#zombies Wyatt
krystal-kade · 1 month
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heliads · 2 years
Discoveries at the Dance
Based on this request: "It was the night of the Prawn, Y/n & Addison were there but depressed as Zed & Wyatt can’t make it. Addison noticed that their dates had arrived they went to Zed & Wyatt. An earthquake happened so everyone followed it and found the moonstone. Y/n’s necklace (the moonstone one Wyatt gave her) started to glow, Addison suggested to put it on the moonstone & when she did she transformed into a Werewolf"
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It is the night of the school dance, and what should be one of the happiest evenings in your memory thus far is instead being spent trying to hold back tears. You’re only mostly successful. Across the room, your best friend Addison is experiencing similar levels of joy. Both of you have been looking forward to this night for about as long as you’ve been alive, but here you are– two girls, absolutely miserable. Clearly high school isn’t the place for high expectations, but you had rather hoped to at least enjoy yourself a little bit.
As if running through similar thoughts in her own joyless head, Addison gives a weak little laugh. “Well, don’t we look like we’re having a good time? We might as well get ourselves together, this night can’t get any worse.”
“Are you sure about that?” You ask balefully. “I’m pretty sure we can keep digging. Rock bottom isn’t real to me yet.”
Addison snorts in spite of herself. “Oh, come on. We’ve both been dreaming about going to the Prawn since we were kids and first heard about it. We have our perfect outfits and everything. Surely we can at least have a little bit of fun tonight, right?”
You look at her doubtfully. “We could, if it weren’t for the fact that we’re missing something even more important than a dream outfit. You know, maybe that our dates are all physically barred from entering?”
Addison grimaces. “I was trying to avoid thinking about that, but yeah, that does make for a bit of a downer.”
You laugh bitterly. “At least we look good. We have to show up eventually, right? Let’s swallow our pride and just be there. We can’t push this off any longer.”
“Are you sure about that?” Addison asks, looking wistfully at a framed photo of her and Zed on her desk.
“Positive,” you say grimly, “Now let’s go. The Prawn waits for no man. Nor monster, apparently.”
That’s the problem with the dance, after all. Everything about it is perfect– the decorations, the lights, the excited laughter of students billowing out from the propped open doors. The only thing you’re missing is the fact that the boy you love is not allowed to step foot on the premises due to the fact that he’s not entirely human.
See, you knew there would be problems when you first started falling for Wyatt Lykensen. Of course there would be problems. After all, look what happened when Addison started dating Zed. Despite the fact that she was a star cheerleader and he was single-handedly turning Seabrook football around, everyone in town had opinions on it, and most all of them were bad. Factor in the fact that at least zombies weren’t unfamiliar to the people of Seabrook due to the fact that they’d been present for years, and it’s obvious that the Zed situation was the best case scenario in a sea of really bad alternatives. 
Wyatt, on the other hand? Wyatt, who’s one of the werewolves, who will never know a reception into this town with open arms? He has none of Zed’s stellar reputation in the high school, which means that his entrance into the ranks of Seabrook students would only be received even worse. The werewolves may, admittedly, have not had the purest of intentions when they first showed up, but they want to be here now. Wyatt has convinced you of that a thousand times over.
You’re not the one who needs convincing, though. All of Zed’s hard work championing the cause of monster equality, everything the werewolves have done to try to make a place for themselves in the town, and it’s all come to nothing. The Prawn is humans only, something that you and Addison are deeply infuriated over tonight. There’s nothing you can do now, though– you already tried your hardest to avert this crisis and it still happened.
So, as much as you would love to be able to have your moment with your boyfriend, it’s not going to be happening tonight. You, Addison, and Bree are going in a group of friends out of solidarity for all that you’ll be missing. Addison is wishing Zed was there right now, you know for a fact that Bree wants Bonzo there to dance with her, and you’re looking out of every window in the hopes that you’ll somehow see Wyatt showing up to be there for you.
Needless to say, none of you are all that pleased with the way the school dance is turning out. Still, you’re going to show up out of responsibility. The three of you arrive at Seabrook High with low expectations, and even the twinkling lights and dashing pastel decorations can’t win you over. The dance could be taking place in the most detailed mansion and you’d still be thinking about the one person you want there more than anything.
The music is good, though, and you’re almost able to distract yourself from thoughts of wishing your boyfriend was there by dancing with Addison and Bree. All of a sudden, Addison taps your shoulder, her entire face rewritten with shock.
“Am I dreaming, or does the Prawn suddenly have a few new arrivals?”
You follow her line of sight to see a group of people racing towards the doors to the school. Your heart leaps when you realize that it’s a group of monsters, Wyatt at the front. They’re all dressed to the nines, and stroll right past the chaperones trying to keep them out like the angry yells were nothing more than flies. It might be the most wonderful sight of your entire life.
You run up to him, unable to stop yourself from spending a single second not by his side now that you have him for real. 
“You came!” You say, delight spiraling through the syllables. 
“Of course I did,” Wyatt replies, “did you really think I could ever leave my girl without a date?”
You laugh. “Not if you had a say in it. Although, not that I’m sad to see you, but I swear you didn’t have any say in this at all.”
Wyatt gives an easy shrug. “I’d like to see them stand in my way. Change doesn’t happen through silent compliance, you know. Sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe is right, and I know this is right.”
You beam at him. “I’m just glad that you’re here.”
Wyatt smiles back at you. “I’m glad to be here too. Trust me.” 
He pauses a moment, then taps the necklace hanging in the hollow of your throat. “Although I am glad to see that you wore that even without knowing I’d be there.”
You follow his line of sight and understand what he means. Wyatt gave you a moonstone necklace identical to his about a week ago. You’ve treasured it ever since. When you found out that Wyatt wouldn’t be able to come to the school dance, it only made sense to bring some part of him there in his stead. In your opinion, the moonstone necklace did perfectly. It’s good to know that Wyatt agrees.
“I just wanted to feel like I wouldn’t be alone here,” you whisper.
Wyatt takes your hand. “Of course you’re not alone.”
He starts to guide you towards the groups of dancers in the center of the room, but the two of you have only begun moving when he stumbles. Wyatt is excellent at keeping up the charade of perfect health in front of most people, but you see straight through it and realize that he’s not nearly as infallible as he usually claims to be.
Eyes alight with worry, you reach for his hand. “What’s wrong? You look like you’re about to pass out.”
Wyatt grins weakly. “I don’t think that’s the best compliment you’ve ever paid me, but I’ll take it as a sign that you care about me.”
Your eyes narrow. “Wyatt. An explanation would be nice.”
Wyatt sighs. “Alright, alright. We still can’t find the moonstone and it’s wearing on all of us. Look at Wynter, she can barely stand. We’re here as a show of strength, but we’ve got almost nothing left.”
You must look horrified, because he squeezes your hand and tries to stand up straighter. “Look, it’s alright. There’s nothing we can do about it anymore, and I’d rather have this night with you be worth something than spend the next few hours wondering about some mystery we can no longer solve.”
You pull him close under the guise of starting a new slow dance. “Just stay with me, Wyatt.”
It’s a promise neither of you can expect, but Wyatt agrees with it anyway. “Always.”
He starts to say something else, but his words are cut off by a loud cracking sound issuing from the ground nearby. It seems almost like thunder, but there are no storm clouds in sight. Instead, what you find is a massive divide splitting the ground nearby in half.
Addison finds you in the chaos, Zed right behind her. “It’s an earthquake,” she says, “Look, the ground is completely hollowed away underneath.”
Your brow furrows. “It looks almost like a tunnel.”
Wyatt nods slowly, eyes wide. “Yeah, and it’s glowing. Like a moonstone.”
Willa pushes her way through the crowds to reach your party, Wynter right behind her. “You guys are seeing this too, right? There’s no way the moonstone isn’t down there.”
Bree claps a hand over her mouth. “What are we going to do?”
You extend a hand towards the fissure in the ground. “Find the moonstone, obviously. We have to move fast, though. I don’t know how much time you guys have left.”
As if to prove your point, Wynter doubles over in a fit of coughs that leave her shaking and spent.
Wyatt nods grimly. “Let’s move.”
Thus your group descends into the earth in search of a mystical power source none of you truly know will be there. The only thing you can do at this point is hope that it will be here, or this trip with the werewolves might be their last.
In the end, though, you don’t have to fear. Zed manages to clear away some heavy rubble and you stumble upon a partially collapsed room, moonstone intact in the center. Wyatt and the other werewolves race towards it, and you swear you can practically see them come to life again as their moonstones are recharged. Wyatt turns back to you, triumphant, but as you watch his smile drops in an instant.
He holds up a trembling hand to point at the necklace he gave you. “Y/N, your moonstone. It’s glowing.”
It makes no sense, but you look anyway and he’s right. The small shard of stone at your throat is a bright pearlescent shade, and sends refractions of light dancing over your skin.
“That makes no sense,” you try to argue, “it should only glow if I was–”
Your words are swallowed up abruptly by the shock of your realization. Wyatt finishes the thought for you anyway, although it’s kind of pointless. Everyone in that room is thinking the exact same thing.
“If you were a werewolf,” he concludes.
You shake your head slowly. “No, that’s impossible. I would know if I were a werewolf.”
Willa shrugs. “I mean, your town didn’t even know about werewolves until we showed up. Surely it’s not that impossible to assume that you wouldn’t figure it out until now.”
Wyatt shoots his sister a look, muttering something about a poor bedside manner under his breath, then extends a hand to you. “We can test this. Come here, see if you can charge the necklace.”
You may not trust whatever is going on with your necklace and the moonstone, but you do trust Wyatt, so you take his hand and allow him to lead you over. You press your necklace to the moonstone just as he did. The second you do, you feel this rush of something wash over you. It feels like power. It feels like coming home.
Wyatt whistles under his breath. “I think that means you’re a werewolf.”
Addison nods. “Your eyes are glowing just like Wyatt’s. It’s true.”
You let out a shaky laugh. “Well, this really wasn’t the way I was expecting tonight to end.”
Wyatt’s eyes fill with concern. “But you’re not unhappy about it, right?”
This time, your voice is more sure. “No, I’m not. This is a good thing, Wyatt. A very good thing.”
And why would it not be good? This means you have a pack, an entirely new family to stand behind you when you need it most. You have your boyfriend, you have a fascinating future opening up in front of you. No, you could not be more happy.
disney tag list: @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @thatfangirl42, @amortensie
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ethanwintersplush · 4 months
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I have an intense fixation on these movies again…. so I drew my favs <33
I put little fun details on them too that I thought would fit :] I love doing that when drawing characters
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zeddisonss · 2 years
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Wyatt Lykensen Gifs
>> Please like+reblog if you use these! <3
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uglyduckling339 · 2 years
Got any Wyatt headcanons? Feeling rather lonely today.. And he's my kin character from Zombies so... 👉👈
Hope you feel less lonely friend!!
Wyatt Lysensen Headcanons:
(I don't ship Wyatt with any1 from canon so none of these will be ship headcanons)
Wyatt opens a frozen yogurt shop years after Z3 with a bunch of the other Werewolves including Wynter
Wyatt is decent with kids but Willa is better (technially a willa hc but oh well)
Him and Willa also play fought CONSTANTLY as kids, and i mean like they almost always had bruises level roughhousing
Wyatt wasn't really the strongest pup in the group growing up but he never once backed down from a fight willingly
In fact, most of the time Willa and Wynter had to drag him away before he could get into another fight with a rude pup
And my personal fav:
Wyatt was the one who convinced Willa to go to Seabrook High after Z2
Thats all I can think of rn but I can literally go into detail ab any of these so feel free to ask ab them
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kangaracha · 1 year
hey do that tag game and tag zom mom
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you’ve written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ♥️
sent: december 16th 2022. once again, i am the queen of finding old posts. and you all said i should tag things so i can find them later, ha.
'NEVERMORE' we all knew would come out on top. this is THE brainworm. the piece de resistance. the swansong except i'm not quitting or dying when it's done. hopefully. i haven't told anyone but i'm very aware this could blow out to 200 or 300k if i finish it, and it's. i just love it. unfettered creativity etc. Nevermore is based on the stray kids cinematic universe, the music videos and performances that all connect to tell a story, but even if you don't know stray kids, i think you can read it - it's about a group of boys (a band? a group of musicians?) stumbling into another world that is made of music and controlled by a strict government, and their journey back home to their own time and place, and the things that are left in their wake. it's huge and it's long and it's the first time i've reached 70k and still felt like i have a hand on all the plot lines without leaving plot holes in my wake.
'The Gone And The Gathered' is a zombies fic set in an au where zombietown is treated as an internment camp by Seabrook, also based on ghettos/concentration camps from WW2. Zombies are used to run the power plant and supply electricity and water to Seabrook and have never left the town; werewolves are known wild entities, and some have been captured as they are Useful in maintenance in the power plant. The story follows teenaged Wanda and Zoey through a series of discoveries about their world and the ripple effect this has on Zombietown and the world beyond the walls that they have never seen - and it's about staying quiet and accepting your lot in life, or daring to strike out and create a better future for yourself and your people, even if it might mean sacrificing yourself.
'Turn Your Back On Mother Nature' is a MCU Eternals fic, focused on Druig and Makkari. It contains five canon compliant scenes that, given my own director's cut, I would have added to the movie - not meant to change anything, but just meant to complement the plot and the character's own individual storylines and give more depth and meaning. I feel like I really excel at working within the boundaries given by a certain media and it's one of the main things that keeps me coming back to the challenge of writing fanfiction, and I'm so proud of the job that I did on this - it's well written, my character work really stands out, and I thought the scenes really worked to capture each idea I was trying to express. mwah good job roo.
'To Go Beyond Your Borders' is my pokemon comfort fic. It follows Angie, the champion of Sinnoh but also a disgraced public figure, and a journey of self-discovery as she runs away to Galar to compete in the Gym Challenge there. I started writing this in my depression/anxiety era, and in a lot of roundabout ways a lot of the themes/Angie's struggles are based on challenges I've faced in the last few years, so this fic is. Really cool, and something I keep coming back to as I really like the story I built for it. If more mature pokemon journeys is something you're interested in, this is the fic for you - and the composition of it, with social media interlaced with traditional storytelling, is so fun, I love doing it and coming up with the different bits and where they'll make the most impact. This is just so fun to work on and more people should read it so I make it more of a priority cause seeing this finished one day is going to make me so happy.
'if only we knew (the things we know)' and it's sequel, 'and the chasm grows', two of my long zombies stand-alones, are the fics i always think of first when asked what writing I'm most proud of. The themes are big - death, and knowing that you're going to die soon (cancer related themes, though this isn't about cancer), and facing down the idea of genocide of your entire race. They're very dark, as they have to be, and they're very hopeless, and whenever the odd reader comes along they tell me that they cried, and yet I think I managed to find a little bit of warmth in each, the strings of community and family and comfort that hold on until the very end. I specifically recommend the final scene of chasms, which i wrote in a blinding flash of inspiration and will never be able to recreate - it sticks with me even now, and while I can't remember certain other scenes from these fics, I will never forget that ending, and the way it made me as the writer feel when i finished and looked back on it.
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695812547 · 2 years
Zombies willa 2 noche
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zombies + text posts
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redpool · 9 months
you uhh... thinkin' what i'm thinkin'????
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(photo credit to @karmagraveyard)
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jackiehicks · 1 year
Written In The Stars
Wyatt Lykensen x Reader
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request: wyatt x werewolf!reader and them finding out they're each other's mates (maybe they both have matching markings??)
A/N: this one was kinda fun!! i was stumped at first bc i’m not big on soulmate au’s and i’ve never written a werewolf reader before, but i made it there in the end. i attached a pic of what i imagined the mark to look like when i was writing at the end teehee. i also took some creative liberty with this one, i decided to go for a soulmate thing instead of them being typical wolf mates or whatever, plus the reader is gender neutral so you can read this however you want to perceive it! i hope you guys enjoy <3
words: 1.3k
content warnings: very light mentions of sex
in old wolf legend, there was the story of soulmates. on the 18th birthday of a wolf, they would get a marking on their hand. if two marked wolves were to share genuine love for each other in an embrace, the mark would glow to signify their souls being intertwined. if no glowing occurs, they cannot be soulmates. however, soulmate markings are only for werewolves. if one’s soulmate is not a wolf, no mark will appear. in today’s society, a wolf with a soulmate mark was rare. especially in seabrook, a town where werewolves live in harmony with humans, zombies, and aliens.
so on the 18th birthday of the lykensen twins, when a soulmate mark appeared on the hand of wyatt lykensen, everything changed.
wyatt inspected the mark on his hand for the millionth time that day. he liked how it looked - the design was intricate with overlapping lines and little triangles hidden in it - but despite that, he hated everything about it. the mark was a burden. every wolf his age was suddenly trying to make some sort of love connection with him in hopes that he would be their soulmate. half of them didn’t even have their soulmate marks yet.
wyatt wouldn’t have minded if it was because they wanted to be with him, but he knew it wasn’t that. his sister was the alpha werewolf, making him second in command. they wanted his power and his position within the pack. he knew that if willa had received a mark then all of this attention would be on her, but willa had already found a soulmate in a-spen. that’s what wyatt wanted. not some sort of forced relationship because of a magical tattoo, he wanted the kind of love that you would travel galaxies to find.
he sighed, looking away from his mark for the first time in what felt like hours. he was sitting on the top of the wolf-den, under the stars. when he was little, he would sit up here and try to make words and shapes out of the stars. he looked up at the night sky, inspecting something new for the first time all day. soulmates were supposed to be written in the stars, right? maybe he could find a clue up there…
“BOO!” came a voice from behind him. wyatt jumped, startled, then let out a sigh of relief when he saw it was only y/n, his best friend since they were pups.
“what is it with you and scaring me?”
y/n shrugged, sitting down next to him, “it’s fun.”
“yeah, for you.”
“shut up, you know you love me.”
wyatt looked back up at the stars, raking an exasperated hand through his hair.
“you’ve got that look about you again.” y/n nudged him with their shoulder.
“yeah… it’s-“
“the mark? dude, it’ll be fine.”
“i know, but… why did it have to be me?”
“don’t complain so much, you’ve got 20 age-appropriate werewolves trying to jump your bones. even waverley is trying to get a piece of you, and waverley is hot. who wouldn’t want that?”
“me, y/n. also, gross - don’t talk about jumping bones. i’m having a crisis here.”
y/n leaned back on their elbows, “yeah, but you need to lighten up - what better way to do that than to be wildly inappropriate?”
wyatt chuckled and looked at the rocks below him.
“see, there’s a smile!” y/n nudged him again, “and hey, at least you know now that you have a soulmate. i’m 18 in like… a month. i’m still in the process of wondering if my soulmate even exists.”
the weeks passed quickly. there weren’t many 18th birthdays so soon after wyatt and willa, only waverley - the really good-looking it-wolf of the pack. no mark appeared on waverley’s hand, to wyatt’s secret delight. waverley was cute and all, but he wasn’t interested. the werewolves that had tried to make a love connection with wyatt had all given up, deciding that it was a whole lot of work for something that wasn’t even that important. he was relieved in the end; he had started to get real sick of hugging.
it felt like no time had passed until it was the night before y/n’s birthday. wyatt was looking all over the wolf den for his friend, nowhere to be found. it was late, everyone else was asleep. he stepped outside of the cave when he heard a frustrated sigh from above him. he didn’t even have to look before he knew that he had found y/n. wyatt climbed up the front of the cave, hoping to scare the birthday wolf. he was met with a pebble to the head as he jumped up.
“ow?? why are you throwing stones??”
“sorry wy, i’m not having a great time up here and there are a bunch of loose rocks.”
wyatt clambered up and sat himself next to y/n. “every year, i forget just how much you hate birthdays.”
“why do birthdays have to be so weird? i don’t want all the attention on me. it’s gonna be so much worse this year with these stupid soulmate marks…”
“it’s really not that bad. plus, there’s like 6 of us with markings, so it’s not even a common thing.”
“i guess you’re right… i mean, i don’t know how i feel about even, like, the concept of soulmates. like, to be tied to one person for the rest of your life? i’ve never even been in a relationship. that’s terrifying.”
“yeah, i hear that. i don’t know, i hated it too when i first got it. i kinda find comfort in it now, though. like, there’s someone out there who is for me and will understand me and look out for me, and they’ll be there for the rest of our lives. something about that is reassuring, don’t you think?”
y/n scoffed at that. “it’s creepy! ‘ooh, we’re soulmates, i don’t know you and you don’t know me but i’m gonna love you and be there for you forever and ever and ever until we die’.” y/n shuddered, “super creepy.”
wyatt couldn’t help but laugh. “don’t be such a drama-wolf. it’ll be fine.”
y/n smiled, but the smile quickly faded into a melancholy sadness.
“hey,” wyatt started, “don’t be worried. soulmate or no soulmate, you got me. i’m here for you. nothing’s gonna change that.”
he could hear y/n’s silent tears in the night-time silence. wyatt put his arm around his dear friend, and y/n’s head sank into the crook of his neck. they sat like that for a while, until wyatt noticed a glowing golden light out of the corner of his eye.
“hey, what’s that?” he asked. y/n sat up, and the light moved. wyatt looked at his hand, and the delicate marking on his hand was shining a stunning ethereal gold. it looked beautiful. he heard y/n gasp gently, looking at the mark that had appeared on their own hand. y/n checked the time on her phone.
“12.02am. it’s my birthday.”
“you have a mark.”
“we didn’t even notice.”
“you have a mark.”
y/n tore their eyes away from the marking, which was now glittering a more subtle gold.
“it was-“
“i can’t believe-“
the two laughed lightly as they talked over eachother.
“this whole time,” wyatt began, “this whole time, i’ve been worrying who my soulmate could be. i didn’t even think… y/n…”
“we’ve been inseparable since, like, forever. god, it was the most obvious thing in the world! are we stupid?”
they laughed, revelling in this new and exciting feeling.
“we’re idiots.”
they looked up at the night sky once again, entangled in each other’s arms, and wyatt could swear he saw a glimmer of y/n’s smile gazing down at him.
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krystal-kade · 19 days
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heliads · 2 years
Based on this request: "Y/n is Bree’s Twin Sister. Y/n is dating Wyatt except her parents didn’t know, one night Wyatt snuck in at midnight until her parents saw and took him away. Her friends teamed up & went to get Y/n & told her they will save Wyatt. Y/n told her parents that Wyatt is not a monster he is the love of her life & her parents accepted their relationship."
a/n in the original request sent to me by someone on wattpad, wyatt was literally jailed for being seen with reader (and he proposed at the end??) so great liberties were taken to,,, not do that,,,
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It is very important to be normal in a town such as this one. Seabrook fosters its complacent children, nourishes them on the drink of supposed independence and keeps them hemmed in by clipping their wings each and every time they try to fly. This is not a place of doers, only of dreamers. Sometimes that’s enough for people. Sometimes it isn’t.
It makes no sense that a town blessed with the two perfect parts of a story, the monsters who run wild and the heroes who live vicariously through them, would cut themselves off from a wonderful existence by trying to separate one half of its populace. The zombies were the first to be kicked aside, and although they were tentatively welcomed back recently, the werewolves are the next to be removed.
Tensions are highly fraught, nerves as tightly wound as a spool of wire. One day, they’re all going to snap, and then what will come of your perfectly manufactured town? The supposedly perfect ones have all taken up pastels as their chosen colors; the blood will not wash out easily, the stain will always be seen.
War has forever been a distant foe, however, an ending that both parties would rather avoid. Conflict only leaves scars, it never heals. Both the monsters and the townspeople prefer to find a solution that doesn’t avoid fighting. It is unfortunate, then, that solutions from both sides are so drastically different.
The humans want a more palatable existence. It is easy to forget that people are different if you force them to blend into your society. They’ll be forced to cut away every part of themselves that doesn’t fit within the ‘normal’ box, and after that, everything will be fine.
The zombies and werewolves, on the other hand, want to be proud of themselves. They desire a life for them, not for the humanized versions of themselves. Is it really so much to ask for a world that could stand to look them in the eyes for longer than a second? Yes, Seabrook whispers back, yes it is.
That leaves everyone in some sort of transient middle ground, a constant escalation of tensions that can only end badly. Everyone’s waiting for the pin to drop, the first blow that will finally let the battle begin in earnest. All anyone needs is an excuse, and then things can really get going.
In the meantime, while everyone waits for proof that they were right all along, you’re doing your best to imagine yourself in a world that’s significantly more welcoming. You were one of the first to greet the zombies with open arms and hearts. You befriended Zed, Eliza, and Bonzo along with your close friend Addison and your twin sister Bree.
Everyone told you that you were making a mistake for trying to get to know the zombies, but you can gladly prove them wrong now. Zed and the others are some of your best friends. Sure, you might not have green hair to match, but that doesn’t stop you from having the exact same sense of humor or spirit to do well in school or sports. They’re good people, and the fact that they aren’t human should not be enough to automatically disqualify them from the life they deserve.
Now, you’re doing the same thing with the werewolves. Funnily enough, Zed initially distrusted the werewolves once they first arrived, but you’ve never doubted them. They’re just another group in Seabrook, ready for a shot at making the life they want so desperately.
You’re not just interested in the welfare of the werewolves for the sheer purpose of making new friends, though. Truth be told, you’re far more attached to one werewolf in particular than any other, and that boy would be Wyatt Lykensen. It only took you a few weeks to start liking him in earnest, and ever since you’ve been unable to let him go.
As it turns out, Wyatt feels the exact same way. You don’t know that you’ve ever felt happier than when Wyatt first asked you out, but now you get to experience that same joy every single day that you can wake up and know that he loves you just as much as you love him.
The only problem is that the rest of Seabrook does not feel quite so delighted with the whole affair as the two of you. Seabrook may avert its eyes when letting werewolf students through the door of its high school, or tolerate neighbors who aren’t human with all the barely restrained impertinence it can manage, but it draws definite lines in the sand when it so desires.
This, as it turns out, would be one of such instances. Addison, Bree, Zed, and the rest of your friends all know about the fact that you’re dating Wyatt, but no one else does. That’s as much for your personal safety as the threat of judgment. You know it’s for the best, but you hate feeling like you have to hide the best part of your life like some terrible secret.
It’s eating away at you, the constant spread of white lies designed to shield you. You end up spending sleepless nights thinking about what it could be like to live in the bright light of the truth, to exist in a world that wouldn’t hate you just for who you love.
On one of such nights, you can bear it no longer. The rest of your family is asleep, so you have no qualms about texting Wyatt. You didn’t ask him to visit, but when you hear a series of sharp raps on your window within about ten minutes, you certainly don’t mind throwing open the sash and letting Wyatt in.
His arms are around you in a matter of moments, and just like that, you feel infinitely better.
Wyatt laughs against your hair. “Lonely, are we?”
You swat him on the shoulder, but you can’t find it within yourself to put much ire into the gesture. “You’re the one who rushed over here.”
“Yeah,” Wyatt says, very pleased with himself, “I did. I’m very glad I did, too. I couldn’t have my best girl moping around for no reason, could I?”
“No,” you smile, “you couldn’t. I’m glad you came.”
Wyatt nods, pulling away slightly so he can get a better look at you. “What’s wrong, Y/N? You’ve been so strong this whole time, what happened?”
You sigh. “I’m just sick of all this, you know? I hate running around and hiding. I just want to love you without having to feel like I’m committing a crime. Is that really so bad?”
Wyatt lets out a slow breath. “You know I want you more than anything, and if you feel like you want to tell people, I’d do it without a second thought. I just need to know that you’re not going to get hurt by this. I don’t want people talking badly about you behind your back.”
You grimace. “That’s going to happen anyway.”
Wyatt gives you a lopsided half smile. “Doesn’t mean it’s right.”
“I know,” you begin, but your voice drops off when Wyatt holds up a hand.
“Wait, what was that?” He asks.
Your brow furrows. “What was what?”
Wyatt cocks his head to the side, listening hard, and his eyes widen. “Someone’s coming.”
You feel a knot of panic twisting in your stomach. “You have to go. Now!”
Wyatt starts to lunge back towards the window, but it’s too late. The door to your room is flung open, and you’re greeted with the terrifying sight of both your parents standing over the threshold.
Their faces contort in twin expressions of horror. “What is he doing here?” Your father demands.
From the emphasis he puts on the pronoun, you’d think that your father was referring to a convict or criminal, not a fellow student, and especially not the boy you love.
Wyatt’s face pales. “I’ll be going now. Sir.”
Your father shakes his head. “Not a chance.”
Before either of you can do anything, your father grabs Wyatt by the arm, pulling him back out of your room and down the hall, where they disappear out of sight. You try to follow them, but your mother holds you back. No matter how much you plead for her to let you go, she stands firm until you can hear nothing more.
They refuse to tell you what happened to Wyatt. In fact, you have no idea if your boyfriend is even alright until school the next day. You show up to Seabrook High in a state of complete disorder. The entire night, you were plagued with fears that he had been seriously hurt, all because you missed him.
Addison rushes to your side the second she sees you. “Y/N, are you okay?”
“You look terrible,” Zed asks helpfully. He changes his tune once Addison elbows him sharply in the ribs. “Ouch! I mean, you look scared. Is everything alright?”
“No,” you say miserably, “I was up late talking with Wyatt last night and my parents found out. My dad dragged him out of my room and I have no idea what happened to him. I’m terrified that–”
Your voice breaks off, and your friends’ faces twist in expressions of identical horror. Before anyone can try to lie and assuage your fears for the time being, the doors to the school open and the very boy you’ve been wanting most to see walks in.
If Zed thinks you look terrible, Wyatt must be on an entirely different level. The hollows under his eyes are dark, and he shuffles as he walks, like something had happened to him to stop him from being able to stand or even exist normally. What’s more, as he limps past you, he averts his eyes, and puts as much distance in between the two of you as possible.
Even though the two of you have been previously hiding your relationship, you have at least been able to be friends. Wyatt avoiding you now is certainly not a good sign.
Zed winces. “I’m going to figure out what’s up with him. You stay here.”
You don’t know that you could move if you tried. Addison pats your shoulder sympathetically. “Hey, I’m sure it’s going to be okay. Don’t assume the worst until we know for certain what happened, alright?”
You nod haltingly. “I think it’s going to be pretty bad regardless. Look at him, Addison. He won’t even acknowledge that I’m here.”
You watch as Zed approaches Wyatt. Although you can’t hear exactly what is being said, you can see that Wyatt looks unwell. He moves slowly, unwilling or perhaps unable to commit to any great display of strength.
Soon enough, Zed is jogging back to you. “Your dad took him to the Z-Patrol,” he relates, “they shook him up real good.”
Your hand flies to your mouth. “Is he okay?”
“Not really,” Zed winces, “but he doesn’t blame you, trust me. He made me promise that I’d tell you that. It’s just that they are watching him to make sure he doesn’t get any closer to you, and he really, really doesn’t want to find out what they’d do to him if he broke that rule.”
You lean back against your locker, feeling completely devastated. “This is all my fault. I shouldn’t have brought him to my house. I knew exactly how it would turn out.”
“No, you didn’t,” Addison says soothingly, “none of this is because of you. Wyatt knows that, we all do. Wyatt made the choice to show up. Besides, I think I have an idea as to how we can fix this.”
You glance at her questioningly. “And how’s that?”
Addison allows a small smile to cross her face. “We petition the Z-Patrol themselves. I’ve had my experience of wrangling with them back when I first started dating Zed. Trust me, I can get them to leave you and Wyatt alone.”
You nod. “Let’s do that as soon as we can.”
After school you, Bree, Addison, and the rest of the friend group hurry over to the headquarters of the Z-Patrol. Addison leads the way inside, and you take the fact that the chief officer groans upon seeing her arrive as proof that she has indeed spent a lot of quality time getting her way in here.
“What do you want this time?” The officer asks, irritated.
Addison crosses her arms across her chest. “I need you to back off of Wyatt Lykensen.”
“No can do,” the officer grumbles, “the L/Ns said they wanted him kept away from their daughter. That would be you, I’m assuming?”
You nod when he points at you. “Yeah, and I want the restraining order gone. He’s not a danger, trust me.”
The officer glowers. “Rules are rules. I’m not lifting that thing.”
Addison’s brow furrows. “We’re not leaving until you do. Wyatt is a good person. Get rid of the order.”
It only takes half an hour of Addison badgering the officer for the order to be removed. According to her, that’s a personal best, which makes you wonder just how long she’s been in there before. She certainly seemed confident that you would succeed, if that’s any indication.
Once you have signed and documented proof that it’s alright for you to see Wyatt again, you all but sprint back to the home of the werewolves. Willa greets you there, and although she looks hesitant to let you inside, she backs off quickly when she sees you’ve got proof that it’s alright for you and Wyatt to be together again.
“He’s been absolutely crushed by this,” she whispers as the two of you walk, “although I have to say that you look pretty rough too.”
“I just want him back,” you say, “he didn’t deserve any of this.”
“I know,” Willa says after a pause, “but you didn’t either. Come on, he’s right in there. Go give him the good news.”
You don’t make her repeat it. You rush into Wyatt’s room. It takes him a few moments to realize what’s happened and that it’s okay to be together again, but after that initial discovery, he’s beaming ear to ear. He catches you up in a hug and you can finally, finally start feeling better again.
You spend quite a bit of time just talking with Wyatt and making sure that he’s alright. After that, he insists on walking you home. All goes well and you’re having a wonderful time just being with him again until the two of you linger a little too long at your door and your parents show up again. They look ready to throw a fit again until you hold up a hand. This time, you’ll be standing your ground. 
“Don’t,” you say decisively, “I’m not leaving him. I don’t care what you do, I don’t care what you do, I’m not leaving him.”
Your father’s face is stony. “He’s a werewolf.”
You fold your arms across your chest. “And, unfortunately, I’m not. It would be extraordinarily cool if I was, but I’m not.”
Your father blinks in surprise. “But you were born a human?”
“And Wyatt was born a werewolf. Neither of us can change, so we don’t hold it against each other. Why should you?”
Your father opens his mouth to argue, but your mother steps forward again. “You’re sure you love him?”
You nod. “More than anything.”
By your side, Wyatt breaks out into a radiant smile, one that can’t be stopped even when your father directs the full force of his glare towards your boyfriend.
Your mother nods once. “Alright, then. If you’re so sure, why would we stop you?”
Your father blinks in surprise. “What?”
Your mother spreads her hands. “I’d rather know it’s happening than have these two sneaking around our backs all the time. Besides, we haven’t actually seen Wyatt do anything wrong yet, have we?”
It looks like your mother may have felt more than a small shred of remorse over sending Wyatt away that night. You’re certainly not going to argue against it.
You beam at Wyatt as your parents walk back into the house. “That actually went pretty well.”
Wyatt chuckles. “Yeah. I like it when you try to be intimidating. It’s very cute.”
You pretend to frown. “I thought I was doing a good job of being scary.”
“To anyone else, maybe,” Wyatt grins, “I can see right through it, though.”
You arch a brow. “Can you really?”
“Very much so,” Wyatt assures you. To prove it, he pulls you in for a kiss. Your spirits are lifted just like that.
disney tag list: @rogueanschel, @lovesanimals0000, @thatfangirl42, @amortensie
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my growing collection of characters who were on opposing sides of a love triangle when they should have just dated each other:
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I eagerly welcome any suggestions for expansion
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shy-blue-blossom · 4 months
Wyatt Lykensen
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Seabrook seemed to be changing every year. Two years ago the divided town was put to the test, with zombies and humans now getting along with one another. Addison and Zed are the first couple of the two. There was still a stigma about zombies from the older and odd younger generations. It was known because of what happened a year ago. Wearwolves had come looking for the mother moonstone.
Y/n's parents are some who are still wary about werewolves joining the community. She meets her boyfriend in secret because of the stigma and has yet to introduce him to them. Her sister knew. Her friends knew. Her parents would be…protective, is one word to describe how they would react if they met him.
It was a quiet night as y/n sat in her room doing her homework. Focusing and not noticing her window opening behind her. Reading through a question two hands grabbed her shoulders and pulled her backwards. The individual held her on their chest. Y/n let a squeal out as she looked at the person.
"Wyatt," She said breathlessly before she turned to hug him. "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to see you," Wyatt answered and kissed her cheek, moving back to look into her eyes. Her cheeks went red.
Y/n hid her face in his neck. Wyatt held onto her tightly and talked among themselves. Neither of them noticed the footsteps that were getting closer to the room. The door opened and Wyatt jumped in front of y/n not risking her safety.
"Y/n, your father and I are-" Her mother stopped when she looked at the werewolf guarding her daughter. "Greg!" She called out for her husband. Footsteps could be heard rushing up the stairs.
"What?" Greg said rushing into the room not knowing what he might see. "Is y/n okay?" He continued looking around the room for his daughter. A sign of relief was let out when he noticed she was okay. "Who are you, young man?"
"Wyatt Lykensen, sir," He said standing up straight and holding a hand out to Greg. "I was hoping to meet you tomorrow."
"Greg, what are you doing? Call the z-portal!" Y/n's mother cried out.
"Why should I?" Greg said looking at his wife. "His first institute was to protect our daughter even in her home." The mother had nothing to say to that.
"Hi, Dad are you going out somewhere?" Y/n asked noting the clothes her parents were wearing.
"We are going to a party at my workplace," Greg moved closer to her and Wyatt moved out of the way, so he could kiss the top of her head before turning to his wife. "Amber, are you ready to go?" She nodded. "Look after her for me, that is not permission to do anything." He told Wyatt as he left her room. The room was silent.
Y/n giggled before she pulled Wyatt's hand dragging him to sit next to her. He watched her laugh. He reached a hand into his pocket and pulled something out. While she was distracted he placed it on her causing her to stop her laugh.
"What?" Y/n trailed off seeing what he out on her. She stared at the necklace, then at him with wide eyes.
"It's my promise to you," Wyatt looked from the necklace to her eyes. "To always be there for you as much as I can. You are part of my pack" He smiled at her.
Y/n jumped onto him, kissing him as she did, hugging him tightly. They enjoyed being together doing mundane things not worrying about anything happening outside the room. Y/n admired the moonstone on the necklace, happy to be part of his pack.
The end.
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menheim · 3 months
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Milo Manheim & Pearce Joza 🤍
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carlosfreckles · 3 months
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You have the heart of a wolf !
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