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asuddensway · 5 months ago
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Maison Martin Margiela line 10 tromp l’œil printed t shirt
S/S 2007
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iamvika · 4 months ago
Шкатулка и всё её содержимое 🐌
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damienarthaud · 2 years ago
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#lecouloir #❤️ #trompeloeil #été #faience #fruits #legumes #ambiance #figueres #marseille #savoirfaire #faitmain #art #artist #pichet #barbotine #coupe #vert #espoir #decoration #decor #deco #france #damienarthaud #5 #rueaugustecomte #lyon @quartieraugustecomte (à Le Couloir Damien Arthaud) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqQj5e2oue3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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annikavelde · 2 years ago
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.:ANATOMY:. Head: LeLutka - Ceylon Body: Ebody - Reborn Hair: Yomi - Soleil *NEW* @ Anthem Face Scar: Hollow - War Devil - Healed Horns: AH - Cursed Horns Squish Arms:  MAZE - Soft Arms
.:CLOTHING:. Arm Ribbons: MAZE - Ribbons for Soft Arms Top/Skirt: Aloe - Yin Set *NEW* @ Anthem Nip Chopsticks: Aloe - Yin Chopsticks *NEW* @ Mainstore Harness: NANAO - Gigi Harness *NEW* @ Whore Couture Fair Leg Ribbons: Aloe - Yin Geta *NEW* @ Anthem
.:SCENE:. Background: Trompe Loeil - Emiko Courtyard Cottage Hanging Lanterns: Anc - Camellia Lanterns - Dark Red past gacha Floor Lantern: Cerberus Xing - Bon Chouchin - Red Pattern Skull Fox: Maru Kado - Skull Head Fox 2 Folding Screen: RH - Folding Screen - Red Curtains: RH - Yuukaku - Noren - Flower past gacha Table: Cerberus Xing - Opium Table past gacha Pose: K&S - Oksana
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addictedgallery · 11 months ago
"The power of art is that it can connect us to one another, and to larger truths about what it means to be alive and what it means to be human." ~ Daniel Levitin
EXTRACT: Part historical reflection, part social experiment, JR's "La Nascita" turns Milan’s Stazione Centrale railway station — the city’s busiest transport hub and a notorious hotspot for petty crime — into a place of chance encounters.
“In spaces that have social issues, my work is about bringing people together. In a place like this, a huge range of people come to catch the train. When they find themselves in front of an exhibition, they will suddenly have a different kind of interaction.
"While the exhibition is temporary, even when it's gone visitors will never see [the station] in the same way. Changing perspectives on things is always a way of looking at the world differently, and that’s what I always aim to do, no matter the circumstances.” ~ JR
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itscayenna591 · 1 year ago
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normstelfox · 2 years ago
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Trompe-l'œil, San Francisco #normstelfoxphotography #trompeloeil #sanfrancisco https://www.instagram.com/p/CqOjq5VP3Oj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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madoyaka · 2 years ago
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Galleria d’accesso al Museo d’arte della raffineria di Inujima. • Entrance gallery of the Inujima Refinery Art Museum. • 犬島精錬所美術館の入り口ギャラリー。 ••• #seto #okayama #benesseartsite #inujima #yukinoriyanagi #hiroshisanbuichi #artecontemporanea #architetturacontemporanea #archeologiaindustriale #museo #trompeloeil #inujimaseirenshoartmuseum #contemporaryart #contemporaryarchitecture #industrialarcheology #museum #perspective #瀬戸 #岡山 #犬島 #犬島精錬所美術館 #柳幸典 #三分一博志 #現代美術 #現代建築 #産業考古学 #美術館 #cerchio #circle #円 (犬島精錬所美術館) https://www.instagram.com/p/CppYqcDPsQ2/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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imipierre-sculpteur · 1 year ago
IMIPIERRE O - Enduit imitation pierre, thème et rocaille DANS UN RÉSEAU ...
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asuddensway · 2 years ago
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Maison Martin Margiela line 10 trompe lœil headphones print t shirt
A/W 2005
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iamvika · 5 months ago
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Моя шкатулка с «сокровищам» теперь не только в реальности, но и в скетчбуке. А вообще, подобного рода изображения в искусстве называют «тропмлёй», что означает «обманка», «оптическая иллюзия»
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mohammedgaza-100 · 2 days ago
🚨🚨‼️‼️Please don't ignore me, any small help we can feed my family I struggle for my family, asking people for money is not an easy thing for us 💔but circumstances forced us😭 Unfortunately my campaign did not receive enough support,😞🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️‍🩹I hope to get the support I deserve
Hope can be born from the rubble, and resilience can ignite the spark of faith in a better tomorrow.
Therefore, I find myself in an unprecedented situation, forced to reach out to you for your merciful help to save my life and my family's, and to escape from this. We lost all our material possessions, but we don't want to lose our lives, so I have no choice but to humbly ask for your help. This fundraising campaign is a beacon of hope for us to survive, it is our only lifeline amidst the abyss of despair. With a heavy heart, I implore your generosity to help us overcome this incomprehensible ordeal. Your contribution can mean the difference between survival and oblivion for my family, and for that reason, we are forever grateful for any support.
Thank you for your kindness and unwavering compassion in our darkest times. I hope we can achieve peace after all this suffering.💚🙏🏻💐❤️‍🩹
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“This life is harsher than anything. Imagination comes hope, they can provide some comfort. I hope you can help me buy medicine and food for my children and find a warm shelter to rent a house to protect my family. Every donation from you is a lifeline for someone who could have been taken from this earth but survived.”😞💔🫂
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Dear friends, we are at a pivotal moment in our lives, and we invite you to be a part of this journey. Together, we need your generous donations to support us during this critical time. You are the hope, you are the strength we need to keep moving forward🥹🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️‍🩹
I have witnessed the tragedy that befell our lives in Gaza, I have lost many relatives and friends, I have lost my big home and its memories, I have lost my job and everything. My family and I have survived many previous wars and I do not want to lose my children and my family. But today we are facing the most dangerous and fierce battle in the current war. It is the war with life. The urgent need for us is increasing, as we have nothing left, and we are unable to secure our basic needs such as treatment, food, water, safe and warm shelter and other necessities of life. Please do not abandon us. Support us as much as you can to save what is left of our lives.😭🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️‍🩹🫂🍉🍉
Share please🙏🏻❤️‍🩹🫂
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theunabashedepicurean · 2 years ago
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Villa Gastel, the palatial Lake Como family home of celebrated photographer Guido Taroni. Before the present chatelaine took possession, the Villa had a glittering history of owners including her uncle, the director Luchino Visconti, who hosted the likes of Maria Callas, Helmut Berger and Coco Chanel at his elegant soirées. Photography by Guido Taroni #villagastel #lakecomo #lombardy #italy #guidotaroni #luchinovisconti #mariacallas #helmutberger #cocochanel #villa #italianvilla #villadeste #interior #interiors #decor #design #decoration #interiordesign #interiordesigner #interiordecor #interiordecorating #interiordecoration #interiordecorator #frescoes #trompeloeil #porcelain #chandelier #sculpture #decorativeantiques #decorativearts (at Lake Como, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp5TZ6hIDkb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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qbism · 4 months ago
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#qbismparis #quentinnghiem #FW24 #FW24collection #deconstruction #sweat #upcycling #vintage #denim #trompeloeil #Montmartre#menstylefashion #upgraded #exclusive #newdrop #actfast @harveynicholshk
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lamolinastreetart · 6 months ago
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'Trampantojo' by Spanish Arte y Muralismo (@arte_y_muralismo) in Irun, Spain (2019) #arteymuralismo #streetart #lamolinastreetart #trompeloeil | photo via artists bit.ly/2GYqLUH
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sethshead · 7 months ago
-- My house is a cake --
h/t Celine cakedesign45
But is she a cake? Would she eat herself if so?
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