#zune bug
lavendette · 10 months
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Sleepy girl
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childoferebus · 1 year
Tagged by @hurdygurdywizard
rules: put your music on shuffle and list the first 10 songs that come up and tag 10 people They didn’t say I couldn’t get silly with it :3 1. Ladybug by the Presidents of the United States of America: A silly little ditty about bug friends.  This song got some play on the radio back around 2009-2010 but I never hear it outside of my playlists now 2. Dread in my Heart by Mother Mother: Everyone’s favorite tumblr band, but I actually got MM from a mixtape a friend of mine made me a few years before they got big here. The Sticks is my favorite album by them. 3. P.S: Je t’aime by Christopher Willem: I took a year of French in college and I remember basically none of it but if I don’t have french music in my likes I’ll simply die. Low key dance track.
4. Cimmerian Shade by Sufjan Stevens and Angelo de Augustine: A really soft condemnation of the transphobia inherent in Silence of the Lambs sung from the point of view of Jame Gumb (Buffalo Bill). This is the only Sufjan album I’ve ever found at a thrift store and that delights me
5. Toxicity by System of a Down: if I say this is a classic nu metal track how many of you are going to come for my throat? Not my favorite SoaD but probably what I first heard that got me into them. 6. Destruction by Joywave: Normally I would link to the song for this one since it cuts out part of the intro but the video delights me. Is that a Zune?  Shame the part that they cut out is the Disney sample lol
7. This Too Shall Pass by Danny Schmidt: really excellent guitar work but a rather meandering song on my likes by virtue of catching me at the exact right time to gut me.
8. Coital Improv by Vendetta Red my problematic fav screamo band u_u These fuckers are Edgy as Fuck and until my latest every un I’ve used on this site has been a reference to them.  cw on this song particularly for nuclear annihilation and horrific childbirth
9. DotA (Radio Edit) by Basshunter: if the median age on this website was higher than 21 I’d be very embarrassed right now but instead I’m dating myself. A classic Swedish techno track about playing DotA.
10. My Type by Saint Motel: VERSTECKT HAS SPOKEN the last song is a bi anthem! This is the song I used for his tagline yesterday lol. The video is cute. I love when bands get nostalgic for decades other than the 80s I’m not sure who to tag because vi tagged everyone I’d normally tag lol let’s see. @hippywhippy @ink-fall-ing @hjarta @arcticbonobos @dontknowshitaboutnothing @bloodborne-on-pc @liarmonstersnappydresser @zooophagous and you two are already tagged by Vi but I’m out of deep cut mutuals so @astarlingdiscovery and @parrot-parent, you two are double tagged <3
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fasterthanmydemons · 11 months
[ Speedster of the Galaxy ]
Rocket was watching Pietro. He didn’t know if the speedster noticed, but Rocket was actually studying him. His posture, his words, his body language… Surely, if Pietro was a threat, Mantis would’ve told the Guardians. Her powers were appreciated, but Rocket knew she also tried to see the best in people. She had a lot of… well, empathy. And Rocket just wanted to make sure Pietro was not a threat to the team or the team’s dynamic. The speedster had pointed out his weaknesses, almost stupidly, as he spoke with Mantis. If Pietro tried to pull shit of any kind, Rocket knew where to aim. Was he pissed Pietro scared Mantis away? Eh, no. Yeah. Maybe. A little. He knew the lady bug. Not as well as Drax knew her, but still. A lot of people in the galaxy deserved to be dismissed, pushed away or scared away. Mantis wasn’t one of them. Then again, the stars did not give a fuck about who deserved this or that. Life gave everyone shit. Rocket accepted that a long time ago, and he clicked his tongue as Pietro said Rocket was too short to punch him in the face. “I could climb. Don’t test me.”
He listened as Pietro explained how children’s role could vary depending on cultural elements. “That’s cool, really, it’s important to teach ‘em how to be strong and all that, it’s part of being a parent. It’s good to teach ‘em what being responsible is. But man, blaming them when things go wrong? When shit outside their control happens? You blame yourself even though you did not kill your parents. I don’t think you’re to blame unless you directly caused their deaths, but what do I know.” He forced out a breath at Pietro’s confusion about Groot being part of the team. “He’s always been with us. He helps us when we need someone to sneak into small spaces, for example. When things get dangerous we try to keep him out of the way, but he doesn’t listen. He sees us busy, he takes the Zune, blasts music and dances right into harm’s way. Raising a kid is stressful, we’re all gonna end up frickin’ cuckoo. You’ll end up cuckoo as well.” He pointed at Pietro. “You’ve seen him, right? Tiny, friendly… Well, he has already killed people. He knows how things are. This galaxy is unrelenting.”
He tilted his head as Pietro asked if 'Smurfette’ was because Nebula was blue. “I don’t know anythin’ about Earth cartoons, but if Quill calls her that, I guess it’s a reference. Yeah, she’s blue.” Rocket chuckled at Pietro’s confusion because she was blue and Gamora was not. “I know. You see, Nebula’s adopted. And Gamora is also adopted. I guess 'adopted’ is a… nice word for it. It’s a long story and not a happy one. But yeah, they’re sisters.”
Rocket sipped his drink, shaking his head again when Pietro said maybe he shouldn’t share things with Mantis anymore. “Bug is many things, but not a pretender. If she says you can talk, that’s because she’s willing to listen. She’s just… sensitive when it comes to children, y'know? She was raised by Quill’s dad. Apparently, he found her abandoned as a larva and kept her. Man was a real piece of shit. The guy killed his own children because he considered they failed him, so you can imagine what he did to Mantis, who wasn’t even his.” A part of Rocket wondered why someone as cruel as Ego would randomly adopt a helpless orphan, but… it wasn’t that hard to believe. Mantis had a tendency to trigger protective instincts in others. Not like Rocket would know that. Nope. “The thing is, he was a god, so it wasn’t like she could ask the authorities or somethin’ for help. And he was also a planet, so it wasn’t like she could escape without him knowing. Man, define 'trapped’. She was pretty screwed, she doesn’t need to be told that children this, children that.”
Beckoning to Pietro, Rocket walked into another room, an equally dimly lit bathroom. He turned on the lights, giving a shrug after Pietro asked how he should clear the air. “I mean, that’s a you thing. Me, personally? I would talk to her now, 'cause I get… uh, uncomfortable when she’s sad,” he admitted, shit shit shit, “but that’s because I know her powers work best when her mood is stable,” he quickly added. “There’s somethin’ else I wanna show you though, so…” Approaching the shower, Rocket placed his bottle aside and picked up an open, plastic box he had left in the shower. Inside there was a small turtle covered in mud that Rocket had unsuccessfully tried to wash away.
“So.” Rocket cleared his throat. “Back on your planet, a few hours before we left, I decided to go out and explore a little, and I found a stream. This little guy was stuck on the side of it, dirty as shit, dribbling with mud.” He looked down at the turtle. “Hi, little idiot! So, I picked him up, brought him here and tried to wash him, but he kept biting me. The asshole. I thought you could try instead. He needs a name, too.” He gave Pietro the box. “He could make a decent pet, y'know? Somethin’ to remind you of your planet. A little friend in case you don’t get along with… any of us. If space is too much for him, he can always hide in his shell and only come out to eat. If anyone asks, you found him on the side of the stream, ya hear me?” Rocket crossed his arms again. “If you wanna talk to her now, I’ll watch over him. She’s probably still awake. If not, you should clean him up. I’m sure he’ll look much better once he’s not covered in mud.”
(*epic music* THE ORIGIN OF THE TURTLE KING HIMSELF. And omg no, seriously you have nothing to worry about. Her misunderstanding with Pietro is tame compared to her entire backstory XD You write whatever reaction feels more in character to you, as I said I like it when there are misunderstandings between characters, especially someone who is always on good terms with everyone like Mantis. Plus Rocket being a lil protective of his team is always a treat for my brain.)
{ AHHHHHHHHH!! YOU MADE AN MCU-BASED ORIGIN STORY FOR MR. DIBBLES! YASSSSSSSS!!! *squeaks with delight* And aww, I know, I just feel bad that it seemed to upset a lot of my followers heh. I’ve never gotten so many messages at once after a reply before hahaha. People randomly being like “hey can u not hate on mantis she’s so pure” and I’m like… glaring at Pietro… like see what you did? XD You write Mantis and Rocket so well, it makes Pietro seem a bit flat tbh, and I need to step up my game haha, but other than that, he owns whatever comes out of his mouth. XD }
Pietro did feel scrutinized by Rocket and the others since his arrival, but it didn’t rise to the level of conscious thought. It was more like an uncomfortable feeling of being judged that he process more emotionally than cerebrally, leaving him jittery and anxious. Since he’d felt anxious ever since the whole Raft incident, he chalked up how he was feeling now to recent stress, being displaced, and being separated from Wanda. “Okay. I won’t,” Pietro said rather humorlessly when Rocket said he could climb. He felt like a chastised child, and that ticked him off, but he also didn’t want any more drama today, so he was trying to stay on Rocket’s good side. Or at least, not tip over to bad.
“I did not kill them, but also I did not do anything to help them either,” Pietro said, sighing in frustration. No, no, stop sharing things! This is how you got into trouble with Mantis! “Sorry, nevermind. We can change subject whenever,” he said not-so-subtly. He couldn’t help but smirk, though, at the mention of Groot not listening. “Yeah, kids never listen. It can be good thing, if it is because of independent thought. Critical thinking skills. But sometimes I guess is just to be a little shit, as all kids do,” he said with a chuckle. “Okay, well, I will try to look out specially for him. Not… you know, obviously. He’d hate that, I’m guessing. But just watch to make sure he is not getting himself into trouble by not paying attention or something.” His hands found his hips as he remembered the first time he met little Groot. Or rather, the first time Groot noticed him. “He is cute, though, isn’t he? He called me an ‘old guy’ at first. Probably because my hair is white?” He fluffed said white hair a bit. 
“Yeah, smurfs are blue. Smurfette was like… the only girl smurf on the whole show for the longest time, and it was really weird. Like… all the boy smurfs would fawn over her and I always wondered if that was stressful for her or not, like why is there only one? But then later they added a younger one, like a teenage smurf, and a grandma smurf. It was still kindof weird, though. But yeah, smurfs are all blue except for their hats and shoes and whatever clothes they decide to wear.” Anytime he can educate someone on quality cartoons, Pietro was so there.
As Rocket explained that both Nebula and Gamora were adopted, Pietro nodded. “Ah, okay. Makes better sense now. Hey, adopted family is still family. In my culture we call it ‘clan.’ Anyone you consider family, whether they’re blood, adopted, or just ride and die friends, they’re your clan. They’re the people you’d go to the ends of the world for when they didn’t even ask.” He hadn’t realized that he’d said “ride and die” instead of “ride or die.” Sometimes things in English eluded him. It happened when he understood the overall meaning of a phrase or saying, but wasn’t thinking about the literal translation of the individual English words.
He sighed as the conversation turned back to Mantis. It made him feel terrible and he just didn’t want to deal with it at all, but he didn’t want to blow Rocket off either. “She may be willing to listen, but I am not willing to share anymore. Because it hurt her, why would I do it again? I don’t like hurting people, most of my life has been about helping people to not feel that way. I’ll just… make sure I don’t look like I need to talk around her. You said she can tell anyway, but I’ll do my best. I just have to be fine enough so she won’t think I need to talk. I can do that.” 
“Wait, a god and a planet? A planet?” Pietro’s face contorted in bewilderment. “How does a planet... you know? Like... how was Mantis even... created? How does a planet have sex? I... have a lot of questions, but you know what, is okay, I will just let that be where it is.” He wasn’t sure he wanted an explanation for any of that. Rocket wanted him to talk to her now, and Pietro understood why. Everybody on the ship would be put in a bad mood by Mantis being sad. He understood that fully, given how cute and sweet she was. “Okay. I will talk to her now, then,” he said, moving to do just that, to get it over with, so he could calm down and stop being so anxious.
But then Rocket said there was something else he wanted to show him, and Pietro quite literally stopped in his tracks. “What?” he asked with some curiosity, ready for it to maybe be a prank or even something negative. Maybe he deserved some of that right about now. Instead… he was met with… a turtle? A turtle. A turtle!! “Oh, hey!” Pietro exclaimed, his whole face lighting up like a little boy’s. “Sure thing. I won’t rat you out,” he said with a smirk before taking the turtle, not caring at all how messy he was.
And just like that… Pietro changed. His jittery, constant-movement, high-energy style of anxiety was switched off. His scatterbrained, lack-of-focus, “oh look a nut” mindset suddenly came into crystal clear focus. He calmly held the mud-caked turtle in his arms, smiling down at it and peering in to try and see its face. “Turtles get scared sometimes. All animals do. You just have to be calm, and then they will.” He looked at Rocket. “They can sense if you are angry or afraid or even just energetic. It feels different to them than being calm and happy, and they’ll feed off of that. So you just have to… speak softly… and be calm… and they’ll learn that is okay, you are not going to hurt them.”
Looking back at the turtle, he hummed in thought. “Hmm… so you got yourself into a sticky situation, huh? Dribbling with mud? Yeah, that can be fun sometimes. Messy, though.” His voice was gentle and almost soothing. The turtle’s head came a bit closer to the edge of the shell, but it didn’t pop out just yet. “Dribbles? Nah, too negative, right? Makes you sound like a messy boy, yeah? We can work with it though. How about Dibbles? Mr. Dibbles, for you are proper turtle with culture. I like that. Do you?” The turtle slowly pushed his head out from his shell, his eyes blinking once, the nictating membrane slowly sliding back to reveal his bright eyes. “Hello, Mr. Dibbles…” Pietro whispered. Since he’d stuck his head out and nothing bad happened, Mr. Dibbles promptly began to kick his wrinkly turtle leggies, trying to find solid ground to stand on. “Is okay, here,” Pietro said, putting his arm under the turtle and giving him something to place his feet on. This seemed to calm Mr. Dibbles down.
“Thank you, Rocket. I will take good care of him,” Pietro said with a smile. “I’ll go talk to Mantis now, and then Mr. Dibbles will get a nice bath.” When Rocket offered to take the turtle, Pietro shook his head. “Nah, is okay, he might help. You know… ‘sorry I was kindof a jerk to you, but hey look at this cute turtle.’ Is um… what is called… an ice breaker, yeah? She might not forgive me, but she can enjoy cute turtle instead if she doesn’t, heh.” 
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wickedsrest-rp · 1 year
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Welcome to our weekly round-up! We do these every week to provide plot drops, highlight starters posted that week, and share other information about the setting. Anyone is welcome to use these bullet points in starters, plots, anons etc. Also let us know if you want us to include one of your setting-related plots in here for next week by sending us a bullet point!
What’s new in town?:
Strange crystals have overtaken the town, and touching them creates a “link” to the doomed people of Bleak Point. Some may find they have a stranger influencing their actions, while others might find their emotions amplified. The least fortunate may transform into creatures from the mines and terrorize the town. Come join the chaos of our latest POTW!
Don't forget your bug spray, kids! It's summer time and the insect life is in full force. Especially in the Common where bloodclingers have turned into their own personal all-you-can-eat buffet.
There's a new item on the menu at Driftwood Diner! Instead of your traditional chicken wings, they have something called worm wings. Yes, they're spicy. Yes, there's worms. Yes, they only come bone-in and they are worm bones! If you find yourself with an inexplicable need to do the worm dance and nestle into soil for the following days or week, don't be surprised.
For those who enjoy the finer things in life and find themselves at the Shimmering Sky Bar--- well, they may want to keep a close eye on their possessions unless they happen to be really good at scavenger hunts.
Celebrating Speak Now TV release? Bridie is offering free entry to Tír na nÓg to anyone wearing purple
Who put a giant, smelly gym sock along Marcus' favorite path in the Common? Answers are needed
Smelly gym socks and super smelling? Yikes. Jo wants to know why all the weird stuff comes here
Leila is looking for a good jewelry cleaner so if you know someone, send them her way
Jasper is still without a face. Can someone help?
To set your mind at cheese, Beau is here to reassure the BMV is all good again so renew your license today!
Why does all her stuff say Mack? Clearly her name is Llama!
If you're good with internet slang, Lukas could really use your help
Can anyone help poor Sofie get the chickcharney out of her hair? She's having a bad time
Alright gardeners of WR, Conor's coming through with all the hot gardening tips of the summer
If Van has eaten your hay, consider this your formal apology
Please stop asking Chris to go photograph the crystals
If you have good home remedies for a broken bone, hit Teagan up
Alan seems to have lost his name. Can anyone help him get it back?
Russ wants to know if still using his zune mp3 player is weird and why he's getting strange looks
Fries? Crispy or soggy? There's one right answer, so help Jade settle this debate with her sister
Check out the new gown on display at the Party Thrifter! Leila is especially proud of this one
Can anyone help Felix find chips? The vending machine keeps spitting out random inanimate objects instead of food
Tune into Miyeon's show and enter the Fun in the Sun giveaway by sharing your worst dating stories today!
Marina is looking for someone to help her get in touch with Walt Disney. She's watched The Little Mermaid and she has some bones to pick with this Walt man
Juno wonders if the cod sandwich is really that good or if the Codfather has implemented some weird marketing ploy
While in the woods, Alex found a wallet with a tail and legs. It's a little mouthy. Please claim your cursed wallet
Have you seen this dinosaur femur? If so, please contact Dr. Regan Kavanagh
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seeking-sanity · 1 year
Climbing Mountains
I never imagined myself hiking a mountain. 4,802ft at that... I never had a desire to spend time walking up a hill to walk back down, just to say I did it.
What I also never knew, was how much that hike would change my self reflection.
I have struggled with so many esteem issues. Weight being my "best handled", self-acceptance, self-worth, personal value, capability... being fully transparent, I didn't think I would ACTUALLY do it. I've never done more than hills, and really avoided those at most costs. I wanted to do this, because I was challenged. I wanted to do this because I said I could... to someone willing to hold me accountable.
I woke up far too early on a Saturday, completely ill-prepared... Ate the wrong breakfast [and regretted it for the rest of the day], drank too much water too fast, and wanted to quit on myself more times than I would ever admit...
I heard a man that has patiently showed me a kind love, a caring compassion, a friendly banter; tell me I could do it. Over and over. "just keep taking the next step, you got this." he was probably sick of saying it... I heard the sincerity in his voice at the trail head as he promised me we could turn back at any point...
we had driven 4 hours in moderately annoying traffic. I insisted on blasting a mystery playlist a zune I had incidently recently found and charged. I sang in my out of tune, doesn't really know all the proper lyrics and makes em up as I go, top of my lungs, 2000s angst voice.
He laughed at me and gently persuaded the skip button through the most annoying songs of our youth. Limewire downloads that digitally decayed over time, only one skip away from finding a vintage CD collection and a discman with the OG skull candy...
I insisted on bug spray, pushing the "i got this" confidence to the max with the deet 40 and fly spray... he spent the entire day helping me acheive goals I didn't know I had...
We got to the top of the moutain in 5 hours, the goal was 4 up 4 down. We made our day in 8. With breaks, and pictures, and a backpackers lunch at the summit. We shared a few moments with other hikers along the way... but what I didn't realize, until now- weeks later... we shared something more- trust.
I trusted this man with my life. Literally. I trusted him to accept my limits, push my boundaries, and accepted his encouragement when I had nothing left in me. We stood together on a 4802ft mountain, but it was the absolute top of the world.
It has been my experience, that people don't invest in people like me. People don't put effort into climbing walls, breaking gates, tending gardens filled with every sign of neglect. It would have been easy for him to quit on me too. To turn back, to act in any manner other than the gentle strength he shared to get me there.
It has been my experience that people I would do anything for, will do so little in return. I have raised children I didn't bear, paid bills that were not my own, funded vacations to places I didn't want to see. I have always only ever gotten what was easy. Effort, rarely at best.
This man... this kind, sweet man- has only ever gotten the most authentic me. the "take me as I am", the hardened shell after abusive heartbreak. He has gotten the reaction to assumed intention, the lash out of familiar behaviors even though he didn't follow the trend, he has gotten the "i'm not running, but I'm not trying either" version of me most of the time...
Not to say I'm reckless. Or that I disregard his feelings. I just- was waiting for the other shoe to drop, for him to fall into fitting the same mold...
This man proves daily, in a thousand consistent ways, he is different.
I don't beg for attention, I don't lack it either. I don't exhaust myself looking for activities, he makes an effort to plan dates too. I don't search for a connection constantly, insecure that it will cease to exist at any time... it just blooms. Like mountain laurel on the appalachain, beautiful. simple. strong, well rooted.
I climbed a mountain, with a man I wanted to spend time with. What I found on top of that mountain, was the insight to a man that was finding ways to show me everything beautiful. To share the moment with me.
The top of that mountain was a moment I hadn't even thought about, taking credit for the work it took to get there. The "don't quit" that was said so gently, screaming echos in my soul... he believed in me, for what seemed impossible to me.
We hiked back down that mountain, my whole body felt different. I appreciated it more. I was capable. I am strong. I walked beside the man that is making me believe I am as beautiful as the sun rising over the peaks... I hiked down that mountain with a confidence, a feeling of overwhelming success. Everyone else has quit on me, fell short of being willing to cheer me on for one more step... I conquer a mountain with a man that didn't quit for either of us. He never lost patience, never lost confidence in making it to the top- and back down- and out. My steps were so much lighter. Recognizing the gift that hike was. For me, believing I could do it. For me, excited to take on more. For me, seeing a man stand beyond every trauma response pre-determined thought process... For me, making it beyond the self imposed limits, walls- that I had so carefully lived behind...
I walked down that mountain leaving behind every insecurity I had let the past burden me with. I walked down the mountain next to a man willing to stand beside me for ALL the mountains, all the ups and downs. A man willing to believe in me, even when it is hard. That keeps rooting for us, when I'm letting me drag us down. That is willing to take ONE.MORE.STEP with me.
We left that trail head, and sat in the car... exhausted. 11.41 miles of pushing my body and mind to its self imposed limits. I looked at him, smiling a big goofy smile. He laughed a little, and asked me what mountain I wanted to do tomorrow.
Do the thing you didn't think you'd ever do. Believe you can do it. Go for the one you always wondered about...
Climb the mountain.
0 notes
rpmemes-galore · 4 years
Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 ... sentence starters
“I am hideous?“
“Ow! My nipples!“
“This is gonna hurt!”
“Hey, there, jackass!“
“We're all gonna die.“
“I'm immortal? Really?”
“I knew you were lying!”
“Did you make a penis?“
“I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!“
“You people have issues.“
“They killed all my friends.“
“You're right... we're family.“
“I didn't mean to do a mutiny.”
“So UNBELIEVABLY uncool...”
“I win. I bested you in combat.“
“What say we steal some shit?“
“You must be so embarrassed!“
“It's worse. It's so much worse.“
“You can do anything you want.“
“I'm gonna make some weird shit.”
“You are horrifying to look at, yes.“
“But, that doesn't make any sense!”
“You are wasting a lot of time here!“
“So, we're saving the galaxy, again?“
“This gross bug lady is my new friend.“
“Well, you may not be mortal, but me...“
“I don't need to hear how my parents...“
“What are you gonna do with your share?“
“You like a professional asshole or what?“
“You put your turd in my bed, I shave you.“
“You don't know anything about me, loser.“
“Get out of the way! You're gonna get hurt!“
“Well, then I'm certainly grateful to be ugly.“
“This is an important conversation right now?“
“I can't believe I fell in love with a spaceman.“
“I know who you are, boy. Because you're me!“
“It was beautiful. You earthers have hang-ups.“
“Ugh, I'm imagining…being with you physically.“
“No! No, that's the button that will kill everyone!“
“If you kill me, you'll be just like everybody else!“
“That's exactly my point! I have to do everything!“
“When I touch someone, I can feel their feelings.“
“I'm sorry. That was meant to be behind your back.“
“Yeah, I feel a general, unselfish love for everyone.“
“She just told everyone you deepest, darkest secret!”
“I'm sorry... I can only afford to lose one friend today.“
“Dude, come on! I think you're overreacting a little bit.“
“Well, of course I have issues. That's my freakin' father!“
“Well, if he got closer, I'm sure he would be much larger.“
“The crabby puppy is so cute. He makes me wanna die!“
“All any of you do is yell at each other. You're not friends.“
“I don't know why they're after us. What a mystery this is.“
“You know what would be a really kick-ass name? Taserface.”
“We're gonna have to have a serious talk about your language!“
“He may have been your father, boy, but he wasn't your daddy.“
“You don't have to believe in yourself, because I believe in you.“
“You shouldn't have killed my mom and squished my Walkman.“
“Touch me, and the only thing you're going to feel is a broken jaw.”
“You can go to hell, then! I don't give a damn what you think of me!“
“I guess David Hasselhoff did kind of end up being my dad after all.“
“I tried to let you down easily by telling you that you were disgusting.“
“It's called a Zune. It's what everybody's listening to on Earth nowadays.“
“I know them scientists what made you never gave a rat's ass about you!”
“You didn't know, because you didn't want to know, because it made you rich!”
“What is your goal here? To get everybody to hate you? Because it's working.”
“Can we put the bickering on hold until after we survive this massive space battle?“
“You can fool yourself and everyone else, but you can't fool me. I know who you are.“
“Does anybody have any tape out there? I wanna put some tape over the death button.“
“There are two types of beings in the universe, those who dance, and those who do not.“
“You know, they told me you people were conceited douchebags, but that isn't true at all.“
“Sometimes, the thing you've been looking for your whole life is right there beside you all along.“
“Well, it might take you a few million years of practice before you get really good at it. But, yes!”
“I know you play like you're the meanest and the hardest, but actually you're the most scared of all.“
“Yes, Scotch tape would work... Then why did you ask me if Scotch tape would work, if you don't have any?“
“I was talking about, like, a pretty necklace. Or a nice hat. You know. Something to make the other girls go ‘Ooh, that's nice’.”
“When you're ugly, and someone loves you, you know they love you for who you are... Beautiful people never know who to trust.“
“One minute you think someone has a weird-shaped head, the next minute it's just because you realize part of that head is the hat.“
“Whatever you do, don't push this button, because that will set off the bomb immediately and we'll all be dead. Now, repeat back what I just said.”
“You push away anyone who's willing to put up with you, ‘cause just a little bit of love reminds you of how big and empty that hole inside you actually is!”
“I will hunt my father like a dog, and I will tear him apart slowly... piece by piece, until he knows some semblance of the profound and unceasing pain I knew every single day.”
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mysideblogofsurveys · 4 years
Survey 16.
Favorite beverage: Well, Water I guess.  I like drinking Mt. Dew or Coffee but I’ve cut back on all that stuff (but I will have a cup of coffee every morning)
When was the last time you had ketchup? On Saturday.  We made Sweet Potato Fries but they don’t really good with ketchup
What is the most recent gift you've been given? My co-workers gave me a GrubHub gift card for all the help (they’re working from home but I still go into the office so they e-mail what they need to do to me so I can do it for them - I actually hate doing it but..we don’t really have a choice).  Anyway, they wanted to give me something as “Thanks for all the help” and I told them a simple “Thank You” is all I want but people don’t listen. (Not to be ungrateful but I don’t like receiving gifts from anyone other than family and NO ONE listens and gives me things anyway).
Did you leave the house today? Not yet, I’ll be leaving about 8:10 to go to work
Are there bumper stickers on your car? Yes :) a “Straw Hat” pirate one from the anime One Piece and an EXO sticker for the kpop group.
Are you watching tv right now? Kind of.  “Dark” on Netflix.  I paused it briefly though to read these questions - its in German so I need to read the subtitles.
Are you wearing anything blue? No
Do you have a job? Yes..but I’ve been thinking about quitting so I can move back to the city I loved.  Life is too short to live in a place you don’t like and I’ve seen other jobs I can apply for so I’m not worried.
Is your car messy? No, I like to keep it clean.
When did you last have whipped cream? This morning..I like using heavy whipping cream in my coffee (as opposed to the other creamers that are all sugar).  My husband uses the canned/aerosol whipped cream in his coffee though.
How far away is the closest house? Literally down 2 flights of stairs.  I live on the 3rd floor of an apartment.
What street do you live on? On one that has a cool name
Are you dating anyone? I’m married.
What color is you computer? Both my laptop and desktop are black
Do you own an iPod? What color is it? I do!  I won an iPod at my high school graduation celebration (my class had a “lock in” at the school - basically they “lock” you in the school (from like 6pm to 6am) where you can play games, nap if you want, eat all sorts of junk food or just hang out and have a party for everyone graduating, it was a lot of fun.  They had a raffle before everyone went home the next morning and I won an iPod (this was in 2006 so a long time ago lol) But it was just the standard black one.
What is the most recent picture on your phone/camera of: UGH OMG so I forgot I took a picture of this DISGUSTING roach that I found in our apt on Friday night.  They’re not the tiny/infestation ones, they’re large “Palmetto Bug” roaches that tend to wander into houses that have cracks and our vents.  Since I live in an apartment, theres not much I can do about it. I can’t wait to move!!!
Have you ever shot a gun? Oh definitely, we like to go to the gun range with my father-in-law.  Its a great way for us to bond and I hope to God I’ll never ever have to actually use one but I like the idea of not being completely defenseless if someone breaks into my house (as I’m small and could easily get overpowered)
What temperature is it? Maybe 70 in the apt but probably 80s outside? Do you know anyone with a third nipple? Uh..no.
What do your parents do for a living? My Mom is a dental hygienist and my Dad is an Electrician.
Have you ever had a pet that had babies? No :/ I always thought that would have been fun though
Which grocery store is closest to you? Publix
Do you have a hamper in your room? Yes
Do you know anyone that's a nurse? Yes but I haven’t talked to him in years.
Do you know someone with the name Alaina? No
What color is the blanket on your bed? Ahh, black blankets, blue blankets, purple blanket..we have like 4 or 5 blankets on our bed.
What are your parent's middle names? Well, one starts with an “S” the other starts with an “E”
Have you ever broken a bone? Yes, kind of
Do you wear braces or glasses? I wear glasses and had braces growing up.
What color are they? I’m assuming my glasses?  They’re black and have tiny stars in the corner. 
Are you currently reading a book? Yes, I’m reading “Legends of the Alfar” by Markus Heitz
When did you last get your blood drawn? Its been quite a few years
Have you ever done hard drugs? No, I’ve smoked weed before but didn’t like it.
How many contacts are in your phone? A lot but thats because I haven’t deleted them.  If I deleted everyone I don’t talk to, there wouldn’t be many.
Does your toilet have a seat cover? No.
What's currently on your grocery list? I have a whole list.  We haven’t been to the grocery store in a few days but we need to go when I get off work.
What things do you take with you everywhere? Wallet, phone, car keys..and my Zune (yes, the MP3 player from like 2000 lol)
Do you know someone that is/was over 100 years old? No but my Great-Grandpa is still living and he’s 96
Was your HS principal a girl or a boy? Woman I think..I actually don’t remember
Have you ever eaten a raw egg? No
Do you own any rings? Yes
Have you eaten fruit today? Not yet.  I’ve peeled 2 clementines for my breakfast when I get to work though
What about milk? Nope, not for a couple weeks.
What letter does your state start with? F
Could you list all 50 states? Easily.
What about their capitals? No, I used to be able to though
What internet browser do you use? Firefox.
Do you know anyone that lives in Wyoming? No, but my Husband and I joke about just leaving everything and moving there sometimes (to just get away from all the idiocy we see in this city).  I can’t believe there are only 500,000 people living in the entire state!
Do you smoke cigarettes? No
Which person you know has the most unique name? A few I suppose
Do you know someone that's missing a limb? No
Do you have facial hair? I don’t but my husband does Are you a bad person? I’m not and I hope no one thinks I am
What was the last swear you said? Bullshit (referring to my state closing beaches for Independence Day - yes I realize this was over a week ago but it still annoys me)
Have you ever called the police on someone? No
What is the most amount of pets you've had at one time? Two - a cat and dog
When did you last check your email? Yesterday.
Have you ever had a 3rd degree burn? No
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance? Yes, I fainted at work on time and they brought me to the hospital to find out what was wrong - thankfully it was nothing major
How long is your hair? About the middle of my back
Do you lock your doors at night? Oh yeah, they’re always locked even when we’re home.
Does your bedroom have a lock? Our bedroom doors do not
What do you have at your bedside? I have a table with old mail, a clock and sometimes my book (I want to read more before bed instead of looking at my phone)
How big is your bed? King
Do you know someone that was murdered? No
Do you know someone who's pregnant? No.  My friend was pregnant recently but she miscarried :(
Do you wear a watch? No, but I want to start wearing one!
What was your first pet? A cat
How much jewelry do you own? Not too much.  I don’t really wear jewelry.
What is the closest purple thing? My EXO pencil bag - it has their logo in a galaxy themed colors (purple, blue and green)
Green? Same thing as above
What time is it? 7:44am
What is your ideal profession? I wish I knew!! I have no idea :(
How tall are you? Like 5′0
Have you ever gotten x-rays? Yes
Do you wear gloves in the winter? I would but its never Winter in FL.
Do you consider yourself smart? Eh, so so.  I’m not stupid but I”m also not a genius.  I’m just average.
What color eyes are the prettiest? Gray-Blue eyes or Dark brown
Are your teeth straight? Yes
Do you like chocolate milk? I do but I don’t drink it because of all the sugar
Do you own a bike? No, I haven’t in years.  I want to buy one though but theres not really a place to bike where I live right now.
Are you taller than your mom? No, she’s like 5′1 lol so she’s just barely taller than me
Have you ever been engaged? Yes :)
What, in your opinion, is the ugliest name? I dont’ know, I don’t particularly like the old style names though
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sayonaramidnight · 5 years
All of the emojis for Nella, because you're so awfully tight-lipped about her it's killing me
Nella’s been tight-lipped about herself to me too, because, you know, she’s Nella, so for now I’ll answer all I can:
☀️ What makes your OC genuinely happy? A person, an item, their hobby? Where is the place they’re happiest, or most at home? What is the happiest they’ve ever been?
She was genuinely happy when her mum was alive, because mum was a sort of pilar of strength for both Nella and dad :
🔥 If your OC known for having temper tantrums? If not, what gets them really angry? What makes their blood BOIL? Is there anyway to calm them down or are they unstoppable? What are they like when they’re angry? Do they take it out on their loved ones?
You know how she always makes a good face? It’s not just a work habit, but also something she tried her best to pick up from her mum (yeah, mum was a role model to her, ok), who was very assertive, but in a calm, serene way. She never raised her voice and always looked on the bright side. So yeah, Nella wanted to be like her mum, but during her time of indentured service it turned into something unhealthy and fake and she’s still learning how to deal with it.
If she does a slasher smile, then you know you’re doomed.
❤️ What would your OC’s ideal lover be like? Appearnce, personality, voice? Would their family approve or would it be civil war?
Someone who’s not conceited and makes her laugh and has a nice voice. She’s never given much more thought to this matter, because first aunt Renna and aunt Nesita were all like “RICH! WE’LL FIND YOU A RICH HUSBAND, CHILD! YOU WILL NOT END LIKE YOUR FATHER!” and then she herself was all about work.
🍼 Does your OC have any children or want children? What names would they pick? Are they good with kids or a complete disaster?
She *thought* she was good with kids back when she assisted her dad with medical stuff, but now she’s not quite sure. But then, she’s not quite sure about lots of things these days. But then again, Zune does like her and it’s all that matters. If she had her own kids, she would probably name them Fallons and Benjamins.
🍂 What are their opinions on the different seasons? Which one do they hate and which one do they love and why?
She likes spring and early summer, because there are flowers and herbs everywhere and they smell nicely
🥀 Has your OC ever been hurt by someone they love? Ever been betrayed? Abused? Attacked? Give me the angst! (if you’d like, write a short drabble about it!) 
YES? She sure felt betrayed when her dad was a complete wimp about that indentured service deal and her aunts were nasty about... everything, most of the time, yeah. And remember that time when she was in the zone of truth? THAT was liberating.
🔪 Has your OC ever killed someone? Ever had to defend themselves against violence? How did this make them feel? Or, alternatively, has your OC ever attacked someone? Seen someone die?
As her dad’s assistant she sure has seen people die and the two of them were sad together, because there was nothing they could do to cure everyone. Now... She kills monsters sometimes. And bad people. And she’s kind of anxious about it - not because she feels guilty, but because she’s *supposed* to feel guilty and yet she doesn’t. It bugs her.
💕 How is your OC like with physical affection? What are their boundaries? Do they enjoy being touched or is that a no-go? Is there any reason behind this?
She used to be quite cuddly as a kid, now she’s more of a smile-and-pat-on-the-shoulder adult. Possibly because some customers can be creepy when you’re a waitress, you know.
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bugborgs · 6 years
we're intergalactic, with thoughts full of static
@bugborgweek day 03: first
just a fic for today! jdhkhs i say “just” this one’s a tad longer than my other ficlets :’) As before, fic is under the cut! Possible title change incoming if i happen to think of a better title in the future but no promises.
AO3 mirror || general audience rating, sfw, about 2800 words.
The first time Mantis tells Nebula she thinks she’s pretty is a mistake. It’s not that she isn’t—Nebula is beautiful—it’s that. Well. They weren’t close and Nebula is…Nebula.
But she is breathtaking both in and out of a fight, strong and quick and deadly, and when she and Gamora have finished sparring and Nebula walks past Mantis can’t stop herself from blurting it out.
Nebula freezes, shoulders tensed. Her expression cycles from surprise to bewilderment to guarded suspicion in seconds and Mantis regrets opening her mouth immediately. Nebula doesn’t say anything, but she scowls, turns away, and stalks off.
Mantis is left with a burning sense of embarrassment at her outburst and she avoids watching any other sparring sessions for a while, even when Nebula is not involved.
Nebula leaves the Guardians again only a few short days later.
The first time they speak again after that is after another one of Nebula’s failed excursions. She returns in a smoking ship and with busted cybernetics and Gamora welcomes her back with a tight hug and clear relief that her sister is still in one piece.
“I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.”
Nebula doesn’t respond right away, but Mantis can see the tension building in her shoulders and knows she has heard her. It’s the middle of the night. Mantis can’t sleep, Nebula is attempting to repair her damaged cybernetics, and they’re along on the bridge.
“The day after your sparring match,” Mantis clarifies when Nebula still doesn’t answer. “It was a few months ago now.”
“I remember,” Nebula says tightly.
There’s an uncomfortable pause. Mantis isn’t sure what to say, or if she should even say anything at all.
“I don’t need an apology. Your mocking means nothing to me.”
“It—I wasn’t mocking you,” Mantis says, a little surprised at the response. “And I wasn’t lying, either.”
“They why apologize?” Nebula demands.
“Because you seemed unhappy with my comment, and you have been avoiding me ever since. I do not want you to be uncomfortable around me.” Mantis forces her hands to stay relaxed at her sides, trying not to look as nervous as she feels.
Nebula stares at her intently, as if trying to determine if she’s being honest or not, then abruptly looks away. Mantis waits a moment longer, then gently says, “I’ll leave you be now,” and moves to leave.
“You can stay,” Nebula says abruptly. Her fingers curl and uncurl into fists. “Or you can go. I don’t care.”
She doesn’t look at Mantis, but she isn’t leaving, or chasing her away either, and so Mantis says, “I think I’ll stay, then,” settles down in a spot near a window, and tries to hide her growing smile.
The first time they spend time together—really spend time together, like actual hanging out and not just existing in the same room together—Mantis has somehow roped Nebula into listening to music with her.
Even Mantis isn’t quite sure how she managed that. Nebula has always been outspoken when it came to making fun of Peter (including his music, naturally) and yet despite all the grumbling and scowling she’s now sitting next to Mantis, one earbud in her ear, and letting Mantis show her some of her favorite songs.
She likes to think it’s because Nebula has developed a soft spot for her over the recent months.
“Why do you even have this?” Nebula grouses as Mantis thumbs through the list. “Quill never goes anywhere without his stupid music player.”
“He wanted to take advantage of our downtime and nap for a while,” Mantis says, “so he let me borrow the Zune.”
Nebula grumbles indistinctly, but quiets once Mantis selects a song and the first notes start up. Mantis watches from the corner of her eye, wanting to see Nebula’s reaction. Her expression is carefully blank, and Mantis wants so badly to reach out and touch her arm to know what she’s feeling.
Nebula catches her eye and starts. Mantis tries not to laugh; she reminds Mantis of Groot when he got caught trying to sneak some sweets before dinner. “What do you think?”
Nebula looks like she’s struggling with what to say. “It…isn’t terrible,” she eventually says.
“You don’t have to pretend to like it.” The amusement in Mantis’s voice is obvious.
“It’s not…it’s not bad. It’s very you. Sweet and cheerful—” She cuts herself off abruptly and pointedly avoids looking at Mantis. Her cheeks have darkened noticeably, and Mantis feels her own start to warm.
Nebula’s still not looking at Mantis, but she doesn’t get up to leave, so Mantis risks scooting closer and holds out the Zune. “Here,” she offers. “Let’s find something you’d like.”
Nebula slowly turns and leans close enough to see the screen. Together, they start scrolling down the list of songs.
The first time someone says something about it, it’s Peter, and in true Peter fashion he’s a bit of a dramatic dork about it. He catches her in the kitchen early enough one morning, in a rare moment where they’re the only ones awake, and he mentions that Nebula might be visiting soon.
“Yeah,” Peter says. He has a strange look on his face, unusually scrutinizing. “Gamora said Nebula might be in the area sometime soon, so we might get a visit from our favorite murderous in-law.”
Mantis tries to act casual, but the thought of seeing Nebula again makes her heart flutter a little. “That would be nice. It has been a long time since Nebula’s visited; I’m sure Gamora would like that.”
Peter smacks his hands down on the table and Mantis jumps at the suddenness of such a loud sound in the otherwise quiet room. “Okay, I know what you’re doing and I’m not falling for it.”
“I’m not doing anything,” she protests, flustered.
“You’re pretending you don’t care! Or that you’re not as interested in the news as you really are!”
“I—I don’t know what you mean.”
“You like Nebula,” Peter says. “And she likes you back, and it’s killing me that my sister has a crush and isn’t doing anything about it.”
“I do not!” Mantis exclaims before the second half of Peter’s statement sinks in. “She…she likes me?” She’s almost embarrassed of how hopeful she sounds.
But Peter is Peter; he’s a sweet man and a good brother, and he just nods excitedly at her. “Gamora says Nebula asks about you all the time when they talk. In typical angry, pretending-not-to-care Nebula fashion, I mean. And you guys are always hanging out when she’s here. You’re like, the only person she willingly spends time with. Aside from Gamora, I mean.” He laughs a little. “You two really aren’t subtle.”
Mantis’s cheeks burn. “Am I really that obvious?”
Peter softens immediately and drops the joke. “Aw, hey, it’s not a bad thing,” he assures as he pulls her into a crushing hug. “Having a crush isn’t bad—though, I gotta say, Nebula? I wouldn’t have expected that. “She’s scary man—”
“Peter,” Mantis interrupts, voice muffled against his shoulder.
Peter releases her from the hug but keeps an arm wrapped comfortingly around her shoulders. “Sorry. My point is, nobody’s going to make fun of you, and anyone that does is going to have your whole pissed off family to deal with, okay?”
Mantis smiles weakly at him. “Thanks, Peter.”
“No prob.” He pats her shoulder. “And if you need anything, just let me know, yeah?”
“I will. Thank you.”
“Now, how do you want to do the whole ‘asking her out’ think? ’Cos I’ve always had good luck with music and dancing, but on Earth some people use flowers, and then in space there’s lots—”
Their first real date contains a few other firsts, too.
They’re on a local little planet—ostensibly to refuel and restock the ship’s supplies, but Mantis and Nebula leave that to the rest of the Guardians—that Rocket snarkily calls “boring and pathetic,” Peter says is “simple,” and Gamora says is safe.
“It’s nearby, it’s out of the way, and it’s small,” Gamora had said when the Guardians had been deciding which planet to stop at. “We should have no trouble resupplying and finding entertainment until—”
“The bug and you murderous sister are done with their date, yeah yeah. We all know the reason you picked this town is ’cause you don’t want any cops on our tail if they start shit.”
“Why would we do anything to get arrested?” Mantis can’t fathom their date going that poorly but now that the thought’s been put in her head she can’t help but start worrying.
“Okay, look, nobody is going to get arrested,” Peter started, and that’s when Drax chimed in.
“Yes, Nebula is a fierce warrior. If she does not want to be arrested, she will not.
“Dude, that’s not helping.”
From there the conversation only further devolved into bickering (somehow on an entirely unrelated subject), and it was a relief to Mantis when the ship finally docked and she and Nebula were able to officially start their date.
To say they were both nervous would be an understatement.
They were walking a bit apart as they wandered slowly through the park. Neither had particularly wanted to stick around near the market, crowded and busy as it was, and the nearby park sounded quieter and more appealing anyways, so they had agreed that they would head there first and see where that would lead.
Nebula was…tense. Mantis didn’t have to touch her to know that much, but Mantis had no room to talk. They were both nervous. Mantis, certainly, had never dated before, and based off their past conversations, neither had Nebula.
“We can head back, if you would prefer,” Nebula interrupts her thoughts abruptly, after they’d been walking for a while.
Mantis stops and blinks confusedly at Nebula. “Go back?” She thinks she can hear a bit of panic in her voice; did Nebula not want to be here with her that badly?
“If you are regretting this, we can head back,” Nebula clarifies stiffly. She’s staring straight ahead, pointedly refusing to look at Mantis.
“I—no!” Mantis blurts out, and Nebula seems so startled by her outburst she snaps around to look at her. “Why would you—do you want to head back?”
“No!” Nebula bristles defensively. “But you seem tense. I thought maybe you might have begun to regret this.”
“I could say the same about you.” Mantis doesn’t realize she’s wringing her hands until her nails bite into the back of her hand. They stare at each for a long, awkward minute until Mantis finally admits, “I…am nervous, but it’s not because I don’t want to be with you. The Guardians put some silly thoughts in my head—”
“Idiots,” Nebula growls.
“—and I let it feed my nerves,” Mantis finishes. She feels a bit silly now, having said this out loud.
Nebula clenches and unclenches her hands and haltingly says, “I was nervous too. I thought you might not being enjoying this.”
Mantis slowly unlaces her hands and reaches tentatively for Nebula’s cybernetic hand, which hangs stiffly at her side. “Maybe we could…start over, and try again?”
Nebula’s hand twitches, their fingertips brushing. “I would like that.”
Mantis smiles; she still feels a little jittery, but instead of growing dread in the pit of her stomach she has butterflies. Nebula offers a tiny smile of her own in response and Mantis’s stomach flutters, then flips when Nebula lets her hold her other hand.
“Can I kiss you?” Mantis asks.
Nebula’s cheeks darken slightly. “Yes.”
Their first kiss is brief and clumsy, but it’s sweet and leaves Mantis feeling giddy and warm, especially when Nebula tips her head to follow Mantis and they end up with their foreheads pressed against each other. Nebula lets out a flustered little huff and squeezes Mantis’s hand fondly.
Nebula’s hands are rough and her grip is a little too tight, but Mantis never wants her to let go.
The first “I love you” is also the first time Mantis manages to talk Nebula into dancing.
There’s music drifting down from the speakers in the quadrant, and Mantis sits up from where she’d been leaning against Nebula’s shoulder as she read.
“Quill and his stupid music,” Nebula grumbles (because really, if he wants to listen to that blasted Zune all the time then fine, but why inflict that on everyone else by playing it over the speakers?) at the same time Mantis says:
“Oh, I like this song.” Mantis shifts and Nebula can practically feel her staring imploringly at her. “Nebula…,” she starts.
“You don’t even know what I’m going to say!”
“You’re going to ask me to dance. The answer is no.”
Mantis leans closer, laying a hand on Nebula’s cybernetic forearm for support. “Oh, please? Just one dance, Nebula.”
“I don’t dance. No,” Nebula repeats flatly.
“Not even for me?”
Nebula finally turns to fix her scowl on Mantis, only to falter when she sees Mantis’s endearingly sweet, pleading expression.
That was a mistake, Nebula thinks. She opens her mouth to refuse again but the words catch in her throat, and—sensing weakness—Mantis smiles hopefully.
They’d only been dating for a few short months—still so early in this relationship thing neither had any experience with—and yet, it seemed, Mantis already had her wrapped around her finger. Nebula wishes she could blame it on Mantis’s powers, but her hand is on Nebula’s prosthetic arm and even if it wasn’t she knows Mantis wouldn’t try to alter her feelings (she wouldn’t do that to her) but the alternative is that Nebula has gone soft and sappy like her sister and she isn’t sure if she can deal with that revelation right now so instead she takes the thought and shoves it to the very back of her mind and tries to forget about it.
“I hate when you do that,” Nebula growls, but there’s no real bite to her tone and Mantis lights up, sensing immediately that she’s won. She jumps out of her seat, tugging Nebula by the wrist and Nebula begrudgingly follows.
“Thank you for indulging me,” Mantis giggles. She pulls Nebula closer and takes her other hand, the one still covered in blue synthetic skin.
Nebula scowls. “Only for you,” she grumbles, and follows Mantis’s movements without complaint. “Just don’t tell anyone. If Quill finds out, I’ll never hear the end of it, and he will wind up with a knife in his throat.”
“Do not stab my brother, please,” Mantis chides, but she’s still smiling, too happy to pay Nebula’s grouchy threat any attention. “But, I won’t tell anyone. I promise.”
Nebula doesn’t say anything else, just follows Mantis’s lead. Not that it was a particularly complicated dance, as they opted to simply sway gently to the music, but Mantis wasn’t complaining. The fact Nebula was going along with it at all more than made up for the simplistic motions.
The song that started this has just ended when Mantis slides her hand up to Nebula’s wrist and gently guides her hand to her waist. She doesn’t protest, but Mantis feels her pulse spike. Mantis steps closer and loops her arms around Nebula’s neck, and Nebula tentatively moves her other hand to rest on Mantis’s waist.
Their movements slow until their swaying dance is lazy, barely a dance at all at this point. Nebula has recovered from her initial spike of adrenaline (gentle touches and physical affection are something she still hasn’t quite gotten used to), and has relaxed minutely, even seems to be almost enjoying herself. Mantis moves close enough to tuck herself under Nebula’s chin. After a moment, Nebula responds by resting her cheek against the crown of Mantis’s head.
So content in the moment, Mantis misses Nebula’s first mumbled comment. When she finally registers that Nebula has said something, she shakes herself alert and pulls back enough to look at Nebula, head cocked curiously. “What was that?”
Nebula’s brow creases, and Mantis feels the fingers at her waist curl into the fabric of her clothes with a restless, nervous sort of energy. “I said I love you,” she huffs, a little louder and more flustered.
At first Mantis is too surprised to reply, and then she breaks into a huge smile, cups Nebula’s cheek with one hand, and pulls her into a gleeful kiss, clumsy with the sheer giddy joy of I love you.
Nebula melts into the kiss and when they break apart Mantis presses her forehead to Nebula’s. The hand on her cheek slides down to rest across her chest.
“I love you, too,” she says, breathless, and Nebula makes a relieved sort of noise and holds her tighter, and that sets Mantis off and she giggles, and even Nebula can’t hide the growing smile on her face.
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lavendette · 7 months
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It’s forsythia cutting season 🌼
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asktheraggededges · 6 years
Hey Zune, you've done a lot of crazy things when drunk, from eating bugs from C-16's hair to dancing with the Commissar. What would you say was the craziest thing you've ever done while sloshed? Also, most embarrassing?
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Without a doubt, kissing poor Nada.
It wasn’t just a grotesque violation of personal boundries, but I was doing it on a dare because those egging me on saw her as an scary or disgusting. To go through with it as a dare supports that sort of mindset. It un-persons these people.
It wasn’t an okay thing to do.
Nada smiled at me and assured me it was fine but well...she always does that.
I still feel bad about it.
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Convert Flac To Alac (Apple Lossless Audio Codec). GitHub
How you can convert FLAC to ALAC online with FLAC to ALAC Converter? The vast majority of downloaded music consumers are presumably of the younger demographic and most of their listening would be finished on smartphones especially curing transit. What with loud ambient noise and low cost earbuds, I doubt they really think a lot of getting one other 5% better sound quality and having to pay more for it. All you do is add the unique audio file, choose the desired output format, and then watch for flac to alac windows an email with a hyperlink to the converted file. Like MP3 earlier than it, FLAC has been embraced by the music industry as a cheap solution to distribute CD-or-better-high quality music, and it would not have the auditory problems of MP3s. FLAC is lossless and extra like a ZIP file - it comes out sounding the same when it is unzipped. Beforehand the one technique to get "lossless" information was by way of the uncompressed CD formats CDA or WAV, but neither is as house-efficient as FLAC. This has been reported to Apple however it appears it isn't a bug but a deliberate determination on their half. I suspect that it pertains to Apple once contemplating releasing 24-bit ALAC recordsdata however not wanting finish-users to have unrestricted entry to the unique data. With the built-in FLAC editor, it is so simple to edit FLAC information like join, cut, and break up. You may be part of several FLAC recordsdata into one audio file, minimize out unwanted audio half and keep the outstanding part. Click on the "Convert" button to start and finish converting FLAC to Apple Lossless Audio Codec ALAC M4A. Select AIFF because the output format you want to convert FLAC file(s) to. Also take into account that several players like JRIver, Audirvana and others can convert "on-the-fly" which means that they do not convert the file bodily, they just do the conversion whereas the music is playing, so you don't have to waste the space for storing changing to other formats. Click on "Add file" button to import the Monkey's Audioape files. You'll now see a brand new screen displayed that provides you options to vary the rip settings. By default, the AAC Encoder possibility will probably be chosen. Change this by clicking on the drop-down menu and select the Apple Lossless Encoder. Just load up the audio recordsdata you wish to convert (either by file or folder), or flac to alac windows enter the URL for an online file, choose the Codecs tab to select an output format, and click Start conversion to transform the files.
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FLAC stands for Free Lossless Audio Codec. It's a compressed audio format just like MP3, but lossless, that means audio file is compressed in flac to alac windows container without any loss in high quality. FLAC information enable incredible music enjoyment but file measurement is considerably smaller than uncompressed WAV, AIFF and Apple lossless. Although much like MP3, FLAC playback support is proscribed throughout system compared to MP3. In many instances we'd like convert FLAC to different audio formats.Convert any unsupported audio format to iPhone, iPad, iPod, iTunes, PSP, Zune, Roku, Sensible TVs, Android, Xbox supported audio format. Proper-click converted merchandise and choose "Play Destination" to play the vacation spot file, select "Browse Destination Folder" to open Windows Explorer to browse the vacation spot file. FLAC to ALAC Converter creates output folders in response to source recordsdata listing tree automatically.Naturally, the assumption with bit depth and frequency is that bigger numbers are higher. One factor they definitely are is larger, and this extends to file sizes. Should you thought Apple Lossless, FLAC and AIFF audio information had been big, high-decision audio equivalents will seem gargantuan; single albums can easily clock in around the 1 GB mark.I've had no problems with Max and iTunes. Most of my information are downloads so I am not sure of the decision. I determine whatever it is FLAC to ALAC is nice sufficient for me. You can begin to convert FLAC to Apple Lossless by clicking "Convert Now" button. HD Video Converter Factory Pro is not just a conversion software. It might obtain video from many sharing websites, akin to YouTube, Fb, Vimeo, Liveleak…For video fans, how great the benefits are! So, how do you obtain videos by HD Video Converter Manufacturing facility Professional? Comply with the steps below to obtain the video.But since reinstalling Home windows (from Home windows eight to Home windows eight, so nothing new there, only a reinstall) it's converting 1 file each time I run it. If you wish to reassure yourself, convert every of your two FLAC files to WAV (or AIFF), then check the MD5 checksums. Here's a free but best FLAC to Apple Lossless Converter, with a detailed step-by-step information on the right way to straight convert FLAC to Apple lossless ALAC. The FLAC to Apple Lossless Converter is totally free of charge. Click on the Obtain button beneath to have a try Free FLAC to Apple Lossless Converter.
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fasterthanmydemons · 1 year
[ Speedster of the Galaxy ]
Mantis indeed believed that Wanda Maximoff possessed powers that were similar to hers, but it was nice to get confirmation from Pietro. It was reassuring. She knew there had to be others with abilities like hers out there. The galaxy was too big to believe otherwise. In any case, Mantis had not even realized she was reading Pietro until she had done it. Using her powers came naturally; she had to act with no hesitation during missions. If someone was struggling, she had to calm their mind. And Pietro was struggling. He wasn’t in danger, but he was hurting. She had used her powers instinctively.
Mantis frowned. “Your mind does not have cobwebs and dust,” she replied, not knowing why he would say that. “But your thoughts race unusually fast. I’m not sure if it’s a result of your powers or your anxiety since you are starting a new life, but they are so fast. On one hand, that is good; it means you should be able to keep up with us. But on the other… you are probably restless and have difficulty concentrating. That won’t be a problem when we’re on the ship, but it may be a problem during missions. But problems can be solved. We just need to figure out how,” she said, as if she couldn’t slow down his thoughts with a touch.
Then he explained why some people would get defensive around someone with her abilities. Her antennae became droopy and her eyes, sad. “I know. Some are sweet to me, but some others don’t want to be near me or touched by me. It’s not a reaction I love, but I understand.” Mantis blinked when he seemed to worry about her safety. “You are so kind. You just joined the team and you’re already looking out for your teammates.” She clasped her hands together; she forgot to tell him that she could do more than read others. Mantis shrugged one shoulder. “Most cannot hurt me easily. For now, they can only do so from a distance, it seems. People touch me at their own risk.” Strange words from someone who was just complaining about others not wanting to touch her. But it was true; anyone who tried to hurt her was giving her the upper hand simply by touching her. Her abilities were both empowering and isolating.
“Oh, thank you!” Mantis beamed when Pietro said she told good jokes. However, her head tilted to the side when he called her adorable. “Adorable?” she echoed. She didn’t understand. Rocket was adorable. His grumpy personality only made him more adorable in Mantis’ eyes. Groot was also adorable, and tiny. Mantis turned to look outside, wondering if Pietro was just kidding, but smiled when he agreed that music was wonderful. When he asked if she had favorites, she brought her hands to her cheeks. “Oh, so many! It is nearly impossible for me to choose. We have something called a Zune, with hundreds of songs by talented humans. You should be very proud of your species for being able to create such beauty.” When he mentioned knowing a god, Mantis’ eyes widened. If Pietro worked with him, he was probably nice. As long as he wasn’t like Ego, he was good. “Thor, god of thunder?” she repeated. “Well, lightning is very pretty. I would like to meet him someday.”
Then he called her cute again, and she blinked, looking behind her; perhaps Rocket was up and Pietro was actually talking to him. But there was no one. “Um… me?” A hint of mistrust flashed in her eyes. Opinions were subjective, of course, but it still bugged her - no pun intended - to think that he was just lying to get a reaction out of her. “May I touch you?” The words seemed to come out on their own, but her voice was eerily quiet. “I want to make sure you’re not lying.” Mantis slowly reached for his right hand, hesitation clear in her movements, holding her breath as her fingers stretched out…
“Oh my God!” Rocket’s voice announced his presence before anything else. “Turn that goddamn thing down, you fuckheads!”
Mantis blinked. She had been so distracted talking to Pietro, she forgot that the Zune was still going, just like it was when she initiated the conversation. Quill had probably fallen asleep before turning it off, and so, a few songs had played one after another. Now, the song echoing through the ship was Venus by Shocking Blue. A very pretty planet, although one they were leaving behind as well as Earth. Mantis drew her hand to herself. She had not touched Pietro due to Rocket’s sudden interruption, and she turned her head, hardly seeing her friend in the dimly lit ship.
“Hi, Rocket,” she greeted him. “The volume is low.”
“No, no, I know what happened. Quill’s dumb ass fell asleep.”
“I thought so, too,” the empath said with a nod. “Well… not… not like that, but that’s what I thought.”
“Shit woke me up!” Rocket complained, voice harsher than usual.
Mantis looked away. A lie. She had seen Rocket sleep in louder situations. Loud parties, loud songs. Right now, he was likely unable to sleep and using the music as scapegoat. Mantis did not blame him. She occasionally looked inside his head, when it was apparent he was restless in his sleep, and she couldn’t keep her eyes dry for too long. To say that his dreams were horrifying would be an understatement. Mantis never learned the details. She didn’t want to. But she knew they were horrifying because she knew what Rocket felt in his sleep. Fear. Rage. Loss. Pain. Hopes that would collapse, then angrily explode and fade away, like a dying star. She just wanted to hug him every time she saw him.
“I need a drink,” Rocket added, strolling by, but stopped and looked at Pietro. “How’s it going, new guy?”
Mantis beamed, leaning a bit closer to the speedster. “He’s showing interest in you,” she whispered, happiness in her voice and expression.
“Makin’ small talk, hm?” Rocket couldn’t hold back a yawn. He didn’t sound as tired as he was. Mantis knew that.
“He is not afraid of my powers,” she told Rocket gleefully. “And I told him we’re all bad seeds to make him feel welcome.”
“Yeah, bet that makes anyone feel welcome,” he responded, scratching one of his ears. Upon noticing the proud look on Mantis’ face, he clarified: “I was being sarcastic.”
“I do believe it made him feel welcome. He said he likes it.”
“He was probably being sarcastic too. Who feels welcome among bad seeds?”
“Other bad seeds… or good seeds who feel like bad seeds.”
“Bug, you spend way too much time around your plants,” Rocket remarked, patting Mantis’ shin.
Mantis saw an opportunity to pick Rocket up and she took it. She held him in a tight hug, her chin resting on top of his head. “You are so adorable!”
“Oh, fuck’s sake. Put me down.”
He didn’t have to ask twice. The first few times Mantis had done it, Rocket would yell threats, insults and profanities, punch, kick and bite, before being subdued by her powers. With time, he had stopped fighting it. He didn’t fully accept her hugs yet - he hated being seen as cute - but at least he would no longer resist her affection like he used to.
“As I was sayin’… I need a drink,” Rocket repeated, walking away. “Sorry for interrupting your small talk, it’ll happen again.”
Mantis waved her hand at him and waited until he was gone. “He is the cutest,” she grinned. “I would hug him all day, every day, but… you know. Stuff to do.” She giggled, her gaze returning to space. With Ego, Mantis was valued not for the person she was, but for what she could do for her father. All while Ego kept the most immaculate illusion of perfection for visitors. Being around someone like Rocket or any of the Guardians, who were so openly flawed, who were not formal or even polite, who would lay their imperfections out so they could be seen from galaxies away… It all brought something new to Mantis’ life.
Pietro chuckled as she took what he said literally. He really had to watch what he said around her. “No, is… is just figure of speech. Asking if you found something good or if there are cobwebs in my head, is like, asking if you found anything of value in there or if is only junk. It was just to be funny.” Did his explanation help or just make her more confused? Well, at lest he tried. He didn’t have a problem explaining himself to Mantis, he was learning. With other people, he sometimes got defensive because he felt like he was being mocked or patronized, but with Mantis, he understood that she was just genuinely curious and innocent.
“Is probably because of what I can do,” Pietro said when she brought up his racing thoughts. “Is so that when I am all over the place-” He suddenly zipped around the room a few times, leaving a trail of blue slipstreamstuffs all around Mantis, before coming to stand in the same place he was and casually continuing his sentence like he never left, “-I don’t run into anything or trip over anything. Is so I can think on the spot. Have to be able to process everything super fast or I run into things.” He then smiled rather sheepishly. “Not... that sometimes I still do not run into things... because I do...”
When she brought up having trouble concentrating, though, he sighed. “Yeah, I do have trouble focusing and stuff.” He didn’t want to say that he thought that was just because he wasn’t very bright. It was too embarrassing and shameful. “I don’t think you can solve this problem, but thanks for thinking about it. Is just that... usually is fixed with medication, I’ve heard, but medication doesn’t work on me. My body processes it too fast and it just...” He made a wooshing sound. “...goes right through and does not have any time to work.”
“Oh? Do you have poisonous skin or something?” he asked when she said others touched her at their own risk. His eyebrow rose a bit. “Well is okay, don’t worry, I won’t touch without permission anyway. She seemed to be confused about her being adorable. “Yeah. I think so,” he said. “I hope is not insulting to you, if is bad in your culture to say. In mine, it is nice to hear. But if I offend, please let me know.” He was beginning to think that maybe it was offensive, because when he called her cute, she seemed to react even worse. “Sorry, I... I didn’t mean anything bad...” he said, but when she wanted to touch him, he knew why. “Sure, go ahead. You touch me, though, not me touching you. Since you said that was bad to do.” As if there was really a difference. Nevertheless, if she had been able to touch him, she would feel that, indeed, he thought she was cute, and adorable, and very sweet and personable. And he was very much enjoying talking with her. She made him feel welcome.
Instead, Rocket interrupted. Usually guys like this annoyed the shit out of Pietro, but Rocket he thought was okay. He seemed to be offensive in general to everyone, and therefore, in Pietro’s book, he was offensive to no one. There was a difference between having an abrasive, boisterous, and edgy personality, and just being a flat out dick, and so far he felt like Rocket was the former. Pietro chuckled as Rocket’s voice entered the room before he did. “Oh, is good music, you know you want to dance. Don’t fight it,” he teased him. He nodded at the greeting. “Is going okay. Talking to Mantis, looking at space, you know how it is. Listen, have you tried ear plugs? My sister uses these soft ones at night so I don’t wake her up when I can’t sleep and start listening to music. Maybe that would work for you too?”
As Rocket teased Mantis about making Pietro feel welcome, Pietro actually nodded enthusiastically. “She is making me feel welcome. More than your complaining furry ass has,” he said, but the playful smirk on his face said he was only joking. He then laughed as Mantis forcibly hugged Rocket. Despite his protests, the creature seemed to not hate it... too much. Pietro could tell. “I want a drink too. Unfortunately alcohol wears off too fast on me. I cannot get drunk,” Pietro said, shrugging. “Is no fun if there’s no buzz. Maybe if I drank several gallons...” he wondered. Okay, but now he was actually seriously wondering if that would work. He rubbed his chin in thought.
He waved as Rocket left again. “Cute... wouldn’t be the word I’d choose, but he is amusing. He keeps the energy up, is for sure,” was Pietro’s assessment. “Maybe you should hug him every day. I think he needs it. For the record... I also give great hugs, so... just saying. Or at least my sister says I do. She’s really the only one who lets me hug her.” And now he had no one to hug. That... was a thought he didn’t need right about now. “Hugs are nice,” he said rather quietly. “Um...” he said awkwardly, trying to get back to happy energy. “You wanted to touch to verify your cuteness...” he reminded her, holding out his arm to her.
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M4A To WAV Converter
You may simply convert m4a to mp3 linux any WAV file to MP3 format by utilizing considered one of two free methods we'll element below, both are simple and quick. It's extremely fast, Free WAV to MP3 Converter is the fastest WAV to MP3 Converter obtainable. iTunes M4P Converter is knowledgeable DRM copy protected remove program that can take away DRM from iTunes music and movie files. As iTunes converter, you may convert iTunes to MP3 fast and easy. As M4P converter, you'll be able to easily convert M4P to MP3. You are able to do it in iTunes, nevertheless it's a ache within the neck as a result of iTunes doesn't save the Album Artist tag when converting due to a known bug, so when you've got any compilation albums, you may must edit the Album Artist tags for each of them manually after changing.
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Obtain and record music directly to iTunes Library for management. Launch iWisoft Free Video Converter. Click the Add" icon and browse for the WAV file within the file choice window. Choose the merchandise and click on the Open" button to import the audio into the application. Taking this into consideration, it is clear why MP3 is a superb format for distributing, streaming and selling music. However, this comes at some cost. With Whole Audio Converter you need to use batch mode to transform WAV to MP3. Most attention-grabbing, whether or not you change one file or to hundred files, the pace is sort of the same. It takes only a few seconds to render WAV information in the MP3 format. Before changing FLAC to MP3, you'll be able to customise the output settings corresponding to start time, stop time, audio codec, audio track, subtitle, and so on. Glorious app when you need to handle input and output audio information of various codecs. Many of them imply varied settings. The disadvantage, you can not carry out the conversion in a quick and computerized approach. For that function, I take advantage of Mp4 Video 1 Click on for Windows (search here or google) along side LameXP. So, being joined together, LameXP and Mp4 Video 1 Click on for Windows are the nice pair for both guide-correct and computerized-quick audio conversions.
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There are two main ways to get your FLAC recordsdata legally: ripping from CD or purchasing from a digital store. Ripping is simple to do however you will want the appropriate software for your pc. Nevertheless, there are some gadgets that allow you to rip and retailer FLAC files on a networked exhausting drive without having to ever contact a COMPUTER; the Bluesound Vault is one among these. The most important drawback to this program is that have to buy the Infinite Pack to transform audio files which are longer than three minutes. Many applications, including Home windows Media Participant, help you convert audio recordsdata to MP3. A few of these applications are free, whereas others have to be bought. Each program works slightly in a different way. The most important thing is to comply with the instructions rigorously. Truly Avdshare Auido Converter can convert between any audio codecs, like changing MP3 to FLAC, M4A to MP3, AAC to WAV, etc. Choose a preset. In case none of the prepared profiles suits your needs, you'll be able to create a customized one. To do it, click on the blue gear button underneath the profile. There'll seem a brand new window the place you'll be able to set the sample charge, bitrate, and channel. WAV audio information are an effective way to protect the complete and correct high quality of a recording in a really lossless format in your computer. Nonetheless, if you happen to're not an audiophile and are concerned about cupboard space, it might be time to transform them to a extra manageable format like MP3. Anybody know of a good converter for WAV to Mp3? I found heaps with google but they appear a bit dodgy. Simply wanna know if anybody knows a superb one. Probably a free one. If your songs are out of DRM safety, you may simply convert them with iTunes. Let's learn to convert songs to completely different audio formats with iTunes. Free Convert MP3 to WAV may be very to use. Merely add the audio information to convert, choose the goal audio format and high quality profile and then press the "Convert" button. Within the Open Media dialog, convert m4a to mp3 linux click on the Add button and browse for your music file. Then click on Open. No, there is not. FLAC is taken into account to be a lossless format, and no audio info shall be lost within the conversion. You'll be able to see for your self by evaluating a file that has been compressed to FLAC then decompressed with the original WAV file.
After including M4A file, you are able to do some customizations freely. Press the "trim" button, you may trim the M4A file into a number of sections by dragging the sliders to set the period time, or adjusting the "Begin Time" and "Finish Time" columns. Click the "Edit" > "Audio", you are able to regulate the audio quantity, customize "fade in" & "fade out" impact freely. You can now obtain YouTube videos as MP3 information with HD audio high quality. Our main YouTube to MP3 Converter can be compatible with many other on-line video sites comparable to Vimeo, Dailymotion and Liveleak. Don't convert the file to MP3 if the kind of file contained within the m4a format is an AAC, as a result of you will be converting from lossy to lossy, and marked reduction in sound high quality will happen. Moreover, if the file's bit charge is 320kbps or less, it's normally not a good idea to convert the file. The file is not going to get any better by changing it, and if the file has a bit rate of 320kbps or much less, it should not be taking on an excessive amount of memory, so there is no such thing as a want to cut back its measurement. If the issue is a matter of the m4a being incompatible along with your media participant, I counsel you upgrade your media participant, because the m4a format is sort of standardized.
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Free MP3 to WAV Converter, Convert MP3 to WAV. Use this device to convert video and audio information from many different codecs to WAV. You may either choose an area file or input a remote file location for conversion. In case you are logged in you may decide-in to get notified by electronic mail once the conversion is finished. I use iDealshare VideoGo to convert M4A to WAV or convert WAV to M4A. This iTunes Music Converter is absolutely practical and easy to use, enabling you to play all the DRM-protected and DRM-free iTunes audio files on any of your portable audio gamers, no matter they're PSP, Zune HD, iRiver, Sony Walkman, Sansa, Cowon, Creative Zen, iPod, iPad, iPhone or cellular images like Blackberry, Nokia, SamSung, Motorola, HTC and so forth.
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astromechs · 6 years
What they smell like: she smells like her favorite soap, which has a nice floral scent, as well as some of her favorite lotions. one of her favorite things now is novelty bath and body products – she really gets into that stuff, and trying on new scents, etc.
How they sleep (sleeping position, schedule, etc): mantis is definitely an early bird – early to bed, early to rise; she’s one of the first people up on the ship every morning, along with gamora. she tends to sleep on her side, semi-curled up into a ball. it’s sort of been conditioned in her to not take up much space, and she still does this in her sleep unconsciously.
What music they enjoy: everything pop! this is the genre that mantis comes to enjoy on the zune for sure. and she loves pop from all eras, but the 80s and 90s are especially her favorite.
How much time they spend getting ready every morning: less than an hour, but sometimes more. it depends on whether she gets distracted.
Their favorite thing to collect: any odd little knickknack she can get her hands on. this comes about because they start going through some of yondu’s things on the quadrant, and she finds herself delighted by all his dumb little things he used to pick up. peter gives those to her, actually happy that they’re, you know, finding a home somewhere, and then mantis starts collecting them on her own from whatever junk shops they end up at.
Left or right-handed: left-handed
Religion (if any): none; as she spent most of her life up to this point with ego, she wasn’t really exposed to anything.
Favorite sport: mantis isn’t really a big fan of sports, so she’d be hard pressed to come up with one.
Favorite touristy thing to do when traveling (museums, local food, sightseeing, etc): sightseeing! she loves hitting up all the tourist traps on every planet the guardians make a stop on, and really, she just – wants to see everything she can. she spent so long being so isolated that she wants to take in as much as possible.
Favorite kind of weather: warm and sunny
A weird/obscure fear they have: maybe almost ironically, mantis is actually kind of afraid of bugs. not the cute ones, but the big, scary ones that you don’t want to find in your shower (i.e. space cockroaches). and she definitely doesn’t want to kill them, either, so someone else always has to come do it for her.
The carnival/arcade game they always win without fail: anything that involves guessing something (guess my age, how many beans are in the jar, etc.). she can’t read minds, but she can feel the emotions of the person running the game, and by that, she can tell whether she’s close to the right answer. maybe it’s an advantage that… some of the others encouraged, lol… but the guardians have managed to win some units/cool stuff that way.
send me a character, and i’ll answer weird headcanon questions!
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fandomite · 7 years
Things I NEED to have happen during the Infinity War films
1) rocket needs to make some remark about Bucky’s arm
2) I need to see tony have an absolute existential crisis MELTDOWN when peter quill refers to his fuckin Zune as highly advanced human technology
3) I need strange and stark in the same room, and have someone, preferably Martin freeman, say "no shit Sherlock" and to have the two Awesome Facial Hair Bros™️ to just lock eyes for a second in silent mutual understanding
4) I need someone to give Thor a rundown as to why they all fought each other rather than look for infinity stones, and how because of the one fight they now broke up the band and loss almost all trust, and to have Thor hear this and ALSO have some kinda of exasperated meltdown because "are you fucking KIDDING me, Loki stabs and betrays me all the time, literally poisoned my meal on the space ride to Midgard, but I still love him???? he's still my favorite???? the fuck is wrong with you idiots???? you’re still that goddamn petty it’s been how many years nothing has changed????" bonus points if he retells the snake story
5) while I obviously want the Awesome Facial Hair Bros™️ to meet and geek out, I also want tony to fuckin DECK strange for turning down the request for his surgical expertise in fixing Rhodes, and bonus points if Steve hears and backs him up without a moments hesitation because strange wtf you were a DICK; but more bonus points if strange remembers and then immediately agrees to help Rhodes as soon as he's able
6) I need Bruce and Parker to meet so we can have the legendary hulk and Spider-Man moment in the comics where Spidey told the hulk a joke and the hulk found it so funny he calmed back down into banner
7) a more serious note real quick, I need mantis to touch Bucky and relay all that info back to tony SO HE GETS IT
8) James Rhodes and James Buchanan Barnes, basically the two James just having the exasperated spouse moment and low key bitching about their ridiculous dramatic husbands
9) Sam and Bucky. Just more Sam and Bucky.
10) I need a bug teamup: black widow, ant man, Spider-Man, mantis, wasp
11) I need some cyborg bonding between Nebula and Bucky, I don't even know how that would be possible but I need it; bonus however if nebula and Loki bond somehow over being the younger, "lesser" sibling and being tortured by the dried up alien eggplant
12) tony arriving to kick Thanos' ass by blasting ACDC over the loudspeakers so we can all cry and reminisce over that iconic entrance in the first avengers film
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