “Kill Bill” and “The Karate Kid”.  Both movies showed training.  In fact, there was an emphasis on training in those movies that happens quite often in martial arts movies.  Strange that magic in movies is oftentimes as easy as snapping your fingers and wiping out half the Universe, whereas kicking somebody in the throat using only your pinky toe, thereby launching them 20 feet in the air and sending them crashing through a wall, would seem to be so difficult.  If we are ready to take our spiritual evolution to the next level I encourage us to not only find our own Hierophant but embrace the reality of years upon years of hard work and training, much like the training that oftentimes happens in martial arts movies, over the “Bibbity Bobbity Boo! And now you’re through!” training of magic movies.
In-Depth Analysis: True confession: When I first started reading tarot cards, first as a hobby then as a profession, I didn’t have a teacher.  In fact, to this day some 12 or so years later I still don’t have a teacher.  I am largely self-taught.  That has been a blessing in most ways and a curse in a blessed few ways. My very first experience with tarot came when a friend of mine and I were hanging out, catching up and shooting the breeze.  Suddenly, out of the blue she asked me if I would like to read cards.  I said, “I don’t know anything about reading cards.”  She said, “Oh, just look at the pictures and tell me what they say to you.”  Since I’m always up for a new adventure, I said “Sure.”
So, she got out one of her tarot decks.  She read my cards and then invited me to read hers.  Having never read tarot cards before I didn’t know the “textbook” meanings of the cards.  I ended up doing what she suggested: looking at the pictures and telling her what I thought it meant.  After the reading she said, “Wow.  You’re really good at that!”  I didn’t think anything more about it.  I had a fun Saturday night with a friend, we read each other’s cards and a good time was had by all.  That’s as far as my thought process went as far as reading tarot.
A couple months later I was in my friendly neighborhood Barnes & Noble.  I was “accidentally” in the “New Age” section of the store (there are no accidents).  And I saw a tarot deck.  Immediately my mind raced back to that fun Saturday night I spent with my friend and the readings we did for each other.  I looked at the deck again, I had money burning a hole in my pocket, so I thought, “What the hell.”  I picked up my first Rider-Waite deck (a deck I still use regularly to this day) along with a couple tarot instruction books and the rest, as they say, is history.
I didn’t have an instructor I could go to once a week to learn all the ins and outs of tarot.  I didn’t have a teacher who would tell me, “Do this, don’t do that” or “That’s good.  Here’s how you can improve it.” Or “Trust yourself more.  You know the answers.”  That would have been lovely, but it wasn’t to be.  Instead I read all I could about tarot.  I would talk with people online in tarot groups.  I’d pick up every book on tarot that personally spoke to me.  I would go to metaphysical fairs.  I would get readings from other readers and pick their brains about how they came to certain conclusions about me and how those conclusions matched the cards we were looking at.  I was an information sponge, but I still didn’t have a teacher.
That fact led to a lot of trial and error.  Trial and error that conceivably could have been avoided had I had someone to say, “Do this, don’t do that.”  Had I had an instructor, instead of looking before I leapt I could have asked, “Why the hell am I leaping, anyway?”  Had I had a mentor my feet would have been held to the fire and I probably would have practiced a LOT more in the early days than I did.  During the first couple years of reading I was doing it strictly as a hobby.  As something fun I did for friends at parties.  During those first couple years I would have read for myself more than I did.  I would have had a teacher who most assuredly would have told me I had a gift and I should take it more seriously than a hobby or a “party trick”.  But I didn’t.  I feel had a teacher been part of the equation, ESPECIALLY in the early years, I would possibly be further along in my development than I am now.  Not to say I’m not good at what I do.  I am, thankyouverymuch.  But in the early days if I had a mentor to guide me I would possibly be even better than I am today.
The Hierophant is advising us to seek guidance.  Seek spiritual counsel.  Find someone who has been around the spiritual block a time or two and knows a thing or two.  If we are stuck spiritually, or if we want to take that next evolutionary step spiritually, having a mentor or a guide to steer us rightly can only do us good.
The “steer us rightly” part of that last sentence is of utmost importance.  There are a lot of people who profess to know but do not.  There are many a shaman, guru, priest, rabbi, reverend that claim to have special access to The Source but do not.  There are many a thief, charlatan, liar, ne’er-do-well that will happily and gratefully steal your time, resources and money away from you, all the while professing to have hidden knowledge they’re just itching to share with you.  For an extra hundred bucks, that is.
It’s so important to trust our gut when approaching someone for guidance.  When we’re trying to find someone to lead us, ESPECIALLY in terms of our spirituality, we simply must listen to our instinct.  If someone seems too good to be true, they are.  If someone doesn’t allow for questions or for challenges or if they are vague and confusing with their answers, take that as a red flag.  If someone requires our dedication and devotion to them rather than to the discipline we’re studying, know there’s something wrong there.  It’s important we listen to our inner still small voice when deciding whether someone or something is right for us.  
That being said, The Hierophant is advising us now is the time in our spiritual evolution that we seek counsel from someone outside of ourselves.  Because it’s time we can rest assured our teacher will arrive.  There’s an old saying that rings true for what we are saying: “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.”  Yes, we should still trust our gut, but the Universe is leading us to the right teacher for us.  And when that teacher appears, our spiritual evolution will take a giant leap forward!
To that end, I am pleased to announce I will be starting an online course in tarot.  I know there are many people who live in far flung corners of the globe who may not be able to find someone local to train them.  I also know there are people in big cities who have no idea where to start and who to trust.  That’s why I have created this program.  It will launch at the beginning of 2019.  Please stay tuned to this page and to my website, for more details as the launch date gets closer.
Bottom Line: When the Hierophant comes up in a reading, it’s time to find a teacher.  It’s time to find someone who will steer us rightly.  It’s time to find the one who will take our spiritual evolution to the next level.  The Universe is ultimately kind.  If it’s directing us to find someone to help us, that person will arrive.  We must trust the Universe to show us the right way to go to find that person.  That involves listening to and trusting our gut.  The time to learn is now.  The time to grow is upon us.  Let’s study at the feet of a master and take our evolution to the next level.  You can thank me later.
Have a FANTASTIC week, everybody!
Be Blessed.
Song Of The Week: Whitney Houston “I Look to You”
 For more information and to book a psychic reading with me, click HERE 
This week's card is a non-deck.  It’s from an art collection.  The artist is Cassandra Santori.  You can find more of her work HERE 
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travelingtarot · 6 years ago
Weekly Psychic Forecasts Every Monday Morning To Help Guide You Through Your Week!
Week Of July 30th – Aug 5th 2018
Card: Ace of Wands (R)
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Quick Analysis: When the Ace of Wands is in the reversed position it usually means something is holding us back from starting fresh, starting anew.  We have a goal in mind.  We see the starting line just ahead.  But for some reason we can’t seem to step up to the starting line.  Because of that our dreams, plans, goals and aspirations for ourselves keep getting pushed away.
And the most frustrating thing of all is the starting line has not moved at all.  It’s still right there where it’s always been.  It’s we who have moved away.  Through reasoning, some legitimate some not, we have slowly inched ourselves further and further away from what we want.
We’re busy.  I get it.  We must take care of our partners, our immediate families and sometimes our extended families.  We must get our kids to school and then to the million and one extracurricular activities they have before and after school.  Then we must make sure they’re doing their homework and try our best to help them with it and the various school projects they have going on.
Then we have to check in with our partners and make sure they’re still breathing.  If we’re wise, we take out quality time each week to spend just with them.  But then that requires planning and doing.  We have to make sure the passion for not just our families stays alive, but the passion between our partners and ourselves as well.
Our parents aren’t getting any younger.  And while they are perfectly capable of taking care of themselves, you see a day not too far away where they will be leaning on you more and more.  In fact, in small subtle ways that leaning in has already begun.
Then our friends, associates, colleagues, and communities all require our attention to a certain degree.
We swear we will make time for ourselves and our dreams.  We swear next week, next month, next year will be our time.  But next week, month and year never do come, do they?  We only have right now because right now is the only thing promised to us.  And even if there was a next week, month or year what are we doing now to carve out time for ourselves?  I’ve heard it said, “Luck is preparation meets opportunity.”  What are we doing to prepare ourselves for the opportunity at hand?  Like I said, the starting line has not moved one inch.  What are we doing to prepare ourselves right this minute for when we finally step up to that starting line?
It’s so important to not forget self amongst the million and one things we’re called to do in any given day.  We simply must take time for ourselves.  Even if it’s 20 minutes a day, we must force ourselves to put ourselves first for those precious 20 minutes.  Yes, for most of us that goes against our very nature to put ourselves first.  Even for 20 minutes.  But if we don’t, we’ll never be prepared once we finally make the choice to step up to the starting line.
In-Depth Analysis: Let’s talk about fear.  Specifically, the fear of success.  Yes, the fear of success is actually a real thing.  The fear of success can be a WAY harder concept for us to wrap our heads around because we’re always talking about the fear of failure.  But the fear of success affects people in as profound a way as any of our other fears, including failure.  So what is the fear of success?  Let’s get into it:
The straight forward answer to that question is when you are so afraid of success you’ll do anything not to attain it.  For most of us that seems incredibly counterintuitive.  Especially in the western world where it seems our whole identity is hinged upon how successful we are.  (And how young and beautiful we are, but that’s another story.)  In fact, how successful we are, at least in the Western world, is a rote topic of conversation.  Think about it.  The last time you were in a setting where you’re being introduced to brand new people, how often were you asked what you do for a living?  And once you said what you do, did it not lead to more easy conversation-like questioning about the specifics of what you do?  It happens all the time.  
(Side note: In my weird little mind I think it would be HILARIOUS if the next time someone asks “What do you do for a living?” to answer “I live off the tax-paying dollars of other hardworking people.” Or “I am PHENOMENAL in bed.  So much so my boyfriend/girlfriend pays my way through life.  I get to stay home, look pretty and fuck like a champion!”  Or “I’m a panhandler.  You can find me selling fruit every day on the exit 121 off-ramp.  Stop by!  I’ll give you a deal on half-rotten tomatoes!”  That would be SO FUNNY!!!  Of course, I don’t have the balls to pull that off in public, but I bet you do!  Enough with the shenanigans!  Back to this week’s lesson.)
And we are constantly bombarded with images of successful people in all media.  Rarely do you see people in television or print ads that are unsuccessful.  Rarely do you see people who are down on their luck and can’t catch a break.  And if you do, by the end of the commercial, tv show or movie, they’ve found the “secret sauce” to success and are wildly successful.  It seems we as Westerners are all about finding that “secret sauce” to success and then ball out of control for the rest of our lives.  To fear success seems out of the ordinary to us.
Therefore, if that’s true, if the fear of success is so foreign to the minds of most westerners, is it really all that commonplace?  Well in my research for this blog I found it to be MUCH more commonplace than I could have imagined.  Just a quick Google search on "fear of success" and article after article and page after page of information about it is at our fingertips.  Clearly, it's a problem that a lot of people have to contend with.
So what are the warning signs you may be experiencing the fear of success?  Well a few include:
 You don’t complete your projects (this could be at work or at home). 
 You talk about what you are going to do more than what you actually do. 
 You work furiously on several projects at once, not really focusing deeply on any one of them. 
 You still have exactly the same things on your vision board that were there five years ago. 
 You procrastinate.
 You second-guess yourself often. 
 Distraction is your middle name. 
 You don’t think your work is ever quite good enough. 
 You’re on the verge of ‘success’ and things start going really wrong.
Do any of these things apply to you?
In my research I found a man by the name of Professor Frank Manuel who studied the fear of success.  Professor Manuel suggested the term “Jonah complex” - named for the character Jonah from the Bible -  for people who have a fear of success.  If you don’t know the story of Jonah, you can find it in its entirety in the book of – wait for it! – Jonah.  At only 4 chapters long it’s one of the shorter books in the Bible.  If you’ve never read it, I encourage you to do so.  It’s a fascinating character study.  And if you have read it, reacquaint yourself with it.  It’s a really fascinating story.  Only a few Bible chapters long.  And it’s a good read.  So find it and read it and draw your own conclusions about it. 
Anyway, Professor Manuel’s colleague Abraham Maslow came up with the etymology of the word.  In short he stated: “The Jonah complex is the fear of success which prevents self-actualization, or the realization of one's potential.  It is the fear of one's own greatness, the evasion of one's destiny, or the avoidance of exercising one's talents.  Just as the fear of achieving a personal worst can motivate personal growth, the fear of achieving a personal best can also hinder achievement,”
There is another layer to the fear of success. Many of us have been conditioned to believe that the road to success involves risks such as "getting one's hopes up" - which threatens to lead to disappointment. And many of us-especially if we've been subject to verbal abuse-have been told we were losers our whole lives, in one way or another. We have internalized that feedback and feel that we don't deserve success.
There are probably a lot of deeper layers underneath the two I mentioned.  I encourage us all to look deep inside ourselves.  And if the fear of success is holding us back I encourage us to find out the underlying reasons why.  Because only in doing the work to figure out the core reasons behind that fear of success will we be able to then do the work necessary to fix the problem and move forward.  The Ace of Wands is waiting for us.  That starting line is right there where it’s always been.  I will leave you with this famous quote from the incomparable Marianne Williamson:
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.  Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.  It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.  We ask ourselves, “Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?”  Actually, who are you not to be?  You are a child of God.  Your playing small does not serve the world.  There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you.  We are all meant to shine, as children do.  We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.  It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone.  And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.  As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” 
Bottom Line: Fear is a powerful emotion.  It was given us as a tool for action.  The misuse of fear is to become paralyzed by it.  I’ve often heard it said courage is being scared shitless but doing it anyway.  It’s tough to unpack the reasons why we are afraid.  It’s a hard journey to peel back the layers within our psyche to get to the root of our problems.  I’m not gonna lie, it’s hard work.  But we are SO worth the trouble!  We are worth the time and energy, blood sweat and tears we must expend to shed those things within us that are no longer serving us.  Imagine a life without fear that holds us back from the good stuff!  Imagine valuing ourselves and what we have to offer this world enough to be bold, be strong, to be scared shitless but having the self-worth that we do it anyway.  If we can imagine ourselves being that type of person, we can do it.  There’s nothing our mind can imagine that we can’t make happen.  I encourage us to take the steps necessary to rid ourselves of the fears that are holding us back.  You can thank me later.
Have a FANTASTIC week, everybody!
Be Blessed.
Song Of The Week: Zach Williams “Fear Is A Liar” 
For more information and to book a psychic reading with me, click HERE 
For more information on the card used for this week’s reading click HERE  
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travelingtarot · 6 years ago
Weekly Psychic Forecasts Every Monday Morning To Help Guide You Through Your Week!
Week Of July 23rd – July 29th 2018
Card: The Tower (R)
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Quick Analysis: There’s trouble on the horizon.  And you can see it coming from a mile away.  In fact, it’s been coming for a good long while now.  But unlike the Seven of Wands, there will be no mitigating or lessening of the blow once in gets here.  It’s going to hit hard and it’s going to change things in a very significant way forever.
The Tower card in the reversed position generally means change may not happen suddenly, but significant changes will happen.  Also, when the Tower card is in the upright position it can mean the change will be a change in thought processes.  Something will happen to you emotionally that will change your world view.  So when it’s in the reversed position it can mean that change is a physical change.  That would in general come in the form of a sickness or a physical malady.  A long term illness that effectively changes the way you think about things.
The good news is because The Tower card is in the reversed position and that usually means something physical is about to change, we can either forestall it, stop it completely, or reverse its course by how we are living.  Leading a healthier lifestyle.  Meditating.  Finding a balance between the physical, mental and spiritual.  Taking time to enjoy life.  Eat more salads (without the ranch!)  Oftentimes the physical reflects the spiritual.  If something is wrong with us physically, sometimes identifying and fixing the spiritual component of it will aid in the healing of the physical.
Finally, as alluded to above whenever a card is in the reversed position it can mean slow, stop or delay.  Because we’ve determined this is a physical thing that will bring with it major changes, it stands to reason we know it’s coming.  We know we have a family history of heart disease or diabetes or high blood pressure.  We know we have a family history of cancer.  We know all the things we SHOULD be doing to take care of ourselves.  But I encourage us this week to think about the things we CAN do this week to delay that day of reckoning as much as possible.  It doesn’t have to be big.  We don’t have to completely overhaul ourselves in one fell swoop.  We can baby step our way to a healthier lifestyle.  It may not put off the inevitable forever, but there really is no downside to being healthier.  Being healthy in mind, body and spirit will only make management of whatever ailments come our way all the easier.  And who wouldn’t want that?
In-Depth Analysis: I’m getting strongly this week a relationship is about to end.  And if it’s not ending, it needs to.  It’s a change that’s been a long time coming.  I’m seeing a relationship that for all intents and purposes has been over for a good long time now.  It’s just that neither party in the relationship wants to call it.  Neither wants to be the one to throw in the towel.  Neither one wants to be the one to pull the plug. 
I see a family that goes through the motions.  Everyone has their part to play, and they play their parts well.  First we do this, and then we do this.  We pivot this way when things go wrong, and this is how we fix them.  The kids have soccer practice, viola lessons, ballet, gymnastics, science projects, bake sales.  We get up, make breakfast, fix lunches, get the partner off to work, get the kids off to school, go to work, pick up kids, drop kids off at whatever extracurricular activities they have going on, go home and start dinner, pick up the kids, come home, put dinner on the table, help kids with homework, send kids off to bed, fall into a heap on the couch, turn on the tv, don’t speak to our partner unless it’s to plan the strategy of the next day, eventually crawl into bed, if it’s a particularly generous night go through the motions of mediocre sex, fall asleep afterwards and start it all over the next day.
That’s it.  There’s nothing more to your relationship with your partner than that.
And it’s not that you hate your partner.  It’s just the love you two once had for each other is no longer there.  You don’t talk.  Again, not because you hate each other but because unless it’s about the kids there’s nothing left to say.  You lead separate lives.  You have separate interests.  Separate friends.  Separate past times.  Separate, separate, separate.  The only thing you two have in common are your kids.  Which makes me wonder: Is that enough?
Is it enough just to go through the motions?  Or do you both deserve better?  Is there even a better person out there for both of you?  Because on paper, your partner is the best.  He/She participates in the play as much as you do.  They do what they’re supposed to do.  They pitch in.  Not only do they LOVE your kids, they’re really good parents to boot.  They’re faithful.  They hold down a job.  They’re still the loving, kind, generous, open person you fell in love with.  It’s just the spark between you two is gone.  What’s more is you don’t even know if you want to put in the work it would require to rekindle the marriage.  Things are easy now.  Both of you have a flow that works well in the relationship.  It would be so easy to let things continue as they have been.  But then that spark would never return.
So at this point, you have a decision to make.  Do you keep the status quo and continue to work the family like the well oiled machine it is?  Or do you pay attention to the problem areas and fix them?  Because those problems aren’t going to go away on their own.  And in fact, they’re bound to get worse.  Which means that apathy you have towards one another has the potential to turn into something much more painful.  Like anger and resentment.  Feelings of obligation rather than love.  Feelings of being trapped and longing to be free instead of finding your freedom inside your marriage.  Those toxic feelings have the potential to bubble up to the surface and end your marriage on a much nastier note than if you dealt with things as they are now.
As it stands now, this marriage is over.  But it doesn’t have to be.  It is salvageable.  There is a chance you can find each other again and find that spark.  But that will take work.  It’s work that’s not out of the realm of either one of your capabilities.  But it will take work.  I encourage you this week to do the right thing for you and your family.  You can thank me later.
Bottom Line: Change is coming.  Whether you like it or not, it’s coming.  So what are you going to do about it?  Do you want to do anything about it?  The easy way out is to allow change to happen and then react and adjust accordingly.  The harder way is to see that change is coming and do whatever necessary to stop it, delay it or protect yourself against it.  It’s much easier (although WAY more painful) to be dragged along by life rather than working with and walking alongside life.  In one scenario you’ve given up control to the fates.  In the other, you’re working with the fates to navigate through life together.  I encourage each of us to be a partner with life rather than its albatross.
Have a FANTASTIC week, everybody!
Be Blessed.
Song Of The Week: Drake “Passionfruit” 
For more information and to book a psychic reading with me, click HERE
Peanuts Tarot: I can’t find this as a deck anywhere.  And I can’t find out who the artist is.  So it’s a mystery.  If you know, please let me know and I will update this post.
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travelingtarot · 6 years ago
Weekly Psychic Forecasts Every Monday Morning To Help Guide You Through Your Week!
Week Of July 16th — July 22nd 2018
Card: Seven of Wands
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Quick Analysis: The Seven of Wands is all about seeing trouble way before it comes and doing what is necessary to mitigate the damage that trouble brings, if not neutralizing it altogether. The imagery, especially in this interpretation, means you’re above the fray. You will not be brought down to their level. You will not engage in their drama. It’s their monkeys and their circus and you’re happy to sit in the stands with a bag of peanuts in hand and watch the show.
I love when this card comes up in a reading. It tells me the person across from me has a handle on what’s going on in his/her life. They see trouble coming from a mile away. They quickly ascertain if that trouble is something that’s their business or not. If it is, they do whatever they can to make sure whatever is coming does the least amount of damage possible. If not, they “twirl on the haters”. Either way, the person across from me is in control of their circumstances. And that’s HUGE. It’s amazing when one can have an active control over their lives and control their direction in life instead of reacting and adapting to where life is dragging them. It’s rare and it should be celebrated.
So, if you are in a place where things may not be perfect but they’re well under control, I encourage you this week to celebrate that. Take a moment to be thankful for that. Take some time to reflect on how you’re able to keep all seven chainsaws in the air and figure out a way to duplicate that success in all facets of your life. If you’re able to see the things that are your issue and the things that are not and understand the difference between the two, pat yourself on the back. Not everyone can say they stay above the fray. But you can. And that’s so exceedingly rare nowadays. Celebrate it. You deserve it.
In-Depth Analysis: Another good news card! FINALLY! It seems after weeks and weeks of doom and gloom we’re finally — FINALLY! — on a roll of good news! And this week’s card is most definitely a good news card.
As is my modus operandi, I am going to take this week’s in-depth analysis in a different direction. I am an intuitive, after all. And what I intuit about something may not be the “textbook” example of the card. That’s for the Quick Analysis above. So, if you’re ready, let’s go on an intuitive journey with the Seven of Wands.
The first thing that comes to mind is something that within the last year or so has come up often in my one-on-one readings with people. When the Seven of Wands has come up lately, I’ve gotten the strong inclination the person across from me has latent psychic gifts. Gifts they’re in fact using but probably have no idea that’s what’s happening.
I say this because even though the Seven of Wands is a card all about being able to handle any situation that comes our way and being able to not only stay on top of it but above the fray, it’s also a card of seeing trouble before it comes and being able to minimize that trouble well before it gets here. The person across from me usually can connect the dots in a way other people can’t. And 9 times out of 10 the way they connect the dots is on point. That’s a gift. It may not be a “psychic gift” in the way we typically think of “psychic gifts”, but the way we think of psychic gifts may need to be expanded.
I’ve said it many times before and I’ll say it again here: We are ALL born with psychic abilities. Every one of us. We have imaginary friends. We see things the “big people” (adults) don’t see. We sometimes live in worlds of our own creation and those worlds are just as “real” as the worlds the “big people” live in.
But somewhere along the way most of us let go of those worlds that gave us so much happiness peace and joy as children. We’re told, “You’re too old for that!” or “There’s no such thing as an imaginary friend.” Or “If you can see it and no one else can then it’s not really there.” Sadly, most of us believe the “big people” and eventually let go of those worlds and move into the world of the “big people”.
But that doesn’t mean the world we left behind fades away. In fact, it’s still there. It’s still vibrant. It’s still wondrous and fantastical and adventurous. And we can still experience those worlds today. Sure, we may see them through the “big people” lens but we can still experience them. Usually those experiences come in the form of gut feelings, “women’s intuition”, knowing for sure even though no concrete evidence supports your hunch. Those are all intuitive psychic abilities. And all of us have those experiences from time to time. And when our hunches prove to be true, there is a certain amount of happiness and satisfaction that goes along with that. It may be as shallow as “See! I told you so!” or it could go deeper when we ask ourselves, “Seriously, how did I know that?”
The same thing can be said of being able to see trouble or difficulties coming down the pike LONG before they get here. Again, if you can connect dots that other people don’t and often your predictions come true, there’s psychic ability going on there. No, you’re not sitting at a table turning over cards for people, but you are predicting the future to a certain extent. I contend if you are experiencing that phenomenon more and more in your life, perhaps the Universe is trying to tell you something.
Not everyone is cut out to do psychic work. Not everyone can sit at a table and read cards, or palms or auras or any other of the numerous disciplines used in this line of work. Nor is everyone even called to do this kind of work. There’s no reason why you can’t use your talents in other arenas. Why not use your gifts in ways that honor your spirituality but also have practical uses? Like being a consultant. Or being a crisis management person. Or working in law enforcement. Or working on Wall Street. There are PLENTY of ways a person can use their psychic gifts without sitting at a table turning over cards.
Bottom Line: The Seven of Wands is telling you the way you can finesse crisis situations is a gift. A gift you should think about exploring in ways that help people. We may not all be called to be psychics, but we’re all called to help people. And if we can use our natural talents to help people we should. We all have gifts. We all have ways we can help. If you can see trouble coming from a mile away and are able to minimize it when it finally gets here so it does little to no damage, that’s a GIFT! And it should be shared! I encourage you this week to figure out the best way you can help people using your natural talents. You can thank me later.
Have a FANTASTIC week, everybody!
Be Blessed.
Song Of The Week: Katy Perry, “Swish Swish”
For more information and to book a psychic reading with me, click HERE
For more information on the card used for this week’s reading click HERE
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travelingtarot · 6 years ago
Weekly Psychic Forecasts Every Monday Morning To Help Guide You Through Your Week!
Week Of July 9th — July 15th 2018
Card: Four of Wands
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Sorry this is so late getting out to you…
Quick Analysis: The Four of Wands. This card is all about families. Starting a family. Building a home. Laying the groundwork for a solid foundation for you and your partner as you create your own family. I LOVE it when this card comes up in a reading. It means if there are any concerns about the health and happiness of a home, those fears are unfounded. The Four of Wands says you’re doing all the right things to make your union with your partner work and your family is strong.
And for all you single parents out there, the same thing applies. Regardless of whether you are a single parent or co-parenting with someone else, you’re doing the right thing. It may not have worked out between you and your partner, but both of you love your children unconditionally. And both of you make sure your children’s lives are not disrupted any more than minimally necessary. You show your children love. You take care of them. You don’t disparage the other parent in front of the kids. Both of you co-parent as best you can, given the difficulties of not being in a love relationship with each other.
And to my LGBTQIA sisters and brothers out there, let me encourage you by letting you know families comes in all sorts of shapes, sizes and packages. The way your family looks may not look like the family down the street, but it’s a family nonetheless. What makes a family is the love and commitment to making things work both people have. If you have that love and commitment between you, your family is as valid as the family down the street.
Finally, for those “unconventional” unions out there let me affirm you as well. If everyone involved are adults and everyone is treated fairly, kindly, with the utmost care, respect and love, then your family is as valid as the family next door. It may be weird to the family next door, they may not understand it or how you make it work, but it’s not their family. It’s yours.
After all, love and commitment are what makes a family work. The Four of Wands is encouraging us all to continue the hard but oh so rewarding work of building a solid foundation for our families. It’s encouraging us to build good solid sturdy bones of fairness, kindness, generosity, care, respect and love. Because when all those things are the foundation and bones of the family, that family can grow and evolve and thrive. It can change and go through hard times, but if love and commitment is the foundation and all the rest of the above are the bones of the house, it will still be standing after the storm is over. The Four of Wands is encouraging us that we have what it takes to not only build a strong and loving home for our families, but we have what it takes to continue that work and touch up our homes whenever the need arises.
In-Depth Analysis: On June 30th I took part in a nationwide protest rally. #KeepFamiliesTogether was a rally designed to bring attention to the cruel and inhumane practice of separating families who are trying to cross over into our country at our southern border. Children have been routinely rounded up and separated from their families without any due process and with no guarantee of ever being reunited with their parents. It’s a practice that recalls the darkest time in American history where families of slaves were separated, sometimes never to see one another ever again. It’s a practice that has been roundly condemned on both sides of the aisle and by political pundit and civilian alike. It’s been a black eye for this current administration, and an embarrassment for our great nation.
I really do my best to stay apolitical on this blog. It is the purpose of this blog to bring people together and help people through the power of spirituality and tarot. It is NOT this blog’s purpose to separate people along political lines and ideologies. That’s why today we won’t be talking about the specifics of legal and illegal immigration. Nor will we be talking specifically about how and when to process asylum seekers. We won’t get into the minutia of the reasons people are fleeing their countries and the drug cartels that have taken over. My opinions about those things really don’t matter. So they won’t be discussed.
What will be discussed however, is the treatment of people once they get here. It’s cruel, it’s inhumane, and most of all America is supposed to be better than this. We’re supposed to be better than putting people in cages. We’re supposed to be better than separating families at the border. We’re supposed to be better than detention centers. We’re supposed to be better than this.
The problem is a lack of empathy. I don’t know how it happened, but it seems we’ve lost the ability to empathize with people. We can’t seem to put ourselves in another person’s shoes. We as a nation have decided we won’t even walk a step in another person’s shoes, let alone a mile. We can’t imagine the horrors of living in a world where your neighborhood, your city, your state, your country has been rendered unlivable because of political upheaval or the running of entire communities by gangs. We can’t imagine having to leave because every day you stay your life is in danger. We’ve lost the ability to connect with other families as if they were our own.
And that’s what the Four of Wands is all about. Family. Building a solid foundation with your partner so that you can build a strong and thriving home together. Where a family can grow and live and prosper together. It may start out as a wedding ceremony as the above card depicts, or it may start out in a plethora of other good and loving ways. Regardless, the Four of Wands tells us we’re off to a good start and a strong family life is where it will eventually land.
#KeepFamiliesTogether is all about the family unit as well. No, they’re not our families. But if we believe there’s no dividing line between you and I, then we must believe they in fact ARE our families. I’m reminded of the old WWJD wrist bands that were all the rage a few years back. And it makes me think, “What WOULD Jesus do?” What would Jesus do if faced with this same situation? What would Jesus do if He were President and this same crisis was unfolding at our southern border? What would He do? What would YHWH do? What about Mohammed? How about Buddha? What would they do? If we are spiritual beings, if we follow a higher power at all, we should consider what that higher power would do if He/She/It/They were walking the earth today. And we should try to emulate them as best we can. You can thank me later.
Bottom Line: Here’s your homework assignment: re-watch “Kingsman: The Golden Circle” and see how fucking prophetic that movie really was. I saw it the other night and thought, “Wow! If that isn’t happening right here, right now in our own country!” Scary. Here’s your other homework assignment: practice empathy. Put yourself in someone else’s shoes. When you do, imagine if it was you who had the same choices. What would you do if faced with that same situation? Here’s your final homework assignment: If you have a higher power, I encourage you to consult with Him/Her/It/Them and ask what they would do in this situation. Then do your best to emulate them.
Have a FANTASTIC week, everybody!
Be Blessed.
Song Of The Week: Dreamgirls “Family”
For more information and to book a psychic reading with me, click HERE
For more information on the card used for this week’s reading click HERE
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travelingtarot · 7 years ago
Tarot The Week!!!
Weekly Psychic Forecasts Every Monday Morning To Help Guide You Through Your Week!
Week Of June 25th – July 1st  2018
Card: Six of Pentacles, Reversed
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Quick Analysis: Be careful you’re not being taken advantage of.  When the Six of Pentacles comes up in the reversed position in a reading it very often means the client is giving so much and not getting anything in return for his or her good favor. And while one should never give with the intention of getting in return (giving should be its own reward), one should not give to the point of emptying ones self out.
Which brings us back to the first sentence.  Be careful you’re not being taken advantage of.  There is someone reading this today who is being taken advantage of.  There is someone out there reading this who gives and gives and gives and gets nothing in return.  In fact, it’s gotten so bad the people on the receiving end of your giving have come to expect nothing less from you but to give.  They expect when something needs to be done, you’ll step in.  They expect when there’s a family crisis, you’ll fix it.  They expect when someone is down on their luck you will support them financially.  They’ve grown accustomed to calling you at all hours of the day or night needing a shoulder to cry on and expect you will be that strength in their times of trouble. They may be taking advantage of you.
If this is your reality right now, please know you have a choice to change the way things are.  The truth is people can take care of themselves. It may not seem like it, but given the choice between taking care of business and everything falling apart, most people will choose to work things out on their own.  And unless there are extenuating circumstances that prevent a person from figuring it out (i.e., mental health and wellness issues or mental or physical disabilities), there’s no need for you to step in and like Superman save the day.  People will figure it out, believe me they will.  It’s called “adulting”.  And while it may not be the most fun you’ll have all day, it is something most people over the age of 18 will have to do.
In-Depth Analysis: I really do think this week’s card is about interpersonal relationships in a family. I really feel strongly this card was meant to be pulled and discussed this week because there is someone out there who lately is feeling taken advantage of.  So we’ll be focusing in on how this card affects family dynamics. It’s time to take your position because the show is about to begin!
In a family, each member has their specific role to play.  Caregiver.  Provider. Confidant.  Partner in crime.  Good girl. Bad boy.  Ace student.  Ace athlete. Helicopter parent.  Absent parent.  Cool parent.  Strict parent.  Tattle-tale.  Funny one. Serious one.  Shy and reserved one.  Life of the party.  Understanding.  Judgmental. When you think of character traits and the members of your family, I can almost guarantee you can put those character traits on some or all of them.  Each family member has a role to play and they all play them particularly well, including you.
For the purposes of this week’s reading we’ll be using “that person” to describe you.  Please understand there is no judgment within this reading.  You are who you are.  It’s a fact. There are no emotions attached to it. It just is.  Like the color of your eyes, it just is.
And let me be clear here: Sometimes it’s not even about malicious intent.  Odds are they’re not out to get you or to make your life miserable. They’ve just become so accustomed to you going out of your way to be the “fix-it” person, they don’t even realize that expectation is wearing you down.  They have no idea.  They just figure since you’ve always been “that person” you always will be “that person”. So they play the role they’re used to playing.
And so do you, btw. Yes, you have a powerful role in all of this as well.  For whatever reason you’ve decided it’s up to you to fix whatever is broken in your interpersonal relationships.  It may have started off small.  It may have been something easily fixed, and so without giving it a second thought you fixed it.  Then something else came up and again without blinking you fixed it again.  And again.  And again.  And before you know it you’ve become “that person” that fixes everything, whether you like it or not.
The hard lesson here may be that through choices you made, over time you became “that person”.
Bottom Line: Be careful you’re not emptying yourself out and not getting what you need to refill your cup.  It’s not up to you to save the world, or even save other grown people.  They made it to adulthood, they will surely survive without your help.  Make sure your kindness and generosity aren’t mistaken for weakness.  While it is true giving should be its own reward, make sure you’re not giving out of a sense of obligation rather than a sense of doing it because it’s the right and natural thing to do.  You can thank me later.
Have a FANTASTIC week, everybody!
Be Blessed.
Song Of The Week: Barbra Streisand - “Since I Fell For You”
For more information and to book a psychic reading with me, click HERE 
For more information on the card used for this week’s reading please let me know.  I can’t find ANY information on this card’s artist.  So if you know, please let me know and I will give all the credit where it’s due.
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travelingtarot · 7 years ago
Weekly Psychic Forecasts Every Monday Morning To Help Guide You Through Your Week!
Week Of June 18th – June 24th 2018
Card: Knight of Wands
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Quick Analysis: I don’t know if you all have noticed, but the cards have really been swinging back and forth between masculine and feminine energy.  For the past month or so we’ve been looking at feminine cards that focus on the inner workings of the soul as well as masculine cards that have been focusing in on the outside and how we move through the outside world.  We’ve been switching back and forth between the two energies, which I think is kind of cool.  And this week’s card is no exception.  While last week’s card focused on finding joy within, this week’s card focuses on the masculine energy of what we put out there to the world.
Please don’t misunderstand, this was not planned.  Well, maybe the Universe planned it that way, but I certainly didn’t consciously do a “boy-girl” seating arrangement with these cards.  I just think it’s really cool the cards have shook out this way.  Anyway, onto the reading.
The Knight of Wands is perfectly captured in the above card because in the above interpretation it’s all about masculine fire energy.  It’s edgy, abrasive, aggressive, brash and bold.  It’s a take no prisoners kind of a card.  It kicks ass and doesn’t bother with names.  When the crowd yells, “Let’s do this!” the Knight of Wands is already halfway done.  It’s ballsy.  And it's saying, "you should be too."
The Knight of Wands is encouraging us to grab our passion by the horns this week.  It’s encouraging us to stop putting what makes us happy, what brings us joy, on the back burner.  The time for putting everything else over being truly happy is over.  Take what we know and implement the plan, pronto!  There are certainly moments where it would be in our best interest to take things slow.  Not this week!  You already know in your heart what you really want to do in life and who you want to be in life.  So do it!  No more pussy footing around!  Get in there and claim what’s yours!
The Knight of Wands reminds us all we have is right now.  If not now, when?  The fire of creativity and passion is not snuffed out yet. If we allow ourselves to pay attention to it, we’ll discover there are embers left in the fire that still burn hot.  All it will take is a little tending to those embers to get the fire blazing once more.  But we must take action now.  Tomorrow is not promised. All we have is right now.  I encourage us all to tap into that Knight of Wands energy and make things happen!
In-Depth Analysis: I have a true confession to make this week.  (You: How is that different from any other week?  Me: Fair point.)  Oftentimes I allow fear to dictate how I move through the world.  I tend to not allow myself to be as creative as I could be because of fear.  Mostly that fear comes in the guise of “Yeah that’s wonderfully creative of you, but the rent is due.  So stop trying to be so creative and make some money so we’re not thrown out into the streets.”  “Responsible adult” can be another way of thinking way too conservatively.  Not taking chances or risks.  Being safe.  And while there really isn’t a such thng as “100% safe” anymore, a lot of things require a lot less “rocking the boat” than do others.
Fear is so crafty.  Because while you’re rationalizing your way out of doing things, you’re convincing yourself you’re being responsible.  You’re weighing all the pros and cons.  All the positives and negatives.  You’re doing the mature, responsible and adult thing by counting the cost.  Meanwhile, fear is there loading up the con side of the pro/con piece of paper with ridiculousness that in the moment seem completely fair and rational.  And before you know it you’ve talked your way out of it.  You really wanted to do it, but you’ve convinced yourself it’s not the wisest thing to do.  So while you go to sleep happy with your decision (because it was well thought out and analyzed, after all) fear puts another win in the win column.
The truth of the matter is we’re all creators.  If you believe in the Divine as a Creator (or Creatrix) then it would stand to reason we are all that Creator’s/Creatrix’s children.  Children take on attributes of their parents.  And the one thing all of us take on from our Creators is a desire to create ourselves.  More times than not that takes on the form of procreation.  Of creating offspring. But more than that, things are created everyday that have nothing to do with propagating our species. These are things that make our lives better by making things simpler or more efficient.  Other things that people create make our lives better for experiencing them.  Whether it’s through escapism or through laughter or tears or moments that give us pause to think, there are plenty of things out there that people have created that improve the quality of life of our species in one tangible way or another.  It’s all creation.  Not only do we take that aspect of our Creators with us, but our Creators encourage us to create ourselves.
Even if we choose to take the idea of “deity” out of the equation altogether, there’s no denying there’s an innate need in most of humanity to create.  Again, procreation is where it manifests most clearly.  But we would still be living in caves if someone hadn’t invented Wi-Fi.
So if all of the above is true (it is), what’s stopping us from creating on a daily basis?  Fear.  We’re afraid of the consequences of living a more authentic life.  A life that not only gives respect to having to deal with the practical end of life and “adulting” but also gives plenty of room for us to explore the creative side of our lives.  
We’re afraid of what other people might say or do.  Even though Wi-Fi allowed us to move out of caves and into condos in gated communities where we can separate ourselves even more from one another, we’re still tribal people.  We still like to find like-minded people and stay connected to them like packs.  It’s a hard thing indeed when we start doing things that maybe aren’t expected of us.  How will people react?  What will people say?  Some of us have an innate fear of being ostracized by the very community we’ve called out own.  So we “go along to get along”.  
We’re afraid of losing what we have.  We’re afraid of things not working out the way we planned.  We’re afraid of things falling apart.  Taking a leap of faith means we trust what we cannot see but know is there.  Not too man people are interested in taking that risk.  Because what if we’re wrong?  What if there isn’t a safety net of some sort underneath us?  What if we lose everything we’ve worked so hard to attain?  Even if there’s a life lesson to be learned in loss, many of us aren’t yet ready to take on that particular life lesson.
So we play it safe.  We don’t rock the boat.  We don’t cause too many waves.
Because life is easier that way.  Sure, it’s less fulfilling.  But at least it’s easier. The Knight of Wands this week is encouraging us all to not only think outside the box but live outside the box.  Live an unexpected life.  Live life on your own terms.  Be a creator.  Don’t allow the fire of creativity that burns inside you go out.  Further, the Knight of Wands is asking us to count the cost of NOT doing it.  Will we be living our full potential if we don’t do it?  We all get our just due in the end for the life we’ve lived.  
And even if that weren’t true (it is), wouldn’t living a life of creativity and passion be SO much more rewarding in and of itself than a life where we always played it safe?  Even if this was it and there was nothing after we took our last breath, wouldn’t it be awesome to go out knowing you lived the greatest life you could have possibly lived?  I think so.
Bottom Line: Create.  Create today.  Never stop creating.  In big ways and small, make stuff.  It doesn’t have to change the world.  It doesn’t even have to necessarily work right, or at all.  The idea is to be in a constant state of creation.  We have only right now to live the best life possible.  I encourage us all to live a life of creativity and passion.  You can thank me later.
Have a FANTASTIC week, everybody!
Be Blessed.
Song Of The Week: MAGIC!  “No Regrets” 
For more information and to book a psychic reading with me, click HERE 
For more information on the card used for this week’s reading click HERE 
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travelingtarot · 7 years ago
Weekly Psychic Forecasts Every Monday Morning To Help Guide You Through Your Week!
Week Of June 11th – June 17th 2018
Card: Nine of Cups (Water)
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Quick Analysis: The Nine of Water is all about happiness.  Overflowing happiness.  Happiness like you’ve never experienced before.  The Nine of Water signals a time in your life where everything is going right.  Good career.  Good relationship.  Nice apartment/house.  Fabulous friendships.  You’re a man/woman about town.  You’ve got your feet in all sorts of things that not only bring you happiness but also help your community and the world around you.  In short, things are going well.
So why all the anxiety?  Why do you spend sleepless nights worried about the future?  Why do you worry this is just a short respite before the other shoe drops and all hell breaks loose?  Why, even in the best of times, won’t you allow yourself to relax and completely be in the moment?
I’m getting really strongly this week there is someone out there who for whatever reason isn’t fully embracing their good fortune.  I’m getting there is someone out there who is so riddled with anxiety and neurosis and paranoia that they can’t even enjoy the good times when the good times come around.  Is it you?  Are you the one who would rather wallow in depression than celebrate in blessings?
If so, the Nine of Water is advising us there is another way.  I know I talk about mental health a lot in this blog, and today’s no exception to that.  Anxiety is real.  Depression is real.  Being obsessive or compulsive or both is real.  Paranoia is real.  These things that prevent is from enjoying life fully are real things.  They’re not imaginary.  They’re not something we can easily “get over”.  They’re not situational lessons, they’re life lessons.  And if we’re suffering in any way from emotions that hold us back rather than propel us forward, please know there is help out there.  A quick Google search on anxiety, depression and OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) will bring up resources that can help us get in control of our own minds.
Please know you are not alone.  There are people just like you out there.  And there are people out there that are more than willing to help.  I encourage you if you are feeling like you’re almost at the end of your rope to reach out and get the help you need.
In-Depth Analysis: The search for true happiness is a big money maker in the Western world.  Lose weight and you’ll be happy!  Be young and you’ll be happy!  Dress like this and be happy!  Drive this and be happy!  Have this surgery or augmentation and be happy!  Eat this and be happy!  Drink this and be happy!  Smoke this and be happy!  Fuck this and be happy!  As Westerners we are inundated with images of people being happy.  They’re going places and doing things and living the life you wish you could live.  Just because they bought a certain product.
Then there are the people who sell “lifestyles” exclusively.  People who are rich enough they can post about their lives and get paid for it.  Companies will pay big bucks to certain celebrities just for endorsing their products.  Simply because they have millions of followers who hang on their every word because these lifestyle celebrities lead lives us mere mortals only dream of attaining. It’s because of all this the search for that all elusive “happiness” marches on.  People go nuts trying to keep up with the latest fad, fashion, or phone.  People will step on the necks of the disabled just to be the first to try the “next big thing”, whatever that is.  And then when the “next big thing” has run its course and ends, it’s on to the “next bigger thing”, whatever that is.
And yet, people aren’t any happier than when they began.  Their lives may in fact be easier than it was before that new piece of technology hit the market, but “easier” and “happier” aren’t necessarily one in the same.  It’s because in general people aren’t any happier about their lives than they were before such and such a product hit the shelves, many of us continue the search for that “one thing” that will finally – FINALLY! – make us happy.
That’s when we start saying, “When I get this promotion I’ll be happy.” Or “When I get this house I’ll be happy.” Or “When I get this vehicle I’ll be happy.” Or “When I get married I’ll be happy.” Or “When I have children I’ll be happy.” Or “When I make my first million dollars I’ll be happy.”  Problem is, what if none of those things ever happen?  What if we never get that promotion, or that house or car?  What if we never find true love in a mate or have any children of our own?  What if we never cross that million dollar mark?  Does that mean we are forever denied happiness?  Are we destined for a life of misery if we never accomplish the things we want that are out of our control?
The truth is, happiness is right now.  Why?  Because there is nothing but right now.  The past is the past.  It’s done.  Until time travel becomes a reality we can do nothing to change the past.  The future is always the future.  We never get to the future because it’s always ahead of us.  Furthermore, the future is not promised to us.  Therefore, all we really have is right now.  No past, no future, just right now.  Therefore, happiness can only be attained right now.
Additionally, if happiness could be found in things outside of ourselves, wouldn’t we as a whole found it by now?  Or even if happiness was something different for everyone but it could be attained by everyone by things outside of ourselves, wouldn’t someone have testified they’d found it and will never be sad again?  If happiness can be found in things rather than in ourselves, wouldn’t people find it and never hock anything else ever again.
To be sure, moments of happiness can be found outside of ourselves.  We can experience things outside of ourselves that can truly be life changing.  Memories are made from things we experience.  We can look back 100 years from now, remember what we did and say, “Man that was a blast!”  We all have those moments.  But that’s all they are: moments.  Sure, moments can last for a good long time.  But eventually they end.  You’re left with wonderful memories of those moments, but life pushes on.  Moments don’t last forever.
So if moments don’t last forever (except in our mind through pleasant memories we may have), what can we do to ensure our happiness lasts more than a moment?
Well the first thing we should realize is happiness by definition is only temporary.  Happiness lives in moments.  That’s why it’s not wise to search for happiness.  It’s always elusive because it lives in moments.  It’s there and then it disappears.  So the search for happiness will always be ongoing because it always disappears and reappears someplace else, in some other moment.
Joy is really where it’s at.  Joy, by definition, is something that lives within us.  Joy goes beyond happiness in that joy is a much more level state of being.  When we’re happy, everything about our chemical makeup spikes.  That’s why happiness can be so alluring.  It’s almost like a drug inasmuch as the high you get when you’re happy can be such a feeling, you want to chase after that dragon all the time.  But joy is a state of being that isn’t dependent on outside forces.  Joy is found in every day life.  Joy is found in the simple pleasures of life.  Joy is found in connections with other people.  Joy is found in a connection with a higher power.  Joy is a natural outgrowth of peace and contentment.  Joy can be found simply by being 100% in the moment.  Joy and happiness can even coexist in the same moment.  We can be happy and joyful at the same time.  The only difference is long after happiness has subsided, joy sticks around.  It’s ultimately a state of being.  
Bottom Line: Stop chasing that happiness dragon!  Find the joy in being.  Joy lasts forever.  Happiness lasts but a moment.  Why rely exclusively on happy memories when you can be in a constant state of joy?  You’ll find joy within.  You’ll find happiness without.  I encourage us all to be joyful.  Be happy for sure.  Just know that when that happiness fades, if we’re secure in ourselves joy will stick around.  You can thank me later.
Have a FANTASTIC week, everybody!
Be Blessed.
Song Of The Week: “You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown” Soundtrack “Happiness” 
For more information and to book a psychic reading with me, click HERE 
For more information on the card used for this week’s reading click HERE
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travelingtarot · 7 years ago
Depression, Anxiety and Suicide
I talk a lot about mental illness and depression on this page and in my blogs. It's a subject that's near and dear to my heart because I suffer from depression and anxiety. I have moments where the weight of the world is crashing down all around me and I'm overwhelmed by it all. I have days that I think of ending my life. I have days where I want to stop fighting and just end it all.
And no matter how healthy I get, no matter how much meditation I do, or hours spent in self-reflection, or the work I do to help others, those moments of despair never completely go away. I have come to accept that part of who I am as a person is someone who is prone to bouts of depression. There is no magic pill, therapeutic practice or religious philosophy or spiritual practice that will completely cure me of depression. It may get better. I may have times where I'm completely happy and content and healthy and balanced. And everything's right with the world. But I know eventually the tentacles of depression and anxiety will slowly begin to creep in again and for a time my world will become very small and very dark.
Knowing this about myself is not cause for despair and fear, waiting for the other shoe to drop. Rather, it's an acceptance of who I am and how things are. And how things will be. "This too shall pass" has recently become a deep and personal mantra of mine. It reminds me to be completely grounded and present in the moment nd just fucking enjoy myself when things are fantastic, and gives me hope when all hope seems lost.
After this week where we lost two prominent public figures to suicide, I felt that reposting this Tarot The Week!!! was important. But I do have one thing to add:
As I mentioned above, one of the effects of depression is depression causes you to contract and go inward. Your world gets very small. You're not expanding outward, you're contracting inward. Like a ball you're rolling down hill. And as you're rolling you're squeezing tighter and tighter and getting smaller and smaller. Your world is collapsing in on itself. It's an implosion. More to the point depression can feel like a black hole where everything falls inward and no light can escape.
I mention that inward momentum of depression because one of the hardest things a depressed person can do is reach out to someone and literally say, "I need help." Because simply saying those words to someone else is an expansion and depression is all about contraction. So when we say, "Please reach out. There's help." (and I've been guilty of saying the exact same thing myself. On this very blog I'm sharing, in fact), as well intentioned and loving as that may be it's like asking someone to walk on their hands instead of feet. Walking on your hands is possible, lots of people do it. But in that moment of depression and despair to that person suffering it's the most impossible sounding thing in the world.
So today I'd like to implore all of us to watch out for each other. Watch for mood or behavior changes in the people we love. Watch for signs of separation and isolation. Is there a fixation on death or what happens in the afterlife? Are any of our friends or loves ones starting to sell or give away prized possessions? And for those of us who are tuned this way, is there a change in their aura or overall energy?
If so, I encourage you to reach out to that person. I encourage you to ask that person if everything is all right. Let them know that they can tell you anything. Let them know you will listen to them without judgement. Let them know you will help in any way you can, even if that help is just listening. (Because truthfully, sometimes just shutting the hell up and listening is all that person needs in that moment.)
Yes, in the end we're responsible for our own mental health and well being. But I can't stress enough that reaching out for help when everything seems lost is one of the hardest things a depressed person can do. Therefore I encourage us to be the kind of friend or loved one we'd want to have in our lives if we were going through that kind of anguish. Be aware. Be proactive. Be that port in the storm for someone you know. Check in with your loved ones periodically and ask them if they're ok. Let them know you are there for them regardless and love them unconditionally.
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Weekly Psychic Forecasts Every Monday Morning To Help Guide You Through Your Week!
Week Of January 29th – February 4th, 2018
Card: 3 of Swords
Quick Analysis: The Three of Swords. Heartbreak. Someone this week is going through an incredible heartbreak. And for that I am truly sorry. My heart goes out to you. I hope you find moments of peace in this monumentally difficult time.
Heartbreak is a fact of life. Live long enough and we all experience it to varying degrees. We put our hearts on the line for something and someone and sometimes things just don’t work out. And then we’re left to pick up the pieces not only of a project or relationship, but also our hearts.
And nothing is the same afterwards. After our hearts have mended to the point where we feel we can move on with our lives, there’s still scarring. Our hearts, although sewn back together, show the remains of having gone through that experience. And we enter into what’s known as the “new normal’. “Getting back to normal” is actually a misnomer. Because we can never go back. That’s not the way of our species. For better or worse we’re always moving forward. Progressing. So in fact, whatever “normal” we find ourselves in after time, distance, introspection and forgiveness is brand new. We’re simply not the same people we were before this heartbreak happened.
And I’ll leave the quick analysis on this point: It gets better. I know that has become a tired and overused cliché, but it’s true. I promise it’s true. This pain and hurt we’re going through now will not be our “new normal”. As part of getting to that “new normal” we have to let go of the “old normal”. And that requires grieving and then letting go. The grieving part, which we all should go through, is the part some of us are going through right now. And it sucks. With no technique. It’s horrible. It’s painful. Heartbreak and loss are two of the worst feelings in the world. But dammit, things do get better. I encourage us if we’re going through heartbreak right now to take it moment by moment until we can take it minute by minute until we can take it hour by hour and then day by day. Eventually we’ll get through days and weeks and months easier and easier until our hearts are healed and we enter the “new normal”. But we gotta get through the hard stuff first. And we will! I believe in us! I know we have what it takes to muddle through the lowest of lows until we reach heights we never thought possible! I know we can do it!
In-Depth Analysis: I want to dive a little bit deeper into this card because of the imagery it invokes. As stated above, the 3 of Swords is all about heartbreak. About being so heavily invested into something or someone that when it falls apart so do we. But what I want to focus in on this week is being our own worst critic. Being our own worst everything, and how that can lead to disastrous endings.
No one can hold us to as unattainable of standards and goals as we sometimes hold ourselves. No one can admonish us for falling short of those standards and goals as we can ourselves. No one can beat us up worse psychologically than we can ourselves. In short, no one can hate us as much as we can hate ourselves.
Depression is real. Loneliness is real. Hopelessness and despair are real. There are some of us out there that can’t see the light for all the darkness in our lives. There are some of us for whom despair is a lifelong companion. Some of us today wake up to the same gray, devoid of life dullness that we went to sleep to the night before (if we slept at all).
And for those of us who don’t have this issue, understanding depression can sometimes be difficult. “Why are you so sad? Cheer up!” “You have everything you could ever want in this life. Why are you so down?” “You have a spouse that loves you, children that adore you, a nice home, a good career, and friends you meet for cocktails once a week. Everything is going great! What’s wrong with you?” The truth is, depression has little to do with one’s outside circumstances. Depression has much more to do with one’s state of mind. Changing one’s outside stimuli in an effort to change one’s state of mind is like putting a Band-Aid on a hatchet wound. For a moment it might stop the bleeding, but sooner rather than later the bleeding out continues.
It’s estimated 300 million people worldwide suffer from depression. 800,000 people die from suicide each year. Suicide is the second leading cause of death of young people aged 15 – 29 years old. One person commits suicide every 40 seconds. Imagine that! Every 40 seconds someone takes their own life. Incredible.
Some of us from the outside looking in lead idyllic lives. From the outside looking in we’d would never guess that some of us are leading lives of quiet despair that keep building and building. Which is why when people take their own lives many around them will confess they had no idea they were going through what they were going through. “Why didn’t they come to me? Why didn’t they say something?” Maybe there were warning signs that because of lack of an education about depression and suicide we may have missed. Some of those warning signs include:
• Talking about suicide — for example, making statements such as "I'm going to kill myself," "I wish I were dead" or "I wish I hadn't been born"
• Getting the means to take your own life, such as buying a gun or stockpiling pills
• Withdrawing from social contact and wanting to be left alone
• Having mood swings, such as being emotionally high one day and deeply discouraged the next
• Being preoccupied with death, dying or violence
• Feeling trapped or hopeless about a situation
• Increasing use of alcohol or drugs
• Changing normal routine, including eating or sleeping patterns
• Doing risky or self-destructive things, such as using drugs or driving recklessly
• Giving away belongings or getting affairs in order when there's no other logical explanation for doing this
• Saying goodbye to people as if they won't be seen again
• Developing personality changes or being severely anxious or agitated, particularly when experiencing some of the warning signs listed above
It’s important to note that the warning signs aren’t always obvious and will vary from person to person. Some people will make their intentions clear while others won’t.
“Well if the warning signs on some aren’t obvious, what can I possibly do to help someone who may be contemplating taking their own life?”
There are a few things that can be done.
1) Ask. If you see there has been a change in mood or behavior in someone you know, simply asking them if they have been contemplating taking their own life may in fact save their life. Quite often people who are suicidal just need someone to listen to them. Which brings me to the second thing you can do:
2) Listen. And when I say listen, I literally mean shut the fuck up and listen. Don’t interrupt. Don’t offer advice. Don’t tell them to “cheer up” or “snap out of it”. Close your mouth, open your ears and listen. Listen for as long as it takes for the person talking to you to talk it out. Then listen some more. This can be the hardest thing in the world for some of us to do. Especially when someone we know and love is telling us they want to end their own lives. We want to DO something, SAY something that will help. But oftentimes the BEST thing we can do is don’t say a word and just listen.
3) Be There. For as long as it takes, be there. Be the one person in their world they know will ALWAYS be there. Even after they’ve poured their heart out to you, let them know that you will always, always, ALWAYS be there for them. And then put your money where your mouth is and actually be there for them. Which leads organically into:
4) Check In. Call them. Text them. DM them. Let them know you’re thinking about them and ask them if you can check in with them from time to time to make sure they’re okay.
5) Help Connect. Help them find local resources, suicide hotlines, therapists, friends, family, anyone they can connect with that have the resources, tools and know-how to effectively help them in the long term. That way they will know they are not alone. And finally,
6) Check In. Again. Go through the above steps again. And then again. And then again. And then a thousand times more just to be sure. I cannot stress enough that this is not a one and done kind of a deal. Being able to get them to consider other alternatives other than suicide is literally just the first step in this process. It’s SO important they never feel as if they’re alone. Continually check in with them. Be a friend to them. Take them out to the movies or to another favorite activity. Make your time with them not JUST about suicide, but about truly living.
Bottom Line: I know this week’s reading hasn’t really been about tarot as much as it has been about recognizing depression and suicide as a real thing and doing whatever we can to see the warning signs and be of help in any way we can. But I’ve often said if you can’t take your spiritual life into your mundane life, then what’s the point? If you can’t apply spirituality practically then you’re doing it wrong. As spirits we are called to help each other. Because when we do, we help ourselves. There is after all no dividing line between you and me. We are one. So when we help one we help the whole. And the evolution of the planet is made that much easier. I encourage you to check in with your friends and family. Check in on the ones you love the most. Have one on one time with people. If you are concerned someone might be contemplating suicide, ask them. Even if they’re not, let them know you are there to listen to them whenever they need you. If you say just that, and follow it up by being completely and totally present and aware while you listen to them without judgment, you may just save a life.
For more information on how you can help save a life, please click HERE:
If you or someone you know is in a state of crisis, please call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1 -800-273-8255
There’s also a Crisis Textline that’s available 24/7. Text 741741.
Have a FANTASTIC week, everybody!
Be Blessed.
Song Of The Week: Logic 1-800-273-8255
For more information and to book a psychic reading with me, go here:
For more information on the card used for this week's reading, go here:
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travelingtarot · 7 years ago
Weekly Psychic Forecasts Every Monday Morning To Help Guide You Through Your Week!
Week Of June 4th – June 10th 2018
Card: The Emperor
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Quick Analysis: It’s interesting The Emperor is this week’s card.  The last card we looked at before the Memorial Day Weekend break was The Empress.  Whenever cards featuring women come up (especially in the Major Arcana) it can sometimes mean an inward reflection.  Because feminine energy when it comes to metaphysics is generally thought of as inward facing.  Whereas masculine energy is generally thought of as outward facing.  So it’s interesting that we have The Empress (inner facing) followed by The Emperor (outer facing).
Remember in our last In-Depth reading I encouraged us all to look inside ourselves to find that unconditional love that we should consciously be giving to ourselves every day?  Remember I gave the wacky advice for us to hug ourselves to kick start the unconditional self-love?  Remember I admonished us through the words of Mother Ru to first love ourselves so we can more completely love someone else?  Well all of that still rings true.  It’s to our benefit to always consciously focus on loving ourselves.  When that happens, that love spreads outward to everything we influence, causing things to grow in ways we could never imagine.
Which brings us to The Emperor.  The Emperor energy is very practical.  It’s very brass tacks and tangible energy.  It’s very much a crunching numbers and getting to the bottom line kind of an energy.  This week’s card is encouraging us to be practical as well as spiritual.  It’s reminding us that anything we connect to spiritually must pass the practical test.  In other words, does it work?  Does it aid in the evolution of the planet?  Does it get us from Point A to Point B?  Is it something that can be measured in our quality of life?  And more to the point of our last reading, because we’re putting love energy into everything we do everything is growing.  Everything is moving.  Everything is producing.  Are we keeping up with it?  Are we staying on top of everything that comes with the growth that’s happening all around us?  Are we delegating responsibilities?  Are we giving up the need to hold a vice grip of control over everything around us?  
Conversely, are we taking responsibilities for the failures and triumphs of what we started?  Are we keeping all the chainsaws in air?  The Emperor encourages us to be about the physical, tangible business of doing whatever it is we are doing.  (Not only that, but because it’s in the upright position The Universe is telling us we’re doing something right which should give us a modicum of comfort amidst the controlled chaos.)
In-Depth Analysis: The Empress energy we tapped into before the break is all about inspiration and creation.  And that’s a wonderful thing.  It’s fantastic to be constantly inspired and constantly in the flow of creation energy.  But there’s a flip side to that energy.  And that’s what we’ll be discussing this week.
Because The Emperor is more about physical, tangible energies it’s encouraging us this week to make sure we’re building a rock solid foundation for ourselves.  Oftentimes, and believe me I’m as much at fault with this as anybody else, we get excited about a bit of creative inspiration that comes our way.  It’s only natural.  The Universe wants us to be excited about the information it’s feeding us.  The Universe wants us to be passionate about creation.  The Universe wants us to love whatever it is we’re creating.
But the flip side of all that excitement and “let’s do this!” passion is there has to be some sort of solid foundation underneath it or it’s destined to at some point fail.  That’s were The Emperor comes in.  The Emperor energy reminds us to take things step by step.  The Emperor encourages us to be about the business of building something that will last by being conscious about how things are running on the business side of our creativity.  The Emperor is encouraging us to make sure we’re doing everything we can to keep our creation viable in a very tangible way.
Being a creator myself I can already hear some of you complaining that running the numbers and making sure the rent is paid and the lights stay on is hard work.  You don’t connect to that energy at all.  Budgeting and numbers and payrolls and expenses and profit margins make your head hurt.  Believe me, I get it.  In fact, I’m a card-carrying member of that tribe.
But when it comes to creating, especially when your creation is starting to produce dividends for you, it’s SO important to at least have a working knowledge of how everything in your orbit works.  Even if you can finally afford to have someone take care of all of that for you, it’s important to be able to audit their work.  Maybe not forensically, but certainly in a way that if an error pops up you can catch it and fix it.  After all, this is YOUR business.  You are ultimately responsible for its success or failure.  At the end of the day it’s up to you to make sure your business plays by the rules, keeps its nose clean and does what is necessary to keep itself afloat.  That’s on you.
As I said above, if you are running a business and that business is successful enough where you can actually hire people to do the things you don’t want to do, you don’t necessarily have to know the minutia of how your business is run.  But a working knowledge of how things work is only going to be for your benefit.  That way if something breaks down, you can at least jump in and stop the bleeding long enough for another professional to step in and do the long-term surgery.
And if you’re just starting a business, it’s ESPECIALLY important you stay on top of things.  So many businesses fail even before they get fully started because of lack of preparation and lack of building that foundation.  While you’re creating, The Emperor encourages you to make sure you’re doing things the right way.  I’ve heard it said when you’re starting a business, treat it like a multi-million dollar company.  Follow the rules.  Dot all the “I’s” and cross all the “T’s”.  Make sure Uncle Sam is getting what comes to him.  Make sure all the paperwork is done.  Make sure the lights stay on and the rent gets paid.
Conversely, when you finally do have that multi-million dollar business, it’s important to start treating it like a start-up.  Meaning, now’s the time to lean more on creativity and new ideas instead of focusing on profit margins.  Now’s the time to try something new and exciting.  Now’s the time to play because you’ve created the room to play.  Broaden your horizons because now you have the unshakable foundation that will hold you up while you try new things.
Bottom Line: For most creators it’s hard to be creative and practical at the same time.  There are some who do it easily, but for the majority of us it’s very difficult.  We have pie in the sky kind of dreams.  We have fantastical and wonderful ideas we want to see come to fruition.  We wake up passionate and rearing to go on the new thing we thought up last night.  But the business side of what we do more often than not trips the majority of us up.
But The Emperor card in the upright position tells us we can do it!  It’s within our capability to create strong and solid foundations for ourselves.  Taking care of the brass tacks of running our business may not be the most fun we’ll have all day, but it’s necessary.  And we can do it.  If we were having trouble with it, The Emperor would be in the reversed position.  But it’s not.  Which means even if we think we can’t, we can.
I encourage each of us, no matter if we’re a multi-million dollar industry with hundreds of employees or we’re a one man operation and our dining room is also our office, to take the business side of our creations seriously.  Having a solid foundation in which to grow is only going to aid us in the long run.  Let’s be smart about our creativity.  Let’s put it out there and be proud of what we created.  But let’s also make sure the business that supports our creativity is built on a foundation that will carry us for years to come.  You can thank me later.
Have a FANTASTIC week, everybody!
Be Blessed.
Song Of The Week: Drake “Started From The Bottom” 
For more information and to book a psychic reading with me, click HERE 
The above is fan art (non-deck).  The artist goes by the name of SORA-weibird on  You can find the above artwork and many more right HERE. 
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travelingtarot · 7 years ago
Weekly Psychic Forecasts Every Monday Morning To Help Guide You Through Your Week!
Week Of May 21st – May 27th 2018
Card: The Empress
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Quick Analysis: Ah, The Empress. Pregnant with possibilities. All around her everything grows. She has dominion and rulership over all she touches. She’s in tune with the Earth and all her energies. She knows how to work with natural cycles in order to bring forth a bounty of blessings. And her endeavors are blessed by the heavens above. Since the Earth is in tune with the heavens above, by being in tune with the Earth, she too becomes in tune with the Heavens. So all work together for the greatest good not only for The Empress, but for the evolution of the planet as a whole.
When this card comes up in a reading, I always encourage the person sitting across from me to have faith. Trust that everything he or she is doing is the right thing. They may not have seen results heretofore, but very soon the results will be abundantly clear.
Because The Empress is all about growth energy. She’s full with child. Ready to give birth to another great idea, another great product, another great philosophy, another great thingamajig. And all around her is growth. The fields are growing. The trees are crowned with greenery, the flowers are in full bloom. Water is flowing all around her. She knows she can touch anything and bring it to life and she revels in her creatrix abilities.
So because The Empress is coming up in our reading today, I encourage us all to tap into that spirit of creation that is within us and go out and create something. Something that means something to us. Something we’re passionate about. Something that makes us happy and is useful to others. Let’s get out there and create! The Universe blesses our endeavors.
In-Depth Analysis: This week I was fat shamed three times by three random different people. All in the space of 24 hours. And one of those random people was my Dad!
The first two were in the same wheelhouse so I’m lumping them together. Without mincing words here, I was trying to hook up with two different guys this week. I needed to get laid. So I was casting my net out far and wide in hopes of getting that itch scratched. Both were online hook-ups (does anyone hook up in person anymore?) and both were almost closed deals.
We were exchanging messages, one via WhatsApp (does anybody use that app? If so, what’s your experience been like? Sound off in the comments below) and the other via the messaging system on whatever dating app I was on. It was all going well until we exchanged photos. At first we exchanged face pics. No problem. Neither one of us looked like Quasimodo. So far so good. Then we exchanged body pics. One look at my body and one of the guys completely vanished. So now my chances of getting laid have been cut in half. The other guy says, “U R a very big boy”. I reply, “I am. It’s something I’m working on fixing. Not to find someone (transforming your body just to find someone is a silly idea) but because I really need to be the best possible version of me at all times. If this version of me isn’t a version of me you feel you can continue with, let me know. If this version of me is someone you’d like to continue with, let me know that as well. Regardless, this is me.” He responded, “I can accept that version of you, but not sexually.” The conversation ended by me saying, “Thank you for being honest with me.”
Now an argument can be made (and I’ll make it here briefly) that people are attracted to what and whom they’re attracted to. I was not their type. So the argument can be made that it wasn’t exactly fat shaming. It was more “I’m not attracted to you, so this isn’t going to happen.” Further to that point, one of the men was very honest with me. He didn’t ghost me like the other guy did (more on that in a moment). Instead he told me up front that he couldn’t have sex with me. Something I appreciated. As I said, the other one ghosted me, which I guess is par for the course when dealing with people online. People ghost each other all the time. Hell, I’m guilty of f ghosting people every now and again. So neither one of these prospects were going to pan out because neither was attracted to me. I completely get that. So maybe it wasn’t “fat shaming”.
But it still stings.
Finally, less than 12 hours later I was at my parents’ home. I had barely settled in my recliner in the den when my father says to me, “Putting on the weight, aren’t you?” I shot back, “The mirrors in my home work, Dad. I see my reflection every day so I don’t need you to remind me of how fat I am, so please stop.” You can’t twist that into anything else but fat shaming. It’s rude, uncalled for and isn’t helpful in the least. To put it plain, it’s fat shaming.
Recently I’ve become more aware that I need to love myself more. I was told by someone I trust (who also happens to be a working psychic/energy healer) that I need to work on self-love. I need to learn how to love myself unconditionally. It’s a life lesson for me, which means it’s a lesson that has followed me this entire lifetime and will continue to follow me in subsequent lives if I don’t learn the lesson this time around.
And it’s been a tough lesson to learn, quite frankly. Ever since I hit puberty I’ve been a big guy. I was not interested in sports in any way, shape or form. I wasn’t interested in going outside to play. I wasn’t interested in rough housing with the other neighborhood boys. All I wanted to do was listen to music (Amy Grant in particular) and read books. I’d rather have conversations with people than play with people. I’d rather sing in choir than throw the ball around. I’d rather act in a play than wrestle around with people. So exercise just wasn’t in the equation for me when I hit puberty. And so I gained weight. All through middle school, high school and college all I did was gain weight. I read books, listened to music (mostly Amy), sang in choirs and acted in plays. I was happy.
After college I decided to take my health more seriously, so I joined a gym. And for quite a few years afterwards I lost weight. Still a big guy, but definitely more toned than I had ever been in my entire life. Then slowly but surely I started missing days at the gym. It started out a missed day here or there. Then a missed couple days here and there. Then a week. Then a month would go by and I hadn’t made it to the gym. Finally, I stopped going altogether. And the weight came barreling back. Then I’d decide to get back I the swing of exercising and I’d rejoin a gym. And I’d do well for a good long time. Then I’d stop. And the weight jumped right back on my body. If you know anything about yo-yo dieting, you are a member of my tribe!
So now I’m the heaviest I’ve been in over 20 years. And it’s time to get back on the health horse. I try to convince myself this time will be different than the last few times. I’m going to stick to my health plan! I’m going to eat more fruits and vegetables! I’m going to stop eating so many sweets! I’m going to stop eating so much bread! (I fucking LOVE bread! I really do. I connected with Oprah Winfrey on a deep spiritual level when on a Weight Watchers commercial Auntie O proclaimed, “I LOVE BREAD!!!” YAAASSS! YAAASSS AUNTIE O! YAAASSS!!!!) This time will be the time it sticks forever! And I hope it does. I hope this time will be the last time I have to get on the “health horse”. I hope this time will be the last time I will be this overweight. I hope this time I love myself enough to be the best possible version of me I can possibly be.
And that’s the thing that makes the difference this time. Self-love is in the equation. Not as a byproduct of living healthfully, but as a core reason for exercising and eating right in the first place.
Which brings us to The Empress. The Empress is all about being fruitful and bringing things to life. It’s about growing and developing and being blessed in those endeavors by the heavens above. Whatever the Empress touches, multiplies by thousands. Whatever the Empress focuses on grows and expands and thrives. Whatever the Empress loves, succeeds. But in the words of Mother Ru, “If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else? Can I get an Amen up in here?” “AMEN!” “All right, let the music play!”
The Empress is advising us this week to love ourselves. We simply must. If we want our outer lives to grow and thrive and flourish, we must first love our inner selves. We must love ourselves unconditionally. We must tend to our spirits. We must heal our inner selves. We must do all the work to make ourselves the best possible versions of us we can be, but first we must love ourselves.
Some of you may be asking “Where do I start? How do I begin?” Truth be told, when my good friend told me I must learn to love myself I asked the very same thing. “Where do I start? How do I begin.” And this is what he told me: “Hug yourself. Like literally, physically hug yourself. And when you do, you’ll know what else needs to be done.”
So the next day as part of my meditation process I hugged myself. I wrapped my arms around myself and hugged. And hugged. And hugged. Nothing happened initially. No inspiration, no words of wisdom, no “this is what you do next.” I was about to give up for the day when I was impressed to say, “I love me. I love me unconditionally.” And so I said it. “I love me,” I said. “I love me unconditionally.” And I kept saying it over and over like a mantra. “I love me. I love me unconditionally. I love me. I love me unconditionally.”
If self-love is something you struggle with, the next time you meditate I encourage you as part of your meditation process to hug yourself. It may seem silly. It may seem like “pop psychology”. But in the end, what have you got to lose? Hug yourself. You may feel weird at first when you do it, but do it anyway. Hug yourself. Hug yourself with no expectations. Just hug yourself. If inspiration, impression, words of wisdom come to mind, thank your guides for giving you those instructions and continue on with your meditation. Do it everyday for a month and see what changes occur.
Bottom Line: The Empress encourages us to allow ourselves to grow and prosper. But in order to be truly prosperous from the inside out, The Empress encourages us to love ourselves from the inside out. That love, that unconditional love we begin to feel for ourselves when we take time to consciously love ourselves on a daily basis can only extend outwards towards everything we touch. And when we infise love energy into everything we do it’s like pouring Miracle-Gro on our greenery and flowers (without the harsh chemicals). Everything bigger and brighter. And the return is amazing! It’s true. When we give love, we get more love in return. It’s a beautiful thing. So when we love ourselves, that love has no other choice but to permeate everything else in our orbit. Love builds on love. The more love we give to ourselves, the more love we have to share with others.
So I encourage us to take on that love energy The Empress is sharing with us this week. Take it in and let it mend us. Let it heal us. Let it give us love unconditionally. Let us be about love consciousness all day, every day. Let us put our self-consciousness and embarrassment to the side and hug ourselves and see what if anything happens. Let’s love ourselves unconditionally first so that we have that much more unconditional love to give to others. You can thank me later!
Have a FANTASTIC week, everybody!
Be Blessed.
Song Of The Week: Meghan Trainor Ft. LunchMoney Lewis – “I Love Me”
For more information and to book a psychic reading with me, click HERE
For more information on the card used for this week’s reading click HERE
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travelingtarot · 7 years ago
Weekly Psychic Forecasts Every Monday Morning To Help Guide You Through Your Week!
Week Of May 14th – May 20th 2018
Card: 7 of Swords
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Quick Analysis: The Seven of Swords is about stealing.  Someone in your life is stealing something from you if this card comes up in a reading.  Many times it’s a physical stealing of physical property or money that is yours.  But more often than not it’s more about someone stealing your good name.  Most times it’s about someone working to ruin your reputation.If you are feeling like something isn’t quite right with a person you are involved with personally or professionally, to trust your gut and do some investigating.  Because you’re probably right about it.  And should you find there is someone in your life who isn’t telling the truth about you, I encourage you to cut that person out of your life immediately and then be about the business of fixing the damage done.
Because in the end all we have are our reputations.  All we have are our good names.  It’s important we do everything we can to protect our good names.  Be truthful and authentic in everything you do.  And if at some point you discover your name is being dragged through the mud I encourage you to take comfort that truth always finds its way out.  Especially if you always stay truthful and authentic.
In-Depth Analysis: When I was growing up my mother would tell me to always be careful of how I conducted myself in public and in private because someone is always watching.  (Now you know why I’m so neurotic and paranoid! HA!)  She would constantly remind us kids that it’s always a good idea to put your best foot forward and be the best possible version of yourself you can be.  Because you never know who’s watching. 
In the interest of full disclosure, my mom grew up in the segregated south.  She knew what it was like to live in fear of what white people would do.  Most assuredly some of where she was coming from was from the idea of “polite politics” as a means of survival for our people.  Never give them a “reason” to single us out (although bigotry and hatred never need a reason).  And if they do single us out it’s for good reasons.  (Although, there’s a reason why the phrase “uppity nigger” exists.  Because black people who thought of ourselves as more than the bigots around us gave us credit for were very often put back in their “place” by that very cruel term.)
And also in the interest of full disclosure, it’s important to note that in addition to polite politics, my mother’s reasons for advising us kids to be the best possible versions of ourselves was also because of her desire for us to do better in life than our parents.  Both my parents wanted to see their children succeed beyond our wildest imaginations.  They wanted us to be better.  And part of that was carrying ourselves as if we had already achieved the heights they envisioned for us.
Now that I’ve been an adult for at least half my entire life, I find I really don’t give a damn how other people see me.  Am I as successful as my parents wanted?  Probably not.  But I’m happy.  And there’s not a price tag that can be put on peace of mind and happiness.  I live my life for the most part on my own terms.  And because of that my life keeps getting better and better.  And as far as “polite politics” I don’t tolerate bigotry of any kind.  I don’t allow people who nurture hate in their hearts into my life.  If that gets me into trouble every now and again, so be it.  I’m an adult.  I take responsibility for everything I do.  And I always try to do the right thing.  Not because of what others may say or do but because it’s the right thing to do.
Yet there’s still wisdom to be gleaned from my mother’s words.
The Seven of Swords is all about reputation.  And about people talking behind our backs or people spreading gossip about us.  But I wonder if it’s not always about other people being malicious, but instead about us not thinking far enough ahead to know the person we put out there today will be the person other people will remember us to be.  Further, not only do the people around us have definitive ideas about who we are, but to change people’s mind about it is a much harder proposition.
I’m going to sound really old in 3… 2… 1… Social media is the devil.  It truly is.  Because whatever you put out to the “cloud” (whatever that is) is there forever. It does not go away.  And if you attain some sort of fame or notoriety (even if it’s for a fleeting 15 minutes) you can be guaranteed someone is digging through your twitter or Facebook account to see if you’ve ever said anything even slightly controversial.  And who amongst us hasn’t said something that through the eyes of time might not have been the smartest thing to say?
I’m reminded of the mini-controversy that was created recently when MSNBC’s very own Joy Reid came under scrutiny for alleged homophobic remarks she made a decade ago on her now defunct “Reid Report” blog.  At first she said she was hacked.  Then she backed away from that assertion and finally apologized for her remarks.  But I wonder if it would have been such a scandal had she just admitted what she said from the start, apologized and said she no longer feels that way.
But at the same time I can hear some of you say, “Well I have no intention of being a basic cable tv personality.  In fact, I have no desire to enter the entertainment field at all.  So the circle of people I personally affect by the words I say online is relatively small.”  And you’re absolutely right.  But you can rest assured that what you say doesn’t just get sucked into a black hole of information, never to be heard from again.  Somebody is reading what you’re writing.  And the truth is that person may be taking to heart whatever it is you’re saying.
The other argument is there is no way to know what’s going to be politically correct in ten years.  There’s no way to know certain terms or phrases that roll off the tongue so easily by the most progressive among us might be slurs come 20 years from now.  There’s no way to be sure that the way we carry ourselves today might not be completely inappropriate in the years to come.  We can’t predict what’s going to be proper in “polite company” in the future.
Which is why my mom’s words ring true even today.  Be the best possible person you can be.  Put your best foot forward.  Be your best.  And should your best not be good enough in the years to come, acknowledge your shortcomings, apologize for the wrongs you’ve committed and promise to do better in the future.
Bottom Line: The truth is we are just as responsible for our reputations as are the people around us.  Yes there are people that will do everything in their power to destroy our reputations, but our character will always win out in the end.  Truth has a way of finding its way onto Main Street regardless of people’s endeavors to keep it hidden away.  Telling the truth about ourselves and working towards being the best possible version of ourselves is always the best option.  Because once people have a picture in their minds about who we are, it’s hard to change that perception.  And should you be called out on ways you may fall short, the biggest and best thing you can possibly do is admit your wrongdoing and promise to be better.  So I encourage all of us to be the best possible versions of ourselves we possibly can be.  You can thank me later. 
Have a FANTASTIC week, everybody!
Be Blessed.
Song Of The Week: Missy Elliott “Gossip Folks” 
For more information and to book a psychic reading with me, click HERE 
For more information on the card used for this week’s reading click HERE 
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travelingtarot · 7 years ago
Weekly Psychic Forecasts Every Monday Morning To Help Guide You Through Your Week!
Week Of May 7th – May 13th 2018
Card: Temperance (R)
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Sorry this is so late getting out to you all.  I have no excuses, only apologies.
Quick Analysis: Temperance in the Reverse position.  Whenever the Temperance card comes up in the reverse position it generally means a life out of balance.  But it goes deeper than that because it’s a Major Arcana.  Balance cards appear throughout the tarot deck.  Usually they appear via the 2 of the four suits: Two of Hearts, Two of Pentacles, Two of Wands and Two of Swords.  When they show up in the minor arcana (or the suit cards) they generally mean a particular situation you’re going through at the moment, or a particular circumstance where you’re trying to find balance.
However when balance is an issue in the Major Arcana, as it is with the Temperance card, it can mean more of a life lesson rather than a situational lesson.  Meaning, when the Temperance card comes up in the reversed position it can mean that matters of balance and temperance are an ongoing issue in the client’s life.  It can mean we’re looking at a person who lives a life of extremes.  A life of excess.  A life of burning the candle at both ends.  A life where we cram 25 hours of activity into a 24 hour day.
If this is you, the Temperance card in the Reversed position is telling you to slow down.  Not just with whatever situational thing you have going on right now, but slow down in general.  Living life at a 10 is simply not sustainable for the long-term.  It may seem like it’s sustainable because you’ve been doing it for years on end.  But eventually something will give.  It may be your brain shuts down.  Or your body starts to give out.  Or it may show up in more subtle ways like the slow but sure breakdown of families, or the slow detachment from friends and passions and things that make life worthwhile.  It could lead to isolation from the people that love us the most.
Humans are creatures of habit.  If something works for us, even if it’s not the best thing for us, we continue to do it. So it’s no wonder that some people will continually live their lives at a 10.  Some people will energize themselves like a bunny and keep going and going and going.  Because in some kind of way it’s working for them.  Problem is eventually that battery runs out.  Sure it may be an extra long life battery, but eventually it will run out of juice.
In order to prevent that, the Temperance card is coming up in the Reversed position to give us a gentle reminder that even though we are tough and resilient, we must take care of ourselves.  We must put our mental, physical, spiritual and social lives in balance so that we can continue to be the best person we possibly can be.  It’s for our own good to learn to put our health first.  The only way to be of good and valuable service to any other person is to make sure we’re at 100% ourselves.  And then only way to do that is to make sure all aspects of our lives are getting the proper attention and care.
In-Depth Analysis: Today I’d like to talk about mental health.  Specifically bipolar disorder.  Wikipedia defines bipolar disorder as “a mental disorder that causes periods of depression and periods of abnormally elevated mood.[6][3][4] The elevated mood is significant and is known as mania or hypomania, depending on its severity, or whether symptoms of psychosis are present.[3] During mania, an individual behaves or feels abnormally energetic, happy, or irritable.[3] Individuals often make poorly thought out decisions with little regard to the consequences.[4] The need for sleep is usually reduced during manic phases.[4] During periods of depression, there may be crying, a negative outlook on life, and poor eye contact with others.[3] The risk of suicide among those with the illness is high at greater than 6 percent over 20 years, while self-harm occurs in 30–40 percent.[3] Other mental health issues such as anxiety disorders and substance use disorder are commonly associated.”[3]”
If you are suffering from any of the above symptoms, the first thing to know is you’re not alone.  According to “The number of people who will be diagnosed as having bipolar disorder in a year is about one in 4,000. So about 1.5 million people will be diagnosed with bipolar disorder this year, worldwide. About 100,000 people in the United States will be diagnosed with bipolar disorder this year.” So you are not alone.  There are people out there who know what you’re going through intimately because they’re going through (or have gone through) the same thing.
If left untreated, the symptoms of bipolar disorder worsen over time.  But there is hope.  Although there is no cure for bipolar disorder, according to “with a good treatment plan including psychotherapy, medications, a healthy lifestyle, a regular schedule and early identification of symptoms, many people live well with the condition.”  
So why am I talking about bipolar disorder today?  For that matter, why do I consistently bring up matters of mental health in this blog?  The short answer to the latter is our physical, spiritual, social and yes mental health are all tied in to each other.  If one suffers, they all suffer.  And mental illness affects so many lives.  According to the National Institute of Mental Health “Mental illnesses are common in the United States. One in six U.S. adults lives with a mental illness (44.7 million in 2016).”  And that’s just the people that are directly impacted by mental illness.  That statistic doesn’t take into account the families, friends and loved ones that are affected by a person’s mental illness.  So if 44.7 million people are directly affected by mental illness, imagine what the number balloons to when taking into account everyone in that person’s personal orbit?  In short, mental illness touches most people’s lives in some way.
Sadly, it’s still talked about in whispers instead of being talked about openly.  Too many people are still embarrassed by or ashamed of their mental illness or the mental illness of someone they may love.  So in order to better normalize it, I talk about it.  Because when you speak truth to power, that “elephant in the room” doesn’t seem so big and daunting and shameful after all.
Now how does mental illness, specifically bipolar disorder, tie into today’s discussion of the Temperance card in the reversed position?  As stated above, bipolar disorder is marked by periods of mania and depression.  In other words, bipolar disorder is characterized by severe mood swings.  Extremes to either side of the emotional spectrum.
Keeping that in mind, when the Temperance card is in the Reversed position it can signal an imbalanced life.  Not just an imbalanced situation (as demonstrated by the balance cards in the minor arcana), but an ongoing life situation.  Seeing as bipolar disorder is marked by extremes, it isn’t too far of a leap to consider the extreme interpretation of the Temperance card.  An imbalanced life.  Not just situationally imbalanced, but an ongoing situation that needs attention.
As I stated in the quick analysis above, it’s important for us to take care of our health first.  That includes our mental health.  It’s up to us to keep ourselves mentally healthy.  And if that includes spending quality time with a therapist or psychiatrist, so be it.  If that means we may at some point be diagnosed with a disorder, so be it.  If that means we have to take medical steps to keep ourselves in balance, so be it.  I encourage us all to love ourselves enough to take care of ourselves, body mind and soul.
Bottom Line: Mental illness is nothing to be ashamed of.  Mental illness needs to stop being spoken of in whispers and instead be openly discussed in the town squares.  Mental illness does not mean the person suffering from it is less of a person.  It just means that person has a different path in life.  And that path should be acknowledged and affirmed just like any other path.
The Temperance card in the reversed position is advising us all, regardless of mental health, to always be mindful to stay in balance.  So I encourage us all to find good and positive ways to stay balanced in our everyday lives.  You can thank me later!
Have a FANTASTIC week, everybody!
Be Blessed.
Song Of The Week: Rocko: “Balance” 
For more information and to book a psychic reading with me, click HERE 
For more information on the card used for this week’s reading click HERE 
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travelingtarot · 7 years ago
Weekly Psychic Forecasts Every Monday Morning To Help Guide You Through Your Week!
Week Of April 30th — May 6th 2018
Card: 6 of Wands (Fire)
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Quick Analysis: The Six of Wands (Fire) card. The success card. Not just any old kind of success. A success that will be shared by the people around you. When I turn the Six of Wands over I know the person across from me is about to surmount incredible odds and be victorious. As a psychic, what better news can you give to a person than saying they’ve fought the good fight and are about to win?
There’s someone out there today who is about to give up hope. Someone who has fought so long and so hard, shed so much blood sweat and tears. There’s someone out there that doesn’t see the end in sight. There’s someone reading this today who is wondering what the sense is in going on. They’re just about all out of fight.
If you’re reading this and you feel like all hope is lost, please know you’re about to turn a corner. That darkness you feel creeping in on all sides is a sure fire way of knowing a moment of truth is about to happen. You just gotta hang on just a little longer. You don’t have to fight. You don’t have to struggle. You don’t have to despair. You just gotta hang on just a little bit longer. Just be for a little while longer.
You can and you will. You’ve got the reserve strength that will keep you centered and grounded for a little bit more. You can do this! I believe in you! And your reward for being a survivor is victory. What’s more, there’s a life lesson you’ve finally learned and won’t have to repeat ever again. Just hold on for a little while longer for the time of victory and celebration is close at hand.
In-Depth Analysis: Today I want to talk about power. When you think of power, what do you think of? Strength? Wealth? Health? Private jets? Mansions on several hilltops? The ability to influence politics and politicians? The ability to influence conversation via social media? Having masses of people not only listening to what you have to say but doing what you say they should do? What does the word “power” invoke in you?
The Six of Wands shows the culmination of power. The victory after the fight. The celebration after the battle. The power that comes from being victorious. When the Six of Cards comes up in a reading you can almost guarantee the person will not only win whatever battles he or she is going through but it will be a landslide victory. The opponent will be crushed underfoot never to be resurrected.
But I wonder at what price? At what price victory? What did you have to do to claim victory? Did you have to do things you’re not proud of? Did you have to hurt people you love? Did you have to cause pain to strangers? Did you have to compromise your values or your moral compass in order to get what you want? If the joyous feeling of victory is tainted and diminished in any way by the cost of victory, there is a solution.
We’ve been conditioned to believe that true power comes from having control over, or power over people. Some of us have been told from a very young age that for someone to win, others must lose. The ends justify the means. Better a loss of one than the loss of millions. We’ve been trained to think of power as a competition, a fight. Further, we’re taught we must work to keep power because there’s always someone out there that would take our power from us.
But what if power wasn’t power over, rather power with? Meaning, what if our real power comes from cooperation and collaboration rather than independence and isolation? What if true power comes from putting our ideas together and coming up with a workable solution instead of working by ourselves? What if it doesn’t take stepping on someone’s neck in order to climb another rung on the ladder of success? What if instead we’re reaching up to get a leg up from someone who’s just ahead of us and then reaching down to offer a hand to the person immediately below us? What if that’s true power?
There’s an old aphorism by John F. Kennedy who in 1963 said “a rising tide lifts all boats”. Without getting into the politics of the phrase (it’s been used to defend good and bad policies alike) the truth kernel in the middle of the saying itself is still valid. When I win, we all win. When you win, we all win. If I get a hand up I’m going to give you a leg up. You hear it a lot in hip-hop culture where when one person “makes it” they make sure to spread that success along to other people.
And why not? Why not spread the wealth? Why not make sure everyone benefits from your good fortune? And we hope that generosity is in turn given to the people who initially benefitted from it. So that “pay it forward” momentum never stops. As Dolly Levi once said, “Money, pardon the expression, is like manure. It’s not worth a thing unless it’s spread around, encouraging young things to grow.” Truer words have never been spoken.
I firmly believe the reason we don’t have more power with is because of fear. Fear of there not being enough to go around. Fear of losing what we have. Fear that when someone else wins it must mean we’ve lost something along the way. That’s the real reason why there is such a divide between the “haves” and “have nots”.
And for the record, the “haves” aren’t necessarily the people who live in ivory towers on top of mountains. We’ve all had moments where we have had more than we have had at other times. And most of us have worked day and night to get the little we have. For most of us, nothing was given to us. So the little we have we own. And perhaps because we own so little our tendency to let go and share may be tempered by the fear of loss. And even though statistically poor people seem to be a lot more generous than their richer counterparts, the fact remains that there are people in every socio-economic strata that have a hard time sharing their power with those less advantaged people.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. We can change the way we think. We ca change the way we act. We can be successful and then look around to see who we can help on their road to their success as well. We can do this. It’s not out of the realm of possibility. We can help each other be successful. What a better world we’d be in if we did everything we could not only to be successful, but to help everyone else be successful as well.
Bottom Line: We can learn a lot from manure. Let’s never forget the immortal words of Dolly Levi: “Money, pardon the expression, is like manure. It’s not worth a thing unless it’s spread around, encouraging young things to grow.” And it doesn’t have to be money. It can be wisdom, knowledge, expertise, time, resources, networking, etc. So get out there and start spreading success around like manure. It may smell funny at first, but imagine the rolling fields of flowers that will grow! You can thank me later.
Have a FANTASTIC week, everybody!
Be Blessed.
Song Of The Week: Empire Cast — “Powerful”
For more information about me and to book a psychic reading with me, click HERE
For more information on the card used for this week’s reading click HERE.
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travelingtarot · 7 years ago
Tarot the Week! is on hiatus this week.  It will return next week.  Thanks for your patience and understanding.
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travelingtarot · 7 years ago
Weekly Psychic Forecasts Every Monday Morning To Help Guide You Through Your Week!
Week Of April 16th – April 22nd 2018 Card: Six of Swords
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Quick Analysis: I am SO THANKFUL for this card this week!  From cards that display us fighting just for the sake of fighting a few weeks back, to cards trying desperately to drag us out of the closet a couple weeks back, to domestic violence issues just last week, we are LONG overdue for a card of peace.  And peace this card has.  Thank you sweet baby Jesus, this card is all about peaceful transitions.
There is someone out there who’s been looking for a change.  You may be stuck in a rut.  You may have never fully connected to the place you live.  You may be unfulfilled in your current career or personal life.  You’ve been thinking about pulling up roots and finding a change of scenery.
The time to stop thinking is NOW!  The time to start packing those bags is NOW!  The time to change your point of view is NOW!  Make that change!  It’s going to be SO much easier than you think it might be.  The Universe is behind you changing your mind and your locale.  The future is better served for you someplace else.  You already know this.  You’ve known this for the longest time.  So what’s keeping you?  Pack your bags and get the hell outta here!  Send me a postcard!
In-Depth Analysis: In mid writing this week about how great it is to have a card that doesn’t have a “dark” side to it, spirit said to me “Not so fast.  We have something to talk about that may not be the most bright shiny happy topic in the world.”  Dammit!  I was SO hoping to bring good and peaceful and happy news this week!  Why must it always be so deep and painful and dark?  Why can’t it be just once rainbows and unicorns and cotton candy and endless summer?  Dammit!  *sigh* But I must follow what spirit is telling me to write, so here goes.
There’s someone out there who has been taking care of a loved one as he or she is making their slow transition to the other side.  You work night and day to make sure your loved one is comfortable and at peace.  You do everything in your power to make sure your loved one is well taken care of.  And by and large it’s not a burden.  It’s not a chore.  In fact, you feel it an honor and a privilege to be able to take care of the person you love as he or she is closing this chapter of their lives.  You love this person with all your heart and you would do anything for this person.  (I’m getting it’s a spouse.)
Please understand the person you’re taking care of knows what you’re doing for them.  And they may not be able to show it but they are so grateful for the work you’re doing.  They’re so grateful you love them enough to take care of them when they can’t take care of themselves.  They wish you wouldn’t take on so much and worry about how you’ll be after they’re gone, but for the most part they are grateful to you.  And they love you so much for it.  They can’t believe they lucked into marrying you.  They sometimes don’t feel like they deserve the love you’re giving them.  They sometimes feel guilty for causing all this thankless work you do.  But mostly, they’re full of gratitude.
You should also know their transition will be a peaceful one.  It may not seem like it, because their day to day life is such a struggle.  And their actual physical passing may not be the calmest when it happens.  But if you’re able to be quiet in that moment and actually see beyond the pain, look into their eyes and truly see them and they you, you’ll make their passing easier.  They will pass in love.
And if you’re unable to be with them when they pass, it’s important to tell them whenever you’re with them how much you love them.  It’s important they hear you’re not taking care of them out of a sense of obligation, rather you’re taking care of them because you love them.  You’d do anything for them.  It’s important to not just do, but also to say.  Because by telling them how you really feel about them, it will make their passing easier as well.
And when they do finally pass, it will be smooth sailing to the other side.  Once the body and spirit let go of each other the passage to the other side is so easy.  It’s seamless.  It’s smooth as silk.  There is no fear, only peace.  And love.  So much love.  Love all around.  From all sides, love embraces them as they move across the veil.  Their angels, guides, and ancestors lead them into the light.  Once there, loved ones all gather round to welcome the newest addition to heaven.  Tears of reunion and joy abound as friends, family and loved ones show up to welcome home their sibling.
Finally, no matter what difficulties your loved one faced while he or she was here on earth, all that pain is removed once they cross into heaven.  They are released from all worry, all pain, all frustration and despair.  All that’s left is love.  Unconditional love.  They are free.  And it’s wonderful.
Bottom Line: This week has been all about transitions.  A different point of view.  A different locale.  A different career.  A different personal life.  Going from life to death to everlasting life.  Whatever transition we’re experiencing this week, please know it’s going to be a lot easier than we could ever imagine it would.  It’s going to be light.  It’s going to be breezy.  It’s going to be like cruisin’ with Smokey Robinson.  What a lovely ride!  So pack those bags and let’s get going!  You can thank me later.
Have a FANTASTIC week, everybody!
Be Blessed.
Song Of The Week: Smokey Robinson “Cruisin’”
For more information and to book a psychic reading with me, click HERE 
For more information on the card used for this week’s reading click HERE 
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