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You did not deserve this
This is not your fault
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Thank you.
I would have never walked away.
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You can miss someone without inviting them back into your life 💕
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Whose voice is it? It’s not yours.
You were not born this way.
You do not deserve to talk to yourself the way that you do.
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“I want to be so sure of your love
that my anxieties starve and die”
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From ellipsis… to period.
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It isn’t your fault. It was never your fault.
Destroying things is who they are, just as loving deeply is who you are.
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😭 I just can’t do it today
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You can try (and try, you did).
And the mess. Oh, the mess.
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Houseplants grow better when spoken to kindly and are surrounded by music. Give yourself at least some of that same grace 💕🎶🎵🫶
You don’t help a plant grow by berating it for not being big enough yet or comparing it to other plants that have grown faster - you help it grow by giving it the water and soil and fertiliser and space and sunlight it needs to give it the best chance of flourishing. And if it needs it, you give it something to lean against to help it grow tall if it’s struggling to stand up by itself.
That’s how you should treat yourself - give yourself the tools and care you need to flourish, and don’t be afraid to lean on other things for support if you need to. It’s easier to flourish that way 🌸
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I’m exhausted by strength.
I don’t want to be complimented on how well I take my life’s difficulties.
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I think about you all the time
Almost as if I could feel it
I have no proof, no solid two lines
But I refused to be defeated
My body isn’t meant to carry you
but all I want is to hold
a new life inside of me
is that really too much, too bold?
Becoming a mother was honestly
the hardest, most wonderful thing
it’s given me purpose
a new way to walk through life
I can’t think of anything I want more
than to become mom of another little soul
I think about you every hour
but tests have told me no
I just can’t help but have this feeling
you’re on your way
into our lives
like a firework
to make an entrance
that no one could miss
and the crowd will ooh and ahh.
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Are you sure?
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