#NSR headcanons
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nostraightheadcanons · 1 year ago
What would a Genre Swap between DJ Subatomic Supernova and SAYU be like?
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Introducing D33P S3A and SGR! The genre swaps between Sayu & DJ Subatomic Supernova!
Co designed and drawn By Mod R and Mod Nine We came up with a few things regarding them both! Read below because it gets a bit lengthy
- Sayu is no longer a virtual mermaid but a runaway alien from a planet far out of the Milky Way, she crashed landed onto the outskirts of vinyl city in her escape pod where a group of teens found her during their annual stargazing trip. (the sayu crew!) they found a mysterious lump of brightly coloured pink and blue goo inside this mysterious pod and when Tila was the first to open the hatch the goo formed to resemble someone like her. (The hair, the baggy clothes etc) The only sounds she could make at the time were her own alien language and the word Pi. The crew later named her Pisces taking inspo from the constellation - The SGR crew run a radio station that focuses on space exploration and are a Nu Disco band named SGR. (Which means Soft Gamma ray but later was changed to Star Girl Radio) The crew end up housing Pisces and try and hide the fact they have a literal wanted alien with them. She soon turns into their mascot and the lead singer for their band. Tila taught her to sing and they both sing lead. Whilst Dodo / Sofa / Remi add their own respective styles to the music. So their music is a whole mix of flavours that culminate into one groovy intergalactic disco. They’re the charters of Cast Tech; They only found out Pisces could groove once she was messing with the turntables in their studio and her goo like hands got stuck on some records on the deck. Cue impromptu groove session - The SGR crew have a way more prominent roll and influence here; They help make Cast Tech into a hub for citizens that a bit more out of this world that they let on. If you get my drift. - Personality wise she’s more than she lets on; though bubbly and curious about this new found world around her she’s actually pretty smart and strategic. She’s helping SGR build new tech and devices and is low-key their mechanic at times. Being an alien has its advantages when it comes to tech. Although music is a new addition she isn’t familiar with. She’s a bit quirky, loud and kind of out there but she means well - Mod Nine
D33P S3A: - Personality wise he still follows the canon djss arrogance. In this version D33p S3a might be more ignorant than arrogant, caring about himself and his work more than being better. Ignoring a lot that doesnt benefit or impact himself directly. This would also explain why he is the last on the leaderboard and not caring about it. - He will boast about sea and it's creatures, calling bbj amoebas and plankton's on many instances. Instead of space manipulation, he is capable of manipulating water. The ability to change size still retains and is using it in the boss battle through the phases, just like djss. - His battle goes from the shore where you meet him up into deep deep waters. In each and every phase the background gets darker and harder to beat, up until the final phase where everything seems to be almost pitch dark, safe for some visuals to fight. D33p s3as jacket seems to be have some glowing details, putting him into the spotlight. (It also seems to be reversible and have webbed hands) - His occupation is marine biologist, a well known and respected one. He spent majority of his life learning about sea. His occupation as an artist was just a side hobby, that gotten out of hand and landed him in this position. He uses the status that came with it to fund his research - Mod R
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desired-fantasy-writings · 6 months ago
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No Straight Roads Masterlist
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Please read the rules before requesting!
(If you want to check out a characters specific masterlist its linked on the name of the character.)
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DK West
Neon J
(White) Rin
(Blue) Purlhew
(Green) Eloni
(Yellow) Haym
(Red) Zimelu
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imagination-taken-seriously · 3 months ago
NSR Headcannons
Warning: Very Long Post
Eve: Around two months after the events of the game, she changed her coat out for a new one, representing herself and her desires, rather than her singleminded focus on Zuke. It's even bigger now XD.
Tatiana: Mother figure, will absolutely just hold your back to her front, using her warmth to comfort you. Anyone who sits with her long enough falls asleep.
Zuke: I imagine the fire incident would have left small scars, due to it being treated quickly and extinguised quickly. He uses make-up to hide them, because looking at them makes him uncomfortable.
Mayday: Shes the most devious tickle monster, whenever she gets the chance she squeezes someones side, making sure nobody else notices. Zuke is the main recipiant of these.
D. J. Subatomic Supernova learns hypnosis from Eve, and helps the rest of the cast with their anxiety issues. He does lighter, calmer, or goofier hypnosis with the cast of 1010.
Sayu's bloopers are extremely popular, because the actors behind her stay in character, like the muppets bloopers. Mayday doesn't have them memorized, but Zuke does.
1010 really like teasing Zuke, calling him cute, adorable, little boy, little Zuke, Zukey, and patting his head. He ends up really liking it, telling them in private to keep doing it.
Eve, after learning to appreciate Mayday, starts by wrapping blankets around her, but that slowly turns into pinning her in place, then sfw bondage. Mayday definetly enjoys having a space where she doesn't have to think, or act, or speak.
Yinu's mother is named Patricia, her father is named Jack.
Yinu teaches them about tea, and biscuits, and how to properly curtsy/bow, and eventually plays dress up with them, making them look all fancy. Patricia watches on fondly.
Zimelu often shoves people around, or pins them down, or tilts their chin up, showing off his height and strength, as well as his agression. He always makes sure not to hurt them when doing so.
Mayday will brat for tickles, and with Zimelu, he never goes easy on her. He loves using one hand to pin her arms against the wall above her head, enough to lift her a full foot off the ground at that, while using his other hand to tickle her sides until she gives in and apologizes.
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instantartific · 2 years ago
Thinking about 1010 and sentience.
And the concept of them learning it from Neon himself. Gradually, as their intelligence grew, they began to pick up certain qualities that he has and each one developed their entire beings around different parts of their Captain. The concept of them all just being different versions of a younger, far more impulsive, him.
But to a certain degree, they share certain qualities across all of them. And the thought of one of those qualities being J's paranoia.
Because they were made to perform. They were made to sing and dance and make people swoon, that's all they're meant to do. And they were meant to obey.
They were meant to obey.
Without thinking. Without wanting.
Yet, gradually. Something changes with that. They begin to have different responses to things than they're used to. Different trains of 'thought,' if it can be called that. They begin to have the slightest inklings of urges to question what they're told.
Maybe to the degree of urges to disobey. To hesitate. To want.
And the thought of these new things they begin to feel and urges they begin to have. The thought that they began as behaviors that they copied from Neon long enough that they became a part of them, too, a part of their unique identities.
And yet, even then, they have doubt.
Doubt that it's good for the unit. That it's good for their purpose. Good for their cause.
And it starts to eat away at them, little by little, until they begin to doubt everything.
Can the others tell that I've changed?
Would they tell him if I asked?
Does he already know?
And this worry, this knowledge that in the past they've been reset and overwritten over things far smaller than that. Knowing that he can alter their memories. Take things away if need be.
And it begins to drive them insane.
And they begin to lose faith.
And they begin to lose trust.
Until eventually they hold on to these new sensations and new experiences so fiercely that they choose this new sense of awareness and this new sense of identity over their fellow men.
Over their unit.
Over their captain.
Over their father.
And the thought of them being willing to do anything to keep hold of it. Just to have something that's unique to them. Something that is theirs, something that isn't forced or meant or made or programmed. Something that they own. Something that is a part of them.
And the thought of the first thing they decide to do without being told is run away.
And all of this simply because:
Like father like son.
They were born paranoid.
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vasito-de-leche · 1 year ago
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;NSR DJSS - General Headcanons
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Compilation of headcanons and analysis about DJ Subatomic Supernova and other related things.
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I got an ask asking for DJSS' love languages (don't worry! working on it!) but then it hit me that I don't think enough about DJSS to talk about love languages right away, so I'm getting this out of my system to try and fleshen out the way I write him!
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The most healthy and solid friendship DJSS has is with Eve.
Eve's post is still fresh on my mind, so it got me thinking about how DJSS and Eve are very similar - like, two sides of the same coin, or two opposites in the same spectrum. But before I get carried away, let's talk about DJSS.
Out of all megastars within NSR, DJSS is very clearly the one with the least amount of connections to other characters, at least in the way he's presented in-game. Like, all of them are connected to NSR and Tatiana because they work for her, that's obvious - but the Sayu Gang have each other, Yinu has her parents, Neon J has 1010, Eve and DK West both have Zuke and Tatiana/NSR respectively. Tatiana has Kliff, the Goolings and Mayday.
DJSS is just. There?
Maybe it's because he's the tutorial boss, but very similarly to Eve, themes of loneliness and not being appreciated enough or understood are prominent in his background. The casettes literally show him spiraling from an underappreciated but very passionate teacher to a very influential but egocentric megastar.
There's just something about how DJSS and Eve share loneliness as a theme. And how both of them also fully embody their work, becoming a personification of their craft and passions so that their self-worth and identity is DIRECTLY tied to how said passions are received and perceived. To others, music and art are simply an extension of themselves, an important part of their lives, not the whole of it. But DJSS and Eve? You can't separate them from their work. Again, the Sayu Gang are a bunch of teens bonding over a shared interest. Yinu is a megastar BECAUSE of her family, not by CHOICE, she plays the piano FOR her deceased father. Neon J is, first and foremost, a war veteran and protector of Vinyl City before he is a musician, even if dancing and music are his passions.
There is also something to be said about how their respective journeys are opposites of each other yet end the same way. They've gotten what they've wanted, but they're stagnant and unfulfilled.
We see DJSS starting as a starry-eyed teacher, thanking the THREE students AND A JANITOR who came to his lessons because he's grateful for anyone who will listen to him. He's using his passion and work to teach others and expand their minds and whatever other cool one-liners he says in his videos and cutscenes. This directly mirrors Eve, who starts as a self-loathing, deeply insecure artist who uses art as a way to cope and vent. (If you read my Eve post, throwback to the duality theme - outside and inside. DJSS is channeling his work to the world, to the outside. He's looking for people who understand him. Nadia is channeling her work to herself, to the inside. She's looking to understand herself.)
The middle part of their whole journey shows a moment of introspection and healing for both of them.
DJSS reconnects with his love for music and the reason he even became a teacher in the first place - not out of love for teaching (which is another point I wanna talk about later in this post) but for a genuine love and intrigue for the universe. After years of trying to get anyone to listen, he finally remembers how it feels to look up at the sky. He finds a way to merge both music and space as a means to further his goal.
Eve heals because she believes she's found someone who can complete her, someone who isn't herself but who can understand and see her just as good. She doesn't hide her pink side, she doesn't hide her face with her hair, she is shown to be very, very lively, excited and intense. This is the moment she realizes she can be understood and loved, all the things she saw as impossible before meeting Zuke. Her art reflects this, she can now focus on something other than hating herself.
(It's very important to me that we remember her heart piece with Zuke is made out of recycled bottles. Both DJSS and Eve were shown to have this thing for helping others - DJSS through teaching and Eve through art.)
And then, their last collectible shows them at their worst.
DJSS has finally managed to be influential enough to have thousands of people actually pay attention to what he's saying. And he explicitly says that, even though he's gotten this far, he feels empty. And he feels empty because all of his work will disappear, because he will be forgotten in a few generations. And we see how music has replaced his love for the universe, it's a subtle shift in which DJSS goes from wanting to learn and teach others about something he's deeply passionate about from wanting his music and hard work to live on forever through space.
There's a metaphor somewhere in there about DJSS' legacy being not his work as a teacher, astrophycisist or even a pillar of the EDM movement - but a few of his songs. Attached to an NSR satellite. Going through the empty void of space.
And then there's Nadia, all alone again. Because she's gotten so comfortable with the idea of being understood, that she expected Zuke to see everything the same way she did, and therefore setting his hair on fire wouldn't be that big of an issue. And this is her worst fear, but it doesn't hurt as much as she thought it would - because she's expected this to happen at some point, even when she was at her happiest with Zuke.
I want to draw a line between this moment and the way their loneliness permeates in their words and actions - DJSS who has tried for years to reach out to like-minded people, finally has an audience that respects him, he still feels unfulfilled and empty. And he further distances himself from everything by setting his sights and his legacy on THE COLD VACUUM OF SPACE. Eve, who has always believed she would end up alone, IS NOW ALONE AND ABANDONED (from her perspective anyways, since it would be unfair to say Zuke was a horrible monster for leaving a relationship this complex) and yet she doubles down on finding someone like her.
DJSS states that no one is able to think like him, no one within NSR shares his ambition nor vision - he's resigned. Eve states that she will bring everyone to her level one way or another - she's desperate. Two sides of the same coin. Two extreme opposites in the same spectrum.
It all boils down to believing that somewhere out there, whether in Vinyl City or the universe, there's someone who can really appreciate them.
The two conceal a sense of inferiority, the difference being that Eve's comes from a place of pure, genuine hatred for herself (if her work can't be understood, she can't be understood. if her work can't be appreciated, she can't be appreciated) and DJSS' comes from a place of blind confidence in his own potential and ideas (if his work cannot be understood, it's because no one has the ability to understand it. if his work cannot be appreciated, it's because no one is sensible enough to appreciate it).
There is also something about how, at their worst and/or when they feel threatened, they seem to switch?
This is most notable in Eve's boss fight, in which she acts condescending and dismissive to both Mayday and Zuke - saying all the things she knows will hurt just for the sake of hurting Zuke. She establishes her superiority over those who can't understand her, similar to how DJSS treats B2J initially. And in DJSS' case, hints of this reversal can be heard in his casettes, already explained above. He somewhat resembles Eve during her final section, a resigned and numb acceptance to being alone.
I think these two would be friends because they would be able to recognize their similarities - not openly address them, mind you, that's too much for either of them to handle - but enough to just chill with each other. There is an underlying feeling of understanding between them, even if all they do is hang out to do superficial things, gossip or rant about work.
And I like to think they're both fine with this arrangement, because sometimes people need relationships that aren't mentally or emotionally exhausting or intense! Sometimes you just need a buddy who shares a similar trauma that neither of you will address and who wants to go bitch about Stacy from HR! It's an unlikely friendship that surprises everyone, but once they stop to think about it, it just makes sense for them to click - at least with the façades they present to the world.
No matter how hard he tries to rebrand, DJSS knows that he'll always be a teacher at heart. Not necessarily a good one, but a teacher anyway.
I really like that one post I saw through the NSR tag about how DJSS makes sense as the tutorial boss because he used to be a teacher, we can assume that there was a time in his life where he loved to teach and shape the minds of the future generations. It's a little meta connection that makes sense to me!
And I like to think that this is something that DJSS can't ever get rid of - the need to just teach. It can come across as DJSS not being able to shut his mouth when it comes to telling people why they're wrong and why he's right, but at the end of the day, he's still trying to clarify misconceptions and teach others new things. It just happens through layers and layers of his condescending attitude.
Of course, this also doesn't apply to just teaching, it applies to learning as well.
DJSS strikes me as someone curious and very driven, instead of asking others why, he sets out to find out answers himself - either because it's easier and faster, because he has something to prove, because of he's so full of autism and hyperfixates easily or whatever other reasoning you like the most.
I like the idea of a DJSS who knows his worth and knows he shouldn't bother trying to argue with people who clearly don't care about facts, logic and research, let alone putting the effort to learn or have an open mind - those simpletons who aren't worth his time - but still struggles with keeping his mouth shut.
During his boss fight, he immediately dismisses B2J because they're small fry, they're not even here for him, they're here for inconsequential reasons that he doesn't have time for. Why should he even entertain them? AND THEN HE DOES. HE GETS RILED UP AND JUST GOES ON TO TALK ABOUT HIS ENDEAVORS AND GOALS ANYWAY.
He REALLY reads as a guy who makes the funniest of jokes and can't help but explain them anyway - and he gets away with it most of the time.
Very organized, detail-oriented person, loves routine and to plan things beforehand. DJSS cannot stand spontaneous decisions and has a hard time adapting to sudden changes.
Sometimes it might be easy to forget that DJSS is most likely the smartest member of NSR as a whole, specifically because of the way he acts and presents himself typically - even if he makes a point of constantly reminding others of his intellect and academic achievements. But! Nothing escapes DJSS' keen vision.
Out of other members of NSR, Tatiana trusts DJSS the most to keep up with his responsibilities as charter and many other projects benefitial for the company, like the rocket launch! He's proven time and time again that he's more than competent to be left to his own devices. Even if he doesn't care much for the other megastars, he still shows up on time for meetings and speaks his mind on things that need addressing (that he considers worth addressing, at least), never pulling his punches when offering his opinion.
Literally that kind of annoying coworker that loves to nitpick and someone you don't get along with but who makes the best points and arguments ever.
I like to think this is reflected in his position in Vinyl City - he's the furthest away from the NSR Tower, because he requires little to no supersion at all. He's also closest to the heart of Vinyl City: Festival Plaza and the Grand Qwasa, maybe because he can absolutely take care of any problems that might arise with it.
Even if he's extremely dismissive, DJSS does remember the people he works with - mostly based on their skills and how useful they are, just so he can know who to send away and who to keep around. He doesn't remember your name, but he remembers that you're competent enough to do a quick check on his turntables or other equipment. That sort of thing.
DJSS likes when things go his way, the way he expects things to be, the way he planned them out to be. He thinks of every possible outcome and prepares for it, without going overboard as to hinder his progress. So he can live with someone on his team messing up the rocket launch procedure - because that was already something he expected that would happen, even if he throws a little fit about it. But he can't deal with suddenly being told that someone else will handle the rocket launch entirely - because that's just not a possibility in his mind.
I can see DJSS being a fan of to-do lists or spreadsheets to stay on top of his game. He doesn't need them, he remembers everything he needs to, but hey, it's a fun flex!
I also just remembered one of the interactable things in Cast Tech - a drone that Zuke comments on, saying:
 "It must have crashed from all the conflicting signals. DJ Subatomic Supernova really likes the idea of blasting his signal into space..."
Which makes me think that yes, DJSS is great at solving things, he's careful and meticulous, doing anything to ensure his success in whatever he sets out to do - but his tunnel vision makes him careless enough to overlook some of the most obvious things in the world. Like how blasting his own signal might disrupt every other drone in the city or mess with other machines.
And this whole point is totally not me subtly trying to write DJSS in a way that compliments the way I perceive Neon J because I think the ship is fun and their dynamic is even funnier, absoluTELY NOT LETS MOVE ON
Cast Tech is the most academic district in Vinyl City. Basically paradise for nerds.
The same way Eve supports the arts in Dream Fever by having a lot of galleries and art studios, it makes sense that DJSS would support academic endeavors by having schools and other academic institutions, funding people's research and etc. It's another little thing that ties in with his background as a teacher.
In-game, Cast Tech is basically a short main road with two or three paths that lead to small areas. It's very lackluster compared to the rest of districts and I blame that on the way the game is structured, showing the boss first and then the district - plus the fact that DJSS is the tutorial boss so by proxy, he gets less content. But it's serviceable enough for the main plot in the game, which is to show us that NSR can be superficial, shallow and careless company.
And I'd like to argue that, maybe, the area Mayday and Zuke go through within Cast Tech, is not meant to be representative of the entire district. It feels more like an area meant for tourists or general NSR propaganda that ended up flopping massively because people weren't that interested?
DJSS is a megastar, sure, but he's not shown being that much of a public figure outside of advertisement. Compare him to any other member - Sayu and 1010's popularity rely on their fanbase, because they're public figures. Eve is an artist, we also see her dabble in all types of art, not just music, even fashion! Yinu is a literal child, but she's still in advertisements for healthy food and drinks.
Did you notice how Cast Tech and Club Planetarium are the only places that lack NPCs? Unique NPCs to be more exact, like Celine in Dream Fever, Mia in Festival Plaza, Yiruk in Metro Division, etc. People who most likely live there?
Once again, DJSS is an outlier. It makes sense to me that, even though this area has a statue of him and a store selling products based on him, literally just revolving around him, playing his advertisements and etc it's not... That important overall within his district. Even the Planetarium where he hosts concerts has a bunch of small stores outside, nothing grand. Even though it's HIS district, he's NOT the focus, ironically.
I would love to get into details about how the actual district works and what goes around, but I dropped out of my bachelor's degree and I don't know enough about science to get super in-depth about it! So anyone who DOES know or wants to develop this more, feel free!
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nosleepuntilvacation · 9 months ago
NSR Pokemon Trainers: More Concepts
What if Eve has a Meowth who helps her find shiny things for her art? (Her main battling pokemon might be a Psychic-type; she might also have a Ground-type because she compares herself to earth.)
Nova has all sorts of space pokemon, and hopes to make a groundbreaking discovery about the connection between pokemon and space someday
Elliegator is a Feraligatr - and she can still pilot a helicopter. Zuke claims this is her using Fly.
DK West's main pokemon is Tauros, but he also has a Chatot who loves to shout "Ewah!" almost as much as he does.
What if West also had a Shedinja? It fits with his shadow theme, and with that line from Zuke: "A small push and he'll sure drop loud!"
Maybe Zuke could have the Ninjask?
Yinu has a Budew and a yellow-flower Flabebe. She's too young to go on a journey, but she studies a lot for when she's old enough, and the adults are happy to help her.
May add more later.
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shelf-of-knicknacks · 4 months ago
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More doodles
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prittiswaggy-co · 5 months ago
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Made this at 3am *frog blink*
Tessa neglecting her own needs to work on drones but J is here :3
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moussedoodles · 7 months ago
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"Love makes reality invisible, and no one around you can understand why you do the things you do, for something that can cause you so much pain. Because you know after all the fighting, tears, and uncertainty, it’s all worth it."
– Auliq Ice
I've got exams in two weeks, let me have this 😭
anyways a quick painting test with the boys on their first date (ever, in White's case) because I like them a normal amount✌️
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bunk-bed-blorbos · 7 months ago
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One of the Devs said that DK West's shadow powers could run in his family. I had an idea from there...
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nostraightheadcanons · 11 months ago
There are other ways to become an NSR artist or Megastar:
1. Auditions including lights up and private 1 on 1. I headcanon DJSS joined NSR through public audition while eVe joined NSR through private.
2. Nepotism the most controversial. I headcanon Yinu became a megastar because both of her parents were associated with NSR.
3. Invitations when a certain music genre gets popular NSR would observe this an see if there is a potential for any artists to join the record label and reach out to potential artist. I headcanon that's how Sayu and 1010 joined NSR
See, I actually have a similar headcanon that the lights-up audition isn’t like, the only way in which musicians can become part of NSR? Like, I figure that realistically NSR would have other routes through which someone can end up joining their ranks, though the lights-up audition is one that allows more of an opportunity for indie musicians to join their ranks compared to other routes (That said though, whether they're exactly fair in their judgment of who gets to join NSR is... Likely a subject of debate, since I imagine they would likely still be more inclined towards musicians who have amassed higher status...) The one on one private auditions are interesting though as a possibility, I kind of wonder if those would have stricter standards to meet in order to even land yourself a 1-on-1 audition? I'd imagine that likely would be the case but hm. Also! I've always held the headcanon that NSR absolutely does seek out musicians who are considered the best of the best within their respective genres- I figure that musicians who manage to amass a certain level of popularity, proving themselves to be at the top, typically end up on NSR's radar? To which they would keep tabs on said musicians & weigh in whether to extend out an invite to said musician, attempting to recruit them as part of their own record label basically? & It makes sense that they'd do this, because like, if you can get the best of the best musicians out there to join your record label, then that would only help improve their image in the industry--sending the message of their importance in the industry if they're able to somehow get all the top musicians to join their ranks so willingly
Nepotism absolutely would land them under a critical eye by the public though, no doubt--& I can also see that as a possibility as the case for how Yinu became part of NSR tbh
But I very much dig these hcs cause I've always thought a bit about how surely the lights-up audition isn't the only means by which NSR would acquire musicians, so yeah :0c
-⚸ Is♄tar ♇
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desired-fantasy-writings · 6 months ago
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DK West Relationship Headcanons
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Requested by: I forgot Warnings: None Readers Gender: Gender Neutral Fanfic Type: Headcanons Fanfic Genre: Fluff Word Count: 345
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• When I say this man loves his S/O, he REALLY loves them.
• He's just a total simp for his S/O, and would do (mostly) anything for them.
• Is a legit softie towards them. He just loves them that much.
• Barley yells or argues with his S/O, but sometimes he can't help it and it slips through.
• He immediately apologies if anything like that happens. He hates yelling at his S/O or making them upset in any way; especially when he’s well aware how he may be intimidating to some cause of his big tall statue. It doesn't make the situation any better in that case.
• Even then sometimes he lets his ego get out of hand, but his S/O puts him in line which he appreciates in a way. They keep him grounded from straying too far.
• If they’re willing to, West would be thrilled to teach his S/O Malaysian. He loved his culture and loved sharing it with others, after all.
• If DK West’s S/O know any languages besides English, he'd be ready and willing to learn their language(s) as well. 
• Cause he wants to learn more about his S/O, their life, and culture, just as much as he wants his S/O to learn more about his. Sharing is caring!
• Every once in a while, he'll buy his S/O gifts out of no where.
• He's not a big fan of gifts himself though as he finds quality time to be more meaningful, but he sees how much his S/O loves them and buys you things anyway. West just can’t get over how much he loves the new sudden glow on their face whenever he does.
• He does however appreciate his S/O taking the time out of their schedule to give him things too.
• West is the kind of man that prefers getting to know his S/O more and more as the days go on, and spending time with them is what he loves more then anything else in the world.
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invisibleintrovertartist · 2 months ago
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I've been playing around with my Neon J gijinka's desing lately. I tried a more complex looking approach, instead of the simplistic, quick and easy way that I've favoured so far (because I'm usually not very keen on drawing detailed stuff [because I'm lazy]). I took inspiration from some of my old sketches + other artists' designs that I've seen: @homiu-l and @frozen-planet are some notable examples. I'll continue improving upon the design, since I'm not satisfied with this one and I'm also still too attached to the current one. The moustache and the mullet are not going anywhere though (nor are the smiles or flirty looks).
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gilfhunter069 · 2 months ago
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G in Gray stands for Girl.
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instantartific · 2 years ago
Thoughts for the day: what if Neon's age is so vague either because he's unnecessarily secretive with it... or he genuinely can't remember his exact age. He knows an approximate age.
Because for him to be a cyborg and still depend on his actual human brain and even able to see through the radar, not just being an android based on a real person, that means his brain was actively connected to his cybernetics in some way. Let alone the fact that his brain was removed from his skull but was reconnected somewhere else and is implied to still be living tissue.
Which raises the possibility of his memories, emotional regulation, impulse control, and many other things being damaged and he's simply been working with the results of that all this time.
Either he may very well have brain damage from what happened to him or he's actually an AI that's so far gone he's not even aware of it anymore.
Maybe some days he's not so sure himself.
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vasito-de-leche · 2 years ago
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;NSR MAYDAY - General Headcanons
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Compilation of general headcanons and analysis about Mayday and other Mayday related things.
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I just needed an excuse to fleshen out / analyze Mayday and any HCs I have for her bc I'm thinking soooo much about this game <3 there's also Zuke stuff in here because you can't talk abt one without the other lmfao
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Aside from music, Mayday and Zuke share an interest for fixing, modding and tinkering with machines (any piece of tech discarded out in the streets).
Their approach to reverse engineering all the tech they get is different - Mayday focuses on recycling to build something entirely new and more powerful, while Zuke focuses on fixing and perfecting whatever it is that he's tinkering with, to make it more precise.
This is most notable with their respective instruments. Mayday's guitar is 100% built from scratch, spare parts and passion, it's also modded and tuned to her liking. This means that she's literally the ONLY person who can understand how it works, and why she couldn't replace her old guitar once it was destroyed at the end of the game. Meanwhile, Zuke opts for using NSR-brand drumsticks - the best of the best in the market - which he mods to work better with his way of playing.
The workshop in their base is attributed to Zuke because he's the one who cleared out the area to have all of their little projects located in an organized spot, since most of their living quarters were filled with unfinished projects, wrenches and bolts everywhere and so on. This is because Mayday has a very short attention span and gets attached easily, so she never has the time to finish anything nor the heart to discard her projects - especially when she keeps drawing faces onto everything.
A lot of their equipment was just made by Mayday herself, since she needed speakers strong enough to withstand the power of her guitar without getting fried after every performance. Many of their mutual friends see Zuke as the genius of the duo, but he insists that Mayday is the one doing most of the carry for B2J.
Both Mayday and Zuke got into music because of their loved ones.
It's canon that DK West is the reason Zuke got into music, and I like to think family was also one of the main reasons Mayday got into music, namely rock. One of her dialogues in-game mentions how her grandma used to listen and sing to the Goolings with her using an old radio, despite not knowing the lyrics nor understanding the music.
Whereas Zuke was influenced by his brother's rap career to give music a try, it was kind of the reverse for Mayday - rock music became a big interest for her from a young age, and her family supported her wholeheartedly. They would take her to concerts, buy merch for her whenever it was possible and basically hype her up. Her father can probably name every different phase and era in Mayday's childhood and teenage years based on the groups she was into at the time.
Judging from dialogue, I think it's implied that Mayday was born and raised in Vinyl City, and that she never really travelled outside. So it's not impossible for her family to attend her first concerts (in small, local venues as a teenager, before she and Zuke even met) and her proper debut in B2J. Her family is also the first ones to receive official B2J merch, shirts that she and Zuke designed and that look AWFUL but that they love all the same.
I think this family aspect also ties in nicely with the base game, specifically Yinu's fight since it's the first moment of tension for Mayday and Zuke in which they realize they might not be the good guys for hijacking concerts.
For Mayday, music is a lifestyle, not something to be forced onto people - she goes directly against NSR because of the EDM enforcement and the rock ban, after all. So it makes sense to me that she becomes a bit too engrossed in fighting Yinu's mother, someone who is directly puppeteering her own child and represents parents who live vicariously through their talented kids, to the point where she also forgets that Yinu is a child. A fact that she also initially brushes aside herself since Yinu is part of NSR.
I don't know, I just like when characters are flawed and multifaceted! Mayday and Zuke should be allowed to be hypocrites, as a treat.
Mayday taught herself how to play.
My personal agenda is to also hype up Mayday for being a music genius at 21, so yeah! I like to think she's 100% self-taught, which parallels Zuke's musical education rather nicely. They're both extremely good in their own unique ways.
She used to play by ear, trying to figure out how to play her favorite songs when she was younger, and later began to actually study music notation and so on.
When spontaneously coming up with new melodies and songs for B2J, she mostly uses her phone to record herself singing, as opposed to Zuke immediately needing to jot down everything.
It took awhile for Mayday to pick up and use Kul Fyra's guitar.
After the events of the game, Mayday ABSOLUTELY needed some time to properly process everything - her dialogue is all about realizing that she was in the wrong and reconsider the reason she picked up music in the first, wondering if she began to rebel against NSR because she couldn't cope with B2J and rock (two things very dear to her heart) being rejected, etc. So she wouldn't have had the heart to use her idol's guitar without coming to terms with a lot of things first.
My favorite headcanon to think about is that the cutscene at the very end, during Tatiana's speech, is of Mayday and Zuke performing after B2J's hiatus, after they both help each other mature and grow up a bit. And Mayday using Kul Fyra's guitar is symbolic of her renewed love in music and taking Tatiana's words to heart - "where I have failed, I want you to go beyond".
Mayday doesn't have any powers unique to herself.
I KNOW, I KNOW - it's kind of UNFAIR since EVERYONE has WORLD BENDING ABILITIES AND WHATEVER. Even Zuke is implied to have inherited DK West's shadow puppets and all, BUT consider THE FOLLOWING....THAT'S THE POINT.....
Every major character in NSR represents a type of musician or figure in the industry - and I'm not sure if it was meant to be read like this or not, but Zuke reads as that type of person who has really good connections with important figures, who had the chance to pursue higher education and afford expensive equipment, who is knowledgeable when it comes to the ins and outs of the industry BECAUSE he was there to see and experience it all firsthand (if we're taking into account the fact that DK West was implied to be a revolutionary activist related to NSR). He's even the one who is the most reluctant to go against NSR and gives them the benefit of the doubt, which can easily be attributed to him being the calm and collected, reasonable half of the duo but also because he personally knows EVE (and DK West if you count him as an important major figure). He's a huge fucking nerd with a degree and it makes sense that he's the one giving ALL the information about the music industry when interacting with all the objects around Vinyl City.
But May? Her dialogue is all about more common things, the way she talks about certain people shows that she knew them personally, that they were friends or acquaintances from all over town instead of the important figures Zuke speaks of. She complains a lot about the fact that from a surface level, NSR does look like a bunch of sellouts and really offers that underdog vibe in B2J. She has NO connections to ANY major character in NSR other than being a fan of Kul Fyra. We know virtually nothing about her backstory too.
So to me it makes sense that Mayday lacks any sort of unique and incredible ability, as she IS part of the little guys that B2J fight for. The underdogs that get brushed aside for whatever reason, because they're not relevant or seen as profitable and so on. She represents the artists who are naive, full of passion for their craft and determination to make their dreams work regardless of how cruel the industry might be.
My personal hot take is that instead of powers and some innate talent, Mayday offers something else: deep connections with people.
This example might not click with everyone since it's how I personally perceived the music and all and I actually know absolutely nothing about music other than It Sounds Good and It Makes Me Want To Dance, but yknow!
When listening to the B2J solos, there are times when Zuke's solo is very aggressive and almost takes over the entire song, which makes sense since it's a solo and they ARE trying to win over EDM. But Mayday's solos blend in so well with the base track of each boss fight, like she really is trying to match their vibe using her own genre rather than fight for the spotlight.
This is most noticeable in Eve's fight - both Zuke and Mayday's solos match Eve's base track perfectly. You can understand why Zuke would match her, since they know each other intimately and when you explore Dream Fever, he's the one giving ALL the in-depth explanations about Eve's vision when creating her sculptures and art. But Mayday would have no reason to match Eve at all, she doesn't understand any of her art let alone know her as a person. And still, the ONE thing Zuke tells Eve at the end of the fight is that if Eve came to know Mayday the way he does, she would like her as well. Zuke is happier being Mayday's friend and bandmate despite the fact that he's Mayday's antithesis, than being part of a big company and records label with his super hot girlfriend.
I like to think that Mayday's solos, the fact that she is Zuke's direct opposite in almost every way, that she's closely tied to the regular people and citizens of Vinyl City and that piece of dialogue from Zuke are a testament to Mayday's ability to really reach out to people through music. Not to say that her power is just friendship, but just the fact that she can adapt and come to understand anyone - as long as it's in a musical setting.
Personally I like it more when Mayday is just a regular girl without unique powers, but you could take these aspect of her and turn them into its own power!
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