#zoomer problems
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thepeacefulgarden · 2 months ago
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deaddee-anime-brownfanlady · 4 months ago
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randomthefox · 1 month ago
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black-rose-writings · 3 months ago
"You're a child of the electronic era, you can make yourself some digital note[to remember to bring a mug to work]"
No, granny (affectionate), I'm child of the electronic era which means I have no object permanence, thank you for understanding.
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If you can’t save to PDF that is literally not my problem
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svartalfhild · 1 year ago
Can someone please explain to me why the fuck colorizing black and white film and photos has become so popular and lauded? TV channels are showing colorized versions of old movies without even noting them as such now. That feels wrong to me.
I do not understand why everyone is so excited about colorization. All I see is a lot of splotchy guess work and a phenomenon that will give people the wrong idea about what the technology of the time was like. I can see a certain amount of value in colorization as an academic exercise, but I don't think it should be used as the primary way of showing old material to the general public, especially if you're not even going to acknowledge that it's colorized. That feels like a misrepresentation of history to me.
And the thing is, you're never going to be able to make it look real. It's always going to look like someone took a marker or something to a black and white photo, because there's only so much you can do. And you're never going to know most of the correct colors, so you have to guess, and you're never even going to be able to represent the colors you picked accurately, because you're layering it on top of something that you can only alter so much without losing the original shape and shadows.
Is it fun/interesting to try to get an idea of what something might have looked like with color? Yes. Should it be treated as completely accurate or as if you're "restoring" color? No. Should it be used commercially? No. Absofuckinglutely not.
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My current infinity inc thoughts are
1. I love how for the first arc it seems like Todd's just a little shy but then as soon as they actually become a team it is immediately clear he doesn't like anybody else there except Jade and Norda because they're all yuppies and he cant stand it. Turns out hes just kind of a jerk. I love it
2. This is the first time ever I feel like being a zoomer is effecting my reading of a comic in like a noticeable way. Not negatively but everytime the JSA are here im like painfully aware i was born in 2001
3. Helix and Mr. Bones kick ass. MISTER BONES possibly the only good comic book character really
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boqorka · 2 years ago
What is Consent?
Consent is the act of giving permission or agreement to something. In terms of interpersonal relationships, it refers to a voluntary agreement between two people to engage in a particular activity. Consent is critical to ensure that both parties involved are comfortable with what is happening and that everyone is on the same page.
Types of Consent
There are various types of consent, each of which applies to different situations. Here are some of the most common types of consent:
Explicit Consent
Explicit consent is when someone gives their consent verbally or in writing. This type of consent is clear and specific, leaving no room for misinterpretation. Explicit consent is often required in situations involving sexual activity, medical treatment, and legal contracts.
Implicit Consent
Implicit consent is when someone gives their consent through their actions. For example, if you go to a restaurant and order food, you are implicitly giving your consent for the restaurant to serve you. Similarly, if you attend a concert, you are implicitly giving your consent for the performers to play music.
Informed Consent
Informed consent is when someone gives their consent after being fully informed of the risks and benefits of a particular action or activity. This type of consent is often required in medical situations, such as before undergoing surgery or participating in a clinical trial.
Implied Consent
Implied consent is similar to implicit consent, but it refers to situations where consent is assumed based on the circumstances. For example, if someone is bleeding profusely, and a passerby stops to help, the injured person is assumed to have given their consent to receive aid.
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the-ugly-ly · 3 months ago
boomers get so mad when you call them boomers. like up in arms.
it only they could bring that same energy to the issues like the crumbling economy they caused.
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visenyaism · 1 year ago
if pointing out that the age of getting a phone decreasing along with the prevalence of short form video as the dominant form of social media content during the most significant collective educational gap in recent history all of which happened during one of the most significant windows of psychological development in a human lifetime has had a deleterious effect on the attention spans, self-regulation, impulse control, social skills, tech literacy, and actual literacy of zoomers and gen alpha. if pointing out that that is a real and serious problem makes me a boomer and an old crank who has fallen for “kids these days” propaganda someone find me a porch and a rocking chair so i can yell at you to get off my lawn
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lemonhemlock · 2 years ago
Lol! Some more reliable leaks accounts have sources in casting or production, some connect with people near the set. There was the guy who did fly a drone over filming 😭😭 it’s all meant to be in good fun and to hype fans over what might happen, but it’s become a race to report on something first, regardless of how true it is. We’ve been promised Daemon and Rhaenyra fighting side by side in battle, Aemond killing the Strongs at Harrenhal with Larys in tow, and Rhaenyra in disguise at the KL riots 😵‍💫 None of which seem to be very true at all. The latest one was another Daeron casting- an account posted that this one actor was confirmed for the role, and then followed up that post 30 min later with “lol jk”. It’s just become spreading fake info around for likes and it’s frustrating for people who do actually want to get excited over something as small as Jason Lannister looking cunty on the battlefield 😭
yeah it does sound like a quagmire out there. at the end of the day people wanting to get excited over asoiaf developments (of any kind) is normal. but another year of this doesn't sound v sustainable for one's peace of mind. my personal advice would be to revisit other parts of canon - at least it will spare you the headache of sifting through fake news. for example, the hate fire & blood gets in the hotd fandom is way overblown and i don't even think the majority of show viewers have even read it.
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corythesaxon · 2 years ago
I agree with all of this so much. Like I am embarrassed to be Gen Z (granted I am an older Gen Z but still.)
Like so many of the younger ones that I’ve encountered mirror the things mentioned in this link. That and I can’t even talk to Zoomers that are 20 and below because they act like self centered morons.
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olderthannetfic · 4 months ago
Wait so…if the only things making companies censor the internet is payment processors then why can’t internet sites just stop using them? Are they required? I thought it was the app store. I know zoomers and gen alpha are addicted to algorithms and too tech illiterate for browsers but the smart ones will follow if censorship goes too far and people leave apps altogether. What sites still function without apps besides ao3? I feel like soon ‘mainstream media’ is just going to mean app based socials.
Payment processors are what let you take credit cards. Paypal will generally desert you if you're a site for horny. You have to get one of the vastly more expensive options that are designed for live action porn with high profit margins. Sometimes, the credit card companies themselves will come after you, in which case, no payment processor can help you.
The problem is financing a site. Modern sites are very, very expensive, and the higher the traffic, the more expensive they become. If you can't rely on paypal or ads, it's hard to figure out a model that works.
The app store is definitely a problem, but it's only the beginning of the woes of any site trying to host socially unacceptable stuff.
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anneapocalypse · 9 months ago
"Zoomers are reinventing gender essentialism!" I assure you they did not need to reinvent it; it is alive and well in the society they have been raised in. They just haven't had the time and life experience we have to begin unlearning it. Be patient with the Youths even when they're annoying you, they are also stuck living in a society they didn't choose, and I'm willing to bet that even the most progressive of us queer adults have at some point repeated some bad discourse we thought sounded reasonable at the time.
And idk, blaming young people for a very very old problem isn't a very useful or accurate or compassionate take I don't think.
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lesbiansovereverything · 5 months ago
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Zoomer Lesbians, We Have a Culture Problem
A friend recently told me that she thinks another woman might be “fruity” because she always sees her with iced coffee. I knew what she meant, but I kind of wish I didn’t.
Zoomer lesbians of the world, I ask you: do we even know our own stereotypes?
If you’re lucky enough not to know what I’m talking about, here’s a few Gen Z lesbian and sapphic stereotypes:
Drinking iced coffee. Walking around with a limp wrist. Bad at driving. Bad at math. Cuffs their jeans.
When I wrote this list, the problem suddenly became clear. These are stereotypes about gay men being confused for stereotypes about the entire LGBTQ community. Think about it – guys are made fun of for doing everything listed above because they’re considered to be effeminate or gay.
I get how this happened, considering gay men are often at the forefront of LGBTQ visibility, but when you apply it to gay women, it doesn’t make any sense. The word “fruity” especially bothers me. I had to go and check the dictionary because I’ve been hearing it everywhere lately, but I swore that was a rude way of calling a man gay only 10 years ago.
My concern is that the stereotypes that we’re working off of in Gen Z aren’t going to translate to anyone who isn’t us (or, frankly, to other zoomers who aren’t fully enmeshed in American Gen Z internet culture). And to be completely honest, as someone who’s more of a millennial-zoomer cusp, I just find it annoying when I name-drop a lesbian artist who made music before TikTok became a thing and a lesbian only 5 years younger than me has no idea who I’m talking about. I can’t imagine how much of a culture gap there must be for Gen X and up. Our gaydar is literally getting worse.
So, what do we do about it? How do we get a common language amongst the lesbians so we can recognize each other better?
Continue reading on LesbiansOverEverything.Com
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frankenfran · 2 months ago
PLEASE talk as much as you want about final fantasy. Since I already have 3 FF questions, I'll let you choose whatever you want to talk about most
1. I wanna hear what you don't like about XV and XVI (I only know the story of XVI and yeah it has. issues)
2. What do you think about the older 2D FFs?
3. I know there's an insane amount of spinoffs and side stories, so of them all, what do you think is a must-play for someone like me who wants to get more into the series? (I've only played most of tactics, and FF I Advance of all things)
oh goodness well, this probably won't be popular but since you asked... (under a read more because it's fucking long)
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1.) as reductively as possible: too much of a focus on men. deeply misogynistic games. it feels like they're a response to the misogynistic backlash to ffxiii. yes ffxiii had plenty of problems but given the culture at the time (which obviously hasn't gotten much better) it kinda felt like a lot of people rejected it as soon as they saw a woman as the protag. the craziest part is she's basically just cloud post transition but mysteriously people think all those traits on a woman are irritating or cringe.
anyway, this is obviously just my own personal feeling but it feels like they went the opposite direction and decided there should be less women going forward. ffxiv is infamous for killing every important female character and ffxv is just a yaoi road trip with minimal female involvement. you'd certainly think there were no women in the game based on the fan art and, unsurprisingly, people loved that. i mean consider the reaction to ffx-2 vs. ffxv. they're both obviously very different games in a lot of ways but one of them is about boys going on an adventure together and the other is about girls doing the same. one of them is considered embarrassing and got tons of backlash from fans contemporarily for being too girly and the other was a huge hit with fans and loved even with its flaws. it's worth noting ffxv was also originally a ffxiii spinoff that became it's own thing so. that's also information.
ffxvi is even more egregious in some ways but ill admit a lot of those are mostly personal. it's fucking ugly and dull and i would not know it's a final fantasy game if it weren't for the ill fitting chocobos in some trailers. i know it's ironic for me to say that considering i praised ffix for looking unlike any other ff game but they went in the wrong direction. it's clearly inspired by prestige western fantasy slop like GoT and the witcher and unfortunately those are the exact things i do not want in fantasy. some people like that and that's fine but it's clearly not for me.
anyway, iirc the writers from ffxiv worked on this and from what ive seen it shows in the worst ways. these are the writers who couldn't introduce a woman without killing her off so already off to a bad start but. it's punching above its weight class. it's trying so hard to be a epic grizzly dark fantasy but it just falls so flat. they say fuck all the time in the same way that one dmc game everyone hated did. im sure there's some amount of nuance that gets lost in translation but the only woman in the amount of the game i saw was, quite literally, an evil screeching harpy manipulator. which is not like, something im against obviously as a lover of women but for that to be the only woman in the first like. 10+ hours of the game? come the fuck on. maybe it gets better i honestly don't know. and i don't think i ever will because what i saw of that game was so immensely disappointing that im not sure ill ever bother.
i have plenty more i could say about both games but ive said soooo much already and honestly i can't imagine the misogyny website would particularly enjoy even more of my "misandry" lmfao. in short:
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2.) i really enjoy the older 2D final fantasies but ive only really played a chunk of ffvi and the original ff. some day ill definitely give them a go! i feel like the ff fan equivalent of a zoomer for loving almost everything from ffvi onwards and not having much to say about the older ones but. the biggest barrier for me is the same one i have with the older dragon quests. they're not particularly hard or anything but they expect you to grind. a whole lot. if i was a kid and my only game was ffiii id be on that grind but it's a bit harder as an adult who can like. just do anything else. i even like grinding and getting into that flow state but i haven't been as much in the mood for it these days, or if i have it's been for different games. ill definitely get around to them eventually though. young immortal mindset as ive said before. watching my gf try and play through them did sort of make me want to give it a spin even with her furping.
3.) honestly you're already off to a good start! tactics is well beloved for a reason and it's probably the most recommended spinoff. id also highly recommend tactics advance. it's not as like, dark and serious as tactics but the style and gameplay and story are all executed nearly flawlessly. it's a favourite of our beloved princess nettlebloom and that's reason enough! definitely finish tactics first though. hmm... if you play ffxii and also enjoyed tactics advance then give FFXII: revenant wings a try! it's a weird RTS type game but it's in the style of tactics advance and very cute. definitely not for everyone though.
it's really far from essential but if you can somehow manage to organise enough people for it i highly recommend giving crystal chronicles a try. it's really fun with other people and it's close to ffix stylistically so im a big fan. maybe try dissidia if you want a silly fighting game? kebs seemed to enjoy stranger of paradise quite a bit and it seems like mindless action game fun so maybe give that a look if it interests you. honestly the spin-offs cover such a wide range of genre and quality that it's almost hard to have cohesive opinions on them lol. but i hope that helps in any way!
thank you for asking though and sorry for the wall of text! i genuinely suck at being concise and getting my points across but hopefully you could decode some of this madness lol
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