#zootopia fan fiction
hyperfixed-owl · 9 months
Started writing some Zootopia fanfic, here’s some draft dialog:
“Carrots, what are those in your hand?”
“Oh, my note cards! I don’t want to miss anything important in my speech and I’m a little nervous so…”
“Speech? You’re talking to seven year olds about road safety!”
“I know! I just don’t wanna mess it up!”
“Part of me wants to find it endearing how much effort you put into literally everything you do. Alas, that’s being overridden by my desire to do this”
Nick swiped the cards from Judy’s paw, folded them into two and placed them in his back trouser pocket.
“Look, magic! I’ve made them disappear”
“Nick, give me them back!” Judy attempted to lunge towards him, but was stopped by his much larger and stronger arms.
“Now, now, let’s not set a bad example in front of the Junior Ranger Scouts” Nick put the now infuriated rabbit back in her spot.
“I believe stealing someone’s notes would be classified as ‘setting a bad example’ too, wouldn’t you?” Judy glanced over her shoulder to the group of mammals “especially from their Scout leader”
Nick’s ears flattened, a slight grumble escaping his lips.
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kervinfirestories · 1 year
Welcome To Kervin Fire Stories
Welcome to my blog called Kervin Fire Stories. Since I can't do something fanfic related (yet) and I don't use my personal account @kervinfire isn't much use since my personal account caused a lot of fights and unwanted attention.
Just like every other blog, my asks are now open.
So I am using this blog to either make fanfic updates or make one-shots.
But most importantly if I had a budget I may also work on commissioning into comic book stories.
Either way, I am going to copy-paste from my previous posts..
Follow me on Wattpad
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Loonatics R (Incomplete)- reboot story created by @purpleluckystar and now story and characters owned by me.
Loonatics KR (Coming Soon)- reboot story continues with a writer's cut rewritten by me. credits to @draze-a, @mysticinternetdinosaur, @segamarkiii & @DarthCraftus
You can visit my other blog @loonaticskr
You can donate at FundraiserMe
Grand Theft Auto Origins: Kervin Made Liberty (Hiatus) - An OC version of GTA Online's Kervin's Backstory
The Red Fox (On Hiatus) - A story about a Red Fox
Story of 2 Angels (On Hiatus) - A backstory of a brother and sister becoming wrestlers with the last name Angel
Alza Flare (Hiatus) - A black cat looking for revenge
The Marajah of Zootopia (working title and coming soon) - an action hero story featuring OC Kervin as a Zootopia version of him that is inspired by Indian action movies and includes Zach King's Prison Escape (It may have 2 storylines depending if magic is canon to Zootopia)
Kervin's Young Stories of Zootopia (working title and coming soon) - Based on the books of Zootopia Younger Readers where there is a page to create and tell a story and know what happens next will focus on Zootopia OC Kervin as a teenage kid appearing in one of sequel adventures from the official comics. It may also feature other Zootopia OCs too.
CROSSOVER STORIES: (May include Kervinverse Stories Ft. versions of my OC Kervin)
Loonatics Unleashed X Fire Pro Wrestling World:
Loonatics Road (Paused) - A story of Loonatics as wrestlers in a different universe
Zootopia X APB Reloaded:
Anyone Can Be All You Can't Be (Coming Soon) - A story of Kervin (APB Reloaded) stuck in the Zootopia universe and has no choice to work with the ZPD
Def Jam X Kung Fu Panda:
Def Jam X Kung Fu Panda: Book 1 Fight for A New Fight (Hiatus) - Story of Def Jam game characters including
Grand Theft Auto (HD) X The Bad Guys:
GTA Online Vs The Bad Guys: The Good, The Bad & The Grand (Coming Soon) - A story featuring my GTA Online OC Kervin fighting alongside Michael, Franklin & Trevor VS Mr. Wolf, Mr. Snake, Ms Tarantula, Mr. Pirahna, Mr. Shark and Diane Foxington. (Storyline maybe rewritten)
Operation: F.T.F.S. (Secret Personal Future Projects To Change An End To Commission Other Artists)
Formerly known as Project: End Of Days. Operation: F.T.F.S. (Finish/Fix The Fan Story) is mostly known to fix controversial Fan comics, Fan Fics, Fan Videos and but mostly also fixing certain short fan stories all thanks to comission money like PayPal. The only catch is that it needs to be commissioned to the original artist who made the either a controversial comic, video, fan fic and etc. in order finish the story by fixing a new comic for example.
The name change took inspiration from Cody Rhodes WrestleMania 40 victory and previous name Baron Corbin's Finisher called End of Days.
Zootopia - "Birth of a New End" Needed to be commissioned by Borba (Coming Soon) In an alternate story of the IWS AU. Kervin (Zootopia OC) has met Nick and Judy as a married couple who moved to the same apartment and interacted with them becoming good neighbors however as time passed one day Kervin received a call that he got a part of the new career he is working on but after the call he overheard an argument next door and he knew something does not feel right. Kervin has to choose to either ignore it to proceed his career and pretend it never happened or prevent it from bad things that can happen in the future.
Coming Soon
Public School Domain - (Coming Soon) The first original and non fanfic story inspired by school games like Rockstar's Bully Scholarship Edition. The story is set in a modern fantasy world era in the 2000s about an original character who is a wolf fox hybrid student who came to a city bay area who enrolls a new school filled with plenty of public domain characters and locations both inside and outside of school grounds including historical artwork, folklore, fairy tales and many more. The only main objective is simple which is to graduate however with a place like that there are more adventures to come.
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samstclair · 1 year
Johnny Knoxville’s Valentine, Hasan Piker’s Beyblade
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Johnny Knoxville X Reader
Anonymous Request - "Hi! Love your stuff so far! So this might be a little specific, but I know you'll make it work, Sam!
Okay, Y/N is an interviewer for the Jackass Forever premiere, but she's late, and Johnny finds her after and asks her to be his Valentine. Also maybe some history with Hasan Piker? Maybe she used to be Y/N's ex? You do the magic! Thanks a bunch!"
February 14th, 5:07 am Your eyes opened to the sun peering through your shades. You stretched, a big stretch, your bones cracking abnormally.
"Man, I should see a chiro today," you thought.
But then it hit you - it's today. Today was the day. Today had been just that - the day. It's the day. It was finally here, and no matter how much you dreaded it - there was nothing you could do.
"One more, oh, just one more and that's it! You're done. Through. No more of this corporate capitalism bullshit!"
Hasan taught you well. You smile just thinking of him, his thumbs. You missed him. After that night, it's been weird - the feeling of someone you were so used to, so closed to- just gone. You remember it like it happened only the night before.....
You and Hasan, your boyfriend of almost a year, lying down on your couch watching Zootopia. You loved that movie, maybe too much. He thought you had a "genuine problem", as he would call it, with your obsession to the animated furry film.
But, more specifically, Nick Wilde.
"It's not normal! He's a fox, dude," he would say. But you knew better. He was more than that. He's Jason. Jason Bateman.
Anyway, the scene came on with the main character, Judy, putting on her little police uniform. You loved this part, she looks so happy. You saw a little of of her happiness in, well, you.
"She looks so cute in her costume," you exclaimed, chomping on your soggy McDonalds fries, "she'd be a cute little officer. Just like Lil Wayne's song. Don't you think? -"
And just like that - you didn't even recognize him.
"You think she's cute? A cop? A bunny cop? That's much, dude. Actually, that's fucking disgusting," he rose, livid, his 6'7" body shadowing over you.
"Is this how Judy sees the world?" you thought. "Is this how she sees Nick? Sees Jason?"
"I can't believe you'd say that," he continued.
At this point, you paused, in shock - it was only a bunny, after all. You pressed pause on the remote, the movies gonna have to wait.
"Babe, calm down," you tried, mouth full of those soggy McDonalds fries, "It's just a Disney movie. You know, Walt Disney? I don't love cops, just like you I hate them, but I just think-"
And in the blink of an eye, he pimp-slapped the dangling fries from your mouth, so hard they broke through the window, like shrapnel. You couldn't believe it - he hit you.
Well, not you, just those dangling soggy fries. He couldn't understand you with a mouth full of soggy fries that were dangling. Or maybe he hated McDonalds?
You were so stunned, you couldn't move.
"He hit me..." you thought. "Well, not me, but the fries."
He continued "You're a bootlicker! That's why you like to be called 'bunker slut'? Huh? Tell me!"
His 6'10" body still towered over you. You had to admit, you found it kinda hot, but he surely didn't. In fact, he was outraged.
He grabbed your face and spat, "You're just a bunker slut who likes cops - bunny cops. You support the conglomerate that is Disney, who attempts to push the narrative of not all cops being bad to children. You know I hate that narrative - don't you even watch my streams?! My eight hour streams?!"
He was in your face now, his breathe reeking of the soda he always drinks. Maybe diet Mountain Dew?
You felt horrible, but felt butterflies in your stomach - you had to admit, again, it was kinda hot. But not now, not now!
"That's it! I can't even look at you, dude! You're disgusting! You're vile!"
And then, when you think it couldn't have gone any worse - he brought you closer, his mouth to your ear, and whispered,
"Nick Wilde was almost pepper sprayed by that cute bunny you like - he could've been a victim."
You were then launched out the window by your hair, and the last thing you heard come out from your boyfriend's mouth as he threw you was
"Beyblade - let it rip".
Then, it all went BLACK...
But never mind that. Today is the day. The Jackass Forever premiere. It was a new day, new you. A different you, perhaps. Though same apartment, same broken window you never fixed, it's all a fresh start.
"I'm not a negative Nancy, and I am not a Debby downer! I'm just, well....I'm just Linda Litzke!"
You rose from your bed, put on your robe and went into your kitchen to begin breakfast. The sky looked beautiful through the window, flies and other bugs crawling through the opening in the glass, eating the leftover $5 wednesday sushi from last night. Though there were no Publixes on the west coast, and certainly not Los Angeles, you made it a point to fly over back home to Miami every Wednesday, because $5 Wednesday sushi is just too good of a deal to pass, after all. Not your fault inflation exists.
Hasan taught you what that word meant too....
"Oh well, I'll clean it later", you said, snapping back into reality.
The smell of coffee lifted up your spirits even more as it brewed, and once it finished, you reached over, poured a glass and had you white mother moment - hugging yourself in your robe with the cup of coffee being sipped in your hand, looking out sunny Los Angeles. The land of opportunity.
You started to reminisce on that one t-shirt you used to have. In big, block letters it spelled -
Oh, you missed that shirt.
Then, your phone call buzzed you out of your trance. it scared you so much in fact, you threw your coffee out the window.
"Again?!" You yelled. First the fries, then you, and now the 10 dollar Starbucks coffee from the Starbucks bean bag from Starbucks?
Rummaging through your couch, threw bits of crumbs and dusty hair ties - you got the phone. It was your boss.
"Awe, he's wishing me good luck!" You thought. Oh, how you were wrong.
"Y/N! Where the FUCK ARE YOU?!" He screamed.
"Omg hey, I just woke up? Why? What's up?" You smiled. He sounded pumped to hear from you.
"What do you mean you just woke up you fucking moron?! It's fucking five in the afternoon! Your stupid bone-cracking ass was supposed to be here two hours ago! I've been calling since 3! The premiere's starting in twenty fucking minutes! This is why Andrew fucking Tate is the motherfucking goat! W Tate! Cause women can't function outside of their kitchen!" And just like that, he hung up.
Your heart fell - everything slowed. Taking a double check to the clock - it wasn't 5 am, it really was 5 pm.
Like taking a hit of methanphetamine, you bolted. You put your hair in a messy bun, threw on your Forever 21 dress that you got at H&M, and bolted out the door.
You cursed yourself, you didn't have a car, so you just began to do what you know best - run.
You ran, as fast as you can run, the faster you ever ran, you ran. One thing the DMV can't deny, you didn't need a learners permit to run.
Passing through the crowded streets, running in front of oncoming traffic - you just ran. The sun beamed down harshly,
"Man fuck LA" you thought.
And then you saw it - the Chinese Theater - you pushed through and through the crowd, you went under the VIP belt looking desperately for your boss. All the commotion and body heat made you feel claustrophobic. You felt everything close in, your breathe tighten. Where was your boss? Where are your co-workers? And most importantly - where are my shoes?
You look down at your patas, and that would've been enough to take you out. The were dirty from all the running when you were running. Two words came in mind.
Dirty. Dogs.
"Those dogs....theyre.... dirty," you whip around and your eyes needed a moment to adjust - but you couldn't believe it. You've seen him everywhere, all the time, you just couldn't believe it was him. You breathe shortened even more, no, it can't be! You hear his raspy, southern voice all the time, but now, you realize, he's right in front of you. His silver fox hair stood up so straight like he got electrocuted, as if it were for some stunt he was so familiar with. His big glasses sat at the top of his nose.
It's your boss.
He grabs you by your messy bun and yells in your face, in a voice resembling Chucky.
He picks you up and begins swinging you like a helicopter - round and round. And just like Hasan, he whispers
"let it rip"
and swings you against the wall. The air lets out, and you're dizzy. He threw you ways away. You open your eyes, but instead of soggy McDonalds French fries on the parking lot floor beside you... it's a lot softer.
Its a red carpet.
THE red carpet.
It's silent. Your bones hurt. That Chiro. You needed him.
Suddenly, you see a hand come towards you. Who ever it is, they ask
"are you okay, pudding?"
Like when a veteran hearing sirens, your eyes flutter wide open. The silver.....its so familiar. The glasses....
"Hey, are you okay? That was one gnarly stunt you just did!"
Then, you hear who you swear is Whoopi Goldberg (its Steve o ).
"Get her up, she's bleeding she's hurt."
You rise and again - everything went BLACK.
Your eyes flutter open again, this time, no sun peering through the curtains. Instead your inside someone's house.
"Hey, sweetheart. How you feeling?"
You turn over and again...the silver the glasses oh my god is Philip Clapp. You jump up, embarrassed.
"Oh my god, what happened?"
He tries to calm you down, "Hey hey hey, its okay. Relax" Now you feel relaxed.
"Oh my god, the premiere!"
"Don't worry about that! Its all over youre safe."
"Thanks Johnny, honestly. Is this your home?"
He looks around trying to be modest, but he kinda starts to drift off. This must be that CTE you've been hearing all about.
"Hello, Johnny?" You snap in his face. He comes back .
"Yeah yeah sorry, yeah its my house. Say, do you have a valentine's?"
You feel your rosacea arise in your cheeks.
"No, no why do you ask?"
"Well because, I wanted to know, if you would be my valentine? Its February 14th."
"Oh my god, well, yeah of course!" You jump up to hug him, he hugs tightly back, he then throws you on the bed and you feel his member pressed against your leg. He begins kissing you, his tongue licking your lips for entrance. You let him in. Your tongues fight for dominance but you let him win. He eventually starts going down on you, taking your forever 21 dress that you got at H&M off, and starts kissing your labia.
"This...this is a labia" he says.
You lift your legs as he begins to eat you out, his wet breathe on your cooter. He holds your foot up and raises himself, ready to press his member intro your entrance. Your eyes are closed, ready to take the boy from Tennessee in. This is it. No boss, no Hasan, no job, nothing - just you and Philip.
"Sorry?" You say "I have no dogs-"
"Your - DOGS" he flings your leg away like its radioactive and it's Chernobyl.
You look at your dogs - theyre dirty - still dirty from all the running in LA. "Your dogs...theyre infected...."
"No Johnny, wait, please I was late to the premiere and I had to run -"
He raises and adjusts himself.
"Im sorry Y/N, I don't wanna be a negative Nancy or Debby downer but - I can't be with a broad with LA sidewalk feet. It's just not good for my public image. Im number one on WikiFeet. How am I gonna be number one with a girl with-" he gulped " those feet".
"Johnny! Please wait! I just need a little pedicure please - "
"I'm sorry. I can no longer be your valentine."
He gets his phone and dials a number while fixing his pants. He spits on the floor. At first you thought it was chewing tabacco, because he's from the south, but upon closer inspection it was shards of McDonalds fries and rice from the sushi earlier. You forgot, your rare disease (Klein's, as unofficially diagnosed by your Canadian bff Nathan Fielder) makes you shit out of your vagina instead of your ass
"You should've told him", you thought.
"Yeah hi, is Jason there? Yeah I need to speak to him. Yeah, okay. Yeah ill wait a sec. Oh hey Jason, you wanna be my valentine? Oh that's great! Yes, ill be there now! How's Nobu? Yes! Im stepping out the door as we speak" Johnny runs out of your room, like a bomb just dropped behind him. You being the bomb.
You scream, "but Johnny - we'll have breakfast! Ill make you breakfast! Like pancakes, eggs and bacon-"
Then, boom.
The house blows up. Bacon. Bacon was the last thing you ever spoke to Johnny, the last thing you ever said, period, as he ran out to Nobu to meet Jason Bateman for his Valentine's date.
Hope you enjoyed! xoxo, ~Sam St. Clair
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room-surprise · 2 months
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(Laios imagining himself transforming into a wolf in Marcille's mindscape.)
(SPOILER WARNING FOR THE ENTIRE MANGA! This is an excerpt and elaboration from The Essay about cultural and linguistic references in Dungeon Meshi)
The furry fandom is a subculture interested in anthropomorphic animal characters. Some examples of anthropomorphic attributes can include human intelligence and facial expressions, speaking, walking on two legs, and wearing clothes, but not all of these traits must be present at the same time. Warrior Cats, The Lion King, Zootopia and Sonic the Hedgehog all have huge furry fandoms, to give a few examples.
Many furry fans feel a deep connection to these characters and desire to “become” one through designing their fantasy alter-egos (a furry persona, or fursona), making artwork, role-playing, and if they can afford it, building and wearing costumes called fursuits that allow them to dress up as their fursona in real life.
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(Laios' ultimate monster design, you could argue this is his fursona that he's been dreaming about, and refining since childhood.)
Ryoko Kui self-identified as a furry on her blog a long time ago, saying that she “was a furry in high school.” I’ve been unable to track down the original artwork or blog post that states this in order to cite it properly, but I think by looking at Kui’s extensive history, interest, and skill in drawing animals, monsters, and anthropomorphic characters, one can clearly see the “furry” influence.
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She has a very clear interest in the intersection between humans and animals, several of her characters are furry characters, and a lot of her work appeals strongly to furry fans in ways that work made by non-furries often does not. She even makes an extremely specific joke about the Japanese furry subculture in a comic about Lycion and Laios arguing about authenticity, which I will get to in a moment.
But whether or not Kui has ever considered herself a furry, I think it’s safe to say that she’s on the internet enough that she must be aware of the subculture, and so it’s possible that she wrote Laios with that in mind.
Laios’ intense desire to become a monster, the way he repeatedly fantasizes about being a dog or wolf, his fascination with all animals (but especially monsters), his skill at drawing animals (and lack of skill in drawing people, or anything else), his interest in becoming a beast-man, and his desire to visit a kobold country because they look like dog-people, all paint a very vivid picture of his interests, and his experiences match up astonishingly well with the experiences of many people who identify as furries.
Western fans often call Laios as a “furry,” or a “monster fucker” mostly as a joke, however I think this should be taken as seriously as interpreting him as asexual or autistic, which are other labels fandom commonly applies to him in a more serious manner… And, incidentally, there is a great deal of overlap between the autistic, asexual and furry communities, so if Laios is one of these things, it’s also very possible that he’s some of the others, too… Even if Kui didn’t intend it, and simply modeled Laios after “some people she’s known” without realizing they were furries, autistic, or asexual, or any combination of the three. This happens frequently in fiction.
I think the most accurate broad labels for Laios would be “therian” and “monster fetishist,” because I believe these two terms encompass the canonical behavior we see from him in the manga and extra materials in a way that I think “furry” and “monster fucker” do not.
Japanese furries use the terms kemonā (ケモナー) to describe themselves, or kemono (ケモノ) to describe the characters they create and love. Both words mean “furry,” as in, covered in fur.
In the What-If comic where Lycion and Laios meet, Laios awkwardly says that Lycion isn’t a real furry because turning into a beast-man didn’t change him into a wolf on the inside.
“Isn’t that just like wearing a pair of animal ears on a headband and saying you’re a beast-man?” Laios asks, to which Lycion derisively tells Laios that he is just a “beast-man wannabe” or “poseur.”
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This is a direct reference to one of the major conflicts in the Japanese Kemono fandom: are characters who are mostly human, but have animal ears and tails really kemono, or do they not count? The general consensus in the fandom is that ears and tail alone are insufficient; these characters are called kemonomimi, literally “beast ears”, like the headband Laios references. Most “cat-girl” characters fall into this category.
A real kemono character includes a muzzle instead of a normal human face and/or an animal-like appearance on the body surface, such as fur, scales, or feathers. According to researcher Inokuchi Tomohiro, this is due to the recognition that "disconnection from humans" is a crucial factor that distinguishes between kemono and non-kemono. He then defines kemono as "an animal that is depicted as a non-human being, but with the potential for mutual understanding/communication with humans.”
By this definition, Izutsumi in Dungeon Meshi is a kemono (furry) and not a kemonomimi (cat-girl), since her body is covered in fur, and she doesn’t have human breasts, but a more beast-like torso. The Winged Lion, the Goat, Kuro the kobold, and possibly the orcs are all kemono (anthropomorphic animal) characters as well.
Though the terminology is very modern, and wouldn’t exist in the Dungeon Meshi setting, it’s possible that if Laios existed in the modern world he might identify as a type of Otherkin known as a Therian. Otherkin and Therians are sometimes part of the Furry fandom, but the two subcultures do not overlap completely.
Otherkin are a subculture of people who identify as nonhuman. Some Otherkin believe their identity derives from spiritual phenomena (such as possessing a nonhuman soul, reincarnation, or the will of God), ancestry, symbolism, or metaphor. Others attribute it to unusual psychology or neurodivergence and do not hold spiritual beliefs on the subject.
Therian refers to people who identify specifically as a real animal of the natural world. The species of animal a therian identifies as is called a theriotype. Therians mainly attribute their experiences of therianthropy to either spirituality or psychology, and often use the term "species dysphoria" to describe their feelings of disconnect from their human bodies and their underlying desire to live as their theriotype. The identity "trans species" is used by some.
Therians may seek out opportunities to perform species-affirming acts like wearing costumes, adopting animal-like behaviors such as making species-specific noises, eating species-specific foods, or moving/performing actions that their theriotype would do.
For example, someone with a horse theriotype may experience joy from snorting and neighing, pulling a cart, stomping their feet, or having a vegetarian diet. Someone with a shark theriotype may want to swim every chance they get, or enjoy eating a lot of raw fish. They may have special accessories they like to wear that make them feel connected to their theriotype, like animal ears on a headband, an actual animal’s tail or a symbolic tail hanging from their belt, an animal tooth necklace, or even just a t-shirt that has an image of their theriotype on it.
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In Laios’ case, we know that he likes to imagine himself as a wolf, and in the real world he enjoys/is proud of his ability to bark and move like a dog. He’s practiced and performed this dog impression so often and so well that Falin thinks it’s his most noteworthy and amazing skill. He clearly holds hunting dogs in high esteem and admires them, and says that he learned many important life lessons from spending time with them. He enjoys playing with leftovers from monsters they kill (bones, skin, seeds, fur, etc.) and sometimes tries to collect them for either practical or sentimental reasons… And at the end of the manga he takes the pelt of his ultimate monster form and chooses to wear it as a cape, something that he continues to do for the rest of his life, possibly just because he likes to wear it, or because wearing it eases the pain of no longer being the ultimate monster.
It’s also possible that he’s only wearing it because he thinks it is a pragmatic, politically expedient move, but I think Kui very clearly communicates to us that Laios likes his monster cape, and it is the one thing he immediately thinks of when he wants to try and be king “on his own terms.” He’s willing to accept being king… if he can wear his monster cape. Whether or not it’s a good idea to wear it is secondary to the fact that he wants to do it.
Otherkin and Therian are of course both modern names for this phenomenon, but the concept of people strongly identifying with and being fascinated by animals is as old as humankind itself, so it isn’t impossible that Laios may feel this way, since so much of his behavior overlaps with things a Therian might do or feel.
In English, the word fetish originally described an object believed to have supernatural powers. Fetishes are often used in a spiritual or religious context. However, over time the word fetish has been used so frequently as a euphemism to describe a type of unconventional sexual interest that “sexual fetish” has become the primary meaning of “fetish” in English.
Fetishism is a sexual fixation on an activity, inanimate object, living thing, or human body part that is not normally involved in sex. The object of this interest is called the fetish; the person who has a fetish for that object is a fetishist. The current medical consensus is that sexual fetishes are very common, and as long as they do not negatively impact a person’s life, they are harmless.
Like the English word fetish, the Japanese word 趣味 (shumi), has multiple meanings, such as “hobby”, “interests/tastes”, but it is also used euphemistically to refer to “sexual taste, vice, or fetish.” What meaning is intended must be intuited by the context surrounding the word. I believe the other words used to discuss fetishes are the loan words フェティッシュ (fetisshu) or フェチ (fechi), but these are extremely blunt and direct, and shumi is preferred in situations where polite euphemism, ambiguity or plausible deniability is desired, or is perhaps even necessary in order to make a joke.
Shumi is used throughout Dungeon Meshi to describe various people’s interests, including Laios’ interest in monsters.
Meanwhile Namari’s interest in race-specific weapons and gear is never explicitly identified as shumi as far as I’m aware, but she is called 武器マニア (weapon maniac) in the World Guide, and in the Bicorn chapter, Chilchuck labels her as 武具フェチ (armor/weapon fetishist), and uses the English loan word フェチ (fechi) which is very unambiguously “fetish.”
(The official English translation from Yen Press changed this to “armor fiend.”)
It seems odd to me that Namari’s interest in weapons and gear is identified by most readers (though not Yen Press) as a fetish, but Laios’ interest in monsters isn’t always, when their behavior around their special interest is shown to be the same in the manga:
Both Namari and Laios blush while talking about their respective interests, and get embarrassed and/or excited about the subject. In the post-canon comics, Laios blushes, hides his face, and has to be prodded to confess to Yaad, Kabru and Marcille that he wants to have his body eaten by monsters when he dies. He obviously finds the idea embarrassing and titillating somehow, and is too shy to admit it out loud until they force him to do it. He also blushes on several other occasions in the manga while thinking or talking about monsters.
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I think this is because having a “weapons fetish” is normalized: many people have a fetish for weapons or armor and find it sexy. However the idea of a monster fetish makes people uncomfortable because in a story were monsters exist and are a type of animal, they assume Laios having a monster fetish must mean he wants to participate in bestiality.
This is not necessarily true. A fetish of this nature can (and most often does, for reasons of morality and safety) exist entirely in the realm of imagination, and the sexual fixation may not even involve the act of having sex with the fetish object.
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In a world where monsters exist, a monster fetish could involve a sexual interest in the sight, smell, sound and feeling of a monster (looking at or creating artwork of monsters, observing monsters in the wild, wearing a monster costume, or owning monster pelts or body parts that can be safely touched, smelled, etc.), the experience of hunting monsters, eating monsters, the fantasy of being a monster, or the fantasy of performing sexual acts with or as a monster.
The fantasy element could be Laios simply wanting to be a monster, and that giving him sexual gratification without any further scenario being necessary, or it could be imagining himself as a human having sex with a monster, imagining himself as a monster having sex with another monster, or imagining himself as a monster having sex with a human.
All of these possible scenarios would fit under the “monster fetish” umbrella. We know Laios canonically does at least six out of these eight things, but we don’t know whether or not he derives sexual pleasure from them… However, we do know that talking or thinking about monsters makes Laios blush in a way that interacting with other human beings does not, and blushing is often a sign of intense emotion or sexual arousal. Kui’s meaning is intentionally ambiguous, but both meanings should be acknowledged: Laios might be emotionally excited, or he might be sexually excited and Kui is leaving it up to us to decide which it is.
This is, specifically, why I think “monster fucker” isn’t an accurate label. We don’t have enough evidence to assume Laios wants to have sex with monsters, or for monsters to have sex with him. All we can tell is that he becomes excited by the subject of monsters, and often times it is specifically the idea of eating them or being eaten by them that gets him the most excited.
Because so much of Laios' interest in monsters revolves around eating them and being eaten by them, and Dungeon Meshi's plot revolves around the very concept of eating and being eaten, let me make a brief side-bar to discuss the extremely popular, but niche furry sub-culture of vorarephilia.
Vorarephilia is often used as the butt of jokes on the internet, and very poorly understood by most people, so I felt taking a moment to explain it would be beneficial. Most people are probably not even aware that a fetish like this exists, and therefore aren't able to identify that the things Laios is interested in are something he shares with an entire subculture of real people.
Vorarephilia is a fetish that revolves around the fantasy of devouring or being devoured by another person or creature. The prey can either be swallowed whole and alive, or killed and then eaten... But the former is vastly more popular, and most fetishists imagine themselves as the prey, not the predator.
The fantasy of being eaten or eating someone else is just an extreme form of power exchange. Since vore is an impossible fetish in the real world, it exists entirely as artwork, writing, or verbal role play.
Like in most sex practices, the majority of people want to be the submissive partner, and have someone else do the work of pleasing them. You could compare the "predator" in a vorarephilia roleplay session to a "dom" and the "prey" to a "sub" in BDSM. Incidentally, most predators identify as women, and the vast majority of prey identify as men.
Kui's personal work seems to involve some themes that are similar to vorarephillic art.
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And Dungeon Meshi features a lot of content which appeals to vorarephiles.
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Meanwhile, the many tiny Laioses being eaten by the Ultimate Monster is a classic example of Macro/Micro, another niche furry sub-culture that sometimes overlaps with vore... A giant monster eating mouthful after mouthful of tiny humans is a classic theme.
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The vore fandom is extremely diverse, some of them are furries, others are not, and the exact element of devouring and being devoured that appeals to every one of them can be totally different.
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What the demon does to Mithrun and Thistle, and Laios does to the demon, is specifically a fetish called "soul vore", where someone's personhood/soul/awareness is eaten and (usually) destroyed by the predator via some kind of "digestion"... Often while the prey is conscious and aware of the process.
For many, the fear and pain the prey experiences while dying is essential to their enjoyment... And remember, most people want to imagine themselves as the prey!
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The art on these pages is indistinguishable from things you would pay thousands of dollars for if you hired a furry artist to draw them.
It's also very important to note that on the other end of the spectrum, some vore fantasies revolve around the prey wanting to be loved by someone so much that they would devour them completely, so that they can absorb the prey and keep them with them forever.
Sometimes it's about wanting to become part of something greater that the prey admires or idealizes… the way Laios admires monsters. He explicitly states that when he dies, he wants to become a part of the food chain… While blushing furiously.
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And although it isn't about Laios, I think it's important to note that Mithrun's desire was for the demon to finish eating him. A key part of his depression is the fact that he felt he wasn't good enough to consume, that the demon didn't love him enough to want to eat all of him.
I won't go further into vore or macro/micro, because I want to keep this post as simple as possible, and it's already quite long... But if one wanted to dig even deeper into what specifically Laios' interests are, beyond the very broad umbrella of "monster fetishism", I think vorarephelia would be worth considering.
Characters frequently notice that Laios gets very excited when he’s talking about monsters: he talks louder and faster, his pupils dilate, he blushes, and he forgets what he’s doing, where he is, and what the appropriate behavior for his situation is. This behavior almost universally causes other characters to react with intense scorn, disgust and disapproval.
I don’t think it makes sense for everyone in the manga to react as negatively as they do to Laios’ behavior unless they think there is something off-putting, unsavory, or creepy about it. Their reactions mean they must think Laios’ interest isn’t innocent. It isn’t just a hobby, but of course none of them will say this explicitly, it would be much too direct and rude, and also it wouldn’t be funny if they started accusing Laios of wanting to participate in something as horrible as bestiality.
Part of the joke Kui is frequently making is that nobody says what they’re thinking out loud. For example, at the end of the manga, Kabru gives Laios a disgusted look and warns him to “not talk about your hobby (shumi)” while addressing the participants of the feast. I think we can intuit that hobby/shumi in this instance is probably meant as a euphemism for fetish, otherwise why would Kabru have such a disgusted look on his face? If he just meant hobby, his expression would probably be much more relaxed. Shumi being a euphemism is the joke.
Another example is the fact that Chilchuck frequently calls Laios a psychopath, sick in the head, etc. Those are extremely harsh things to say if he thinks Laios has a completely innocent interest in monsters. He doesn’t call Senshi a psychopath, even though Senshi is equally interested in eating monsters… Because Senshi doesn’t engage in any of the other, suspect behavior that Laios does. Senshi’s interest in monsters is perceived as innocent, while Laios’ is not.
For clarity’s sake: I am not arguing that Laios’ interest in monsters is canonically a sexual fetish, I am only arguing that there is evidence that it is, and that other characters in the story perceive it to be a sexual fetish, whether it actually is or not.
People who have fetishes, especially extreme fetishes that are not normalized, often try to hide them. They do this out of fear of social disapproval, and feelings of shame, because they feel guilty for having abnormal desires. This is true even though the majority of fetishes are completely harmless, and morally neutral.
Most people also know that things which provoke sexual excitement are supposed to be kept private, and it’s not acceptable to express those feelings in public spaces, so even if they see something related to their fetish while in public, they will repress their sexual feelings about it.
Laios, who has difficulty understanding social rules and nuance, is aware that his interest in monsters is socially unacceptable, even though there are many other social things he is not aware of.
Laios has spent most of his life hiding his interest in monsters as much as he can, and it is only during the events of the manga that he starts to express himself openly, because his monster knowledge has become useful for their survival, because Senshi encourages him, and because Falin isn’t there to act as a social buffer for him.
But Laios knows people won’t approve, he knows something about his interest in monsters and the way he expresses it will cause people to react negatively, like in the post-canon comic where he doesn’t want to tell his friends about his desire for his corpse to be eaten by monsters, and the part of the finale where he is hiding in the woods, too ashamed to let people see him because they now know that his greatest desire was to become a monster, and not reviving Falin, which he thinks is the "correct" desire that he should have had.
(This of course ignores the fact that the desires the demon preys on are unconscious, and cannot be controlled by the victim.)
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This likely means that Laios has encountered negative reactions to his interest in monsters so frequently, and they have been so intensely negative, that it has trained him to conceal his feelings. It is one of the social rules that he has learned.
Laios thinks there is something shameful, wrong, and inappropriate about his desires related to monsters so he thinks it is something he needs to hide.
Some may feel that being a furry, a monster fucker or a monster fetishist is something only modern people do, and therefore anachronistic for Dungeon Meshi’s setting. However humans have been admiring, dressing up as and pretending to be animals for rituals (including fertility rituals) since the dawn of civilization, and continue to do so in the modern era every time someone dresses up in a “sexy cat” costume for Halloween, or wears a multi-thousand dollar fursuit to a furry convention.
There are many instances throughout history of people wearing pelts, masks and tails in order to “become” animals, poetry and art of people fantasizing about either becoming a beast/monster (modern werewolf erotica), or having a beast/monster ravish them (the many, many times artists choose to depict Zeus turning into an animal to have sex with women), or coming of age rites that involve animal sacrifice and the adoption of an animal-like persona as part of the process of becoming an adult.
The stigmatization of this behavior, where “sexy cat costume” is normal and “fursuit” is weird, most likely originates from the disappearance of religious and social context for it. In the past, the admiration, imitation and idealization of animals by humans was part of many cultures, but the modern dominance of religions that forbid the worship of anything other than one, immaterial god has left no room for such things, and so society can only view it as the deranged behavior of abnormal people, who have something “wrong” with them, rather than a harmless, common human impulse to admire, fantasize about, and imagine themselves as animals.
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fernsnailz · 1 year
take this ask as a free ticket to freely hate on elemental (WE SUPPORT THE HATER GRIND WOOO)
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ok so to preface. i have only seen elemental once. it was in theaters. i did NOT pay money to see it (my friend worked at the theater and we got in for free). we also saw it in 3D (would not recommend). i chugged a canned margarita beforehand (WOULD NOT RECOMMEND). i sobered up halfway through the movie and had a terrible time. needless to say i am not a fan of elemental (2023)
below is an edited version of the review/rant i sent to the group chat afterwards. BE WARNED IT'S REALLY LONG.
much later edit: personally i think i did a very bad job of critiquing this movie in this ask, and some of the opinions i expressed below are some pretty bad faith takes. i still think this movie is worthy of criticism, but not in this form and not from a guy who chugged a margarita before seeing it.
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ok so the big point of discussion with elemental i've seen is usually around the allegory it uses to portray its themes of race, immigration, and prejudice. generally speaking, it's my opinion that trying to portray concepts of this weight and depth with an allegory or metaphor is already a terrible idea*. this isn't stuff that you can make simpler to understand by portraying minorities as fire people or predator animals or whatever great new idea disney is cooking up next, because this isn't stuff that can just be MADE simpler. if anything, allegory makes discussion about race more complicated because you have to explore why racism and prejudice, an inherently illogical belief, exists within said allegorical world. usually said fictional explanation just seems to justify prejudice - for example, the allegory in zootopia is straight up DANGEROUS to compare to real world racism because predators, aka zootopia's minorities, literally used to hunt and eat prey animals (the majority). with this in mind, elemental is already off to a bad start since disney has a bad history with allegories of this kind.
(*EDIT: this is gonna eat me alive if i don't clarify this because i realized too late that i spoke WAY too generally here. to clarify, i'm mostly talking about creating an entire allegorical world that lacks humans here - allegory can be a very powerful way to portray a human experience, and i don't want it to seem like i'm arguing that allegory and metaphor can't be used at all to create a powerful story about race and prejudice. for example, here's a short film that i really like called OverWeight. it's about losing one's culture and identity, and that theme is explored entirely through a bag of luggage. and it's really good! just want to clarify that i'm not advocating for only extreme realism and a lack of magic here, but instead against using huge, non-human allegorical worlds that replace these human experiences. thx bye)
thankfully, elemental never got as bad a zootopia in its portrayal of prejudice (at least in my opinion), but that's not saying much. it mostly just feels kinda confused - as far as i know, fire people are supposed to serve as a sort of "immigrant everyman" allegory which is. not how that works. immigrants of different races and ethnicities are going to have different struggles and experiences, and trying to boil everything down into four different elements that fit every kind of person under an allegorical umbrella is over complicating everything again through a veil of simplicity. it's almost like all of this would be fixed if they just told a story about real human people instead of turning them into water and fire people but i mean WHAT DO I FUCKING KNOW!!!!
oh also the worldbuilding of elemental is. kinda ass. to further explain: fire people are the only immigrant characters really explored in depth, and a good amount of the worldbuilding around them is actually pretty interesting. they have their own language that the characters speak every now and then, they have their own foods, customs, and culture that you can definitely tell a decent amount of thought was put into. which i liked! and then you learn that the country they come from is literally called Fire Land. just Fire Land. i doubled over when they said that because compared to everything else, it’s so out of left field and just. GAHH. it really reeks of "exec in the disney board room wanted to make part of the movie about prejudice easier to understand for The Kiddies" and i hate it. god.
this is consistent throughout the film, a lot of genuinely interesting worldbuilding is intermingled with surface level, bottom of the barrel ideas that just feel. so confusing. like a big theme the movie centers around is gentrification and how the city (called “Element City,” by the way (SCREAMS)) is not built with fire people in mind. i like this concept a lot and they show this in some interesting ways! a main conflict centers about how water is flooding ember's home, and there are multiple moments where high-action scenes are revolved around ember just navigating the city and trying to avoid water, something that most of the city’s residents wouldn’t have issue with. i thought that was really good! it was something that, surprisingly, was very relatable! and then the movie goes full zootopia and just like. has one of the characters call the fire girl a slur (the slur was “fireball”) which, reasonably makes ember mad, but then the character that did the slurring faces NO narrative repercussions for her actions because. ???????????????? i don't know??? you would think that a movie that turns issues of class and race into a fun cutesy little allegory would at least take the time to go "hey kids! let's not call minorities slurs" but instead the Slur Woman ends up helping ember and wade on their shitty little romantic sidequest and never once seems to express any remorse. cool! great!!!! WHO'S IDEA WAS THIS???????
by the way who fucking wrote this who put all these element puns in here. there are so many element puns in the movie i want to eat the writers of elemental. i’m mostly made of carbon but i do not walk around like “wow what a long workday we have fellow coworkers, i guess we have to CARBON diem, amirite?” please kill me
the varying quality in the worldbuilding and allegory of elemental just goes to show that this movie would have likely worked better if it focused on humans on earth rather than elements residing in a confusing elemental world - previous pixar works like bao and turning red show that pixar movies that focus on real experiences told from a human perspective with a magical realism twist can work really well! the allegory of elemental makes its characters and experiences feel distant, i spent more time trying to understand the world of the movie than the characters and their struggle. that could be a me problem, but the world was so goddamn broken in the first place that i felt like i COULDN’T focus on anything else. idk can we just tell like actual stories about actual marginalized people without turning them into The Trope of the Week i’m so tired
and by the way. i do not like the character designs in this movie one bit. ember looks like if you asked a middle schooler to design a fire woman. "ohhhhh we're pixar and we have to give all of our woman characters a pencil thin waist and big feminine eyes and skinny little legs" i want to explode.
ok we're getting into just batshit insane rant territory here now. so with that in mind I FUCKING HATE WADE. from the moment he appeared on that screen i knew i had it out for that motherfucker. the first thing he does is start crying over a situation that HE CAN SOLVE. he’s a city inspector that gets caught in the flood overtaking ember’s home, and the FIRST thing he does is start writing up violations he sees in the basement of ember’s family home. and then. he has the audacity to CRY ABOUT IT because it’s sooooooo tragic that her dad’s shop is going to be shut down because of HIM. the movie frames the water people as overly emotional because they cry alot (because they’re made out of water, of course!!! isn't that so funny!!!!!!!), but wade’s actions make it clear that those tears are FAKE because he does NOTHING to help ember in the first scene they meet. then, only after ember explains to him that there’s LITERALLY NO OTHER WAY her family can survive if the shop is shut down, does wade agree to help her out. kill me
oh btw wade being very emotional and crying a lot is NOT a bad thing and imo most modern stories need more emotional male characters. but. elemental treats wade's crying mostly as a running gag more than anything. which just kinda doubles around to being misogynistic again
wade continues to be a fucking nuisance to my psyche, even after leaving that theater. i did not enjoy the romance between ember and wade because i hated 50% of that duo. ember was ok i liked her enough bUT I WANTED TO KILL WADE. they try to spin him like “ohhhhh hes a little bit clumsy and goofy and a little bit dorky ahah don’t you like him?” as if that doesn’t describe most of the male love interests in every movie released after 1990. the two sit on a beach where ember is on the verge of a meltdown because they haven’t been able to save her dad’s shop, and one of the things wade says to comfort her is “i think you’re beautiful like this tho uwu” HUH????????? who tf is trying to make moves while someone is having an anxiety attack i SWEAR to god. i want to use wade as bong water i hate him so much
and then. ember gives him some glass that she sculpted to look like a flower she likes. it’s a nice sculpture. later in the movie, wade is like “hey ember i have something for you” and then just. gives her the sculpture back. and they treat it like he gave her a gift of his own like bro SHE gave that to YOU WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT????
the one act wade does for ember before the big climax revolves around taking her to see some underwater flowers - it’s a nice sequence, but it’s not a gift that’s exclusively from him. they have to get the cloud lady that called ember a slur to help make an underwater bubble to contain ember. fucking. come ONNNNN
wade dies in the climax of the movie. straight up he evaporates from heat and they’re like “awww he’s gone :(“ and they manage to bring him back but i really wish he stayed dead. would have been worth it if he died. but no. there's so. many weird little things in this movie that make my blood run a little too hot. can the genre of kindergarten racism movies please stop here. i am begging i can't do this again please
completely forgot to mention this at the beginning: my friends and i refer to elemental as "The Movie of All Time" because the concept of "element people" or general element-based characters is such a common story trope within young animators and storytellers (at least in our experiences). the number of pitches we've seen about "this character is made of water/has water abilities and this one's made of fire/has fire abilities and they need to find a way to work together/it's a love story!!!" is uncountable. we could not believe this movie was a real pixar production when it was first announced we thought it was a joke
in conclusion. i wish i had another canned margarita halfway through elemental. might have been bearable that way
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zootopiathingz · 9 months
So it seems obvious that you have a massive crush on Mario. But I must ask, how do you feel about The King of the Koopas himself? I know that sounds odd but just look at him!
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I dunno about you, but I would NOT be able to resist that amount of turtle rizz!
Seriously why is he so fucking hot in this film!?
oof, I’m about to get absolutely shitted on for saying this
I don’t think Bowser’s attractive😅🤷‍♀️
Don’t get me wrong! I like his design!! It’s very unique, perfectly captures his intimidating essence while also not being too scary-looking, so that when he does his goofy shit it doesn’t take you out of the moment😆 He especially looks great in the movie. All the little details are just 🤌🏻🤌🏻
But with that said…I don’t see the “sex appeal”. Now I’ve had some questionable crushes on fictional characters in the past (look at my old Zootopia posts lol). But I just can’t seem to get around Bowser. His movie version gives off massive ‘red flag toxic ex that refuses to take no for an answer’ vibes. I also cannot support any ships involving him either😕 I’m not really the biggest fan of “villain x hero/non-villain” ships, most of them just give me the ick and so I avoid any content for it at all costs
Sorry, this probably wasn’t that response you wanted. No hate to anybody who shares your opinion, of course! But I had to be honest.
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jisreal64 · 5 months
So one of the reasons I joined this site and because of the Tumblr Sexypeople phenomenon. But that got me wondering, what is the exact criteria for a Tumblr Sexyperson? So I compiled some data and came up with my own conclusion that a fictional character must meet three or more of these requirements in order to qualify:
1. Popularity
The character has to be popular on Tumblr or similar websites like Twitter and YouTube, whether that be through fan art, fan fiction, cosplays, etc. I personally think that this is the biggest trait a character must have in order to qualify, and I feel that most people would agree.
2. Simps
These characters have to have a lot of people who lust over them and have to be popular with either straight women, gay men, lesbian/sapphic women, or straight men. Some characters who meet this criteria include (but are not limited to):
-The Onceler from the 2012 Lorax movie
-Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil 8
-Bowsette from that one Super Mario fan comic
-Death from PiB 2
-Alastor from Hazbin Hotel
-Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel
-Edward Cullen from Twilight
-Lola Bunny from Space Jam
-Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit
3. Dapperly Dressed
A lot of these characters are just as fashionable as they are hot. Often wearing either a suit and tie with a top hat, or a sundress with either a fur coat, sunglasses, or purse. Such is the case with the following:
-The Onceler from the Lorax 2012
-Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls
-Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil 8
-Tony the Talking Clock from DHMIS
-Jessica Rabbit from Who Framed Roger Rabbit
-Dr. Faciler from the Princess and the Frog
-Cruella DeVil from 101 Dalmatians and Cruella
-Glamrock Freddy from FNaF Security Breach
4. Evil/Edgy
There’s always a certain angst regarding a lot of these characters. Some include:
-Sans from Undertale
-Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls
-Eda Clawthorne from the Owl House
-Alastor from Hazbin Hotel
-William Afton from FNaF
-King Magnifico from Wish
-Zurg from Toy Story
-Scar from the Lion King
-Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil 8
-The Onceler from the Lorax 2012
-Spider-Man 2099 from Across the Spiderverse
5. Queer
Whether this type of trend come from gay people who want to be in a same sex relationship with them, or straight people who fetishize them, queer identities play a pivotal role in a big portion of this community. Examples include:
-Alastor from Hazbin Hotel (asexual)
-Monika from DDLC (pansexual)
-Madeline from Celeste (transgender woman, sapphic)
-Brisket from Guilty Gear (transgender woman)
-Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel (gay cross dresser)
-Charlie from Hazbin Hotel (bisexual)
-Eda Clawthorne from the Owl House (queer)
-Sander Cohen from Bioshock (gay)
-Stolas from Helluva Boss (gay)
-Loki from the MCU (bisexual)
6. Inhuman
These characters are often other worldly beings that aren’t human. Some examples include:
-Alastor from Hazbin Hotel
-Loki from the MCU
-Sans from Undertale
-Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls
-The Beast from Over the Garden Wall
-Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil 8
-Ursula from the Little Mermaid
-Eda Clawthorne from the Owl House
-Edward Cullen from Twilight
-Auntie Nyan Nyan from Sucker for Love
7. Furry
Like it or not, furries play a big role in the community, as such, many Tumblr Sexypeople are often anthropomorphic animals. Some examples include:
-Robin Hood from the Disney movie of the same name
-Lola Bunny from Space Jam
-Judy Hoops from Zootopia
-The Big Bad Wolf from The Bad Guys
-Bowser from The Super Mario Bros. Movie
-Loona from Helluva Boss
-Death from PiB 2
-Scar from The Lion King
-Toriel from Undertale
-Miss Piggy from The Muppets
-Roxanne Wolf from FNaF Security Breach
-Legoshi from Beastars
8. Memes
Last but certainly not least is the factor that makes people talk about this craze in the first place, the memes relating to these characters. Memes have always played a big role on the internet, and our fictional crushes are no exception from them. Some examples include:
-Bowsette from that one Super Mario fan comic
-Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil 8
-Jack Horner from PiB 2
-Pomni from TADC
-Thanos from the MCU
-Sans from Undertale
-Queen from Deltarune
-William Afton from FNaF
-Arthur Morgan from RDR2
-Kylo Ren from Star Wars
-Shrek from Shrek
-Robbie Rotten from Lazy Town
-Megamind from Megamind
-Dr. Faciler from the Princess and the Frog
-The Doom Slayer/Doomguy from Doom
-GLaDOS from Portal
-Dr. Robotnik/Eggman from Sonic the Hedgehog
-Dr. Bright from the SCP Foundation
-The Joker from DC Comics
-Stan Pines from Gravity Falls
-Peter Griffin from Family Guy
This is my interpretation of what makes a Tumblr Sexyperson a Tumblr Sexyperson, of course this is my own personal opinion so feel free to politely disagree with me if you want. Other than that, HAPPY MAY DAY!!!
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comikadraws · 4 months
basically, race theories like tobirama's theory of the curse of hatred may make sense in fiction, but definitely never in real life, right?
Disclaimer: I am white with no background in biology, sociology, or anything else in relation to this topic. I am definitely not the best person to ask and all of this is mostly just my opinion.
I suppose. Fantasy races work nothing like actual human "races" (or rather, ethnicities).
My reasoning for that is genetic diversity. As far as my understanding goes, humans have low genetic diversity between different populations with no significant differences between different ethnicities. This is precisely why the famous dog breed analogy is scientifically wrong. It's because human gene pools are not different enough to produce any meaningful differences between them.
We cannot apply this logic to fantasy settings, however, because obviously fantasy authors rarely adhere to science (evolution and genetics, specifically) and may even freely choose the degree of genetic diversity in their world (resulting in fantasy races like elves and orcs). These resulting races may not only be distinct in physical traits but psychological as well (ie. monster races). And without studies or statistics to the contrary (that we obviously cannot produce in a fictional world), the author's word is law, even if it is beyond unsatisfying.
In the case of the world of Naruto, Kishimoto likely intended that the Uchiha are genetically distinct from other populations to the point of producing different behavioral patterns.
I'd also like to add that some authors (not Kishimoto) will incorporate racism into their fantasy stories regardless of genetic diversity. Some of those stories will reject the notion of psychological differences between fantasy races entirely (e.g. Zootopia) to create an analogy for audiences' experiences and struggles. Meanwhile, some other fictional universes merely have psychological differences unjustly exaggerated or generalized (e.g. Beastars) to give it a twist. That's why we need to pay attention to the narrative to see whether racist ideas are held and perpetuated by a character (a canonical racist) or the author (racist lore).
I'd like to add that even if the story does not purposefully depict themes of racism, it is absolutely valid to headcanon, explore, or raise awareness using a story previously unrelated to or unconcerned with it. It is necessary, even. The problem only arises when said discussions miss their target (i.e. harassing fans rather than criticizing the author).
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twistedtummies2 · 6 months
Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes - Number 17
Welcome to A Gathering of the Greatest Gumshoes! During this month-long event, I’ll be counting my Top 31 Favorite Fictional Detectives, from movies, television, literature, video games, and more!
SLEUTH-OF-THE-DAY’S QUOTE: “I don’t believe a detective exists who likes to see his trenchcoat ruined…”
Number 17 is…Blacksad.
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In my previous pick, I talked about Sam Spade – arguably the most quintessential of all noir-style detectives. Today, we’re discussing another noir-style detective, but a very…different one. Unlike Spade, this character is far more recent, and originates neither from novels nor the cinema…but instead from the world of comic books. I am referring to John Blacksad, the titular protagonist of the graphic novel crime series, “Blacksad.”
This series is the brainchild of two Spanish creators: writer Juan Diaz Canales, and artist Juanjo Guarnido. Canales has been a comic book author for many years, but never really made a big splash till “Blacksad.” Guarnido, however, is actually someone many more people will recognize: even if you haven’t heard his name, the chances are you’ve seen his work. From 1993 to 2004, he was an animator and layout artist for Disney! Among other things, he was one of the lead animators for two recognizable Disney Villains: Hades in Disney’s “Hercules,” and Sabor in “Tarzan.” His final project with the studio was a short cartoon called “Lorenzo.”
It was not long after Guarnido left Disney that he reconnected with Canales, whom he’d met many years before. The two decided to collaborate and create a graphic novel that paid homage to classic film noir crime stories and pulp magazines of the 1930s and 40s. This novel was entitled “Blacksad: Somewhere Within the Shadows.” The book was highly successful, earning several awards and being translated into various languages; the English translation, interestingly, was handled largely by comic book veteran Neal Adams. (May he rest in peace.) Since then, there have been three sequel tales, and a four-part tale called “They All Fall Down,” which has yet to be finished; only the first two parts are currently complete, if I’m not mistaken. There has also been a video game based on the series made, called “Under the Skin,” which tells a new story all its own; I have not played the game, but I have seen some video of it, and it does a good job capturing everything great about the comics. In the English version of the game, Blacksad is voiced by Barry Johnson.
As you can guess from the cover shown here, the conceit of “Blacksad” is that all of the characters are anthropomorphic animals. (And yeah, it’s easy to see Guarnido’s Disney background through his art in several places throughout the books…and I mean that in a VERY good way, because the art is AWESOME on so many levels.) However, this is not a kid-friendly or heavily satirical series. While there are moments here and there of meta humor, paying homage to and occasionally poking fun at various tropes of the noir genre, Blacksad takes itself seriously: it’s telling more or less dramatic noir-style crime stories, it’s just that the characters are covered in scales, fur, and feathers. Many have compared it to the somewhat controversial graphic novel “Maus,” where creator Art Spiegelman uses different animals to represent different kinds of people. This is SOMEWHAT similar, but I think it’s more appropriate to say Blacksad is what would happen if “Zootopia” had been Rated R. The fact these characters are animals is often part of the story and many details in it, rather than just a mask, so to speak. As a fan of film noir, it’s interesting to see how these stories play out, with legitimately surprising mysteries, dark secrets to be discovered, and many murders most foul.
As to the main character himself…Blacksad is a pretty typical noir detective, but for some reason he still manages to stand out from the crowd in a fun way. While he’s a cynical and sometimes grouchy guy, he’s also a charming ladies’ man, and has a sense of humor about himself as well as the rest of the world. One of my favorite elements of his character is how he seems to DELIBERATELY play up his own noir-esque elements: it’s as if he’s putting on this show for the rest of the world, in-universe, creating this very specific façade for others to notice. Out of universe, of course, it leads to some wonderful jokes, such as him getting peeved about his trenchcoat being ruined (a-la the quote I selected). The supporting cast around him is a lot of fun, too: most notable are his two best friends. First, there’s Smirnov, a German Shepherd police commissioner who has a long history with the tuxedo tabby. Second, there’s Weekly, a literal weasel of a journalist (with notoriously terrible B.O.) who essentially acts as Blacksad’s sidekick in some stories. Both are fun characters who adhere to classic tropes, while also being unique and interesting in their own right; again, much like Blacksad himself, and the series as a whole.
If you’re a fan of comics, a fan of detective stories and film noir, or a fan of seeing former Disney animators do very un-Disney things with topics like racism, the Red Scare, serial killing, and other unspeakable forms of nastiness…then definitely check out either the comics or the video game I mentioned earlier. They’re definitely worth your time.
Tomorrow, the countdown continues with Number 16!
CLUE: “We're smart people. So why do we always do things that make us look like we have the intelligence of beef jerky?”
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u2fangirlie-blog · 1 year
U2 Fangirlie's Blog Introduction
Hello -
I'm not sure what focus or purpose this blog will have or if it's ready for prime time. I want to explore a new blogging and social media platform. Mainly, I want a repository or archive for all the weird, funny, obsessive things I write about. If no one else reads it, I'm okay with that. My captive audience on Facebook is very small, just friends and family. (My hard and fast social media rule is that I don't accept friend requests unless I know the people in real life.) Here on Tumblr it's a scary audience of total strangers, bots, and fake accounts.
To begin with, I'll copy some of my favorite posts and comments from FB and YouTube. I'll share some of my analyses or criticisms of TV shows, movies, books, and other entertainment media. Then I might copy some messages I wrote on various topics and go more in-depth. Eventually, I might share photos of my cats and my various craft projects.
See my post from 5 Sept. 2023 on why I don't write fiction.
Blog topics may include the following stuff I Iike: Cats, fantasy, sci-fi, movies, books, TV series, nature, animals, plants, rocks, crystals, science, metaphysical, occult, witchcraft, pagan, tarot, paranormal, ghosts, psychic phenomena, dreams, sleep, psychology, archetypes, mythology, ancient history, language, linguistics, etymology, writing, researching, creative non-fiction, literature, satire, parody, comedy, absurd, sublime, art nouveau, impressionist art, astronomy, photography, learning about cultures, travel, and a wide variety of crafts including: beads, beaded jewelry, shiny things, knitting, crochet, embroidery, cross-stitch, coloring adult coloring books, paper bookmarks and cards, decoupage boxes, terrariums and dioramas with miniatures, container gardening with flowers and houseplants, and sewing costumes. Former hack-amateur tribal belly dancer.
Finally, if you haven't figured out my username, my favorite boy band is U2. Liked them starting with Joshua Tree. Been a fangirl since Achtung Baby. Expatriate from the fallen Zootopia - the former online fan club. Got a photo pass to take pictures at their concert in Chicago in May 2001.
12 Sept. 2023
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fatrocka64 · 1 month
Ok I am done with this.
Trigger Warning: mentions of emotional abuse murder and suicide
I think that I might be done with this nonsense. The whole people are treating me like I'm a criminal and then driving me to lose my trust in attending events in the community. More of the furry fandom events. I actually get this phobia of certain artists and people in the fandom who I stood up against because I had troubling thoughts that they did something wrong to me and other people in the community and then since they did something to cut contact with me. I get the fear of them planning to hire a hit man or assassin to hunt me down. They could potentially have me dead or be thrown in a mental institution where I can't see anyone, including my father and my own family. And my uncle is in the hospital himself. I am worried that he might not make it. And I have been having severe issues with attending Furnal Equinox where I ask my doctors if I'm being banned and they keep saying bullshit like: "you can still go to these events" "you won't be banned" and even "we will not do anything to restrict you from Accessing Furnal Equinox" And they refused to listen to me which is absolutely DISGUSTING. I just wish I could be banned from Furry Conventions so I can make my mother happy. I was gonna plan on attending Furnal Equinox and Motor City Furry Con, but I will consider it. There, I also have concerns about the Zombie Deer Virus situation. But I am more worried about the emotional abuse aspects of the furry fandom.. Zootopia 2 had been officially revealed to the public at the D23 expo this year, and it actually looks pretty good despite Disney having been ignoring it for almost 8 years in advance. I also do feel bad for the Owl House fandom for not getting enough compassion, too, but I would blame Disney for neglecting it. Just like how Konami abused Silent Hill and Paramount bullying Sonic The Hedgehog Fans.
But I feel like I am not allowed to access furry conventions anymore because I had anxiety issues.. and true crime stories combined with it made me feel more crazy angry confused and most of a feisty with my staff at my group home agency. Oh yeah. I made stories about women being serial killers, but they do more than harm to the furry fandom. They are just fictional characters and stories, but they take place in an area that is closer to my hometown. I have been living in Hamilton for years since my childhood, and I refuse to leave anywhere from Canada.. but eventually, I will be living in a mental institution outside of Hamilton Ontario. I want to be a good person. I really do. But I still have vulnerabilities and anxiety that could have people who are rude and condescending about my lifestyle take it away from me for years to come and eventually drive me to suicide! Hopefully, that will never happen because it's direct insult to my freedom of speech.. I will make a plan with my doctors about me being banned from Furnal Equinox. Because some people think that furries are absolutely fucking DISGUSTING 😡 and it's not a Satanic cult or sexuality either.. it's a hobby and lifestyle... so STOP TREATING LIKE IT'S A SATANIC CULT!
I will be banned from convention spaces for a while. Hopefully, I won't be sent to a mental institution just for stepping foot into the event.. I just realized that me joining the furry fandom is a huge mistake.
"I don't want to be like this, not forever" - Blitz Helluva Boss Apology Tour,
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thewickedbohemian · 5 months
Another early post for another early Tracker
looks like we're back to dark forests again
small-town Maine just kinda has a look to it but nice that this fictional depiction actually has some color iykwim
geez dad tell us how you really feel
the necklace is blue and he's about to get married, maybe that could have been just a gift and not affair proof
cue COVID and fentanyl references immediately dating the episode
I was right, Simone wasn't the other woman...but now she's dead
ok bartender sus
nice trick with the "I'm breaking and entering and you're in pursuit" thing, also 3rd time I've seen a CBS procedural this season do something also somewhat done in Zootopia (once on another Tracker and once on Elsbeth) so are those tropes just common or are their writers Disney fans
Looks like everyone who looks suspicious was rightfully thought to be so but why didn't he just chase them
And Colter with the natural 20s on Stealth again, good because he shouldn't want anyone seeing him doing that shit
and the necklace thing was even more of a setup (probably fooled even the audience)
Missing guy found but Colter's gonna have to talk him down
biggest bust in this town, dude, how small is your town or how many big busts are there
OK that was a weird place to cut to black (they could have done him heading out on the road again or Sully giving her the necklace, not just him going out the door)
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yfwe · 6 years
New fanfic! It’s called “Appointments.” It’s set during Nick’s time at the ZPD academy. It’s a one-shot. I hope it is not bad.
Merry Chrysler.
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darklordkraus · 6 years
Episode 8 of Savage Days is now posted.
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Just over an hour till Skyebound Chapter Three. Still hyped?
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judithwilde · 7 years
Evening Plans: Chapter Two, Part 5
Make sure you catch up and rewatch before jumping back in. I know I had to. 
Just pretend Nick added the contact info during the conversation.
Previous Part | Beginning of Chapter 2 | Next Part
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