#zip and piper
atomic-sludge · 4 months
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TOH OCs redo!!!
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splankie · 4 months
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ah how i so enjoy giving them a swirl in my conical flask
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jflemings · 3 months
— busted
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pairing: jessie fleming x arsenal!reader {piper’s world}
synopsis: sam offers to babysit piper while you go out on a date and decides to drag niamh along. piper accidentally spills the beans on you and jessie’s budding relationship
warnings: none!
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“y/n!” sam calls as her and niamh enter your apartment. she takes off her shoes and gestures for her teammate to do the same before the sound of small feet pitter-pattering draws her attention.
piper is going as fast as her little legs can carry her, her arms outstretched as she runs towards sam. she’s grinning big and giggles loudly when sam bends down and picks her up, tossing her in the air slightly.
“sammy!” her boisterous giggles bounce off the walls.
“pippa!” sam echoes back
the striker holds piper close to her and points to niamh “you remember niamh, don’t you?”
piper nods and waves “hi niamh”
the defender softly says hi back just as you stick your head around the corner “oh my god thank you so much for doing this” you thanks as you lean down to zip up your left boot “i’m sorry it’s so last minute, i’ll get you both something to make up for it”
“don’t worry about it” sam waves off “i’d do anything to spend time with piper, and niamh here was just sitting at home” you says jerking her thumb behind her.
you pat yourself down and check your purse to make sure you’ve got everything before running a finger under your eye “i shouldn’t be back too late” you assure the duo.
sam nods “tell me again about this date”
you roll your eyes “there’s not much to tell. we met through a mutual friend and hit it off”
“and when can i meet this mystery woman?” she cocks her brow
you pause and bite your lip before shrugging “i’ll let you know”
sam rolls her eyes as you redirect your attention to niamh, smiling briefly “there’s left over pasta in the fridge but i’ve also left money on the counter if you wanna order in, she’s been fed and bathed, bed time is eight thirty, and if she wants a snack there’s a variety in the cupboard” you tell the two chelsea players as you grab your coat “and do not let her bully you into allowing her to stay up late” you point at the both of them.
niamh’s hands go up in surrender “got it. food in fridge, bed at half past eight, snacks in the cupboard, don’t let her bully us” she lists off, earning a nod of approval from you.
“you’re a natural” you playfully wink at her before kissing piper’s head “be good for sammy and niamh. i don’t want any trouble” you say pointedly
piper nods her head “you be good too, mummy” she says as she lays her head on sam’s shoulder.
you usher the two women further into your apartment as you check your phone, your eyes widening at the realisation that you’re going to be late. you blow your daughter a kiss and wave the three of them goodbye, closing the door and leaving them to their own devices.
“have fun on your daaaaate!” sam calls out as you shut the door, smiling smugly to herself.
over her shoulder, niamh and piper share a look “you wan’a colour?”
two hours later sam is sitting on the floor of your lounge room with multicoloured clips in her hair. piper holds onto her shoulder as she focuses on finding a place for a sparkly butterfly clip.
she clips it in the front of sam’s hair and then holds out her small hand “‘nother please niamh” she says politely.
“of course” the defender says whilst trying to hold in her giggles “another butterfly?”
piper stops to think for a minute “yes please”
sam flicks through the kids section on netflix patiently “what do ya wanna watch, kiddo?”
“turtles please” piper answers as niamh hands her a blue butterfly clips “blue for cheelseaaa” she drags out as she carefully placed the clip in sam’s hair.
sam finds the animated ninja turtle show piper’s talking about and smirks “blue for chelsea because we play for chelsea?”
“no” she says matter-a-factually “blue for chelsea because jessie plays for chelsea”
niamh stills for a moment “you know jessie?”
sam nods her head “i introduced them a—”
“of course i know jessie” piper interrupts dramatically “jessie has sleepovers!”
the two women pause and share a look. niamh raises her brows as sam shrugs her shoulders, the two of them having a wordless conversation.
piper, being none the wiser to it, continues “and colours with me and plays with me” she goes on, holding out her hand again.
niamh’s on auto pilot as she hands the toddler another clip, her unblinking expression identical to sam’s.
“all done!” piper cheers as she claps her hands, holding up a hand held mirror to sam so she can look at her hair. sam takes the mirror and nods her head before turning to piper.
“do you see jessie all the time or just sometimes?”
“all the time” piper nods “mummy and jessie go out sometimes so i get to go to stephy”
niamh’s eyes go wide “and mummy and jessie… are they—”
“mummy and jessie are bestest friends” piper giggles as she situates herself in sam’s lap “they say so all the time”
the two chelsea players share another confused look but don’t push it any further with the toddler, choosing to sit back and watch the show she’d chosen instead.
despite the colourful animation on the screen in front of her, sam’s mind was going a million miles a minute. she loved jessie dearly but she knew what you went through when you got pregnant with piper. the internal conflict that plagued your pregnancy had taken a toll on you, as did the fact that your ex wanted nothing to do with you or your sweet little girl, and sam didn’t want a repeat of that happening. hell would freeze over before she watched you get treated like that again.
it only took thirty minutes for piper to be sprawled out in sam’s lap, her little limbs poking sam’s body awkwardly. the striker brushed some hair out of her face before standing carefully, adjusting her grip so that piped was situated comfortably on her chest.
she walks down the hall to piper’s room and tucks her in before turning on her little fairy lights. she stands in the doorway for a minute to ensure that she hadn’t woken the child up before cracking the door and walking back out to the living room.
“did you know—”
“no” sam replies as she sits on the couch next to niamh “i had no clue”
the defender kisses her teeth “are you worried?”
sam pauses for a moment, scrubbing her hand over her face before releasing a sigh “no” she says, dropping her arm on the armrest “not for the reasons you might think, anyway”
niamh nods and fidgets with the remote, the animated teenage mutant ninja turtles show still playing in the background. “so… the issue isn’t jessie?”
“no, god no. well—” sam shakes her head “no” she says firmly before looking to niamh.
niamh smirks “so you won’t be mad at me if i call jessie right now?”
“to do what?” sam asks puzzled.
you and jessie walk with your arms linked, the both of you bundled up and huddled into eachother as you walk to her car. you shake your head and laugh as jessie tells you a story from her ucla days.
“you left her on the front lawn?” you laugh
jessie throws her head back “no!” she exclaims “she told me she was getting her own way back to our dorm so i left early. it was only when i woke up the next morning and she wasn’t there that i ran back to the frat house”
“teagan gets pretty wild” you muse “i can’t believe she got you to go to a frat party”
the canadian groans “more than once, and i ended up leaving early almost everytime”
jessie blushes wildly and looks away from you briefly, clearly recalling a memory she doesn’t want to think about “yes” she says quietly.
you duck your head slightly “jeeesssieee” you draw out teasingly, nudging your shoulders together.
she’s about to answer you when her phone buzzes in her pocket. she stops the two of you and pulls her phone out, frowning when she sees niamh’s name on her screen. the two of you look at eachother and shrug before she answers “hello?”
“jessie!” you hear niamh yell down the other line “how’s your night going? what are you up to?”
jessie’s eyebrows furrow in suspicion “it’s fine, not much going on. why? what are you doing?”
“sam and i are babysitting” she answers, allowing jessie to hear the smile in her voice.
the midfielder’s face drops ever so slightly and she looks at you intensely. you feel your stomach fall and you can’t help but grip jessie’s arm tighter.
“real cute kid, very polite” the defender trails off “how’s y/n?”
all the colour drains from jessie’s face and her eyes go wide. you can see the panic across her face and you wave your free hand about trying to get her to try to explain whatever niamh was telling her.
it’s like jessie’s brain has completely disconnected from her mouth “who’s y/n?”
you drop jessie’s arm and cover your face with both hands as she grimaces. the canadian bites one of her knuckles as niamh goes silent on the other end of the phone and she wonders if she can just hang up now.
“jessie” a thick australian accent says “put y/n on the phone please”
“okay” jessie says quietly before holding out the phone “it’s for you”
you purse your lips and take the phone off her “niamh”
you screw your eyes shut “hey sammy, how’s piper?” you ask as cheerily as you can “did she get to bed okay?”
“fell asleep in my lap whilst watching ninja turtles” she answers “how’s your date going?”
“good” you answer whilst nodding “i’ll, uhm, be home soon”
“perfect!” she perks up “tell jessie to come up with you when she drops you off”
you look at jessie who’s biting her nails nervously and watching you like a hawk, looking for any sign that sam’s unhappy with the two of you. you suddenly feel like you’re back in highschool getting scolded by your mother for ending up drunk on your high school’s oval instead of sleeping at your friend’s house like you told her. you frown and pull jessie’s hand away from her mouth before holding it in your own.
“okay” you sigh deeply before hanging up and handing jessie’s phone back to her.
she pockets it and squeezes your hand “is it bad?” she asks nervously.
you squint “i’m not sure” you say huddling into her again “but it’s just sam, so, probably not”
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melancholiaincarnate · 3 months
so far so good
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warnings - none
authors note - hi :P this is my first published acotar fic :3 i mentioned in a post a couple of days ago i wanted to start a series with ficlets about mated azriel x reader who happen to adopt a shadowsinger child named piper. here's the first installment :) i plan on making more so if you have requests for them send em in :D
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"okay piper," azriel stretches, an action that causes a swirl in your stomach as his shirt lifts up slightly, revealing the hair decorating his tummy. "ready?"
"i'm ready!" she bounces on her feet, excitement visible on her face. shadows zip quickly around her - faster than you can blink. her shadows are impatient and easily excited, unlike azriel's, who prefer to wait and watch.
"remember, we're practicing winnowing. can you do that?" azriel cracks his knuckles and his wings shudder, then he disappears. he shortly reappears behind piper, and she squeals with delight. "i can't winnow so my winnowing looks a little different than yours but i promise - it's practically the same thing."
"yes! yes! i know! you told me! i can do it, azzy, i swear!" she shouts back at him, shadows twirling at her feet, "it's my turn!"
"alright, alright. it's your turn, pip." he smiles softly at her, crouching down to whisper something in her ear before she shuts her eyes so hard her whole face squishes.
"remember to envision where you want to go." his voice is soft in the child's ear. you watch as he smoothes down her hair as he stands to observe.
piper's body begins to slowly disappear but when she murmurs a "i'm doing it!" her body comes back into focus.
"you have to stay focused, pip." he reminds, giving her a nod. "focus is key."
"focus is key." her small voice repeats, and then suddenly she's at your side.
"hi! wait - woah- hi- hi! i did it! look, i was over there and now i'm over here!" you're sure you've never seen such delight on a single person's face before. "i did it! i did it, azzy i did it! look!"
"good job, piper." his voice is as stoic as ever but pride swims in his veins. azriel assumes that this is why cassian and rhys want children. the pure joy that sits in his chest right now has no match for anything he's ever experienced.
and yet, there's a clawing deep in his mind. it's in his chest, his bones, in the scars on his hand. he feels an attachment to this child - this girl that he and you found in the woods alone. this is not his daughter.
as piper runs off with you in tow, screaming about telling cassia, azriel glances at the scars on his hands. azriel could never think about hurting piper. it'd taken half of the inner court to restrain him from going to hunt down piper's attackers.
piper was not his daughter but he was his fathers son. anger rises through him - how could his father look at his own child and do what he'd done, when azriel could not fathom doing it to a child he had no part in creating?
shadows swarm in his ear chanting incomprehensible words to him. the anger is white and hot and it's so consuming that it sends a throng down the bond towards you.
in return, he feels you tugging the bond, tugging towards you, tugging him towards the light again. he breathes - he is not in that basement. "come, az." you whisper softly down the bond, "please."
and who is he to deny you? he unclenches his fists, steadying his breathing once more before tucking his wings and strolling away from the room as if he hadn't nearly fallen into a pit with no way out.
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roosterforme · 2 years
Batting Practice Part 2 | Rooster x Reader
Summary: Despite his best efforts, Bradley hadn't stopped thinking about you since Monday. When Bob decided they needed a Team Mom, he sees an opportunity he can't pass up. 
Warnings: Fluff, angst and swearing
Length: 3700 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female single!mom Reader
Check my masterlist for more Top Gun fun! Batting Practice masterlist.
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When Bradley arrived on base Tuesday morning, he saw Bob right away.
"I can't thank you enough, Rooster. Piper had so much fun yesterday, and I really think this is going to be good for her. The other kids seemed excited too."
Bradley zipped up his flight suit and grabbed his helmet. "The kids were easier to instruct than I expected. They made it fun." His mind automatically pictured Everett. And Everett's mom. 
"So you'll be back for practice on Thursday?" Bob asked, reaching for his own helmet.
Bradley scoffed. "You think I'm going to bail on the Tiny Eagles? No way. We have a championship to win, and I plan on being named coach of the year."
Bob laughed. "That's the spirit."
Nat strolled over, sipping coffee inside the hangar even though you weren't supposed to. "How was pee wee football?" she asked with a smirk.
"We've been over this before, Phoenix," Bob said with a sigh. "It's tee ball."
"She's just fucking with you," Bradley said, looking from side to side before he stole Nat's coffee and took a big sip.
She groaned in response. "Just finish it," she told him. "So, tee ball? How was that?"
"Fun!" Bob exclaimed. "Piper loved it. All the kids were great. And all the moms came up at the end of practice to introduce themselves and tell us we did a great job."
Nat burst out laughing as Bradley finished her coffee. "Yeah... I'll bet they did! They would probably love to show you two even more gratitude."
Bob looked confused, but Bradley just smiled against the coffee cup. "Moms are not my type. I told you that already, Nat." But he felt like such a liar. He could picture you so clearly in his mind, and he could remember how your voice sounded. Really, he was more excited about practice on Thursday than he should be, simply because you and Everett were going to be there. 
Maybe he would wear a Phillies hat to match with Everett.
"Rooster... every woman is your type," Nat said, patting him on the shoulder as she grabbed her helmet and headed for her Super Hornet. 
Work was insanely busy, and Thursday arrived before you knew it. You were still answering client emails when Frank knocked on your door at lunchtime. 
"Come in!" you called, and thankfully he brought you a sandwich. You jumped up at the prospect of actually having something to eat, but Frank wrapped you in his arms before you could take a bite.
"I've missed you all week. You work too hard," he whispered, placing a soft kiss next to your ear. "Wanna come over this weekend?"
You should say yes, especially since Everett was going to have a sleepover at your sister's house. Plus, this would be your last free Saturday for a while, since tee ball games would be starting up.
"I'll have to let you know," you told him as his lips connected with yours. 
But you were thinking about how it might feel to kiss Coach Bradley with his mustache.
Where had that thought come from? You let out a startled gasp, and Frank slipped his tongue between your lips. 
Bradley would definitely be a better kisser than this.
"Frank," you managed to say. "I'm starving, and I have so much work to do."
He sighed and squeezed your waist through your suit. "Try to come over this weekend, okay baby?"
You just nodded and unwrapped the sandwich as he left. Only four more hours until tee ball practice. You couldn't believe you were as ridiculous as the other moms, but here you were, thinking about your kid's coach while you ate lunch. 
But it didn't stop there. After you picked Everett up at school, he rambled on about tee ball and his coaches for the entire drive to the ballfield. And you started thinking about Bradley again.
"Can we go see the Phillies play again this year?" Everett asked as you pulled into the parking lot. 
"You know, Ev, it was supposed to be a surprise. They play the Padres on a Sunday afternoon, and I've been planning on getting us tickets."
After hesitating for a beat, you parked next to the Bronco again, which you were smart enough to know was a really dumb thing to do.
"Yes! Can we take Coach Bradley with us too?"
You pressed your lips together and shook your head. "Sweetie, he's your coach during tee ball hours. I don't think he's going to have time to go to a baseball game with us." 
Everett jumped out of the car and looked up at you as you took his hand. "But he likes the Phillies. I think he might want to go."
Once again you changed into your sneakers while you walked across the grass. You didn't want to get your son's hopes up, and you couldn't help but think that he wouldn't be so starved for attention if Danny came around more often. Your ex was legitimately the worst. 
"We can talk about it later, okay?"
You almost tripped over your own feet when you looked up and saw Bradley. He was talking to one of the overzealous moms, and he had his arms crossed over his chest, nodding along with whatever was being said. His biceps looked good, but you also immediately noticed the Phillies hat on his head. 
Bradley's eyes shifted to the side as you approached the bleachers, and he kind of smirked at you. He didn't even seem to notice when the other mom placed her hand on his forearm. But you did. You wished it was you touching him instead. 
"Mommy, I need my bag," Everett said, and you shifted your attention to your son. You helped him get his cleats on, and then you waited for the coaches to blow the whistle to start practice. 
"Can I have everyone's attention for a minute?"
You looked up to see Bob heading toward the bleachers where all of the parents were sitting. So you took the spot next to Everett on the bottom row, and Bradley shifted to stand closer to your end. 
"I just wanted to reiterate how excited we are to coach your kids this season," Bob said. "Coach Bradley and I have worked out most of the scheduling and whatnot, but we do need to have a Team Mom or Team Dad to help us with some tasks. Things like bringing extra snacks and drinks, and being in charge of sending out texts if the weather is bad. Also they would need to be available to help us with anything else that might come up."
You let your gaze shift from Bob to Bradley, and he was already looking at you. He nodded once as his lips quirked up into a smile. 
"Does anyone want to volunteer?" Bob asked. Almost every mom around you raised her hand without hesitation. 
Bradley didn't look away from you, and it was making you feel flushed. He slowly, purposefully put his hands on his hips and raised an eyebrow as if to say c'mon, raise your hand.
You didn't have time to be the Team Mom. You didn't even really want to be the damn Team Mom. It was something extra that you really didn't need to do. 
But... you felt your hand slip up into the air as if gravity no longer had any hold over it. Bradley's smile grew as you sat in front of him like a little girl hoping he would call on you.
Just as Bob was about to choose a different parent, Bradley nudged him with his elbow to stop him.
"Right here," Bradley announced, nodding and gesturing to you. "She's our Team Mom." You slowly lowered your hand, and you felt a little giddy at being selected.
Bob looked a little confused with the abrupt decision, but he just smiled at you and said, "Sounds good. Thanks for volunteering. Now let's get started with our practice."
He blew his whistle, and Everett launched off the bench. You could hear him tell Bradley, "You wore a Phillies hat! Just like me!"
Bradley laughed and said, "Sure did, kiddo. Thought we could match." He glanced at you one more time before he led the kids out onto the field.
Bradley shouldn't feel so proud of himself right now. But he did anyway. He didn't even know what he was playing at with you. But as soon as Bob told him they needed a team parent, he wanted it to be you. 
"Jesus," he muttered under his breath as he set the ball on the tee for Henry to try to hit. You were probably married. Bradley probably just made himself look like an ass. But you raised your hand anyway when he tried to silently encourage you to.
"Nice hit, Henry!" Bob said, and Bradley clapped as the kid ran for first base. 
Bradley set the ball up again, this time for Everett. 
"You ready?" Bradley asked, earning him a big smile. "Just keep your swing nice and steady."
He watched Everett absolutely nail the ball and hit it right past Bob. He looked up at Bradley in surprise.
"Run, Ev! Run to first base!"
Bradley watched him take off like a shot and run past Bob, only stopping once he had stomped on the base.
When Bradley glanced over to where you were sitting, the smile on your face had him fumbling to get the ball back on the tee. You waved your fingers toward where Everett was jumping up and down, and then you looked at Bradley and bit your lip. Then you waved your fingers at him too before ducking your head.
He forced his focus back to the next batter who also hit it hard enough to take a base.
"These kids are actually good," Bradley told Bob as he helped guide Amber to first base while Bob pointed Everett to second. "But we need to practice running bases next week."
"Can't wait to play the Tiny Hawks next weekend," Bob said. "The Eagles are looking good."
Bradley and Bob high fived as the kids all gathered around them in the infield at the end of practice. "Great practice, Tiny Eagles," Bradley told them. "Now get some good rest this weekend, and we will see you on Monday for our next practice!"
The kids all started to run toward the bleachers, and the coaches followed them at a more leisurely pace. "Damn," Bradley muttered when he looked toward the parking lot.
When Bob gave him a concerned look, Bradley shook his head and said, "Everett's hot mom parked by me again. I've actually been thinking about her since Monday."
Bob's mouth dropped open. "You mean the Team Mom?"
"Yeah," Bradley whispered, nearing the bleachers and watching you switch Everett's cleats for sneakers.
"You have a crush on our Team Mom?" Bob asked a little too loudly for Bradley's liking. "That's why you picked her? Is that a good idea?"
Bradley just shrugged and took a deep breath. "Too late now, yeah?"
You felt a tingle wash down your spine and goosebumps break out on your skin. You glanced to your left, and sure enough, the coaches were standing right there. Bob was looking at you, and Bradley was running one hand over his face and readjusting his Phillies cap. 
Maybe you had imagined it. But you could still remember how he was looking at you, goading you, urging you wordlessly to raise your hand earlier. 
Because he had a crush on the Team Mom? On you? There was no way.
But as you stood, Bradley headed in your direction. He smelled good again, and he was so handsome. And his voice was so deep. You really wished your other two senses had experience with him as well. 
"Team Mom," he said with a smile. "Can Bob and I get your phone number for future correspondence and incidentals?"
"Mmhmm," you hummed, and when he handed you his phone, you added your name and number for him.
"Thanks again for volunteering," he said with a smirk.
You didn't know what to say, and you could feel your face growing warm as your nose scrunched up in embarrassment. "No problem," you managed, but instead of leaving, he inched closer, and his smile grew.
"I hope you don't feel like I pressured you." 
You just shook your head, mesmerized by the low register of his voice. "No. I'm happy to do it."
Everett suddenly popped up next to you, standing on the bleachers. "Mommy, check to see if Coach Bradley wants to come with us to see the Phillies this year. Please?" 
You turned back toward Bradley, about to tell him that Everett was just being overzealous, but Bradley was grinning at Everett and adjusting the bill of his cap.
"I don't know if your dad would like that, kiddo," Bradley said, examining your face carefully.
But then Everett's face really lit up. "He wouldn't care! He doesn't even live with us anymore."
You scrunched your nose again in embarrassment. Nothing like having your kid basically announce to a hot guy that your ex husband ditched you.
But Bradley's lips curved into a smirk. "How about your mom and I talk about it, kiddo?" he asked, and Everett gave him a high five. "Now that I have your number?" 
You just nodded as you started to shove everything you brought into the gear bag.
You had scrunched your nose up again, just like a kitten, and Bradley felt the urge to reach out and touch you. He'd love to take you and Ev to a baseball game. He thought he might even like to hang out with you one on one, now that he knew Everett's dad didn't live with you any longer. But now he was wondering if you were single or seeing someone else.
Bradley watched you hurriedly packing up Everett's gear while he ran off to say bye to Bob. But Bradley didn't walk away, instead he texted you so you would have his contact information as well. 
When you checked your phone, you looked up at him again and laughed. "Your name is Bradley Bradshaw? Brad Brad?"
He groaned and pretended to be annoyed, but he really wasn't. "My parents probably thought they were hilarious."
Your laughter had him grinning again. "It's not a bad name! I'm sorry I laughed." But you were still laughing.
"You're not sorry," he said with a playful glare. 
When you scrunched your nose again and ducked away from him, you said, "No, I'm not."
Then Everett streaked back over and asked Bradley to walk to the parking lot with the two of you, and Bradley was helpless to say no.
"You have fun again today?" Bradley asked him as he bounced around, full of energy.
"Yes! I even hit the ball!"
"Yeah, you hit it hard. You'll be a power hitter when you make it to the major league. We just need to work on your fielding."
You were smiling but looking straight ahead at your car.
"What position do you like to play?" Everett asked, eyes wide as he looked up at Bradley.
"Usually shortstop. Sometimes second base."
"Did you used to play for the Padres or something?" Everett asked, completely in awe.
Bradley just laughed. "No, kiddo. I played in college. Then I joined the Navy, because I definitely was not good enough to play for the Padres."
"You're in the Navy?" you asked him as Bradley opened Everett's door and took the gear bag from your shoulder. Even touching your body through your suit coat was enough to require Bradley to take an extra breath before answering you.
"Yeah. So is Bob. We're both aviators."
"Wow," you whispered. "Impressive."
"Mommy! I'm hungry!" Everett called from the backseat as Bradley placed the bag on the floor.
"Me too, Ev. I'll get dinner ready as soon as we get home," you promised him, and Bradley could tell you were a good mom. You kind of reminded him of Carole Bradshaw, if he was being honest.
"Be good, and listen to your mom," Bradley told Everett as he closed the back door and then opened yours. "See you on Monday."
"See you then," you replied softly, slipping into your seat before Bradley gently closed your door.
He waved at Everett who was reaching his arm out the window as you pulled away, and then he climbed into the Bronco and headed to the Hard Deck.
Bob was already there when Bradley arrived, and Nat was on them right away. "You two look adorable in your matching Tiny Eagles jerseys."
"Thanks, Nat. I feel adorable. Do you feel adorable, Bob?"
Bob just blushed and walked away with his cup of peanuts. 
"So how are the moms treating you?" Nat asked as they both waited for drinks at the bar.
Bradley rolled his eyes. "Just fine."
"Are you hooking up with one of them yet?" she asked casually. 
"What the fuck, Nat? No! I'm there to coach the kids!"
"Chill, Rooster! It's so easy to get you riled up when you're trying to hide something! Bob said you have a crush on one of the moms."
He just shook his head and thanked Jimmy for his beer. "I don't. She's just cute is all. Not my type. Never gonna be my type," he promised, heading toward the pool table. And as if he was trying to make his point to Nat, he chatted up the first woman who approached him and left with her number. He wasn't going to call her, but Nat didn't need to know that. 
He didn't even save the number in his phone, because yours was already in there. 
In an effort to get that mustache and those biceps out of your mind, you called Frank on Saturday afternoon and agreed to head over to his place. 
He never cooks in his condo kitchen, and he hates when anything is messy, so you're not sure if you want to stay over or not. But you pack a bag just in case. 
When you get there, he has Thai takeout waiting along with a bottle of prosecco. "I'm glad you decided to come over," Frank whispered, running his hand up along your leggings while you tried to eat. 
"Yeah," you agreed halfheartedly. "Me too."
How had your life been reduced to this? Sleeping with a man you didn't have feelings for after ending a marriage to a man who never loved you? You wouldn't allow yourself to dwell on it for too long. 
"Let's head to the bedroom," he told you, snatching you out of your seat as soon as you finished your last bite of food.
As Frank ran his hands along your body and undressed you, it was easy enough to close your eyes and let your mind drift a little bit. Then his hands felt good, running up your sides and removing your shirt. It felt nice when he removed your bra and squeezed your breasts. It was even lovely when he pushed you down onto his bed and pressed you into the mattress with his weight. But when he started fucking you, it was just so mediocre. He somehow lasted too long, and you knew that you'd never be able to get off with him tonight. 
"You're so sexy, baby. Am I making you feel good?" Frank asked you softly.
You let your disappointment wash over you, but Frank didn't seem to notice the sad little gasps you made as he came before withdrawing himself and removing the condom. 
You checked your phone as you got dressed, and you nearly dropped it on the floor. You had a text from Bradley. A screenshot of ticket options for the Phillies vs Padres game the following month.
Bradley Bradshaw: Do you think Ev would prefer to sit behind home plate or in the outfield?
Now your heart was beating faster. Now you felt a little silly inside. Now you could imagine getting yourself worked up for a healthy orgasm.
"Everything okay? You keep looking at your phone," Frank said as he pulled his underwear back on. 
"Actually...." you started, and the lie was out of your mouth before you could stop it. "It's my sister. I need to go pick up Everett. But thanks for dinner."
Frank kissed you softly, holding your body against his before you broke away with a quick goodnight. You practically ran across the parking lot and jumped into your car with a smile on your face. Then you responded to the text.
Everett is going to think any seat is the best seat.
Bradley responded almost immediately, which shocked you since it was eight o'clock on Saturday night. 
Bradley Bradshaw: Well then why don't you tell me where you'd like to sit.
You pictured yourself sitting in his lap, and you felt very warm. When you started your car, you turned on the air conditioner as you drove away. 
His lap. 
You could picture yourself there so easily, like you'd already spent time snuggled up with him.
What was wrong with you?! You barely knew this man! 
It only took you five minutes to get to your house, and as soon as you walked in, your hand was sliding down inside the front of your leggings and into your underwear. You eased yourself down onto your couch as you touched yourself exactly how Frank never seemed to be able to. 
You stroked your clit just right with your middle finger, and then you came so quickly, it surprised you. 
When you caught your breath, you located your phone and responded.
Your call, Coach. What view do you like the best?
Bradley was sitting at his kitchen island, considering all the filthy things he wanted to send back to you.
You were definitely flirting with him now, right? You had to be single, right?
He quickly typed out his response and hit send before he could change his mind.
Any seat where I can see you.
I am thrilled by how much love you all had for the first part of this story! I hope you keep on loving Coach Bradley! Thanks to @beyondthesefourwalls and @mak-32!
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bagerfluff · 8 months
Take My Jacket (And My Heart)
Nico di Angelo x Male Half-Blood Reader
Prompt - "Take mine"
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You and Nico stood at the stern of the Argo II.
Both of you along with Hazel volunteered to take night watch and it was a little boring. Though monsters attacked almost every night they decided not to attack this night. It was weird and calming. The sea looked majestic. The waves slowly went up and down though you were sure that Hazel didn’t appreciate that.
You also felt calm standing next to Nico. You were around the same age as him, only a few months older and you were friends with him when he first went to Camp Half-Blood. That’s why you were so scared when you heard he was captured and when Piper, Jason, and Percy had found him, half dead.
You had stuck close to him when he came back and Nico didn’t seem to mind. Well he never said he hated it so you took that as him being fine with it.
You cared about Nico, more than any friend should.
But you could tell anyone that. A war was about to happen. You had to focus on that. But you still liked nights like these. That’s why you volunteered to take the night watch. You knew that Nico almost always volunteered so you did so you could have some time together.
Though most people felt put off by Nico’s persistence, you liked it. It felt like home to you. You had also arrived at Camp Half-Blood a few months before Nico so you were feeling a bit homesick. But then you started talking to Nico and he helped with that. Then he left, and came back, and left again.
It was an endless cycle but you were happy that you were with him again. You looked over from the sea to Nico and saw him looking at the sea.
But one thing you noticed was that he didn’t have his aviator jacket on. You hadn’t noticed it before, maybe it was because it was dark or that you were running on two hours of sleep and a little too much coffee but you didn’t know.
Now that you noticed it you realized how weird Nico looked without. You had seen Nico without it when he was younger but now he was never without it. It made him look weird, different. But he still looked good to you. But after you noticed that Nico was also shivering.
It was pretty cold.
You had on a jacket but you could still feel the cold. Your nose getting runny, your eyes getting wet, and your hands getting colder. You looked over at Hazel and saw that she was bringing her hands to her mouth, probably to warm them up.
But you and her had a jacket on and you hadn’t even really noticed the cold. If you didn’t focus on it you didn’t even know it was there. But you were sure that Nico could feel it. He was rubbing his hands up and down his arms and he was doing the same thing Hazel was doing.
You knew Nico ran cold.
He always seemed to feel like a block of ice. You had grabbed his arm before and it felt like you had stuck your hand into water from the antarctica. But guess even the Ghost King got cold. You felt back for Nico and started to unzip your jacket. You took it off, almost immediately feeling colder but you didn’t mind.
You held it in one hand and held it closer to Nico. Tapping Nico on the shoulder to get his attention. “Here”, you said, punching the jacket closer to Nico.
“Take mine”.
You don’t why you said that. It didn’t really sound right but you said it. Nico looked at you before shaking his head. “I don’t need it”, you rolled your eyes.
Nico and his pride.
He really needed to accept help. You might need to talk to him about that. You walked closer to Nico and grabbed his arms. “I’m fine. Plus it’s morning in a few hours. I can go without a jacket for a few hours”, you spoke while putting your jacket on him.
Nico didn't say anything, just tensed when you touched him. Which kinda shocked you, Nico didn’t like it when people touched him, Leo had learned that the hard way.
Once you were done you turned Nico around and zipped up the jacket. You were slightly taller and bigger then Nico so it was big on him but it was cute. “You look cute in my jacket”, you said with a smile before turning to look back at the sea.
Not noticing the blush on Nico’s face. 
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bebemoon · 1 month
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look for the name THEO (requested by anonymous) | pied piper linen zip utility shirt (c. 199o's), les six pleated carpenter shorts (s/s 2o24), dirk bikkembergs black tall boots w/ metal slit heel and metal pulls (c. 199o's), kerosene "r'oud elements" eau de parfum ("it's late evening and an orange bitter sun is setting beyond the trees. wafts of smoldering wood rise from the center of the forest, burning from a small oud and sandalwood fire. the scent is soft, deep and longing for closeness and invitation." — kerosene fragrances), incoder "incoder_coif" hood
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bobfloydsbabe · 1 month
A songwriter!Bob sneak peek to brighten the dash? As you wish!
sneak peek under the cut. yes, this is the way he looks at her.
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Bob tosses the water bottle in his backpack and zips it up. He slings it over his shoulder while Piper tries–and fails–not to watch the way his biceps bulge while he does it. “Wanna carpool? I can pick you up on the way.”
���Sure,” she says absentmindedly as she scans the studio one last time, making sure they’ve left it as they found it. She swipes an unused napkin off the table and follows Bob into the hallway, turning off the lights as she goes.
They walk to their cars in silence. That’s the thing about her friendship with Bob—it’s always been easy. They never need to fill every quiet moment with conversation, content to just be together. That she gets to do her dream job with her friend is a bonus she wouldn’t trade for the world.
It’s also the reason she keeps her feelings for him to herself. She doesn’t want their working relationship to end, let alone their friendship. She doesn’t know what she would do if she didn’t have Bob Floyd in her life.
“Pick you up around seven?”
“Sounds good.” She opens the door to her car, chucking her tote onto the passenger seat. She half turns to look at Bob. “Tomorrow will be better.”
A breathy chuckle escapes his lips, and he offers her a wry smile. “Whatever you say, Pipes.” He turns and walks across the lot to his truck, waving a hand over his shoulder that has no business being as broad and muscular as it is. It’s all that drumming.
She watches him get into the beat-up pickup truck he refuses to replace despite easily being able to afford it. You can take the boy out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the boy. 
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wastelandbfs · 4 months
Fallout 4 Companions Headcanons : Driving
(If I've missed a companion it's because I don't have an HC for them for this topic)
Hancock - The ultimate passenger princess. He's high 98% of the time and knows better than to operate heavy machinery.
Danse - He's a rule-follower, but sometimes, when no ones looking, he'll sneak over the speed limit and will feel like a massive rebel while doing it.
Preston - Slower than your granny on an icy road. He's the quintessential careful driver. He's courteous and always indicates, but God forbid you want to go anywhere faster than 30 miles an hour.
Deacon - Somehow manages to know all the backroutes and quick ways through town. Journey says it takes 30 minutes? He'll have you there in 10 and will have spent half of that driving round places he used to live and pointing them out to you with increasingly unhinged backstories.
MacCready - Asshole. He knows what lanes to get in to undercut traffic. He'll flip you off even when you have right-of-way. He's definitely driving uninsured and is the kinda guy to leave a note saying 'i hit your car, my bad' before driving off.
X6-88 - Rides a motorcycle and does not fuck about. Looks good in leathers (and knows it), and loves any excuse to make you scream and hang on for dear life as he zips through traffic.
Cait - She knows her way around a car and hotdamn if she doesn't look good while doing it. One hand on the wheel and the other on your knee, she's so competent its sexy. She does that one hand over your head-rest and one hand doing the turny thing when reversing. Hot.
Piper - She talks with her hands and spends more time looking at whoever she's talking to than the road. Her car is more dings and scratches than actual car at this point.
Strong - He's only interested in Monster-Trucks and smashing.
Dogmeat - He's in a sidecar being the bestest boy.
Curie - Absolutely oblivious to everything. She has no hazard awareness and tends to go pretty slow because she's too busy pointing out cute dogs. Definitely gets into a crash within a week of passing her test.
Nick Valentine - Sensible. You need someone to pick you up from the airport at 3am? Nick's your guy. He's confident but careful and would definitely pull over to help out someone broken down on the side of the road.
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supercap2319 · 11 months
"Y/N, what does this guy want from you?" Jason called. They had been searching for Diocletian’s scepter. Favonius said that his boss, Cupid was guarding it, and even though they thought they were prepared for anything, both demigods could never have fathomed that Cupid would be so cruel and dangerous.
"Tell him, Y/N." Cupid said. "Tell him you are a coward, afraid of yourself and your feelings. Tell him the real reason why you weren't sad about Percy and Annnabeth Chase falling into Tartarus. Tell Jason Grace why you insisted on coming to find the scepter instead of Nico Di Angelo."
Jason looks confused. "Y/N? What's he talking about?" Why wouldn't Y/N be more upset about losing Percy and Annabeth? Then again, after it happened, the son of Hecate seemed more than fine with the sudden decrease in their group.
"It's nothing." Y/N insisted.
Cupid's laughter was all around them as Jason was knocked to the side and hit a column. It cracked upon impact as the son of Jupiter's eyes rolled in the back of his head.
"Jason!" Y/N cried, running towards him as an arrow zipped through the air and sunk into his arm. He grunted in pain, even if it wasn't visible pain. He sank to his knees and cradled Jason's face in his hands as he began to cry. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."
"Sorry for what, Y/N? Sorry for being a coward, and afraid of your own feelings? Or sorry Jason got hurt because of you?" Cupid's warm and deep voice asked in the wind.
"Both. Please, Cupid! Stop this now."
"Just tell the truth, Y/N, and this all ends." The lieutenant of love promised.
Y/N sniffed. It was now or never. "I wasn't sad about Percy getting trapped in Tartarus because... Because I had a crush on him and told him how I felt about him, and he rejected me." All around him and Jason a ring of fire sprang to life. Not only to protect them from Cupid, but it was a manifestation of his powers and emotions.
"And I came here with Jason in Nico's place because I have a crush on Jason. And even though I know it's stupid to hope he'll notice me when he has Piper, I had to try." Y/N admitted.
"Love can hurt, yes, but it can also set you free." Cupid said as he materialized. "You've earned your reward." He waved his hand and an ivory staff three feet long, topped with a dark globe of polished marble about the size of a baseball, nestled on the backs of three gold Roman eagles. The scepter of Diocletian. "I'm rooting for you, Y/N." Then Cupid was gone.
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bogleech · 2 years
I tend to just assume all my artwork, little fiction projects, comics, flash animations and other created work is just old news to anyone even passingly familiar with me but....I get the feeling very few of you know more than 1% of it as I look over the folder where I keep what’s probably less than half of all I’ve held onto.
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This folder doesn’t include ANY of Mortasheen or Awful Hospital, each of which are another several thousand files themselves. I’m thinking of sorting a bunch of this other stuff into various zip files I could share on my patreon with accompanying notes, explanations and sketches wherever applicable, maybe also include the raw digital art files? I’ll probably still have to leave out some things that are just too boring and stupid, or really personal commissions/gift art, but there’s still gotta be a thousand things I could share. Here’s some random miscellaneous thingies:
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For a while I was illustrating various mythological vampires, ghouls and other undead for a book collab with C.M. Kosemen (All Tomorrows, etc.) that fell to the wayside when he had to work on a much bigger project.
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Another book project that didn’t get off the ground was going to be a cartoony look at truly obscure real world animal groups, like this Aspidosiphon. This was going to be a collab with biologist Ross Piper after his book Animal Earth, but didn’t really go past the “floating ideas around” stage and some sample art.
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I illustrated a couple dozen enemies for the game “Crystal Catacombs,” in some cases influencing the final in-game designs. Had a lot of fun doing this, though the game never sold enough to get many royalties.
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I started but unfortunately never completed a visual novel style game a few years back that was another Silent Hill homage, told from the perspective of a monster manifested entirely to torment a single human. Multiple characters/creatures exist as these very quick low-resolution doodles and a ton of story notes.
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I illustrated creature cards for a board game, Chimera Island, where you mixed and matched different heads, bodies and tails then basically argued a case for what would make a given creature successful in the randomized ecosystem. Friends and I played an early copy of this game once and found it really really fun, but then the creator totally rehashed the mechanics after some other group’s mixed feedback, we found the new version extremely difficult to figure out, and I think the whole project got scrapped or it released to poor reception, I can’t remember, and I don’t even know what happened to that single fun prototype :[
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There’s other unfinished or half-finished projects, and there’s just hundreds and hundreds of miscellaneous things that serve no purpose. There’s also tons locked up in Adobe Flash files from when I used that as my drawing software, but I no longer have any cracked software that can open those. There’s assets for multiple whole platformer games, for instance, that uh...were also commissions by people who gave up or moved on to other projects before any of it saw the light of day. At least I still got most of the pay, when pay was actually promised (I was a bit trusting)
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atomic-sludge · 2 years
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Alr, here are the refs I did. The purpose of these was to have proper refs for artfight teehee.
I might do some more but this is everyone I was certain I wanted refs of,
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forevfangirlwrites · 5 months
play stupid games, win stupid prizes chapter 21
She walks into the first day of school back from break with some trepidation. Now that she’s going to be around everyone again, it’s going to be harder to hide her relationship with Percy.
Yet part of her is a little excited at the prospect.
Piper shows up to her locker first, rolling her eyes at her phone. “Thalia is,” she starts, “as always with the first day back, running late.”
Annabeth smiles. “Typical. She didn’t even say she would try when we brought it up yesterday.”
The three had hung out at Piper’s house to celebrate their last full day of no school the previous day and it’d been one of the few days of break that she hadn’t seen Percy.
“Honestly,” Piper says. “But anyway, did you hear about—” she breaks off as Jason and Percy walk toward them.
Speak of the devil. He looks unfairly good in that dark green shirt he’d worn for the pep rally with the matching black zip up hoodie. Annabeth wonders if he’s trying to test her with his outfit.
But as he gets closer, she has to fight the urge to let her jaw drop because…did he get his ears pierced?
Is that what he got up to yesterday?
She tries not to stare and fails miserably because the next words out of his mouth are:
“What’re you staring at princess?” His tone is teasing, maybe with a hint of mockery, but his eyes paint a different story. He’s clearly trying to gauge her reaction.
“Color? Is that your new years resolution or something?” She shoots back, gesturing to his shirt as if her eyes hadn’t been locked on his face.
He rolls his eyes and she has to hide a smile. So this is what they were doing in public now?
Piper’s eyes are wide when Annabeth turns back to her after Jason pulls Percy away. “What the fuck?”
Annabeth shrugs, trying to appear normal. “We have a truce.”
“And that means you’re back to…to…whatever it was before?”
“I guess.”
Piper lets out a sigh. “Wow.”
Thankfully, the bell rings before Piper can go down that line of conversation. And as Annabeth heads down the hall, she actually looks forward to Math.
It seems Percy must have felt the same way because he’s there early, meeting her eyes as soon as he walks in the room to sit beside her.
“Were you just not going to tell me about the earrings,” she says in a low voice as soon as he’s close enough.
They have yet to discuss this development and she’s not over it.
He grins at her. “Surprise.”
“Yeah…” Her eyes once again lock onto the small studs on his ears.
His grin morphs into a smirk. “Seems like you like the surprise.”
She does like it. And though he’s her boyfriend, she still does not want to admit how much she likes it. Something tells her she doesn’t have to say anything though, Percy’s smirk indicates he knows.
“Shut up.”
He shoots her a wink that causes butterflies and, of course, she has a hard time paying attention to math for the rest of the class period.
Lunch means she gets to see him again, something she’s realizing she always wants nowadays. He walks in and sits across from her because sitting next to her is out of the question.
And it’s stupid that she misses him next to her, playing with her hair and stealing her food, but she tries to at least focus on the positive of seeing him again. (And his new earrings.)
All eyes turn to the two of them as Percy sits down, but he ignores everyone, including her, in favor of pulling out an actual lunch for once.
“What?” he says, finally addressing the silence, just before he takes a bite of his sandwich. “Am I not allowed to eat?”
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The Daughter of Poseidon: Chapter Six
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Della has to admit flying on a bronze dragon’s back is a surreal feeling. Up high the air is frigid. But thanks to the heat Festus generates they don’t feel it at all. Talk about seat warmers! 
Leo uses reins to steer Festus through the clouds like a reindeer.  They zip through the clouds with ease the rest of the world below is nothing but a speck. 
“Cool right?” Leo says. A pleased smile coats his features. 
“What if we get spotted?” asks Piper. 
“The mist,” Jason and Della say at the same time. Jason smiles at her. 
“It keeps mortals from seeing magic things,” Della explains, “Only seers will notice anything out of the ordinary.” 
Her mind goes back to the memory of Luke. His poor mother–
“Seers?” asks Leo. 
“Mortals who can see through the mist,”  Jason answers.
Della glances back at him and notices he’s holding a photo of a girl, a girl with dark hair. Is that…Thaila?
Jason glances up at her. He sheepishly puts the photo back in his pocket. 
“We’re making good time probably get there by tonight.” 
“Get where?” Della asks. “I thought you didn’t have a plan.” 
Jason laughs, “We’re going to find the god of the North Wind. And chase some storm spirits.” 
The silence had begun to drive Della insane. Typically, when she and her friends went on quests they couldn’t shut up. Percy, in particular never shut up on their quests. 
“So,” Piper says. Oh, thank the gods. “Della earlier you said you’re a cursed child…what exactly does that mean?” 
Leo sat up straight at the head of the dragon. “You’re cursed?!?” 
Della laughs dryly. “Sometimes I wonder, but being a cursed child means that you’re an offspring of the Big Three.”
“The Big Three?” Piper asks. “Do you mean, like Zeus, Hades, and–”
“Poseidon, yeah. They made a pack to not have kids. It’s a loose promise. Anyways, all three have broken it in recent years. We’re more forbidden than cursed.” 
“So, are you, your brother, and Jason the only ones?” asks Leo.
“No there’s Nico Di Angelo a son of Hades, and Thalia Grace…she’s a daughter of Zeus but has taken up with the Hunters of Artemis.” 
“So why did make a pact if they break it?” asks Piper.
“We’re considered ‘too powerful’ which is fair Percy can take on a whole army by himself, and I–we don’t fully know what all I can do yet.” Della looks down at her lap. 
She’s always felt second best to Percy, especially after he took on the Curse of Achilles. She doesn’t understand all she can do. The only thing she does know is her fate, her usual nightmare. Meeting a similar end to Thesus. Being betrayed and thrown over a cliff–but instead of into the sea, it’s Asphodel. She’d seen it in person back when she was twelve, on her first quest. 
Della shivers at the thought of the horrid place. 
“Shut up me,” Leo says out of nowhere. 
“What?” Piper asks.
“Nothing,” he says, “Long night. I think I’m hallucinating. It’s cool.” 
Jason, Piper, and Della all share looks of concern. 
“Just joking.” Leo decides to change the subject. “So what’s the plan bro? You said something about catching wind, breaking wind, or something?”
As they fly over New England, Jason lays out the game plan. First, find Boreas and grill him for information–
“His name is Boreas?” Leo has to ask. “What is he the God of Boring?”
Second, Jason continues, they have to find the spirits that attacked them at the Grand Canyon–
“Venti? Do you mean anemoi thuellai?” asks Della. 
“Can we just call them storm spirits?” Leo asks, “Venti makes them sound like evil expresso drinks and the other one sounds harder.” 
And third, Jason finishes, they had to find out who the storm spirits work for, so they could find Hera and free her. 
“So you want to look for Dylan, the nasty storm dude, on purpose?” 
“That’s about it. Well…there might be a wolf involved too. I think she’s friendly…so she probably won’t eat us, unless we show her weakness–”
“I’m sorry…a wolf?” asks Della. She turns around and faces him. 
Jason explains his dream of Lupa the murder-wolf and a burned-out house with stone spires growing out of the swimming pool.
“Uh-huh, but you don’t know where this place is?” asks Leo. 
“Lovely…” says Piper.
“Sounds about right for a forbidden child’s quest.” Della turns back towards the others. 
“There are also giants, the prophecy said “The giants’ revenge” Piper reminds them. 
“Hold on,” Leo says, “Giants? As in more than one? Why can’t it be one giant who wants revenge?”
“Too easy,” Della mutters. 
“I don’t think so,” Piper muses, “I remember in some of the old Greek stories, there was something about an army of giants.” 
“But they haven’t been seen for centuries, but then again neither had Kronos.” 
“Great…knowing our luck it will be a whole army,” Leo says. “You learn anything else while doing research for your dad Pipes?”
“Your dad?” Della asks. 
“Umm yeah, he’s an actor, Tristan McLean.” Piper mumbles. 
“What was he in?” asks Della and Jason.
“I’m surprised Della doesn’t know.” 
“Hmmm….oh wait…wait! Yes! He’s the Aphrodite’s cabin top pick this year!” 
Piper sighs. “That’s why he’s on the wall in my cabin.” 
“Yeah, they pick a new “hottie” every year.” 
Piper looks about ready to heave off to the side. 
Leo on the other hand cackles. “That’s the only reason you’ve heard of him?”
“I mean I vaguely remember the movie posters. But Percy, Beth, and I don’t go to movies very often.” 
“You don’t go to movies?” Leo asks.
“Look I don’t go out very much in the mortal world unless I’m thirdwheeling.” 
It was a sad truth, Della didn’t really go out that often. It just wasn’t her style. Of course, she’s been to movies over the past few years but is has always been with Annabeth and Percy. Mostly, because Percy drug her carcass out with them. 
“Thirdwheeling?” The others ask. 
Della sighs. “Not to change the subject, but I’m gonna….giants, we were discussing the giants.” 
“The giants–well there were loads in Greek mythology. But if I’m thinking of the right ones they were bads news. 
“Extremely bad news,”  Della sighs. “They rose after Krono's first downfall–eons ago. They could throw mountains and things of that nature. Like the Titans, they too tried to destroy Olympus. If these are the same giants–”
“Chiron said it was happening again,” Jason says. “The last chapter–that’s what he meant. No wonder he didn’t want us to know all the details.” 
Leo whistles. “So…giants who can throw mountains. A wolf-mother who will eat us if we show weakness. Evil Starbucks drinks. Got it. Maybe not the best time to bring up my psycho babysitter.” 
“You’re joking,” Piper says. 
Leo tells them about Tîa Callida, who was Hera, and how she’d appeared to him at camp. He fills them in on his past. How his mom died. And finally tells them about a woman in earthen robes who seemed to be asleep. 
“That’s disturbing…” says Piper. 
“Bout sums it up. The thing is everyone says not to trust Hera. And the prophecy says we’ll unleash death if we cause her rage. So… I gotta ask…why are we doing this?” 
“Because the gods–she chose us,”  Della sighs, “I will admit you guys have it  a bit rougher than my first quest.” 
“What do you mean?” Jason asks.
“You,” she points at Jason. “Have no memory. But I’m not that worried about your fighting ability. This is definitely not your first quest.” She looks over at Leo and Piper. “You two have absolutely no training. At least Percy and I had two weeks…then again we were twelve…”
“You were twelve?!?!” Piper and Leo say in disbelief. 
“You only had two weeks of training?” asks Jason. 
Della shrugs and smiles a bit. “ Zeus accused me and Percy of stealing his master bolt. Even though we didn’t know we were half-bloods.” 
“Holy–how’re you alive?”
“Luck?” Della laughs. “Anyways the other reason we have to do this is–this quest will kick off something bigger. This is an antecedent.” 
“And helping Hera is the only way to get back my memory. That dark spire in my dream seemed to be feeding off Hera’s energy. If that thing unleashes a king of giants by destroying Hera–”
“Not a good trade-off,” Piper agrees. “At least Hera is on our side.” 
“Mostly–she’s the peacekeeper. The only thing that keeps the gods from annihilating each other,” Della chimes in. 
Jason nods, “Chiron said worse forces are stirring on the day of the solstice, with it being a good time for dark magic, and all–something that could awaken if Hera were sacrificed that day. And a mistress who’s controlling storm spirits, the one who wants to kill all demigods–”
“Might be that weird sleeping dirt lady.” finishes Leo. 
“If she’s asleep that means we have some time,” says Della. 
“Yeah, Dirt Woman fully awake,” Leo says, “not something I want to see.” 
“But who is she?” Jason asks, “And what does she have to do with the giants?”
Good questions, no answers. The wind blew colder the further north they went. 
Della rubs her hands together to keep warm and then rubs at her eyes. 
“Hey,” Jason leans forward, “get some sleep, Ariel. We need our guide.” 
“I’ll take you up on that Hercules. You do the same,” she whispers. 
She closes her eyes and dozes off.
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burtreynolds-esquire · 2 months
Female Sole Survivor x Piper Wright one shot.
In which Piper shows cowardice for the first time in a long time.
Rating: Teen
Genre: action/drama
CW: depiction of injuries/swearing
The plan was foolproof. With too many Supermutants for the two of them to take head on, Blue was finally able to put to use the fragmentation mines that she’d been hoarding for months.
“Why do you have an entire footlocker filled with mines?” Piper had asked her incredulously earlier that day when the vault dweller was transferring them into a duffel bag for transport.
“Just in case,” was all Blue had replied.
“In case of what?! There’s gotta be like thirty of ‘em in there.” Piper’s gaze was cautious as she watched her companion fill the bag.
“In case of situations exactly like this one. One can never be too prepared. And besides, I only have twenty-three… not thirty.”
“I dunno, Blue. Seems a bit overkill even for Supermutants.”
“No, no. It’s just enough kill.” Blue zipped up the bag and stood up to face Piper. “Trust me!” She flashed that brilliant smile, her eyes bright with excitement.
Piper groaned inwardly because she knew it was a bad idea, but she just couldn’t say no.
Why couldn’t she say no to this idiot?
Oh, she knew why.
Being attracted to your best friend was always going to pose a problem. But being attracted to your best friend who was still grieving her recently murdered husband, whilst trying to find her kidnapped infant and trying to survive in this new, cruel world… well, that really took the cake.
And so here they were, in the dead of night trying to take an entire building full of Supermutants by surprise.
Blue had never been one for using mines, preferring to charge into a fight with just her rifle and a spiked baseball bat. One for caution, she certainly was not.
But this particular situation did call for caution and it irritated her. It just wasn’t her style. The majority of the Supermutants were either fast asleep or close to it. A couple of them were patrolling the perimeter but they were easy enough to avoid. It was the small office building they were focusing on.
Her aim was to bring the entire thing down and obliterate everything inside of it. She had placed the majority of the mines in a pile by the front entrance, with Piper around the other side of the building to watch the back should any of them try to make an escape. The vault dweller trusted that her companion would be okay, Supermutants weren’t usually smart enough to realise there even was a back door.
Once she was happy with the placement of her fragmentation mine collection, she started to back away cautiously from the area to avoid any detection.
Before she could get to her designated hiding spot a safe distance away, where she was planning on throwing a grenade at the explosive trap, she heard gunshots.
“Piper!” she exclaimed, realising that one of the patrolling Supermutants must have found her. She knew the reporter could take down one of the hulking, dimwitted beasts by herself, but the gunshots would have already roused the rest of them.
She didn’t have time.
Her gaze was on the building, both seeing and hearing movement inside immediately. The grenade was already in her hand before she realised what she was doing.
She didn’t run.
She didn’t think.
She pulled the pin and threw it.
The world seemed to stop for what felt like forever as the grenade flew through the air. In the corner of her eye, she saw the flash of gunfire, presumably Piper firing at the other patrolling Supermutant.
That was the last thing she heard before the roaring of the explosion deafened her instantly, just a split second before her entire body flew backwards from the force.
And then she felt nothing.
Piper had watched helplessly from a good distance away as Blue had thrown that grenade. It was as if it happened in slow motion, watching it happen but powerless to do anything to save her friend. She threw her arm in front of her face in order to shield herself from the blast as smaller bits of debris flew past her. The ground shook as the explosion hit but Piper was far enough away that she just about managed to stay on her feet.
Once everything had settled, she dared to view the destruction. The office building was utterly demolished, both floors and all the walls completely collapsed.
Dust and debris littered the area, making it difficult for Piper to locate her companion. Once the dust started to settle though, she finally laid eyes on her.
She took off to where Blue lay on the ground, a good few feet away from where she had been previously stood, eerily still.
Piper skidded to her knees once she reached her friend, her eyes brimming with tears at the sight of her.
Blue was a mess. Her signature vault suit was singed in places, the skin underneath was covered in dirt, sweat, and blood where the heat from the blast had burned at her skin. Hopefully none of the burns were major. There was, however, a definite wound on the side of her head. Blue’s hair was matted with thick red blood just above her right ear, no doubt caused by some flying debris.
Piper was almost too scared to touch her, worried that she’d cause more damage. But she had to make sure she was still alive.
“Come on, Blue. Please don’t be dead,” Piper whispered as she watched for the rise and fall of her friends chest.
“Blue?” She asked tentatively. The tears were starting to fall now, landing on Sole’s face and leaving tiny clean spots amongst all the dirt.
Piper took her friend’s right hand within her own as her left hand stroked Blue’s hair away from clinging to her face.
“Blue… please?! Ash…”
Before Piper could even think about what to do next, Blue took in a sharp but shallow breath before coughing uncontrollably as her body tried to take in oxygen. Finally, her breathing had somewhat returned to normal and Blue found the ability to talk once more.
“Phew,” Blue managed to croak out. She could barely hear herself speak due to the ringing in her ears from the blast. “Let’s never do that again.” She finally looked up at Piper, noticing the tears free falling down her face. “You okay?”
Piper didn’t answer, she just threw herself over her best friend, her face nestled into the crook of Blue’s neck, and held her tight. Blue managed to lift her aching arms around her companion’s shaking form and they stayed that way for a while. Neither of them kept track of how long it took for Piper to calm down but she finally managed it.
Eventually, she lifted her head up and placed their foreheads together. Any other situation, and Piper would have freaked out at how physically close they were. But after coming so close to almost losing one of the most important people in her life, she couldn’t bring herself to care. All she needed was to know that her best friend was okay.
“Hey,” Blue whispered to her, looking her dead in the eye. “It’s okay, I’m okay.” She reached up and tucked some of Piper’s hair behind her ear, keeping her hand on Piper’s face as she wiped a stray tear away.
"Ashton Kavanagh, I thought you were dead!"
"To be fair, I also thought I was dead,” Blue chuckled.
“Not funny, Blue. What were you thinking?!”
“No, don’t answer that. I blame your stupid brain for not thinking at all.” Piper attempted to put some distance between them but a hand on the back of her head kept her in place.
Okay, now their closeness was starting to affect her. She just hoped she was covered in enough dirt to hide the reddening of her cheeks.
“If we’re assigning blame then this is your fault for leaving me alone with explosives in the first place.”
“You’re an idiot,” Piper deadpanned, with just a slight hint of affection that Blue almost missed.
“Your idiot, though,” Blue whispered quietly before her gaze momentarily flickered down to Piper’s lips and back up to her eyes again.
Piper wouldn’t usually consider herself a coward. She’d bravely placed herself in many a dangerous situation, especially for a good story. She had faced being poisoned and almost executed. She had dealt with persistent harassment and hostility from her Diamond City peers. She’d received more death threats than she could count. Piper wasn’t a coward.
Until now.
Her heart felt like it was trying to escape right out of her chest and she found it almost impossible to breathe, let alone speak.
“Heh… yeah…” Piper managed to mumble and tried to pull away again, a little more forcefully this time so that Blue would take the hint and let go, which thankfully she did. Her friends arms released their grip on her and she went back to kneeling beside her. “I’m glad you’re okay, think you can get up?”
She tried to ignore the fleeting look of rejection on Blue’s face before her stoic mask replaced it.
“Yeah, just about. Gonna need a little help though.”
Piper stood and held her arms out towards Blue so her friend could grab on. She managed to pull her up and to her feet, Blue having to lean on Piper for a few moments as the blood rushed to her head from the sudden movement.
“Let’s get going then,” Blue suggested. “Goodneighbor’s not far from here. I need a long soak in the tub and stiff drink after all that.”
And so they made their way to Goodneighbor, mostly silent the entire way. It wasn’t a comfortable silence like they’d often find themselves in when in each other’s company though.
They were both stuck inside their own heads. Piper couldn’t understand why she was too afraid to let anything happen. She was well aware of her own feelings for her best friend. She wanted to kiss her so fucking badly. And they almost had, very nearly instigated by Blue herself.
So why was she so scared? Why had she backed away when their faces were so close? The moment seemed right.
God, she was the real idiot here.
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Hi! I'm not sure if you are currently taking requests but if you are I'd like to request how the F04 companions would react to a Sole Survivor who gets around by using Roller Skates!! Or just, is just really good at Roller skating in general.
Thank you! :D
This is so cute! Sorry for taking so long, but I hope you like it 💖
"Hey- Wait up! This is so not fair!"
Much to his annoyance, he'd have to jog to keep up with sole which would lead to a lot of bitching from Mac. Eventually, he'd either just shut up about it or get his own pair because he hated lagging behind so much. If he did get his own pair, Sole would definitely need to teach him how to skate because the first time he put the roller blades on he was a wobbly mess.
"Would you look at you... Havin' fun?"
He'd fully expect a turn once sole was done. Once he had the skates on he'd try and take off just like he'd seen sole do and end up falling on his ass, so whith a hurt rump and pride he'd hand them back to sole and decide to leave the skating to them
"Take those damn things off.... you look ridiculous"
She didn't think this looked like a good idea. Sole was liable to fall down and break something, and what a stupid way to get injured
"This doesn't seem the slightest bit safe"
the paladin would hold his breath every time he saw the skate by, even if sole somehow managed to never fall.
"Oh, this looks like so much fun! Wherever did you find these madam/monsieur"
She'd wanna try to roller skate! Although as soon as she fell down and scuffed her knees and gave Sole the "🥺" face Sole decided it was time to put them up for a bit, at least until they could get Curie knee pads
"You look like those waitresses at the old dinners... ah man, all we need now is a jukebox, and we're set"
He'd think it was great. He'd love to see them whip by on their skates. He'd get a massive kick out of them, especially when des and carrington would give them an annoyed glance at hq. Priceless
"Where'd you find those!? No, really, we've gotta get a pair for Nat."
Her and sole would scrounge the commonwealth looking for a pair of roller skates in Nats size. Once they found one Sole would then have to teach the preteen how to skate. Overall, it was a pretty wholesome exchange
"Heh, look at you! Gotta say I still am mad the institute didn't give me wheels... would make getting around a lot easier."
Much like dee, he'd think it was hilarious and adorable. He'd be a bit jealous when they were easily able to outpace him, and his old rusted body couldn't keep up, but oh well.
"I mean, you'll definitely get to settlements faster wearing those...."
He doesn't really understand why they're wear them... was it some prewar tradition? Either way, it was fine by him since its making them faster overall. Now, if only they could equip some more minutemen with these.... they could really be there at a minutes notice.
"When you inevitably fall, I will not be helping you back up"
He finds it annoying the way the zipped around. They were drawing far to much unwanted attention for his taste
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