🜏 I Love You To Death Just Like A Fool 🜏
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trashdeviant · 3 years ago
Lobo x Reader
Comfort fic
Tw: swearing, suggestive, sorta toxic ig
A/n: once again am i drunk and crave comfort from big long haired aliens. I’ve been very dissatisfied with the lobo x reader content and lack thereof so here’s my piece.
Summary: somethings bugging you lobo tries to comfort you and he sucks at it but it works out in the end
You can feel him smiling as he kisses sloppily down your neck. You should have given it more thought when you accepted his little booty call but you figured this would have helped lighten your mood. If anything it made it worse as he was quick to disrobe you as soon as he arrived. He was fresh from collecting a bounty as well; you could smell some of the blood still on him.
Your hands decide to move quicker than your head at this point, “Get out.” He lets you push him away before looking at you, shocked.
Lobo furrows his brows, “I just got here-“
With your hand raised, you stop him mid sentence. You’ve been fighting a lot of demons lately and you didn’t want to fight this one. “I’m just not in the mood anymore.”
He only inches closer with that gruff lowered tone of his that he knows you like, “C’mon, babes, let the main man take care of you tonight.” Although his eyes were animated it did nothing to change your mind. You simply point him to the door.
Despite the fact that you both had a wordless agreement to a lack of a relationship, Lobo knew enough to pick up on a few things. You were lacking in energy as well as your room was beginning to look a lot like his. Dirty plates and laundry cluttered the place. He couldn’t not notice it as the room usually smelt pretty nice the last couple of times he came over and you made such a big deal when he took you over to his at one time.
He decides to bite the bullet on this one, “Alright is something the matter?”
“You’re pushing it, Lobo.” You move to pick up your shirt, but he stops you with an irritated response of his own, “And you ain’t? Just tell me what’s wrong! I came all this way anyways.”
“Like you could give a shit! Just get out already I shouldn’t have to tell you twice!” You shout lightly as he was getting on your last nerve.
Regardless of your rage you still flinch when Lobo stood up all too quickly. He gave you a hurt look, not that you would register it as such as he had a better read on you than you did on him.
Now that he thought about it he had plenty of places to go if he wanted to get his dick wet. Although you were pretty good in bed, that wasn’t all that drew him to you. He grew somewhat attached. You both got on like a house fire and something in him stirred at that. He initially stood to leave, but now he was going to get an answer whether either of you liked it or not.
Lobo finds it in himself to level his tone, “I’m not leavin’ until you start talkin’, sweetie bits.” Unfortunately he did have a habit of resorting to intimidation. This did not sit well with you, “If you don’t get on your stupid bike and leave right now this little game of yours will be over.” You retorted.
“You’re bluffin’.”
“Try me.”
There is a bone chilling silence that follows with air so thick you could cut it. It hit you suddenly that this was very odd behavior, even for him. This time you interrogate, “What does it matter to you anyways? I’m sure there’s a strip joint a few blocks from here.” You roll your eyes to mask your anticipation.
Much to your displeasure he dodged the question, “You’re actin’ real funny yourself. Except it ain’t funny at all–you’re just given’ me a headache.”
If looks could kill his insides would have been on the outside. “You’re a piece of work.” You snatch the clothes on your nearby dresser.
“Call me a passion project.” Lobo grins at you with sharp teeth poking at his bottom lip.
You groan loudly out of frustration as you leave the room to your living room after you finished aggressively putting your clothes on. The heavy footsteps behind you tell you that he has begun to follow you like a puppy. “You got a nice place-“
You interrupt him with a vice, “it’d be nicer if you left.”
“I get that a lot.” You turn to see him leaning against your door frame with crossed arms. God, you would be lying if you said that didn’t do it for you.
“Can’t we just pick up where we left off some other day?” You bargained.
“Perhaps. Or you could just tell me what’s your problem.”
“You really wanna know?” He fails to hide his celebratory smile at his success. “You’re my problem.”
His smile fades into an awkward one as you waltz over to your kitchen. Clearly not the answer he was looking for, he refuses to back down, “Go on…” he eggs you on with a chalky tone. In response, you groan, “You’re loud, annoying, and invasive. Now can you please leave or do I have to call that weird blocked number that keeps asking about your whereabouts so they can throw you in space jail?” You’ve managed to start brewing yourself some late night coffee in that breath.
When you turn back to look at him he is no longer at the door frame, instead he is in front of you, his face, unimpressed. Lobo stares at you for a brief moment before sneering, “Frag this.” He steps around you towards your front door.
You couldn’t stop the ache in your heart that suddenly set it. He was actually trying and you were treating him like you were some cornered animal when he was just trying to talk to you the only way he knew. Granted he fucking sucked at it, but you’ve never known Lobo to care about anything quite like this.
“Lobo wait-“
“This is what I get for tryin to do something nice.”
“I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean any of that!”
“Pick up when you actually wanna piece.” He grumbles loudly as he approaches his exit. Of course he still cared about sex…
Your hands, once again, move faster than your head as you grab a mug off the shelf and throw it right over his head. The shattering of the mug spikes something in you. Your voice is breaking when you shout next, “If you leave I’ll block your fucking number.”
What follows is a deafening silence that is only broken by the beep of your coffee maker. You hadn’t noticed that you were holding your breath as you let out a shaky sigh.
Unbeknownst to you hearing your voice like that for the first time managed to soften him up enough to toss you a line, “Are you gonna talk?” You hesitate. You weren’t quite ready to tell him what you’ve been going through considering you wouldn’t even know how to properly explain it.
When you don’t answer he turns to you, impatient. However when he sees your face he holds his tongue. You were holding onto yourself, clearly upset. When you find the words he finds himself feeling weak for the first time in a long time, “Can we just… sit down. I’m just not ready for that yet…”
Reluctantly, he accepts this. Lobo walks over to the couch to remove whatever hard piece of clothing he had on. Once he looks back into the kitchen your back is turned. You were looking into the coffee pot, frozen. You really hated being so vulnerable. Both of you had that in common, among other things. He takes a deep breath and puts on a soft look as he makes his way towards you.
You don’t even flinch when rests a hand on your shoulder. His other hand comes up to your chin to gently turn you to him. It was almost impossible to stop the tears that streamed down your face. The Scourge of the Cosmos was standing before you, his heart laid bare.
The large man pulls you toward him and you follow. He hugs your deeply and for a moment things finally begin to mellow out. That is before he hoists you up and tosses over his shoulder with a hard slap to your ass. You playfully yell his name in false frustration as he cackles, “C’mon, sweetie bits, I’m entitled to some snuggle time!”
“Ugh! At least shower first!” With that you knew you weren’t going to get off that couch for a long time.
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trashdeviant · 3 years ago
Made a homestuck account with less commitments
I really like your dualscar fic! do you think you could write something for the psiioniic? perhaps about going from strangers to great friends? I am mspa at heart
Thank you for your patience 💜
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trashdeviant · 4 years ago
God everything sucks so indulgent comfort from recent hyper fixations
Scenario is you’re sad n drunk on the floor somewhere idk
Gabe from overwatch
It’s not like he hasn’t seen this behavior from Jesse before so he is kind of disappointed to even see you like this
But he’s mature and would probably just want to talk to you about it when you’re sober
But right now he sees you on the floor and emotion so he joins you and rests an arm over your shoulder
If you’re a horny drunk and you try to come onto him he’ll diffuse the situation by pinning you however he can in his position and whisper absolutely fucking heart-wrenching words of support and care into your ear
“I’m here for you, I’d never leave you” “I know what you’ve suffered and you shouldn’t worry about me” “I love you” “I need you”
Nothing of which he would casually slip into a conversation with you
He holds back his words when you’re sober but he unfortunately knows how much you need to hear it from him
He stays with you as long as it takes to sober you up before disappearing until you find yourself needing him again
Grand highblood from homestuck
When he approaches you you’re on the floor crying with an empty bottle in hand
He’s bloodied and fresh from an execution
His once mirthful mood sours into one that’s more uncomfortable
He can’t quite tell why he’s uncomfortable but unbeknownst to the both of you he just really cares
He unintelligently pokes a little fun at your misery but when you’re just a little too unresponsive he huddled in close the best he can before giving you a small sigh
He holds you and although he can’t find any words to comfort you verbally he just keeps you close
He can tell you’ve been on the floor too long and gathers you up into a bath
He keeps you close to the edge in case you need to puke but he does continue to hold you regardless
Afterwards you cuddle on the bed as he tries everything in his power to make you feel secure
After that he decides to keep a closer eye on you
Lobo dc
This guy does not give a fuck he might as well join you
When he can tell you’re not having any fun though he kind of complains
But you’re unresponsive and he can see a few tears streaming
Your whole body must be numb because you don’t try to hide it from him
He’s not good with his words either of course but he does think it’s easier to distract you rather than talk about what’s bothering you
He tries to be funny but ends up coming off as gross
But it’s nice and almost familiar so you give into it lazily and cling to him
You guys obviously fuck for comfort at this point but I promise it’s not as sketchy as it sounds
Zuke from NSR
He comes back from a jam session with may and has to tell her to leave immediately
Not because he’s embarrassed by you or trying to hide anything but because he knows you would rather not have anyone else see you like this or it would eat at your for literally months on end
He’s not good when it comes to you crying but he does get soft at seeing that hurt look in your eyes
He rests his forehead onto yours and lets you audibly cry for hours
You don’t even notice the amount of time that goes by but it’s such an explosive release of emotions that you never realize that you needed
You wake up on top of him completely hungover but you can’t help but notice the dark circles under his eyes as he sleeps
168 notes · View notes
trashdeviant · 4 years ago
Chapter 2
Venom/Eddie x Reader
Tw: cussing
Your fists are trembling before you realize that you were clenching them enough to dig into the palm of your hands. As much as you considered laying your hands down flat to calm down, you could only unclench them in a gesture of stress before balling them up again. You had barely made it outside of the building when you rested your back against the wall.
“Fuck…” You rasp.
It was so infuriating when he decided to come at you with this passive-aggressive shit. Almost like he saw you as the problem. He loved Jessie and really missed having that shit-faced motherfucker in your life. Raf acts as if you betrayed him when you decide that you never wanted to come in contact with that childish low-life. You had plenty of names for Jess, but you really needed to shake them out of your head for now. This is about Raf stepping out of line with you.
Good. Great. Wonderful.
You felt like so much shit at the moment. Whenever things got rough you would always storm into the apartment to hug him and cuddle until he helped you calm down. A searing hot tear glided down your cheek, although your face was emotionless. It hurts.
Hurts to know that you couldn’t go to him this time. This is what you get when you refuse to spend time outside of your home. You’re not really sure how long this was going to last either. But you were as stubborn as you were torn between apologizing and finding another place to sleep tonight.
Finally your brows invert in anguish and you look up in a poor attempt to stop the tears from pouring. Your arms felt as heavy as your chest. It’s times like these that make you wonder if Raf even liked being your friend.
“You don’t get to fucking call me that…” It was more of a breath than a whisper, but it was an effort to try to keep youself from spiralling into thoughts that degraded you into thinking this was all your fault and that you were a terrible person.
Maybe you were, but at the moment you weren’t in the mood to hear it from yourself. Growing up you had to teach yourself to keep out of that spiral or you would do something drastic. It doesn’t always succeed and yet it was at least an effort being made.
This time your brows furrow as you aggressively wipe away tears on either side of your face before cracking your knuckles. You need to try to ground yourself and shake off some bad thoughts before you could hear them. That sounded weird. Now you rush out of the area to keep your mind running just as you were rather than focus on the bad thoughts. Sometimes you would pace around the apartment when you were alone just to think of things to defend yourself or think up whatever you could for a distraction. The latter being less useful than the first.
Right now you were jogging across the street to head to whatever seemed familiar. You had to be careful as you had the tendency to get side tracked and get a little lost in a street you rarely traveled.
Raf had no place to guilt trip you into even being friends with someone that cheated on you. Jess could never gather enough humanity to even acknowledge what you had gone through in that relationship. ‘Yeah I understand your decision…’ you scoff at the thought. Raf told you all sorts of shit like that after the break up. A few months later and Raf develops this little habit of scaring off anyone you would bring around him and later talk up your ex like a car salesman. You still haven’t felt like you needed to talk to Jess. As a matter of fact, you owed neither of them anything. Regardless of the fact that you three used to be an inseparable trio.
You grit your teeth.
Rafael is a selfish naive piece of shit if he thinks he will ever get you to crack and open up your life to that whore. You are not obligated to talk to them; that is that. If Raf can’t come to peace with you cutting a whole motherfucker out of your life then that was his own problem.
“Fuck!” You grunted silently to yourself-punching a nearby surface that seemed to be a wall.
The mere voice in your head that reminded you of his constant excuse made you cringe in a sudden wave of anger. ‘I’m stuck in the middle’, was short for, “You’re not being fair! Stop being the problem and make up with Jess so I can enjoy myself in the presence of both of you!”
First of all-Raf isn’t in the middle of anything! He is a grown man and can go see Jessie whenever he wants to or even invite him in while you’re out! He is the only one making everything such a big deal. ‘News flash, Raffie, you’re no peacemaker here!’, your blood boils at the fact that he couldn’t treat you two as separate friends. Even Jess was able to understand you wanted no part of them!
You cut people out of your life for a reason! Not only did they cheat on you, but was generally an asshole too! Just because Raf can’t gather the strength to end something completely does not mean you had to adapt to what he wanted! It is not illegal to cut someone out of your life and it could be perfectly healthy for you, even! Regardless if your circle has only gotten smaller and smaller over the years...
“I don’t need any of that shit! If I have to I’ll move, Raf!” Your voice hissing his nickname,”If you can’t live without that bitch and me then I’ll do you the fucking favor of cutting myself out of your life! Who the fuck says I need either of you!?”
You stop dead in your tracks and look down at your shoes. There was guilt and suffering swelling inside of you. You had only said that because you couldn’t think of any other way out of it than having him hate you. Hot streaks of tears return as you lower yourself into a crouch and hold your head. You don’t bother to fight the urge to pull your hair.
‘I do-I need you…’
A pathetic plea that lands on nobody’s ears. This was going to be the death of you if you keep going down this path. The sun was beginning to set. Orange and pink flourishes across the skies. Sobs rake through your body as you hide yourself into the alleyway. What the literal fuck? You could knock a man into a coma and here you were weeping like a lonely child. ‘You’re a selfish piece of shit-go to hell-he tries hard for you and here you are talking shit-what kind of friend are you-what kind of a sibling-a waste of a contact-a waste of a life-a bastard-motherfucking piece of-’
Your heart was stuck in a traffic of emotions. The selfish asshole doesn’t realize how badly you wish it could go back to the way it was too if it made things any easier. But like hell if you were going to ruin yourself again for the sake of his comfort. ‘Be the bigger person’ was such a load of bullshit. A ticket for the other to avoid consequence if he asked you.
A nervous hand is offered to your trembling form before you even realize there was anyone walking towards you, “What are you doing in here?”, he begins his question with your name, which was enough for you to snap your head up at him. ‘Eddie?’ You had forgotten how burnt up your eyes must have looked. Dropping your head in embarrassment you hide your bruised up features and take his hand. “Not having a good night.” Your own voice repulses you and you have to stop yourself at choking up as another wave of self-loathing thoughts creep up on you.
There was no lying to him considering you couldn’t think of a good cover story for crying in an alley in the dark. The least you could do was keep it vague to spare him from listening to you gripe about something so irrelevant to him.
“Need me to walk you home?” Panic surges through you for less than a second at his question.
“No! No-thank you. Uh…” You mentally shake yourself before you continue, ”Um, do you mind if we just walk to your place?”
A sigh leaves you when you relish in his nod. You fail to notice how he had helped you up and draped his jacket over your still trembling body as you walked. Eddie most likely thought you were shaking from the cold rather than your little meltdown. How cute.
After a moment of nothingness that leaked into you like acid, you decide to open your mouth despite how your sore throat protests, “Thank you, Eddie.”
“It’s no problem.” He says it so casually it almost makes you nauseated with guilt.
There was another silent pause, “So…” You began, “How did you… find me?” That insinuated that he was looking for you, but you didn’t know what else to say after half of that question had already left your mouth.
He purses his lips for a second. Then proceeded to do something that finally had you smile at him and even muffle the wrenching ache in your heart. Eddie stammers and stumbles over a word or two as visual warmth creeps up his ears. You ponder what he was hiding before he is able to speak again, “We-I-I forgot our-my tater tots and I ran back to your place and your brother answered and told us to come find you here…”
“Okay…” that made you stare wide eyed. He was kind of a shitty liar considering Raf doesn’t know where you are.
He stirs at your silence and leaves your gaze about forty times in the matter of two seconds. To his shock you begin giggling. Then you began to chuckle. Followed by some laughing that was hard enough that you had to hold your stomach. He holds you still as you take a moment to recover. ‘Damn, wouldn’t it be crazy if he was some psycho stalking me or whatever?’
Maybe your laughter was contagious or you just looked stupid, but he begins to cackle along with you. You both probably looked pretty stupid. With a careful step you continue the journey back to his place the moment your laughter slowly dies down.
“You’re weird” You wheezed through a last few fits of giggling that left you breathless.
Eddie was just as bad as he wipes away some water building up in his eye, “You don’t know the half of it.”
The bad thoughts push at your neck and build a little pressure in your chest as a harsh reminder that you shouldn’t be enjoying yourself. You smile through the pain, yet he asks you if you’re alright and if you’re hurting somewhere. His voice goes soft with an undertone of concern. You couldn’t swat at the butterflies that shift in your organs.
“I’m fine. Just shit hit the fan back at my place.” You wince in disgust when you reveal that little detail. Eddie notices and offers implied choices, “Want to talk about it?”
You could either walk in more awkward silence or you could awkwardly blow up on him. Much to your own displeasure you settle for the latter.
“Do you believe in shit like ‘being the bigger person’?” You curl your fingers to make air quotes around your words as you speak. You didn’t want to be talking to a brick wall of morals after all.
Unsure of what you were expecting, you turn to look at him, “Not really. I mean… Past experiences makes that kind of complicated to answer, but… not really.”
Sighing, you look forward to avoid eye contact; naturally as the coward you were, “Raf only blew up on you because he thinks you would ruin the chances of me focusing on a friendship with an ex of mine.” He scoffs, but you continue before he could say anything, “But Jess is kind of a shitty person and I really don’t care about bringing that fucker back into my life for his sake-uh since me Raf and Jess were all friends once…” You stopped there deciding last minute to keep a lid on it.
“Does Raf know you don’t want to be friends again?” You didn’t expect him to actually say anything after that. Nobody really ever did aside from Rafael.
“Yeah, it’s been almost a year already, but it still comes up.”
“Wait-why does he care? Can’t he still be friends with Jess and be your brother?”
Eddie seemed genuinely confused which was actually kind of adorable, but you ignored that thought, “Because he feels like he’s stuck in the middle of us. He wants it to go back to how it was when all three of us were together and tearing shit up.”
“So it’s really about him then?” More of a statement than a question. It made you look up at him in realization. The only feeling that lingered from your meltdown was the guilt of being a selfish asshole. You almost forgot to be a little pissed at him by the time you were mostly out of it.
He takes note of your reaction and speaks carefully, “I’m starting to think you two have really different feelings going around about different parts of this situation.” You nod in affirmation.
“So that’s probably why you two haven’t figured a way around any of this. Like you both rely on one of you just clicking and finally getting it so one of you can have it your way. But if you don’t then it’ll just come back up again later, right?”
You nod again, mostly in a daze. He was actually making sense to you somehow.
“That is so unfair...”
That actually makes you huff out a bit of laughter, “Tell me about it.”
You two finally make it to his apartment complex. By the time you two make it to the door of his apartment he’s already pushing you inside. Playfully of course. In his defense you were acting like a vampire that needed to verbally be invited in.
You stand politely next to his couch before you hear him scoff jokingly, “Do I look like the Queen of England?” When you don’t respond he steps into your view to hold your arms comfortingly, “Relax. Sit.”
Offering an apologetic smile you add onto you nervous behavior, “I’m sorry I’m just kind of… It’s been a while since I’ve…” You didn’t want to sound all that depressing, “Look I’ll try to…” Jesus fuck this was a disaster, “Ugh… I-I’m…” You wish you hadn’t said anything at all at this point. Huffing in defeat you finish your thought, “I’m just tired. I’m sorry.”
Eddie looks at you closely as if to inspect you.
The silence was always weird. What was he thinking and why did it always take this long? Was he thinking of a way to kick you out? Your internal stress was rudely interrupted when he places something in front of you. The smell of cupped noodles pushes your embarrassment down your throat; almost forgotten. You didn’t seem to understand right away. Did you look hungry? Was your stomach making weird noises? Enough!
You took a forkful and hummed thankfully.
He takes his place next to you with a cup of his own. Perhaps he could sense that you were still bothered by your situation, or maybe he was just curious, you weren’t sure which as he begins to inquire, “Does Jess know you don’t want to be friends?”
Nodding, you swallow whatever is left in your mouth, “Yeah. I mean sometimes I hear from Raf that Jess would rather talk it out and I don’t know. Explain what happened that night maybe. Raf tells me that things have changed and how Jess changed, but I don’t… I don’t actually want to find that out for myself.” You couldn’t help but shrink at how horrible you were beginning to sound now that it was all being said out loud.
More silence.
“Should you really have to?”
There was a second before you choke up dryly at your next thought, “If I don’t then I’m just a coward and Raf is going to give up on me and won’t talk to me and-” Scorching tears return at full force by the time you feel yourself shaking against someone’s chest, “-I’ll be alone and I don’t want to be-not like this-I don’t want to be-” Arms tightening around you never made you feel so small. Your voice was growing less and less coherent and yet you pretended otherwise as you kept babbling on about fearing yourself. Does Rafael really think you don’t care enough about him if you don’t go back to being friends with your own fucking ex? You ball yourself up and cling to his jacket as if you would slip into the void if you let go.
‘Back at square one’ your mind jested. How would he ever talk to you again after this? Eddie was probably thinking ‘What have I gotten myself into?’ right about now. You were a wreck basically the first day you’ve met him! At least Raf didn’t have to worry anymore considering you ruined this poor dude’s night. A devastated smile tugs at your lips. His seriousness wavers at the feeling.
“What?” He has to pull away to look at you.
Your eyes were puffy, skin slick with tears, bruises still evident. Not only were you disgusting, but tears had soaked through his jacket, much to your embarrassment. You naturally avoid his gaze for the millionth time that night, “I’m sorry for fucking up your night.”
For a minute he seems to be at a loss for words. You mentally slap yourself for even saying anything and putting him in such an awkward position. Just as you were about to fill in the gap with more gibberish and half baked thoughts, he retorts, “You didn’t fuck anything up.”
You blink up at him to see that he was smiling down at you.
“Okay, sure, you’re crying on my couch and I don’t really know what to do with my hands-” His face almost beams when you snort weakly at his comment, “-but I would rather have you here than crying alone in some ditch-or alley in the dark.”
Then suddenly, something hit you. You wouldn’t be crying in his arms tonight if you just kept your conversation light. If you didn’t blurt out each and every little detail. Mostly because it was weird to do to a stranger you met just that day. Even most friends would look for distractions as an answer. He asked about your situation and kept prying. He was looking for the smaller details. Because he’s a reporter.
Or maybe he was just that nice of a person.
You move one hand to hold your side as you begin another contagious wave of laughter that resulted in you hiding your face in his shoulder. It was more down-played than the last, but still unrelenting. You weren’t sure why, but it all just seemed weird enough to you to be laughable. Not too long after were there strings of laughter rumbling throughout his body. For some reason, the bouncing of your head against his quaking shoulder was automatically hysterical to you. Your laughter grew by the second. This had to stop.
“What’s so funny?” Eddie snickered.
Only after a humiliating snort or two did you answer, “You!” the mirth finally dives back into calmness as you provide some clarity, “You’re just,” your words were broken by a lingering breath of laughter, “so weird…”
A nervous chuckle draws your attention, “Weird good or weird bad?”
“I don’t know,” a bit of mischief teases your lips when you see his reaction, “You go looking for me in an alley after the shitty breakfast I gave you and let me into your apartment all ugly with tears.”
Slowly, joy kicked at his lungs. His laugh was cute. Man, if this dude turns out to be a murderer just lurring you in, you were going to be pissed.
“Yeah… I think you’re a good weird.” You didn’t realize how close Eddie was to you until you sneak a peak of his deep smile.
He seemed to realize it too as he takes the opportunity to lean a little closer and wipe away any lingering tears off of your face, “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Your voice was coated in honey when you decide you want to meet him halfway. You begin slow. He was so close to you; his breath easily warming your skin and sending goosebumps up your arms. Suddenly you were cold.
You blink at the view of him continuing to eat his leftovers.
“Your soups gettin’ cold.” The shit-eating grin that he bares was enough to light a fire under your ass.
Shock was written all over your face, nevertheless, you grab your soup and continue to eat. There was some silence that weighted the atmosphere. Maybe he was expecting a different reaction out of you, you weren’t sure, but nobody was about to be playing hard to get with you right now. You cackle internally.
“So do you-”
A smile that could sell for innocence graces your features.
He swipes his tongue over the corner of his lips slowly to catch the drop of soup from the small corn you had flung at him. It catches your gaze through the corner of your eye. Feeling like you’ve won, you continue to eat.
Unfortunately you only had half a minute to mentally brag. A lukewarm piece of noodle smacks lamely into your jawline before falling into the remainder of your soup. You gasp and shoot an infamous glare which slowly falters beneath the playful grin that surfaces.
With a flick of your index finger you move another piece of food on the tip of your fork. In a flash, you bring a fist down on the handle and launch a small piece of partially soaked chicken right into what would have been his chest.
What happened instead was actually quite impressive. Your eyes widen to see Eddie lunge forward and catch the food in his mouth. For a second you swear you see his teeth sharpen, but dismiss it as a mere exaggeration of his action. You raise your hands to defend your face as he chuckles and flicks another one at you.
You cry out in laughter and launch it back at him; hitting his nose. Another one flies at you, but you slap it out of your way. It splashes into your soup and further dirties your hoodie. At the moment you didn’t really care. That being said, a few more minutes into your little warfare and your hoodie was as bad as your crying face was a few moments ago. Eddie wasn’t as bad after catching two more when they were just a little too overhead.
“You want me to wash your hoodie for you?” He gestures to the filth that caked the fabric. He looked smug albeit a little apologetic.
“Nah it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” An eyebrow raises and you cave, “Uh… I would take it off, but I didn’t bring a shirt…”
Humiliation manifests on your face just as Eddie raises a brow. There’s no issue when it came to Raf seeing you shirtless, but with someone so new? It was weird. You can’t help but be a little insecure. He scratches the back of his neck in thought before offering another option, “I could give you a shirt, no problem.”
You were going to decline, but you could feel something slick and cold sticking to your stomach. Shivering you nod gratefully, “Please?”
Keeping close to him you follow towards a closet full of clothing. Eddie pulls his shirt over his head. Your eyes immediately trace the muscles that flex and contour his back. Fuck, it actually makes you want to cry. You play it off as a sigh and peel your eyes away from him as he slips into a clean shirt. Were you making things weird? No he probably didn’t notice anything. He hasn’t made a sound yet anyways. Yeah-no it’s nothing. He can’t possibly see that look on your face! Did you see those tattoos? Wipe that drool off your face, he’s turning around!
He places a soft fabric into your hands and points to the bathroom. You were still too ashamed to meet his eyes and notice his smug expression. Instead, here you were in his kind-of-gross bathroom. Stripping off your hoodie you pull the shirt over your top half. If you were being honest, you wish you were out there in front of him. Your mind went into the gutter while you imagine trying to show off your muscles and whatnot.
“Everything okay in there?” You jump and reflexively grab your hoodie off of the sink.
“Y-yeah. I’ll be right out.”
Anxiously, you pull at the collar of the shirt. You couldn’t stop yourself. Pulling it closely to your lips, you inhale lightly. His scent was almost like its own spice. A sweet musk with enough zest you sweep you off your feet.
You hear him shuffling around in his living room and quickly make your way out. The shirt was an easy fit on you, actually. Eddie was a pretty big guy anyways so you were grateful for the size. Your eyes glaze upon the shirt he wears now. Imagine tearing into such thin fabric… You catch yourself before getting lost in the figuration again.
“Thanks. I’ll give it back-”
“Don’t worry about it. Looks better on you.”
‘Smooth Criminal’ was written all over him, “Not as good as you look right now.”
“You think I look good?” He stalks up to you and you feel your heart flutter.
“Didn’t realize I stuttered.” You hum, amused.
Before things could escalate, Eddie clears his throat. He seemed to be keeping himself back. It was absolutely annoying…
“You stayin’ the night?”
“Only if you’ll let me.” There’s some hopefulness in your words.
He catches it and feeds you a promising grin, “Guess you’re stayin’.”
The rest of that night was a blur. But much to your displeasure you two didn’t do much of anything. You could tell because you were both leaning against each other on his couch with the TV on. The urge to kick something in frustration was strong enough to pick Eddie as a target. Not that you didn’t have a nice time, but you would rather be walking off a pair of sore legs right about now. He stirs next to you and leans his back against the couch; taking some weight off of you.
You desperately want to move, but not off of the couch. You wanted to lay your head in the crook of his neck and you weren’t even sure why. That was weird. He literally met you yesterday…
‘What the fuck.’
Your head was comfortably tucked against his toned thighs. Too busy being stuck in your thoughts you fail to notice you were slowly being pushed into his lap. You really needed to stop daydreaming because you are doing things you basically tell yourself not to do.
Eddie was already waking up before you could fix your mistake! Quickly shutting your eyes, you pretend to be asleep. A moment later and Eddie was shifting beneath you in contempt of trying to control your breathing. Were you being elevated? You refused to face the music by opening your eyes just yet. Not even when you felt his seemingly huge hand caress the back of your head.
He does lean down to you though. Your heart comes to a screeching halt in hopes of him leaning down to kiss you. However that does not happen. You could feel him. Eddie was taking in your scent, greedily. You miss the chance to stop yourself from shuddering. This almost made you feel vulnerable. But worst comes to worst, you could take a hit and dish one out too.
There was an animalistic rumble that has you peek through your lashes. It was horrifyingly good and ran up your spine better than any man’s “lower” voice. The subtle clicking was weird but did wonders to your core. In spite of peeking, it was just Eddie’s nervous face.
The jig is up.
You squint at him-as if you were just waking up-appearing tired and disoriented, “Dude,” You couldn’t help throwing in a drowsy chuckle before continuing, “are you sniffing me?”
Mentally jumping for joy at the fact that it took the attention off of you for sleeping on his lap, you watch in amazement as he stammers with an excuse and chokes up on nothing. He was as nervous and messy as you were.
In the end he comes up with nothing short of, “I just… thought you smelt nice… is all…”
As nice as it was to see him sweat over anything, you crack a smile and offer some honesty, “Thanks. I think you smell nice too.”
Shit was so awkward it was just easier to laugh at each other at this point. You sit up and make a bit of a show at stretching. With your arms raised, you make sure to flex. The shirt was a little on the thinner side which made it easier to tease your little audience as it left almost no secrets and gave just enough details. You finish with a scripted yawn that flows into a soft moan and rest your hands behind your neck. Lasty, you blink away your bedroom eyes to see him still staring. You almost laugh at him when he opens his mouth to close it again.
‘How pathetic is that?’ You chuckle to yourself.
He looked frazzled and scared to say anything. You feel a surge of energy and confidence the moment he practically turns around to run away. There was no way in hell you didn’t just hear him whimper.
Laughing only when he makes it into the safety of his bathroom, your phone nearly vibrates off of the table.
[R: Aye call me or get over here]
[R: Cause I just got you a fight]
[R: Its flashin’ big money]
[Y: How big?]
You two may be fighting, but when it came to you fighting other people, it was an implied compromise that you two still work together.
[R: Call me or smthng]
Eddie was just coming out of the bathroom. His bed head looking more like it was on purpose than an accident.
[Y: Can’t rn… I’ll be over in ten]
[Y: Ttyl]
Pocketing your phone you look at Eddie bashfully, “Hey… big guy?” oh god-no awkward…
“Big guy?” His grin was already talking dirty.
“Careful-I know where you sleep.” You point at him accusingly before laughing it off, “Anyways…” ‘You’re stalling…’
“This was fun… and you’re really nice. So thank you…” He at least seemed pleased by your words so far, “But, Raf texted me so…” Until now. His face was weirdly disappointed. All you could do was sigh mentally, ‘I don’t want to go either…’.
“Are we going to see you again sometime or?” You gave it some thought. You didn’t actually have a job with your winnings mainly covering the rent. Not to mention, Raf was the one working at the bakery on 24th street. Memories flash you with images of you lounging on the couch or working out. You had all the free time in the world.
For a second, you twist from side to side indecisively. You kind of wish for a way to attach him to you hip. You liked him and despite all the teasing and whatnot, he seemed as shy and weird as you were. Just as lost.
“Hm… What are you doing tonight?” The smile he answers with was rewarding.
“Don’t know yet… You tell me…” Jesus fuck, did your heart just float away?
Keeping your cool you place your palm against his bicep, “I know a cute little place we could meet up.”
You give him the location of a sweet little cafe that was open in the late hours. He was familiar with it and called it a date. A swift hand grabs your hoodie. You quickly toss it onto your shoulder and poke some fun at how you may just keep the shirt. It felt softer than any of your shirts. Everything felt like it was lingering, “You want me to walk you home?”
“I’ll be fine.” Punctuating your words with a shameless flex of your bicep. You really didn’t want to go, nonetheless, you bid him farewell after a bittersweet chuckle, “Anyways-Got to bounce. Ciao.”
He waves you off and closes the door behind you. Your heart needs a moment to deal with the loss of company. As you move down the hall to exit the building you hear Eddie’s muffled voice, “Wh-God shut up V.”
He seemed irritated, but he was chuckling. Strange. Who was he talking to?
You pay it no mind for now and focus on your journey back home.
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trashdeviant · 4 years ago
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trashdeviant · 4 years ago
I really hope things get better for you, you deserve to be happy. We love you 💕
I didn’t realize how badly I wanted to hear this... thank you
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trashdeviant · 4 years ago
Chapter 1
Venom/Eddie x Reader
Tw: cussing, violence
Another round clocks you in the jaw; the rebound keeping you from darting out of the way of the following blow. The crowd roars in suspense, but not loud enough to drown out the pumping of your heart beating in your ears. You shake your head at the bleat of a bell that signals the end of this round before your opponent could crack your skull open. Bloodied spit shoots out the side of your mouth as you return to your corner.
“Get to your corner!” The referee waves his arm dismissively at the mass glaring you down.
You had plenty of bulk, but they looked like a mountain compared to you. There was a split in your eyebrow you hadn’t noticed before. Cold hands shove a bottle of water into yours. The condensation wets your palms and drips down your face as you desperately down the freezing beverage in an attempt to cool yourself off. There’s another split down the middle of your bottom lips. The stinging only amplified your adrenaline.
You hadn’t realized your brother had been talking to you until he lightly smacks the side of your head. You turn to him, almost dazed.
“Look, boss, it ain’t even that much! When they take you down, just stay down. You hear me? Aye! Aye, boss!” That wasn’t what you were looking to hear. You had already turned back to the middle of the ring. He sounds his frustration behind you before he snatches the empty bottle out of the way.
You finally begin to control your breathing when the bell rings once more. The both of you raise fists and circle each other. Your hands shoot out to reach for them as you lunge hesitantly. Just as you had predicted they were quick to react to your flawed grapple. As they tangle with you-their arms over yours-you raise your knee to push them back. Your hands gripped on the back of their neck with a vice as you rinse and repeat. You can feel them struggle against your grip as you give their nose one last thrust of your knee before you let them push you back.
A shot that lucky wont come as easily next time. You put your hands back up and await their retaliation. The light almost blinds you as they swing at you. Their ponytail flicks at your face as you dodge and pass them. Their other arm swings behind them and catches you on the cheek. Hard.
That was going to leave one hell of a bruise. They quickly come back with another wild swing and all you can do is block your face as they begin to corner you. You could barely hear the voice behind you scream your name to go down. They take the advantage to connect their fist to your stomach. It almost encourages you to double over, but you hold your breath. It was all or nothing.
You surprise them with a swing of your own. Despite their heat unrelenting you manage to find an opening. Suddenly your positions were reversed. Your blood pumping and your fists flaring, you kept your pattern. ‘Boom-boom-Pop!’ you kept repeating to yourself. A mental montra you drilled into your head for years. They were beginning to grow tired if their curling figure was of any indication. You managed one last uppercut that sends them spiraling to the ground as the bell signals your victory. Dopamine never felt so good. You take in the moment as you watch your opponent tire out on the ground and listen to the audience both cheer for you and scream in disagreement. You could see your brother lose it in the crowd...
“You stubborn ass-”
“Shut up and give me my winnings, Raffie.” He only scoffs and slaps a hefty wad into your palm. You smile to yourself as you feel it and quickly count out a good amount and then some.
Rafael cackles at your pleased expression, “Heh, feel that? Legit thought you were done for. You already looked dead tired.”
“Ha, when you fight someone like that–you can’t get tired.” you joked dryly as you two swayed into the night outside of the building. Adjusting your hoodie you feel him playfully punch at your shoulder. “For real though,” he looks at you casually, “you should learn when to fuckin’ quit. Each fight so far has been bigger than the last one.”
You could only squint at him, your lips tugged in a smirk, “Aren’t you the one getting me these g-”
“Shh!” He smiles a little, embarrassed, and pushes at you. You retaliate by ruffling his curly hair and laugh along with him.
Nights after a fight were usually like this. You, being pretty banged up, and your brother pretending he’s stern when he tells you to be careful. It was refreshing. Although he wasn’t blood related. You two had met in highschool when you were quite the handful. You felt a little guilty dragging him into this kind of business, but he insisted. It paid plenty for rent and although you could never find yourself getting used to the nausea it came with, you somehow enjoyed fighting.
“Damn, boss,” a nickname that manifested easily with your attitude, “Want to go buy some ice for that real quick?”
You were out of ice, but would rather be planting face-first into your mattress right about now, “Nah, pretty sure we got some peas in the freezer.” It was incredibly dark out and the fact that he could see the redness beginning to swell, it spiked a bit of your insecurity. You shook it off and made it to your apartment complex.
Entering your room felt like ecstasy for the soul. Rafael had already passed you to grab the peas as you toed off your shoes and got comfortable on the couch. That meant sweats and no top. You hold your hand out as a chilled bag is placed in your grasp from behind you. After wrapping it with your hoodie you gently place it against your cheek, wincing in discomfort. Raf is kind enough to turn the TV on for you as you put your legs up on half of the couch with your feet tucked under a blanket. Your kin just about to make himself comfortable-
You give your brother a pitiful look, “Raffie can you go microwave me some pizza?”
He sighs and hangs his head before lazily dragging himself to the fridge. A smirk tugs at your lips again, “Aye, why are you tired? I’m the one fighting!” An exaggerated groan is your only response. You chuckle at the fact that he wouldn’t dare deny your right to leftover pizza before you return your attention to the screen.
“-Four bodies were found in an alley. The heads have yet to be discovered as this appears to be yet another victim of the Demon of San Francisco, Ven-”
“Bah…” You flicked through the channels before landing on some wildly inappropriate cartoon.
Venom made both you and your brother nervous. It didn’t take a genius to see the pattern he had. He searched for those who do bad deeds. To some goody-two-shoes it would appear that he had it out for just anyone, but you knew those who were actually in danger. You feared that you were one of them with how you and your brother were involved in an underground fight club. The only hope you both clinged to was the fact that gambling was harmless. Mostly.
The scent of cheesy jalapenos and meat wafted your senses and successfully interrupted your thoughts. You greedily take a bite simultaneously with Raf. You were full of regret one minute in. Your busted lip was searing! You muffle a complaint before dropping the peas and booking it to the sink to cool off your lip.
You whine as you could hear Raf laugh at you from the living room. Your middle finger flashes him before you rush to the fridge to drown your mouth in milk straight from the gallon.
He was almost hysterical, “No hay vaso!?”
Your eyes roll as you finally cool down. Once you return and push your plate towards him you notice something. Both plates only had one pizza. He usually ate two. That bastard.
“You-”, you smack him upside the head. Your glare could turn a man to stone. Unfortunately, he only seemed to laugh in the face of death.
You make a dramatic show of retreating to your room as he eats. Living with him taught you that he would make it up to you in the morning so you weren’t terribly pissed off.
The moment your face hits the pillow, sleep cushions your fall...
Sweat beads down your throat. You were at the height of your capabilities and it felt victorious. Your audience chanting your name and your opposer struggling to get back up. There wasn’t a scratch on you either. This high was absolutely addicting and you couldn’t help yourself. You leaned against the ropes and rose to boast and flex-the crowd going wild. Just as you were asking for more out of the audience there was a gut wrenching pull that brought you back to the middle of the stage.
The lights were suddenly blinding and your opponent looked more fierce than usual. Eyes dark and mouth seething. There was a thin layer muffling the sound of the crowd. Something wasn’t right…
Everything was warped and the corners of your vision were dark. Despite everything feeling slower, your heart was panicking. You duck when the hulking silhouette swings at you and immediately put your fists up, trying to keep your head in the game-or keep your head in general.
It was more of a game of cat and mouse. You kept focusing on dodging and keeping a distance. There was no way in hell you were going to get them beneath you. It was almost like they were growing by the second. You shook your head and tried at throwing a punch at their stomach. Now something definitely wasn’t right. Your arms felt heavy with each hit. It was suffocating and felt like you were being drawn in.
Your opponent had made zero effort to block your punches. The crowd was still muffled, but grew louder. Things were getting darker and darker. The figure in front of you began to grow just as dark before you saw nothing but the white of its eyes as they morphed into something else. It narrowed at you and all you could do was watch as its stomach engulfed your fist.
Something was opening and suddenly there was pain in your stomach that felt closer to the ache of fear. You were being pulled into what felt like your death. Your breathing all but disappeared and your heart was a screaming mess. This was it-this was your last fight-nowhere to run-
Your name brings you crashing to the surface. You’re damn near hyperventilating, but you were just thankful to be able to breathe again. Everything was still dark, but you slowly recognized it as your room.
“Y-you’re in your room, boss-it’s me Rafael...”
You turned to Raf holding his aching nose with one hand while the other was held out to you defensively. He watched your eyes dart left and right as you took your time to calm down. Your body was shaking and sticky from sweat.
“A nightmare…” He tried his best to bring you back from those. You shook your head and grabbed his hand to anchor yourself. “I’m sorry.”, it was what you could muster for now. Apparently your mouth sounded as dry as it felt considering Raf released a hand from his undamaged nose to pass you his half empty bottle of water.
Finishing the bottle, you toss it randomly in the distance. Raf was always awkward at this point and it showed.
“Hungry?” your head motioned ‘no’.
“...TV?” You take a moment, but decide you would rather watch something than try to go back to sleep.
With that he grabs some pain meds from the nightstand and another water bottle before he walks you to the living room to cuddle and enjoy a show or two.
Unfortunately he passes out in the middle of an episode, but you can’t find it in yourself to complain. Quietly, you shimmy out from his tight hold and make your way to the bathroom.
Your sticky body makes you grimace. With how tired you were it was almost a challenge to get everything off. Regardless you make it to the valve of the shower and trigger the showerhead. Heated water pours out and you carefully step in. You relished in the heat and almost doze off. But you got busy and cleansed yourself of your stench.
Half an hour later you were out and drying yourself off before putting on fresh clothing. Something casual considering it was already morning. You throw on some underwear, pants, a nerdy shirt, and your hoodie. Hiding your bruise was the least of your worries. People seemed to mind their own business whether or not you actually hid anything. You decided you would go out and grab some ice to kill time since you weren’t heading back to sleep anytime soon. Dressed and out the door, you put on some tunes on your phone. You tuck your earbuds into your ears and leave the building; heading to a nearby convenience store. The back of your mind is hopeful that Raf rubs your shoulders when you get back.
There was a dangerous moment where you almost walked into a pole, but you made it. Passing through the door you made an invaulatory map of the store. A group of teenages over by the snacks and a women by the coffee makers. You almost missed the brooding man by the freezers as you made your way towards the candy aisle. You grabbed a packet of gum before making your way towards the cashier.
“What?” It was a hushed tone, but your gaze followed the whisper towards the man staring down a bag of tater tots. Suddenly he turned to look at you, but naturally you turned away, whether you were embarrassed of staring or just scared of interaction with someone so sketchy.
You continued your travels, paying for both the gum and the ice. Currently you were struggling with your hold on the ice outside of the store. You winced when you tried to carry it as you usually did. Flashes of your previous fight reminded you that you were still very sore. Sighing, you considered walking back in to ask for a big bag to carry it in.
“Need some help there?” he sounded casual and yet nervous. It was the brooding man with the tater tots. Maybe he was tired.
You couldn’t really give a fuck if he was as dangerous as he looked, at the moment, you were just happy to get some help. You would be more worried if you didn’t know how to defend yourself. “Please?” A relieved sigh left you as he picked up the bag and held it over his shoulder with ease.
“Thanks uh-”
“Eddie.”, you mimic.
“And you are...?”, something in you stirred at that, but you ignored it and answered respectively with your name.
“I don’t live too far if that helps.” The least you could do was provide a bit of conversation. You made sure to leave an earbud out so you could hear him. “It’s no problem. I don’t live far either.” You nod in acknowledgement. A small moment of silence follows persistently.
“What’s with the bruise, if you don’t mind me asking?”, his voice makes you jump lightly; not expecting him to ask that question.
Damn, you pretty much forgot about that now that it only hurt to touch. You weren’t about to tell him your nightly activities. Skillfully, you lie through your teeth, “I’m real clumsy. Vertigo acts up out of nowhere sometimes.” you throw in an embarrassed chuckle for affect. Too busy patting yourself on the back you fail to see through his smile that masked how unconvinced he really was.
You eyed the exaggerated amount of tater tots and chocolate he had bought. It didn’t really match his figure. Instead of commenting you simply dig into your pocket and retrieve your pack of gum, pulling out a strip and unwrapping it, “Gum?”, you offered.
He shrugs and lets you feed it to him. His hands were occupied anyways. You smile playfully at the gesture and his awkwardness as he thanks you.
“Anytime.” You finally turn to him as you reach the apartment complex. You mentally groan at the fact that you were about to carry the ice up the stairs to your apartment. With your hands out to him, you gesture towards the ice, “I’m not about to make you go up the stairs with that thing, but thanks for the help, Eddie.”
“It really isn’t a problem, please, I insist.” Somehow that made you smile. You didn’t argue as you would be the same way.
“Any ideas how I could thank you?” If not you could probably throw him a fake ass ‘IOU’. Or maybe just offer him some breakfast.
There was a beat of silence where he made an expression you didn’t have time to read. “You hungry?” smooth.
As if on cue there was a smell seducing the hell out of your senses. Your brother was making french toast. “Yeah, I could eat.” you chuckled, knowing he could smell it too.
You make it to your room just after that and open the door; the aroma amplifying and the sound of sizzling makes your mouth water at the thought of bacon. You hold the door out to Eddie.
“My treat?” You joked as he beamed.
“How generous.”
He set the ice into the freezer and shimmied awkwardly into the scene where he was met with a confused curly-haired man with a spatula in one hand and a plate of food in the other. He appeared to be wearing nothing but boxers and a frilly apron. You were leaning against his shoulder innocently.
“Eddie, this is my brother, Rafael, Raf, this is Eddie.” Following that introduction, you snagged the plate and handed it to Eddie before gesturing to him to sit next to you on the couch in front of the TV. He complies and for a moment or two, the silence was painful. Raf tosses you some chocolate syrup, a small salt shaker of sugar-cinnamon and whipped cream that he threw blindly in the direction of the living room. You had to be quick to catch them, but had a horrifying second in which you had to catch the chocolate syrup from the top of Eddie’s head before it could land on his plate. You sigh an apology, however, Eddie just chuckles a little, surprised and impressed.
“So is bringing home random guys going to be a thing or…?” You could tell your shit-faced brother was smirking from the kitchen as he fixes your plate. Eddie huffs in amusement behind your bickering. You were just thankful that he could break the ice-pun intended.
You debated throwing a spoon at him, “Is you wearing my things going to be a thing or…?” you fired back before gawking at the plate in front of you. He snickers, “Looks better on me.” and belatedly joins you two with a bunch of french toast in his mouth. It appears the newcomer stole his plate regardless of being capable of making another one.
“So are you going to tell us more about yourself, Eddie.” despite his muffled voice, you sensed something suspicious about his question.
Setting down the chocolate syrup he just drowned his french toast in, he clears his throat, “I’m a journalist, I write articles for the-” Rafael burps shamelessly, “Daily Globe…” Eddie smiles, obviously trying to be polite. He takes a forkful of his breakfast as Raf opens his mouth again, “Oh you’re the guy that did the Eddie Brock show, huh?”
“The Eddie Brock Report, yeah,”, he corrects, “that was me.” Another forkful just a beat later.
“Thats cool-”, you tried to offer before your brother decided to butt in again, “-Yeah real cool. Didn’t that show get cancelled?” Eddie was visibly uncomfortable and evidently irritated which struck a chord with you.
Although it seemed like Eddie had plenty to say in response to that, you slam your hand on the table to take the attention off of him, “Hey, Raffie!” You gave him a quick stare that only the two of you could decipher as ‘We’re going to have a fucking talk later’. “Mind making me some more bacon, please?”
It was more of an excuse to keep him out of the conversation for the most part. Raf rolls his eyes before taking the hint. You took the moment to pat Eddie on the shoulder apologetically. He seemed to understand the gesture as he nods in acknowledgement.
With a defeated sigh you take a break from questions, “Cool jacket.” He looks down as if he forgot he even had it on.
“Thanks. Your hoodies nice.” He was totally just being nice. Your hoodie was ancient. You didn’t comment though, “Thanks, you’re too kind.”
“I aim to please.”
“Naturally. You lift or...?” You poke at the bulk in his bicep through the aforementioned jacket.
“Oh uh yeah,” He removes his jacket to smirk and bulge his arms beneath your touch, “Working out ‘s been helping me through somethings actually.”
Snorting, you remove your hoodie to flex the muscle you were hiding beneath the fabric.
“I kind of do too… in a way.” It was almost second nature for you to try to compete.
“Oh damn-”
“Bacon’s done, boss, I’m going to take a shit-”
‘Ever so charming…’
Raf swiftly abandons the kitchen leaving a concerned Eddie with an unamused kin. You hang your head. Just as you were getting to the flow of a conversation.
“Is he going to be alright?” There was something in his voice that sounded like concern, but closer to relief. You didn’t blame him as you were just the same.
“Yeah…” You look down at his empty plate and the pile of bacon you weren’t really going to eat.
With a wavering sigh, you gesture to the bacon, “Want the rest?”
You were already grabbing the tubbawear when he answered, “Sure…”
There was a selfish part of you that didn’t want to kick him out, but you compromised by taking a sharpie and writing your number on the side of the container with a small smiley face next to a subtle ‘text me’. Once you hand it to him he glances at the message on the tubbawear before looking back at you.
“You should probably head out. I’m really sorry about Raf, but uh,��� you were suddenly nervous, “I hope we can try this again sometime…”
You just met the man, but the guilt decided that you should try to make it up to him anyways. That and maybe the fact that you’ve been in a bit of a dry spell and this man certainly looked appetizing. You mentally slap yourself.
He sent his gaze towards the direction Rafael had left before returning to meet your hopeful eyes. It seemed he was throwing you a bone, “Sure, I’d love to try this again. Maybe not here though…”
“Yeah, totally uh we’ll figure something out.” wow, could you have sounded any more awkward and desperate? Regardless, there was a snarky comment here and there before you actually got him out the door. You pressed your head against the door as guilt hit you like a truck. It almost made you want to scream. You try to calm yourself down before you go say something stupid to Raf.
Look, your face? Isn’t very pretty after that last fight. You’re still a little cut up and that bruise looks like near-death! Someone actually took a little interest in you this morning. Not to mention, he didn’t look too bad! Bed head, five o'clock shadow, and all! That jawline was something nobody could miss…
You doubt he would have been so nervous if a ‘certain someone’ hadn’t been there. Raf never usually acted like this anyways.
You sigh through your nose before pulling off your shirt and pushing yourself to face your unbearable brother. The heater was on in your room and with the conversation you were about to have, you were not in the mood to feel suffocated. When you see him he is face down on the bed, brooding. With a roll of your eyes, you sit next to him and pat his back. You try to sound sweet, but it comes out a little irritated, “Raffie?”
No answer.
“Want to talk about your little break down earlier?”
A muffled protest.
You groan, “Raf stop being a little girl…”, using whatever force you could muster, you push him onto his back to look at you. Much to your displeasure, your arms were still sore so you only managed to get him on his side. If not for the soreness you could certainly bench press him. Raf blinks at you with brown-hazel eyes in what you hope is guilt.
“Raf, please tell me why you freaked out on Eddie like that?” Your voice was tired, but seemed to finally get him to speak.
“You don’t even know him…” His eyes narrow.
“And you think you do? You never even watched his show. The hell did you embarrass me like that for?”
He scoffs.
“Is this about Jessie?”
Raf answers your suspicions when he avoids your gaze. You demonstrate your disappointment in a stern voice, “Raf, that shit was a long time ago. I’ve moved on from it and you shouldn’t even-”
“Yeah and I get that you won’t change your mind-I promise I fuckin do, but-”
“Do you really ‘cause I’m tired of you bringing it up.” It was practically hissed at him.
“Alright-alright you know what? It’s whatever at this point, right? I won’t bring it up anymore, but like I’m just sayin’ I’m tired of you being stubborn n’ shit when it shouldn’t even have to be a problem! And I mean I don’t want to drag you into things you don’t want to do, but I just feel like we could be like how we were back then when we were doing crazy shit together you ‘member? I miss that! We-”
“I don’t care about that shit anymore-I’m doing my own thing, Raf, you shouldn’t be caring this much about this anymore.”
“Yeah well you shouldn’t be wanting to fuck random motherfuckers off the stree-” Your hand stung and Rafael held the side of his head. You couldn’t tell apart any emotion that was flowing through him at this point.
“I’m old enough to make these decisions, Raf.”
“Sure don’t act like it.” That made your blood boil.
“Says the one crying like a little bitch the moment I want some closeness,” Rafael opens his mouth to speak, but you quickly shut him up, “Grow the fuck up cause I’m not about to stand here while you talk me down like I’m a fucking dumbass.” Your voice wavers in strength.
You refuse to give him the chance to respond to that, figuring the power in you was beginning to grow too sensitive by the second. As you leave the room you’re sure to slam the door shut. Before you could break you grab your hoodie and your phone off of the counter and rush out the door. Looking down at the notification made your chest sting, but managed to cheer you up enough to smile thankfully. It was an unknown number, but you knew who it was regardless.
[:Hey, holding up okay?]
A huff leaves your worn figure before you text back a small ‘yeah, what’s up?’ before adding him to your contacts and trugging out of the complex for a walk.
Maybe it would calm your nerves and distract you from feeling watched.
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trashdeviant · 4 years ago
Whoever x reader
Tw: despressing, alcohol
‘Everybody hates you–you’ve done nothing but harm people who get close to you. They even tell you how much they hate you and yet you sit here in a pile of yourself claiming you’re the victim when you’re nothing but a piece of shit circling the drain and becoming forgotten. Unlovable and a waste of time. Who could love somebody as bloated and weak minded as you are...’
You clutch the sides of your head as you fight the urge. A dazzling glass bottle shimmers in the corner of your watery eyes. You’ve already vowed you would quit but when it hurts this bad who are you to say no? The yearn to lose control of yourself and forget you have feeling? You would kill for that. You almost move your hand to reach it until large, warm hands engulf you in a familiar embrace.
Weren’t you alone?
Your face is hot with embarrassment but you can’t stop the choked out sob as their grip tightens. Your name is called out gently, “Hey hey what’s wrong?”
You bury your head in your hands as you stifle anymore noises. ‘You’re already disgusting as it is.’ Their head rests against your back, “Alright you don’t have to say... but maybe turn around and look at me?”
Why are they speaking so gently to you? ‘You deserve nothing but to be tossed away. Is it too late to grab the booze?’ There’s a sigh above you before you are slowly moved around. You let it happen. Considering they already know you’re crying there’s not much use in hiding it now. They raise your chin up with care.
Regardless of your quivering features, they throw you a soft gaze and a loving smile. ‘You must be such a mess. Not to mention a handful. They’re tired of you and you know it.’
Almost as if they could hear your inner thoughts they lean in to rest their forehead against yours, “I’m so sorry you’re hurting, my love... please tell me what I can do to help you?”
There wasn’t much you could say in this state. You didn’t even know what you wanted. ‘So indecisive and so pathetic. You don’t deserve them...’
“It’s okay,” you hiccup as a new flow of tears stream down your face, “I’m here for you,” your name like honey on their tongue, “... is that what’s bugging you?”
They move away just a few inches to see in your red puffy eyes that their suspicions were correct.
“Oh no...” with a swift forehead kiss they bring you closer to them just to whisper in your ear. “You mean the world to me, never forget that...” you could almost laugh at that... “I love you so much and nothing you do or say will change that... please know that you will not be forgotten... I want to grow old and disgusting with you!” They pull away to cup your face in their hands to smile at you as tears brim their eyes, “please... I love you more than you will ever know...”
You return their smile, but something is wrong. Their expression shifts into something more questionable. They ask you name in a question, “What is it? What’s wrong?”
“Nothing...” you reply with a hoarse voice, “I...”
You look down to your hand gripping a glass bottle...
“I love you too...”
you’re alone again.
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trashdeviant · 4 years ago
That makes me pretty sad but it’s better to leave and feel good then force yourself to stay and be unhappy. I just hope you’ll leave this blog up so we can reread your stuff! Love you ❤️
Well said... and of course I’ll leave this blog up... I kind of hope to return it to someday
Love you too
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trashdeviant · 4 years ago
I don’t think I’m coming back...
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trashdeviant · 4 years ago
It’s all good! Don’t worry, is you need a break that’s totally cool. Hope you feel better! Love you 💖💖💖
I’m glad to hear this it’s really comforting
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trashdeviant · 4 years ago
About to take a really long break I might get back on this in a few weeks
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trashdeviant · 4 years ago
DJSS x reader
This guy thinks he’s better than everyone like he has total incel stench
And yet you’re the only one that can make his knees so weak
He puts you on such a pedestal like royalty, but it wouldn’t start that way
You were a big pain in the ass to him with your comebacks and occasional rude remarks
Just one night you guys manage to get deep and he couldn’t get it out of his head ever since
Anyways this guy is still just a big baby
When you guys fight he has to learn that he isn’t going to win every single time and that your relationship is a give and take
But he can be a real sweetheart
Sends you flowers and does nothing but wallow around when you’re gone
Not to be pathetic but what else is a talented guy like himself supposed to do
In his world you’re the only one that can keep up in a conversation with him
Someone so fiery and oh so enlightening
He makes songs to fit your presents
Ones you dance out to at the dead of night when nothing else makes sense
Along the way you learn a lot about him as he does you
You humble him
And you seem to be the only one who can
His brightest star in this dark abyss of a galaxy
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trashdeviant · 4 years ago
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trashdeviant · 4 years ago
Also, take as long as you need, k? We are a patient bunch, so dont worry!
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trashdeviant · 4 years ago
It's okay! I'm just happy to hear from you, I sincerely hope that you are doing okay and that everything will get better for you soon. :)
Thanks man
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trashdeviant · 4 years ago
Thank you for that nasty Zuke post 😍. I was just 🥵🥵 the whole time. Your an amazing writer!! Keep up the great work 💖💖💖
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