#zs get a pass
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solcarow · 1 year ago
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kickbackkanzaki · 22 days ago
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The Dungeon Master and Chess Queen
You're the new student and chess captain at Hawkins High. When Eddie Munson asks you for tutoring you're certain you have him handled but you may have underestimated his strategy.
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Warnings: Smut (18+), drinking, oral (fem receiving), intercourse (p in v), swearing, possessive/toxic traits, rough sex.
"Is it just my imagination," one of your customers asked as you passed her a wrapped book. "Or do they seem to stop women from writing more than men?"
"It's not your imagination," Robin told her. "Men are terrified by women with original thought."
"Especially when they write better," Max added.
"Anyone who reads Margaret Atwood feels threatened," you pointed out as you slipped the money out of sight. "That woman can critique society better than any old Ivy League man while spinning an entertaining tale. The woman's powerful."
"I still want a copy of Ender's Game," your customer told you then began to leave.
It was lunchtime at Hawkins High and you were conducting trade while the cafeteria monitor kept an eye out for thrown food and fist fights.
"I'm waiting on my supplier I'll be in touch," you answered and someone else approached your table.
Someone who didn't read.
"Hey I heard you and Munson were getting it on in the back of your shitty Mustang after school yesterday," Georgia from the cheer team sneered when you noticed her.
You'd never done anything to antagonize Georgia but she figured you were easy pickings for a popular bully like her. A chess nerd with straight As dating the school freak - you didn't have a leg to stand on.
"That Mustang has done less miles than your pussy," you shot back. "The tyres aren't as bald either."
Robin and Max laughed into their lunch and you watched Georgia gawk with some satisfaction. You had learned young to always answer a taunt as it proved you weren't afraid of where it came from.
"You can't say that to me!" Georgia screeched and gained a few more onlookers from other tables.
"Go home and brush your teeth your breath smells of dick," you said now bored and a table of good looking boys erupted into laughter.
Georgia had neither the quick wit or intelligence to counter that so she fell back on a classic popular girl threat.
"My boyfriend is going to mess you up!"
"Your shitbag boyfriend is busy under the bleachers eating out Meredith from the soccer squad," you told her matter of factly and Georgia's eyes grew round with horror. "Come on, you didn't really think he was getting chem tutoring at lunch did you?"
Georgia called you a name you'd heard many times before then ran out the cafeteria as the boys hooted.
"Is that true?" Max asked feeling uncomfortable by the vivid depiction of sexual depravity.
"Apparently," you said with an indifferent shrug. "The soft cock was boasting about it to Eddie last week during a business deal."
"You upset the hierarchy when you burn the bullies like that," Robin said wisely as she ate her pretzels.
She loved the way you eviscerated low IQ miscreants but she did worry about possible reprisals. There was still most of a year to endure before the two of you were free of Hawkins High.
"A cheerleader uniform doesn't give you a bitch pass," you stated unconcerned. "If Georgia wants to discuss things further I'll have a go. Hierarchy be damned."
"Where did you learn to say all that stuff?" Max asked.
As much as Max liked her older friend she had to admit some of what you said was downright disgusting and doubted it came from the literature you read.
"I was at boarding school for ten years," you explained. "I know every derisive word for genitals, the A to Zs of STDs and all the things a creative girl can fashion into a phallus. I promise you, those pornos where the drifter arrives at a girl's school full of blushing virgins are total fiction."
"I'm glad we're co-ed," Robin said for the first time ever and balled up her empty pretzel bag.
"Me too. It's way easier to look smart with boys around," you agreed and made Max smile.
As if on cue your favourite boy suddenly appeared and sat down next to you.
"We got trouble baby," he said frantically taking your hands.
"Did you get busted?" you asked in a worried hush and shot the cafeteria monitor a cautious glance.
"Kinda," Eddie answered cryptically. "Wayne knows about us."
"As in your Uncle Wayne?" you asked allowing your voice to return to normal volume.
So long as neither of you were going to spend the night in lock up on distribution charges it was fine for your friends to hear Eddie's risible stories.
"Yeah. I don't know he found out! I was getting my sheets out the dryer and -"
All three females exclaimed at once in mutual understanding.
"Hang on what?" Eddie's panicked spiel derailed from confusion. "Why'd you all say 'Oh' like that?"
"That was the give away," Robin explained. "Boys don't launder their own sheets unless they have something to hide. They'll roll around in their crusty mess for months before their mothers wash them."
"It's different with girls?"
Eddie felt like he'd stumbled onto a gender based conspiracy and was getting schooled.
"Our monthly bloodbaths don't keep business hours," you said tastelessly. "Early morning linen washes aren't unusual for us."
That had never occurred to Eddie but he had to admit it made sense now why the puritan lady at the checkout had given him a filthy glare when he'd bought a new flat sheet and laundry detergent in the one transaction.
"Anyway what's the problem with your uncle knowing?" you asked as you finally got a chance to eat your sandwich. "I didn't get you pregnant did I?"
Your friends sniggered but Eddie let it slide. He knew they laughed amiably unlike the jocks who preyed on his club.
"He wants you to come around for dinner this week," Eddie grumbled and ran his hands through his tangled hair in frustration.
"Ok," you said after a bite of sandwich. "Tonight I'm watching a movie at Max's and tomorrow's chess club but I can come after tutoring Thursday? Or Friday? Whatever suits."
"Really? You'll come?" Eddie stopped tugging his hair and looked at you in disbelief.
He'd assumed this would upset you but you were completely unphased. With conventional couples meeting the parents was seen as a milestone, one that cemented your commitment and hinted at a possible combined future.
As you two were aberrant individuals Eddie had predicted you'd scatter at something proper like family dinner.
"Why not? I suppose it makes sense, we've been hanging out for a while now. My Dad knows about you," you said pragmatically as you finished the sandwich and broke your chocolate bar in half.
"How?" Eddie asked in alarm and halted his reach for the offered treat.
"I told him doofus," you said and laughed with your friends again.
"What did he say?"
"Not a lot," you replied with a shrug. "He made me a reading list of Romantic poets and now buys me condoms when he gets his script filled."
You then turned to your lunch mates and added, "If you ladies need any let me know, I now have enough rubbers to get me to menopause."
"I wouldn't want to slow you down."
You engaged both middle fingers so you could flip your friends off in unison then turned back to your boyfriend.
"Tell Wayne I'd be delighted," you said and kissed Eddie on the cheek. "Now return to your flock shepherd I have censored literature to sell."
That night Wayne called Eddie from work to check which night he had to swap shifts so he could cook for the two of you. Eddie told him Friday and when the night arrived he came outside to meet you at the Mustang.
Eddie looked you over appraisingly as you climbed out the driver's seat and wolf whistled. You'd worn one of your nicer dresses with a floral pattern and had gone easy on the eyeliner in case Wayne suspected you leaned into heavier pastimes.
"Someone's pretty," Eddie sang and took a tupperware from your hands.
"Hello shit-stirrer," you said affectionately with a smile and kissed him on the mouth.
You made it a good kiss because it was likely the only one you'd get tonight being on your best behaviour.
When you walked in the trailer you nearly commented on how tidy it was but stopped last minute. You didn't want to let slip just how often you hung out there.
All week Eddie has been telling you how much of a crusty old curmudgeon his uncle was but you actually found Wayne quite pleasant.
He shook your hand, complimented your dress and didn't use any of the condescending pet names blokes his age often gave young women.
You asked about his job, his football team and his car, three things that could get any straight white man talking.
Wayne thanked you for the cake and was only a little surprised to hear your dad had baked it. That scored points with you as he didn't use that detail to lead into the more interesting things he'd heard about your dad.
Wayne had prepared the only meal he knew how to cook - steak with a three vegetable salad.
You gave appropriate thanks and gratefully accepted the diet soda he bought especially for you even though it wasn't your preferred beverage.
Eddie sat next to you and brushed your thigh gently under the table, the first touch since you'd come inside.
Usually by now the two of you would be in a state of undress or cuddled up in Eddie's room decompressing after surviving another day of small town banality.
But tonight you were abiding by the rules of polite society so kept your hands to yourselves.
"Eddie tells me you like chess," Wayne began after you'd taken a few bites of dinner.
"Understatement," Eddie muttered and received a poke from you under the table.
"I do," you answered enthusiastically. "I brought my board in case you wanted to play."
"Eddie played for a while in elementary school but I've never gotten the hang of it" Wayne confessed and took a sip of beer. "Too many darn rules to remember."
"There's a lot to learn, you need patience."
This was generally what you said when people labelled chess as too difficult. It stopped them from thinking you were pretentious or the game elitist.
"So I take it your mother's passed on?"
The sudden intrusiveness of the question after such a casual one made both you and Eddie stop chewing.
Not one person had broached that subject since you'd moved to Hawkins. The classic nuclear family was dying out so people usually accepted your single parent situation as it was.
"She was alive the last anyone heard," was the politest way you could put it after mulling the question over for a minute.
Eddie shot Wayne a warning look and the subject changed.
"So was it your father who taught you chess?" Wayne wisely returned to a safe topic.
"No, we had a heap of board games in the rec room at school and I was curious about the chess sets," you told him conversationally. "I signed up for a weekly chess club to learn the rules and it grew from there."
People always assumed there was a mysterious, romantic history to your passion but it had honestly begun the same as any other hobby. You'd found something you liked and applied yourself to get better at it.
The rest of the meal went smoothly with casual conversation and Eddie stole the light a few times so you wouldn't feel hot under Wayne's scrutiny.
After dinner you served the Black Forrest Cake then Wayne left the two of you to play chess at the table while he caught the end of a match on TV.
You moved a knight into place and seeing his defeat Eddie let his head fall on the table theatrically.
"That is mate," you said and smiled at his pitiful wails of defeat.
"I thought I was doing well," Eddie whined.
"You were! You made me chase you for a while there," you gave some constructive feedback to comfort him and leant back in your chair.
Eddie hated to lose but he would have hated you throwing the game more. Maybe it was time for you to sit in on a campaign and see the Dungeon Master in his element since you'd spent over an hour thrashing him.
"Let's me express my inner torment with music," Eddie said standing up with a defeatist sigh. "My room awaits."
"Might want to think of heading home," Wayne chipped in from the couch and turned the TV down.
"It's Friday night," Eddie protested.
"Don't want your dad worrying," Wayne went on as if he hadn't heard his nephew. "You two can catch up tomorrow."
"You're probably right," you conceded way too easily and Eddie's suspicion was aroused. "Thank you for dinner Mr Munson I had a lovely time."
You exchanged a few more pleasantries and had Eddie walk you to the Mustang where you shared the plan. He watched you drive out the park then went inside where Wayne had returned to his viewing.
Eddie subtly swiped a beer from the fridge then said something about listening to music before closing his bedroom door. Beer can now in his vest he threw on an Iron Maiden tape and jumped out the window.
The evening was a little chill but he would warm up once he got to his destination and the beer was inside him.
Creeping past the trailers of Friday night homebodies like a Hawkins version of Boo Radley Eddie heard snippets of televisions, stereos and domestic arguments as he hiked up the hill behind the park to the old playground.
The Mustang's headlights flashed when he was close and he heard you close the driver's door. You retrieved the lantern you keep in the boot for night time breakdowns and switched it on giving Eddie a guide to you.
"Uggh! I feel so wholesome and middle class!" Eddie yelled and threw his arms around you.
"You did well," you laughed as he lifted and spun you around. "Keep this up and you can take me to the prom."
"Can we park at Lover's Lake after?" he asked after planting a kiss on your mouth.
"Before and after," you said temptingly and pulled the beer out his pocket.
"That's my bad girl!" he cried and slapped your arse as you walked to the picnic area together.
You sat yourself up on the table while Eddie took the bench, seating himself between your feet so he could rest his head on your lap.
"What the hell was this evening about?" Eddie moaned as you stroked his hair and took a swing of beer.
You passed him the can and explained everything in your most patient voice.
"Your sweet uncle, who loves you, was just making sure you hadn't been ensnared by a harpy with wide legs and deep claws. He was worried I might be setting my sights on trapping you in early fatherhood and criminal enterprise."
"He thinks I'm that stupid?" Eddie made an injured face after a swing of beer.
"He knows you're young," you assured him. "Let the old man fuss, it means he cares."
"Well if it matters to you I think you passed darlin'," Eddie decided you were right and took another mouthful of beer.
"It'll make things easier going forward," you conceded.
Ever the gentleman Eddie let you finish the beer and returned his head to you lap where you stroked his wild locks.
Eddie enjoyed the attention for a few minutes then raised the hem of your dress and pressed his lips against the inside of your leg.
"What?" he asked when you didn't react.
It was hard to see your expression in the lamplight but your lack of response meant something was wrong.
"I need to tell you something."
"Oh no, no, no, no sentence starting with that ends well," Eddie now sat up straight and clutched at your dress. "What did I do?"
"Nothing!" you said quickly realising your blunder. "I just need you to know something but I didn't want to tell you before because it might scare you off. It's a little heavy."
"Are you in trouble baby?"
The genuine concern in Eddie's voice made your heart swell and you wanted to pull him close. He was sweeter than you deserved.
"Nothing like that it's just something Wayne asked that got me thinking."
"If he's upset you I'll go back and tell him."
"It's ok Eddie. It's about my mum."
"She left, it's ok," Eddie was quick to reassure you and hugged your knees. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want, I understand."
"No, well yes, she did leave I mean," you rambled because you might reconsider if you hesitated. "When I was five Dad was sectioned for the first time. Pretty soon after Mum decided single parenting wasn't for her so got herself a divorce and surrendered custody of me to a girls' home. I haven't seen her since."
Eddie didn't reply and his stiff form in the darkness gained a forebodingness like a nightmare figure. It was unlike him not to react animatedly to shocking news and his stillness unnerved you.
You could hear the crickets chirping in the grass and spoke again to break the unsettling quiet.
"I say it was a boarding school because it sounds less tragic. I don't miss her, she made her choice. It's not important but I wanted you to know so you don't think I've been dishonest."
Eddie released his grip around your legs and you went cold with dread. He had reached his limit with your mess and was walking away.
Suddenly warmth came back to your skin as Eddie put his hands on you cheeks and gave you a long, slow kiss.
"This changes nothing baby," he only pulled away far enough to talk. "I'm always gonna adore you. My mother hasn't seen me in six years and not called in three. I say to hell with both of them."
You groped in the dark until you found Eddie's shoulders and latched onto him like a lifeline. For a few terrifying seconds you had been adrift and helpless in the dark without his stalwart support.
It took some time holding him before you could talk again, now certain he wouldn't leave.
"I don't mean to trauma dump on you I just want there to be more between us than witty repartee and sex."
"There is darling. So much more."
You released Eddie slowly and exhaled the anxiety you'd been holding in your chest. A steak dinner with family had turned out to be far more emotional than you'd anticipated.
Eddie slipped his hands under you knees then tugged so hard you fell backwards. The cute ballet flats you'd been wearing flew off as your little feet kicked the air and your eyes were suddenly full of stars dotting the night sky.
"What are you doing?" you giggled as Eddie's hot breath tickled you under your dress.
He looked like a kid stuck in a sleeping bag as he moved around under your dress and you laughed at your own compromising position. Flat on your back with a boy between your legs.
Eddie worked his fingers under your panty line and shimmied them down your hips. You made a noise of surprise but allowed Eddie to move your legs until the garment was stripped and thrown over his shoulder.
"Hey," you said with mild annoyance to see your good underwear discarded but forgot it a second later.
His strong, warm tongue licking your vaginal opening roused a sensation in you so strong your body arched with a gasp.
Good authority had told you this wasn't something straight guys would do willingly so you struggled to comprehend what was happening.
You had assumed the practice would be sloppy and vulgar but Eddie used his mouth with as much delicacy as he did with his hands. His lips on your opening had the pressure of an intimate kiss and his tongue stroked your inner folds with a velvet touch.
Your fingers fluttered to your lips like a scandalised damsel and you stared at the sky with your mouth open in silent excitement.
The unique caress thrilled you in a new way and your brain didn't know the right response.
So you lay there helpless in your pleasure.
The tip of Eddie's tongue brushed something deep that elicited a meek "Oh" from your open lips and he took the encouragement. You were such a wet mix of fluids that his mouth glid across your vagina effortlessly and he took your bud in his mouth.
The nerves in your clitoris awoke like thunder in a gathering storm and your voice returned to express your assent. Eddie ran his hands tenderly over your thighs and backside to stimulate your cooling skin and titillated your bud with the tip of his tongue gently.
It the time you two had been intimate Eddie had learned to discount everything he'd heard third hand about sex and listen to you instead. You weren't shy to express your enjoyment and your reactions were the best guide to achieving mutual pleasure.
You were breathing in short, sharp gasps of sweet shock but Eddie knew the sound you made when you were close. He let his mouth melt deeper onto you and began to suck your bud hungrily.
The shift in technique threw you into fourth gear and you could feel your body rushing to climax. Usually your orgasms built slowly, the reward for patient penetrative lovemaking but this time it erupted like a flare igniting your lower body.
You gave a groan of relief like you'd been holding back a dam and felt the orgasmic energy spill from your waist to water your thirsty body.
Feebly you tried to reach for Eddie as you pinned for his touch but he still had you tilted so your grasp fell short. Eddie then pulled himself out of your dress and wiped his mouth ungraciously on the back of his hand to watch you recover.
In the dark you couldn't see his flushed face or his genuine surprise at his success. There was more guesswork in sex than he'd ever realised.
He could see your middle rising and falling as your ecstasy rush settled and he lowered your legs back onto the table. His fingers stayed firmly round your ankles however as he struggled internally with his good reason and his libido.
You could hear the question he wouldn't voice and had the same sense of incompleteness. Eddie's attentions had given you splendour but they'd also prepared you for more and your lower muscles ached for it.
"Do it Eddie I'm soaked for you."
Without hesitance Eddie pulled a condom from his back pocket and you heard his fly open. There was a small crinkling sound then you were roughly pulled towards him by your legs.
You could imagine his rock hard cock straining against the latex and your chest expanded with an excited inhale.
His length slipped into you easily and you let out a satisfied moan. The sensual orgasm had been bliss but the base physicality of being filled with his thick cock made you horny in a primal way.
Most times you made love but sometimes like now you simply fucked. After hours of upstanding behaviour you had to wash the genteel polish off with a bath of sweat and cum.
You surrendered totally letting Eddie manhandle your legs as he slammed into you. There would be bruises on your thighs tomorrow but right now the pain didn't register.
In the lamplight Eddie could see your breasts bounce with every pound and he longed to climb up on the table and rip your dress open. He could imagine the tight mounds breaking into gooseflesh from the evening air and how the tiny bumps would melt under his hot tongue.
But there was no time to ravish the rest of you, he was close to coming and this position was too perfect to compromise. Your cunt was practically a river soaking his groin and every time you arched your abdomen it would tighten on his cock pulling him closer to release.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck," Eddie grunted in time with his thrusts but your only reply were the shy gasps that escaped each time his tip hit your core.
He wanted to fuck everything out of you until only he was left. Obliterate the sweet facade you'd worn at dinner and the lonely girl abandoned by her mother. Fuck you until you were so full of him no one could claim a piece of you.
It was raw, possessive and toxic but Eddie didn't care. You were his and he's was branding you for the world to know it.
You hadn't expected a second orgasm. Honestly you didn't think they could happen, that it was something magazines had made up to entertain rarely serviced housewives.
You screamed this time, the extreme sensation on your already ravished body was too much and you couldn't stay quiet.
Your body spasmed and Eddie released his own orgasm with a growl. He pitched forward and clenched your hips with a bruising force as hot pleasure rushed through his cock and pooled in the sheath.
The two of you panted out of time in a collapsed bundle and began to notice how far the temperature had dropped.
Suddenly self conscious you looked around to see the park lights glowing down the hill and listened for anyone approaching. Someone out for a stroll or a sneaky cigarette might think to investigate the animalistic cries coming from the playground.
"You're a bad girl," Eddie groaned exhaustedly when his breathing steadied.
"Me?" you lifted your head off the picnic table and felt Eddie slowly move out of you. "You started this Munson."
"You invited me up here," Eddie rebutted and you heard a synthetic flicking sound in the dark.
You knew Eddie had shot the tied condom across the picnic area and you had an unpleasant image of a small child finding it tomorrow along with your underwear.
"I wanted to talk," you said in your defense and sat up.
"This is how all our evening talks finish."
"Unless you pass out watching Miami Vice."
"One time baby."
"Come up here and hug me," you held your arms out and decided to quit the banter. You were cold now and you wanted your boyfriend to wrap you up for a little while before you drove home.
Eddie gave no argument and climbed on the table beside you. You were still buzzing from your double high and snuggled in tight smelling his sweat and deodorant.
"That was a good fuck Eddie."
It wasn't what the poets would have said but it was true.
Eddie kissed you on the head and tried to pat your loose hair back into a respectable form before admitting that was impossible.
"I like making you happy baby," he said and linked his fingers with yours.
You stayed nestled together on the bench watching the trailer lights below and Eddie realised for the first time how small they looked.
He'd outgrown this suburb of budget building materials and knew now he could leave it. Since he'd met you his scope had widened to see past Senior year and Tuesday night gigs at the Hideout.
There wouldn't be much to pack besides his guitar and he didn't have a destination in mind but one thing was certain.
You were coming with him.
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m-jelly · 8 months ago
I have a request for mafia erwin bc I love this au
Reader has a boudoir photo shoot so she can surprise Erwin with the pictures but Erwin ends up walking in where he wasn’t supposed to and sees reader all dressed up in lingerie for him
Erwin pays the photographer and sends them away so he can ravage his wife
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Erwin x fem!reader
Modern AU, married, mafia Erwin, romance, being a couple, smut, teasing, dom Erwin, loving Erwin, unprotected, oral, touching
Erwin finds you in lingerie taking photos for him. He stops the shoot and ravages you instead.
This started getting very long, so I wasn't able to make it to the end of the sex session and aftercare, but Erwin is incredibly loving and a good dom thoughout.
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Erwin was in need, a deep need for his precious wife. He felt annoyed by the people around him, he just wanted to hold you in his arms. He left his meetings early and anyone that approached him he would give them a dark and deadly look that was pure death.
As he moved through the halls he couldn't locate you, which annoyed him. He grabbed someone passing by. "Where is my wife?"
The man gazed at Erwin. "A-Ah, I believe sh-she is home."
Erwin released him and smiled. "Thank you so much."
Now Erwin had a mission and a target. Words could not describe how excited he was to see you. The base was connected to one of his homes. Erwin owned many homes because he wanted to spoil you. The one at the base was simple, where he could work and come home to you rather fast.
He shoved the doors open to his home and looked around. He inhaled deeply and enjoyed how the home smelt of you, it made him deeply happy. After searching the main part of the home he suddenly stopped when he heard your soft voice and you sounded nervous.
Erwin slammed the doors open and was ready to rip someone apart. As he gazed into the room he felt his heart flutter when he saw you in alluring lingerie, it was just a cute white with lace and reminded him of the wedding night. It delighted him that you were dressed so nicely, but he noticed a man with a camera.
Something snapped in Erwin, it pissed him off that someone was taking pictures of you like this. "Taking pictures of my wife are you?"
You hurried over to Erwin. "Darling, stop!" You stood between him and the photographer. "He's here because I paid him too. I wanted to get pictures done for you. A boudoir photoshoot." You blushed a little as you felt a bit embarrassed. "It was going to be a surprise."
Erwin caressed your cheek. "Really?"
He pulled you against him. "Photographer? Did you get enough pictures?"
The man fiddled with his camera. "Y-Yes."
Erwin released you and fished his wallet from his pocket. He handed over a large wad of cash. "Get those ready for me as soon as possible. Now, please leave as I want to be alone with my wife."
The man bowed and gathered up his things. "Thank you!"
While he was leaving, Erwin followed him and locked up the place after. After locking up, Erwin slowly made his way to you and felt his heartthrob when he saw you leaning in the doorway just admiring him. He wanted to do so many things to you. His head was filled with countless ideas.
He walked right up to you and smiled. "Why don't you show me a pose you were in for a photo."
You whined a bit as your nerves seeped in. "Mm, okay."
He chuckled. "Don't be nervous, my beautiful kitten." He turned you around and patted your bum. "Go."
You giggled and ran over to the comfy blanket on the floor in front of the fireplace. "I did one here."
"Nice pic."
You posed a bit and sighed. "Not very sexy. I did try."
Erwin yanked his tie off and approached you. "Oh, I don't know about that. I think you're divine." He knelt before you and began crawling up. He came to a stop above you and smiled. "So sexy."
Your cheeks heated up as you gazed up at your husband. "Really?"
"Yes." He leaned down and kissed you. "I want to eat you up." He kissed your cheek and neck as he lightly rubbed your clothed heat. "My perfect wife."
You covered your mouth with the back of your hand with your head turned. Your other hand gripped Erwin's thick muscular arm. "Erwin."
He nipped your neck and smirked. "You're so much fun to play with."
You shivered in delight. "B-Blame your t-touch."
He moved your hand from your face. "Do you like my touch? Do you like it?"
You nodded as you gazed at him. You gulped hard as you felt your heart flutter. "I love you and your touch." You caressed his perfect face. "I love you so much."
Erwin crashed his lips against yours and hummed in delight. He pulled back and chuckled. "You are really horny, huh?" He looked at his fingers. "So wet."
You covered your face with your hands. "Erwin..." You rolled onto your side. "D-Don't say that."
He spanked your bum making you squeak. "I think I'll use this position later, but for now I want to eat you." He parted your legs and lay down on the floor. "A perfect snack for me."
You giggled when he pulled on your panties and snapped them. You slipped your legs over his shoulders. You pressed his face with his thighs and hummed as he purred at you. "You look good there."
He smirked at you. "Love the confidence, darling."
The way he moved was so quick and calculated, each move had a purpose and the aim to please you from head to toe. With a gentle swipe of his thumb, your panties were moved to the side and his tongue was against your clit. Before you could comprehend his actions you were met with a vibration of pleasure that caressed your body.
Soft locks of your hair collected together when you moved your head back. Gentle moans drifted from your glistening red-tinted lips and slowly filled the room. A gentle purr of pleasure rumbled from your husband as he enjoyed the sweet music coming from you. The gentle movement of his tongue was like a tantalizing dance to lure your body into ecstasy.
Soft plump thighs gently held Erwin's charming face in a loving caress. Stimulated by the press of your thighs, Erwin moved his tongue in all the right ways to escalate your pleasure to gain your delicious orgasm. It was something he so desperately craved. Every orgasm you had was a tantalising present to him.
A rush of heat caressed and embraced you. Your fingers tangled in the soft hair of your husband and tugged to indicate no more. "Mm." The pleasure was too much for him to continue his meal. "Erwin."
Just as he promised, while in your blissful state, he closed your legs and moved them to one side. "Do you desire me, darling?"
You nodded shyly as you wiggled under him. "I do."
He gave your thighs a reassuring smile as he waited for your approving look. Even though you had verbally confirmed you wanted him, he still had to ensure he could continue. Erwin's priority was always you.
After receiving your verbal confirmation and your reassuring smile and shift of your body toward him, he then unbuckled his trousers slowly so you had an arousing show. Watching him slowly reveal his big thick erection was always exciting. Every inch of this man was created by the Greek Gods, even his twitching cock with the throbbing vein wrapped around it and pink swollen tip.
With a gentle push of his thumb, he moved your panties and parted your pussy lips. His hypnotic ocean-blue eyes admired your slick hole with arousal trickling from it. Guiding himself closer, he pressed his tip in for a moment and steadied himself, you were just so wet and your heat was addictive. No matter how often Eriwn had been deep inside you, he never got tired of it. The way your walls wrapped around and caressed him was something made by magic.
After shifting his legs a little and ensuring his knees were grounded, he pressed deeper into you until there was nothing left to give. It always delighted him to watch each inch of his length slowly disappear into you until his pelvis pressed your body and his tip kissed your cervix. He has to praise you.
He caressed your thigh and gently touched your cheek to see you were flushed, lips parted and your eyes glazed over with pleasure. Fuck you were beautiful. "Good girl. You did so well. You took all of me."
You hummed and nodded. "Your cock is so big and thick. It's addictive. I have to take it all, I need it all."
A deep chuckle rumbled from him. "So honest, my precious wife. I feel the same." His big hand gently rubbed your pelvis. "I love being balls deep inside you. I have to put every inch of my cock in here. I need to give you all of me and then make your womb swell with my seed." He gripped your thigh and hip. "You're mine, darling, never forget that." He bucked hard into you to emphasise his words. "Never forget my love."
You gripped the carpet below you from the of pleasure. "Oh fuck, yes Erwin."
He bucked hard again. "Never forget my touch." He started pumping into you, the delicious slapping noises starting. "Never forget my body." He smiled as you screamed in pleasure. "Never forget my cock."
You shook your head and mewled. "I'll never forget!" You panted and pushed your chest out causing your breasts to heave in the corset. "Fuck me like you need me, like you're desperate for me like your life depended on it."
Erwin panted a little. "Always." He moaned your name as you clenched him. "That's it, love, squeeze my cock. Show me how much you need me inside you."
"I need you." You mumbled your words as your mind began to break. "I need this."
"Touch yourself. I want you to squeeze me so tightly that I might cum early."
You did exactly as your husband commanded, your hand shot down between your thighs then your fingers clumsily played with your clit. "Erwin!" Your toes squeezed tightly along with your pussy walls. "More!"
He shifted your hips just a little before moving his legs in a power stance, now he had more power behind his thrusts. He admired how pink your thighs and ass were becoming from his strong bucks and thrusts. The sounds your pussy was making as he ravaged it was like a drug to him, he wanted so much more.
You covered your mouth with your hand as tears gathered in your eyes, the pleasure was becoming intense and you knew your whole body was going to shake after. A little drool slipped from you when the pleasure consumed you. You let yourself drown in the bliss as your orgasm slammed into you and commanded every inch of your body.
Erwin grunted as your walls fluttered around him. He moved his hips slowly as he admired the glow that took over your body. "Fuck, princess, you are beautiful."
You panted a little as your body twitched. "Mm, Erwin. S-So good."
He chuckled as he caressed your cheek. "Did I make my precious wife feel good?"
"I'm glad. It's always about you, my love." He leaned over and kissed you. "Your pleasure is my pleasure." He moaned. "I find your pleasure so arousing."
You purred at him. "Erwin."
He kissed you over and over. "Tell me how you want it."
You turned your head away and whined. "Y-You know how."
He did, but he loved you telling him. So, he dragged himself out of you. "Show me like a good girl."
You rolled over onto your stomach and raised your hips a little. "Mm, like this."
"Prone, hm?" He gripped your thighs and pushed his hands up slowly to your plump behind. "Excellent choice." He leaned over you and kissed your shoulder. "You do adore it when I take all of you, don't you?"
You nodded shyly. "Yes."
With a playful nip on your ear, Erwin pulled back and moved your panties to the side once more. He slipped back into your soaking heat and enjoyed the flutters of your pussy around him, it was happy he was back inside. Erwin shifted a little and leaned over you, his massive body covering you up.
He nipped your shoulder again before running his lips over the delicate skin. "Tell me how you want it. Soft or hard?"
You grabbed a cushion and pressed your face against it. "Erwin."
"Come on, love, tell me."
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raven-at-the-writing-desk · 6 months ago
In honor of pajama Jamil, Fellow should drop his nighttime routine too.
So tell me, do you wanna go?
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“My nighttime routine?” Fellow repeated your words slowly. They made sense apart, but not together.
He was squashed on a thin, dusty mattress, shoved away into a corner of an attic. Fellow had shed his suit and top had for a sleeveless shirt, boxers (red and white vertical striped, like a classic carnival tent), and ratty socks, a big toe poking out from a hole. Next to him, Gidel laid on his side in an oversized shirt and pants, yawning.
Night had descended, leaving only the golden circle provided by a waning candle as a light source. You leaned closer, out of the darkness and into the illuminated safety of their corner, nodding.
“Hah. I was shocked when first saw those fancy schmancy ‘routines’. Thousands of thaumarks on skincare products, entire yoga sessions before bed, preparing a set of clothes for sleeping in, feasting and then passing out from a food coma… Who has the time or energy to commit to those?!
“Giddie and I, we do the basics. If we can find a source of water—a river or something—we’ll wash in there. Ah, and we’ve gotta have dinner beforehand, in case any of it spills on our clothes. Then we’d have to wash those off too. We tend to eat fast. Can’t let food sit around uneaten for too long, or it’ll go bad.
“I keep some things for our travels, but it’s not much. We’ve whittled down our last bar of soap to a few scraps, and I think we’ve just about squeezed all we can out of our last tube of toothpaste. Our toothbrushes are getting pretty ratty too, we’ll need new ones soon…”
The candlelight seemed to make Fellow appear older, especially when he spoke of his hardships. The darkness of his pupils more intense, almost pulsating, his weariness put on show.
“We’re lucky to even have a place to sleep tonight. Worst comes to worst, we sleep under the stars in the clothes we wore during the day. That’s all we have to really call ours: the clothes on our back and the freedom that comes with it.”
A weak thread of joy sounded in the mention of freedom. Lighter, breathier, like a bird in flight, unbound by the land.
“Some nights,” Fellow admitted with a bitter laugh, “it’s hard to sleep at all. If it rains or snows, if we haven’t had a decent fill of food from the day’s work… The cold, the hunger, the dread of an uncertain tomorrow, keeps us up.”
“That sounds rough,” you frowned. “How do you manage to fall asleep like that?”
“I have my ways. When reality is too hard to deal with, you’ve got your imagination to fall back on for a distraction. We’ll look at the stars, try to find shapes and meanings in them, talk until we’re tired.” Fellow prodded Gidel with a finger. “Right, Giddie? Remember that story I told you about a girl with the matchsticks? And the big bear in the sky?”
Gidel nodded sleepily. Another yawn—his lids were heavy.
Fellow’s own eyes fluttered. He, too, yawned, catching the dregs of sleep that had fallen over his companion.
“Haha, looks like you’ve talked yourself tired already,” you said, careful to keep your volume down. “I’ll let you guys catch up on your Zs then.”
“I’m not tired,” he insisted, but there was little fight in his voice.
“Shhhhh, shhhh. It’s okay. Go to sleep. Tomorrow will be a better day,” you gently coaxed.
His lids lowered, flickering in a futile effort to stay awake.
The dying candlelight compelled him. The steady and soft cadence of your words, a lullaby.
Fellow fell asleep, Gidel hugging him as though the fox were a massive stuffed animal. He slumped, nestled the boy protectively.
“… Good night,” you murmured.
You blew out the candle, sentencing the room to the realm of darkness and dreams.
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year ago
“I've heard dreams are a pleasant escape for some people. Is it strange that all of my dreams revolve around you?"
fucking sobbing i love him so much (dea uses any pronouns right?)
id do everything i can to praise them in any/every way for the smallest things. theyre literally the sweetest. Any input on how they’d react if we just started calling them our spouse/partner out of the blue one day? -zs
[Using he/they for this fic but yes, Dea uses any pronouns. ]
Dea enjoyed grocery shopping with you. While the deity could simply will the ingredients needed for your meals into existence - there was something special about going out in public while at your side. They aren't one to boast about your relationship, but it's nice to have other bare witness of it. Their heart fills with joy whenever a human sees you as potential interest - only to be detered once they see the god lucky enough to reach you first hovering over your shoulder.
The two of you stand in line at checkout when someone calls your name from afar. If you noticed Dea taking a step closer as the familiar face approached you paid no attention to it. They squeeze your hand gently as you engage in conversation with your acquaintance. The god had finally worked up the courage to ask for your hand- Not in marriage, but at least whilst you were out and about. Dea had been quite fortunate when it came to your relationship however they doubted you'd go even to those lengths with them.
Alas - a god could dream-
"So who's this behind you?"
"Oh, right you moved away before I met them. This is Dea.. We've been together for a few years now- They're my spouse."
Spouse? Surely they misheard you. Dea felt blessed just being able to hold your hand. Spouse. The word repeats in their head. A beautiful, yet hauntingly cruel title. How could you call them your spouse when they hadn't even presented you with a ring yet? Could they even obtain a piece of jewelry on that would properly convey their eternal devotion to you before you lost interest and moved on? Spouse.. They're you're spouse. What could they have possibly done to deserve this honor?
Your vision distorts as a hitched breath tickles your ear. You look up to see Dea - hiding the glittery tears building in their eyes and the cracks forming along their skin with their robes. You bite pass the dizziness you feel as their physical form slips to grip their hand tighter as they sob.
"Dea...Are you.. okay?"
'I'm fine... I am more than alright, My Grace, I just - got a little overwhelmed. Thank you. Thank you for choosing me. I promise you not a single day will go by without me expressing the depths of my affections towards you. I love you so much."
"I love you too, Dea...." You kiss away their tears, dropping your voice to a whisper.
"But we really have to work on getting you outside without tearing a hole in my reality."
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ms-liz-steele · 16 days ago
No Love
Pole Dancer!Lisa x Bartender!Male OC | smut, drama, romance
-> Synopsis: Ollie has one rule he lives by: never mix work with his personal life.
But what happens when he sets his eyes on a dancer one night at a club during his shift.
New Chapters Every Monday
chapters index | ongoing
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"You did pretty well during your shift," Jiyong commented by the time my shift ended.
It was already three in the morning, and everyone vacated the club since it was closing time. The staff cleared and rid the tables of any empty bottles of alcohol and plates, placing the stools on top. The DJ was putting away his equipment in their designated cases, in preparation for his departure from the club. Chaeyoung left a bit early saying that she - and I quote - "needed to catch some Zs and watch Netflix later in the day."
"It was nothing I couldn't handle." I shrugged nonchalantly.
"Glad to hear it."
"So, did I pass the test?"
Jiyong smiled, extending his hand toward me. "Welcome aboard. I look forward to working with you."
"Likewise." I smiled, shaking his hand briefly.
"Make sure you go to the reception desk. Jisoo will give you your schedule and some documentation that you may need to fill in," he told me. "When do you wanna start?"
"Anytime is fine. I'm just glad I have a job."
"Alright. So, I guess I'll see you next week." He turned his heels and started leaving, but not before yelling. "Don't be late."
"We get health benefits?!" I exclaimed surprised, staring at my contract.
Jisoo, the receptionist laughed. "Yes, everyone here has health benefits."
In all my years of bartending, getting benefits of any sort was rare. Most bar owners, club owners et cetera don't always feel obligated to provide such since it's the employee's responsibility. So, you can imagine the shock I got after finding out that not only did I get paid in addition to the tips I collected per shift, but I also had my health covered and health insurance is expensive as hell.
"Just how rich is this guy?" I thought out loud.
"He is a businessman. Not only does he own this establishment, but he also has his very own fashion label."
My eyebrows flew up. "Well flip me like a pancake. I won't be surprised if this guy owns a whole island because holy shit!"
Jisoo laughed again. "He is a generous man who treats everyone who works for him like family. You'll fit right in."
"Sure." I drawled out, checking the time on my phone. "Look, I gotta dip and head home. It's pretty late. See you next week."
"Okay." She smiled and waved at me as I made my way to the exit.
I went to the parking lot where my car was. As I searched for my car keys, I spotted the dancer from earlier hopping on her motorcycle. Gone was her stage outfit and lo and behold was her casual attire that consisted of a pair of tight jeans that hugged and shaped her small waist going down to her hips and slender legs with a pair of combat boots and a black leather jacket over her white tank top.
I watched her slip on her helmet before her eyes met mine. We stared at each other for what felt like an eternity. I awkwardly waved at her not knowing what else to do in the situation. She smiled, sliding down the visor of her helmet and kick-started her motorcycle before driving off into the night.
"Can you explain to me why you were fighting with the police over garden gnomes at your gig?" Chaerin asked, raising an eyebrow at Christian.
"I-I don't know what you're talking about?" he stuttered with a laugh.
She took out her phone and open the video in question where Christian was arguing with the police while holding the garden gnome possessively to his chest until he was eventually tased and handcuffed on her Instagram.
I watched nonchalantly chewing on my gimbap while Christian's face flushed with embarrassment. "Okay. In my defence, I thought that was a Leprechaun." He said.
"Really dude?" I lidded my eyes, unamused by his excuse to hide the fact that he was drunk.
"What? Leprechauns are cool!"
"They're not real."
"But they're still cool."
Chaerin sighed while I rolled my eyes.
We were at one of the restaurants we usually hung up to catch up after our hectic and busy schedules with Christian running his record and filming company, Chaerin freelancing as a DJ at various clubs and events while also touring with Christian and me freelancing as a bartender.
"Anyway, how did your interview go?" Chaerin turned to me.
"Better than I expected," I answered. "I start next week and judging from the high-paying salary among other things, I'll say your friend's joint sounds promising."
"Oh, it is. I worked for Jiyong for years before I started my own thing. You'll love it there." She said. "Plus, with your good reputation, his place will attract new patrons and that will look good for business."
"You should give us free drinks when we come by some time, yeah?" Christian said, making me roll my eyes.
"You've been saying that for years and I will give you the same answer; no, I will not be doing that," I told him.
"Why not?" he pouted.
"Because one: that is unethical. And two: giving you free drinks means I have to pay for them and last I checked, you're old enough to pay for your own drinks, Christian."
"Chaerinnie! Olive Oil is being mean to me!"
"I'm not the one who's being a baby about it."
"And I'm not the one who's the namesake of one of the characters from Avatar: Legend of Korra."
"You're lucky I'm in too much of a good mood to even pimp slap the bitch outta you."
"Run them hands, boi. I will fold you like an omelette."
"Boys!" Chaerin reprimanded us with an unamused face. "Ton down on the testosterone, please. I am the middle child in this friend group - not the mum."
"Whatever." Christian rolled his eyes before waving at the waitress to come over to our table. "Can we have the bill, please?"
"Not a problem, sir. Will you be paying in cash or card?" she asked.
"Cash, please." Christian took out his wallet and opened it until he cussed under his breath. "I'm short on cash and I lost my bank card."
"Again?! This is the fifth time this month, Christian!" Chaerin scolded him.
"I thought I had more than enough cash to pay this time. And I was going to replace it first thing tomorrow!" he retaliated.
"How did you lose it this time?"
"...I got robbed while I was drunk."
"Unbelievable. Unbe-fucking-lievable. How Mei puts up with your shenanigans is far beyond me."
"Hey! Keep my fiancée's name out your fucking mouth!"
"I'll pay," I told the waitress, giving her an apologetic smile while my friends were bickering.
"Okay. I'll be back with your bill." She smiled.
I nodded, returning the smile, which caused her cheeks to turn red before she turned her heels and went where she needed to go.
"Oh no. I know that look." Christian commented.
I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "What look?"
"The look you give when you set eyes on the next female you want to penetrate."
Chaerin cringed in disgust while I rolled my eyes. "I just smiled at her, and she blushed. I can't help the fact that every small thing I do will cause an attractive and sexual reaction out of every woman who sets their sights on me." I retorted.
"Sure." He drawled out sarcastically.
"Read this, asshole." I flipped the bird at him as he and Chaerin stood up and gathered their things.
"We're gonna head home and call it a night," Chaerin said before pulling Christian's ear. "And you better pay him back when you replace your card, you hear me."
"Aish! Careful or you're going to rip my ear off, woman!" he cried on their way to the exit.
The waitress returned with the bill and slid it towards me. I noticed the 'My shift ends in five minutes' written in cursive blank ink right underneath the amount I was supposed to pay.
I met her eyes and arched an eyebrow. She simply smiled and winked at me in response.
I nearly stumbled as I entered the small bedroom inside of her small apartment. She pushed me against her door, closing it in the process, as she smashed and devoured my lips with her own. I placed my hands on her hips pulling her closer to me.
We kissed and kissed, Tongues brushing and dancing against another. Our heads tilted and switched positions after every few seconds or so. Our breaths mixed with the sound of our lips smacking against each other. Clothes were removed and thrown carelessly across the room.
Wanting to re-establish my dominance, I switched our positions, pushing her against her door. She gasped softly at the action then smiled before pulling me into another kiss. My left hand slid into her lace panties and brushed against her already wet clit. She pulled away and gaped her mouth. I moved my digits around her clit, rubbing it in circles and staring into her lust-filled eyes. Her body shook and trembled under my touch. Her moans occupied the silence in her room.
"You're teasing me." She whined.
"Is that so?" I inserted two digits inside her.
She titled her head back, crying out in pleasure. "Yes!"
I slowly pumped my digits in and out of her until I picked up and quickened the pace.
I laid her down on her twin-sized bed, pulling down her lace panties. I lapped up, using my elbows to support myself. I kissed her tummy, then her inner thigh and gave her throbbing womanhood a light blow, making her shiver with anticipation. I could tell that she was waiting and silently begging me to give her what she wanted from the way she moved her hips. And waste no time I gave it to her.
She arched her back and dragged out every syllable in the word 'fuck. I reached up and cupped her breasts while she grinded her hips, wrapped her legs around my neck and ran her fingers through my hair, tugging it in the process. Her moans grew louder with every stroke my tongue made against her clit and folds.
"I'm gonna cum." She cried out.
"Not yet." I pulled away, flipping her on her stomach, lining my hard cock to her entrance. I kiss her spine and work my way up to her shoulder.
"Once I go in, I won't hold back," I whispered in her ear. "Do you want this?"
She nodded with anticipation. I rubbed my cock against her entrance before slowly slipping inside her. A high-pitched gasp escaped her lips while a grunt left mine. When I was sure she had adjusted to my size, I slowly moved, snapping my hips back and forth.
Her head pressed against her pillow. Her hands gripped her sheets. She bit her lips trying to stifle her moans but to no avail. She adjusted herself, propping herself up on her elbows, lying on all fours as she moved her hips to meet my thrusts with her own. I buried my face in the crook of her neck and cupped her breasts.
Everything else became a blur that night in her room along with her moans.
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hermesserpent-stuff · 3 months ago
Ace In A Cage Possible Ideas/Scenarios/Etc. !:
• The Brotherhood of X have muted/washed out colors, or very bright, harsh colors (ex. Wolverine and Sabretooth have gray/tan/black/white outfits, Jean has blazing orange, Rogue wears dark blacks and greens, etc.)
• They lost Remy to an untimely, horrible death... could he dine by mutant haters, or racist secret mutant-experimenting program, or even something like Hydra or Stryker or Shield...
• The Brotherhood of X Universe has the mutants called by their codenames, even Henri, who could be called Rennard or Todd or Kitsune or Diablo Rouge...
• In this AU, Remy is just friends with Rogue. He was also friends with Kurt, Pyro, Scott, Lance, Pietro, Wanda and Kitty, and was like a younger brother to Colossus and Jean; Evan and Pyro and Pietro + Wanda and Todd saw him as an older brother-figure; Belladonna is his first best friend, who has a codename too, like Nightshade or Hemlock or Olenader or Foxglove...
• The regular X-Men are called by their real names (ex. Logan, Victor, Anna-Marie, Kurt, Henri, etc.)
• The Brotherhood of X work together to figure out that Remy is a version of their Gambit, but he's a bit younger, a bit scrawnier, and prefers to be called by Remy rather than Gambit...
• There could be a scene like from A Better World, where Remy is strapped to the metal table/slab, but he's on a dose of drugs, and answers questions from Henri/His Codename, or Belladonna/Her Codename, or Rogue, with Wolverine or Sabretooth watching from the shadows (Remy passes the hidden test, as he answered or rembered every moment or memory or question they brought up)
• Remy tried to seak out a window, and is promptly caught, pinned, and darted or given sleeping gas... he wakes up strapped down or cuffed to the bed... (could be the med bay or a room) (he's on an IV drip, and is tired and not happee)
I hope this helps you or inspires you, Hermes!
Oohhh funnnnn
Henri is Renegade. Bell Donna is Jack Knife. They do not have these names in Remys world (world a for convince the dark world is world z)
I like the idea of Remy being about three years younger. The universe they got him from is three years behind. Remy is a lot lighter and thinner than world zs.
World z Gambit was killed by antimutant protests that had been secretly egged on by Hydra to get them more test subjects. His body had been taken and when it was recovered all that was recovered was a left hand for them to bury.
Remy is more fiercely independent than their Gambit.
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fanficfish · 8 months ago
hetalia thought: the older they get, the more "fuck it we ball" the nations get
let me give examples.
-italy bros are at the least gonna hit 2000 soon. Both are bumbling idiots who are more here to have a good time then anything. I'm convinced they're stronger then they make themselves to be (they caught England with a hole. Yes he dropepd in there but how did they get him into the cell? Venezianobbeat up Turkey once, too, and i think that was when turkey was stronger....and if you think about it, veneziano pretending to be an idiot means he can get away with everything. Literally. Even if he sneaks into a meeting room, him yelling about pasta is enogh to make the others go "ah hes at it again"
-China lmand the maid dress cosplay. Enough said.
-the Nordics, who are all over a thousnad and most are prob older. Denmark doesn't give a shit anymore, Norway goes along with everything becauae why not it's entertainment, Sweden is a memelord. Finland is probably a bit younger so he's a little more grounded, and so is Iceland- they follow the rest but i think they haave a bit more sense of not letting time just go by completely. -America and Canada are young and you can see it- they try to fit in with the rest but over or underdo it and are surprised at things like weekends passing by in a blink of an eye. Germany too, the three of them are babies and just don't quite get the joke sometimes, not for lack of trying.
-England is also up there and i mean. England and his brothers made up English TCG pokemon whatever
-france has long since accepted the idea of being a free spirit. He exists and contemplates and does his thing, knowing time will pass and he might as well try to do the little he can.
-we all know russia was hit one too many times by General Winter. Ukraine surprisingly seems to have her head, but Belarus definitely let the age get to her....just a little. I have a bet she's spent so long chasing Russia she doesn't really know how to stop.
-Poland also doesn't give a shit he just wants his ponies. Man's embraced modern life and decided to just take things as it goes. Lithuania would be dead from stressing at him if he wasn't immortal.
-japan is also pretty old but he is an outlier as far as im concerned becauae this man is a boomer whose besties are a bunch of gen Zs and he might as well be one of them. i think he's done better at the aging thing at least.
-not gonna touch on spain and olive oil. -or Austria's entertainment source being infuriating to his hosts and then marrying everyone.
-or Prussia who's kinda just gone awesome
-or Switzerland who saw the world as said fuck all lf you (cue the red cross) yall need therapy (adopts a sister) why am i the sane one here (puts up security cameras)
-and then ofc there's Greece, who long ago philosophiciEd tok hard and now knows the only things that matter in life are sleep, cats, and occassionally hanging iut with your best frenemy.
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dawngyu · 2 months ago
HIII. I love your fics, such a great addition to TXT stories. I’m genuinely amazed!
I noticed you’re working, and I’m curious about what you do. You’re the same age as Beomgyu, and I know someone who’s the same age as you but is still in college. Of course, you don’t have to answer this if you prefer not to!
Please, never stop writing. I LOVE U RAYA
Whoa, so cute!!! Well, yeah—I started studying super early (not exactly by choice), so graduating college at 21 was pretty much inevitable. :)
I threw myself headfirst into getting my CPA license as fast as possible. Within six months, I passed all the exams and officially became one. Easily the worst time of my life. My days were a never-ending cycle of waking up, studying, prepping for the exam, eating, sleeping—repeat. I had zero social life. Living alone. People literally had to knock on my door just to make sure I was still alive. It was tough—barely holding onto my sanity, and the only thing keeping me going was watching TXT whenever I could squeeze in a break. (The fact that they unknowingly got me through my lowest point still makes me emotional. Teary-eyed as I'm typing this.)
After gaining some experience, ta-da!!! I landed a job at a major corporate company and am now officially the youngest senior accountant in the building! Gen Zs, arise!!!
Now that I’m finally managing my time better, I started this little, silly blog—and in the process, I found some truly amazing people. I actually feel like a teenager.
BUT honestly, I wouldn’t recommend this path to anyone. I’m only 23, yet it feels like I’ve been grinding away at life for 30 years. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s this: enjoy your youth. It’s a once-in-a-lifetime chapter, don’t ever rush through it. If I had the chance to start over, I’d do things differently. :>
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itsmpmpmp · 9 months ago
chryso's post about the giver 警报's lyrics specifically the use of repetition and circular structures has really inspired me to find similar manifestations of perpetual repeated motions in 反深代词—at least before 少管我.
my favorite one right now is probably how "time" and the way the protagonist (周深本深—shenself) experiences "time" is depicted in the memory store 记忆商店's instrumentation. the beat that grounds the entire piece is just a TAD slower and thicker than the ticking of the clock. the near-perfection of it highlights how jarringly present the flow of time is for the protagonist. he is hyper aware of time passing, each second is like dragging through molasses.
the percussion's made up of what sounds like a tom and a rim hit (or something, i don't know anything about drums). where that rim-hit-sounding "ticks" represent "time", the toms resemble (heavy) footfalls. you can almost physically feel the way he is trekking, from store to store, looking for a forgotten memory. going through the motion. the tempo remains steady and unchanged from start to finish.
(i also like to think that the rocking of the swing mimics the swinging pendulum of the metronome. the violin with legato melodies is juxtaposed against the very steady beat, the representation of "memory"/the past here: soft and hazy.)
(unrelated to everything i'm talking about: shout out to the very last note of the entire song the beautiful soft airy G4. nothing to talk about it's just very gorgeous.)
and all of these repetition and perpetual motions are set up to be interrupted! broken! challenged! like how 少管我 could be a response to and a liberation from (the liberation of) the giver 警报, say hi 嗨 to me disrupted the belief that sincere intimacy is obsolete seen in memory store. it is a relic of the past, perfectly preserved with a timeless voice... maybe we'll get into it later.
i'm really excited to see what future tracks of disc B do to expand on and complete the narratives created in disc A. if this pattern continues (track 6 reacts to track 5, track 7 reacts to track 4) then can we expect a "call and response" for each and every repetition? only time and zs will tell...
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destinyc1020 · 2 months ago
I'm glad that anon has access to Zs phone and email and knows everybody that Z is friends with. Storm has repeatedly mentioned how Z was one of the few industry people that were openly available to her whenever she had any questions. She mentioned that during A Wrinkle in Time promo many artists claimed that she could contact them at any time, but that Z was one of the select few that actually meant it. We have seen Z attending small Storm bday parties p
Regarding Euphoria, Z is having a very contentious relationship with HBO execs and the Levinsons. She doesn't have control about who's been asked to come back this season. Also Storm had mentioned that she was looking forward to come back for the third season, then she mentioned that she had not been asked to come back and now says that she's "busy". It seems to be a spin to portray her not coming back as her decision when it was not. As we've seen, HBO is enforcing the contracts of the actors they want to bring back. All this doesn't mean anything about Storm and Zs relationship
I agree girl. 👍🏾
I listen to what people SAY about a person. And Storm has repeatedly talked about how Zendaya has been there like an older sister for her in this industry. Why would that change all of a sudden?
Besides, Z got engaged over the holidays, when most people are busy and concerned with traveling and being with their family members.
Then, we had the Golden Globes, where Z was nominated, and she dropped the bomb on everyone that she was engaged.
Then, let's see.... what else happened around that time... 🤔 Oh YES! Southern California has basically been on FIRE 🔥 since the day after the Golden Globes!! 😳😳😳
People are out there losing their homes, losing family members, losing their precious items, memories.... whole communities have been WIPED OUT due to these flames.... 😩 Celebrities have been traveling, trying to get away from the fires and the bad air quality.
Oh, and Z's grandmother just passed away. 😭
So, EXCUSE her if she and Storm haven't exactly had a chance to catch up since she got engaged! 🥴
The news itself just dropped on the 5th of Jan. We're only the 24th. Technically, it's only been a little over 2 weeks since the public knew.
Anyway, I agree with your assessment about Storm/Euphoria/Z, etc. I think she wasn't asked to come back to the show. 😔 I don't think it had anything to do wth Z though. I think they're still close. Honestly? I just assumed that this season they were aging the characters, and maybe Storm's look didn't fit the age range that they would need her to be. 🤷🏾‍♀️
But hey, who knows?? Maybe she might just be killed off. 👀
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raccoonfallsharder · 10 months ago
The Very Boring Adventures of
Space Pilot & Sweatshirt Girl ✩°。⋆
Domestic Scenes in Space Travel ✩ Installment One (excerpt & rating key behind the cut)
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18+ only MDNI | no use of y/n | f!reader | 5/5 visits | complete | word count: 37,783.
In Rocket Raccoon: Grounded (2016) / Issue #3, Rocket asks a stranger on the ferry to "make sure nobody does anything weird" to him while he naps, and the stranger just, like, abandons him while he's sleeping?? who does that? when a stranger asks you to watch their stuff in a coffee shop, it's a holy obligation. x100 if it's a hot local space pilot trying to catch some Zs on the ferry. get in loser we're gonna fix it
reader x rocket domestic fluff & smut with feelings. comics-based but you don't need any comics background knowledge to ride this ride. excerpt below the cut.
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Chapter One (The First Visit). rocket evades SHIELD by hiding in your purse. ✩ Chapter Two (The Second Visit). you and rocket eat omelettes in your underwear. ✩ Chapter Three (The Third Visit). rocket finds you naked & takes care of your cat. ✩ Chapter Four (The Fourth Visit). rocket teaches you about his tail. ❤︎‬❤︎ Chapter Five (The Fifth Visit). rocket stops by for a visit. ❤︎‬❤︎
WARNINGS: feelings & domestica. smut commences in the fourth visit. dirty talk, praise, use of "slut"/"whore" (affectionate), a little bit of oral.
✩ Domestic Scenes in Space Travel Masterlist ✩ Fuckin adorable sweatshirt girl art by @blueberrysquire ✩ forward one installment | return to main masterlist
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That’s when you hear the screech from the hallway.
“Oh! Call Animal Control! Oh! It has rabies!”
“It is even still alive?”
“I heard it growl!”
Later, you won’t be able to say how you know.  There have been countless chaotic squirrels in the building before, and the occasional massive rat off the streets, though you suspect they all have much better reasons to be afraid of humans than vice versa. 
But you do know. Maybe it’s Mr Hobbes’ weird behavior or maybe it’s something more cosmic than that, but you know, and you grab your key off the hook and step into the corridor, still in just your bikini-briefs and a sweatshirt that almost goes to your knees.
Your gaze finds him unerringly: passed out, possibly injured, wedged in the doorway at the top of the stairwell with the heavy fire-door propped open on his ribs. 
“Uhhh,” you interrupt, pushing past your neighbors. “Sorry. Sorry. He’s my - “ you pause, thoughts colliding with each other “ - my friend.”
“Your friend?” says Josh From Down the Hall. He’s been bugging you to go out to dinner and drinks for months. “What is he, some kind of miniature furry?”
You roll your eyes and pull open the door, propping it with a hip while you try to hoist Rocket into your arms. Unfortunately, he weighs even more now - probably due to the heavy artillery on his back and at his hips, all of which makes him very awkward to carry. Geezus, one of these guns alone has to be at least as much as his body weight.  “He’s not a - “
“He must be your new cat,” says Brenda From Next Door, her voice a little doubtful. Brenda is harmless enough, though she can be annoying. “I hear millennials like to talk about their pets like they’re actual people.”
There’s way too much to unpack there and fuck. He weighs a ton. Your arms are shaking as you stagger past them. “He’s not - “
“He’s not a cat, Brenda,” Josh says rudely. “Didn’t you hear her? He’s her shrimpy, perverted boyfriend. Wasted in the friggin’ stairwell.”
You sigh. “Josh, this is why no-one wants to date you.” 
“You fuckin’ bitch - “
“Brenda, can you help me with the door?”
The older woman rushes to turn your doorknob and pushes it open for you, while also trying to stay as far away as she can from the Space Pilot in your arms. 
“Did something happen to Mr Hobbes then, dear? Is that why you got a new cat?”
Geezus. No wonder Rocket had been so exhausted of hearing people’s bullshit last time. It’s been five minutes and you’d cheerfully throttle both your neighbors. And you like to think you like people.
“Nope. He’s still alive and kickin’. Thanks, Brenda.”
You lean against the door when it closes behind you, shuffling the weight in your arms so you can slide the deadbolt and chain lock. By the time you get Rocket to the bedroom, you’re panting. Maybe the loveseat would have been the closer, better option, but you’re pretty scared you’re going to need to be able to access him from all sides. 
You rest him on the bed. Mr Hobbes is pacing in the doorway while you wipe the sweat from your brow and then tie up your hair with the elastic around your wrist. The cat meows pitifully.
“He’s gonna be okay, Hobbsie,” you mumble, looking down at your prodigal houseguest. He’s wearing some sort of jumpsuit with blood splashing up one side, but it’s hard to discern much thanks to the plethora of firearms he’s sporting. Carefully, you pick over the range of buckles and snaps and magnets holding his holsters in place. Some just look like grips, but have the weight of something much larger. You don’t know the first thing about guns, really, but you have a feeling that most of Rocket's don’t exactly have a safety.
Cautiously, you undo what you can, lifting each weapon with slow deliberation, keeping every barrel pointed away from you, from your wounded guest, and from Mr Hobbes. Probably these things can blow through sheetrock even better than regular bullets, so you lay them on the floor by the exterior wall, lined up neatly with the barrels pointed toward the brick.  
Then you’re unstrapping the harnesses, holsters, and straps of his jumpsuit. It’s been burnt in some places, torn and bloodied.
“Sorry, Space Pilot,” you say under your breath. “When you wake up, just remember that it’s not the first time I’ve seen you in your underwear.” 
read more on ao3 ✩°。⋆
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some explicit statements or references ✩ explicit scenes or fantasy sequences ❤︎‬ long, detailed, and graphic explicit content ❤︎‬❤︎‬ deliberately smut-free, mostly or entirely platonic ✮
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lucydixon · 12 days ago
Firestarter, Chapter 2
10k Znation x Original Female Character
This is my first Z nation fic, I have quite a few chapters up on Ao3 and will be regularly posting on here too.
Summary: The gang, newly including Torch, pass through Philly and run into a junkyard cult full of cannibals. Torch makes her pyrotechnic debut and proves herself to the group.
CW: Swearing, Cannon typical violence, Zombie apocalypse typical weapons, Canibalism, Explosions, Violence
The truck rolled into Philly just as the sun was reaching its peak the following day. Torch had slept in the back of the truck, curled up in a ball with a knife in her hand after trying like all hell to stay awake, but was unable to fight it once the exhaustion set in. She woke up startled and wondered what the hell she’d been thinking leaving herself vulnerable like that around strangers.
Mack and Addy had been asleep when she roused, and she thought they might be just as stupid as she was, falling asleep next to her like that without knowing her well enough to confidently say that she wouldn’t kill them in their sleep.
Torch frowned looking around at the abandoned buildings and Zs lining the streets. She glanced over at Ten thousand, who was sitting on the wall of the truck bed, peering over the roof. Doc was on the other side and sprung to his feet suddenly, startling the sleeping couple awake.
“Is that what I think it is?” He breathed as the truck slowed to a stop. “No way”
“Is that really the liberty bell?” Mack asked, rubbing his eyes “Wow.”
“Hell is a liberty bell?” Torch muttered under her breath, making her way to the other side of the truck bed to see what everyone was so excited about. She turned to 10k and frowned “What’s so special ‘bout it?”
He just shrugged.
“Proclaim liberty in all the lands and unto all the inhabitants thereof.” Garnet read the inscription on the side of a large bell strapped to a trailer. “Yeah, that’s it.”
“Three years of zombie apocalypse, you think you’ve seen everything” Doc grunted, hopping out of the truck to get a closer look.
“Well, when everything went bad, they probably tried to preserve some of our history,” Warren shook her head, joining them in front of the bell.
“Yeah, well” Murphy’s upper half hung out the window “They should have known that the only thing you can save is yourself. Let’s go.”
“Hang on.” Warren waved him off, checking the fuel tank of the truck attached to the trailer. “If this thing still has fuel, and it does. If we get this thing started, they won’t have to ride out in the open like that.”
Torch contemplated insisting on remaining in the bed of the truck, unsure if she wanted to be stuck inside the cab, squeezed in between people she barely knew, but that militant tone that Warren and Garnet had was enough to keep her compliant despite her unease.
“Well, I’m all for that.” Doc chimed in, leaning up against the trailer.
“I’ll grab the jumper cables.” Mack went for the box on the roof.
“God bless the human race,” Doc remarked “99% of ‘em dead, but there’s still one jackass alive with a spray paint can.
Warren opened the driver’s side door and jumped back when a Z started to fall out.
Everyone gasped, reaching for their weapons, but before they could so much as pull them from their belts, a gear and a throwing knife landed side by side in the center of its forehead, killing it instantly.
Torch and 10k turned to stare at each other, him, with a slingshot in one hand while hers was still raised from launching her blade.
“1,075” he muttered to himself, cracking a smile as his gaze fell onto the girl, who huffed out a laugh. “And a half.”
“Thank you.” Warren breathed, pointing at them.
Torch shrugged and hopped down to retrieve her knife, wiping the blood on the dead Z’s shirt before tucking it back into the sheath strapped to her thigh.
They got the liberty bell truck started and Warren loaded Garnet and Murphy into it while Doc 10k, Torch, Addy, Mack, and Cassandra took the black pickup.
“We’re not seriously going all the way to California with that Murphy guy, are we?” Cassandra remarked after a few moments of silence passed.
“That’s the plan” Doc shrugged
“That’s crazy.” she frowned “What’s so special about him anyways?”
“His blood.” was the only explanation offered.
“Cool,” Torch bobbed her head awkwardly, wedged between 10k and Doc in the front seat stiff as a board and very clearly uncomfortable being that close to either of them “So y’all are gonna haul that asshole across the country cause he’s got magic blood?”
“Something like that” Doc shrugged before glancing over at her. “What’s your story kid? How’d you end up living in a Z-infested refinery.”
“Was movin’ around a lot before.” Torch replied, keeping her gaze up ahead “runnin’ from some unneighborly types and wound up hidin’ out in there. They must’a figured the Z’s had gotten me. Ain’t nobody but y’all been stupid enough to actually make it through the gates since I’ve been there.”
“How long were you there for?” Addy asked
“Dunno,” the girl shrugged casually, “a year maybe?”
“You lived in that place for a whole year?” Doc exclaimed, “With all those Z’s?”
“Cleared out one of the buildings, made a run for the trees and back any time I had to go out for supplies. I liked it there.” She frowned.
They all suddenly turned their attention to a car with a Z on its hood, swerving towards them while laying on the horn.
“God!” Doc yelped, slamming on the brakes.
Warren jerked the truck to the side to avoid them and slammed to a stop down the street hard enough to dislodge the bell, which went flying down the road, chiming loudly every time it bounced off the pavement, and tearing through any Zs in its path.
“Whoa.” Torch breathed, leaning over 10k to watch it go, her eyes wide with wonder.
“Yeah!” Doc shouted when the rest of the group emerged from the truck unharmed “I’d pay money to see that again.”
“If anyone asks,” Warren told them all sternly after the national treasure disappeared from view. “We were nowhere near Philadelphia.”
The truck wound up being unusable after the crash, so Warren kicked Doc out of the driver’s seat and they all rearranged themselves, leaving Torch, 10k, and Cassandra in the back of the truck once again.
They had to stop a half mile down the road to look for supplies and try to make contact with Citizen Z, who Torch wasn’t all that convinced was a real person. Addy was supposedly some kind of tech wiz, so they were all sent out in groups to look for anything useful after eating the last of what little food they had left.
“Hey kid, give me a hand with this.” Doc nodded to 10k while climbing up onto a garbage bin to try and rip a satellite dish off the side of a building.
“I don’t know why we stopped in Philly.” Cassandra threw her hands up in frustration, just standing there while Torch dug through the pockets of some nearby Zs. “We should’ve kept going.”
She looked a little too nervous for Torch’s taste, so she squinted at her while the older girl fidgeted, trying to figure out why.
“Going where?” Doc scoffed, “We need to find a way to communicate with that Citizen dude, and I think Addy can do something with this dish.”
“Who knows,” the old man shrugged, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively “Maybe we’ll get lucky and pick up some porn.”
“I’ve never seen porn.” 10k muttered loud enough for all of them to hear.
“You’ve never seen Porn?” Doc gasped, looking back at him with disbelief.
“Really?” Cassandra cocked her head to the side “Never?”
“Not even a nudie mag?” Torch’s brows pulled together.
“Before my time.” He frowned “Is it good?”
Doc and Cassandra spoke at the same time and stopped to stare at each other while Torch just shot him a funny look.
“Nothin’.” She shrugged, “Think we had ‘bout the same amount of time is all.”
“If that’s true, you’d have only been like fifteen when this all started” He tilted his head to one side.
“Somethin’ like that.”
“Then how have you seen porn!”
“Believe me” Torch scoffed “wish I hadn’t. My daddy just left ‘em layin' around. I only looked the once and now I’m scarred for life.”
“That’s old school, kid” Doc chuckled, looking down at the girl while they resumed their efforts to dislodge the dish “You didn’t have a computer?”
“Nah.” She scoffed, “Nothin’ like that. No phone neither. My Daddy always said that anythin’ worth talkin’ about best be worth the walk to the house.”
The girl looked around and her brows pulled together.
“Where’s Cassandra?” She asked, “She was right here.”
“She probably just went back to the truck.” Doc shrugged, “She’s a little flighty, that one.”
“So” 10k still looked confused with his eyes fixated on the ink going down her left arm “If we’re the same age, how do you have tattoos?”
“Got ‘em after.” Torch shrugged, “traded a couple rabbits at a clubhouse in Indiana durin’ black summer when I was havin’ a good week.”
Doc and 10k exchanged a look of interest while the girl went back to scouring the ground for anything of use as if anything she’d said had been normal.
“She’s so cool.” The boy breathed, sneaking another look at her before going back to help Doc, who just rested a hand on his shoulder and offered a sympathetic smile.
Just as they were rounding the corner on their way back to the truck, Doc and 10k were talking about some movie that only Doc had seen about a boxer while Torch kicked a rock down the road, Cassandra fell into step with them.
None of them said anything and just kept walking.
“Finally!” Murphy exclaimed when they made it to the truck. “It’s about time.”
Mack was standing there with the rest of them, vibrating with anger, and his palm resting on the butt of his gun.
Torch frowned, staying back a little.
“What’s wrong,” Doc asked “Where’s Addy?”
“Missing.” Garnet brought them up to speed.
“Is she...” Doc trailed off.
“No,” Mack said quickly, staring right at Cassandra. “Taken alive. By humans.”
“We thought you might know.” Mack and Warren pinned the girl to the side of the truck before showing her a video on a tablet.
“Me?” Cassandra pressed her back up against the truck, looking nervous. “Why would I know?”
“You recognize these guys?” Mack indeed towards the screen
“No,” she answered too quickly. “Why would I?”
“Creep on the left was one of those two bikers in Jersey.” Warren told her, pushing Mack back a step “With your friend, Travis.”
“I told you I didn’t know that guy and I don’t know them either-” She stammered but was cut off by Mack grabbing her by the throat with one hand and holding his gun to her head with the other.
Torch flinched hard and took a step away from the whole ordeal, unable to help feeling slightly panicked being around an angry man.
“You are gonna start telling me the truth right now.” He snarled, looking crazed. “Or I’m going to start blowing holes into you until you do.”
Garnet separated them and sent Mack to go stand with the others while he calmly tried to reason with the girl, but now Warren was pointing a gun at her.
“Y’all ain’t too good at workin’ together yet, huh?” Torch muttered to Doc, side eyeing Mack “How long have y’all been travelin’ together?”
“Picked up the kid and Cassandra the day before you. The rest of us lived in a camp together before it got overrun and this army dude gave us Murphy.”
“Damn.” She frowned, not having realized that everything was still so fresh between them all. It did make her feel the tiniest bit better about being new to the group, but it also worried her slightly. If they were already slamming each other up against trucks and pointing guns, what was stopping them from doing the same to her in the coming days?
“I can’t go back,” Cassandra shouted suddenly, drawing Torch’s attention from her thoughts.
“Back where?” Mack ran forward again, grabbing her on either side of her head “Where? Where is she?”
A Z rounded the corner, sprinting and they all reached for their weapons, but 10k had immediately downed it with his rifle.
Cassandra used the opportunity to make a run for it, closely followed by Warren, Garnet, and Mack.
They didn’t come back for a half hour, but when they did, they told the rest of them about how Cassandra had been living with a group of cannibals that lived in a junkyard on the other side of town. Murphy had tried to tell a joke about a pig being eaten, but it didn’t land. Instead, they all stared at him in various degrees of annoyance.
“Oh, what?” He threw his hands up, sitting on the hood of the truck “Too soon?”
“We didn’t start out as Cannibals.” Cassandra defended
“Cannibals?” Garnet frowned, “How’s that even possible? Everything is infected with the zombie virus. If you kill it, and then eat it, you get the live virus.”
“But if you eat it alive-”
“Oh, Jesus.” Torch pinched the bridge of her nose as she looked away. “That’s fuckin’ sick.”
“We were just people, trying to survive! Tobias Saved me. First from the Zs, then from the worst of humanity. He was a good man, then his wife got sick.” Cassandra’s voice was getting shaky. “She just couldn’t take it anymore, and he was never the same after that. When black summer came and everyone else in the world was starving, he swore that he would do whatever it took to keep us alive.”
Mack looked like he was going to be sick and stomped off
“And he did!”
He returned a moment later with his bag.
“I’m going back for Addy.” He muttered, rearing back to swing when their leader stepped out in front of him “Garnet, do not try and stop me.” He warned
“Nobody’s trying to stop you.” Garnet said firmly “We’re all going back, but we need a plan.”
“You don’t understand.” Cassandra shouted “These people are worse than the Zs! They’ll kill all of you.”
“Yeah,” Murphy hopped down to try and reason with them. “She’s right, we all need to look at the big picture here.”
“Shut up!” They all yelled simultaneously.
Garnet had gone down to the gate to try and reason with the Cannibal squad, as Torch had started calling them in her head. He stood there with his hands raised, trying to offer them the chance to hand Addy over without spilling blood, but they’d laughed in his face.
Torch cracked a smile when Garnet snapped his fingers and 10k brained one of the laughing men, instantly dropping him.
She palmed her gun when all of the weapons behind the fence predictably wound up aimed at Garnet, but stayed behind her wooden crate, as she was told.
She’d never worked as a team to get anything done in her life and was trying her best to give it a proper chance before deciding whether or not she planned on staying with the group the entire way to California. Torch wondered if they’d go to the same lengths to get her back if it had been her down there, even after only having known her for two days.
They seemed okay so far, but she was still wary.
Her eyes zeroed in on Addy, who was being dragged out at knifepoint, dressed like an apocalyptic stripper.
Mack tried to get up but Warren caught him by the arm before he could.
Machine gun fire started suddenly and they all dove for cover.
Torch muttered a slew of curse words under her breath and started coming up with a plan to wipe out the entire compound.
Cassandra volunteered to trade herself for Addy and Tobias jumped at the opportunity. Addy had tried to convince her not to stay behind, but the girl wasn’t having it, so Garnet dragged her up to where Mack was and they all met back at the truck.
On her way back to the truck from her spot, Torch had made a small detour to gather some supplies, itching to see some real action and get Cassandra back despite her having lied. The thought of her being stuck with those people made her skin crawl.
“Let’s go.” Mack nodded towards the truck while Addy stood in the street.
Half the group was already climbing in the truck by the time Addy voiced her protest. Torch sat perched on the hood of the truck, not liking the idea of leaving anyone behind with a group of cannibals. As far as she was concerned, they needed to be wiped out altogether.
“Look, he’s right.” Garnet sighed “Going back for you almost got us all killed.”
“Yeah,” Murphy exclaimed “She’s a freaking Canibal! She got what she deserved.”
“She did what she had to do to survive.” Addy all but snarled “And you, of all people, would have done the exact same thing”
“Come on,” Warren interjected “Addy is right. We cannot leave her back there. You men don’t know what it’s like.”
“Oh what is this now,” Murphy laughed “A chick thing.”
“Yeah.” Torch hopped down from the hood while Warren and Addy spoke in unison.
“Alright, I wanna help her too.” Garnet sighed “But we’re not gonna beat a .50 caliber machine gun. It’s gonna tear us to pieces before we can get to the gate.”
“How good a shot are ya?” Torch spoke suddenly, drawing all their attention as she nodded to 10k, who just took out an incoming Z that had to be at least two hundred yards away instead of responding.
“Pretty good.” He shrugged “1,084”
“I can get her out.” She nodded, shrugging off her bag and hopping up on the tailgate.
“And how the hell are you gonna do that?” Mack snapped, clearly still pissed that they weren’t just leaving.
She dumped her haul into the bed of the truck, ignoring him and organizing the two bags of flour, one bag of sugar, a can of roach spray, and a big bottle of hand sanitizer.
“What’s all that for?” Doc asked since nobody else seemed ready to speak.
“Imma show y’all why they call me Torch.” She grinned “We goin’ for diversion or destruction here?”
“Both.” Addy nodded, looking thoughtful. “They don’t deserve to live.”
“Get a hold of your friend on the radio, we’re gonna need some real loud music.”
Torch didn’t give too much away while she was doling out jobs for everyone. Garnet and Warren would be driving the truck, which Addy hooked up to a massive speaker, through town as slowly as possible so they could gather up as many Zs as they could on their way to the gates.
Addy, Mack, and 10k were going to offer cover fire from the hills, while Doc went in and pretended to be a customer and Murphy hid in a field. None of them asked much in terms of questions and she wondered again why they would trust a stranger with their lives.
She did her best to keep the dangerous parts on her own plate, not wanting any of their blood on her hands if anything went wrong. Despite her prickly exterior, the girl had a guilty conscience and the last thing she needed was to get one of them killed.
“One more thing.” She told 10k as they were preparing to split up.“I’m gonna need a hand when I get in through the gates.”
“I’m gonna be out here.” He reminded her with a furrowed brow.
“I just need ya to shoot a bag of flour when I throw it. Wait till it's as far away from me as possible. That okay?”
He nodded but still looked confused.
“Remember.” She reminded him, climbing back into the truck with a glimmer of mischief in her eyes. “Flour. Some other shit’s gonna be flyin’ around, but I only need ya to hit the flour.”
The music was blaring through the speakers as Warren plowed through the front gates, skidding to a stop in front of Doc and Cassandra, who had come out of a trailer to investigate the sound along with every other person on the compound.
The Zs they’d led to the junkyard were pouring in through the breached entrance, so Torch palmed her Baretta in one hand and threw the hand sanitizer into the air before shooting it, mid-air, splattering the bottle's contents onto the stunned cannibals and the surrounding Z’s.
She did the same with a bag of sugar before tossing her gun aside and grabbing the flour and bug spray once she’d laid a lighter on the roof.
“Y’all ain’t gonna wanna be outside the truck for this part.” She warned Doc and Cassandra, who promptly scrambled into the cab after seeing the look on her face.
She took a deep breath and looked in 10k’s direction before tossing the flour as far as she could and shouting at Warren to get ready to floor it.
The shot landed only seconds after she’d thrown the paper bag, which erupted into a cloud of white dust, all over the cannibals and Zs. Biting back a grin until the job was done, she flicked on the lighter and sprayed the bug spray into the flame, creating a makeshift blowtorch, which ignited the entire flour cloud.
“Go!” She smacked the roof before diving down for cover in the back of the truck before it peeled back out onto the road.
“Holy shit kid,” Doc popped his head out the back window, looking at the still-burning flour cloud in awe. “I’ve never seen anything like that.”
The truck rolled to a stop a few miles down the road, and Mack, Addy, 10k, and Murphy all piled into the truck.
“That was Awesome!” 10k exclaimed, plopping down next to her in the truck bed.
“So that’s how you got the name.” Mack cracked a smile, seeming to have started warming up to her.
The girl just shrugged, smirking softly.
“Think they’re dead?” Addy asked, looking back at the smoke billowing out of the junkyard
“If the fire didn’t kill ‘em,” Torch muttered, “the sugar will.”
“Sugar?” Mack frowned, looking confused “Why sugar?”
“Y’ever tried to touch melted sugar?” She cocked her head to the side “It’ll blister before ya get it under the tap. Imagine bein’ covered in it. Soaked in hand sanitizer with little sugar crystals stickin’ to your skin.”
Everyone looked a little taken aback, aside from 10k, who looked back at her like he’d just fallen in love.
They all settled in and rolled down the highway for an hour before pulling off to the side. Mack and Addy hopped out of the truck bed While Doc and Cassandra jumped into the back with Torch and 10k.
Torch was half asleep, curled up in the corner and barely paying attention to the conversation until 10k piped up and her eyes snapped over to him. She wasn’t sure what had prompted the serious tone in his voice, but she listened intently, unable to deny wanting to know more about the sniper.
“When my Pa was wounded, he told me to tie him up before he turned.” He said without looking up from the rifle in his lap “Made me promise to show him mercy when he died. Kill the brain, you know?”
“I couldn’t do it.” His jaw flexed as he looked out into the field “I couldn’t hurt my pa, no matter what he’d become. I stared into his eyes for the longest time just… Looking for some kind of sign that he was still in there”
“Did you see anything?” Cassandra asked softly, pulling her knees to her chest.
10k shook his head solemnly.
“What’d you do?” Doc frowned.
“I killed it.” He looked like he was fighting to keep his face stony.
“Damn kid.” Doc shook his head “You had to put down your own dad?”
“Didn’t kill him.” 10k emphasized, “I killed it.”
“But if it’s not alive, how did you kill it?” Cassandra asked.
Torch’s brows pulled together, she had missed almost all of whatever they’d been talking about before, so she didn’t understand why the girl was asking.
“I piked it.” He tapped his forehead lightly with the spade in his hand “Right here. My first kill.”
“I always wish he knew, you know…” 10k’s hands started to shake, so he balled them up into fists at his sides “Somehow, knew that I kept my promise.”
Before anyone else could speak, the truck started rolling again.
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sweetballoonflower · 1 month ago
That repass was really special. I was wondering why it was taking so long for the funeral. Usually in black families, the funeral is like a week after a person passes away. In this case, they waited a little over 2 weeks I think. And now I see why. I have no doubt Z paid for the whole thing and put it together. It really was the definition of celebration of life. I'm also really happy to see Z and her father so close. There's been so much speculation about their relationship and if they still get along. We know Claire has such a disdain for him. I'm happy Z is able to put all that aside and be with her dad.
This repass also has me questioning the size of TZs wedding. Initially I thought it would be small, but with Zs family alone, that's well over 100 people. So maybe they will do something big. Or maybe they'll do a small ceremony and a big reception later on.
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hannahssimblr · 1 year ago
Chapter Five
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After a morning of frantic creativity in the studio, I head down to the shop with a head buzzing with thoughts of Christmas motifs. Petra is comparatively calm, sitting behind the till reading a crochet magazine in her lap and drinking a hot chocolate from one of the sachets she keeps in a drawer with the excess breast shaped candles. “Oh hello.” She says serenely. “Have you come to do the window?”
“I have.” I go into the storage closet next to the employee bathroom and start yanking bits of blue roll off the holder, wrestling my way through the clutter and piles of empty postal boxes for a squeegee and a bottle of industrial window cleaner. 
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“I can’t wait to see how it turns out.” She flips the page while I start spraying the window and buffing off the dirt and streaks. It’s a smaller window than the café I worked on back home, but tenfold more intimidating, seeing that this is an actual art shop with actual artists working upstairs who will no doubt notice things like crooked ‘o’s or asymmetrical ‘m’s. Recalling the mistakes I made the last time, I first sketch an outline on the outside of the window. The sun is hot on my hair. 
The muscles in my arms ache from the gym as badly as I expected they would. As I work I silently curse Shane Healy and his wicked exercise regime, and every time I lift a paint pen to the glass and my biceps groan I curse him harder. I am tired too, my eyes feel dry and heavy after a poor night’s sleep, tossing and turning in my bed with a head whirring with thoughts of Izzy’s gig. I think about it now too. Of Jen especially, and how different she was, but of Jude too, and the strange rift between them. I can’t help but recall all of those little details like the purple skin under his eyes, the nicotine stains on his fingers. Jen’s thin body, the vacancy in her stare. It was freaky to see them both like that, to witness their distance when all I’ve ever known of them was their closeness.
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I start sketching out the lettering for ‘mezzotint’. I have a design in an open notebook at my feet, and I refer back to it again and again, trying my best to mark out the shapes as symmetrically as possible. It starts off well. I’m careful, I’m precise, and I realise that focussing as hard as I can upon the task makes it harder for me to dwell on other thoughts. I don’t notice the time passing me by, the shadows moving across the pavement, I even drown out the sound of the tram as it passes, and it’s just me and this window and these pens and…
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“Um, hello?” I get such a fright that my marker slips across the window, sending a slash of white through my meticulous lettering. “Shit.”
“Fuck, sorry.” It’s Jude. He’s reaching for a damp cloth so he can help me to erase it. I never even heard him coming. 
“Oh, God, Jude, don’t worry about it, it’s just the guide.”
He pulls the cloth over his finger and uses the flat edge of his fingernail to carefully remove the offending mark from where it cuts right through one of the Zs. “Sorry I scared you, I was trying to catch your attention from across the street for like, a minute. I thought you’d heard me.”
“It’s okay, honestly.” I take his wrist and lift the cloth out of his hand. “I’ll fix it later. Like I said, this is just the guide bit. I’ll erase it later anyway.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah, I’m sure, it’s fine, it’s just a stupid white line, nothing to get upset about.”
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He looks up at the window. “It’s looking good though.”
“You think?”
“I do.” He smiles at me. “Nice job. I’m glad I caught you in time for lunch.”
“It’s lunch?”
“Yeah it’s like five past one.”
“Oh.” I frown. “I swear to God, sometimes I seem to just switch my brain off when I’m working.”
“I know the feeling. Do you have time to get food? If not it’s totally fine, I probably should have texted you or something, I couldn’t remember if we actually made a plan to get lunch or if I just ended up being vague with you.”
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I smirk as I start bundling up my art supplies. “You asked me if I take lunch, and then you walked away.” After brushing my cheek with his thumb in a way that made my stomach bottom out, but I don’t bring that part up.
“Ah, sounds like me.” He holds the door for me as I carry my things into the shop. “If you’re not free it’s fine, by the way, I can get lost.”
“No, we can get lunch.” I smile at Petra who is eating a sandwich at the till, and we give each other a quick wave as I leave my supplies on the floor and head back outside. “Where’s Astrid today? Are you meeting her after lunch to do the big tourist round of Dublin?”
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“Ah.” He says as we fall into step next to each other. “She’s not feeling well. She doesn’t want to do anything today.”
“That’s a shame.”
“Do you think you’ll go tomorrow?”
“I’m not sure, she, well, she kind of wants to just go back to Berlin at the moment, I’m trying to convince her to stay for the rest of the week but-” He shrugs. “I dunno. We’ll see how it goes.”
“Not a fan of Dublin City?”
“Something like that, maybe.”
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“I don’t blame her.” The Liffey still stinks as we cross it. A man leans over the railings and hawks up a mouthful of spit to launch into it. I shudder. “It’d be a pity to cut the holiday short all the same.”
“I’d bring her back to Berlin if I could, it’s just with the things I have to do…”
“That family stuff you mentioned?”
“Yeah. My mom is away on business this week, she needs someone to take care of Ivy. Like, bring her to school, cook dinner, laundry, all of that stuff.”
“Oh, damn. Is your dad away too?”
“No.” He kicks a coke can into the road and it goes under the wheels of a passing bus. “He just won’t- can’t do it. He’s not a big fan of, uh, parenting her.”
I frown. “Like, at all?”
“At all.”
“So what does he do?”
He exhales a laugh. “He’s very busy.”
“He’s rarely home for dinner. He works a lot. Late hours, paperwork, you know the drill.” I don’t know the drill. My dad only ever worked steady, predictable hours in the medical factory, and my mam, well, hasn’t worked since she gave up her secretary job in 1993. I can’t remember a time that she wasn’t at home, potatoes boiling in the pot while she scrubbed every corner of our tiny council house. She was always there to look after me.
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Jude asks me what I want to eat, and I tell him that he can choose, so we head east along the river. “I know it’s weird,” He continues defensively, even though I haven’t said anything “that my mom would rather get her adult son to look after their child than her own husband, who like, you know, fathered her, but it’s just the way the situation is.”
“Yeah it’s not great, obviously, but I suppose this is an exceptional circumstance. One time is inconvenient but manageable.”
He gives me a sideways glance. “Yes. One time.”
The conversation shifts to Ivy as we venture into the Liberties, and he tells me about her. She’s almost thirteen now, she’s in first year of secondary school, she’s still bad at piano and has to be forced to go to her lessons. She still never practises. I like watching Jude’s face when he talks about her, he gets very animated. It’s like he’s a bit proud of her, like he finds her funny, like he genuinely likes being around her. I consider his relationship with Ivy in contrast to Shane and Kelly, siblings who would have beat each other to death with remote controls, fighting for the teddy bears with the hardest plastic eyes, the biggest battery packs so they could cause maximum damage to one another when they smashed each other across the backs with them. I often counted my blessings over the fact that I was an only child when one of them started up a battle, but now, for a brief moment, I catch myself mourning the absence of the sibling I never had. 
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He takes me to a food van that sells coffee and Italian sandwiches at the foot of an apartment complex. I grab a chicken and pesto panini, which he pays for, and we take a seat on the grass in a nearby park. Jude stretches his legs out in front of him and leans on his elbows. He’s wearing shorts and a fleece, green and white runners and tube socks that have fallen down a bit on one side to reveal a strip of pale skin right up against the deep tan of his legs. He’s away in his thoughts again, eyes turned glassy as he stares out across the park to somewhere among the young trees planted by the fence. My eyes automatically follow the lines of his profile, from his forehead over the slight roman curve of his nose and down to the long line of his throat before I realise I’m staring too much, reading his visual language like a painting at a gallery, so I examine my sandwich instead. 
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“What are you thinking about?” I ask him. 
“Oh.” He says. “Nothing, I don’t even know.”
He gives me a half smile. “Maybe I was thinking about how I’m glad we could meet for lunch today.”
He definitely wasn’t. “Of course. It’s been nice, you know, to see you again.”
“I missed talking to you.”
“Did you?”
“I did.”
I nod. “Well, I missed that too. I’m sorry-”
“No more sorrys.” He reminds me. “It’s all water under the bridge, and like I said, I have more to be sorry for than you do.”
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I smile, then he smiles, before getting distracted by a nearby dandelion. He plucks it, and instead of blowing away the seeds he rather barbarically picks them off with his fingers and flicks them into the wind. I wonder if he made a wish. “I hope everything was alright last night with Michelle.” I say, hoping my prying doesn’t seem too much like, well, prying.
“Ah, yes. It was fine she just had to tell me about something that happened.”
“Hope it was nothing bad.”
“Well, I don’t know. It was just… well, nothing.”
He isn’t going to tell me. “Is it a bit weird,” I pivot “That Michelle and Jen are friends? Like I’ve wondered before. I saw them together in a bar a couple of years ago and I was surprised that they seemed close. Do you ever feel, like, a bit put out that your best friend stayed close with your ex?”
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He shakes his head. “No, because they were friends first. They went to primary school together, and when I moved to Ireland I started hanging out with them. We were a trio of friends.”
“Really? You and Jen and Michelle?”
“And some other people here and there, on and off at times, but yeah, we were.”
“And then…”
“And then one day I ruined it and kissed Michelle.”
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He splits the stem of the dandelion with his thumbnail, opening it up to flatten against his palm. “I seem to have this weird impulse issue where I can’t stop fancying my friends and then inevitably destroying everything.”
“Harsh. Surely you’ve had a female friend that you haven’t tried to kiss.”
He thinks about it. “Sure, but not as many as I’d like to admit to. When I really get to know people it’s hard for me not to blur the lines, to think that everything about them is beautiful, or whatever.”
“But Jen?”
“Oh, don’t worry,” He rolls his eyes at himself. “I kissed Jen too. When we were thirteen. She called me a fucking freak and went off crying.” His mouth quirks up at the corner. “And then a month of no contact later she approached me in the school yard and said she was sorry, that she actually realised that it wasn’t I specifically who was disgusting, it was just that she didn’t like boys.”
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“She sort of came out because of you?”
“Yeah, well, because of my bad habits.”
I mirror him and start picking the grass. “I hope that she’s doing well.” I say. 
“Yeah, me too. Things aren’t that great between us at the moment.” 
“I’m sure it’ll get better.”
He sighs. “Friendships do this, you know, especially long ones. People kind of eclipse in and out of your life, and it’s easier for it to happen when you’re in your twenties. I guess she’s just, like, eclipsed out right now. I think I should have tried to be a bit more understanding over Pamela. I think I was a bit full on when she started confiding things to me. Jen doesn’t often get into relationships so I can see why she’s been pouring all of her time into this one, it’s just, well, I suppose it’s whatever. It’s not worth getting into it.”
“I think things always get complicated eventually.” I remark. “The longer you’re friends with someone the more likely it is that there’ll be conflict, and then when there is it’s so bad, like they know how to hurt you more than anybody else.”
“A bit vulnerable.”
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“Very.” I say. “Back in first year I had a big fight with Claire.”
“Oh yeah?”
“It was because of… well, basically I just lied to her by omission. It wasn’t very wise of me to think that she wouldn’t find out on her own, but I don’t really like conflict, in case you didn’t notice that.”
“Who, you?” He grins. 
“But I was so used to always just taking on everything, like, blaming myself for being wrong and for ruining everything, but actually, when we finally got to talk about it and try to fix things, she admitted that she felt the same. She felt like she’d been in the wrong, and that she shouldn’t have reacted the way that she did. I suppose it was healing, or something, to realise that we both hurt the other, and it was okay because our friendship was stronger than that.”
“And now?”
“Now we’re great, we’re perfect. When I fell out with Kelly I thought about it all the time. I still think about it, honestly. I think about the things I wish I’d said to her instead of the things I really did say, and I imagine scenarios where I win and I make her look so stupid. And sometimes…” I wonder if the next part is too insane to admit. “…I think about mowing her down with my bicycle or shoving her into a massive thorny hedge and she gets all scratched up and has twigs stuck in her curls that she can’t get out for hours, and maybe they’ll get so tangled that she’ll eventually have to have them cut out-”
Jude lets out a loud, surprised cackle. “Specific.” 
“-and everyone points and laughs at her, and she runs off crying, and I know it’s so stupid and those things would never actually happen, but I’ve never stopped being angry with her, or actually, angry with myself for being weak for our entire friendship.”
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“You weren’t weak.”
“No, it’s okay. I think I was.”
“And now? What about with Claire?”
“With Claire I don’t feel that way at all. I handled it so differently, it felt mature and fair, like, I was upset while the fight was happening and for the month that we didn’t speak, but after that, yeah, it was fine. We’re good. I don’t even care about the fight because we fixed it.”
He nods thoughtfully. “Well, that’s lucky then.”
“Whatever it is with Jen, I’m sure you’ll fix it too.”
He sighs. “She’s complicated. It really goes back further than just this year, there’s things I should have done the whole way along, ways I should have been there for her but wasn’t. I’m kind of coming to terms with being a bit of a shit friend.”
“It’s not like you to talk yourself down so much.”
“Hm, well I’m trying out this new thing where I’m more honest with myself.”
“How’s it going?”
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“Horribly. It feels very bad.” He smiles weakly. “I think I’ve had a lifetime of being a bastard and it’s all manifesting this year, like I turned twenty one and it decided to come and bite me.” he suddenly sits up straighter and shudders, like he’s physically shaking the self deprecating thoughts from his head. “I don’t mean to be so miserable right now, Jesus.”
“You can be miserable all you like.”
“No.” He gently tugs on the cuff of my jean leg. “I want to hear about you. Tell me about this fancy internship. It was too loud in the bar last night to really get into it.”
I grimace. “It’s really not that interesting.”
“Tell me everything.” He insists. “Don’t leave anything out. When did you apply?”
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I sigh and I lie back in the grass so that I can watch the clouds drift past. “Okay well…”
Beginning // Prev // Next
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themculibrary · 3 months ago
Sam Wilson + Female Pairings Masterlist 2
part one
After Steve (ao3) - Caia (Caius) sam/sharon E, 1k
Summary: Steve is dead. Sam Wilson and Sharon Carter deal.
An Intervention (ao3) - Anonymous steve/natasha/sam E, 2k
Summary: Steve, in his unyielding attempt to get Bucky back, has run them ragged. Now, Sam and Nat strike back - in the sexy way.
Autumn Thorn (ao3) - LittleMissSyreid maria/sam M, 41k
Summary: When a woman rescues Bucky from his imprisonment as the Winter Soldier, he seeks Steve Rogers’ help to cope. However, HYDRA is not to be underestimated and quickly enforces a new recruit to take the Winter Soldier’s place… Based during and after the events of Captain America: The Winter Soldier.
Avenger Pool Day (ao3) - endlesstwanted natasha/sam G, 100
Summary: Natasha invites Sam over to the Tower in summer.
Because the Night (ao3) - ladydeathfaerie nick/phil, sam/maria, melinda/victoria, mack/leo M, 9k
Summary: Monsters walk the earth. Some of them are good. And some of them are bad. Nick Fury has dedicated his life to ridding the world of the bad monsters. He and his team of specially trained hunters have dedicated their lives to exterminating the monsters in order to keep humanity safe. But what starts out as a simple hunt turns out to be a trap set up by his old nemesis.
Will Nick and his team finish the hunt or will tragedy strike the family that Nick has made for himself?
Birds of a Feather (ao3) - Paramour_Party hermione granger/sam G, 3k
Summary: Completing the Animagus transformation was at the top of Hermione’s list of things to do. The last thing she thought she’d ever add on to any one of those lists would be: Learning how to fly.
Sam Wilson on the other hand was supposed to have a date with his bed to catch up on some well-deserved Zs. Too bad it was interrupted by well-meaning friends.
Crash Landing (ao3) - ToTheWolves steve/thor, minor natasha/sam T, 8k
Summary: Steve’s vacation is disturbed by the sudden crash landing of an Avenger in his backyard.
Croatian Holiday (ao3) - Brenda natasha/sam T, 2k
Summary: “So, wait, are you telling me all this was some sort of recruitment?”
“No, it was a test.” She didn’t say whether or not he passed. Sam guessed the fact that he was still breathing was answer enough.
Foot Knives Are Red Flags (ao3) - agentx13 sharon/sam N/R, 2k
Summary: Sam has to skate around the ice-skating rink to win a bet against Bucky. Sharon offers to help him.
They have both overestimated themselves.
Happy Birthday, Sam Wilson (ao3) - bactaqueen sam/natasha/bucky/sharon/steve E, 4k
Summary: Sam gets a Team America orgy for his birthday.
It Worked Enough (ao3) - HashtagPomegranate clint/tony, pepper/sam, maria/steve T, 8k
Summary: In a world where soulmate marks only appeared after the first time you spoke to your soulmate, Tony had given up hope he would find his. After Afghanistan he stopped hoping for one. Aliens didn't exactly change that, but he got one anyway.
Maybe it’s an Assassin Thing (ao3) - Captainwittyoneliner steve/bucky, natasha/sam G, 4k
Summary: “Captain America, perusing dead bodies, with a dopey smile on his face. Honestly, that right there should have alerted Sam to how much of a bad idea it was to move in with Steve.”
Two Russian ex-assassins try to flirt with their American ex-soldiers. They mostly succeed.
The Cabin (ao3) - on_the_moon_at_last wanda/sam M, 7k
Summary: Wanda Maximoff has a new purpose now.
The Caretaker Instinct (ao3) - annathecrow maria/sam T, 5k
Summary: The door creaks and Wilson comes into the room. Maria doesn’t bother to turn and ignores him, only to be surprised when he shoves a plastic coffee cup right under her nose. She looks up at him dubiously. “You look like you need it,” he answers with a small smirk.
This Guy (ao3) - gwyneth rhys (gwyneth) maria/sam T, 4k
Summary: Sam wasn’t sure what his moves were here. Because really, what did you do with someone who had literally snatched you from the jaws of certain death?
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