The Unabashed Epicurean
283 posts
Interior design, architecture and lifestyle bloggerL’Art de Vivre
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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The Embarkation for Cythera, Jean-Antoine Watteau, 1717. #jeanantoinewatteau #theembarkationforcythera #museedulouvre #paris #18thcentury #18thcenturyart #rococo #rococostyle #rococoart #art #artwork #artist #frenchart #frenchartist #frenchpainter #painting #royalacademyofpaintingandsculpture #fetegalante #love #cupid #mythology #cherub #artdetail #arthistory #historypainter #allegory #allegoryoflove #allegoricalpainting #younglove #frenchrococo
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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The Napoleon III Apartments at the Louvre, part II. #museedulouvre #louvre #paris #france #napoleon #napoleoniii #napoleoniiiapartments #museum #gallery #palace #royalpalace #apartments #empirestyle #secondempire #empresseugenie #velvet #gold #art #artworks #decor #decoration #frenchdecorativearts #frenchdecorativeantiques #19thcentury #interiors #interior #interiordecor #interiordecorating #interiordecoration #interiordecorator (at Musse Du Louvre Paris, France)
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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Karl Lagerfeld photographed in front of a gold copy of the Venus de’ Medici in the Chanel Garden at the Chelsea Flower Show, 1998. Photograph via Vogue #karllagerfeld #chelseaflowershow #london #chanel #cocochanel #chanelgarden #1998 #vogue #voguemagazine #venusdemedici #statue #sculpture #venus #gardendesign #gardenart #gardenarchitecture #cabinetdeverdure #installation #camelias #flowers #foliage ##baroque #baroquegarden #designer #fashiondesigner #creativedirector #artist #photographer #collector (at Chelsea, London)
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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The Hôtel Camondo, home to one of the finest collections of 18th century French decorative art in the world. The gilded rooms are adorned with canvases by the likes of François-Hubert Drouais and Élisabeth Vigée Lebrun. The museum teems with further Ancien Régime treasures, from Riesner and Oeben cabinets, Beauvais and Aubusson tapestries, Savonnerie carpets from the Grande Galerie in the Louvre, to fine pieces of resplendent Sévres porcelain. No amount of beauty, however, can make one forget the story of the great family that once lived inside this glittering palace. Photograph by Musée des Arts Décoratifs #museenissimdecamondo #hotelcamondo #ruemonceau #paris #france #hotelparticulier #museum #frenchdecorativearts #frenchdecorativeantiques #ancienregime #francoisherbertdrouais #elizabethvigeelebrun #riesener #oeben #beauvais #aubusson #savonnerie #tapestry #sevres #sevresporcelain #georgesjacob #houdon #18thcentury #18thcenturyinterior #antiquefurniture #interiors #interior #decor #art #interiordecor (at Musée Nissim-de-Camondo)
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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Detail of a Louis XVI fauteuil decorated with neoclassical Aladdin’s-lamp motif and ‘grotteschi’ patterned screen, in the bedroom of Catherine Dior, at the Château de la Colle Noir, Provence. Photograph by Ricardo Labougle #chateaudelacollenoire #lacollenoire #cotedazur #provence #christiandior #dior #catherinedior #chateau #provençal #bedroom #bedroominterior #bedroomdesign #fauteuil #louisxvifauteuil #furniture #18thcentury #18thcenturyfurniture #neoclassical #neoclassicism #interior #grotesque #motif #interiors #interiordecor #interiordecorating #interiordecoration #interiordecorator #interiordesign #designer #interiordesigner (at Provence, France)
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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The Archduke Leopold Wilhelm in his Painting Gallery in Brussels, David Teniers the Younger, 1651. #davidteniers #davidtenierstheyounger #flemishbaroque #flemishbaroqueart #baroque #baroqueart #baroquestyle #flemishart #flemishpainting #flemishart #flemishartist #art #artwork #artist #archdukeleopoldwilhelminhisgallery #17thcentury #17thcenturyart #arthistory #artdetails #museodelprado #brussels #titian #giorgione #veronese #tintoretto #peterpaulrubens #raphael #jangossaert #parisbordone #palmavecchio #anthonyvandyck (at Museo del Prado)
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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A view of Susan Gutfreund’s apartment at 834 Fifth Avenue. Photography by Visko Hatfield #susangutfreund #fifthavenue #834fifthavenue #newyork #newyorkcity #apartment #henrisamuel #interior #interiors #decor #decoration #chinoiserie #decorating #design #interiordesign #interiordesigner #interiordecor #interiordecoration #interiordecorating #interiordecorator #lamps #silks #fabrics #decorativearts #decorativeantiques #chinoiseriepanels #trellis #wintergarden #wintergardenroom #frenchdecorativearts (at Fifth Avenue)
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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Villa Gastel, the palatial Lake Como family home of celebrated photographer Guido Taroni. Before the present chatelaine took possession, the Villa had a glittering history of owners including her uncle, the director Luchino Visconti, who hosted the likes of Maria Callas, Helmut Berger and Coco Chanel at his elegant soirées. Photography by Guido Taroni #villagastel #lakecomo #lombardy #italy #guidotaroni #luchinovisconti #mariacallas #helmutberger #cocochanel #villa #italianvilla #villadeste #interior #interiors #decor #design #decoration #interiordesign #interiordesigner #interiordecor #interiordecorating #interiordecoration #interiordecorator #frescoes #trompeloeil #porcelain #chandelier #sculpture #decorativeantiques #decorativearts (at Lake Como, Italy)
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the chicest of all? The last Queen of Paris, comtesse Jacqueline de Ribes, photographed in June, 1986. Photograph via Vogue #jacquelinederibes #lastqueenofparis #fashiondesigner #patronofthearts #artspatron #designer #aristocrat #producer #businesswoman #philanthropist #socialite #jetset #internationalbestdressedlist #vogue #voguemagazine #styleicon #countess #comtesse #icon #interior #interiors #design #decor #decoration #flowers #interiordecor #interiordecorating #interiordecoration #interiordecorator #interiordesign (at Nashville, Tennessee)
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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In 1685, the master cabinetmaker Alexandre-Jean Oppenordt received a commission from Louis XIV for 2 desks for his small rooms, which were situated behind the Hall of Mirrors. The desks were sumptuously finished with première partie marquetry, brass plaques, red tortoiseshell, and monograms of the King’s ciphers. One of these magnificent desks now stands on show at The Met, whilst the other, after passing through various fabulous hands in Europe, was repatriated back to France, being having been classified as a National Treasure. After a long and careful restoration, the desk today proudly stands in the Salon de l’Abondance, back home in Versailles. Photograph by Christophe Fouin #chateaudeversailles #versailles #palaceofversailles #salondelabondance #france #louisxiv #alexandrejeanoppenordt #cabinetmaker #17thcentury #royalapartments #decorativearts #frenchdecorativearts #frenchdecorativeantiques #antiquefurniture #ancienregime #frenchbaroque #portraits #painting #writingdesk #interiors #decor #decoration #marquetry #tortoishell #pearl #sculpture #interiordecor #interiordecorating #interiordecoration #interiordecorator (at Château de Versailles)
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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Is anybody else excited for season 2 of The Gilded Age? I’m in desperate need for some period drama! Photograph by Alison Cohen Rosa #thegildedage #hbo #julianfellowes #thegildedageseason2 #historicaldrama #perioddrama #periodcostume #19thcentury #fifthavenue #uppereastside #manhattan #newyork #newport #rhodeisland #setdesign #design #dramaseries #interior #interiors #decor #decoration #ceramics #sculpture #furniture #interiordecor #interiordecoration #interiordecorating #interiordecorator #interiordesign #interiordesigner (at New York)
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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Glorious Blythdunes, the French-style Palm Beach showplace of Jayne Wrightsman, doyen of New York society. Throughout her life, Mrs. Wrightsman was an avid collector of decorative arts from the ancien régime, amassing the finest private collection in the United States. Naturally then, when designing and decorating her new home, she retained the greatest tastemakers, including Stéphane Boudin, Henri Samuel and the Paris based firm Denning & Fourcade. I always find it so extraordinary that Mrs. Wrightsman had the parquet de Versailles from the Palais Royal in Paris lifted, transported across The Atlantic and installed at her beloved Blythedunes. #palmbeach #miami #florida #blythedunes #jaynewrightsman #artcollector #socialite #philanthropist #palmbeachflorida #interior #interiors #chinoiserie #chinesewallpaper #chinoiseriewallpaper #frenchdecorative #decorativearts #decorativeantiques #frenchdecorativeantiques #ancienregime #stephaneboudin #henrisamuel #denningandfourcade #decor #decoration #interiordesign #interiordesigner #interiordecor #interiordecoration #interiordecorating #interiordecorator (at Palm Beach, Florida)
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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Marie Antoinette’s Music/Reception Room at the Petit Trianon, Versailles. #petittrianon #chateaudeversailles #versailles #palaceofversailles #marieantoinette #louisxvi #musicroom #receptionroom #neoclassical #chateau #18thcentury #angejacquesgabriel #richardmique #louisxv #madamedepompadour #madamedubarry #neoclassicalinterior #neoclassicism #marieantoinettestyle #interior #interiors #decor #decoration #interiordecor #interiordecorating #interiordecoration #interiordecorator #interiordesign #interiordesigner #frenchdecorativearts (at Petit Trianon)
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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The great Renzo Mongiardino photographed at his home in Milan, by Massimo Listri, 1989. #renzomongiardino #massimolistri #milan #italy #interiordesigner #decorator #architect #productiondesigner #photographer #interior #interiors #design #decoration #interiordecor #interiordecorating #interiordecoration #interiordecorator #art #furniture #books #antiques #renzomongiardinointeriors #decorativearchitecture #roomscape #legend #designlegend #illusion #interiorstyling #interiorstyle #italiandesigner (at Milan, Italy)
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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La Colle Noire, the Provençal chateau of Christian Dior. Photography by Ricardo Labougle #lacollenoire #christiandior #dior #provence #provençal #chateau #france #designer #fashiondesigner #frenchfashiondesigner #interior #interiors #interiordesign #interiordesigner #decor #decoration #interiordecor #interiordecorating #interiordecoration #interiordecorator #sculpture #art #books #decorativearts #frenchdecor #frenchdecorativearts #decorativeantiques #antiques #antiquefurniture #restoration (at Provence, France)
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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Spanish Women on Balcony, Georges Jules Victor Clairin, c. 1919. #georgesjulesvictorclairin #spanishwomenonthebalcony #art #artwork #artist #20thcentury #20thcenturyart #frenchart #frenchartist #painting #painter #frenchpainter #illustrator #frenchorientalists #orientalist #orientalistart #movement #artmovement #arthistory #artcollection #artdetail #details #flowers #balcony #ironwork #drapes #costume #dress #beauxarts #sarahbernhardt (at Somewhere)
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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Villa Medici, the Mannerist Villa of Grand Duke and Cardinal Ferdinand de’ Medici, now the French Academy in Rome. The Villa, and its idyllic gardens, are a ‘must-visit’ when in Rome, to escape the bustling crowds of the nearby Spanish Steps. The bordering Borghese Gardens and Galleria Borghese are two of my favourite places to visit. Of course, no trip to Rome would be complete without a stop at the famous Harry’s Bar, which is just a short walk from the Borghese Gallery. Photography by a François Halard #villamedici #rome #italy #frenchacademyinrome #louisxiv #francoishalard #villa #mannerism #mannerist #spanishsteps #galleriaborghese #borghesegardens #harrysbarroma #interior #interiors #16thcentury #decor #design #decoration #interiordecor #interiordecorating #interiordecoration #interiordecorator #interiordesign #interiordesigner #sculpture #bust #furniture #renaissance #art (at Villa Medici)
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