#zombie lore
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theology101 · 3 months ago
I love Dead Island 2’s representation of a Federal/Military response to a zombie apocalypse cause it perfectly shows the extreme competence and incompetence of the American Government.
Like okay, the US Military is the most powerful institution in the History of Mankind, it’s been the only thing our country has cared about for 80+ years. Against Zombies - which just use even *less* effective version of wwI strategies - the Military can and should easily steamroll the zombies. Shit, even the strongest Apex Zombies go down with a few clips from a rifle - btw, standard issue for the US Army is the 5.56x45 M4 Carbine, or another words, your standard soldier is more then capable of taking down the most elite Zombies around, especially if they are operating in squads/units.
Like this is something a lot of Zombie Media gets wrong - I have a M61 Vulcan, it does not MATTER if I get a head shot. Hell, it doesn’t matter if I’m using a M134 - the sheer amount of concussive force delivered can, should, and will pulverize bone, tissue and organs across the entire body as your mortal flesh tries to contain the impact. Even if you need to break the brain to kill the zombie, concussive force traveling through the body will handle that. Even if it doesn’t, a zombie that’s made up of teo hundred random component shreds aint a threat, is it?
On paper - the US Military could and should have been able to handle the Zombie Apocalypse. But militaries don’t just exist on paper and when rubber meats the road, the two predictable enemies of Capitalistic Military Might rear their heads: Corporate Interests and overconfidence.
The Military intentionally released the virus onto Hell-A in Dead Island 2, with the goal of finding a cure to the Zombie Virus. The Virus would pop up inevitably, and so sacrificing the city of LA (But not the children, over 99% are evacuated before the opening cinematic) to get the 1 in a Million people who were immune to then make a cure is, to the military, reasonable. The problem is that the Military didn’t know what they were dealing with and didn’t have time to learn, and they trusted a Tech Billionaire.
The military could’ve had everything handled, but they didn’t know how to despose of Infected. So, they melted them with Acid and flushed them down the drains. Big problem - the Acid didnt kill the Autophage cells. Instead of having a few million Zombies each running as an autonomous machine, so much biomass is depositted in the Sewer that it begins to grow. The Flesh eats the fat, the waste, the garbage in the sewer to make massive tendrils and whole walls of living, thinking flesh.
In the opening cinematic, 3 days after the infection starts, the military has things pretty organized. Of course, there will be an attack against the border every thirty minutes, and at least one refugee turns out to be bit once every three hours, but things are generally hunky dorey. And then all of a sudden, a dozen earthquaks form around LA that are perfectly in line to breach all of the Military’s defenses
Dumbasses actually invented a Super Intelligent Hive Mind able to command the zombies and burrow into the earth to form artificial earthquakes
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gothamslostboy · 1 year ago
Zombie Lore & How They Work In My Fan Fiction
Eat both living things and regular food
Can survive off living things, but eating regular food limits their hunger and helps them remain more similar to how they were before death
Once a zombie eats only human meat for 2 months straight, they lose their personality permanently and are only driven by hunger- this means they have become ‘feral’
^^ they do nothing but hunt with no ability to communicate
Skin appears greyish and zombie has noticeable eye bags
Eye color becomes more muted after death
Doesn’t feel pain, but injuries take much longer to heal
Still look fairly human until feral, at which point their skin began to decay and injuries stop healing
Zombies still have control over entire body in cases of Injuries like separated limbs or decapitation, which can be healed, just over a very long time of limbs being held in place
Most zombies use staples or stitches for this
Cannot be turned into zombie through bite
Zombies only exist through witchcraft or someone who is already a zombie bleeding on a corpse
Feral zombies CAN turn someone through bite, but only if that person dies from the blood loss caused by the bite
Zombies do not age
People who become zombies are relatively similar to how they acted in life, with a fewer unchangeable things:
- slow moving (walking running, etc.) unless helped by outside force (car, skateboard, someone carrying them, etc.)
-slower auditory processing, takes longer to understand and reply when spoken to
-lacking care of human life, unless they personally know the human, they won’t care about their fate
-can be awake and functioning during the day, but prefers night
-better night vision and worse vision in brighter settings
-harder time staying‘presentable’
-occasionally lets out groans and growls uncontrollably
Loyal to the person who revives them
When a feral zombie turns someone, the new zombie doesn’t necessarily listen to the older one, but does their best to prevent it from being destroyed when possible
Zombies can be destroyed/killed by destroying the brain
Unless destroyed, zombies are immortal
Naturally colder to the touch, but feel warm after eating something alive for a couple hours afterwards
Bad breath, but most zombies cover this with mints
Unless feral, has ability to do something called “bonding” with other zombies and supernatural beings (vampires,faeries, werewolves, etc.)
Bonding is similar to a soul mate, but the zombie has to choose to do it
They feel a natural pull towards the other being, but has to actively decide to bond with them
In order to bond, the pair must drink each other’s blood
When the bond is complete the benefits depend on the thing they bonded with
vampires-can speak telepathically, zombie can sense vampire’s emotions (but only if they are extreme), and experience heightened sensations when they physically interact
zombies- feel each others emotions no matter how small, heightened sensations, can communicate telepathically, can give ‘phantom touches’ when within 20ft of one another, can sense when one another are in danger
Struggles in socializing, unless talking with a supernatural being
Most zombies are more mellow personality wise, unless they weee especially wild in human life
this list will be added to and updated as I flesh out my story more
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joncronshawauthor · 1 year ago
The Anatomy of Zombie Types: A Guide to the Undead Kingdom
Whether shambling, sprinting, or just standing menacingly, zombies have captured our collective imagination like a fever (or a highly infectious virus). While most people know the basic anatomy of a zombie—decaying flesh, insatiable hunger for human brains, the occasional missing limb—not everyone is aware of the various “species” within the undead realm. Let’s delve into the anatomy of…
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illwilledomen · 6 months ago
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Hostile and Neutral Overworld creatures, excluding subsurface organisms and testificates (villagers, illagers, witches).
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the-meme-monarch · 5 months ago
i often forget that gravity falls was not Initially made to have a plot bc a lot of it just works out really well in my opinion. anyway when bill possessed dipper and said “two eyes? this thing’s deluxe” bc when this episode came out i think bill still wasn’t even Thought Of to be this like final villain yet, much less as Havinb Known And Worked With Ford, but at this point we can Now re-contextualize this line like ‘he used to possess ford, who wears glasses, this can be seen as a jab at ford for having “four eyes”, where dipper presumably has perfect vision’ but now we know bill has possessed at least a few other people including at least two corpses that I’m aware of. did not a single one of them have good vision until dipper. the corpses i can understand but otherwise
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preposterousjams · 5 months ago
My opinion on the Latino Jason Todd headcanon
While I do understand ppl's criticism of the latino Jason todd headcanon and how its kind of racist to make the kid with parents with drug problems as the latino one, to me its more of a reclamation BECAUSE of DC's racism.
Read any 80s/90s batman issue that covers gang violence and drugs, most if not ALL of the criminals are poc; black people and latinos visibly make up the majority in the poorer neighbourhoods in Gotham. Aside from the caricaturist way they r drawn/speak, its not THAT weird cause its a reflection of irl big cities where immigrants and marginalised ppl are often forced to live in such situations, (like most of my dominican family lives in the bronx... it aint racist to say dominicans tend to flock there), BUT...the weird part is when the second a sympathetic character comes from that area, he's white and has a name thats "too fancy for the streets".
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Obviously, Jason was created to look like the old robin, so I can't say that the whole "diamond in the rough" situation was purposely a tad bit racist, but its still a lil weird (especially with bruce's comment).
If Jason were a part of the overwhelming demographic in his area, the good-kid-in-a-bad-area trope has less connotations. DC is currently trying to fix this trope is by making crime alley whiter, which isn't bad but they could've just yk... humanised the non-white residents.
I also feel like the messed up way Jason was treated post-death is what makes him so relatable to latino readers. His tragic story of dying while trying to save his only living relative is turned into a lesson for newer vigilantes. Jason's particular disdain for abusers on a few occasions was twisted (by both writers and characters) into him always being dumb, reckless, cocky, angry and disobedient, always violent, never having been able to get over his upbringing. None of those things were true (he was a normal level of reckless and cocky like every other robin, not more), but its an easier narrative to digest compared to how it was in reality; a kid who worked so hard and loved even harder, died to save a woman who couldn't care less about his existence. He was an emotional AND smart kid who wanted so bad to help others get better but was remembered as too emotional (in a bad way).
THIS is the reality for many latino diasporas in day to day life; Theres no question that Latino culture is passionate and emotive, but people from other cultures assume that it is followed by instead of logical. both can coexist. emotion does not mean u have no logic. Emotions can be irrational but they aren't inherently that way, and I wouldn't say that the moments where Jason lashed out as a teenager were irrational (in og runs, not rewrites post red hood), they were mostly done to protect someone (going crazy on abusers, disobeying batman to save sheila, that time he got into a fight at school to defend his friend).
A lot of euro-centric culture is OBSESSED with the idea that rationality is separate from feelings and emotions, but not crying at a funeral doesn't mean you're better than those who do. Emotions are the basis of human ethics and morals, they define the way we interact as a collective and ignoring them does not mean they are not there. Theres no winner to a contest of who can feel the less. And the way Jason's emotions are treated (pre-rh, hes definitely unhinged afterwards lol) is so in line with how white culture tends to punish those who aren't ashamed to feel.
I TOTES UNDERSTAND that some ppl who headcanon Jason as latino are doing it for the complete opposite of reasons, like "oh here some angry emotional guy with druggie parents, haha must be latino". Its weird. I dont like it. And its only brought up so he can swear in spanish in some rlly bad text post where his emotions are getting out. But to me there's so much potential for metanarrative and commentary on how latinos are treated in media that can be exemplified through the way his character is treated. Being latino would add SO MUCH DEPTH to his character and his dynamic with the others.
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hotguycomiczine · 9 months ago
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"Well, aren't you guys real sweet-talkers! Guess I can show you another profile— it'd be a shame for all that research to go down the drain, right? Hmm... the good Doctor, ay? Hang on, lemme scribble down a few corrections— can't go givin' the public falsified records, after all! Here we go, that should do. What a character, huh? But we've had enough playin' around— I've gotta get these files over to a friend! Thanks for the fun, fellas!"
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peskycadet · 2 months ago
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cletho!! bring back the divorced parents pls 😓
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amonisweird · 7 months ago
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I saw a post like this on Instagram but it was with Gorillaz and I thought about this😂
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mlpgr0undzer0 · 1 year ago
Character File #1
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gfbs-the-decaying · 1 year ago
Issued to the public ...
Info post 1.) Gangrenous Feline Brain Syndrome
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damnbtway · 14 days ago
karmor stronger than me if hipswitch told me to crawl on top of him and kept muttering shit like "thats it" and "nice and slow" and "good" id have to put medical injuries aside and engage in activities that are so atrocious albus would have to look away
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bluepr1ntyy · 3 months ago
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Brainrot and a lot of yapping here and in tags
Second Reaper drawing has Raven angst context that I yapped about with @yeloenk, @lushciqqs and @clownray1 lol
Trying to figure out uhh how I characterize Reaper, Bluebird, Stellar and Copper? I guess??? And More shipkids :3
Raven redesignnnn/headcanons too,, for fun
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Raven by @echoiarts
BluePrint by @pepper-mint
Reaper by renrink, Stellar by julliahantzee-blog, Bluebird by drawingerror, Copper by lunalight123, the rest by me :3
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falmerbrook · 18 days ago
It’s interesting how vampires in eso play the sorta role zombies usually play in other media. Like, zombies in this universe are just raised dead. They can’t infect you or turn you dead, and their danger comes from being gross mindless humans with an urge to attack you. Vampires (including bloodfiends), however, can infect you and turn you into a vampire/bloodfiend. They're the ones we see feeding from corpses for the most part too instead of zombies.
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deadunderorbit · 1 year ago
MWIII ZOMBIES minor spoilers
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saelliah · 1 month ago
-Updated version.
What if the "mystical beings" controlling the life series follows the three wise monkeys in reverse? So instead of "seeing no evil" they see ALL evil.
The Three Wise Monkeys represent a principle of moral conduct, embodying the concepts of "See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil." A fourth wise monkey, "Do no evil," was added to emphasize the importance of actively avoiding harmful actions. (This concept originated from Confucius beliefs). Since "Do no evil" was added later on, they are lesser known. This is why many mystical beings regard them as a myth. They are the "supreme rulers" and the true power that Martyn has to face if he truly wants to put an end to the games.
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See no evil = Watchers (Mizarus)
Hear no evil = Listeners (Kikazarus)
Speak no evil = Chanters (Iwazarus)
Do no evil = Creators (Shizarus)
(I added Chanters and Creators )
Watchers - enjoy the show because all they see is the amusement of suffering.
Listeners - try to stop the show because all they hear are the cries of suffering.
Chanters - They "speak" the game into action, their words determine and establish the rules and setting for each life game. When a Chanter says what the game will contain, it's written down in the "rule book" and it becomes reality for the players.
Now who actually has the power to create this reality? "Do no evil" (Shizarus). They are the only ones with the ability to use the powers stored in their hands.
Each "monkey" (mystical being) covers the only sense they're allowed to use, so watchers can only see, they don't possess the ability to hear, speak, taste, etc. Their powers are forever bound to granting them the ability to see. This is true with every other mystical being except Shizarus.
The hands of Shizarus (do no evil) are not bound to anything, thus they can use their powers freely to manipulate the games. Shizarus posses all senses, yet are rarely seen, and never interfere with the games.
Because Watchers, Chanters, and Listeners are only allowed one sense, they achieve joy through feeding/absorbing the negative emotions released from the games. These "negative emotions" are the "evil" that their ability grants them to see/watch/speak. With this logic, Shizarus don't need to absorb "evil" in order to achieve amusement because they have all their senses. So why do they create the games? 👀
- Grian art: bc-jpeg on tumblr!
Grian is an anomaly among these beings. He is supposed to be a watcher, but has found a way to imitate other senses at the expense of his own. For example, his eyes are still functional but have turned into black voids (Grian has said his eyes are voids/holes in one of his videos) as they spend all their time giving power to his other senses. His ability to posses all senses allows him to empathize with humans. Though this does not make him a Creator/Shizaru. His powers are highly limited which is why he is extremely human-like. Though he seemed to have more Creator/Chanter-like powers during wildlife as he knew what the wildcards would be....what could that possibly mean? 🤔
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